Last episode definitely established Sara as best girl of the decade. Anyone who disagrees is a squared faggot

Last episode definitely established Sara as best girl of the decade. Anyone who disagrees is a squared faggot.

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ugly eyebrows

She deserves to be at least best girl of the season.

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>the sound she makes when squeezing out the cracks

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It's too cute

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there’s already a thread for this

Are you having a good morning?

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Now I am.

I would.

It's like sticking it in a giant marshmallow


Dish this, dish that

Rude. You'll make her cry.

>Best girl
>Surrounded by literal faggots

Anyone who says Sara isn't best girl is a fucking retard and should go kill themselves.

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Is Sara now irrelevant since the crossdressing secret is out?

No, she's even more relevant now.

She is best girl because she's basically the only plot relevant girl.
Aren't you watching the anime and reading the scrolling texts during her morning show? Can't you tell she's involved in the kappa/otters thing?

endgame right here brothers

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But that just means she's free for the taking and there's no competition.

That dish not very nice of you.

>implying Ikuhara won't flip the swith and make one of them straight just to enjoy the asshurt

But not all the boys in the show are supposed to be gay, dish. Apart from that, I'd love if Ikuni pulled a surprise straight couple out of nowhere to stir things up. I think this will happen only at the end with Sara and her prince (Keppi) though.

Kazuki has actually shown no signs of being gay. Crossdressing isn't strictly gay.

I hope Kazuki and Toi are both straight and stop hanging out with that fag Enta.

I perfectly know this, too bad the majority of people think the opposite

What a dish.

>no signs of being gay
>did gay pose with his friend constantly

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Ikuhara doesn't care about what the majority of people think of his writing and he certainly doesn’t care or even think about people being asshurt about his shit lmao

Nips are just effeminate. When he starts sniffing man funk, we might have to worry.

Eh, it's not gay to have silly little poses with your friends when you're 11 years old or so.


oh god the threads are going to be so dead after episode 6

I actually think they'll be more active. Right now we have spoilers for exactly what happens in the next episodes. Being blindsided with crazy Ikuni shit will produce more discussion.

I agree, but some anons will surely post here the twitter and 5ch leaks of those who go at the prescreenings. It doesn't make a big difference.

We really haven't gotten anything from prescreening leaks on the level of the novel spoilers- what's been given out is auxiliary details (what Reo and Mabu's uniforms look like, the difference in Mabu's voice, etc) rather than detailed write-ups. Unless someone takes detailed notes with vivid descriptions of everything I don't think it'll be the same.

It won't be like having the "script" of the episode with the novel at hand of course, but a lot will remember the money-shot scenes enough to report them accurately.

So Sara and the cross-dressing faggot are siblings, right?

What? No.

Eh? Where is this coming from?

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Maybe Toi because he's the bad boy who was hurt in the past and he already interacted with Sara. Toi could be bi as far as we know. Hell, nips don't see traps as gay so Toi is technically straight

>Mom ominously said that she cares more about the other family than kazuki, aka kazuki has siblings he doesn't know.
>people didn't notice that it was kazuki and not sara in the akushu-whatever which means they at least look similar enough to pass
>this is an ikuhara amine.

Also, Sara was abandoned by her mother. Just like Kazuki.

Not sure about the Sara thing but I agree there might be something up with Kazuki's mother and her sakura theme might be tied to the first scene.

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Being gay already make your ass hurt

>>people didn't notice that it was kazuki and not sara in the akushu-whatever which means they at least look similar enough to pass
This honestly was strange. Enta was surprised too.
Not sure if Ikuhara is dropping hints or wants to mislead us.

what about 14 or 15?

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eh, it’s most likely just anime logic.

Tl note: akushu means handshake

She's confirmed a girl, though.

>Kazuki has actually shown no signs of being gay
He played the gayest sport though.

>the gayest sport
You've never been on a swim team, have you.

flopping like a fairy is extremely masculine

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Sara and kazuki are one being divided into two bodies

>one being divided into two bodies
That's Sara and her "kappa".

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maybe she can substract more tahn one being

just shitpost guessing

I’d be fine with this

Kazuki is reverse Utena, life forced him to become a Princess and it backfired

I hope this takes a hard right turn at the end and keppi turns into his true eldritch form and consumes half the town

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i want Keppi to be the actual villain

I don't want to lose him bros ;_;

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Asakusa: become android

No, she's a kappa princess.

I want to be Sara's prince.

I'm not gay and I want to pose like that

I don't trust the way this nigga moves

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Reminder that Keppi is directly profiting off the cops' murders and has failed to let the boys know that or that they're actually erasing people out of existence.

Well he is a yokai

>has failed
he probably didn't intend to let them know

toi is not a homosexual but he's trying

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Exactly. He's the one most benefiting from the system he's set up and isn't letting the boys know the actual consequences. He's sketchy at best.

Toi is not a homosexual, except for aniki

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pretty sure waking up with wet undies because of your guy friend invading your dreams is slightly gay
only like 10-15% though

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