now we know where the mochi mochi ponpon came from.
David Martinez
This last chapter confirms to me that President Aria is by far and away the best character.
Thanks for another great volume.
Gavin Brooks
But raises the question of how old he is. Has he been spoiled for more than 50 years?
Michael Cook
>President Aria is by far and away the best character. There's an user out there that really really disagrees with that.
John Taylor
Too cute.
Camden King
They prefer Maa? I admit that she was cute in the first chapter, but I still prefer Aria.
Josiah Sullivan
Embarrassing names kinshi!
Alexander Cruz
Thanks OP. Mega crybaby strikes again, to finish off the volume in a wonderfully kinshi way. Damn you Al for stealing my trivia about Venetian wells, though! Most wellheads I've seen in Venice are metal, check out the massive ones in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale to see some good examples. Dunno if Neo Venezia's Marco Polo Spaceport still has them, depends on what they use the courtyard for there.
Ethan Rogers
I didn't know Prez was a stray. I wonder what his backstory is, was he abandoned by his former owner and he is faithfully watching the horizon for their return? Or is he at peace and waiting for death? There have been one or two moments in my life where I have seen scenery so beautiful and have been so completely at peace that I could just pass away right there and then and would be completely happy.
Jayden Rodriguez
Gachapen is fat.
Jack Morgan
he doesn't know
Lincoln Ross
Al-kun is too small.
Austin Reyes
Thank you, OP.
Jace Clark
Nah, he's the perfect size.
Dylan Parker
>140 cm >perfect size Eeeh?
Nicholas Lewis
You got a problem with shotas?
Ayden Brooks
Thanks as always, it's a great volume. I think the underground is not a place where girls gathers. And maybe President Aria was waiting for someone who will spoil him. Perfect size for Aika.