Bakarina thread

Bakarina thread.

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how would you otome isekai?

hard modo: no yuri

How would I what?
What are you even talking about?

this manga could have renewed the hope of isekai genre until it got some stupid light magic dark magic arc.

Are you at all surprised? Bakarina didn't have any conflict in the entire story. So when it came time to wrap up, the author just introduced the shittiest laziest thing to bring about some kind of resolution.

What's stupid about it?
The whole point of the series is Katarina avoiding destruction flags and now it's the time for her to deal with a serious unprecedented one.

The heroine falls in love with the villainess

Does otome-mob count

Onscreen lovemaking. Preferably between the villainess and heroine.

It's just not thought through at all. The motivation for why the StuCo president springs his trap is very vague, the actual trap is obviously stupid since he didn't manipulate any of the principle actors and it was obvious that Maria was going to defend her friend, and the eventual resolution is brought about by a deus ex asspull where Bakarina happens to remember a critical conversation from the past about a hitherto unmentioned secret route.

It's an extremely unsatisfying conflict and conclusion. In the WN, it's literally the only conflict and it doesn't pay off everything the manga was building towards, particularly in the way Bakarina resolves the situation.

Here are some plot elements set up long in advance that I think should have paid off with the conflict:
>Bakarina being Bakarina is still fearful of Maria turning on her and leading to the bad end. Why didn't StuCo's emotional manipulation magic pick up on this? The idea that Bakarina harbors no feelings of animosity towards Maria is blatantly incorrect.
>Bakarina spends basically all of her time practicing swordsmanship. She never gets into a swordfight in the entire story.
>Bakarina's fake snake is never used for any purpose despite being a running thing for the entirety of the story. The only "pay off" is a very boring gag at the end.

Since this is basically the only conflict before we veer off into the godawful LN stuff, it really should've paid off all of the things the story had been building up to.

The guy above you uses the spoiler function as a surprise box and you just don't use it for actual spoilers.
I'm gonna throw a damn fake serpent at you guys.

I'm just letting you down gently user.

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Copy this girl, just change her hair color and hairdo. Or merge Scarlet and Rachel, that would be fine too.

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i wouldn't

Sex with loli Bakarina, how would she react?

Metal hoe meets head.

Multiple mcs. Heroine(commoner, secretly a princess and unaware of it for most of the game), Villainess(princess), at least one capture target(a duke), and a few others(maid, elf, magic obsessed nerd) were all isekaied. They all played the games, and managed to figure out who the other people isekaied were. They all band together to try and prevent, or improve the game's ending, which was bittersweet, where basically the heroine and whoever she went for end up surviving a magical disaster. By building a barrier that protects the love interest's land(as they are all landed nobles) powered by her special magic and the power of love. While the game ending suggests that there were some other places that survived protected by other barriers, it was still an apocalyptic scenario, that only the heroine was guaranteed to survive.

The entire isekaied group want to try and save the world, but failing that at least their country. They all also have cheat skills, at least above what their characters had in the game, though not so far beyond that. Also the heroine doesn't want to just survive on her own because the villainess and her were twins in their past life(secretly in this life as well), and felt empty without one another after reincarnating. This also being a trait of the characters in the game, that both the heroine and villainess felt empty, but the heroine manages to fill that void with the love of whoever the player picks, while the villainess ends up self destructing.

>Ruining a perfectly good reverse trap
Truly this demon lord lived up to his title

Dunno, a extremely firey redhead is a good tradeoff if we're already forced to make the trade.

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>otome isekai
>no yuri
Sorry brother, if it's going to be an otome isekai, I want it to have yuri if it's going to have any romance at all.

Counts for me. I just got caught up on the raws yesterday. Finally getting a proper New Human/Old Human showdown after the big bunch of nothing that was the royal coupe arc.

Abyss Killer update.

So what are thenspoilers from where the manga is currently translated

>where the manga is currently translated
They're about 1/4 of the way through LN Volume 1 right now. This WN stuff would be where LN 6-7 will be and only LN3 is out right now.

So it's such a leap, I wouldn't worry about it. The only spoilers you need right now is that Leon's upcoming Zaku vs. Escaflowne tier mech duel against the reverse harem power rangers in the next few manga chapters is going to be all sorts of fun.

I like these girls, especially the villainess.

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Angelica is unironically the kindest gentlest girl. She just has a short fuse. Olvia is the heroine but once she decides what's hers she's got yandere hooks and a spine of steel. You can see how she went from commoner to basically the reverse harem warlord of the Kingdom in her original story.

This one on the other hand is quite the calculating girl, isn't she?

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She's an apex gold digger who learns to be careful what she wishes for.

>What's stupid about it?
Falls into the usual iseki trap of abandoning the initial premise for unrelated bullshit.

It's a secret scenario in a otome game, nothing out of place.

I feel like if the anime ever actually comes out that Otome Isekai could become the next "thing".

For anime adaptations you mean? That's for sure.
It wouldn't be the biggest wave but a certain number of series could receive TV animations.

Nice, new Isekai General thread.

I was wondering when it would pop up.

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Why are isekai with a female mc inherently better than ones with male mc?

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It's just kind of refreshing. There are a bunch of old classics like Fushigi Yuugi and Escaflowne, etc. but in recent years we've been flooded with light novel trash isekai and shitty boring harem mc's.

Make everyone into assholes. Not yandere or anything severe but just a buch of jerks, bitches, and cunts.

Heroine and villaness just straight up cussing each other out infront of there boy harem who hate both of the girls and each other but cant leave cause politics. Just a bunch of jerks stuck in the same area who can dish it out as well as they can take it.

Bakarina did that

Bakarina would do this if she wasn't so dumb.

>The entire isekaied group want to try and save the world, but failing that at least their country
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! already did that.

Slave Harem, but with female MC

>Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!
Yea I wouldn't know that much about what that did, because I had no interest in it after the first chapter. Besides it's not an otome and the entire style would be different.

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I'd rather get more of the friend LN

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The girls that aren’t the MC’s harem are the worst. The girl that was the fiancé of one of the Baka ranger is such an idiotic whore, I feel sick reading about her.

Everyone in that universe deserve to die, and I hope Luxon’s creator would appear and kill them all.

Anjie in the second novel is such a fucking doormat though. Livia too, to a lesser extent, though from the spoiler I’ve read, at least she'll grow a spine. I hope Anjie too.

Man I just hope Erica and Eliza will get adapted. Very unlikely though.

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Watch your mouth or we're going to sell you to a noble woman in her 50s!

>I hope Luxon’s creator would appear and kill them all.

Every last surviving old human weapon has just activated from an emergency code caused by detection of a new human organic superweapon, one of the ones that poisoned the Earth originally. Rusted to shit old AI battlecruisers and carriers are all rising out of the sea like a living junkyard. All have sworn their allegiance to Leon, and he's fixing them up and collecting additional lost items from the game in preparation for the final battle.

Also, there was a sidestory on Luxon's creators. They're the two skeletons you see in the base. Everyone died before Luxon could be completed and filled with humans to escape earth. Several less advanced Arcships did escape though so there's old humans out among the stars somewhere.

They don't really grow up until they go hunt Leon down in the Godtree arc. Then it's heroine saint living EMP of fuck yo' technology and fire villainess napalm hands kicking ass and having their way with their man. Even hardcore shut out girl number three from the action.

>read chink isekai
>MC is a murderhobo for thousands of chapters
>suddenly arc where he just disguises and act like a mortal
>meets brilliant waifu
>they are content with each other
>fall in love not knowing that the other is their mortal enemy
>the absolute denial
the best part is the hate sex

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Anyone got undead adventurer V4?

Thinly veiled regular isekai disguised as otome isekai

I am so down with that.

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It's not a thinly veiled thread about whatever you think it is.
I made a Bakarina thread because I wanted to talk about Bakarina and that's it.
Second post wasn't mine and in fact I asked what the heck he was talking about right away,
I don't know know why I'm bothering to explain the obvious.

Have you read Skeleton Knight Couldn't Protect the Dungeon? It's full of dead and undead waifus

Yessss, I love it when we have an isekai thread general. Why is Reid so fucking dumb?

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Read the post i quoted, and then my post once again.

I did, and you're still made a wrong assumption.
The thread is about Bakarina (it's in the OP) because I wanted to talk about her series and nothing else, so no, I didn't make a thinly veiled to talk about genres/sub-genres.

One-Punch Man, but female and dropped into a medieval setting.

That post was asking anons how would they make their own isekai otomes, a few anons answered how they would and my answer to that question was to take a regular isekai and sprinkle enough otome in it so it can pass off as one. Like mob did.

Well, I've done it now.
I'm sorry.

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>JK Haru is getting a manga
Wew lad

She is a little wild.

Shit happens user.

Wait that blonde is a reverse trap gunning for the husbando?

So the healer isekai with the guild members as his party members, where he introduce healer tank dps concept to the world - is it bad I am enjoying it? The psychopathic cat girl is very cute.

But what if it is an ara ara 50 years old cute grandma?

But reid being dumb is cute!

Seems unlikely in the Tough for Mobs world.

>Bakarina thread
>turned into otome isekai general
Oh fuck off.

Some noble women in our world had multiple lovers on the side. Can the man do it in that world too?

>Thread about an Otome Isekai manga become an general Otome Isekai thread

I don't see a problem here

>Can the man do it in that world too?

A lot of the mid rank nobles have their gold digger "wife" who lives in the capital and fucks her elf slaves all day long and then their "mistress" who is the real woman they love and would be their real wife if they didn't have to deal with royal court shenanigans.

The part that really blows is that the kids from the whore inherit the man's title even if they aren't his.

New manga chpter when?

The girl isekaied as the villainess was actually more twisted than the real one. She takes up the role in stride, and with her meta knowledge of the game, she twists the scenes entirely in her favor.


That is a strange world.

Not world, that shit is localized to a single fucking country. And unfortnunately, the MC just happened to.reincarnate in it

MC isn't a dumbass and isn't afraid to take the dick.
Also is not the villainess. Feels played out desu.

Villainess gets reversed isekai'd before her destruction flag gets triggered and arrived in the modern world where she found out that she is a character in a Otome Game and there is an anime adaption of the game in production and VA interview is ongoing. So she auditioned to voice herself.

Remember the manga about a woman dominated world, and the protagonist cross dresses as a girl to pretend to be the princess after she was killed?

make her be a complete bitch as an otome villainess and make that work IRL and you got a deal

I dont think i read it.

No, but that sort of happens in El Hazard.

Jinnai best boy.

she stays at a beta af wagecuck otaku's house who played her game and is a bitch towards him and treat him like a slave

Also she's also a bitch towards the VA who voice the Heroine and disgusted that a dude who voiced the prince is not good looking at all.

>interesting premise about a reincarnated guy who's put down by everyone but his father
>gains access to an ancient superweapon with his superior chromosomes folded 1000 times
>then goes to isekai high school

>Not continuing it for the interesting premise of the guy with his ancient superweapon against the other ancient superweapons that destroyed the world and turned everything into magical japanese waterworld escaflowne

The school isn't even important after the duchy invasion.

>stumbled upon magic ruin
>Jew Demoness' face lights up

Oy Vey

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Why is it so hard for other series to just have one great heroine instead of just dumping a billion of them on the reader? If this was any other series Lapis would be 3 different girls.

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did Mama Jew put her husband in debt that he had no choice but to marry her in order to have the debt written off?

not exactly otome without reincarnation, but
>Geeky girl gets isekai'd to fantasy land
>Turns out transported humans have super strength proportional to fitness
>There's already a group of /fit/ girls that do hard core parkour
>due to their increased strength instead of dumbells they have to use dragons

It's because the series with billions of girls are there to distract you from the fact that each one of the girls are also really boring in terms of actual character.

It's less that the author should focus more on one girl to make them better and more like the author generally isn't really good enough to do that in the first place and just covers it up by introducing a bunch of girls instead. Quantity over quality.
I used to read and follow a bunch of really terrible isekai because I liked one or two girls in it before I realized how stupid it was to do that when the entire genre is just saturated in so many cute girls that I could look literally anywhere else and find something more fun to read with a girl just as cute.

>One-Punch Man, but female
So pic related? But that fails the "no yuri" requirement.

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Hilariously enough Lapis basically is 3 different characters from his other novel rolled into one - Shion, Rona, and Emil.

Less videogamey powerlevel bullshit

Is this still alive?

Its been so long that i even forgot the name

It just got another chapter released today user.

Whats the name,reverse search gives me nothing

This girl is a little wild.

>Villainess meets her typical destruction flag, had her engagement with the prince annulled in favor of the Heroine and fell into ruin
>Villainess fell into despair and committed suicide
>Villainess was later reincarnated and the first thing she see was HERSELF? breast feeding her
>Turn out she become the Villainess' bastard child in a timeline where she was kidnapped and by the time she was rescued she was already defiled by rape and was sent to the monastery to become a nun where she became pregnant and give birth to a daughter (herself)
>wacky and awkward interactions between the her and her mom self ensues

She jobs as much as a normal shounen protag

More Shiro buta when?
I need more fluff otome isekai for the Fluff God.
Yes, that was a pun.

Erica is the best otome isekai protagnonist

>blacks your path

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I can't take any more. I dropped it after she fell down a mountain twisted her ankle dealing with the retard heroine.

Even Prince Pierce Brosnan couldn't save things after that.

Story went to shit when the Heroine gets introduced

did it start again or what, it's may already

did translations start again

I just want more Britney /Ricardo moments. It was a nice 100 chapter buildup to confession. I rarely see things like that.

The one who dies and is reincarnated as the villainness is a crude, middle-aged male yakuza hitman whose shameful secret is his love for otome games and the nobility's high class magical school becomes the scene of a gritty violent crime drama after the heroine is found brutally murdered on the first day of class and the various noble factions turn into rival gangs

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I'm enjoying the manga, but I kind of wish they kept the X on her forehead.
Also, hope the anime will be enjoyable.

More childhood friend.
It's always childhood friends.

hello please spoonfeed me i am gay, what is bakarina?

It was a nice build up, and then did fuckall with it since it preferred to stay as a reverse harem.

Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta...

How about childhood friends losing in the cruelest ways?

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A manga about farming and realistic fake snake throwing also known as 'I Reincarnated Into An Otome Game As A Villainess with Only Destruction Flags'

thank you fellas, you're good men.

Sadly they're not. You'll get over it.

What manga is this?

Bakarina should've ended with her harem snapping and raping her.

You can fap to them and they're on every page.

That's kind of where I thought it was going, imagine if all her followers had gone full yandere for her and started dueling each other over who got to bring her cookies and work as a peasant in her field and the adults decided she must be some kind of evil mastermind trying to throw the royal succession into chaos and overthrow the monarchy, that would have been fun

>hard modo: no yuri

Well, I give up

>no yuri

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It has absolutely nothing to do with your premise and I wonder why Yea Forumsnon suggested it.

yours is about isekai'd trying to prevent the Apocalypse
Choujin is about mary sue gods taking over the world

just go full (S1-5 GoT)

I found two one-shots of this but wish for a full series

make the beta wagecuck a masochist and you got a deal

fund it

The heroine dies and is reversed isekai'd, going to our world and learning about her world being an otome game and that she died in a bad end.

Learning about all the good ends that she could've had she's understandably pissed but ends up getting truck'd and sent back to her world as a villainess. Now she's in a rivalry with herself.

I want more series with feminazi dystopias

inb4 Shield hero, one bitch doesn't a dystopia make

I love it.

don't worry now that you called it a general it's going to get mod'd

Maria should win the Bakarinabowl.

Hello, from the thread yesterday some anons were saying that overgeared is better than LMS. I've never read overgeared but in what way is it better than weed's story?

Maria is too much of a good girl, Mary would be better.
That fucking summary.

Author should've stopped after academy.

Gender-bender otome charity slut marrying sorry fatass son of a baron and otomeing his domain up.

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And their children end up being impossibly beautiful and the capture targets/heoes of the next otome game?

I want to BE Mira.

will you fork over money for one of them items that will let you do so?


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Then you wouldn't mine if I inspect your underneath for magic research?

No they have to be dumb, ugly, fat and as generally useless as their father otherwise it's not a charity. Bonus points for all of them being sons so I can /ss/.

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I didn't have to click the link to know it had to be a KR novel, that fucking summary is gold though.

How do you throw this thing?

Adjest is love, Adjest is life

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By putting lead inside.

Adjest a best.

With the powerful arms that you obtained after working in a field.

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Enough of it hasnt been translated so you havent hit the part where it goes to shit. They all go to shit/become repetative/get stalled.


Make it genderben

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I recognize that bulge

But isekai was otome before otome was a thing.

>The story about the Villainess who goes through various lengths to avoid returning to the kingdom who exiled her

>Villainess fall into ruin and exiled for bullying the Heroine
>Declare to the kingdom that they deserved ruin and tell her family to go fuck themselves for not defending her before storming off and fucks off from the kingdom
>started a small business of general goods in a neighboring country and lead a comfy life until a few years later
>envoy from the kingdom arrived at her store and by order the order of the royal family she is to return to the kingdom and was promptly told to fuck off by the Villainess because she does not care for the Kingdom's reason for wanting her back and everyone in the Kingdom can go fuck themselves
>envoy kept harassing the Villainess everyday and is affecting her business
>Villainess closed her business and fuck off the country at night
>The Envoy anticipated the Villainess action and was able to track her down later
>This becomes a cat and mouse game as the Villainess traveled around the world to avoid the Envoy while the Envoy relentlessly chase after the Villainess

So mob otome?

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Do they have steamy scrathy-bitey fuck on a barrel in a dirty dark alley during one of her escapes?
Does this pursuit become their RP and they runaround entire continent fucking each other villainess is caught?

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What was that male MC otome isekai with Eliza villainess falling in love with 2nd son MC?

I think I had a mild ESL aneurism while posting this, sorry.

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O hate every single fuckimg person in that isekai. Dosent make it.better when the commentors are like "Haha based. When is the heroine getting raped and then killed"

That series is okay. I only read it for the smut. The MC is too boring. The guy is way too rapey. And theres just starting to be a pattern

I don't think anybody less rapey could get past her density.

Been nice seeing you all.

Mods are faggots. This bait shit is still up while perfectly fine thread gets autosaged.

Isekai truck meme thread is still up too.

There is an otome but it's NOT set in a fucking otome game.

But that's where the word otome comes from. Without it you just have a shoujo novel