Reminder that Homura did nothing wrong

Reminder that Homura did nothing wrong.

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Reminder that Homura is creepy.

If character designs for this show were more moe it'd probably be AOTD. It's honestly a shame they all look retarded and uncute

Never seen a shittier opinion

Most wrong post ever made.

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I bet you enjoy soulless trash like k-on or gochiusa

I don't get if this a very well done bait or a really lazy one

Calling K-On soulless is going too far buddy.

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i haven't watch either of those
it's not bait, it's my genuine opinion. the characters in madoka magica are just so square headed and uncute

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This but unironically. Imagine how amazing it would have been if you could actually take the darker or tragic scenes seriously instead of it feeling like it's just Hidamari Sketch rejects comically sperging out.

>I couldn't take it seriously
>Therefore no one could
Some of us are only mildly autistic.

Reminder that Oriko Mikuni was right and Homura ruined everything.

Homura did nothing wrong

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Where do you guys get these? I want more Sayaka and Homura hijinks

I get them through lurking

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>No Sayakek and homuhomu adventures post Rebellion

Fucking Shaft

If you say so.

Homufag holocaust when

Will the new MagiReco anime be shit now that The Butcher is no longer writing for it?

Shaft, along with Shinbo and the Butcher are why we have the series in the first place.

Hopefully not, though that's one of my main worries.

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Who hurt you

Never, faggot

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Madokami will return to us one day.

There's an artist on twitter that makes lots of Homura and Sayaka hijinks, but it's not in English and aren't translated.

you deserve it


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It's more like she transcended right and wrong, since everything revolved ultimately around her singular drive through the series and then through rebellion too. Unless you want to just annul it all and think that Madoka should have died the first time around and that's it, witches continue to exist and everything continues as it would have originally can't take any parts separately.

Go back to your bait thread to samefag, oh wait it's dead, lmao.

reminder that witches don’t exist

seething homufag

Anyone who hates Homura couldn't possibly pose a threat. Such a creature would lack the resolve and strength of will that Homura exemplifies. They would lack the intelligence and heart to even be considered human. Nothing but a rabid animal in the shape of a human.
If you don't love Homura, then you're a dirty monkey-brained nigger

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Rent free

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>it would have been better for the witch cycle to continue
Sure thing retard.


Whoremura, more like

Let's say Homura never want back in time. Would she even have anywhere to go? Wouldn't Walpurgis just keep wrecking everything?

She did not grow a dick and fuck Meduka

Pretty sure Walpurgis was dead, but Madoka just died too.

She got caught first and got it confiscated

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Madoka defeated Walpurgis. Homura could have just gone home and forgotten about the whole thing.

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Is this the canon Rebellion sequel?

Holy shit get a load of this guy.

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>Let's say Homura never want back in time. Would she even have anywhere to go? Wouldn't Walpurgis just keep wrecking everything?
In the original timeline Madoka is just barely strong enough to defeat Walpurgis apparently after Mami dies, but is killed in the process herself and much of the city is destroyed, probably a few tens to hundreds of thousands of casualties like some superstorm hitting but much of the population has evac'd or survives in shelters. If Homura had never MG'd that would have been that, perhaps another Walpurgis would have arisen eventually but normally it'd only be "natural disaster" level because that's all the potential that can normally be had.

It was Homura's loops that gave Madoka superhumanly bad karma (by definition normally one could only ever die or go witch once, not dozens/hundreds of times) and in turn magical power, which in turn both caused Krimheld to escalate in power more and more until it became an extinction level event but simultaneously is what let Madoka eventually make her universe warping wish and become Madokami too. If Homura had never done it though humanity would have just gone on like before, the MG+witch system, until it got wiped out one way or another (unlikely in the situation) or did some transcendence thing and gave up on emotions maybe. Status quo. Worst case would have been if Homura had ever given in and quit on one of the later loops, then Krimheld would have annihilated everything and that'd be that (though I guess Oriko's reality keeps going beyond that point since she killed Madoka before she could MG).

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The Hidamari designs are moe as fuck

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Ok, I was just about to ask about the loops making it worse, but you clarified everything. It's pretty lucky then that Madoka managed to get enough power AND make the right wish in the same loop that Homura was about to witch out in.

>It's pretty lucky then that Madoka managed to get enough power AND make the right wish in the same loop that Homura was about to witch out in.
Pretty much, though it's hard to really cry deus ex machina too much in a series where wishes, emotions and intentions are so central to magic. It may be that the specific scenario where Homura felt like she'd tried everything, the memory leakage across so many loops to Madoka, and that she had been able to keep Madoka away from it all so successfully until the very last moment, is also what caused Madoka to come to that conclusion that time around. Or you can just anthropic principle it if you want, it's a story after all.


Among the 30+ volumes of official anthologies there are some combinations of those 2, although I don't recall it being common.

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>It's pretty lucky then that Madoka managed to get enough power AND make the right wish in the same loop that Homura was about to witch out in.
Madoka was so insanely powerful at that point that I'm pretty sure her wish was possible at least a dozen loops beforehand.

Listen to kimi no gin no niwa again

>xddd lol i epic shitposter
No, you're not.

What would've happened in Rebellion if Homura successfully an hero'd when she tried to shoot herself in her battle against Mami? Was the Homura inside her own witch barrier the sum of her consciousness so she'd just die or would've she awoken in the real world?

Quite possible, but doesn't really change other anons point that even if the minimum power conditions were cleared a few loops earlier it still could have ended badly there. Though on the other hand, non-goddess endings might have been possible too, like if she showed up and managed to give Homura another shot of optimism but then was lost, maybe that'd have been good for another set of loops. Or alternately there could have been some real horror show shit like Madoka wishing for Homura to "never give up" or "never lose to darkness" or something like and rendered Homura unable to die or become a witch even if she utterly despaired resulting in total insanity.

Who knows. Normally an MG is their soulgem, the body is just the vehicle. Being inside a barrier of her soul Homura shooting herself shouldn't have had any physical effect, though it might have triggered some psychological collapse maybe. More likely though is it'd just do a reset/she'd wakeup in bed or something and realize she couldn't die, which would make it clear how things were really wrong and then cause her to go despair anyway via another route.

She didn't study up her robotics and become Iron Homura to fight Walugi Nights

>they all look retarded and uncute
you fucking what

Homura couldn't have possibly died by the suicide in Rebellion because he body inside that witch barrier was a fake. Her real body was outside the soul gem/barrier.

If she really brained her real body, it'd likely cause her gem to instantly go dark or something. It's likely that a horrible life-ending injury like that would corrupt her gem since it would take so much magic, but I'm not actually sure.

In principle even losing a body entirely should be recoverable with enough magic, though whether any MG actually possesses that I don't know (there could be some though where the nature of their wish gives them an unusual efficiency there, just like Mami naturally uses less magic then most girls). Maybe it'd work if the girl had some friends with her with a surplus of seeds/cubes, so that they could feed her gem themselves while she recovered.

When we see girls try to kill each other or even themselves in series in a hurry though it seems to be that they go for the soul gem if they can. It's a tiny target so they have to fight normally otherwise, but like when Madoka aims to stop Mami after she goes nuts she snipes the gem. If Homura wanted to kill herself IRL she'd presumably just shoot her gem which would be easiest, trying to go witch would more be an act of revenge or mega despair thinking maybe if Madoka had gone witch first ala "now we'll at least still be together".

Well, maybe the recoil from the in-barrier suicide could've woken her up IRL.
The barrier formed inside her soul gem so the real question is whether the barrier would've broken or not. It's possible that the barrier worked as a timeloop too the way it was a closed spaceloop.

>Homura did nothing wrong.
... yet.

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Man Homura is so cute damn

Even Devil Homura is cute.

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Funny how I was just rewtaching this last night and wow Homura damn

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Would Homu turn herself into a boy if it meant she could date Madoka?

Homu is Madosexual. Her love transcends gender.

Probably not, but such an effort to woo Madoka would be futile because Homu Homu is merely Madoka's creepy autistic best friend.

Homura is surprisingly hot with unkempt hair like that

>Kalafina disbanded
>ClariS is a shadow of its past glory
>Urobuchi is doing puppet auteur shows
>Shaft is going into bankruptcy soon
>Yuuki Aoi is still trying to become seiyuu-idol bigshot, still failling at it
>Inu Curry disappeared from the surface of the Earth
>Madoka Magica became a gatcha+pachislot only franchise
Homura brought us to the worst timeline, I swear

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tfw no gekidan inu curry acid trip anime

>>Yuuki Aoi is still trying to become seiyuu-idol bigshot, still failling at it
Even if she did make it big, I think she'd still make time for this pink sweetheart.

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Maybe after Homura made the Kyubeys responsible for bearing the burden of humanity's curses they somehow found a way to filter it across dimensions and it's now our collective suffering that allows the megucas to live in peace?

Is this the One Piece ‘thread’?
>having 5+ mana turn 2 isn't worth dumping all your lands that are otherwise just dead cards in the hand

>Inu Curry disappeared from the surface of the Earth
Hold on, is this true? Man, what's even the point of gacha adaptation without based Inu Curry making it worth watching on their own.

I thought inu curry regularly works on the gacha game, though
and shitposts on twitter

>Inu Curry disappeared from the surface of the Earth

He works on gacha shit only now which is even worse.

>Maybe after Homura made the Kyubeys responsible for bearing the burden of humanity's curses they somehow found a way to filter it across dimensions and it's now our collective suffering that allows the megucas to live in peace?
That's a nice thought. At least our suffering would have a worthy purpose then. Or maybe it goes to show that even if humanity was being fucked around with by alien intelligences for the greater good and facing annihilation from little girls messing with reality, we'd actually still be a lot better off.