I'm too dumb to enjoy Hunter x Hunter

I'm too dumb to enjoy Hunter x Hunter

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cereal with water

>Wall of fucking text
>Not abiding by the rule "show, don't tell"
I had no idea that they adopted American comics into manga

You don't need to be smart to enjoy HXH. For all the walls of text most of it's superfluous and Togashi just uses it as an excuse to not have to draw anything in panels.

Most American comics aren't that bad.

The first five panels could be cut and it would still make sense to the reader.

Have they ever considered pairing him with an artist, so he can focus on writing?

togashi is pretty adamant in wanting to do it himself


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Now imagine this with the constant hiatuses

That sound pretty stupid. Dude just wants to play vidya games and not actually finish his series.

Actually is backwards since smart people will get constantly bored of getting the exact same dialogue repeated 1000 times, why Togashi treat his readers like total morons?

Only really REALLY bad comics do that much text with that little action

>why Togashi treat his readers like total morons
Because thats what they are.

Yeah like let's not pretend the guy is actually working. Isnt the meme that hes in horrible, incurable pain and that's why its on hiatus?

My favorite manga is One Piece and my fragile childish mind is too underdeveloped to understand HxH.

Read the proper version

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Cutting down on the words doesn't make the text bubbles not take up 90% of the panel or cause art to appear in the panels.

Go back to your containment threads you shitter.
"Show don't tell" pertains to narrative elements you can actually show. This entire arc revolves about plotting and scheming. There is nothing to show, the scheming IS the narrative.
Here Shikaku is making a careful deliberation using information that is partially unavailable to us, like details not obvious to one not familiar with nen, and in turn the reader also possesses information that Shikaku doesn't, namely the nature of Halkenburg's nen beast.
Togashi isn't explaining anything to the reader, but rather is fleshing out his actor's thought process, which creates meaning behind his actions and makes his relatively short screentime in terms of pure action relevant.

Shut the fuck up and go back to boruto if you're to dumb to read.


Hiatus Xposition Hiatus


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>HxH has too many words
>not if you read the correct translation

>or cause art to appear in the panels

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isn't Viz notorious for having bad translations

>Show don't tell" pertains to narrative elements you can actually show
it's the job of the author to find a way to tell that narrative in a way that can be shown. or at least have relevant imagery to punctuate the scene. inserting a novel into a manga is just being lazy.
it's not like movies just cut to black when the director needs to dump some exposition. some of film's best scenes are creative ways of shooting nothing but a dialogue between two people.


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No one cares how much you hate words, brainlet. HxH is an exclusive club for intellectuals, that's why Togashi doesn't cokpromisemon the complexity of his narrative.

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Compromise on*

The biggest argument that HxH readers never actually address, is the fact that none of this is necessary.
If you are actually smart, and understand how a character behaves and thinks, all of this exposition on "Therefore, I think that... In conclusion, my best course of action is..." is completely irrelevant. A smart reader would be able to simply infer the thoughts of characters without them being spelled to them every single scene. Based purely on the information they have which is made obvious by where they've been and with who they talk.
All of this just goes to show that Togashi thinks of his fanbase as babies that need everything spelled out in detail to them, It's baffling that they take these exposition dumps as something good when in reality it's a massive insult.


What the last pages of that chapter establish is where 3 major players in this succession war stand. Rihan specifically is the linchpin of Benjamin's counter-guardian beast strategy but his ability forces him into isolation as any intel he receives from others weakens his ability.

Much like Pakunoda in York Shin, he's the kind of character that becomes trapped in his own mind because so seeing that mindset is important because this is how you show his conflict. He wants to take down Halkenburg, and Tubeppa's GS isn't playing nice. He's now aware that people are bearing fruit from Kurapika's classes so he's both on guard since people can generate Hatsu at various speeds, and Kurapika is also a priority for him. And lastly he gives us new info on Predator to explain why it's not good against emitters or enhancers.

So This page does accomplish things like changing the narrative, and telling a captivating story. Rihan is a major character and if/when he jumps the gun or makes the wrong call. It will undoubtably come back to this page and his lack of patience in choosing a target. Remember he fucks himself for 48 hours if he doesn't get all the details exactly right. It's critical he make the best decision possible but he's not disconnected from the flow of information. That's his specific character drama and we're seeing it play out.

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So you're admitting it's bad writing? Thank you.

never said anything about the narrative or story, it's just a shitty manga.
like if a book to film adaption just had a narrator read the book. the story is the same, but it's a shitty movie.

Based Godashi making brainlets SEETHE this hard.

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Whoever says the amount of words is the problem is an idiot. The problem is that Togashi uses words instead of artwork. You could cut down every panel to 2 words each and the problem would still be there because the speech bubbles don't shrink.


Based as fuck hunterchads

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>The problem is that Togashi uses words instead of artwork.

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For example in this page, Togashi goes as far as retelling information we already know as readers. A good writer takes care in ensuring there is no reiteration, and that all pages are individual blocks, building towards the story. There is a lot of white noise, and characterization that has already been established. A smart writer would've been able to condense this entire page into one panel with a single reaction that tells it all.
The only proper explanation of course is that he does not have faith in his own readers into understanding extremely simple concepts, and thus must repeat them over and over so it sticks properly.

seething about what?
the only people who would get salty about whether a series getting insulted are those who are defensive about it.


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This doesn't excuse the pages that are nothing but text bubbles with no or almost no art. If anything it makes it worse because Togashi seems capable of drawing (or at least his assistants) but then turns around and decides not to because he'd rather shove exposition down the reader's throat.

And yet, this perfect, word-less explanation of his ability was ruined because one again Togashi has to hold his reader's hand like a baby, carefully explaining what just happened throughout the entire chapter.
It was quite easy to infer what his Nen Ability was, and I found it extremely patronizing that he had to go ahead and explain it again, just so he could be sure I understood it.

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>For example in this page, Togashi goes as far as retelling information we already know as readers.
No, we don't.

We needed to know how exactly it works.The little details will be important for the story.

Just drop the manga if you're scared of reading, kiddo

I'm glad these massive blocks of text carefully summarising and explaining the story are bringing HxH to a broader audience. Chimera Ant arc was quite troublesome to understand, and the character motivations weren't always clear, so I'm glad Togashi is casualizing the manga and making it available to everyone by carefully detailing out what each character thinks and what their situation is.
Makes for a much better reading experience than having to figure it out for myself if you ask me.

I can't see you're not even reading my posts. It's hard to drop something that never releases any new chapters.

Why are you bitching then? Nobody cares about your opinion.


>Why are you bitching then?
Because huntermumblers are obnoxious and can't admit that Togashi is a hack.


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>"Huntermumblers are obnoxious"
Makes you think

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No. Retards still thought that the ability involved parallel dimensions and skipping time like King Crimson despite Tserriednich denying that in this panel. That page is necessary to shut down said retards.

Does anyone actually read this or is it just trolls trolling trolls like VEG threads? I've never even seen new chapter discussion, just time flop le big text rubber nen shitposts you're talking about skub.

>I've never even seen new chapter discussion
Because it gets only a dozen or so new chapters per year, if that. Last time was 20 but we'll see how many when it comes back again, whenever that is.

>I’m too dumb
Atleast you got that part right

based trips of truth.

And you'll continue to gobble down togashis steaming shit and make sure to ask for more
Not that you'll get it for another half a year

>at least have relevant imagery to punctuate the scene
You misunderstand, the imposing wall of text creates a serious, dire mood for the page

Dont let the others see weakness fellow hunterchads. Unfortunately I see the truth and will explain so now: Togashi's intenteded intelligent writing has backfired on Hunter X Hunter. While originally it could've been good he tried too hard to sound "smart" without actually writing anything intelligent or deep. Now the only thing he can do is cover pages with text, because of his inability to draw coherently as well as the general audience not being smart enough to understand visual storytelling. A picture speaks a thousand words, and true intellectual narratives are not just only told but also SEEN through character's personality and how it drives them to perform the actions they take. Modern hxhchads like us need to be spoonfed everything like children which is why he overloads text. And notice how most of the pictures hunterchads post are simply ripoffs of high art? In his attempt at copying real life he lost the "soul", and consequently makes his story more shallow then before. Its nothing more then wasted potential.

As a former hunterchad myself I can say this for sure, I've been rereading hxh for years appreciating and analyzing its messages and (copied) art to only realize it's "substance" was a falsehood perpetrated by my fellow hunter"chad"s who needed to cope with the extended hiatus's. But that's not to say that you can't enjoy hxh still. Even after rereading it and finding more and more faults within its sloppy art and childish writing, It's still a fun shonen battle manga. After all if others can still enjoy Boruto, mha and black clover for being simple, whats stopping us from enjoying hunter x hunter for what it truly is?

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i'm kinda wondering why bother with manga if they just put a wall of text in it

One Piece isn't even that popular on Yea Forums. Now Dragonball Super. That's an anime.

So how does this work? How can he experience 30 sec in 20 sec?

>How can he experience 30 sec in 20 sec?
He's not. What he's saying is that
>ability activates
>he perceives the next 10 seconds in an instant
>he continues the ability
>now time is flowing for everyone and he's 10 seconds ahead of everyone else so long as he maintains his vision
>deactivate ability
>everyone else is still seeing the reality from his vision

What kind of future does he see? Is it immutable and always happen or it can be changed? For example, if he activated his ability and see his opponent next 10 secs and manages to use this information to kill his opponent after 3 sec, wouldn't any future after the 3rd seconds wrong? If he continue to maintain his ability then is his opponent still alive in the continuing vision? How does his vision and reality resolve when the actions in both world are different?

>What kind of future does he see?
Read the story user, he sees the events of the future that would happen if he didn't make any changes
> Is it immutable and always happen or it can be changed?
So far he's managed to avoid getting shot in the head
>and manages to use this information to kill his opponent after 3 sec, wouldn't any future after the 3rd seconds wrong?
>How does his vision and reality resolve when the actions in both world are different?
The next thing the story is going to show us is him using his ability to spar so that question will be answered there. We know he can move around during the 10 seconds everyone else is "catching up" on, and that anyone affected by his ability experiences an illusion and is completely unaware of anything Tserriednich is doing. Best guess is that if he kills anyone they just die, and anyone else trapped in the illusion wouldn't see that death and instead see a copy of that person persist within the illusion

Basically I think it would be like this
>Ability activates
>2 victims are trapped in illusion
>tserriednich deactivates ability
>kills person A 2 seconds into illusion
>person B still sees a live Person A doing what Person A was "fated" to do during the remaining 8 seconds
But we will have to see

based and finally redpilled

cringe imposter

kek hunterbrainlets need the text explaining everything

how many layers of irony are you on?

You don't need to be smart to get it. Just read nigga, read.

He can't draw that much so he has to focus on text.

holy based

>(((Fellow hunterchad)))
You were never a hunterchad but rather always a One Piss fag. Expect to see some copy pastas in your thread