Nominate your AOTY so far

Nominate your AOTY so far.

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Devil, man! Cry, baby!

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Game of Thrones

2018 was Pop Team Epic

not telling anyone the secret AOTY, fuck off newfaggots

I nominate these digits

Never reply to anyone posting VEG, of course if you care about the quality of the board.



Isekai quartet

trips and Kaguya will be the rightful AOTY

Hero academia it stands alone among the pile of new shit series.

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Potentially AOTS just because this season is so horrible, but nowhere near in contention for AOTY.

pleb and boomer filter

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Attached: 1553264960356.webm (1280x720, 480K)

episode 1 - filler
episode 2 - filler
episode 3 - badly written canon
episode 4 - 50 minutes of filler then the dragon gets BTFO in 2 seconds and third rate character dies
fuck even that chou kadou girl anime and joshikausei was better than this season


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You forgot
Episode 5 - pure unadulterated kino

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>not a piece of shit

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Fuck off, spammer.



unironically shield hero

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Epic necrobump OP!

What about Shirouclone?

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Mob Psycho 100
It does fall a bit during the second half but even that is still better than all of the shows that came out this year.

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Ikuhara does it once again

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>instagram show
>Pleb and boomer filter
I couldn't stand it

That was like 2 years ago


Mobu Psaiko Hyakku.

Mob Psycho had amazing animation, decent story and characters.
Dororo is good but I think it kind of drags a bit, so it's probably my second.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 S2 - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.17_[2019.01.09_10.28.26].jpg (1920x1080, 217K)


Nice Ironic post for Ironic thread.

why does there have to be nigs even in anime

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This. And cgshit too. Fuck man, those instruments look like vomit compared to the character art.

To this day Japs often draw them with big stupid, almost non-sentient eyes and thick lips, so it's okay.

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I want to have sex with black people

This, easily

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The only correct answer

His eyes are exactly like Saitamas

2018 was VEG.
This year has none because so far they all ranged from shit to meh.

Wataten by far. One of the best loli anime to come out in years. Pretty weak year overall right now though, though I'm excited about some of the shows in the next two seasons. (Machikado, Danberu, etc...)

>no indents
Fucking trash artist.

> didn't read the webcomic extra stories
>he thinks darkshine alloy is african american
good one user
he's actually a regular japanese man, it's a parody of Japanese bodybuilder!
cause when japs tan they get super dark skin and bodybuilders usually get tans

Attached: darkshine alloy.jpg (281x281, 22K)

he's asian you mongoloid, iirc the manga or the webcomic shows him before the bodybuilding tan.
some of you pretended to be retarded for too long

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Boogiepop, and it's not even close so far

Attached: [Erai-raws] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 10 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_02.00_[2019.02 (1280x720, 50K)

OHH it's Anime of the year?
i legith thought you wanted the Autism of the year characters

As much as I like Gripen, Kotobuki was the better plane show.

Attached: kouya-no-kotobuki-hikoutai-01-3.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

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I meant Autistic Guy/Girl of the Year but anons didn't get it even with the pic.

b-but MHA hasn't aired yet this year

Kaguya-sama will be my AotY unless Hitoribocchi gets way better in the second half or something amazing airs in summer/fall

Mob Psycho 100 II, but mainly because it's the only good production so far this year.
