ITT: Perfect Designs

Attached: Hestia (809).jpg (655x913, 95K)

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Hyouka_06_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[6D3258A6].mkv_snapshot_14.11_[2018.01.17_15.26.02].j (1920x1080, 101K)

Attached: 72652637_p0.jpg (1240x1754, 2.15M)

Attached: 1552852156407.jpg (1200x848, 102K)

Attached: 22181407o.jpg (1108x800, 142K)

this is the best i've got

Attached: 1448097306942.jpg (2000x1459, 590K)

Attached: legs 16.png (2060x1282, 3.69M)

Good choice

Attached: bellows.jpg (1550x2250, 813K)

Attached: uh.png (670x447, 157K)

Attached: 1988331734_23432894_A688ECB9B429.jpg (1389x853, 506K)

is that ecstas online? the illustration looks familiar
there's something to be said for hiring an ero doujin artist to be your lead character designer

Attached: 1544141756133.png (1457x2000, 3.15M)

Attached: 1478401894052.jpg (1280x1822, 399K)

Attached: Utaha.png (787x1152, 468K)

Attached: Shizuku.jpg (3047x4312, 847K)

Attached: Shizuno.png (1066x1600, 1021K)

Attached: Shirayuki.jpg (2414x3482, 567K)


Attached: 1533604508611.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

Attached: Yoruka.jpg (640x800, 113K)

Attached: Yukino ponkan8 (2).jpg (712x1000, 116K)

Attached: Ikaruga.png (547x422, 257K)


Attached: Filo.jpg (252x352, 37K)

Attached: Ayaka.jpg (4819x3320, 889K)

What's up with that belt?

Attached: Fujiko.jpg (3500x1969, 339K)

>No Hotaru

Attached: Karen.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Attached: Restia & Est.jpg (1200x864, 229K)

Attached: golden ratio.png (800x496, 11K)

Attached: 1465773980441.jpg (1920x1080, 652K)

Well, we don't want to end the thread too early

Attached: Belldandy.jpg (3508x2415, 763K)

Attached: Mariel.jpg (1147x1716, 288K)

Who is this semen demon demon?


Attached: F907CBC0-F376-49BE-92AB-839FD5B5F6E6.jpg (1018x1747, 447K)

More like 26 years.

Attached: f5e62e02bb1e9af9b53380c61568e765.jpg (2338x1724, 3.33M)

And people wonder why the Romance Genre is dead when one of the most popular works pulls that shit.


Attached: 1487791892625.png (960x1400, 556K)

Attached: Perfection.png (1400x2000, 607K)

Yeah, it's ecstas.

Attached: C06539303_o.jpg (1489x1080, 155K)

Attached: 1464975821676.jpg (1366x768, 209K)

Attached: 1553871930826.jpg (2000x2336, 1.26M)

>Romance Genre
You mean harem genre?

Attached: 1557110563184.png (280x295, 28K)

Grea the fat dragon. Clip is from Manaria Friends.

Attached: 1547191012071.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Ditz tits

Attached: 1464972993392.jpg (1171x1665, 270K)

>when an adult form beats the loli form
How did shaft do it?

Attached: 63b81afed387f48376439a710100b1b9.jpg (500x733, 483K)

Simple yet good.

Attached: 53141341546.jpg (1918x1949, 557K)

Attached: Marikawa_Shizuka.jpg (2991x1420, 1.38M)

>when an adult form beats the loli form
Isn't that always the case?


Attached: Pakunoda.png (1129x759, 847K)

Attached: d75a773909bc4adb6c0e09bfb06109b2.jpg (760x1199, 79K)

Attached: improvement.gif (540x228, 1.82M)

But adult shinobu is fucking hot.

Attached: 72ae265780e758cdd963e2adaa257f83.jpg (737x1100, 206K)

Too much nose, and I like annie from AoT.

Attached: 1553605954589.png (1203x664, 921K)

Attached: Geroe ref.png (2514x2086, 2.44M)

I didn't have this pic, nice

>when an adult form beats the loli form
So always

Ah i see, you are one of 'those'

Don't mind me, just posting best Shinobu.

Attached: 1533607212434.webm (1920x1080, 2.28M)

Attached: kiss shot bliss.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

>So always
99% of the time that is not the case. Loli or flat usually does it for me.

Attached: D0HgtqUWwAYV_ce.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

You are not the whole world, user.


Attached: 1543868493018.png (603x452, 184K)

One of what?
People with superior taste and doesn't care about memes.

I didn't say I disliked shinobu (loli)... in fact she's fine too.

Attached: sample-8536f1a15d6c68ed630441360b322d76.jpg (707x1000, 161K)

I disagree. Your taste a shit.

>One of what?
You know, 'those' things

Attached: __lina_inverse_slayers_drawn_by_araizumi_rui__7f8f732fab998544deb15b75bd3852ba.png (510x714, 274K)

Perfect for what?

Mia has lots
Bondrewd, ozen
Nanachi, riko, mark.
Faputa too.

Attached: 10.jpg (2228x1489, 1.72M)

Attached: 1552799227221.jpg (713x1000, 80K)

Says the guy with a shit waifu.

Attached: 1530554579220.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

Every design in Katanagatari really

Attached: hiteihime.jpg (1280x720, 588K)

Heresy JC shinobu is the sexiest

Attached: 7386fd2e28850bcca7137566c317bf69.jpg (709x948, 82K)

This man gets it.
She'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend you over and fuck you on.

Attached: 1544962295368.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

The yellow stuff looks retarded.

She needs socks

Uniforms in pic related were top tier, even if everything else was shit

also this desu

Attached: 1557461441904.png (378x702, 338K)

Attached: CaRYQoBUEAA3BLk.jpg (600x849, 59K)

Attached: DxwMdaLVYAAT3NR.jpg (608x1121, 113K)


Attached: kiss rape.png (1200x1798, 1.89M)

Nobody beats a good daughter wife

Attached: 4c253b0d12398588a630254c1cd70d02.jpg (1280x824, 196K)

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Attached: tg.jpg (750x1059, 696K)

Attached: Full.Metal.Panic!.full.53645.jpg (1024x768, 584K)

Attached: 640997.jpg (1011x2861, 1.02M)

>random clothes from a punk clothing store
>a *purple* suit
>one of those jackets whose irl equivalent would go on cringe compilations
>cringey mask with joker-esque undertones

Attached: kokkuri.jpg (1150x788, 1.18M)

>long red hair
>beautiful eyes
>well developed chest
Couldn't improve it if you tried.

Attached: miia.jpg (500x707, 145K)

And how is any of this bad?

Attached: fa.jpg (750x1105, 789K)

Attached: 74178402_p0.png (781x1000, 728K)

Attached: Radiant-Anime-Visual-001-20180124.jpg (758x1068, 111K)

Attached: orphen.jpg (762x600, 89K)

Annie is also high up there, it's just that Paku got an amazing design.

Attached: dd.jpg (2800x1650, 644K)

Attached: Carnelian.Couple.Scans_304382.jpg (2300x2332, 896K)

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Attached: Okumura.Rin.full.1058034.jpg (3447x4858, 1.44M)

Attached: 1492198610163.jpg (966x1660, 280K)

Attached: 004.jpg (1453x2000, 691K)

Literal perfection.

Attached: 1531260947204.png (619x706, 429K)

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Attached: mononoke1.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

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Attached: xillia.jpg (1067x1500, 261K)

Attached: 1557784412308.png (837x895, 721K)

They really made Griffith handsome as fuck in the 98 anime.

Attached: hansomú.png (675x506, 361K)

Flat chested lolis with fat asses of course.

Attached: 1542400359304.png (1786x3538, 3.64M)

Attached: jk_ed-1_01.jpg (600x595, 221K)

Attached: SCAN0116.jpg (1972x2996, 2.45M)

Is that flonne from disgsea?

Attached: IMG_20190403_170751.jpg (2892x4095, 769K)

Attached: 1399084002280.jpg (2268x3208, 1.08M)

Attached: 1457323852917.jpg (1275x1401, 612K)

This...but Hachikuji instead.

Barefoot+skirt+flat chest is an arousing combination.
I'd love to put my hands up her shirt and also have her soles on my cheek.

Attached: 1401587905376.jpg (654x1205, 497K)

Attached: posed look.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Not even the best design in that series. Pic related is.

Attached: lili.gif (637x358, 1.29M)

Attached: 48240220_p0.jpg (2000x2120, 1.11M)

Attached: 1471700149523.jpg (3413x2057, 1.02M)

Attached: keyXV.png (1436x960, 1.06M)

Dogshit taste

Imagine if these animal ear girls existed, I could relieve so much stress just rubbing their ears.

The absolute greatest design.

Attached: 1494824969075.jpg (317x402, 20K)

Attached: 黄历師.jpg (1448x2048, 319K)

Coincidentally the opening theme to this played at the very moment you posted that image.

Sorry user, but you are the one with dogshit taste.

Attached: 1525168589370.jpg (1920x2013, 1.31M)


Attached: yan.jpg (1366x768, 374K)


Keep eating shit, tasteless fag.

I imagined other things, taking this image out of context.

Nah, Shinobu is cute and has some fantastic designs as a loli, and Hachikuji is more charming as a loli. You faggots have garbage taste

Attached: 20660863.jpg (768x1024, 537K)

Attached: perfection_01.png (940x1080, 855K)


Want to specify that I actually like Hachikuji's younger form aswell as her older one.
Sometimes I imagine older Hachikuji dressed as young Hachikuji so I can have both.

not quite right.

Attached: 1517033400463.jpg (1448x2048, 226K)

Perfect garbage, such a bland and basic design

Attached: 1476669131463.jpg (1015x1441, 205K)

Attached: lefiya card.jpg (720x960, 163K)

Ponkan8 my yellow nigga. I'm in love with his artstyle

Attached: 1537695220818.jpg (480x640, 26K)

Attached: IMG_4077.jpg (1409x2048, 485K)

Good taste, friend.

Attached: 01 (2).png (1227x1920, 1.82M)

Attached: 1555559097565.jpg (500x600, 103K)

Glad we agree.

Attached: Radiant.jpg (1000x920, 806K)

literally flawless design

Attached: __amano_megumi_amano_megumi_wa_suki_darake_drawn_by_nekoguchi__3f6eeb76c7ce67ee143b4a30d1da08dc.png (1000x1703, 1.55M)

Attached: ebino date.png (1672x1200, 1.25M)

Attached: cop craft.jpg (352x499, 35K)

Kofuku a best. Everyone in this thread has decent taste.

Attached: Kofuku.png (346x608, 250K)

been waiting for you, lefiyanon

Attached: lefiya collage.jpg (3844x2000, 3.94M)

Attached: Accelerator.full.2524195.png (421x1160, 89K)

Harem is just a subset of romance.
Most problems you find in harems stem from the same that romance has

Attached: 66760573_p1.jpg (616x1157, 320K)

Attached: 7B6CC4A5-6C9A-4F52-94F7-D77D17E94B74.png (387x877, 236K)

Attached: 27835138.915000018_maya_.jpg (550x800, 105K)

Trenchcoat Major

Attached: wallpaper-228441.jpg (2400x3199, 2.5M)

Attached: 1462423413493.jpg (1208x1196, 197K)

Attached: Flying Witch - Ep1.jpg (1600x900, 153K)

Attached: [Vivid-Asenshi] Violet Evergarden - 07v2 [DEBD1129].mkv_snapshot_01.40_[2018.02.22_22.35.08].jpg (1920x1080, 860K)

Attached: 1482408021906.png (304x700, 128K)

>tfw there's not any doujin translet with her yet

Attached: 1405145135983.png (343x522, 295K)

I heard that old Japanese men are paying 60,000 Yen for just a two-hour date with her.

Is it true?

Attached: rin thighs.jpg (800x1129, 552K)

Attached: 1529046629887.jpg (2122x3000, 1.36M)

Attached: 1499609437805.jpg (500x708, 82K)

Yes, I'm currently $25k in debt because of her

God she's so perfect bros

Attached: 440ead3bc126d6508f03aa9c4d7752bd.png (2479x3507, 3.59M)

Attached: Cecily - Manga Volume 1 illustration.jpg (2093x2846, 1.38M)

True, this was made before all that purity bullshit happened and it's not like they were minors either so why did not had sex is beyond me.

Attached: Ikoman.jpg (2088x3000, 1001K)

Attached: 293584 bodysuit carol_(guilty_crown) chuuou_higashiguchi guilty_crown guilty_crown _lost_ch (1280x1474, 675K)


Attached: d8891493118d89fee8cbf85c0d11bd29.png (1280x1534, 2.17M)

Attached: 1544409796327.png (313x346, 39K)

Attached: 1442704643-80769fa0c5e2e65e4037969fdfa7b926.png (1280x720, 994K)

Attached: kumiko-oumae-70198.jpg (299x460, 32K)

This is the ideal horse design.

Attached: 1546802448814.jpg (729x1032, 491K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireba Ii. - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.14_[2017.10.22_09.37.32].jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

Attached: izetta.png (580x1006, 226K)

>10/10 design
>Everyone posts 1/10 or basic schoolgirl with nothing interesting after OP actual 10/10

shit taste faglet

Attached: kino_detail.png (766x2184, 758K)

Practical, but still very cute.

Attached: 17d1f74dd7f6d7030aacad9ebd3dca64.jpg (1440x1440, 162K)

Attached: 97C9E13C-183B-434E-A087-4EFC7A4ADA23.jpg (500x670, 115K)

Attached: 9487FC83-36BB-4529-AE87-9A418D3D4B0F.jpg (500x1074, 89K)

You're close.

Attached: 1546369845917.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Attached: B3B0DDC7-6C69-4848-9847-3FE760BBA549.jpg (716x900, 480K)

No idea who this character is, but she looks perfect to me!

Attached: 47C9B459-F160-4134-8621-D249183578D1.jpg (640x1136, 129K)

>instagram screengrab
Sorry about that. I’m embarrassed.

Attached: 5681B364-BA54-4559-87FF-0B4C4224EAE0.jpg (370x503, 23K)

>not liking japanese school girls

Attached: 1550139128920.jpg (700x702, 66K)


Attached: 1431020667597.jpg (1000x996, 427K)

imagine sucking on pale yukino's toes and stroking her legs.

What show?

Attached: C4882C1C-F063-42FD-A454-AF16B07B5941.jpg (1244x1758, 110K)


Attached: 1556345191581.gif (270x188, 1.78M)

Attached: 1551582511663.png (578x790, 263K)

Melie is so perfect.
There isn't much girls like her out there

Attached: tumblr_pghibk8RmS1runosbo1_1280.jpg (800x926, 178K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (968x714, 61K)

>No tits

Attached: 1555871658143.gif (299x317, 536K)

Attached: be96aa740b5b29f89d50e697731510c4.png (900x1100, 132K)

Attached: character design42.jpg (1000x1422, 373K)


goblin cumdump

you are not wrong

Literal perfection.

Attached: 1557686873502.png (1505x2125, 1.08M)

Tits are character flaws.

Attached: IMG_20190512_195119.jpg (900x1200, 100K)

Attached: 1437380495436.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

The chest/midriff is a bit uninspired, like they just wanted as much skin as possible and didn't care how. The rest is 10/10 though.

Don't forget your fucking queen

Attached: 7a8a165dac337a4829e2607225af1615.jpg (718x719, 78K)

this is supposed to be anime, not videogames my dude. Post 2B somewhere else.

>rokka no yuusha

Season 2 never

Attached: 1464572725785.jpg (607x607, 79K)

Attached: 724711.jpg (1536x2048, 345K)

>one simply does not watch that anime without getting the feels

cultured fag

besides being barefoot it's really nothing special

Attached: 1554096622537.jpg (1740x1235, 509K)

Attached: [Commie] Shakugan no Shana III - 24 [9D13BEF4].mkv_snapshot_21.05_[2012.03.26_01.41.23].jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>no one has posted the cutest fox yet
What the fuck

Attached: 1528269594597.jpg (1400x1400, 1.12M)


Her design isn't actually that great. It's certainly decent, but it's incredible. Holo's actual character is what makes her great.

Attached: Holo_wolf_of_wall_street.jpg (982x1350, 233K)

Attached: __sinon_sword_art_online_drawn_by_nkmr8__26fc432e8c526ab5d619e72c1402c477.jpg (870x2006, 167K)

I love my gorgeous wife!

Attached: Mahiru (56).png (633x791, 659K)

Attached: Mobile.Suit.Gundam.00.full.270094.jpg (4089x5893, 2.58M)

Attached: D5EpsT8XoAIiMQe.jpg orig.jpg (985x1641, 111K)

Attached: 1545081427713.png (1280x720, 525K)

Attached: D4JgmhdUwAAY8nu.jpg orig.jpg (1521x2048, 378K)

Attached: taiga.jpg (394x600, 139K)

Attached: sluts.png (488x693, 547K)

Attached: 1547855852569.jpg (1297x1426, 377K)

Attached: Ume-sama.jpg (941x718, 77K)

this show is fucking great

best dad with best design

Attached: bondrewd.jpg (507x356, 48K)

oh holy shit someone else watched this masterpiece

what was it like to see her brutally murdered?

Attached: il_570xN.851481504_nntr.jpg (570x570, 34K)

Felt way better after the end of DR3

Attached: Look.jpg (1000x768, 118K)

based murata

I'm glad someone could enjoy such a cop out, ass pull ending that made no sense and destroyed all the emotional weight of the end of the second game for the sake of cheap fanservice
hurr durr Chiaki actually existed no don't think about it

Softghost Kanoe Yuuko-san aka Ghost Yomi

Attached: F7356C17-8A34-4AEC-AEF7-0F8EB33BEFDA.jpg (1109x1430, 1.02M)

Attached: Mh.lnXjo1E-.jpg (720x1022, 197K)

Yomi ;_;

Attached: 1350031848320.png (1200x880, 610K)

Attached: AF3C55D3-3CEB-4D23-A6CD-1C54039AF7EB.jpg (1240x1453, 194K)

You know it.

Attached: Punkhiru.jpg (774x900, 93K)

Attached: 1476626148668.jpg (641x808, 202K)

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: af370975f4838c80235ea99ba3d4b001.jpg (723x668, 35K)

Attached: teen raphtalia.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

too true user

Attached: hotaru23.jpg (750x1028, 120K)

This is Takao from azurlane

Her feet need more revealing

Attached: Snake repellent.jpg (679x1024, 413K)

Attached: WeiWusian.png (690x1227, 1.1M)

Keep telling yourself that, Kaguya

Attached: bda.jpg (1200x675, 84K)

Think that's from Flying Witch.

Attached: 1530975956192.png (798x1200, 1.16M)

Seconding this. I actually quite like everything else about Lina, but she looks like she's wearing a bra and panties over the rest of her clothes.

Attached: Reiri_x_Kizuna.jpg (653x720, 77K)

amazing taste

Attached: yomii16.jpg (848x480, 33K)

Attached: 0013641E-DE41-489C-8FE8-B0BC025D6E48.jpg (680x825, 123K)

She looks desperate.

I love this thread

Attached: [.ass] Circlet Princess - 01 [WEB 1080p x264-Hi10P AAC][33503674].mkv_snapshot_10.10_[2019.01.15_17. (1920x1080, 955K)

Attached: 1547458396376.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

Attached: Elf3.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

best girl

Attached: 1552835769436.jpg (1202x1536, 246K)


Attached: 1552795814714.jpg (1920x1080, 1.17M)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.58_[2019.02.24_17.25.16].jpg (1920x1080, 976K)

Attached: 1282342048934.jpg (1200x900, 143K)

Attached: 1xE3Z5w.jpg (2526x1436, 200K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.02_[2019.02.24_17.31.31].jpg (1920x1080, 892K)

based gay cultivators.


Attached: yandere24135sample_zps9ab9aa7f.jpg (755x999, 231K)

Fist post best post.

Attached: pure sex.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Attached: Isuzu Sento.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

Izumi is the better sister.

Attached: mommy.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)

Excellent taste user.


peak performance

Attached: 1542949760841.png (1166x1080, 1.09M)

Attached: 1829382878496375.webm (852x480, 2.84M)

Yea, the uniforms were great, and the ZR.

Attached: 10937492357923594.png (869x489, 425K)

Attached: ai9.jpg (1373x2000, 470K)

Just look at him. It's like he's begging for it.

Attached: 1540433182183.jpg (774x1024, 183K)

Best one.
Pretty good.

Shit characters with shit design

Bullshit characters

Attached: 1424101725662.jpg (1024x1219, 301K)


It's ok if you don't like these characters, but you must be a complete fag if you think the designs of the female characters are shit.

Fuck off you attention seeking retard.

>how dare you insult my waifu

Kill yourself.

Enjoy your ban.

itt reddit gets mad that someone insulted their waifu

>implying he didn't come from there
Fuck off.

Just kill yourself you autistic attention seeker.

>implying im the one that made the post calling her bullshit

i just found your response pathetic. violet is OK at best

Out of my way, plebs

Attached: 1556689671781.jpg (1423x1420, 761K)

heres some perfect designs for you

Attached: hotaru13.jpg (5925x4079, 1.73M)

>not a samefag i.. i swear

this is my last reply to you bc i dont like wasting time with retards.

Attached: youreadumbfuck.png (902x819, 35K)

Please. She's gorgeous, relatable and her practicality is endearing.

Attached: 1092357894823.webm (1920x1200, 2.87M)


Wrong. You have shit taste if you think Yoruka is shit.

Attached: 1544591759448.jpg (640x800, 137K)

shes cute no doubt. just not for me

thanks for the (you)

Attached: 1557729498757.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

shit edit

>less than 20 images until image limit while the thread is only at 300 posts

Attached: anime-sweating-gif-1.gif (600x337, 704K)

literally 3 seconds in paint

violetfags are cancerous

perfect ass and thighs

Attached: Circlet.Princess.full.2513548.jpg (6412x4089, 3.68M)

flat is justice, cowhag lover.

Attached: Minitokyo.DuRaRaRa!.Wallpapers_443961.jpg (1600x1200, 1.44M)

Attached: Nabari_no_Ou___Miharu_Rokujo_by_CuteNotPedo.jpg (300x309, 16K)

No but she might as well be. She looks like Flonne, her name is 75% that of Flonne's, Spearbro calls her an angel and that she looks similar to a character from a game he played, appropriately named "Fleonne".

Attached: a4ca497ac8f57119fe6df1ea70a34c388f0d38e0.png (1144x1500, 1.5M)

Attached: 4aa770a7ly1fxh23r0qd7j21hc0u0b29.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

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Attached: flowers-gold.jpg (801x1300, 1.13M)

extremely underrated show

Attached: [.ass] Circlet Princess - 01 [WEB 1080p x264-Hi10P AAC][33503674].mkv_snapshot_12.16_[2019.01.15_17. (1920x1080, 934K)

Attached: 1555891530570.jpg (2560x3650, 1.54M)

Attached: __nakano_nino_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_sak_lemondisk__4faebd196650f8d45d8e71f5200453da.jpg (1345x2048, 296K)

Attached: bestPANCAKE.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Attached: DkPWCOMU0AApEyc.jpg (1080x1920, 275K)

Attached: danmachi2_teaser_fixw_730_hq.jpg (730x519, 129K)

Ryuu is best girl.

Attached: DanMachi_Volume_13_2.jpg (5000x2048, 1.66M)

Attached: Uchiha.Madara.full.1799812.jpg (909x1024, 359K)

Attached: 3efe16800ef298fbd33e2a9a406d6669.jpg (3578x5031, 767K)

Attached: Scryed.full.913513.jpg (2770x3727, 2.64M)

>image limit
well the threads done

A fucking slut

Your favourite characters are a fucking shit

No you just need help

Mr. Feyman's not joking. And don't call him Shirley.


That looks like it's supposed to be JoJo but the aesthetic is all wrong!