Genista is a shit, SHIT!
Riding a franxx looks like it would be really fun.
For the Glory of Emperor Hiro!
Nines are cuties
She wakes up this Saturday, right?
I miss genistaposting.
She was justing taking a quick nap, she was tired of doing too many great things for humanity
Some good Zero Two wallpapers?
I'm tired of waiting
alright that's pretty hot
Just a quick reminder that Darling in the FranXX is a masterpiece and there is nothing Yea Forums can do to change that.
>tfw no 02 gf
t. Seething plotfag
I think the series was pretty ballsy and unafraid of making mistakes. Instead of playing it safe it's like it took an entirely new route for anime and that's what made it so appealing. That they were willing to go all in with the series. If you hate DiTF I still think that's a mission accomplished. It's so stuck in this communities head that they can't get it out. We literally have people who are refreshing the page to see the daily Darling threads, just so they can bash it. These people are seething and can't forget it. That's how you know it's a masterpiece. I wonder how many of them are reading my post. They literally can't get away from this anime, they have to talk about it. They just rage everyday and WAIT for conversations about it. Meanwhile other series like make the noise of crickets. Even though no one likes those other series, you don't even see people bash them because of how forgettable it is. Darling in the Franxx is a series that will be remembered by everyone for decades, unlike the trash overrated series Yea Forums only talks about when it's ongoing.
Don’t you dare!
The most based main characters in all anime
True, hating a show so much means that show did something right. Nobody gets triggered by mediocrity. The only reason to get this butthurt and obsessed is the show hitting a soft spot.
Also, it's only natural that the best things are always controversial. You clearly played it too safe and didn't tackle any delicate subjects if you appeal to everyone.
People have been talking about this show’s frequent homages to Eva and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and some have concluded that Darling is a ripoff because of that. I wonder if the purpose of these homages the whole time was to create the kind of distance I experienced with the death of one the Nines. Not to distract from the violence and gore, but to call our attention to the fact that we’re actually watching a play.
This may seem like a strange connection to make, but please stay with me here for a moment: it’s like watching the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2010 film version of Hamlet, with David Tennant as the lead. You’re not really paying that much attention to the story, because it’s freakin’ Hamlet; if you care enough to watch an RSC production in the first place, you likely know the story backwards and forwards already. What you really pay attention to is what’s been changed; the modern clothes, the way technology is utilized, the way Tennant is playing the most batshit insane Hamlet you’ve ever seen, and it might be over the top, but it might also be closer to Shakespeare’s actual intent with the character.
We know the beats in these mecha stories: Eva and it’s legion of copies taught us, Gurren Lagann further refined the formula. This is the latest iteration of that same kind of story and we’re not supposed to be watching expecting a brand new play. We’re supposed to be paying attention to what’s changed; What’s different now from 20 years ago in Eva? What’s different now from 10 years ago in Gurren Lagann?
part 1 of 2
Dude. The people who say that Darling in the Franxx is gaimax for babies are retarded E-celebs. You aren’t proving anything.
I think I’ll still be thinking about this series for a long time. It feels like Studio Trigger finally did what they’ve been trying to do for years; they got close with Space Patrol Luluco, but there was a limit to what that show could do as a comedic short. This is the emotional resonance that mostly eluded Kiznaiver, that only worked intermittently in Kill La Kill. I feel almost proud of Trigger for pulling this off, but it’s not a uniformly positive feeling; part of me wants them to go back to making shows about school uniforms from space shredding each other, because this was exhausting. And not to say that because it was exhausting means it is bad, no, not even close. But its a show that shouldn't come every season, or hell every year. Like Eva and Gurren Lagaan before it, Darling in the FranXX is a type of series that we only need every ten years, because its the type of anime that will define the next evolution in anime, like its predecessors Darling in the FranXX will become the defining series of the late 2010s to early 2020s and will have a lasting impact for years to come.
Part 2 of 2
But that's the thing, where Gurren Lagaan was a coming of age and mecha story with a minor love story sub plot that was barely in focus. And where Eva was a monster of a week show that turned into a plot driven show that ultimately failed its romantic subplot. Darling in the FranXX is a romance story first, and a mecha story second.
>Instead of playing it safe it's like it took an entirely new route
Yeah I like when they decided to not play it safe by using a "going to space" plot device to raise the stakes in the final act like every other fucking Trigger anime.
That and her laughing
Unforgettable soundbites
Darling in the FranXX is a time flop. It sold well, but its fanbase is dead, and people don't even remember it anymore. It was generic, melodramatic, and boring. It was a corporate project (it was also shilled by its producers A1 and CR) that represented how you can play it safe to make sure your show sells.
There are shows (such as Evangelion, Madoka Magica, etc.) that can be considered timeless successes because not only were they successful, but they still have a sizable fanbase, and people still remember them as one of the masterpieces of anime. FranXX has none of these things.
People reference the number of threads it gets (which only started picking up in number after I called them out on their shilling), but that doesn't mean it's not a time flop. It's a very small number of people coordinating to artificially create an impression that the show still has a fanbase after it finished airing. Just look at the Unique Posters to Posts ratio in every thread. It will be wildly unbalanced, especially in comparison to shows with an actual legacy (Evangelion, Madoka, etc) which have a far more balanced ratio while also having a greater volume of posts.
The bottom line is that FranXX has no cultural legacy whatsoever, even in comparison to other Trigger shows like Kill la Kill and Inou-Battle, and is sustained entirely by dishonest fan support.
wake me up when the mitsuru "muh promise hiro" fag meltdown chapter happens
>thinking anyone would read this wall of text past the word timeflop
You could have at least disguised you stupidity for a while longer.
>and people don’t even remember it
oh i remember it. and i read no further after that sentence
A garbage love story
I like ichigo
Mitsuru literally risked his life for a chance to bea parasite with Hiro. Freaking out about Hiro forgetting the promise makes sense in that context, especially since he was really young at the time.
Objecting to the term 'time flop' just shows how ignorant (or paid off) you are. People like you will hold up shows (FranXX, Sora Yori, WataTen) as if they're great when in reality everyone who's not dishonest or bribed has forgotten them because they were souless, disposable cash grabs.
Shows like FranXX and SoraYori were designed to appeal to Youtube celebrities who would hype the show up to their audience and create a surge of popularity.
However, once the show finished airing, there was no more material for the Youtubers to cover and the shows exited the minds of the lowest common denominator, and because there was nothing culturally significant in the shows (specifically due to their design) they also exited the mind of the more discerning people on Yea Forums.
Thus, the only people left with the shows on their minds were Crunchyroll (who had two time flops on their hands) and the few dishonest fans. These are the people who are peddling these shows.
You have to be wary, though. The thing about time flops is that they get no discussion, positive or negative. Thus, some dishonest threads meant to simulate relevance are created. For instance, today, a SoraYori thread was created with a negative OP but had comments defending it. Again, if you looked at the ratio, it was the as any other artificial thread.
Another telltale sign of this artificial attempt to create the image of popularity are the posts in this thread. Many of them are just generic comments or short quotes from the show or stuff like thisHow much is Crunchyroll paying you to remember?
garbage anime
Yeah I know user, that's why you need to wake me up when it happens, so I can cum my pants again
Great wife taste.
>another wall
Imagine writing for half an hour for nobody to read
Stay mad fag.
The kissing in this anime was really well done
A lot of anime just makes the characters bump lips, they really gave it theri all here huh?!
Trigger anime triggers people. Not surprised.
>too many great things
>too many
ungrateful parasites tisk tisk
>Meanwhile other series like make the noise of crickets
what was your comparison anime going to be user-kun? i am curious senpai
Platinum End doesn't even get discussion threads. Beatless went out very quietly.
>Darling in the FranXX will become the defining series of the late 2010s to early 2020s and will have a lasting impact for years to come.
I know its bait but i wish it was true
Nice copypasta.
>He thinks its bait
I'm serious. It will be.
It's all a package to push his gay new buzzword.
>he forgets that even after a year after Eva was released everyone still thought it was trash
It will be the defining anime of the 2020s
It's too early to call it the defining anime of the 2020's, but I definitely won't forget it soon that's for sure. I don't think it will be remembered as the Evangelion of this generation, but maybe it could be the Full Metal Panic of the 2010's?
Franx had everything going for it except story. It had good
>character designs
>mech designs
>kino OP
>voice acting
Instead Trigger wanted to do their best prime Gainax impersonation and slapped aliens in the last 3 episodes.
>Thinking they slapped the aliens on with no foreshadowing
You are just a brainlet.
I liked it better when you niggers stayed to rearing your heads on mostly saturdays.
Me too.
It wasn’t fairytale aliens more like a higher entity and more perfected consciousness
They weren’t portrayed as Gods with mystical abilities, they were portrayed as if they were the Borg. There’s not any lore that flat out points them out as a God.
Stop being delusional!
He's right you know.
He's right, but it's an obvious strawman argument. Being a more developed consciousness doesn't necessarily make you a God.
god? i never mentioned that word. godhood is a religious metaphor for a term that every mind of mathematical frequency energy in the universe has the potential of reaching. they were perfected beings and their minds symmetry of infinite data/information were perfectly aligned. they expressed themselves perfectly.
But how are they a higher entity and a developed conscious if they are mentally challenged at best?
These were good times.
I'm still mad.
I will never stop being mad.
>slapped aliens in the last 3 episodes
Evangelion literally has aliens, so even that wasn't new.
I would a pink haired dino oni waifu
fatty pls go
t. fatoshi
los bumpos muchos
The face of Zero Two triggers a lot of butthurt people
How could anyone hate such a perfect smile?
Shit, I haven't kept up with the manga. I thought he was doing more TLR now?
Maybe give her a flesh fang. People despise those.
Ah yes
The lineless fang of infamy
>more TLR
That was just a special chapter. Manga went on a short hiatus because of it but it comes back this saturday. I look forward to seeing how 02's breakdown will be handled
02 > Kokoro > Miku > Ichigo > I don't even remember the last ones name
Though for me Miku is 2nd and ikuno ( I think that's her name) is ichigo dead last.
darling in the franxxx was just gundam with waifus. prove me wrong.
>darling in the franxxx was just gundam with waifus
and that's a good thing!
No, that was macross
Darling in the Franxx was K-On! without the mechas, the dystopia setting or the male characters and with a school setting, music and after-school tea time.
Yes and fuck off
this is our board now!! jannies need to pack up their bags.
/Darling in the kino/
new chapter fucking when?
I hate monthly releases
>anti franxx thread
>only 4 response
>mods purge only the shitpost threads and ban noone
>mods purge the anti thread
Based mods love franxx
Yea Forums loves franxx
4 fags from reddit can't stand seeing franxx succeed
A timeless classic
Should I write some kinky 02 shit?
>Cross Ange now considered a good anime despite having endless FUKUDAAA shit heaped on it back when it was airing. Even Valvrave doesn't seem to be hated as much.
Face it, Darling will one day be remembered as a mecha anime classic, no matter how much the VEGans try to fight it.
How would you fix franxx?
You don't. Its a timeless classic that is going to be the Eva for this generation of anime.
>Fatty getting super jealous watching muh Kokoro-chan following stupid sexy Mitsuru the man with a plan around everywhere.
I have a feeling the anime events will be merciful in comparison. With the Nines no longer their enemy, maybe Fatty will go Judas and ruin everything?
Weve done it boys!
We lived through the birth of a classic
why am i so fucking lonely
You haven't found your darling.
Because you spend all day watching cartoons instead of trying to interact with real women. And rather than admit you suck at interact with women, convince yourself that "noooo I like cartoons better real women aren't good enough for me"
So many shit tastes here
Another day went by
Still a masterpiece.
Even if its the Full Metal Panic of this generation (), that's quite an accomplishment, considering how many more anime productions are in competition for the title.
Why isn't she masturbating?
She may be a loser but she's no cuckqueen.
>people unironically thought Yabuki wouldn't do NTR scenes
I just hope this means Franxx season two about Hiro and Zero Two in high school fucking around.
Its every other week but the author took a hiatus to focus on To love Ru as it was getting a coloured chapter or something. Not sure. Either way it's back soon and it will be back to bi weekly releases.
Stay strong, fellow Darlings.
Don't worry, I will.
Lose weight
Cursed image.
Although, do you have any more?
of course. i love cute dinos.
Cutekoro is Kokocute
>you come home to your wife and you see this
what do?
im glad i can always see her smiling now