
Attached: zero 2.jpg (1496x1496, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:


underpants goblin

>time flop

poo in the franxx

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I want to lick her anus

>Is it a meme yet, gaiz?

I watched just enough of this show to understand all of the plot and none of the memes.
Except Karling in the Franxx. God bless that meme.

It is actually a full flop, time flop suggests it was successful but quickly forgotten. darling in the flops was not even successful.

Attached: DAAAAAAARIIIIIINGGGGG.gif (194x191, 39K)

Moar zero two.

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I disagree. People didn't get the meaning and thought it was meaningless drivel. I initially thought it was meaningless yet when I see new shows I suddenly see how some of the meanings of those shows could relate to the meaning of franxx.

It grossed over 4 million us dollars user. That's way more than what was put in for the production.

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Posting as requested.

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God she’s hideous

I like how the trolls are keeping images of this anime on their computer, and constantly refresh the page for the next thread just so they can post the image and show how much they hate it.

Little do they realize, that they're proving how much of a success this series is. That someone is willing to devote their life to talking about the series. Whether it's hate or love. A time flop would be a series that doesn't even get hate because no one cares.

>quickly forgotten
>not even successful
VEGfags at it again with their delusions.

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The things I would do to her.
I think she at least deserves a spin off.

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>this mad

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Woops I misread this when posted this

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People have been talking about this show’s frequent homages to Eva and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and some have concluded that Darling is a ripoff because of that. I wonder if the purpose of these homages the whole time was to create the kind of distance I experienced with the death of one the Nines. Not to distract from the violence and gore, but to call our attention to the fact that we’re actually watching a play.

This may seem like a strange connection to make, but please stay with me here for a moment: it’s like watching the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2010 film version of Hamlet, with David Tennant as the lead. You’re not really paying that much attention to the story, because it’s freakin’ Hamlet; if you care enough to watch an RSC production in the first place, you likely know the story backwards and forwards already. What you really pay attention to is what’s been changed; the modern clothes, the way technology is utilized, the way Tennant is playing the most batshit insane Hamlet you’ve ever seen, and it might be over the top, but it might also be closer to Shakespeare’s actual intent with the character.

We know the beats in these mecha stories: Eva and it’s legion of copies taught us, Gurren Lagann further refined the formula. This is the latest iteration of that same kind of story and we’re not supposed to be watching expecting a brand new play. We’re supposed to be paying attention to what’s changed; What’s different now from 20 years ago in Eva? What’s different now from 10 years ago in Gurren Lagann?


I think I’ll still be thinking about this series for a long time. It feels like Studio Trigger finally did what they’ve been trying to do for years; they got close with Space Patrol Luluco, but there was a limit to what that show could do as a comedic short. This is the emotional resonance that mostly eluded Kiznaiver, that only worked intermittently in Kill La Kill. I feel almost proud of Trigger for pulling this off, but it’s not a uniformly positive feeling; part of me wants them to go back to making shows about school uniforms from space shredding each other, because this was exhausting. And not to say that because it was exhausting means it is bad, no, not even close. But its a show that shouldn't come every season, or hell every year. Like Eva and Gurren Lagaan before it, Darling in the FranXX is a type of series that we only need every ten years, because its the type of anime that will define the next evolution in anime, like its predecessors Darling in the FranXX will become the defining series of the late 2010s to early 2020s and will have a lasting impact for years to come.

02 is cute and the best part of the show

Clever girl...

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02 is cute, but without a complete madlad as her counterpart she would've been just another flavor of the month character.

The combination of these two factors, sometimes referred to as Hir02, is the best part of the show.

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This. Hiro and Zero Two feel so refreshing. They’re both actively pursuing their relationship, neither is obviously more useful or stronger than the other, both have super cute moments together and they are both equally capable of kicking ass.

picrelated episode was peak of the show

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In terms of excitement, yes.
Episode 13 was peak quality though.

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Hiro was the better half and definitely the more insane of the two, the ultimate Chad.

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oh yes that scene was just too cute

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power of love cringe, Im glad their relationship turned out to be shallow.

they are perfect

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Newfags trying to fit in by hating on Ditf will never cease to amuse me. I'm pretty sure most of them weren't even here one year ago.

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If you don't like power of love shows, then why did you watch more than the first episode?

There was nothing "timed" about this show flopping. It was just a regular flop.

It was advertised as a Mecha

You'd have to be the most retarded guy on Earth to watch the first episode and not see the romantic overtones. ffs, the first scene starts by talking about how a male and female jian have to support each other.

>the word darling in the title
>the posters of two kids
>most promotional material focused on the boy and girl and not the mechs
>mechs got literal tits and no show that it's gonna be anything technical

Bitch why you lying? You trying to cover your ass so hard

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Is she loli of the decade?

Delete this abomination

Yep, darling in the franxx is just a flop.

>made over 4 million us dollars

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>4 million dollars
>source: my ass
>4 million dollars
>not a flop

>6k BD sales +other volumes
>including information from Oricon regarding other merchandise sales (minus manga)
Violet Evergarden only did 4.5 million.

>comparing a 1 cour to a 2 cour
>still no source on the numbers

Its on Oricon.

You are really stupid.
A Place Further than the Universe Sold more BD/DVD copies than your shitty show.

Attached: VEGfagsGETFUCKED.png (571x909, 48K)

Violet Evergarden is the real flop of the winter 2018 season.

Only autists still like this anime

t. Seething plotfag

Well I can't watch it for the mecha action, can I?

>Brainlet tier plotfag thinks plot = story
Transcend your plot faggotry user. There is more to a story than just its plot. Plots are cookie cutter, always secondary to a literary work. What matters is theme, character interactions, and symbolism. With those three things, you can always accurately predict the outcome of a story. In fact, /his/friend predicted VIRM before episode 13.

This sounds like a lotta coping.

Again. Plotfags prove themselves to be the worst.
Seriously transcend your plotfaggotry. Its not just Darling in the FranXX.

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Actually, it sold very well. animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-12-19/top-selling-animation-in-japan-on-blu-ray-disc-dvd-by-series-2018/.141065

The manga too

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>3.0 is the first entry
You're really not helping your case with that piece of shit meme list.

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You are probably the type of person who hates Eva 3.0


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Reminder that AOTY for 2018 was Pop Team Epicb

Is this the state of you lot now?
Did that guy who kept talking about shallow connections eventually leave?

>Two shows directed by Nishigori in that image
however, that is the ONLY reason that I am giving you a (You), as I am sick of your cringey and incessant shitposting. fuck off please.

>that guy who kept talking about shallow connections
would you shut the fuck up? he's going to show up now that you mentioned him goddammit

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The first two rebuilds were mediocre, but the third was unacceptable. The plot was not only nonsensical it was so vague it might as well be nonexistant, but that's not the problem with it. The reason everyone watched eva was for its characters, and 3.0 flanderized every single one of them that they aren't even recognizeable.
>Rei became the literal doll strawman you see in every eva thread
>Asuka became a generic tsundere
>Misato turned into Gendo 2.0
>Shinji lost all his prior development
>Kaworu was just fanservice
>Ritsuko is still alive for some reason despite being a piece of trash

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>he's going to show up now that you mentioned him goddammit
Yes, and?

>he doesn't understand the metanarrative

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You mean the one where Anno is trying as hard as possible to shit on his own fanbase that he hates so much, despite keeping all of the sexy 14 year olds the same age even after a timeskip and also introducing a pointless new sexy 14 year old just to sell merch? The whole reason the rebuilds exist at all is because Anno hasn't done shit in 20 years.

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he did godzilla movie tho

>he thinks that Anno is just hating on his fanbase with 3.0

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>comparing a 2 cour with a 1 cour
Is this how franxxturds cope?

>A place further than the universe sold more than Violet FaggotGarden

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Sorry OP, did you mean to imply this show was a success? You must have meant to post some other show. Certainly not Darling in the Franxx, the dullest anime in the history of anime. Each episode following the boy pilot, his dinosaur wife and his pals from Plantation 13 as they fight assorted dinosaurs and aliens has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the sexualized imagery, the series' only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make mecha unmechanical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Nishigori vetoed the idea of Miyazaki directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for hentai artists. The Darling in the Franxx series might be part of Abe's anti-extinction program (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Gurren Lagann series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the writing is good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the script was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time the main characters' relationship is discussed, the show announced instead that the characters are "A Pair of Jian Birds".

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Nishigori's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Darling in the Franxx by the same Hideaki Anno. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Darling in the Franxx at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Evangelion." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Darling in the Franxx" you are, in fact, trained to watch Evangelion.

I miss her bros.

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Did you just unironically.

Did anyone read this post, can give me a TL;DR?

Nobody read it, user. Nobody will ever read it.

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He basically said Darling in the Franxx is the new Evangelion.

Hir02 was the best part of this anime

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I also quite liked this cute little lesbian.

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I’d feel more comfortable with daughteru of the decade, but yes.

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>Hiro and Zero Two
>Monore and Kokoro


Why are they so many literal cuckolds in Franxx? I though this was supposed to be a romance story.

This post makes me happy.

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>he keeps mentionining 2 shows that are vastly more financially successful than franxx
is this how franxxturds cope?

>literal cuckolds
I don't think you know what either of those words mean.

>Goro is a cuck
He can't be a cuck if Hiro never wanted nor loved Ichigo to begin with.

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The issue is liking a girl who likes someone else. Even if the other guy doesn't fuck your girlfriend, you are still being emotionally cucked. If Hiro ever changed his mind, she would instantly cheat on Goro and that's why he is a cuck.

There aren't any other two cour shows up there besides DITF. Now stop coping.

>VEGfags eternally btfo'd and can't cope with the fact they were wrong

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I forgot this shit even existed

Did they produce it for the price of a value meal or something?

>dozens of VEG threads
>VEG stickies
>the op playing forcefully on Yea Forums for a whole week
Holy shit I forgot the delusion VEGfags had before the series even aired.

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>Franxx people will forget after 3 episodes

I unironically dropped VEG after episode 3 and don't even know what happens next.

Ill be honest and never got past episode 18 (which is apparently for the better) but this show gave me one of my favorite images

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>sullying Kino by putting it on your shitty bait lists

Productions are incredibly cheap, usually only a million dollars are given to the animation studio before pre-production(and in this case because the money is split, it half probably went to Trigger, who did basically all of the pre-production (basically planned out all of episodes 1-13) and the rest of it went to A-1, with cloverworks getting even less because they are a subsidiary of A-1. Animation studios only get money before the preproduction stage, they never even see or touch the BD profits.

It wasn't a terrible choice.

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I dropped the series around that episode also but then I picked it up months later after it ended, and you know what. I was okay with it. I felt the ending was pretty cool, the only issue I had was aliens but it was still worth the ride to see to the very end.

>Never got past episode 18
t. plotfags

They aren't "aliens" per se.

But I finished it. It was a trainwreck.

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>best they can do to defend their shitshow is screech buzzword catch phrases

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This is some pretty good bait. Have a (You)

Plotfags don't seem to understand that what makes anime anime, isn't just 1 aspect. An anime is a sum of many pieces that when combined create something whole. Even if 1 piece is flawed, it doesn't tarnish the whole anime. Unless you only care about that one piece and disregard everything else it has to offer.

Anime is supposed to be art, and they are overthinking things. They are the same faggots who will drop a series because they had a problem with a scene that only lasted 3 seconds. People like them are never happy and purposely look for something wrong in every medium.

W-what is happening in this picture?

>Extended literary reference to Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
>Message about oppressive authority figures
>Loving and accurate portrayal of human sexuality including demisexuality
>Garden of Eden metaphor
>Harrowing portrayal of the horrors of childhood innocence in a tightly controlled environment
>Literally and figuratively horny waifu

Why did people hate this again?

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If it was a trainwreck, why did you finish it and take the time to photoshop images for it.

user, were you even here while it was airing?

Because it doesn’t have any engaging characters.

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>I didn't like the characters so I hate the show

Because trainwrecks are fun. And you seem to have no idea how many of these images exist. There were thousands of Yea Forumsnons shitposting when it aired, hell it's still fun to shitpost about it.

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During the second half I stopped going on Yea Forums to avoid spoilers cause I was waiting to watch the rest of it all at once. Half the posts on the catalog were DiTF when I was on Yea Forums

How would you fix this show?

Attached: how ditf was conceived.png (581x1033, 826K)

There is no need to. It is a perfect show on its own.

I wouldn't have been able to finish the show if I wasn't taking the piss out of it here every week. The first three quarters varied wildly in quality but was at least entertaining, then ALIENS LMAO.

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I wouldn't, Its about as perfect as a show can get.

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>implying aliens came out of no where
t. plotfag

002 would have been a good momma

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Who's the retard that thought making Strelitzia a giantess 02 for Hiro to be fucking kamikaze was a good idea?

Its Zero Two's wedding dress. And their journey to defeat VIRM was their honeymoon.

Aliens were talked about by like the 3rd episode you fucking shitter, I was one of the countless people having fun with baiting diehard retarded fans like you about the show setting itself up to take a nosedive into space battles like every other gainax derived show. Then it actually happened and instead of laughing even harder I was just disappointed. The show could have gone in several different directions, every single one being better than the big bad being aliens.

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there were infinitely better ways of doing that than how they did it.

I didn't like zero two but acknowledged she was the most interesting part of the show, but then they give her "character development" partway that feels like it brainwashed her into being just another boring girl with no personality


>Franxxfags like the ending now
weren't you fuckers writing fanfiction because you hated it so much?

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The logical next step was the form Zero Two took. It was already established that the FranXX take on the form of their pilot, this is just taken to the logical conclusion.

The true AOTY of 2018 was Pop Team Epic

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*facial expressions of their pilots

I like Franxx but hate the ending. I still stand by this being a better ending for the show that I think could have been better. It's not amazing but it's better
>Uprising against papa
>Destruction of plantations due to uprising + klaxosaurs fucking everything
>The ending of them rebuilding could play out mostly the same
>Instead of fucking turning into a giantess and killing herself and Hiro they leave to wander the planet like they always wanted to
>They lead freer, happier lives (mostly) but the threat of the klaxosaurs is still there and Hiro + 02 are gone.
A not amazing, but better ending with less stupid shit that can be wrapped up in the amount of episodes they had in a satisfying way, and if they really wanted to do the 'aliens lol' shit there's a potential for a season 2 to introduce it a more satisfying way.

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Fanfiction is gay. I just headcanon it out of existence and paste over it with a generic happy ending, because that's all the show and its characters deserve. I'm fine with bittersweet shit even if it's forced, but there were no themes or lessons learned in the anime ending. The generic alien big bad gets defeated but not really, the MCs win but not really and sacrifice everything in the process, then reincarnation gets slapped on at the very end as if that's supposed to make it better. Apparently the nips love reincarnation, but to me it's just an insult to the original characters.

Don't care. Aliens have been done too many times and by the same studios and people that hopped between those studios. Every other show you mention like Gainax, NGE, TTGL, etc all do the alien space battle shit better. Even Trigger's KLK did it better. Franxx should have been different and fresh, but it ended up stale and forgettable. And I don't care about any "b-but it was Nishigori and A-1 who did aliens", it doesn't matter.

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Copy n paste the ending of diebuster and make the shit side characters die instead.

t. plotfag

>show you mention like Gainax
Meant Gunbuster.

Plots are secondary. Every single is generic because every single story has already been done before.

So Zero Tsu is a slut?

*Every single show

No she could just read books most of the other children couldn't read.

Well, Franxx are a metaphor for sex and 02 has piloted with >100 guys.

Good shows have good plots to go along with their characters, and themes that connect those characters to the plot. All of the shows I listed have the full package to varying extents. They all have a style they were aiming for from the first episode and consistently follow it through, while Franxx didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. Franxx only has the characters, and only a small fraction out of the main cast are interesting or relevant. Those characters, along with the shitposting here, were enough to get me into the show and just barely enough to finish it, but it leaves an empty feeling as if nothing actually happened.

Plot is irrelevant to any story. Narrative, themes, character interactions, and symbolism are all that matters.

Also a big thing I left out is the animation. All of the other shows had great animation and directing at least when it counted. But Franxx animation was so mediocre it was kind of sad. Rewatch the very last episode with the final space battle, it was pathetic how low-effort it looked.

it's probably just a discordtranny raid. ignore them.

>Cherry picks a single episode
Darling in the FranXX had fantastic animation.
Better than Violet EverFilter

>tfw Ichigo action figure arrived today
anons she's perfect

>implying Discordtannies like the show
t. newfag

pretty shitty thread desu

I didn't mention VEG, nobody mentioned it. Don't try to use it as a distraction for Franxx being meh. I mention the last episode because I still remember the sheer disappointment I felt watching the final climax. Other than that I know there are scenes in episodes 6 and 15 and a few others, but none that I actually remember. The character moments in those scenes were nice, but the animation was too bland to bother remembering a year later.

I recently just had the urge to rewatch it. I never even focused on the animation because that isn't important. I'm watching the show to get something from it. I want to learn something new from it, I want to see what the authors have to say about certain themes, and I want to experience the character interactions that I absolutely loved. The ending was the best part. It was the best ending Zero Two and Hiro got, they got to be reborn as humans and have children together in a time and era that only knows peace. Its the perfect ending for them, but also represent the selfishness of love to a T.

>Message about oppressive authority figures
aka "baby's first political message"
aka "my entire identity is a meme"

>my entire identity is a meme
You didn't even watch the show.

The only reason why I had been thinking about it was because of another literary work that brought it to the front of my mind and made me think of a comparison between the two shows themes and how they presented them.

>Narrative, themes, character interactions, and symbolism are all that matters
now that's what I call Autism

As you wish.

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alright I'll take the bait, what about FLCL was 3deep5u?

>>unrequited first love
>>guitar is a metaphor for the dick
>>swinging the bat
>>blah blah growing up

FLCL was a masterpiece don't get me wrong, but far from subtle

2 and 3 don't exist

Yeah, and it sounds like I made the right choice.

Not every show needs to have good fast-paced animation, I agree. But when you market your show as a mecha from a major studio, I feel animation is fairly important. Even if the mecha element isn't the main focus overall, it should still be reasonable to expect the few action scenes that make it the focus to be well animated with nice choreography and directing.

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franxxturds literally made a discord since they got shunned off Yea Forums.

I'm so glad this reddit show is dead, I wish terminal cancer upon anyone and their family who thinks this is anything but a 0/10.

>Implying it was a mecha show first
It was a romance, with a thin veneer of a mecha show put on top. How hard is this to understand?

>implying reddit likes this

das it mane

It's like you didn't even read the post. Are you that desparate to defend this show?

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>Copy n paste the ending of eureka seven and make the shit side characters die instead.

No, I'm saying it doesn't matter.

That's what most modern mechas are like, user.
Like how Code Geass is a political drama with a few mechs in it.

Some people just got no taste
and now they are seething about seeing daily threads about the perfect show.

Seething reddit negro, its their favorite show, they tried to spam it here but they got kicked out.

I want that Nesoberi so bad

This guy been spamming "time flop" bullshit for a while.

Animation always matters. It's a fucking visual medium. It's not always a huge focus, but if you seriously think it doesn't matter especially in a show like Franxx then you need to get off this board.

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Do to her?

I'm more interested to see what she'd do to me.

No, it really doesn't. As long as the animation isn't fucking awful, then I don't care, its passable.

Cheers to that

Fine ill finish your anime. Only have 21 more episodes to go

Why stop there? This anime seems to attract weird fanatics that can't find a single fault in it. Go all the way with the merch, you'll fit right in.

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This show attracts the same kind of people that wear panties down the street with a faggot flag, aka mentally ill shit taste monkeys, oftenly niggers. Not even spics have a taste this bad and they enjoy reddit ball z.

The plot is pretty damn important if you're going to be telling a story sequentially

I'm already a buyfag but don't care for a whole lot out side of scales and nendos. I already have her nendo and the koto scale.

t. brainlet tier plotfag

don't @ me, subhuman

Give me a new manga chapter already FUCK

>Visual medium
>says he doesn't care about the visuals just to be right
You'll look a lot less stupid admitting you were wrong instead of burying yourself in.

If you really do think that way is that way.

You're talking a lot of shit right now for someone in lewding distance.

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Lolis are for raising, not fucking.
You are 100% right
She is best daughteru.

Attached: 603389_wabaki88_zero-two-2.jpg (769x819, 76K)

I would make Papa and 001 into engaging villains and kill off some of the cast.

The mechs were disgusting, easily the worst thing about the show.

I wish they'd just drop the mech aspect entirely, especially with how stupid shit got by the end.

Everything past episode 16 was just awful, and Zero-Two felt like a she'd had her soul replaced by some generic love interest.

I wish they had freaky as hell Franxx mechas. Like something that belongs in Made in Abyss kind of fucked. I really didn’t like how waifuized the mechas were in the show, they could’ve done something more like the Nines’ franxxs but with smaller heads and some adjustments to make them less stupid.

>not liking qt robot waifus

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I genuinely hated to witness that 02. It’s like they forgetton she’s anti-social and was too bored and annoyed with the girl to actually stick around with them. But being soulless is “human” according to the nips.

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The franxx designs were solely to appeal to waifu romance fags with selling merch, that's the only reason mecha was included in the show at all. I don't mind that all that much, it's a necessary evil when it comes to mecha in general aka toy commercials. But when they can't even be bothered to put out some decent animation to make the shit they want to sell look cool, then it becomes an insult to the viewers. It was a blatant low-effort cashout to the bottom denominator of fans.

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The Franxx are low quality in comparison to the blades in Xenoblade 2.

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Darling in the FranXX is a time flop. It sold well, but its fanbase is dead, and people don't even remember it anymore. It was generic, melodramatic, and boring. It was a corporate project (it was also shilled by its producers A1 and CR) that represented how you can play it safe to make sure your show sells.

There are shows (such as Evangelion, Madoka Magica, etc.) that can be considered timeless successes because not only were they successful, but they still have a sizable fanbase, and people still remember them as one of the masterpieces of anime. FranXX has none of these things.

People reference the number of threads it gets (which only started picking up in number after I called them out on their shilling), but that doesn't mean it's not a time flop. It's a very small number of people coordinating to artificially create an impression that the show still has a fanbase after it finished airing. Just look at the Unique Posters to Posts ratio in every thread. It will be wildly unbalanced, especially in comparison to shows with an actual legacy (Evangelion, Madoka, etc) which have a far more balanced ratio while also having a greater volume of posts. This very thread has a ratio of 54 / 197. Once you factor in the people criticizing the show (which can also be used as a weapon of dishonest fan support in itself) and the likelihood of VPN usage, this ratio becomes even more dire.

The bottom line is that FranXX has no cultural legacy whatsoever, even in comparison to other Trigger shows like Kill la Kill and Inou-Battle, and is sustained entirely by dishonest fan support.

> that Haibane poster
> in Ukrainian language
Excuse me what the actual fuck?

Ignore the namefags
He likes to come to franxx thread spazing about his headcannon.

My problem isn't that the aliens weren't foreshadowed, it's that they didn't really add anything to the plot. The show would have been better off if the primary antagonists were the dystopian, post-apocalyptic government. It just seemed like a twist for the sake of having a twist.

>He so proud of his wall of text he posted it 4 times now

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What was so hard to get about 5 Centimeters Per Second?

>guys falls in love with girl
>life circumstances separate them
>girl moves on, guy can't
>falls into depression even though other girls are begging for his dick

It's Onetis: the Movie.

How much is Crunchyroll paying you?
Honestly, I'm just trying to drive this stupid time flop term into the ground. The retard who was trying to coin it was making daily threads that people kept falling for so I thought I'd try to show people how stupid it is by constantly using it.

Do a EoE and retcon the second half with 1 - 2 movies.

I thought the twist was going to be that the whole thing about 001, Papa, and the war was just tied to the aftermath of picture book. When the prince [papa] sought vengeance towards the “monster” [001] for taking away and killing his spouse [who was secretly 001] and the witch came to give him immortality. And the witch helped him to manipulate humanity into going to the war against Klaxosapiens during the 21st century. The witch did this because the prince was basically its ACE card to prevent 001 from destroying them, which was the reason the witch pushed into the trial of killing him.

But eoe wasn't a retcon, it fits in perfectly with the tv ending.

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There’s more retarded headcanon from the “DITF is good” bitch. I dropped every retarded references in DITF and just simplified it enough to point out the retarded and inconsistent character writing.

Based user using their pastas against them.

anyone who thinks 25-26 and the film are alt endings is a brainlet.
Shinji very clearly reflects on his conclusions from 25 an 26 in eoe.

You mistake that the list is for 2deep4u shows.

>ended up beating out Yorimoi
Colour me surprised. Not surprised VEG is nowhere on that list though.

Honestly if the show ended here and let us come up with our own ending we'd have nothing but good memories of this show.

Spotted the fag

You're not just retarded but also delusional

But it literally was? It has already been forgotten in Japan. It was outsold by Yuru Camp, which was a one cour show. It didn't win any awards. It was even voted worst anime of 2018 on Yea Forums.

Headpatting 02 seems like a dangerous endeavor.

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Was it ever established just how hard/sharp dino horns are? When there's that one closeup on them they looked pretty dull

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02 probably dulls them when she's filing them.

She files them down so they're probably not too sharp.

But if she needs to file them then their natural state is probably pretty sharp. Enough to stab someones hand at the very least if they pat her wrong.

No. But imagine them being deadly enough to stab through an eye.

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She files them more to keep them at a reasonable length, not necessarily for safety. Like after episode 15 when her huge antler ones broke, they were back to normal size the next episode

Well being longer makes them more dangerous too.

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200,000 for 02

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I wonna stick my horns in her
Holy shit quintuples

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Best girl has spoken.

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if i kill myself could i isekai into the same world as 02

She wouldn't love you though.

>Don't follow your dreams! Settle down and have kids instead!!
What a bizarre message for a wannabe eva clone. .

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she's dead in this timeline. You also need to jump to another one so your odds aren't looking too promising.

I can still dream of a post episode 15 redo right?

>It was even voted worst anime of 2018 on Yea Forums.
He rests his case.

Yea Forums has shit taste; you should never have listed it amongst your points.

If the Mato shorts are canon then the reincarnations 1000 years later retain their old memories to some extent

Yea Forums is usually pretty similar to Japan in terms of taste (who did not like Franxx either). Western websites usually prefer normalfag anime whereas Yea Forums likes moe anime.

Follow through on all the buildup and foreshadowing instead of dumping fucking aliens on us

Make Hiro become an Oni after episode 5 and deliver an actual mecha anime. Cut all the relationshit/NTR drama and focus on robots and fighting instead.

02 makes me horny.

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t. Hiro
And checked.

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>people were comparing hero to kirito or shinji
Hiro was a based cunt.
He followed his dinowaifu even after he lost all his memories.
His body literally rejected the thots and only accepted zero two.


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It's just a kneejerk reaction to seeing the stereotypical black hair manlet jap MC

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That's fair
Trigger should've made him toned.
Black haired skinny dude stops being self insert default once he got a 6 pack.

We are getting some nice numbers in this thread
If only we could get 202020

>shredded manlet that has back to back existential crises
don't tell /fit/, they'll kill themselves
Even worse self-insert

Oh stop. What will do the joy is by making him more frail in his appearance and kinda creepy looking to show that there is something fucked about him.

I wonder if he can see what I can see. I can’t blame him if he does indeed have those eyes.

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Perfection don't you think?
It also works nicely to how he's always away training with the training unit or running to the wild portions of the plantation.