From embodying the best parts of Sasuke, to her taking control of her own destiny, Sarada is a fantastic character...

From embodying the best parts of Sasuke, to her taking control of her own destiny, Sarada is a fantastic character. She was written as more than just a connection to Naruto, as a future Hokage to take on the mantle once he and the older ninjas of his generation are gone. This may be in part due to the Gaiden the series is based upon, with Sarada being a major plot point and fleshed out in those pages more than anime development and plots usually allows. The parts in which you get to see her are some of my favourite from Boruto, with her basically being a youthful version of Sasuke who can be gentle too. The scenes which include her also demonstrate how alone she really feels. But I really feel separates herself from the ones she loves, like Naruto who was a better father figure than her real father ever was, in order to protect them and spare the world from the future terror from Kara. The complex emotions and turmoil that she goes through is written all over her heavily scarred face, a price she has to pay everyday, this is the fate of the Sharigan wilder.

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Other urls found in this thread:ōnin

Her family is a nightmare.

She is a completelly useless and pointless character just like every other female Naruto character.

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wrong and fuckoff

She looks like Skrillex

She may not be best girl, but she’s nowhere near as bad as her mom.

I still don't understand how naruto is going after all this time.


Can this be another comfy Naruto thread?

Nah, she's already actually fairly useful. I'm glad she actually does stuff.

Kawaki is slowly becoming the most superior Boruto character.

That’s not exactly hard.

Still not best girl though.

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nice copypasta

Not even that, actually. Boruto is tanking

Why not both?

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>Best parts of Sasuke
She has terrible vision, user

There can only be one.


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Flat is justice.


Despite only making up 13% of the population, the Uchiha commit over 50% of all violent crime.

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Hi Sarada Fan
He does his own edits and doesn't share uncensored version like greedy fucker he is.

where is this from?

They should have went with her being the love child of Sasuke and Karin.
Sasuke leaves her with the village because he's all super autistic because he's had to shut off his feefees or else go full on Madara 5.0 rape erreything edition and his daughter could actually make him crack.
Before he leaves her he uses his magic eye magic to seal her eyes forever. Or so he hopes and leaves her with the only people in the world he truly trusts. His brother and the crazy pink haired bitch who's wanted the dick since forever.
Would show Sakura becoming a mature woman who gets over her crush, realizes how much of a wierd cunt she is and becomes a sort of den mother who helps orphaned children in the village. AFTER she adopts Sarada as her own daughter.

Sarada gets all o' them parallels with naruto except she gets a parent an innate talent with genjutsu and sweet as fuck chakra chains.

It would also make Sakura a cuck.

Karinfag, are you still doing this?

Daily reminder that Karin molested Sarada

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Sumire is just a less relatable, more gimmicky and edgy version of Hinata.

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People keel forgetting Uchiha genes. Madara and Obito started off as likeable decent people as well until they trip over a rock and lose it. The risk with Uchihas is in there genes and the only guarantee for world peace is to kill them all.

>Sumire is just a more relatable and edgy version of Hinata.

>t. Tobirama

Why do you care? Sarada is still shit ether way.

user, she would be a cuck if she was actually in the running to hook up with or even had anything resembling a relationship with Sasuke.
Fuck she's not even an aquanitance of the dude.

Her getting over that shit and being slightly cold towards sasuke or have a full on "Fuck that nigga" kind of thing towards him would be good.

Her destroying her home because sarada unleashes a tomo breaking the seal and her getting flashbacks to sasuke and seeing her walk down that path makes perfect sense and would make her instantly lovable.

But she no get the dick!
She wasn't getting it anyway.
As a matter of fact, we're not really sure sasuke fucked her willing or more then once.

She's quite honestly worse then a cuck right now. At least with her being the mother to an unknown orphan child that no one knows is sasuke's child and a target for lots of people she'll have pathos, growth as a character, be seen as a rolemodel for some women.
THIS WILL ALSO LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN FOR HER TO HAVE AN ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP they can even slowly build up the relationship between sakura and sasuke ON SCREEN and have a whole will they won't they thing.
It would work.

user, the only way for this to work is for Karin to die in child birth or soon after Sarada was born.
I'm also all about Sarada before the boruto anime and movie turned her into a shitty sakura rip off with fuckign sharingan and punchy punchy.

Karin is literally isn't any better. Sasuke has more of a relationship with Sakura than Karin. He barely even knows Karin as a person, she was just extra help for his quest for revenge, him fucking her would make ZERO sense.

And I don't know what your issue is, but Sakura's relationship with Sasuke isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. It is shown that Sasuke doesn't know how to express himself properly and compared to every girl, Sakura knows him better.

Wow, someone remember me.
It's from a ending (but I don't remember)

But Sumire isn't relatable. Her problems and the audience's problems are too different. Plus her personality is kind of generic.

Hinata on the other hand has problems with her low self-image and lack of confidence keeping her from giving things her all at critical moments. Then when she finally grows a backbone and does her best, she still jobs. Considering where we are, that's defiantly relatable to most of the people here.

Woah, calm down. Everyone knows she’s a bad character.

Yet still has more character than Hinata.

>Sasuke has more of a relationship with Sakura than Karin.
Sasuke spent more time with Karin
He had more conversations with Karin
He's relied on Karin more
He's been in physical contact with that thicc thirsty masochistic firebush who almost begged for dick more then Sakura

user, it's time to face facts.
It makes less then no sense for those two to get together and it makes even less sense for Sasuke to even know who she is.

>I'm also all about Sarada before the boruto anime and movie turned her into a shitty sakura rip off with fuckign sharingan and punchy punchy.
She was always a shitty Sakura clone, you just couldn't tell because her father's edginess was there as well.

>She was always a shitty Sakura clone, you just couldn't tell because her father's edginess was there as well.

1.No she wasn't.
2.No, not at all.

There was little of sakura and even less of sasuke.

Karinfag, by that logic, Suigetsu and Jugo should be his best friends instead of Naruto.

Sasuke only saw those people as tools to pave his way for his goals. Karin did not know Sasuke. Sakura saw Sasuke before and after his change and did spent more time with him since they were on the same team and had on and off missions together. You can call Sakura's relationship with Sasuke far from perfect, but out of all the women in Naruto, Sakura was the closets person Sasuke had who was the opposite sex. This is canon.

>Karinfag sperging out over his fanfiction again despite getting BTFO multiple times by canon.

Maybe the Karinfag is a masochist. He or she loves getting dunked on.

user, reread the naruto manga.
The actual manga not the anime or movies.
The actual manga.
Shit watch the movies too.

Sasuke was gone and with Karin and his squad who he had more conversations with and saved his ass and fought with LONGER then he was with team 7.

This is inarguable canon.
Sasuke has talked too and been with Karin more then Sakura.
No, I'm not kidding or making shit up.
Go look.

If I remember correctly, she really pissed him off with that comment of Naruto not having parents in the manga.

I think she is the best character in whole Boruto anime/manga.
Her character are overall multi dimensional and well written. Not to mention her borderline personality disorders which made her more interesting.
For the first time in the series (including Naruto), a "filler" character got canonized due to immense popularity.
However, she canonized in really bad manner, Kodachi made her to quit being a ninja then gave her a desk job at scientific department. Anime department tried their hardest to keep her afloat. She was still a ninja, got teammates and Hanabi as their sensei even. In the meantime Anime developed her character and made her more likeable compared to Sarada (for me at least)
Alas, decision was final despite the Anime's attempts. Now it's all on Kodachi which i doubt he'll make her relevant again.

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Tell me the substance of their interactions besides Sasuke being all down to business about killing Itachi or killing Danzo. Karin, just like of Taka/Hebi were just reinforcements for his goals. In some scenes, he almost looks weirded out by Karin. He shows a lot more emotion towards Sakura, something he never did around Karin.

Get fucked, Karinfag, and get out of here with your fanfiction.

People like him and Kishimoto have severely repressed gynophobia, so probably not.

>Her character are overall multi dimensional and well written.
No? She feels exactly like most filler Naruto villains.

Sarada looks nothing like her mother. That's just wierd. Only thing she got is the chakra control for strength but that could be learned from training. Did they ever expand on Sakura's genjutsu speciality. I think the anime just dropped it in shipuuden for strong medical ninja.

Pretty much. Kishi never did know what to do with Sakura.

>He shows a lot more emotion towards Sakura
Show me three panels in naruto.
Not current naruto where they are desperate to hard push them having a relationship>
Just anything from naruto-naruto shippuden.

I'll wait.

The genjutsu was dropped because the editors were all hard up for magical genjutsu eyes and threw the entire fucking branch of martial arts under the bus for it.

Well, there was that time Sasuke fought those Sound ninja in the Forest of Death, for one.

That sucks. I know magic eyes are cool and all, but they’re not cool enough to take center stage.

user, boruto has like some weird multipel eyes that make no sense and are just pulled out of some editors ass.
Magic eyes, no matter how played out and dull they actually are, are the name of the game now.

We all have to deal with it.

I like Sarada's cunny

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What a shame.

Please don’t

Please do

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Oh no.

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Girls never act like their fathers, it's too unrealistic.

Girls are useless in Naruto.

Girls are useless anywhere. They're only for reproduction.

But Anko a best.

Objectively true.


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Still best girl all these years later

That’s not Ino though.

>after 15 fucking years of watching every single episode, reading every chapter, buying every game Boruto made me lose interest in Naruto

Never thought this day would come, but it happened. Feels like something is missing now, but I can't get myself to enjoy this shit. I've tried for nearly 2 years, it's just boring as fuck.

Boruto fist episodes was cool.

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>fist episodes

>This pasta again


Too late, I'm now believing that there were some episodes about fisting at some point.

It would be funny.

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But would it be cute and funny?

Is the most recent ep even worth watching or is it more garbage fill

But never at the same time, only one or the other.

It's an adaption of a light novel.


Why is he so handsome?

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I come back to this board after a year and Naruto is fucking accepted here?

>a year

yamanaka members are glorified cellphones

He isn't. Also his vocal tic isn't cute anymore.

>a year
more like 5 years my dude

>the best parts of Sasuke
So, nothing?

That's not how the word "best" works.


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I just want to fuck her while she's wearing her original slut outfit

Ikemoto pls

Like mother, like son.

It's been fine ever since moot fucked off and Shippuden manga ended.

nah, moot approved Naruto though

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Anime is still going strong.

Yeah but his blatant dislike of it made everyone shit on it and made the threads unbearable due to rampant shitposters.

yep, but manga seems shortfalling due to it's being a monthly

so who's the best
>Naruto girl
>Naruto Shippuden girl
>Boruto girl

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How? The last news about its ratings were around 1,3 or 1,5, and the DVDs sales were only around 500 copies. Those are poor numbers

Aren't japanese ratings weird though? Like 1.5=1.5% of television viewers at the time or some shit like that?

You can stop lying Narutard.

Your threads are still getting deleted.

Not sure yet
Not sure yet

>he doesnt remember tayuya being in shippuden

Narutards are pure cancer like always

Oh, I remember, but I expected somebody to say "That was only in anime filler, she doesn't count!" or something like that.
And no, I don't consider Kabuto semi-mimicking the Sound 4/5/6/whatever members as them actually appearing.

>2 threads
>over a month apart
Good to see that anti-nard spergs are still total fucking retards.

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Really? Where and when? Still waiting by the way, when will it come?

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kabuto pulling her out of his snake stomach ass doesnt count. edo tensei on the other hand does

I know, I'm just saying, SOMEBODY would have complained about me counting filler, because I know there are people who only accept what's in the manga, and nothing else.

konan is still superior to tayuya anyway

I disagree.

Best girl and boy are both obviously Madara Uchiha.

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and i say fuck you and your shit taste
do you have the one where hes talking about not being able to remember the face sakura made when he tried to kill her

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Shit, no. Take this though.

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>it's being a monthly
Monthly in a weekly magazine, its in a pretty awkward situation.

those edits were great. thanks though

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If it's femSauce, I also want femNard for the homolust angle to still come into play.

(also because it's cute.)

its always gay user. you can add tits and a pussy and its still gay

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Speaking of that, is there any good femsauce/femnard stories?

not unless you want to make your own or pay me a dollar for a shitty greentext


Don’t understand the Boruto hate train, everything after season 1 is on par with the original series.

I don't hate nor dislike it. There's certainly parts that could be better, but quite a bit is good too.
Like a fight actually showing off Orochimaru's skill. You can see where Sauce got his swordsmanship from.

It's weird that most fights in Boruto have great animation, as opposed to Naruto who in 720 episodes only had like 10 fights with great animation. Even though Naruto was more popular and definitely made more money.

The reason why Naruto had like inconsistent animation especially during Shippuden is that they kept cranking out animated movies while the anime was still ongoing. It kept the good animators busy to do work on the anime and it suffered as a result.

That's fucking retarded, the movies were stupid fillers anyway. They should've kept the animators on the anime and maybe less people would hate it.

Boruto fights look better than most Naruto fights because at this point everyone in Pierrot, even the Janitor, have animated at least 5 fights.

Salad is cute

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Are there more of something like this?


Do you got any?

no but you can probably find plenty of rule63

Kawaki is a lucky guy

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fatties should be exterminated

That's a DAMNED lie.

Plague of Gripes.

Anko has always been my favorite.

She'll blossom into THICCness.
Like Anri Okita with a permanent soft tan and red hair.
She'll even learn the chakra technique and become the matriarch of slightly bronze blasian women who can use size changing techniques and hentai porn tier males who all have innate lightning power and over the top athleticism and physical power.

Can you imagine Chouchou louging on a large couch her large endowments barely covered by a soft fur lined coat the imperfect half diamond(a memento from her dear departed friend the hokage) on her forehead maintaining her eternal youth and beauty.
Surrounded by her children and grand children and great grand children.
With her wondering if the man standing before her will give her a strong child to add to her familial bloodline.
Porn/fanfic to write
Fapping to...not do
fucking nofap.

she's disgustingly obese and ruins every scene she's in in the anime with her obnoxious voice

Hey, she's funny.
Fat kids are supposed to be funny and or sassy.
Bonus points if they are good at entertaining people or are super athletic as a contrast.

Anyway, I stand by my Chouchou matriarch idea. Bonus points if they end up becoming talented at medicine use by studying under Tsunade, tsunade's children, sakura, and the dread snake alchemist kabuto.

Not her. She got fat.

I want to see her 2butt.

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Is there a /ss/ with them?

>open jacket
>fishnet as a top
>tomboy, short hair, skilled
>trained by snake man himself
>holds knives to kids to spook them into doing well
>has on multiple occasions licked narutos face, both with blood involved
>gets shit up by becoming fat
god im so fucking mad. forget all the other bullshit that happened. Anko becoming fat is the single worst offense kishi has ever made

Yes. Especially after she cut his cheek and licked his blood. Guess she took after her old teacher more than she thought.

Dango is to Anko as ramen is to Naruto.

>beer and dango
>every day
>every meal
truly perfection

So you are saying she's going to win?

She’s also a Tokubetsu Jōnin, just like Ibiki and Ebisu.

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Being put on the same level as Ebisu isn't much of a compliment though... If Orochimaru hadn't curse marked her she might have been a full on jonin, since it said originally is was interested in her latent talent.

these all fall under the same ranking, and damn near all of them are literal whos which is a fucking shame

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I know who nine of those names are.ōnin
I knew 3of them

She's had like 5 kids and can't run around the forests all damned day.
The hubby and the kids take care of the forests while she's at the office doing paper work and hanging out with chouchou after school.

bullshit unless its little kakashi

R.I.P. Hayate.

Kiba’s Mom?

Dude, Kakashi is a ho, but his pullout game stronk.

I'm thinking he'd be some kind of beastial forest berserker ninja who she met while trying to take out some random forest creature that was part of some nefarious akatsuki plot of some kind.

Yes. Funny how Kiba was the only clan kid who's parent wasn't the clan head. The Aburame was that guy with the big gourd on his back who got blown up by deidara after he'd been resurrected at the beginning of the war arc.

That’s because Kiba is a bit of a tard.

>kotoamatsukami has a 10 year cooldown
>between the time it was used with itachi and the age of boruto, it could have been used two more times
>on the strange case that it got used again in that timeframe this might be absolutely valid
as a reminder, it was used shortly before the massacre, then at least 10 years passed and we're in shippuden, the war is going on, it activates the one that was cast on itachi during edo tensei, and it would probably still be around SOMEWHERE by some asshole that could use it on anko.

fuck you for making me realize that it could have been used 2 more times in the entire span of naruto


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What’s wrong with her eyes?

Naruto has lots of characters with 'weird' eyes. Kakuzu's also come to mind.

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She’s dead inside. It something that comes from being in close proximity to Orochimaru for too long.

That Guy and Kakashi vacation. Boruto suck.

Guy and Kakashi's vacation is fun though.

so we all agree boruto's series is shit right


They both have an unhealthy attachment to little boys?

that sounds like faggot talk to me. let us enjoy the /ss/ train while we still can

What are you talking about?

Did anything happen to Boruto after the mitsuki kidnapping arc? I stopped watching after that.

Anything major happened? or is it still a bunch of boring fillers?

Just filler.


Built for being the next Hokage

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Sorry, but the next Hokage is going to be Konohamaru, and then the ninja system will be Kawaki'd before she can become hokage.

Nah to your nah. She'll be a great hokage.

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>Mary Sue, no flaws
>No character in of her own. A Donut steel Uchiha
>Literally wins every fight through genjutsu deux ex
>Main character of the worst arc written by Kishimito
>So retarded she can't tell who her actual mother is even though she's supposed to be smart
Only reason someone on this board would like her is because they fap to Loli porn.

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Pretty much. But we’re talking about Sarada, not Rei.

Being ironically retarded still means you're retarded, user.

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And what does that make you?

Smarter than (you)

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...she is like 12

Too old.


I’m upset about how best girl got treated too.


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Two when he encouraged her about her abilities in genjutsu in the beginning of the chunin exam

And three when he avoided Sakura to fall from the tree after getting sand'd and asked pakkun to take care of her after the Gaara vs Naruto fight

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This was thw one of the few redeeming qualities of Sakura.

>straight shota
>masturbating to the ugly middle aged hag and not the cute little boy

Whats even the point?

When she wasn’t being an absolute cunt.

People that like straight shota usually just want to be the little boy getting together with an older woman.


Oh God just kill yourself already, pedo freak

>*buzzword* *buzzword* *buzzword*
Sorry, i dont speak reddit

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I don't know but your faggotry in every Naruto thread is getting tiresome. Stick to your ass a BBC and then commit suicide.

What /ss/?

>*buzzword* *BUZZWORD* *BUZZWORD*
....what faggotry? I dont see no faggotry.

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We can just talk over him.


Yes, i'm a woman.

A woman of taste at that

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What’s the worst Naruto fanfic you’ve read?

The only naruto fanfic I've ever read is where all the girls are futa and they collectively bully Sakura and gangbang her.

I could’ve gone the rest of my life without knowing that, but thank you for sharing that story.

The kind that had a somewhat okay storyline and then went into indefinite hiatus when it was getting to the good part.

Anyone know any decent fanfics with sarada and Naruto

There’s a lot of them like that.

Attached: Voluptuous.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

I read a fic once where hinata and sakura found these flowers that turned them into bimbos.

How is that a bad thing?

Sasuke actually did almost killed Karin and didn't give a fuck

Yeah. He did kinda stab her.

She gave me a sexual awakening as a kid.


>Mitsuki is a lucky guy

Kawaki is for Himawari.

Bred when?

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Sounds like you have a thing for blonds.

Kishimoto draws some characters without pupils. Ino doesn't have them either.

Weird. Maybe it’s a stylistic thing.

Boruto is a lucky bastard.

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WTF? A 11 years old shouldn't be so hot

being a trans doesn't makes you woman i'm afraid.

Hokage means nothing now, it's basically just another office worker

Why is she so pure and perfect?

She isn't anymore thanks to Ikemoto

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When are we going to see the Shin clones again?

He’s just a bastard. Especially after he said that Naruto was lucky to not have any parents growing up.

Same with Gaara.

Worst ship.

Same. Iruka should be the one on the left.

When you realize Borusara is the nu Sasusaku. Boruto=Sakura/Sarada=Sasuke

I don’t wish that on Iruka. He can’t handle Anko.

Didn’t Sakura say something similar to that in the Road to Ninja movie? Because I remember her complaining about her parents to Naruto in that.

Well, both Boruto and Sakura have a thing for pink.

I think Naruto isn't telling Hinata something.

So is BoruSumi just SakuHina?

Who is actually the Naruto of the new gen? Kawaki? Himawari?

It is funny how he doesn’t have the Byakugan.

He has that Byakugan mutation Toneri gave him.

Honestly, if you look at it, Boruto is actually a mix of Team 7. He has Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura qualities to him, and even has some Kakashi in him with having a special eye, along with gaining a scar over it in the future.

That’s not necessarily a good thing.

Yes, she did do that. She also made fun of the fact that Naruto was an orphan to Sasuke, who’s also an orphan. She only feels bad about it because Sasuke got mad at her for that.

Sakura is desgusting

She was just a 12 year old girl when she said that. Don’t be so hard on her.

anyone here read the Kishi's new manga?

Not really.

Not true. SasuSaku is the worst.

I wish she’d hug me like that.

It was pretty fucking telling that he's still got issues about his kids and his worries about them not loving him.
Why start another manga if you're that worried about your kids not seeing you enough?

Is Sumire an isekaier?

She looks so thicc loli sometimes.
How long until she ruins Naruto's marriage?

He ain't drawing, albeit doing story iirc.
like Ikemoto/Kodachi doing right now.

Never. He’s already happy with his marriage, and she’s too busy going after boys that act like her dad.

>Implying Naruto doesn't personally train genin in seduction techniques

dude developed the sexy jutsu mind you, literally his only original jutsu.

Merch sales are retarded like always

Honestly, I fucking love Kawaki

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It’s just a Henge though.

Honestly it'd probably save them a lot of trouble later on.
also I just realized Kawaki is gonna be skroking his cock with a hand infused with Narutard's chakra, huh?

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with ikemoto

Damn that outfit is hot

But they look cute together. And they have a lot more in common than you’d think.

No, they don’t.

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I really do like sarada x Naruto and I'm glad there's so much art of it

Dumb. Konohamaru will be Hokage before her.

naruto really ended up being a nice dilf.

kinda weird how vanilla he turned out given literally every single male role model he had growing up was a wild pervert, and he himself as a kid transformed into naked women to give his teachers boners.

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>Muh nepotism position
Please, people would revolt.

Has Sasuke ever actually kissed Sakura? I feel like she's Naruto's version of Chi Chi.

Attached: __haruno_sakura_uchiha_sarada_uchiha_sasuke_and_uzumaki_naruto_naruto_series_and_etc_drawn_by_omake_ (850x1133, 242K)

You forget that the leaf village is retarded.

Why do you think he’s never around?

Think Hinata ever transforms back into a loli to get dicked by adult nardo?


I also want to fuck Sarada

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Ninjas probably have the best sex. Even if you had a cuck fetish you could make a clone, transform it, and have it dick your wife.

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imagine getting put under 100 hours dick edging genjutsu

Imagine 100 hrs edging 100 shadow clones and releasing them all right at moment of cumming.

sorry I'm not gay
>it's not gay if it's under genjutsu!

I bet they train ninja young b ecause if they started as teens all the boys would do is learn enough for clone and transfomation and then just spend all day fucking themselves.


The regular clone jutsu isn’t a solid clone.

So we've found the REAL reason shadow clones are a forbidden jutsu, eh?


Hinata def gets gangbanged.

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If a shadow clone impregnates someone, does the baby get aborted when they're released?

That’s rude. They just to spend more time with her.

Can shadow clones even cum?