How does he get so many bitches

How does he get so many bitches

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The L Rule

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Because opposites attract and he's a Chad

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>this nigga has 5+ who want his dick
>Yuno, someone who us supposedly the hottest guy (confirmed NY the author) only has 2 (Charmy and the spirit) people after his dick
Does not compute

>Nero sits on his head, inside his shirt, etc.
>"Literally has women touching him all over"

He’s extremely muscular

Strength - carisma-a good paying job *bonus makes friends with almost everyone aka power. He has what every woman look for irl

He’s confident, assertive, decisive, hard working, muscular, and manly, aka a purebred chad. It really shouldn’t be at all surprising that girl’s go head over heels for him.

he's a shonen MC

Yuno is a brooding boring faggot. Asta has a way more appealing personality to women.

It bugs me that Deku and Asta are both supposed to have the same body type after a shit ton of training, ripped manlet, but Deku literally isn't allowed to have muscles.

Asta a manlet. No woman finds that attractive.

He does a lot of push-ups and sit-ups and he drinks plenty of juice.

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But the sister doesn't give a fuck about him

That pick makes me wanna puke.

That’s always how it is, you can get tons of women except the one you really want... there’s always the one that got away, it hurts, I miss her bros, even my current gf can tell how I feel about her even though we haven’t talked in years and I never speak about her

I mostly read MHA and just caught up with BC and enjoy it, but damn Deku is a joke among jokes. Green dude gets no respect at all and not even from me.

By being a generic shounen protagonist.

Female BC fans don't even like Yuno

He just needs to realize that his love for her isn't actually romantic. She's more like a mother to him, but his refusal to quit works as a negative in this case, he can't let go of something genuinely childish.
Right now it's a narrative tool to maintain the status quo/keep Asta an harem magnet and develop the girls without picking someone or him seeming like an oblivious homo. The second the Sister Lily thing gets resolved suddenly he has to pick between Noelle, Mimosa, Rebecca, etc.

Strength is the most attractive quality to women in battle shounens

>opposite of chad

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>INB4 he picks Nero or somehow gets with Sister Lily

Yuno has been described as "Really boring" by other girls on the show. While good looks matter so does good personality

The same way Kirito and every other shitty harem mc does

The harem won't be stopped

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I fucking swear that if there is a time jump and he ends up looking like your regular bi shonen i'm going to go to Japan to punch Tabana.
He needs to have a frame like Yami on the future

I don't think he's growing much more in height. He's already got Yami's mass proportionally (when they bother to draw him properly), just scaled down.

>Gets his ass kicked in every single episode
Get that weak shit outta here.

Don't know user, he is just 16. I had my growth spurt until 17-19 and I went from a 5'8 manlet to a somewhat decent 6'1.
I have hopes for him to not remain a manlet all the history. Shrimp jokes are becoming stale. If Edward managed to stop being a manlet so can Asta

Most of the time that happens it's because he's taking on someone way out of his league and he lacks experience. No one else his age would have fared better.
You're also ignoring the times he effortlessly shits on someone like his first encounter with Mars.

Why does every show need go out of its way to prove that the MC isn't gay?
No one questions Luffy and his lack of a sex-drive since most MCs are testosterone-driven virgins anyway. Yet most shows couldn't help shoving this one "destiny girl" in the MC face, ruining the purpose of a harem.

If you're athletic you tend to hit your growth spurt sooner due to activity boosting testosterone levels. Asta being as athletic as he is, is most likely just going to be a manlet. It's not impossible I suppose. I knew one kid who grew 7'' between 16-18 going from 5'4 to 5'11, but I'd say that those large bursts later in life are more rare. Usually you'll only grow a couple of more inches after 15 years if any.

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He is a goddamn shounen MC, he will be Edward 2.0. He WILL grow taller.

>Why does every show need go out of its way to prove that the MC isn't gay?
Because fag shipping in cancer, just look at HXH fanbase. Not like it stops anyone ie the Naruto fanbase had no problem making characters gay despite Naruto saying he liked girls.

Sol for being an amazon, I don't think she's even a full 6 feet.

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Isn't Sol gay for her captain?

She'd take dick if she felt it was worthy. Manlets were going to let her get raped when she was younger.

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How many photos of sol are on your computer?

More than a few, less than I'd like.

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After this incident she is sure to ride the Yami dick as much as she does for her captain. Maybe even trying to set both of them together and she being a concubine or something

I wish black clover had full nipple exposure

What was Tabata smoking when he designed the world's dumbest outfit?

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I think it's hot

I fear you might be a faggot, user

I like it, although it doesn’t make much sense realistically
But that’s also one of the shittiest drawings of her I’ve ever seen

Is black clover worth reading/watching? I've heard the anime is a meme, but the manga might be alright if I wanted decent shounen trash?

The animation in the anime is really good, but as always the manga is better yes
It’s good if you like shounen, otherwise you’ll hate it

It’s a phone poster.
Nah. She’s afraid of men, but Yami kind of is removing it. Yami will end up with both the captain and Sol.

he is ripped as fuck in a world where everyone is a bitch mage

Why does he have such bitch-tier reactions?

He never got praised by anyone but Sister, hence his reaction to people praising him and not thinking he’s useless.

The weak should fear the strong

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