Shingeki no Kyojin

I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about this guy right here, what's your opinion on his recent actions? is he on pair with Griffith or is he just a delusional prick?

Attached: Eren_meets_Yeagerists.png (310x452, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread: soon/

Reiner will kill shitren

he just wants to live a quiet (free) life...

>is he on pair with Griffith
This is such a fucking boring conversation point. Not everyone needs to be compared to Griffith

he wants to get euthanized for world peace

Attached: FreedomKino.png (1060x767, 76K)

He is fighting so paradis has a future. Nothing wrong with that.


Attached: 6468deab-2afc-48af-b8ef-b5d69eb223bd.jpg (1064x1594, 530K)

Attached: image.jpg (512x432, 111K)

I don't know about that but he is definitely as pretty as Griffith was.

Attached: marleyeren.jpg (500x591, 30K)

Holy shit

>Eren... Massage my abs.

Not fond of how androgynous she looks there, and I’m a Nanaba fan.

Reiner only """liked""" Krista and Bert's """love""" for Annie is irrelevant.

>Sorry MikaKEK, I'm too busy having KEKner massage my feet for me. Maybe you can join him once you're done brooding and return to being a slave.

Attached: ree.jpg (521x1200, 112K)

>Bert's """love""" for Annie is irrelevant.
Eren disagrees

>Oh? You think that as a chad, I, CHADner Braun should dictate your opinion on who the best Shingeki no Girl is, user? Well for me, it's Ellen.

Attached: reinerplayingwithbestgirl.jpg (564x451, 54K)


Don't bring your pointless discussion here when the other thread hasn't even hit the bump limit retard

spot on

Based Reiner.

This artist's portraits of Kruger and Reiner are also pretty chad. Makes it look like they were real historical figures.

Attached: CHADwin smith.jpg (751x1063, 121K)

Bit late to the party on that one

Kino/10 review

Oh, I already know that they've been posted before in these threads. I still like mentioning them because their art is KINO.

I'd say delusional, in a good and bad way. More than likely his insanity stems from not just his childhood but the influence of his titan predecessors influencing his personality, and while that is interesting, I think his justification for being a cock is retarded when he whines about "freedoms", when all of that is arbitrary. For example, the whole hating Mikasa thing - If she's biologically programmed to act the way she is, than she is as free as she possibly can be, despite Erin's perception of it. Erin could look at Armin and say he hates him because he wasn't programmed to shoot lasers out of his eyes and so he isn't free by his standards. What a retard.

Attached: D6celJsUEAAhw9V.jpg (1121x1516, 162K)

tell me, why does eren keep fighting so vehemently even when the titan curse shit is going to kill him soon? what freedom is he seeking?



Attached: hiddenmessageforsmartchadsinbeforeatriggeredtrannyeditsthis.png (1048x2667, 2.71M)

Fried chicken.

Attached: reinernigger.jpg (564x564, 33K)

Attached: 1542570263034.jpg (3308x1600, 1.6M)


Attached: jew star.jpg (564x591, 84K)


Attached: Jeanbo.png (682x708, 483K)

Literally nothing

So it was the jews

im honestly scared of what eren migth do when he needs to collect the collosal titan, is mikasa going to allow it or will she die protecting armin before he get eaten too

Attached: 1555969439527.gif (720x780, 31K)

He will collect every titan and the original Ymir in titan form will descend from the sky for a thrilling 10 chapters fight

EHfags killed the HYPE

nigga i don't care if he collects all the infinity shonen mc stones, im scared that he migth need to kill armin and mikasa to get the collosal titan

I was just thinking that Eren has been always overprotective for Christa i.e OVA and winter training. So, do you think this is also paths where attack Titan is making Eren to protect her.

Oh shit I just made the connection of the implications that Eren fucked historia, fucking reiner probably still loves her, all these years and I never thought of that
Just imagine the butthurt, holy shit.

I don't know, I don't see Mikasa and Armin dying for some reason but I hope the manga doesn't end in a shitty ass pull where everyone lives happily ever after

Fake solder Reiner loved fake Krista.

hey who wants me to post my EF folder

I have no idea what EF is but sure.

Attached: comfy.jpg (225x300, 10K)

Attached: Best Girl with condoms.jpg (484x616, 103K)

EF as in?

eren x falco

Attached: ef.jpg (564x483, 55K)

ErenFloch or ErenFalco?

Attached: 1550235742558.jpg (1199x899, 135K)

I am a degenerate homosexual and yes

Attached: 50.jpg (440x500, 33K)

I think erenfloch is cute too but I dont have a folder

Attached: ef2.jpg (485x680, 57K)

Then you aren't an affront to nature though because you have good taste.

Attached: Best Girl is embarrased.jpg (444x600, 63K)

I rabu Piku.

Attached: piku's cute smug smile.png (520x319, 168K)

Attached: ef3.jpg (297x428, 24K)

Attached: ef4.jpg (564x781, 100K)

Was this the first Pii post?

Attached: the founding pii.png (764x176, 57K)

Based and freedompilled

Attached: ef5.jpg (564x800, 97K)


Attached: ef6.jpg (564x411, 46K)


Attached: ef7.jpg (563x799, 46K)

>a fake had a crush on a fake
>both are dead and gone now, and true real selves would probably hardly recognize each other if they met again

I am not a pedo I just think they are cute
would you prefer if i posted my falcotraumatised folder?

Attached: ef8.jpg (564x797, 112K)

Attached: ef9.jpg (460x1199, 112K)

Attached: ef10.jpg (563x841, 111K)

They are making the pose of their people.

Eldians = Jews

Attached: ef11.jpg (564x775, 85K)

Don't forget user, Eren has access to the memories of his predecessors and I think that's what changed him

>pii sees this every morning

Attached: ziiku.png (340x1067, 426K)

Attached: ef12.jpg (453x604, 52K)

Attached: ef13.jpg (564x796, 98K)

ok this one seems kinda sexualised i hope its not sexualised because i dont want falco to be sexualised

Attached: ef14.jpg (564x1064, 100K)

ok im running out of ef... who wants to see my falcotraumatised folder?

Attached: ef15.jpg (563x489, 72K)

Attached: ef16.jpg (563x397, 41K)

>please don't report my fanart on another website
Oh you devil, you.

Attached: Best girl smug.jpg (483x501, 67K)

Show us.

Attached: Amazed.png (961x862, 625K)

Fuck off Eren.


im not the first one to do it so i think im okay
I also really like your annie folder by the way i think shes best girl too

Attached: falcotraumatised.jpg (564x423, 23K)


also please dont

Attached: falcotraumatised2.jpg (352x807, 41K)

But that's illegal, general Magath.

We know, EMcuck

Attached: falcotraumatised3.jpg (563x787, 22K)

Okay, what's this pedoshit, now? Is this a pedo thread? Is this how low we've fucking fallen, anons?

I love Falco and Eren but do you have Mikasa x Gabi?

La creatura del Florida


Eren x Falco is pure. Get out with your accusations.

Attached: 1555023492765.png (2037x696, 962K)

This is what happens when you don't post Annie

Attached: Best Meido.jpg (737x882, 290K)

>Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun

Pedofag (Benji) trying to shill his pedoness on to EHchads

Fuck off. As an Erenfag and I will NOT stand for this shit.

Are you implying Historia was giving birth and that scream signaled the very same moment Hisu's baby was born?

sorry user I really like MG but the only image i could find is this one and a few manga panels
it seems impossible to find any more

Attached: mg.png (540x485, 331K)

Attached: falcotraumatised4.jpg (400x519, 26K)

Can shifters get pregnant?

Attached: falcotraumatised5.jpg (500x700, 46K)

>Speedreading this hard

Attached: falcotraumatised6.jpg (564x374, 26K)

fuck OFF. you can’t understand eren if you ship him with anybody.

Nigger you can't expect me to remember every single detail on a fucking MONTHLY manga. Especially one this old.

It's part of the main plot you double nigger!

The Byakuya profile picture really brings this together.

Attached: falcotraumatised7.jpg (563x458, 49K)

hey does anyone have the image where falco is sitting on a floor with his knees to his chest and he is crying because of the rape shadows? the image kind of hurts me but it has inspired my falcotraumatised folder so i feel its necessary to finally find it again and add it

Attached: falcotraumatised8.png (500x698, 162K)

>BRY escape was only 4 years ago

Fucking Ymir Fritz had three daughters, user.

fuck off Erenpedo

Why Zeke so perfect?

Attached: Shingeki No Kyojin_S3_Ep15(52)_06.51.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

That's not accurate, that girl is pure neck, almost looks like a log.

I see a shame maybe more MikasaLouise?

You're disgusting shitrenfag

What it catches my attention is how they never complain when manletfags post pedo shit, might be that ErwLmod falseflagging again

Whats wrong with his beard?


Attached: 1557006189040.jpg (700x893, 80K)

Attached: 1557708349496.png (944x1332, 1.27M)

I do have some ML! I really like mikasa yuri so I have lots of MA, MH, and MS

Attached: ml.jpg (563x571, 49K)

His VA is kind of wierd
I was expecting someone smoother


That I can agree
What's wrong with LouiseKasa?
Kek aren't you that user obsessed with "Levi"? Most of you ship him with Mikasa hypocrite

i neeeed to take a piss

Attached: falcotraumatised9.jpg (563x737, 33K)

>At work, acting normally
>Suddenly remember "He cannot be stopped even if you'd like to stop him"
>Smile like an idiot for the next ten minutes

Attached: 1557525232441.jpg (1440x810, 42K)

Yeah, me too. Reiners' also feels messed up

this. i unironically have absolutely zero idea how anyone could like a marley end

Its really hard to capture Zeke because in part he feels kind of retconned

i don’t like his va either. it just doesn’t fit.

It's totally fucking falseflagging, which makes it even more annoying.

Attached: ml2.jpg (563x774, 72K)

>he feels kind of retconned

>she sees your hardening

Attached: 1538746054347.png (1280x720, 846K)

Attached: ml3.png (1280x768, 651K)

Best VA for best boy. Not surprising.

That user probably fell for the 777D chess keikaku master at age 7 meme when in fact Zeke was just a really fucking broken dude.

Reiner will be a great mother

Attached: RE.png (565x562, 199K)

Yeah its from a manletfaggot, he only wants this soon/
Nice, for me she will always be blonde

Attached: ml4.jpg (540x540, 99K)

>is he on pair with Griffith
Fucking retard thinks Eren actually agrees with Zeke

i want to pat pii in the head

Attached: pii.jpg (236x236, 11K)

Attached: ml5.png (341x230, 39K)

>Annie: ChingChong chingchong

Attached: Maruco.jpg (650x1700, 293K)

>I see her hardening

Attached: Happy Erwin is Happy.png (299x330, 75K)

Attached: ml6.png (412x750, 501K)

Holy shit

Attached: IMG_0333.jpg (384x77, 5K)


Attached: 1557768918-e25931a1-6eaa-4385-ab24-077daa76ea13.jpg (460x1200, 261K)

It's a manlet Hansi chapter!

Attached: 9c950b73-5ea2-465d-ba77-d97abdfd5e0f.jpg (800x596, 97K)

Damn you I read it as "I bet Annie is love"

you're delusional, he's not the hero anymore


LM soon

Was it necessary to make him this hot though?

>Annie would rather murder a partner before being shipped with Connie
Why is WIT so mean with Connie?

I wonder if that one will get the guillotine too.

Attached: mg3.jpg (640x640, 52K)



Attached: mg4.png (413x331, 72K)

cursed image

Attached: ef17.jpg (564x564, 44K)

>This is how Sannes sees them

>is he on pair with Griffith or is he just a delusional prick?
? griffith is a shit character and eren is nothing like him at all

Griffith >>>>>>> Eren

Absolutely, the attractiveness further sells the reader on the idea that Eren Jeager has grown into a man charismatic enough to gather a massive cult following. Then again, he was already cute before, so it's not like a complete overhaul was necessary to make him this hot either.

Attached: 1550760611240.jpg (563x488, 91K)


>fell for the 777D chess keikaku master
Just like WIT. Therefore they chose such a voice. However, I am ready to give any money to hear how the BT says "onii-chan"

Attached: 45-pfxq1B5yOaA.jpg (1440x2160, 2.07M)

Why doesn't Annie ever cover her face more with one of her fists?

Attached: 64.jpg (564x683, 76K)

To distract her opponent.

Attached: Best Girl, best looks.jpg (1203x664, 94K)

>oh shit this retard monkey just ruined my chance at eating reiner

Attached: vomit.jpg (680x680, 85K)

>eren is about to start the rumbling
>enter falco,
>"Dance off bro, just you and me!"
>while eren and zeke are distracted, zeke gets eaten by the female armored titan, annie
>she only has armor on her breasts and crotch
>armin does nothing but comment on the obvious

Do you think the episode will leak earlier this week too?

did the last episode leak early or something? and why?

I think he is retarded, how did fell for Pieck's obvious trap.

>did the last episode leak early or something?

Kek, you are probably right. But there are other... parts she could distract them with.

Attached: 72.jpg (564x537, 47K)

Yes, one spaniard got the episode from Selecta Vision two days earlier but wanted to get money for it kek

Everything is distracting really

Attached: Best Girl ready to kick ass.jpg (497x732, 81K)

Anyone want to tell me their problems or how much of a piece of shit they are? I am feeling down and want to feel better about myself desu

Attached: 78.jpg (400x565, 53K)

Agreed, but I think it'd be less painful if she were punched in the arm rather than in her nose (which is beautiful yet very distracting in comparison to other noses)

Attached: 81.jpg (427x604, 45K)

>says outright he doesn't trust her
>wounds hand in preparation

such as?

Attached: 1539556989173.webm (438x436, 56K)

I don't think Yea Forums is the right place for blogposting.

Attached: Best Girl is puffy.jpg (635x670, 44K)

Her entire upper body for starters, which she chooses to hide with a hoodie most of the time

Attached: 75.jpg (489x604, 30K)

Attached: Best Girl exposed.png (1143x1600, 1.04M)

Ive been waiting for Annie to come back for so many years. How much longer must I suffer?

Getting cucked by Erwin from afterlife.

I'm a piece of shit



Attached: SEVEN YEARS.png (650x650, 549K)

I just noticed I have an exam tomorrow.

Don't you have a job to do, Reiner?

Attached: 90.jpg (564x819, 71K)

Best post from last thread:

The OP of this thread is a fucking NPC. A soulless fucking soiboi numale from Reddit.

This is bait.

Kys Benji

Of a bad manga


Yeah, went from shit to shit.


Weird kind of bait.


Le questioning bugman from Reddit

>For better or worse it's one of the best ongoing manga and anime series we have right now but Yea Forums likes to shit on it because it got too popular.


Semi true

Redpill - this is a shitshonen aimed at 8 year old boys

found the shingekis with different attire from different countries, I think theyre pretty cool

Attached: 1.jpg (563x849, 63K)

>Thread for pedos
FG is cute and endgame.

Mega based

What kind of exam?

Attached: 2.jpg (564x861, 61K)

She always striked me as a Ukranian

Attached: Best Prosecuty.jpg (750x744, 81K)



Attached: mikasa_box_by_kukucho_dc8fpsl-pre.jpg (733x1089, 106K)

Based & redpilled

Attached: 3.jpg (564x896, 57K)

well she definitely has the eastern euro no bullshit mindset I've encountered, I definitely see Ukranian.

Attached: 4.jpg (563x814, 55K)

Because that's Muay Thai stance

I just want to know if he impregnated Historia.

is it weird that i completely sympathize and relate to eren with any other character in any medium? Not the titan part or being the chosen one part but at a human level?

Attached: 5.jpg (564x856, 51K)

Attached: 6.jpg (564x865, 43K)

Magath is a cool guy

Attached: 7.jpg (564x829, 64K)

Attached: 8.jpg (564x877, 54K)

Attached: 9.jpg (388x604, 32K)

5 what?

Review of the Free

Don't you fags have anything to talk about? This is the most boring thread of the day.

>this is the average bortfag

Attached: OHNONONO.jpg (540x960, 54K)

Attached: Frowning Annie.webm (624x576, 2.54M)


Based artist knows !!!



Attached: 1528599743094.png (500x225, 187K)

Kek it's a mtf tranny

Ugly eyes and ugly nose. truly disgusting. almost as bad as Pakunoda.

>Ymir was 70+ year old grandpa when she was hitting on Christa

>not kebab
One job

I am afraid it's actualy 9...

Attached: I'm afraid it's been...9 years.jpg (1200x593, 58K)

Off to dumblr you go, Erenfag.


Eren is not a roach though
Reiner on the other hand

Why is Annie not Israel?

Why is Annie & Eren a Check? Is this implying something??

Attached: me.jpg (492x589, 41K)

Fuck off Benji. Nigmir was born male.

>Fuck you.

That's fucking scotland


Attached: I want to believe.jpg (910x960, 365K)

now this is based

Attached: FaceApp_1552037919498.jpg (329x462, 88K)

Just because she has hooked nose it doesn't mean she looks anything like an Israeli woman. Many slavs have hooked noses
but scotland is in UK

>many (((slavs))) have hooked noses

no way this is real

stomach vagina nice!

AA is the canon Annie ship
It's written in the dead sea scrolls, it's destined to happen, you and your impotent gods can't do anything to stop it.

Attached: The birth of the Antichrist.jpg (849x1200, 331K)

Fuck. Don't associate that bitch with my country. She is African.

>Dutch surname

Wanted to call you a based poo but

Don't you dare bully my Ymir around these parts, Pajeet.

Dutch women aren't as pretty as the Ukranian ones though

Attached: Best Smile.jpg (236x300, 12K)

At this point this is genuinely what I'm the most curious about besides Eren's true motives/plan and the lore stuff (which I think are all gonna end up connected in one way or another, in the endgame).
In part because I want to know what actually went down between the two that would warrant hiding both their POVs for nearly a full year and making the circumstances and reasons for the pregnancy more and more nebulous all the while hinting at Eren's involvement more and more blatantly each month. And in part because the fanbase is gonna go up in flames sooner or later, and I'm sincerely looking forward to it.

Attached: 1553244015757.png (578x356, 265K)

>Benmed is a curry

Hmm yeah, this is prolly Benji replying to himself


Attached: c-cute.jpg (500x495, 70K)

Found you:

Yep, see . is Benji falseflagging to make Yea Forumsnons look like shitskins for disliking ultimate shitskin Trannymir nigger.

makes it very obvious. Only Benji refers to Nigmir as a "she".

Reminder that Eren pleasures old men for Freedom!

Attached: eren pleasuring old men for money.jpg (519x680, 79K)


Onii-chan's defending their younger siblings are always based.

they are just sporting traditional clothes

Attached: eren pleasuring old men for money2.jpg (563x915, 74K)

Do you think we will see any Pieck backstory soon?

>This discussion again
Fuck off, thats a fucking jew surname just like the rest of the cast except erwin.


Attached: re.jpg (564x792, 37K)

>I am free

That looks exactly like Barrelroll

Her last chance is this chapter or the other, unless we get some kind of interruption in the battle and for example everyone ends divided in groups again like pieck taking zeke as hostage or something like that then we could see that later.

What if Erwin was somehow not a subject of Ymir and giving the serum to Armong truly was the correct choice?


Attached: niggeren.jpg (598x922, 439K)

Now he looks like (You)


Attached: niiggerspic.jpg (500x448, 36K)


Attached: nigmir.jpg (246x924, 204K)

>just like the rest of the cast
Arlert, Jaeger, Braus, Springer, Galliard, Grice, Braun are white names you retarded shit for brains. So is Leonhardt.


Attached: sn.jpg (1280x720, 89K)


Attached: HORK.png (1280x720, 573K)

I want Annie to eat me!

Attached: Nom.png (931x574, 426K)


Attached: HEUK.jpg (1181x656, 52K)

They are all jew names dirty spic, god its not our fucking problem that you are so disconnected of the world to recognize a jew name but in europe and usa is a common thing, see the fucking link those are all askenazi jew names and all of them are there


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg (800x565, 218K)

Half of those are on that list. Grice isn't but it would be if you spell it as Greis or Greiss, which would be written the same way as Grice in katakana.

>EHfags are currycels

>Annie feeding someone else sweets and donuts
>Not eating them by herself
Completely OOC


Attached: s.png (691x487, 485K)

>sitting ducks

yup, that's my review lol

Found jaeger, leonhart and springel

Does the Bortfag actually masturbate to all the Armong fetish porn she posts here, considering the size of her collection? Y/N

>in the end, I truly was Shingeki no Kyojin™

What the fuck Isayama


Attached: shhss.jpg (1024x683, 195K)

>but scotland is in UK
Fuck of britbong, Scots are Scots.

Well this is totally out of character for Annie

Attached: 75677.jpg (852x480, 58K)

unironically based

is levi vs beast titan in the next episode or it will end before that with the horses charging?


Attached: niggberani.jpg (1245x642, 76K)

Episode 5. Next episode will end with Erwin taking a rock to the gut.

Truly based and kinopilled.

>my favorite scene in the whole series will be cgi

Attached: parallels.png (738x528, 481K)

Why she is not polish or ukrainian?

They drew his hand, so they might draw that scene.

>If he's doing all this shit just to protect his friends then he's a 10/10 MC
>but if it turns out that he was influenced by the memories/legit turned his back on his friend, then his character got assassinated
I really hope they don't go with to latter. It'd be an utter disgrace.

>not Latvian

sex with Sasha

Attached: 74640033_p0.jpg (600x800, 283K)

Maybe the Titans mistook him for NIGGERS

Attached: maybe.jpg (680x382, 33K)

She is better as greek spanish/portuguese or georgian

How do you all feel about seeing the god of sex and destruction on screen again, /snk/?

Attached: barreltime.png (1334x750, 986K)

Cheer up user, maybe it'll be still frame.

Attached: 0084-040.jpg (1067x1600, 556K)

>filthy potato whore

poland and latvia are too far up north for sasha

Attached: a sashafag drew this.jpg (774x1033, 68K)

>No time-skipped Sasha with enough beef on her so she can bust through walls

Attached: 45646767774.png (489x559, 305K)

>deviantart shit
You need to go back.

Don't be rude!

Attached: apronnnn.png (884x1368, 576K)

>He's still posting this like a triggered bitch

Attached: bertkek.jpg (394x241, 23K)


>Bert still dead

Attached: 1557062786953.jpg (405x480, 47K)

but he died a kissless virgin

What's going on with his face? I forgot about that

Attached: naur.jpg (529x933, 154K)

Really hoping we get the S1 OP during this fight. Not sure how they would make it fit with the action but still, my fingers are crossed

>Bert and Reiner ended their story as tragic bros
>Armong became Eren's poweless bitch and is now in jail
Soon this will bite Spergen's ass.

Attached: piku.jpg (1254x998, 477K)

Aw crap, I thought that was Marco's death for some reason, my bad



Attached: black.png (400x480, 323K)


Attached: eren_jeager_by_punizumi01_dc7hgeh-pre.jpg (819x975, 56K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: eren_and_das_full_body_by_dinobirdman_dc7dcx5-fullview.jpg (1024x768, 67K)


Attached: f.jpg (894x894, 136K)

albino annie

Attached: annie.png (1024x576, 398K)

That EMAJSC are faggots and deserve to die. Luckily, Sasha was taken away. One down, five more to go!

Attached: berhaha.jpg (1079x1079, 114K)

this shit doesn't make sense
such pulling force from the right hit would turn his entire body around, he'd be facing the titan with his back given the push speed of the steam

Would you?

Attached: Capture.png (393x464, 397K)

>implying that him and reiner didn't pap pap pap in the tent
Of course.

Attached: igotyoureiner.png (1334x750, 1.15M)

Pretty bored rn, will take drawing requests for entertainment

take your reddit/twitch frogs with you and leave this website

>threads go to shit barely a week after chapter release
Welp, see you all this sunday I guess.

Reminder that Mikasa is the best girl for Eren. Historia never had a strong devotion for him, neither know him a long time ago as Mikasa does and she will never feel pure unconditional love for Eren like her.

Attached: EreMika.full.2465825.jpg (1280x1063, 196K)

draw an nigger

Attached: thumb_something-me-and-eren-jaeger-have-in-common-we-both-23793522.png (200x202, 10K)

Right. Forgot p*p* isnt allowed on Yea Forums.

I don't know what you look like

Eren in Donald Duck shorts.

Based and a fact. Historia is a literally who with 0 interaction with him, while Isayama has been foreshadowing EM marriage since chapter 1 panel 1

draw this but with gabi instead of the niglet

Attached: 1554706159341.jpg (445x503, 40K)

This is what you meant right? I'll take actual requests with semi decent drawing when I get home

Attached: quack.png (807x935, 49K)

>falling for the falseflag

>Historia never had a strong devotion for him, neither know him a long time ago as Mikasa does and she will never feel pure unconditional love for Eren like her.
Reminder that EMfags are incelsfaggots who can't handle normal girls so they fantasize with autistic girls like Mikasa

wrong website pal, this isn't reddit/tumblr/twitter/facebook/instagram

Leave and don't come back, thanks.

this but with reiner

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Not what I had in mind but I'm all right with this.

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Pic related but with Connie

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Does Annie ship RE?

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>implying EHfags are the only ones who are allowed to hate niggmir
Fuck all shippers, shitmir a whore

Annie is not like you, gopnikslut.

Based selfinsertfag

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Ackerdogs are such a loyal breed.

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seething eh negro angry that his delusional irrelevant pairing doesn't even exist outside of Yea Forums


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>EMfags ruining another thread again

>EH negroes aren't delusional, mentally ill subhum-

You deserved it for all those decapitations you drew EMcuck

Falseflagger. True EMfags have retreated to reddit to rebuild their EMpire and prepare for the final assault on EHseers stronghold of /a.

this guy fucks

>ahhhhhhhh EM chads raped my mother and killed my father

>implying i'm an ehnegro

Eren destroying GABI'S PUSSY

>EMfags are spics

>EHnegroes are mentally ill deluded tumblr trannies
Dios mio...

>Next chapter pieck's flashback

Attached: IMG_20190513_181226.jpg (789x1080, 347K)

>Copying EHfags joke
Can be EMfags more desperate?

You fuckin asshole

Why are people so desperate with ships? Eren doesn't have time for that, he will only rest when he's dead


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EO is endgame

ohnonononononono ahhaahhahahahaha


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>This kills the porcofag

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>Strong devotion
>Unconditional love
Just buy you a dog, user

fuck off erehis

EMbros wtf....


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>EM is a leddit/dumblr ship
Nothing new

Sex is evil.

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Nothing strange about that, Historia served her purpose as a plot point and it's time for her to leave
It's all down to EMA right now

What's the one that's blacked out?

It feels like EMfags are either guys who fantasize about having a lapdog as a gf and as such think Eren doesn't "deserve" Mikasa for finding that shit repulsive, or girls who self-insert as her and genuinely believe they should be loved and accepted no matter how autistic they are.

>It's all down to EMA right now

Attached: kek.png (1280x800, 392K)

>people thing Eren actually ever touched someone romantically, let alone a person he barely knows
He's the prime example of an asexual.
Isayama didn't even give us Hitch action, why do you think he's going to character assassinate Eren at the end?


>muh Pisstoria is irrelevant
>muh EMA is endgame
Why do you have to hurt yourself so much, user?

Attached: 1550099111480.png (500x538, 159K)

EMfags are mostly autistic girls who selfinsert as Mikasa, actually

>He's the prime example of an asexual
Not because he never gave a fuck about Mikasa he's an asexual, user. He showed interest in Annie before. Of course, not a romantic interest, but a feeling that could develop in something more if Annie would have been a normal eldian girl and not a warrior.

>interest in annie
it's path autism, they can feel it

I will never understand why there are people who would like to be in this kind of relationship

2 questions
I'm talking about kid Eren that killed 3 adults with a knife, and Berserk Eren, that went "I'll destroy the entire world"

Was it paths?
I'm not buying that a kid killed 3 adults, stealth or not. Could be future Eren taking control and shit.

Also, Berserk Eren. That was 99% paths. He wasn't supposed to "destroy the entire world" back then.

It's a fetish.

That's the explanation most likely. Isayama foreshadowed a fuck ton, so all that freedom shit is Kruger plus future Eren.

EH. Then again it's the most controversial ship on both leddit and dumblr according to that same poll so make of that what you will.

Attached: oeP9Ukm.jpg (1280x720, 239K)

It was the Shingeki no Kyojin.

I just realized, is that Porco? It would make sense since he is under

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possibly, and it may have been me.
I know it seems ridiculous to claim such a thing but I'm not sure. I probably saw a bunch of shipwrecks happening and it was annoying.
I just wanted to post Pii!


Attached: pii cheer.jpg (152x172, 16K)

Um porcofags where is PP?

in fact, yes, yes I was. I changed most of my filenames from pieck to Pii!

Attached: pii slep.jpg (900x800, 139K)

berserk eren is not canon

the one thinking "I'll destroy the entire world' is

>kid Eren
He didn't have the AT back then. He just always had those destructive tendencies.
>Berserk Eren
Animeonly shit but again, the destructive nature of Eren's longing for freedom had already been highlighted by that time (even Manlet pointed it out in the forest of biggass trees), and it clearly meshed well with the titan power he was given, as all its bearers had "fought for freedom": they just turned that shit up to 11 in the anime to make it even clearer.

Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

Attached: Juubi Jinchuriki no Kyojin.png (576x873, 323K)

>EHfags are l*dditors


Stop crying so much EMcuck

It is known.

Nice speedreading, faggot
all Eldians are connected to the paths, shifter or not

But EH won earlier /snk/ polls

I never said they didn't, what are you on?

Go back.

>There are people that unirnocally believes that he's agree with Zeke
Did you guys speedread all of the panels with Post-TS Eren? He's is the biggest rumblingfag in the manga.

>EH started on /snk
It is known.

Nah jk you're right. I'll suck your cock

i have decided im not gonna watch the anime after the midnight sun happens. im not interested seeing hanji without moblit anymore also being reminded about how "that" group made me uncomfortable with following the series and how quick they wanted hanji to move on. lol.

I really do just feel bad for Reiner at this point. I know he's doomed but I hope he finds some kind of peace before dying, even if its an asspull like PATHS letting him finally understand Eren and making him believe his plan will actually help Eldians (regardless of if it actually does or not).

i still remember their messages back when it happened in the manga and i dont think they deserve any of that animated. hanji is more than a tool for your pregnant fantasies.

You first, maggot.

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Are you really that triggered that you cant accept more and more people, including Yea Forums can see the twist you fear so much? I know you want this to be your safe space but jesus, imagine spamming "EHfags killed my dog, EHfags this, EHfags that…" when there are barely 3 fanarts of that shit. Funny how the other shipperfags dont even care and can post without being attacked with your autism, autism that ALWAYS happen when a bunch of shipperwhales lose their ship

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shipperfags should be loaded up on trains and deported to Madagascar

She will be born free.

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We've been on Madagascar since chapter 1.

Oh look is this argument again whenever someone makes EMfags cry, not when others post their ships without triggering others. Seethe more EMcuck

I don't think he can really find peace except in death at this point. Even if his immediate loved ones were spared harm and guarenteed safety he'd spend his last few years miserable about his sins or worrying about the future after he'd die anyway.

He really does seem like his best ending is to achieve his hopes for them and then go out on a high note.

you're schizophrenic

right now Eren's plan may still be basically the doom of the rest of the world, maybe not such a good idea.

I'll never understand shippers
You are female right?

>deported to Madagascar
I bet you think you're clever.

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fun fact: Hitler's original plan for the Jews was to deport them to Madagascar. Coincidence? You decide

You are worse than EHfags dude, just ignore them instead of crying so much come on. You always use the same trick

Based and freedompilled.

I'm not a shipper, just a fan of the show that every shipper is disgusting

Shippers should open their throats.

t. EHnigger

He's too far gone at this point, I don't think he'll ever really "understand" what Eren's deal is and why/for what/for whom he's going so far nor support his plan no matter what it ends up being (for all we know he might never even get to find out about it). I'm still kinda hoping he gets some form of peace or closure before kicking the bucket: hopefully the kids will help.

You know that Reiner will eventually be powered up by Porco sacrificing himself for Reiner's evolution, which could make him the lightning-fast armored titan.

Whatever, "non shipperfag"

Is it that hard to accept that not everyone on this planet is an insane shipper?

I don't get the "go back, ehfag!" meme.
EH literally started existing in Yea Forums during Uprising, Everyone else was still sucking Mikasa's dick.

Oh I knew about it, and it's most likely not a coincidence at all, just like the imagery of camps, ghettos and armbands to segregate the population isn't a coincidence either. References are just what they are though, and there are plenty of aspects of the current conflict that either don't match the WWII context or flip it on its head and take the reverse approach, or just draw from other wars in history and mix in a bunch of mythology refs from different cultures.

Levi can also turn into a titan

Not every ship is bad!

Attached: Eleli.jpg (496x720, 60K)

>Come to thread to talk about SnK
>Shippers screeching at eachother over nothing, every day
>Real discussion gets ignored after two replies

Anyway, do you guys think Gabi will simmer the fuck down soon, or will her murderboner remain erect forever? I hope she gets at least one more moment with Reiner before he is granted the death he longs for.

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Can we talk about chapter 1? Eren woke up crying and remarked how Mikasa's hair has grown longer. Right now Mikasa has a pretty short hair in the manga. It's OBVIOUS to me Eren is living in a time-loop

For being a plotfag you are retarded because Gabi pretty much lost her will to murder months ago

Everyone knows that the ending is a time loop and the final panel is Grisha holding Eren after Eren unknowingly mentions some Marley shit and stuff.

I'm expecting Gabi to turn on the warriors soon

>dumblr, EMfags' favorite place

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I remember thinking Chanology would blow over without gaining attention

EH is the Übermensch ship.

Why do you think the see you later panel was changed to a weird dream sequence in the anime of things we've never seen in the manga (melting statue?, room with children's toys etc) mixed with images of scenes that were gonna happen later (Eren's mom getting picked up by Dinah, flowers splattered with blood)?
Does it hint at a different kind of end or will a connection be made between the two eventually?

cause its the only example in the series of someone having sex EH is the virgins choice of course

>and there are plenty of aspects of the current conflict that either don't match the WWII
Like what? The liberio Attack was pearl harbor and Zackley's death was a parallel to that one nip that was killed.

Attached: meme_shit.png (576x700, 460K)

We won't get a true timeloop but Eren will use PATHS to set everything in motion in the past as part of his greater plan, down to bejng the devil YMIR communicated with and giving her the shifter powers after eating all the rest himself.

Because the anime would spoil things like being in front of the sea or something
>Does it hint at a different kind of end or will a connection be made between the two eventually?
No mentally ill shipping please, Isayama already said many times Eren x Mikasa would be awful. They will remain as brother and sister


Yeah cause pearl harbour was the only suprise attack in the history of warfare

>Because the anime would spoil things like being in front of the sea or something
It was the first panel of the manga, who cares? A sea existing in the SNK is not a big spoiler.

ummm I just farded

>zeke looks back at that moment, foreshadowing his eugenics plan

That makes no sense, if anything it would be closer to the Zero Escape 3 theory that fits snk a lot better.

Even in her cell when Eren comes to get her, she is trying to convince herself that Eldians are devils. That hate is definitely starting to fade but I think she'll need another push from Reiner or Eren before she sees Island Eldians as the same as her

>A sea existing in the SNK is not a big spoiler.
I mean not by the time the anime dropped but somepeople seriously thought it was all on mars or post global warming drying out the oceans early in the manga

>Insolated island does a surprise atack and declared war
>The liberio Atack literally happens in a similar date

>Grisha holding Eren after Eren unknowingly mentions some Marley shit and stuff.
>IQ = 3

What was Willy up to anyway?
I don't understand him.
>yeah, we fucked up big time and we lied, but do you mind agreeing with us that Eren has to be killed even tho I just said he's completely right and Marley is in the wrong?

Let me guess, you think it's related to Cumstoria, which officially makes my IQ 3 points higher than yours.

>They changed a panel that is probably a big foreshawing and very important because it could ruin some unpopular and baseless theory.
Yeah, nah.

>No mentally ill shipping please
That's absolutely not what I meant, I hate EM with a passion kek. I just have a lot of trouble seeing the connection between the see you later panel and the dream sequence from the beginning, especially considering that I don't actually adhere to the timeloop theory or the fact that Eren is stuck in one. I don't know how the two can be reconciled unless there IS some timeloop shit going on and we get a different loop in the anime and the manga, which I don't see happening at all.
Which leaves me wondering when the images seen in the beginning of the anime would intervene and when would see you later even happen.

>yfw the ending is eren mindjacking all eldians to transport them via paths into the distant pass mentally to live in a world free of oppression and become their own ancestors


Not far enough. He'll ascend them to a spiritual state where they live as mental beings in the collective unconscious of their people across time up to the present, effectively ghosts in the network of dna

I think Pieck's speech to her, as laced with lies and half-truths as it was, shook her enough for that.

What's Zeke's masterplan?
I just don't understand that guy, one chapter he's a 300 IQ master mind, next chapter he's at an African IQ tier

To euthanize all Eldians

>Manga about freedom
>Manga about decision being important
>Make an ending which basically says that everything was destined to happen and all decisions were pointless because "fate"

If it's a timeloop, these are cheapest ending in manga, a nice way to totally ruin your manga and basically making everything pointless.
If it's a timeloop, How does that works? Why is Eren existing in that universe? Shouldn't Grisha be with Dina and Zeke?

He used Paradis as a scapegoat so that the world would get off Marley's and other Eldians' back, basically.


Attached: 23423.png (745x1017, 756K)

The two most interesting things to me are the toys, and the statue without head. I think the scenes are all from Eren's perspective (as some / most of them have already happened), which leads me to believe that Eren really is the father of the Historia's child (or he's just visiting, who knows. Female baby probably inc either way)

The statue on the other hand is probably that of Helos. Since he's headless it foreshadows the death of Reiner, probably very soon. The parallels are undeniable and the way he took that spear and struck it to Eren further cemented it in my mind. Reiner's sadly done, probably losing his head like the statue

The real question is why can Eren dream the future. Timeloop makes no sense, although no time fuckery ever does so who knows

EH is dead.

He was pretty clear on that.

Seething EH negro doesn't understand basic story telling
An ending that abolishes all the concepts Eren fought for would be ULTIMATE KINO

>doesn't understand basic story telling
>An ending that contradicts all the themes of the story is absolute kino!

July can't come fast enough.

Fuck off back to dragon ball, kid, this isn't your "Goku kills the big bad and saves the day" manga

He was being sarcastic, but you're right.
"ITS GRISHA"-faggots are beyong retarded or just delusional.

Attached: Who_dis.png (2208x1242, 595K)

>this isn't your "Goku kills the big bad and saves the day" manga
Timeloop ending is a lot closer to that.

No, because it actually makes sense in this story thanks to path magic

What? His point is that there are some good Eldians like the Fritz, but Paradisian under Eren have ended their reign of self-cuck and want a 2nd Eldian Empire

Jean with his son Eren jr.

Lot's of shady foreshadowing in openings.

Attached: 1556477842825.jpg (1365x4632, 936K)

Just read the first chapter, what am I in for?

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Damn I just got up to 116 again this morning but I don't remember that speech, I hope you are right.

Shit bait, fuck off.

How? You haven't even made a counter argument of the plot holes here or why an ending that shits on the theme of the manga is good.
Isayama has literally said that he hates the idea of fate.

what's the foreshadowing with cumstoria?

Why would you think this? I'm fucking hyped honestly to binge the shit out of it

read a book and watch some tarantino kino, I remember being 14 like you

I am a creature from FL as well

Probably the greatest and most influential work in the medium since original gundam
can't go wrong with it

Wtf are you talking about

I know this is a joke but i have seen people that actually don't get that Tarantino's movies are supposed to be rule of cool and mostly ironic, mostly people trying to be "snobby"
One of them is literally named "Pulp fiction", for fucks sake.

Attached: 1531145654753.png (605x479, 83K)

fuck off

It is really good but make sure to read slowly and keep in mind that your questions will be answered eventually or you will be here asking for spoilers every few chapters

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Chadholt thread? Chadholt thread! please ignore the armongwhale!

new thread in 2.31

i see, thanks bros. are the viz translations better than niggastream etc?
have sex

Shit thread.

no idea, I only do mangasee, which is the best source of manga

The Kruger one is nice.

Attached: Eren_Krueger.jpg (900x1274, 242K)

The official translations are rife with flaws and liberal phrasing. If anything seems off I'd check another translation.

This. That user is retarded to be honest

yikes, a samefag

>yikes, a samefag

I love Reiner! And nobody can change the fact that he's my husband!

Attached: Reiner 69.png (819x820, 795K)

We know, Historia, but you shouldn't cheat on farmer-kun

One thing about the baby girl's room that some people noticed is that the flower patterns on the curtains are pretty much identitcal to the flowers present in Historia's ED in S3P1 (white flowers with 5 pedals and dots on each one). It further connects the room to her and gives more credence to the theory that this is indeed her child's.
Assuming all these scenes are from his perspective, then I doubt a little baby girl's room would've been a memory significant enough to be part of this whole sequence if it was simply just him visiting a friend. Obviously we could be way off mark with this shit but I do think it's worth speculating about.

Forgot pic related
also petals*

Attached: petals.png (1247x281, 721K)

post your art please

I hope the OP visuals change a little bit once we get to the flashback. Things like the zeppelin frame lasting longer and being clearer.

Did you grab any alcohol?

Attached: shoebraun.png (723x343, 72K)

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fucking same
Kudos to the nigger is responsible for this with his constant waifuism since 2015, kek


Yes people noticed last month. I didn't