

Attached: cioccolatta.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


SO he was the one who did this shit?

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I like how stubborn the boss is. I really want him to succeed.

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Just get to the Mudas already


Funny and original thread


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It's pointless to expect subtlety in Jojo, but this guy and Angelo really are too cartoonishly evil. They don't have any charisma or mannerisms that makes them fun or interesting, making the whole fight kinda boring.

what the fuck was his problem?

Cioccolata's pet play is entertaining as hell. Angelo sucked tho

In the Anime, they made that explicit, you could see his silhouette in the Squadra flashback.

Does Ciocco wank it to his recordings?

Yes, Secco as well

>but this guy and Angelo really are too cartoonishly evil.

And Dio wasn't?

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He reminds me of the twisted metal clown.

Dio literally states the reason he's acting like this in the picture you posted.

I miss cheese boy.

Forget that, what about the part of him being a doctor while wearing face tattoo/markings?

Thanks doc, I didn't realize it was you at first glance

Why couldn't the Boom Booms turn invisible?

Tomb of Boom has magnetic abilities too.

Fugo or Formaggio?

Fugo of course. No one cares about Formaggion.

so what was the big secret from his past that would destroy Diavolo supposed to be anyway

Fugo. Araki has no qualms making part 1’s ending and later 7’s yet Purple Haze Act2 was just too much.

Risotto is Risotto and the Boom Booms are fat and ugly retards

his mom was a slut who fucked the devil

Diavolo was trying to prevent the town from knowing about his fantasies.

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>Baddest motherfucker in this arc
>Killed by a shitty plane toy
That was some bullshit.

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God this is a weird crossover
Reminder to shitpost live with your bros.

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

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But now I realize, it's a comedy.....


green tea

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sorbet more like filet
amirite dudes

Where's the user who was about to start SBR?

>open reaction video for ep 29
>even japs laugh in comments about Green Tea

Only in the anime

By FAR the best villain JoJo had to offer.

How can one man be so based?

He should've been the main villain

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O my unnecessary confession

Kira is the worst villain.

O my ambulance

It wasn't unnecessary, you braindead fuck. The confession happened in every timeline.
The ambulance was completely irrelevant. Star Platinum would've killed him either way.
Thanks for the reminder that I quoted 1-2 redditors tops.

we are in dire need of more trish lewds

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>censoring male nips

He is fated to succeed of course.

He is

now they see.....

The Joker 2019 lookin pretty dope.

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Come to think of it, why did Narancia just shoot at "that one dot standing over there" on his radar? Could have been anyone.

Nah, he was just a glorified minor antag

Someone threw knives at them

>that last strained effort to look over at his face
Truly a man for the mission...

>>Killed by a shitty plane toy
The shitty plane toy was literally one of the only stands that could kill him in Part 5 no matter what. Green Day and Grateful Dead could also possibly do it but it would take time. Purple Haze is too close ranged. No other Stand can stand the ghost of a chance.

Until President Valentine

Yes, it was a plot hole. The pre-programmed robot response is , but they know that it had to be someone from Passione sent to kill them because the knives were thrown with a Stand's strength. So they just automatically assume it's a close ranged Stand user who just happens to be standing there in the open, completely unaware, even though the Elite Guard would have known about Aerosmith. Furthermore, they could literally see a beach full of people right next to them, so it could have been easily an automated or long range Stand attacking them.

>No other Stand can stand the ghost of a chance

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Nah, Valentine hasn't aged well. Turns out that he would have been one of the best US presidents of all time. So he was hardly the villain, he was arguably the true protagonist of Part 7.

Dialogue wasn’t a timeline constant.

Stop speedwatching.

>Sends a dagger flying away.
>The Stand follows it.

Is there anyone who could beat and not just dodge him besides Spicy Girl? (Would have killed it if not for the crack in the plane.)

If he hated chocolate-boy so much why did he let him into passione?
why even give him a stand?

Looks like you're retaded.

>an unseen person is standing alone
>knives come flying at you from their position
Occam’s Razor.


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Stop speedwatching. They say in the episode that he initially thought he was just a 'tarnished elite'. He thought that he was another fellow homosexual - perfect for his elite guard - who would be very tragic and dramatic and a pouf in general. Only after he gained a Stand he learned that he was actually mutilating people and enjoying killing and, worst of all, straight_______ = an absolute monster.

I guess maybe Narancia saw two dots circling around each other until one suddenly disappeared, or died in his eyes. Adding that with the stand-thrown knife made him feel comfortable enough to shoot.

Stop watching with your eyes closed

True, but contrarians seethe at the fact

He didn’t know how evil chocolate boy was until he saw their stand.

Cream, the hand

>Occam's Razor
They have not fought a single Close Range Stand in the Unita Speciale at that point.

>Clash & Talking Head
Both long range.
>Notorious B.I.G.
Infinite range and automated.


He was talking specifically about part 5 stands, though.

Kira offers nothing more than a Good VS Evil conflict sugarcoated with memetic dialogue. He's not interesting in the slightest once you get over the fact he's Funny Hand Fetish Man

Kira blew it in the final fight and became the worst villain in the history of manga.

ok, i tough he asked who could defeat B.I.G.

PB Dio Brando is just slightly better than Kira. Just slightly.

>Kira offers nothing more than a Good VS Evil
what an absolute idiot

PB Dio Brando is the worst incarnation of Brandos.


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>serial killer bad
>friends good
Not that deep user.

They didn't know what to expect, and generally assumed Unita Speciale to be something bigger than 2 gay couples and a fat fuck who dies.

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Angelo? Yeah, I get it. But Cioccolata has the whole pet play snuff porn thing with Secco, and his obsession with despair, rather than just killing, which is reflected in his Stand and his brief interaction with Giorno.

He was a better husband than the guy he replaced, he also didn't have an army like kars dio or di*volo

Cioccolatta and Secco are not gay.

1. I wouldn’t call the knife attack close ranger.
2. They shouldn’t assume that every stand in the squad is the same type as the first three.

Did you remember to at the very least say hi to your mom yesterday Yea Forums?

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>1. I wouldn’t call the knife attack close ranger.
It was literally done by a close range stand... holy fucking shit.

7 minute MUDA this friday?

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A close range stand that used a long range attack.

Fuck, forgot about this scene in pt4. Felt really out of place, but i guess it is a BIZZARE adventure afterall

Holy shit, this is the dumbest post I've seen all year

Notorious B.I.G has a physical form that can be destroyed. Magician's Red would burn it to ashes.


>got duped by chocolate
>couldn't wait 5 minutes till bruno left the building to kill trish
>antagonized the hitman squad to the point of rebellion
Sounds more like an autismo with two personalities and a pathological fear of people knowing his identity could have never rised up through the ranks of organized crime.
It's almost like he's too incompetent for his position.
It's almost like part5 is the worst written one, with the worst jojo and the worst villain.

>It was literally done by a close range stand
They didn't know it. Close range Stands are called that because they have a close fucking range. They don't go around throwing random objects, they get closer and use their ability propertly. So they assumed that the attacker was using their full potential and therefore was a long-range type.

Magician’s Red fire is spirit fire generated by MR itself, so it can effect any stand.

I think Kira was kinda boring aside from his fetish. The best Jojo villain in my opinion is Ghiaccio, he's perfect!

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>couldn't wait 5 minutes till bruno left the building to kill trish.
Her existence threatened him.
>antagonized the hitman squad to the point of rebellion
Two of their members threatened him.

even kira's fetish is boring

The most I'm expecting is that they just have no ending and have the credits go over Giorno pummeling Cioccolatta. I feel like that isn't going to happen though. But I don't think it's going to be this week. Remember that this arc is 13 chapters long of just the ones named for the arc. I think it'll end somewhere around Bruno and them driving the car with Cioccolatta in the heli. That's around 4 chapters. It'll probably be the week after.

>can't wait to eradicate every possible trace of my daughter's existance!
>except her left hand, Bruno can keep it
>it'll probably remind him of a good time he had on this mission
This part alone was weird as fuck.

>opinion matters
kys, go worship a useless jobber elsewhere

Why do people always say "Valentine didn't do anything wrong"? I love him as an antagonist, but I notice Valentinefags and Kirafags like to continually downplay any atrocities just because they were presented in a sympathetic light, despite the fact that the whole point of them being a villain is that their means are bad and they're willing to do bad things. Valentine's using the corpse on America was going to fuck over literally every other country in the world. He killed people to get to it, tried to rape an underage girl, and was petty as fuck in the end.

Husbandogafs aren't fujos, this is getting old

Nonono you got it all wrong. Valentine did nothing wrong because MURICA FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!

boohoo, nobody gives a rat's ass

Valentine and Kirafags are some of the most retarded fanboys in the fanbase.

We do.

like i said, fujoshit opinion is like no opinion at all

t.butthurt diavolo worshipping contrarian

Yes, Diavolo was an utterly incompetent mafia leader. Cioccolata, Polpo or Pericolo were the ones actually running the mafia.

Take your meds, schizo.

take your meds schizo worshipper

>rent free

But we’re not fujos.

>literally loses his OP win condition because the mofo talks about himself in 3rd person

Because he's competent.

>what is bites the dust
speedreader pls
bossu will always be a shit kars tier villain

People can't stand their favorites being villains. I always argue against Doppiofags and Valentinefags for this reason

Kira is a deconstruction of stupidity, that's why he's the best

What did Araki mean by this?

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I need more, user!

Based and deconstructionpilled.


Mista belongs to the chads, not the fags.

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>Green Day and Oasis pt 1
Try watching the anime sometimes.

There will be at least 2 parts for Cioccolatta and then 1 more for OAsis

And that isn't cartoonishly evil?

and the narrator states why Cioccolata acts the way he does? Why is acting like a psycho because you want money more realistic than acting like a psycho because you just enjoy hurting people?

Pretty much this, the universe coming together to fuck him over at the eleventh hour is perfect after he spent so long thinking everything would turn out right for him after a lifetime of being enabled by his parents.

Ironically, Mista ended up never killing any gay men in the series.

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based Bruno

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Why did I laugh?

What's the best penultimate fight?

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Driving certain person insane for the monetary gain is definitely more reasonable than driving multiple random people insane for the kick of it. And keeping the videotaped proofs of your deeds at your home. It's not that either is less realistic than the other, it's that what Dio was doing in less evil in and of itself.


for me it's Vanilla Ice

Based. But why did Josuke want to help her?

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Ciocolatta was trying to hide his evil, while Dio kicked a dog right in front of its owner, who’s supposed to be his new brother. If Dio was actually smart, he’d pretend to be nice from the start instead of starting out as a bully.

>kills TWO main characters
>Very strong stand for its part
>that doorway scene
>that fake Polanreff death

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Josuke helps people all the time, why wouldn't he?

See . There's nothing that comes close to Vanilla Ice because of how much better Vanilla Ice is compared to the final fight.

Ciocoasis is not even second best.

Would Josuke beat her up if she made fun of his hair?

>But why did Josuke want to help her?
Josuke was saved by a selfless stranger, he admire that guy so much he copied his hairstyle. Do I have to say anything more?

I dunno, she's pregnant, then again that's a very serious matter for him

Wow I didn't know Josuke was such a narcissist

Green Day and Oasis.

Love Train

Heavy Weather > Vanilla Ice > Green Day and Oasis > the rest

>Adopted by a rich generous family with incredibly hospitable new brother and father
>"I know, I'll drive him insane, then their money will be all mine!"
Dio was retarded.

>Dio kicked a dog right in front of its owner, who’s supposed to be his new brother
Because the whole point was to torment his new brother, he was hiding his true intentions from everyone else. Same way Cioccolata hid his activity from everyone but the actual patients he was torturing.

>Heavy Weather

It's Heavy weather for me. Even though the ability was bullshit on so many levels.

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He said fight not antagonist

So I started reading Stone Ocean.
When does it start to suck ?
Because I find it pretty good.
I like Foo Fighters a lot

>he was hiding his true intentions from everyone else
He never said “my plan is to steal the Joestar fortune” but he didn’t hide the fact that he was evil.

>When does it start to suck?

Define penultimate fight?
Technically, the fight with Funny Valentine is the penultimate in SBR.
And would the penultimate fight in SO be Underworld or the first phase of the fight against Pucci (when he had C-Moon)?


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It already did...

Dragon Ying Yang fight

um.. you just too dumb to get it

Feng shu
Jail house Lock
Bohemian rhapsody
Sky high

To be fair you need to have high iq to understand dragons dream and stone ocean in general

>Jail house Lock
>Bohemian rhapsody
>Sky high
these are good

part 7 is the ultimate rick and morty part

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They are shit, they are dragged out as fuck except for sky high which is straight up boring and feels like it's only there to stall the story.

I love the jail part, but dislike the second half. All the convoluted asspulls around DIO (such as the awful sons of DIO), Pucci's random and inconsistent power changes, and the ending are some of the reasons I don't love it.

yikes, the only place when I felt a fight was unneceseraly streched out was green day/oasis

what happens if we put it in a hadron collider?

>(such as the awful sons of DIO)
They're decent as far as jojo jobbers go

Thats part 2

haha he da jokah xD

Green Day/Oasis.

Cioccolata has a weight in that he's someone so dangerous, the main antagonist didn't even wanna fuck with him. He doesn't have the fanaticism of Vanilla Ice, but I like that despite Diavolo having a rhyme and reason to what he does, and an innate desire to rule and protect himself, he isn't GENOCIDAL nor is he sadistic. He just let out the mother of all wackos, represented in the absolute range and power of Green Day as a Stand. The actual battle is also arguably Giorno's best fight, with mostly nothing but creative use of his Stand ability, and the backdrop of it being around the coliseum at night, leading Buccellati to split up and head after Secco while the others try to take down Cioccolata to the point of jacking a helicopter, is great and feels appropriately climactic, not just in the danger of the villain but the overall sense of scale.

nah, sbrfags act way more like rick&morty fans

Good opinion, I still prefer Vanilla Ice tough

How the fuck can someone stay a doctor when more than half their patients commit suicide or die?

He writes them off as dying of old age or natural causes. Or the usual case of unexplained mold growth from the inside their bodies

that being has Dead or Alive vocalist's face

Green Day & Oasis
Vanilla Ice
Wamuu vs Joseph
Heavy Weather
Civil War (good character development but retarded convoluted fight)
Cheap Trick
Whatever part 1's was I forgot

Last digit is the part I will re-read. If 0 then it's PHF, ir 9 then it's Jorge


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High quality post.

amen, brother

He had trust issues

Imagine being a tasteless faggot.

>Coco Jumbo is SHA

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>Cheap Trick was the penultimate fight of Part 4
Huh, thats surprising to remember.

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Other question
Why the fuck are there elves in Stone Ocean ?

it works way better when Super Fly, Enigma and Cheap Trick are shown together instead of one after the other

If you're asking about the lawyer, he just has a wacky design. It's weird though, since at first his ears aren't designed like that.

Moving Cinderella and combing those arcs was a good idea

Why would I ever try to put myself in your shoes?

Even latter in the parts there are a lot of people with weird ears like that.
The Fung Shuei guy gets weird ears after getting electrocuted, and there are a lot of them when we see Jotaro wake up at the Speedwagon fundation

The Hand could get rid of him.


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Mista might have stood as chance if he didn't let the Sex Pistols ride the bullets.

Yeah that was a very well adapted joint arc.

Heavy Weather/C-Moon and Vainilla Ice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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Chocolate Disco was the penultimate fight of SBR, not Civil War. I don't blame you for not remembering.
And the penultimate fight of part 1 was Page, Jones, Plant, and Bonham.

>what are health professionals specialized in palliative care
>what are gerontologists

Dio is a victim of his own narcissism. Like, there's no way if fuck George wouldn't have just willed him half his shit anyway if he'd just have kept pretending, it's not like the jostar family had a bunch of people jockeying for it or anything. If he didn't immediately chimp out on Johnathon he probably wouldn't have cared either.


Minor villain fights that happen during the final battle don't count.

>watching new ep with anime-only brother
>"wait, i thought that secco guy was chocolate guy's stand"

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>hating on "Bruce Willis is actually dead" and "MICKEY MOUSE IS MISSING"

Holy fuck, user I never realized how braindead Diavolo was until this point

Part 1 is either
Happens right before Johnathan begins his fight with dio in the castle, but dies easily and is an extremely minor fight overall
>Dio in the castle
Technically the final fight is Dio and Wang Cheng in the boat so it could count
The last real BIG fight before Jonathan reaches Dio's castle
So choose the one you like the most

Shit i meant Tarkus

Young laflame he's SECCO mode

Based reddit copypasta

considering his stand i doubt he really had any opposition even though he’s a massive sperg

Only brainlets think Stone Ocean sucks

Stone Ocean sucks

When Foo Fighters dies.

Unironically this.

I love anasui!

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You now remember THAT chapter from steel balls.

He's one of the best things about Stone Ocean!

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How do I get a Jolyne gf bros?

He's based.

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>have long pink hair
>ask her father if you can marry her during a world ending event
>dress in fishnets

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you're joking right? he was super cringey and annoying whenever he showed up. his character gave me incel vibes

he's cute

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His annoying persistence is one of the things I like about him, actually.

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If you ignore time-related stands, Vanilla Ice is basically indestructible.

he's actually a chad

The PS4 game is on sale btw.

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Underneath it all he just wanted a reason to keep going, he is pretty cool.

Who cares. New fighting game when.

He worked in America.

Lest favorite fight of all parts? For me it's Chocolate Disco

Not soon, they just released Jojo: Battle Royale
You can emulate the last one in 4K in the meanwhile

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all the shitty hamon fights

Even the time related stands can’t beat him. He’s one of the few characters in Jojo who could actually beat Ultimate Kars.

I wanted to emulate ASB but last I checked the DLC doesn't work, plus the health bars don't show.

If you count the fodder grunt battles from part 1-2 then any of those, and if not then I'd agree with you. Disco felt a bit unnecesary.

Basically this. Or Mrs. Robinson if you can call it a fight.

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I don't have an issue with the Chocolate Disco fight itself, but it was a waste of time before the Valentine fight really got going.
If it had been anywhere else in the part, I would've enjoyed it. I love that it's one of the few stands we never get a verbal explanation about, leaving it to the reader to understand.

Dragon's Dream or YoYoMa

Sethan or Janken Boy

This is pretty close to how I feel, the user was kind of boring too.

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The dlc can work with a little effort, the lifebars only work on specific cards

Ahem... Hope?

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That's not really a lot of votes

Damn why didn't Krosez record the chat reaction to this

If they actually went through with this it would be the only game that I will ever preorder.

The most successful serial killer that didn't belong to a group was a doctor and he active for years and years, now that i think about it Cioccollata might be based on that guy

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What would the roster be like?
They'd probably have the main Jojo and vilain of each part and that already makes 16, adding another character from each part would make it have the same amount of characters as FighterZ (24) so i can see an interesting and varied roster coming from it.

he should've been voiced by Ryusei Nako desu

I feel like in every part there's one smaller villain who's slightly worse than the main villain in some way or another. For part 3 there's Vanilla Ice, for part 4 there's Angelo, for part 6 there's Gwess, for part 7 there's Oyecomova, hell even in part 1 Tarkus is kind of worse than Dio. I feel like it gives the main villain more depth by having someone like Cioccolata be a side villain.

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eat shit

Then he's just be Mayuri from Bleach

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I live in the American Gardens Building on West 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

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eat shit kono nigger da

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secco mode

Dude that's not cool.

Although, in fairness, what did he expect.

Dragon's Dream has some sweet Foo Fighters guro though

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Why do people hate Dragon's Dream?


the user is ugly

I love the stand, but I dislike the user, he wasn't really interesting to me. People tend to hate it mostly because there's no downtime between Planet Waves and Dragon's Dream.

they are brainlets


n-name please

Because it doesn't even feel like JoJo

I wanna hear more from you
I'm interested in why you think these things

because doppip threw knives at narancia and gang you speedwatching spic

I was saying the stupidity of the people reading it causing them to dislike it. I like Dragon's Dream.



Yo Yo Ma has some as well.

>Kira offers nothing more than a Good VS Evil
i like it, he is a simple guy, with a simple life and a simple goal, he doesnt have a big plan or anything, but he is calculator, he knows that he wants and he act with precision
it was pretty cool and you know what? even basic concepts like good vs evil can be pretty great, not everything needs to be overcomplex to be good

True. Bless Araki-sama and his patrician tastes.

Upvote and gold for you my good sire

Thanks, Doc.

Can't wait for Joylene lewds to skyrocket when Part 6 airs

hrngh, Ciocolatta, I'm trying to tape this murder

You need to read up on killer doctors/nurses. They can go through dozens of victims before hospitals start to notice or bother taking action.

When you think about it, Foo's whole existence is guro.

Am I the only one who enjoys this subtle dynamic of stands being neutral/friendly towards each other in transition segments/ED sequences no matter what characters they belong to?

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Man, Silver Chariot is having a blast

Moving all the luck to america didn't make the world any better or worse, it just concentrated the good there. It was worth killing people to get, and Lucy was a fellow elite society's member underage bride who was fooling around with his wife and he just wanted to get in on the elite degeneracy fun as it went around.

Yeah, but everything after the muda beatdown feels anticlimactic.

based hairposter

We need more lewds of the JoJo girls in general.

Jojo girls can't compete with the girls of other series

>Aerosmith is shitty
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Nobody believes you.

How many chapters until they bring back DIO to life with the arrow?

or the boys of this series

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I don't think most of the people who draw anime girl lewds are also drawing lewds of the jojo boys

that's true but it shouldn't be

I hear bad things about the anime industry and selling anime, but what are the odds that maybe one day the HD episodes will all be on sale digitally for a fair price? Like on vudu or itunes or something?

How come jojo lewds are always rare and/or trash?

The series content and artstyle doesn't lend itself well to lewds. Or at least, not the ones you're hoping for.

ITT: Times you acted like Ciocolatta
>Tell the enemy your stand's ability out of nowhere
>It's actually legit info and he uses it to beat the shit out of me

only extremely edgy thing i've ever done is stomp on a baby bird to see what it would do

what did it do?

just made noise and tried to move around, i told my sisters i found it like that and they nursed it back to health over a few months, i never told them it was me

Dumb opinion and low quality post.

how old were you

This. He reminded me so much of the ugly old man trope in hentai. Couldn't get that out of my head the whole time I was reading that arc.

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Most of the characters in part 6 were pretty ugly to be fair

I still can't get over Araki plagiarizing the plot of "Holes" for one of those sons.

like 9

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you should go walk into traffic

Literally fuck this nigga's head, boi

Fair but Kenzo in particular reminded me of this guy which really rubbed me the wrong way.

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I'm probably really late to this party. but I still had the urge to count how many fights each of the Gangstars got to highlight just how much of a screentime shitshow it is:
Giorno gets 9
Bruno gets 6
Mista gets 4 and a half
Narancia, Abbacchio and Trish get 2
Fugo gets 1
And that's really oversimplifying things. In practice, it's way worse for Trish and Abba.

Carne is cute! CUTE!

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Other characters who have a chance and my estimation of that chance
>Caesar (upper-mid)
>Lisa Lisa (low)
>Kakyoin (mid)
>Polnareff (upper-mid)
>SC Joseph (low)
>Iggy (low)
>Hol Horse (low)
>Okayasu (mid)
>Koichi (upper mid)
>Rohan (high)
>Bruno (high)
>Mista (high)
>Weather Report (mid)
>Hermes (lower-mid)
>Gyro (Very high)
>Valentine/Diego, whichever one isn't the villain rep (very high)

I'd say Narancia should have more but yeah, it's pretty bad

Sadly a lot of them in Part 6 are what come to mind. I want to reread it without being a speedreading faggot. I'd honestly say everything from Dragon's Dream to Sky High annoyed me. I think I'll go with Sky High, I thought that stand was so stupid and I felt like there was no tension.

underrated ngl made me kek

Narancia had 3, don't forget the fight where he killed Ricearoni and saved bossu.

C-Moon. Immunity against your own Stand's power is fine for stuff like Green Day or Vitamin C but Pucci being unaffected by turning his own head inside out was complete bullshit

What's so sad about it?

Probably too hard to do suspense with his stand. It's why he's made the designated jobber so often, and even in his own goddamn fights it feels like he suffers the most humiliation.

Rude and non deserving of those trips.

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Only Part 6 fights are applicable answers.

That's not a fight, that's getting used as a utility by Diavolo. If that were criteria enough, then Abbacchio would've been inflated to 4 fights (Notorious BIG and Metallica)

Makeup brush looking head ass boy getting mama ready for a night on the town

No? Abbacchio did not do anything during those 2 fights. Meanwhile, Narancia literally killed a villain that not even Diavolo could beat at max power.

Dark blue moon, seriously the strategy and villian's ability are really fucking shallow and it's won by an unsatisfying asspull.

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>Meanwhile, Narancia literally killed a villain that not even Diavolo could beat at max power.
1: Diavolo had left most of the fighting to Doppio, only giving him KC's arms and Epitaph. If Diavolo himself had been fighting, he would've just donuted Nero after figuring out his powers, or KC'd all the iron back into his bloodstream somehow.
2: It was by accident that Narancia ended up killing Nero.


Trish has only one fight
In the same level that Whogo

No other waifu can beat Jolyne for me

>silver chariot banging moody blues
>crazy diamond refusing to give the hand a reacharound
>killer queen playing hard to get

Is Cioccolata the most chaotic evil character in the series?

I think this is one of the best drawings araki has done

I like a lot of part 6. I like older Jotaro, the bleak and stressful tone, the different side of Dio we see, Pucci, I fucking love Jolyne. It's sad because some of the stinkier fights make me hesitant to reread.

DBM was kino

I'm kinda being generous with Trish and counting the final battle as a fight for her, even though she still barely does anything.

And how many lewds of her have you contributed?

Why do you think that user

It's non-canon, but apparently the drug making squad in the purple haze novel had a dude that even Diavolo legitimately feared due to the fact that his King Crimson can't fuck with him since his stand's range is HUGE, and not only is it huge, but it's hard to avoid even with time skip. Diavolo lucked out that the guy didn't care enough to try to usurp him like La Squadra though.

Did they instruct the voice actor to pronounce Ciocolatta's stand similar to green tea, or does a japanese accent literally make day sound like tea?

Are you talking about the guy who could lock feelings into place.

It was underwater

You are correct, it was indeed underwater.

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How the fuck are you supposed to survive getting your spine broken in half

For some reason the japanese name is Gurin Di グリーン・ディ


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>Goo-reen-u Dee
Yeah, that's Engrish translit for you.

You can say that as many times as you want, but if you really did have that much magical resolve, you wouldn't have ended up a zombie.

I don't remember this episode

It's the one where you get your head Sticky Fingers'd off your body and then we use it as a football. And I don't mean the American kind.

>Bleach in second

>bruno is the main chara-

Don't bully bleachfags, theyv'e had it hard enough

But Giorno fights suck

Who's Fugo?

Some shitty part 5 character probably

Too bad, you're stuck with him. Course, not like either of them have that much personality, so who cares which of them is the protagonist.


Cioccolata is based on Harold Shipman, a doctor who was the most prolific serial killer ever. He was killing his patients for 20 years straight.

D4C could one shot it.

>Bleach in second.


The thing is, you can be cartoonishly evil if you can carry the show. Dio was great, even if the way he talked made him look like the bad guy from a wrestling match. Angelo was kinda crappy, but he was merely a opening enemy. But I like Ciocolatta, he's pretty ridiculous, even for Jojo standards, that visible speedo is too much. His appearance was short, but still he made himself worthy of receiving 7 pages of mudas and wry.

What Dio did there made a lot of sense. Being a complete piece of shit in front of your victim, and then switching in front of everybody else so they either don't believe the victim, or they like you so much they start to blame the victim, is normal for bullies with charisma or a strong social standing.

George never realized that Dio was evil until he tried to kill him. The kids that dicked around Dio saw him being a shit, but they admired him and despised Jonathan, they were bought by Dio's charisma. The chinese guy that sold him poison knew that he was evil but he didn't give a fuck about that, and that's why Dio didn't give a fuck about hiding his evilness from him. Even Jonathan was considering forgiveness until Speedwagon pointed out that he smelled like pure evil (well, maybe Speedwagon was just smelling that he was full of shit, but he was right anyway). Dio was incredibly manipulative when he was a human. After he became a vampire, well, there was no need to hide his evilness, and there wasn't a way either, because he was a bloodsucking demon, and yet, he managed to charm Pucci so hard that he hated the Joestars for killing Dio, despite the fact that the dude had shitted on them at every turn.

When someone dies in surgery, hospitals don't pry a lot, since don't want to be held responsable for a murder. So, they're happy to accept any explanation that involves natural causes, as contrived as it is.

wasnt secco after it? He was pretty good. Outsmarted and outskilled Bruno for most of the fight. if he wasnt a zombie he would have lost

So is the stand called green tea or green day? Sounds like he even says green tea here.

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I liked Secco's transformation. Kinda reminded me of Pesci, the joke villain that becomes serious after the other one is dead. Though Secco never was a joke, his stand was powerful, but the fact that he seemed a mindless drone of Ciocolatta made it a little surprising when he went out "fuck that guy, he was weak after all, I don't need him" and decided to get serious.

It's Green Tay, a reference to Taylor Swift aka Tay Tay

It's definitely Green Day
Literally every other stand name in the part has been some kind of music reference, why would they break the pattern here?

> but the fact that he seemed a mindless drone of Ciocolatta made it a little surprising when he went out "fuck that guy, he was weak after all, I don't need him" and decided to get serious.
yeah, I liked that. he was pretty scary actually. He just respected strength and saw Ciocolatta as the strongest (prior to his defeat).

That's just because japs suck at pronouncing d sounds

Green Tea is a music reference

>Killer Queen
>Tusk Act 4 Super Spin

I'm going to count sending this faggit to another dimension as a kill, since avdol's soul went to heaven after he was killed by cream.

Is it? I thought the whole point of the subs changing the names was to head off any trigger happy lawyers from reaming their asshole for using the name without permission

They've changed music references to other music references before, like J Geil to Centerfold and Oingo Boingo to Zenyatta Mondatta.

What's the point then?

It's a complicated situation

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dragons dream is actually my favourite fight in jojo

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Based hairposter

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>best villain
> a shitty serial killer could't even kill one of the main cast

Yo-Yo Ma. You can't argue.

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Post minor antagonist fight that you enjoyed the most.

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this and the train fight are the best fights i've seen in jojo

Didn't care that much for the guy but the Josuke/Jotaro vs Angelo fight was really fun

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I never thought I would meet an user with an opinion that no one else would share

i now want tony soprano as diavolo fanart

limp bizkit animated will be amazing.

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Here's a poll I don't see asked often: What's the best music referenced?

Scary Monsters

King Crimson. But D4C is better in every aspect. Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen are cool too.

Highway Star.

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I don't think Okuyasu could completely erase it before the thing got to eat its wrist. Maybe if someone else distracts it with something faster than Okuyasu's hand movement.

If Jotaro had to deal with it, I'm pretty sure that he could throw something with enough speed to make it go away, if you want a definitive defeat, throw something at a speed enough to escape atmosphere. There are a few complications with this solution, like Notorious BIG reaching whatever you threw before it escapes atmosphere, but since Jotaro is made of bullshit, who knows?

Also, since it seemingly doesn't attack things that don't move at all, maybe Josuke could lock it inside a stone. It might move inside the stone to reach things moving outside, so maybe it only makes the problem worse. Similarly, Oasis could make it sink into solid concrete or metal, and then make it solid again leaving it inside.

Couldn't kira just make it eat a bomb and get atomized?

>got duped by chocolate
He didn't got duped, he knew that he was a piece of shit, there's no way that he didn't knew that he was a murderer. The problem is, he had no way of knowing which kind of stand he would get, and Ciocolatta went and got Green Day. It's a stand that can't practically do anything without leaving a body count, maybe it could but sure as hell Ciocolatta is not going to keep it under control. So, basically, he got an insane guy with a nuke button. He's still useful, but he leaves a corpse trail whenever he goes, and keeping him quiet must be troublesome.

am I the only one who doesn't like how punches sound in part 5?


Why does jojoart feel weird?

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This is one thing I really like in JoJo villains.

>Two of their members threatened him.
No, they were merely looking for hints about his identity, and they had a very valid reason to be pissed at him. If you have such a big team of stand users, you might as well make sure that they stay loyal to you, and if they are so powerful, you can't keep them in check merely with threats.

It makes me feel weird in my pants

Part 5 is the worst part. And just a reminder part 5 dub will have cringe Italian sounding voice actors like the had for Ceasar.

They don't though? It's not like the "L" sounds which are not present in Japanese, the "D" sounds are there and jap native speakers have no issues pronouncing them.
Notorious B.I.G, I actually was scared that there would be casualties or at least long term damage in that fiht because of how unbeatable the stand appeared to be.

>and they had a very valid reason to be pissed at him
Lol, no. They were just greedy assholes.

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Looking for hints about the boss's identity is threatening him.

Lots of part 5 fights are enjoyable, helps that the minor antagonists are great as well.

So, the Steel Ball Run anime isn't going to actually have CG horses... right?

No. It will have CG here and there ofcourse. I think some steel ball throws might have them the most.

You had to go and bring it up.

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>By FAR the best villain JoJo had to offer.


>By FAR the best hero JoJo had to offer.

now we're talking

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>cgi horses
>cgi balls

just make the whole thing cgi huh

It's been established time and time again that Narancia is naive, hot-headed, and acts without thinking.

You can't factor logic into his decision here. He saw knives thrown at Abbachio, saw there was a dot up on the cliff, and immediately shot it.

Someone like Bruno or Giorno would have probably analyzed the situation more before acting, but like I said Narancia acts without thinking. He saw a dot, he shot it.

Literally the next episode he jumps into the boat without thinking and gets infected by that mold. It further reinforces his personality- he acts without thinking.

There's also that time him and Mista attacked that rude guy during the Talking Head arc. These guys are not the pinnacle of common sense.

It's a parody. In Holes that sequence of events leads to a fun adventure and friendship, in Jojo his life is ruined and he becomes a criminal.

I was just thinking about how the difference between Angelo and Cioccolata is a great example of Araki's growth as a writer. Or just Angelo and Kira. God Angelo sucked.

What was his stands' name again?

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Early part 4 felt like Araki still had part 3 mind.

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I agree with you but

Enormously B.I.G

>inb4 obligatory CHASE YOU joke

you should read part 7

He said villain

kira is shit but valentine is diarrhea
only kars is good


i'm not gay but he's kinda cute

Vanilla Ice was pretty great, but I just can't help but like Green Day & Oasis more

Infamous H.U.G.E.

yeah, i have 3 vols left to read and prison parts were way better than the rest. user's say heavy weather was pretty good, though.

He’s the most evil character, but the most chaotic evil character would be Angelo, the second most evil character.


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You mean Wamuu right ?

Absolute U.N.I.T

lmao u got me user

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Holy fucking shit i havent even read part 7 but i love D4Cs design i have so much admiration for arakis creative design. Post your fav stand by design jobros

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You're gay


Total trash Stand. Shit fight, shit abilities, mediocre at best design.

because reasons

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Best first fight for a Jojo by a landslide.


Only NPCs think that villains have to kill people.

Kira killed people

But the first right in Part 5 was Giorno vs Luca and the first Stand fight was Golden Experience vs Sticci Findgrs.

He only killed one person, maybe three if you count 'angry boyfriend' and 'cuck husband'. The rest were women and a dog.

>Guy with mud powers is named after a painting style
>Guy who treats murdering people as an artform is named chocolate



He only killed fodder. Fitting for a fodder villain.


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>spice girl and sticky fingers about to kiss
>crazy diamond fucking the hand
>silver chariot and moody blues having sex
>death 13 giving a sassy look while sitting in the car
>kira and secco are there for some reason
best non-manga image made by araki desu

That was not his fault. That was self defense.

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>people actually want Joaquin Phoenix to say it

I thought we hated it when memes become mainstream.

Maybe my overall favorite. That pose is so fucking kino.

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Why did he leap out of the carriage like that?

That's Hanged Man not Pecco

Secco is in the far right

He was literally a serial killer. We are obviously meant to assume that he has kept killing people fairly regularly since Reimi.

Jojolion = best part

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>the dumbest member of the family has the most straightforwardly violent Stand


>I was arrested on a Saturday

I know Part 6 is objectively the stupidest and sloppiest Jojo chapter, but it still made me chortle a bunch.



Part 7 has some really good designs

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Absolute kino of an execution method.

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His sister was super hot.

>1: Diavolo had left most of the fighting to Doppio, only giving him KC's arms and Epitaph
No one cares. KC skipping time would neither stop the flow of magnetism, nor would it help him reveal Risotto. The only time Risotto got but a flesh wound was when Doppio threw the scissors at him, which Doppio figured out because he is a smart boy worth praising. Furthermore, if Diavolo had been there from the start, Risotto would just spawn scissors inside his brain and kill him right away. Diavolo would have never defeated Risotto without Doppio stalling the fight until Bruno's crew arrived, and Narancia shooting Risotto. That's a fact.
Proof that I am right.
>2: It was by accident that Narancia ended up killing Nero.
He would still kill him if he tried to kill Trish. It was fate. Narancia was the only person capable of killing Risotto in Part 5.

Is there any reason to censor the nipples? It's just fake tits on a dude

Leddit hates him

Diavolo would just timeskip all the metallica attacks, which doppio were fated to suffer

And why do you care about what Reddit thinks

Leddit loves him

Not true, they're part of the woke bandwagon of "we were robbed of a lesbian love interest!"

>Diavolo would just timeskip all the metallica attacks
It doesn't matter how much he timeskips the attacks. The magnetism effect is infinite. He would inevitably choke to death eventually. He can timeskip the scissor opening in his throat but not the loss of iron. And finally, Risotto could always just disengage and strike at him when he least expects it. If Diavolo revealed himself and Risotto left, Diavolo would have to live the rest of his life constantly spamming Epitaph. Which Diavolo himself admitted.

Deal with it, Redditor. King Reddit is not invincible. There are multiple stands in Part 5 alone that could beat it, and Metallica is one of the 90%+ guaranteed win Stands. It's not even the strongest one against King Reddit, since Man in the Mirror would have a 100% success chance.

But Yea Forums also thinks that