I don't understand why Funny Valentine is regarded as the best Jojo villain after reading SBR...

I don't understand why Funny Valentine is regarded as the best Jojo villain after reading SBR. I get that he wanted to protect his country and see it prosper but as I was reading the manga there was really no reason for me to be on his side since it didn't seem like the USA within the Jojo-verse was in any real danger during his reign. If the USA were at war with another country and needed the leadership and decisiveness of Funny Valentine to succeed then I would understand. It would have been much cooler if Funny Valentine believed himself to be the end all be all of presidents but that did not turn out o be the case. And if Funny Valentine were to die, they'd just appoint the Vice President, wouldn't they? He just wanted America to rule the world after he gave his napkin speech. To me Funny Valentine is ultimately just a part 3 Dio but with this vague patriotism to him.

And why would be approve of the ability Love Train when it literally hurts innocent Americans? He protects himself but it doesn't protect the American people he claims to care about.

Yoshikage Kira is still best Jojo Villain


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The reason Valentine is interesting to me is that he is a hypocrite. Just like Pucci, he's the kind of evil who doesn't even realise he's evil. Besides, him gaining the corpse and seeing its ability, though causing injury to innocent Americans at the time, while he was using it to try to kill Johnny and Gyro, showed him that its luck would affect America once it's in the vault under Manhattan, making it the most powerful country in his eyes. His willingness to sacrifice people to make the country strong plays into his hypocrisy.

>no weight to the story because araki pulls him out of thin air
>not menacing, literally a punching bag
>heavily underutilized killer queen
>no philosophy or any personal trauma related to his motives that give them meaning
>stray cat arc retcons his character only to reset him back after

Redpill me on Kira, he's the most disappointing villain imo

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Love Train only hurts gross brown people

Valentine wasn't even the final boss of his own part. part 8's final boss is just gonna be DIO again isn't it?

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its going to be Kaato


Good job, you actually read part 7 and didn't fall for his bullshit.

Did you really not understand his "pick up the napkin" speech he kept referring back to? He wasn't the only one searching for the corpse.

its a meme retards bought into as an actual fact

What I still don't understand about Valentine is why he didn't just ask Johnny and Gyro for help. I mean he asks other participates in the SBR to fight the duo for him. Johnny's only motivation for wanting the corpse parts was because it gave him a drive in life and Valentine's only motivation to stop Johnny is just because he's also after them.

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so compelling, never been done before, 2deep4me

>what is total story inversion?
You get to read Part 4 again as homework.

Yeah Valentine was in the Civil War, which makes me wonder how Love Train would have dealt with in fighting and Americans fighting Americans.

SBR has incredibly flimsy writing

What has that got to do with his post?
Are you retarded?

Fucking this. You have a protagonist whose motivation is purely selfish and yet manages to become a noble person in the end, and a villain whose motivation is purely selfless and yet is unquestionably evil. It's great.

That plus the fact that his final battle ends on him basically trying to scam Johnny with his silver tongue, then a wild west quickdraw duel. It's pretty much perfect finish for the characters.

No, but you seem to be if you think the napkin metaphor is deep or thought provoking at all when it literally boils down

>purely selfless
this is what SBRtards actually believe

>Not even that dude
>Caring if something is deep or not
Okay retard

Probably would benefit the side that would cause less damage to America in general, if it considered the slaves as Americans and slavery as hurting Americans, then it's not picking South

I dont give a shit if its deep, I give a shit if retards like you are deceiving yourselves into thinking its deep because its not
SBRtards drag down Jojo discussion as a whole and are cancer as fuck

So you don't care if is deep but you care if other randoms you don't know about think it is deep.

The other user was right, you are retarded.


I just want SBRtards purged from discussion, so you can gtfo and stay tfo retard

The only thing I can think of is that, because Araki is obsessed with fate, Valentine somehow knew that he wasn't fated to complete the corpse and that Jesus had picked Johnny. From the fact that the part in Devil's Palm stuck to him, he was drawn by the other parts, and that Jesus himself appeared before Johnny, it's not far fetched, but considering that Valentine got what he wanted in the end (since, according to Jojolion, the corpse became the deity that watches over the West), either it shits on the fate stuff, or Valentine is the only character so far that actually beat fate in JoJo.

Why does this site attract so many tribalist subhumans like this?


Again, you want people you don't know discussing something that you like but are angry they have a different opinion than you on a certain part.

Retarded. If this is how you act with randoms, I wonder what the shitshow you call your life is like.

>it didn't seem like the USA within the Jojo-verse was in any real danger during his reign
He wants it to prosper long after he is gone. He is willing to hurt his fellow Americans in pursuit of this goal and more than once just because he can kinda be a dick, and, yes, he'll literally wrap himself in the flag to save his own skin, but that doesn't change the fact that he genuinely loves America, the country.

>tribalist subhumans
ironic coming from the retard hivemind that SBRtards are
good to see more fags are getting woke to how shit SBR actually is, must be terribly enraging for you

He was willing to die for his plan as many times as it took, and continue to pass D4C on to other Valentines until one could succeed. Even after he was defeated he let Diego from another world carry out his plan in his stead. So long as America prospered, he would sacrifice himself (And the rest of the world).

His actions were selfless but pure evil.

>muh opinion
SBR being poorly written shit is a fact, and spacing your posts like that makes you seem autistic as shit so I'd advise against it
Keep seething, SBRtard. The facade you meme'd is over and the collective fanbase isn't going to gargle SBR cum any longer

>Throwing a tantrum because there are SBRfags in a thread specifically about SBR

I don't even like SBR, but stay obsessed you pathetic faggot.

Valentine is well liked because it contrasts with the other villains. Dio and Kira are comically evil, Diavolo is literally insane, Pucci had grandiose plans but in the end was full of shit. Valentine, up to a certain point, is what I would imagine an important militar/politician would be if he were thrown into the madness of a Jojo part. However, the part of his motives being selfless or even just, that's bullshit, he thinks that's the case but because he's a hypocrite, like many other important military leaders and politicians, and bought into his own rethoric. Valentine did nothing wrong is nothing more than a meme.

>magic wall that protects me from "bad" things
you can keep up the self deception, but Valentine is not a selfless character. He only thinks he is and has tricked you, the retard reader, into thinking that as well

What is your favorite part user, depending on your answer I might give you a serious reply.

Kira is the best villain because I’ve never seen an autistic written so well

seething SBRtard mind
the truth is out, you fags are done

the part where SBRtards are forgotten and real discussion happens without them being cancer every single thread
especially 2/7fags

Absolutely epic

OP here don't get me wrong part 7 was a great read. It's my 2nd favorite part so far. Gyro is the most charming character in the Jojo series. Mainly because Araki put all the charm and personality of his previous Jojo in to Gyro instead of Johnny. Which makes sense from my perspective since Johnny is supposed to grow from a selfish person to a selfless which I deeply appreciated. There were only 2 stand battles that I found jarring such as the battle with Wekapipo and the stand battle with civil war. Other than those two ever fight is pretty great with the best ones being True Man's World, the Golden rectangle, and the sugar mountain arc.

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keep seething, your ironic post betrays you
reminder that High Voltage salvaged what was a totally predictable let down of a climax

>Gyro is the most charming character in the Jojo series. Mainly because Araki put all the charm and personality of his previous Jojo in to Gyro instead of Johnny
t. likes Gyro because he's literally Joseph wearing a cowboy hat

His plan was to use the magic wall that protects him from bad things to get to Manhattan, then store the corpse in the vault and protect all of America. Defending himself doesn't make him selfish.

In Eyes of Heaven, he also sacrifices himself to buy fucking Johnny and company time to find a way to stop Dio because Dio's threatening America. You can be selfless and still be evil.

Unironically based.

Low quality bait but I'll bite

>no weight to the story because araki pulls him out of thin air
A killer is mentions early on, we meet one of his victims, and when one of the main cast is killed it adds agency to a story that meandering at that point
>not menacing, literally a punching bag
Killer Queen is show to an extremely strong stand, Kira manages to outwit and evade that heroes, and manages to complete beat them with Another One Bites The Dust until Araki realized he can't end the part with Kira wining and makes him do something really stupid.
>heavily underutilized killer queen
Klller Queen and it's ability is used a bunch
>no philosophy or any personal trauma related to his motives that give them meaning
His philosophy is to live his life as average as possible and live a normal life. He goes to extraordinary lengths to appear normal and blend in with the crowd to hide his obsession with murder. He doesn't need any personal trauma either, some people are just born fucked up
>stray cat arc retcons his character only to reset him back after
How is it a retcon? It adds more depth to his character. Kira was a total sociopath until he met Shinobu, then he started to develop some semblance of empathy to other humans

>His plan was to use the magic wall that protects him from bad things to get to Manhattan, then store the corpse in the vault and protect all of America. Defending himself doesn't make him selfish.
what SBRtards actually believe
>In Eyes of Heaven
stopped reading here

Imagine if you didn't even read any of the parts and just read SBR, wanted to be a contrarian for attention and here we are.

What is your favorite part and explain why, use character names and arcs as well so I can tell you know what you are talking about.

Oh great. It was actually the autist that hates 2 and 7 so he derails JoJo threads about them. His writing style is damn obvious that I can probably quote all his posts here.
Tough luck, OP. Your thread got hijacked by a retard.

and consider kys, SBRtard

He wouldn't ask Gyro because he was a filthy foreigner, and neither Johnny because he betrayed the country by becoming friends with Gyro. I bet he was dying inside by recruiting a freaking British jockey, and spoke to him as little as he could because he couldn't resist the urge of mocking his British accent.

t. major ironic seething from 2/7fag

>People can only be deranged if they've gone through some life-altering trauma

>can't even use "t." correctly
Retarded and a newfag. How surprising.

Didn't Araki say Kira's mother was abusive?

t. SBRtard seething over his seekrit klubs maymays being used ""wrong"" (not how he does)


Yes, he said his mom had an abusive coddling towards Kira. He probably feels underwritten because he had a whole chunk of story that never made the cut because Araki thought it was too much for the demographic

[citation needed]

Why didn't araki just make the steel ball spin a fucking stand?
The first 6 volumes were asspull after asspull. There were barely any cool stand designs. Shit just popped up out of nowhere cause it was convenient (for example the sewer in order to escape from dio's dinosaurs). It was worse than the "sons of dio" from part 6.
That shit alone completely fucked the enjoyment of everything that came after.

Who are you quoting?

daily reminder:
Anything else

>It's not a fun-looking family, but it also looks sort of peaceful… and that’s creepy. The father and mother appears close to each other, but also distant. They probably haven’t ever really had a major fight either.
>Kira’s father, he was a strange person. Not quite a criminal, but considered odd. He probably knew his son was a murderer and went ahead hiding his crimes. Of course, Kira’s father went to Egypt and obtained the bow and arrow from Enya to protect his son. For the mother, I haven’t drawn anything about her at all, but I think she may have done a sort of ‘abusive coddling’ towards Kira. That’ll be scary right?
>Even now, I wonder if I should have drawn out Kira’s relationship with his parents in more depth. But I had to cut it out with much reluctance… or maybe I should say that I didn’t have the courage to draw that out. Like I said before, I didn’t want to detail Kira’s past too much. I didn’t want the readers to look at Kira and his father and think ‘these are actually very sad characters’. I drew out Kira’s mental state when killing, but if I started delving into the fundamental reason why he kills, Kira becomes a sort of sympathetic character… if you start emphasizing with Kira that’s not really appropriate for a Shonen manga. I didn’t want readers to feel sympathy. That may be the hardest thing about drawing out Kira.


must be where he got his hand fetish

>kira was his mom's sissy and got milked by her beautiful hands

>I didn’t want the readers to look at Kira and his father and think ‘these are actually very sad characters
>Kira becomes a sort of sympathetic character
>if you start emphasizing with Kira that’s not really appropriate for a Shonen manga
> I didn’t want readers to feel sympathy
Sorry Araki, it didn't work

Just think about how much more sympathetic the poor bastard could have been.

>I was actively rooting for Kira by the end of the anime

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Would Kira be the Sasuke of JoJo in terms of sympathy?

Valentine is very up front with Lucy about his motivations when he gives his napkin speech. He wants to make America the most powerful country in the world while he's at the helm so that he'll be in a position of absolute authority. He's never hypocritical about it. He just lies to others and claims his heart is born out of selfless service to his country when that isn't the whole truth.

The only twist regarding Valentine's motivations is that, by digging Dickhead Diego up to bring the corpse to Manhattan, his intentions weren't COMPLETELY selfish. Only mostly.

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Now post the real best villain of jojo

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The real best villain is fucking dead, dude.

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>Yoshikage Kira is still best Jojo Villain

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How is Kira comically evil ?

You're going to say that retard losing his sandwich and hiding under gym equipment trying to steal it back from high schoolers wasn't funny?

Fucking based, Part 7 shitters must be stopped.

Aside from treating EOH as canon, How is any of what he said wrong?

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