Fate Kaleid liner prisma Illya

Einzbern maids are not getting enough attention

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I wish Sella kicked me like that too

Imagine the smell.

Nah I'll take the mom

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I want Illya's foot in my face.

I want to fuck EVERY homunculus.

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Can you impregnate a cup?

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No, but I can fill it.


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Is fluffy shero made of swords? Nigga survived a kick like that.

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Cute feet

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they are ugly hags, m90

Which maid like dark skinned men?

All women do.

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nice squap

Imagine lewding sella while irisviel watches and commands you what to do to her next

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I'd rather go for best girl.

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I'm literally going to marry Sella and give her caramel colored babies

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I can't believe what the gotards did to her

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Is she ever going to be relevant again? I miss her.

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Why are homunculi so hot

Luvia deserved it.

I guess it depends on the cup. The full regular Justeaze model can definitely get pregnant, see Irisviel.

He's made of impact-absorbing comedic fluff.

I don't know since she hasn't show up at all. Still waiting patiently for more of her.

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I'm hoping Prisma Phantasm or whatever it's called will let her meet Liz and Sella.

Just more Angelica would be good.

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rin tier opinion

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Nobody Luvs Luvia.

Illya is Volga German.

This isn't a maid thread. This isn't a maid thread at all!

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Yes to what? I'm not catching their meaning.

I remember in the Zero LN Saber remarked that Iri smelled really damn good

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Dont lewd the cups.

There was a doujin like that except with Illya commanding Shiro what to do with Sella and Liz.

Sakura will likely kill her off-screen

do you know the name?

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God I want to fill up a cup.

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LITERALLY made for sex

The Einzberns could make billions selling their homunculi but instead waste them on stupid grail wars.

I'm surprised there isn't a doujinshi where the setting is the Einzberns say "Fuck the rules" and mass produce homunculi for the sole purpose of selling to the masses as personal (dutch) wives, starring Illya and Kuro (because custom order) as a faceless man's personal dutch loli wives.

Step on loli.

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Smash loli.

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Context check.

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Hags are the reason to read prisma for.

She's gonna marry AU Shirou, right?

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That would require she show up again.

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Even Iri is technically a child.

How would Nasu write a sex scene with Sella?

OVA when?

With copious references to marine life.

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But seriously though, why in the fuck have all these recent chapters been so short?

Lolibutt is for kicking.

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post it

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Where to find an lg just like Kuro?

Secret places out the reach of mongrels.

On the LBI.

Why she sleeps like that?

They don't look like children so I can't fap to them.

i'll find you and kill you

Speak for yourself you dumb brainless retard

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She's recording on her phone to see if her onii-chan looks at her sleeping body in cute and funny ways

is the tiddy poster dead or caught by fbi yet? where is it

Make them assist characters in the next FGO Event.

Somebody, post "it"

>somehow combined Artoria (gaijin), Rin (hair), and Sakura (proportions) all in one waifu
>and it works

Total madman.

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>literally less popular than Parvati
She doesn't even have a scandal to lower her popularity. That's what happens when you use a shit character.

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Does the mana transfusion work if a condom is used?

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Look at their skin color
How could they live for more than 5 seconds under sunlight?


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They're not even human.

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How was the movie? I never got around to watching it.

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Just more Shirou.
Miyu was very cute though.
And the epilogue was kino. Really makes you nostalgic.

Watch the BDs for it I guess.

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please dont

I want to put my package inside Illya.


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What is the OVA date again? Will anyone sub it? Nobody subs OVAs these days.


can somebody photoshop his face and place a smile?

It's Prisma Illya, obviously it will be subbed.

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Mori or Squiggy will do it.

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Give one to Illya as well

This is a very nice picture of Illya. It really captures her beauty.

Since when is Illya so busty?

Pure white aryan skin untainted by nigger genes. They are reveling in the sun as they should.

She's been slowly gaining breasts in all the artwork. I don't like it.

What kind of bush did she see?

They are created to be the perfect females they obviously don't have disgusting hair on their smooth bodies you uncultured swine.

Hair is not disgusting otherwise she would be bald.

>selling their homunculi
They are homunculi. All of them, there's no actual Einzeberns left, just homus making more homus.

They make castles like nothing and live in the woods, you think they really care about some chump change.

Finally some motherfucking mana

what do they even want? they could completely destroy humanity in a generation or two by providing homonculi wives

The root, like every other mage.

Her mama is stacked as fucked and this Illya will grow up normally, it’s an expected process

What does Illya see under the towel that's got her so shocked?

How is he still a virgin?

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Homunculi would be better suited as sex dolls as most are genuinely emotionless and do not have the capacity for it. Cases like Iri and Illya are anomalies

That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be upset about it. There's three other boob monster homunculi in this series. Keep Illya flat.

I just finished rewatching the series. It's a shame about the artstyle changes in drei. I hope we see this adorable background character again.

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>Fate Kaleid liner prisma Illya
Do I have to watch the other fate series first?

Shirou's dad fucked Ilya's mom right?

it starts as its own mahou shoujo thing and then devolves into regular battle royale in drei, having experience with previous fate just makes you notice some little details.
Id say its advised but not required.

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Kerry came inside a cup and had his sperm turkey basted up Iri’s vagoo

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No, not at all, it's better to watch Prisma Illya first. When you've watched all four seasons, and the movie if you want, you should watch UBW.

This is the ideal female body

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God even in a cardboard her c*nny is puffy

A shaved one.

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Watch the first 10 episodes of Fate Stay Night to learn about the franchise. Then drop it becuase it's too boring. Then watch the only good parts of the franchise: CP, Fate cooking, and Prisma Illya.

casting couch

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What's she look so happy about?!

>They make castles like nothing and live in the woods

You just had to describe it in a way evocative of Brennenburg, didn't you?



Why would homunculi need wives?

I'm excited for Prisma Phantasm.
I hope the best girl gets a fair amount of screentime.

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It helps, but not really.
If you know the general shtick of it, you should be fine.


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She probably smells like a ripened Ilya so it must be good.

kuro has really pretty eyes!

Thats brown illya dude.


Illya is 11

I know rite it's amazing how beautiful she is

Illya really has a nice firm butt, I think more people should be aware of this

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please don't tell me his next doujin is a young age illya

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Oh fuck we went too far back in time morty.

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finally something decently cute from him
super cute

>CP, Fate cooking, and Prisma Illya.
Why did you list Prisma Illya twice?

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I want to feed Illya milk by the bottle

kek well played

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What was the first time?

It's a CP joke user.

I don't recall there being any of that in there.

CP = Cute and Phunny.

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Cuffy Punny

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My Wife(cup) loves prone bone so much she just sleeps on her belly now.

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You are put in charge of the Einzbern household and all of its magic facilities. You have a basement literally full of homunculi that you can bend to your will with ease. What's your first move?

>Implying I wouldn't throw a wicked sick pool party.

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Iri but as a loli

Great in-game

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Whats going on in this t-

I wish she kept that curse marking. I didn't like it at first but it grew on me and think it sort of suits her.

Sella is the best wife material out of the lot

Sucubus Mark?


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Did the artist forget to illustrate her shirt?

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Illya looks traumatized by the sight of Sella's roast beef.


Why does she have the Quake logo on her gut?

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Sella is pure you fuck.

Why does that marking make her belly even lewder?

Still waiting for cyocyo to shit out that doujin.

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Stab the maids!

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Stab them to death!

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Are you sure your medical licence covers this kind of procedure doctor gil?

He has the original medical licence, it's good.


It could be an honest mistake

There are so many good illya fanarts but why are there almost no cute pregnant illyas?

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Because she is too young to get pregnant.

user shes 11

user she's almost too old

She's 18

Also what are the long eyelash things that homunculi have?

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Why did they ruin Illya with this shitty loli yuri trash?

Imagine what Kuritsugu would think.

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>Imagine what Kuritsugu would think.
>Irri, who's the brown girl straddling Shirou, and why is she looking at me like that?


Silly Illya spilled her yogurt all over herself.

Julian is ultimate chuuni. I love him.

If he saw Kuro he'd probably think he got cucked by Iri.

Make a bed out of naked homunculi and sleep on it every night.

God I want to use that as a pillow

fuck you

I don't know about you guys but I want to marry illya and pamper her and kiss her every day and cuddle and give her as many children as she wants and I'll tell her she's beautiful at random times to watch her blush and when she's pregnant I want to rub her belly and feed her sweets while she lies around the house complaining that her back hurts.

>Implying she won't force the maids to join in
Think you can handle that user?


But illya's body won't survive childbirth

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I love Miyu

What he is doing in prysma illya ?

>Illya likes golden showers

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How would these girls react if they saw this thread?

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They'd be flattered and give us all awkward hugs for being such big fans.

creeped out like anyone would be

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how do I gets me an prism gf

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Preventing grail wars overseas, fucking his wife, killing magi. Prisma Kerry is living the good life.

why did they make illya gay

she just needs a forceful conversion therapy
maybe (you) could be the one to set her straight

Because she doesn't want you, you disgusting incel.

How difficult can it possibly be to dodge and deflect a flying sword?

Probably easy if there wasn't a few hundreds of them coming at the same time.

Attached: [SNSbu] Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! - 06 (BD 1920x1080 h264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_16.12_[201 (1920x1080, 156K)

Why are the shower heads up so high? These are short girls.

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That'a not even high, and it's Luvia's house.

little girls don't have that nice butts. I know this for a fact

What would that water taste like?

of heaven

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Attached: yande.re 431326 ass bikini fate_stay_night hiroyama_hiroshi illyasviel_von_einzbern kuroe_von_einzbe (2512x3500, 856K)

These two are way better that any fanart.

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I want to wake up to this every morning.

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>Miyu has latina ass
>Kuro has nigress ass
>Illya has whitey ass
Damn Japan.

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This thread proves this point, it has turned into a regular Prisma thread with loli-posting
I want to watch a loli show for a non-loli character
Is there very much at all of her?
Or am I just out of luck

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Liz's so irrelevant in fate this show actually has most of her scenes.

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I should rewatch Carnival Phantasm.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILLYA 3rei!! - 01 [720p].mkv - 0007.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

I can't rewatch Carnival Phantasm anymore because it depresses me whenever I see any of the Turkeyhandle characters.

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What was Kuro thinking here?

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"Damn, my anus looks like THAT?"