Should we be worried Yea Forums? That pokemon artist who wants Anime to be more like Disney/Marvel is probably just the taste of things to come.
Should we be worried Yea Forums...
Go back to your fucking containment board.
This isn't about Pokemon but rather anime in general, since that artist thinks anime needs to be more like Disney/Marvel, in terms of how politically correct it is.
>s-should we be worried?!?!
>is XY dying?!?!?!
>what if XY happens?!?!?!
Imagine being this much of a fucking pussy. Just try enjoy what you have right now.
Fanservice anime sell too much for the industry to care. One guy won't do anything.
>random forum post
Why should anyone care faggot?
>XY dying
I hope it is. Worst Pokemon season to date.
>pokemon artist
She made like 2 cards for the TCG years ago
Calling her a pokemon artist is pretty retarded.
What if he's correct? People are just mindless sheep anyway even if it insults them. Same as the people who watch anime.
imagine being this jaded
Is this about that Japanese artist who whined on Tw*tter about it?
After all Captain Marvel and Black Panther made over a billion, clearly people want PC plots.
I'm out of the loop. Who is this Japanese artist?
Not OP, we didn't take tumblr seriously and now they've become a significant wing of one party. Not quite the same thing but still.
t. plebbitor
>random artist makes a post on her twitter
>this somehow is a sign of the end of anime as we know it
Doomposters are getting stupider by the minute.
Unlike you, some of us cant be online 24/7
Thought so, non-story hyped by agenda-pushing idiots. Also, neither of those films are significant or groundbreaking in any way, some people really need to look further back than the last five years before complaining about the lack of "diversity" or "representation"
back in your cage wagie
Who is this 'we'?
back to your mum's basement weeb
t. trumptard
Go forward to your fucking containment board.
You cared enough to reply, faggot.
>censoring Twitter
>/pol/fag in charge of comebacks
who gives a shit, report this thread and let it get deleted
People with a brain know the Marvel brand and Endgame hype helped. Especially in Captain Marvel's case, the word of mouth was so meh.
>Disney and Marvel films are in a position where each year they improve their quality, because they take actual societal issues and incorporate them into the middle of the script while interweaving them into difficult criticisms of the world.
Imagine actually believing this.
>site made for discussing anime
filthy, dumb, newfag scum
>being scared of feminazis
also anime talks about societal issues all the time (just not dumb western SJW shit) so I'm not sure what's she going on about
>people only dislike things they're scared of
You need to be 18+ to post here
It doesn’t matter if anime dies tommorow. There is plenty of content in anime to already last a lifetime.
Of the six things she's credited for, five of them are Pokemon. Be happy that they aren't reporting her as "artist for Doraemon and Pokemon" like the first article about this shit did.
between series, OVAs, and movies there are approximately 100 to 150 anime coming out EACH SEASON, that is on average around 500 anime each year. Anyone that thinks that shit is gonna start being tightly regulated is highly overestimating how much literally anyone fucking cares about anything other than making money.
>You need to be 18+ to post here
Then pls go and stay go.
>we didn't take tumblr seriously
that's right, you shouldn't take tumblr seriously fag
>If you're underpaid wouldn't the company tanking be a good thing? That means you could potentially get a better job
What is stopping them now from getting a better job...?
God she is so fugly
Feminazis generally are. Being undesired by guys makes them bitter.
That explains it
Not having many skills? Or a skill that naturally doesn't pay well anyway.
This guy is a total tool who shilled for Epic.
Who fucking cares lmao. Just use heroin, if you don't want sjw narrative in your audio visual dopamine dispenser.
Neural is /ourguy/
Yeah but I don't understand why they have to wait until after they lose their job. Start applying for a better one now. You dont suddenly get fired just because you're hunting.
You are the redditor.
Maybe because because of welfare? You get better benefit if you get fired/lay off than if you quit or break the contract. Any body who works in media industries deserve to be homeless and driven to suicide t b h.
There's no such thing as ouranything.
>these fucking posts
as usual /pol/ddit threads are full of crossboarders and the most retarded and cancerous posts.
Lolispammer please save us
This user is /ourguy/
Refrain from making posts about 3dpd on Yea Forums.
I would shitpost like neural if I were in his position.
all me
The person in the OP believes you can't hunt for another job until you lose your current one. I'm just trying to understand this retard logic, I don't think they're referencing welfare at all either.
go back to your vermin hole you retarded newnigger faggot
(You) don't belong here