ITT: characters that have canonically seen each other naked
ITT: characters that have canonically seen each other naked
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>could never find a good doujin with those two
When? Also what's the point if they're not their adult selves anyway.
the onsen case. Conan sees her naked accidentally and she takes a look at his bare butt in revenge.
It's been a while, but i'll try my best to remember. In one episode, Conan and Haibara find Gin's car and track it to some party or something. Then Haibara ends up getting kidnapped by an organization member, and locked in a wine cellar. She had turned back into her adult form for some reason, i can't really remember why desu... but she ends up transforming back into a child, and Conan finds her, and helps her get away. But at this point, Haibara was a child laying in the adult clothes that were way too big for her... Conan must have seen her naked. I can't see how he couldn't have. That particular organization member ends up getting shot by Gin btw.
And as for the reverse, i'm sure there's plenty of 'experiments' that Haibara did on Conan.
>She had turned back into her adult form for some reason
Conan tells her to drink a liquor that can reverse the effects of the drug for a while. Op was talking about this one, tho
I wonder when we're getting a Conan thread that survives and isn't some off topic endgame thread that gets deleted.
Principal is Carasuma. He recognizes Whiskey and is hinting that she should have stayed dead after Rum attempted to kill her.
That's a lot of reaching over one line.
He's a low-key character that's been around for a while and would make sense to be a mastermind. But it's just a throwaway guess at this point. As for Wasaka being Whiskey, and Rum having tried to murder her, I'm fairly confident about that.
Ayumi has seen Conan's peppered ass, she isn't pure anymore.
Need Shiho gf
WIll Sniho ever come back?
why were we deprived of early round conan in this situation?
You mother fucker
fantastic edit
I saw the 22nd movie in theaters recently in my country and they had a character say "this part could not be dubbed" and there was a clear cut between scenes because they trimmed it wrong and there was a frame or two of one scene before it cut.
Kids see each other naked all the time.
I didn't outside of my siblings
Kinda wish I had
They aren't children they're just small.
Pretty sure Fujiko grabbed her chest too.
Haibara's body holds no appeal for Conan, for him seeing it is the same as seeing any other child naked.
He really made the Professor sound like a fucking pedo.
Baker Street is a good Conan film damn it, Yea Forums.
This is probably like the 5th non specific Conan thread this week that lives and dies really fast since actual Conan threads are a game of chance if they take off or not and more people are interested in Endgame japan box office numbers and Conan rather than just Conan.
Jesus those heads
This isn't really a Conan thread going by the OP.
Nah but sometimes its just kind of a takeover thing with the option to talk about whatever else is related, we've had them before. Works that way with any other shows threads in that way depending on the direction it goes.
All of the main girls in High School of the Dead in both manga and anime versions.
High School of the Dead anime + OVA special
All these posts yet no one mentions the obvious.
>when asked if he would ever draw a Gin shower scene Aoyama replied "please dont make me"
also applies to Bulma, Gohan and Goten. Don't think he's ever seen Chichi though, ironically.
Gin was the one that got shot by the tranquilliser dart, and he shot himself to extract that dart out of his arm. Haibara drunk alot of liquor that momentarily counteracts the pill's effects, and was found out on the rooftop, but jumped back down the chimmey when Conan bought her time by shooting the dart into Gin.
100% saw her naked. He used his jacket to cover her up on the way back, anyways
Well Vodka did shoot her and thats why she fell into it so roughly.
wait, what's this from? is that an edit?
From the best Detective Conan movie.
>father has seen his sons naked and vice versa
Is this canon?
lupin vs conan movie
Not really, she got shot on the roof, and crawled into the chimmey to fall down when gin was distracted. She turned into a child while falling down, iirc
uruka and nariyuki
No she was shot and then when they were distracted she tried to sneak to the chimney and Vodka turned around and shot her some more and she forcefully fell into it.
What did Guts mean by this?
but what about his granddaughter?
Not him, but I went back and reread the scene. She was already lying face down on the floor in her adult clothes after falling down the chimney when Conan saw her and draped his jacket over her shoulders when she was still on the ground. When she got up from her prone position when he was carrying her on his shoulders she was already wearing the jacket. So there's no proof that he saw her naked body at any point in that scene other than her shoulders.
>her shoulders
oh jesus oh man oh god oh man oh god
Lmao, which country?
Someone better tell me right the fuck now why Vermouth knows Haibara's cell phone number
What happens in the tent, stays in tent.
This isn't fucking true or else I wouldn't be where I am today. I'd still be inside a tent.
lol america
Really? It was a joke because an old man talking to a bunch of people about seeing naked children not being an issue is weird sounding.
Nobody gives a fuck about seeing kids naked in a bath unless you live in America.
You don't understand what jokes are, good to know.
No that's just how kids tell their jokes these days, parrot all the latest hot memes about how everything vaguely puritanical is all America's fault even though the UK is the one instituting porn bans and such.
So anglos then, not just America.
F*ck anglos.
The wiki says Jodie knows about Conan's voice change bowtie, when did she see it? Also, what the FUCK is wrong with Conan? Why did he both stun Yamamura and use his voice right in front of Rumi? Does he not even look around first anymore? Nice going.
What was the joke?
Are you by chance braindead?
Are you incapable of answering a simple question?
>That scene
Based deathmarch bro
they bathed together as children
rito and all the girls from tolove ru.
Literally everybody in Kill La Kill.
Does it count if everything was just a dream?
Whats the point of taking off your clothes to swim if you are still taking them in the water with you.
the point was to show Pan how a boy looks like
Depending on how the clothes are worn/carried, it can affect how streamlined your movement through the water is and how fast you can swim.
You can see that Goku is ahead of Pan - he is faster than her
There aren't nearly as many that fit that aren't just girls bathing together, or ones that have also had sex so we can be certain they were both undressed. I would still prefer Death March to also fit into the sex category.
He did look up her skirt the first chance he got though.
>countdown to heaven
Can you actually call someone on an old house phone and press certain keys to erase messages on the answering machine? Why the fuck have I never heard of that before?
Every married couple who has kids
Huh, yeah, I think that used to be possible.
I have some memories of when I was child, my parents would sometimes call the house's landline phone to check the answering machine. But I was a child, so I don't remember how exactly they did that. I guess there must have been a special code or number.
Maybe you could just set it up in its settings. By the time I was old enough to pay attention to that stuff we had moved to some other thing attached to the wall. Similar though so maybe it had the same features. I guess cell phones dumped the idea because I have never heard of it being a thing with them.
>t. Brainlet
these two
fatties btfo