>responsible for mecha, ecchi, and various other components of anime today
I think it’s time you pay your respects to Go Nagai, Yea Forums.
Responsible for mecha, ecchi, and various other components of anime today
I like to thank him for without him I wouldn't have my favorite anime that are better than his works in every way
I already hold him responsible for most of the fetishes I have.
Always thought he was cool. Fuck normalfags.
>responsible for mecha, ecchi, and various other components of anime today
Literally worse than Hitler. We should go back in time and kill him before he has had the chance to ruin everything.
He also made a fanfiction of his OC sexually harassing (adult) Dororo.
He's a cool dude (male).
>responsible for mecha, ecchi, and various other components of anime today
So he killed anime?
Too bad nobody has really read his works outside of the big three.
Thank you for the sexy girls and the sexy robots.
I want to like him but he won't let Tetsuya have anything outside of SRW. Give Great another series, damn it.
How did either of those “kill” anime?
don't fucking do that, user!
I thought he was dead!
Truly a industry legend
absolute madman
Changed anime forever.
So, what went wrong?
George Lucas of anime and manga
based go nagai
But that’s Tomino
You mean Anno
Uncle Go eternally clowning on gay Miyazaki niggas
Anno is capable of making great things like Shin Godzilla
Tomino on the other hand needs to be kept on a leash or he’ll go full retard
>Tomino on the other hand needs to be kept on a leash or he’ll go full retard
You say this as if the Eva rebuilds don't exist. And which Gundam entries was Tomino not on a leash for? Because Turn A strikes me as the one that had the least of that and it's one of Tomino's best works. And his "leash" generally consists of "make sure the robot appears in the first episode and that there's a robot fight in every episode", which really has nothing to do with the quality of the show itself.
Did anyone ever read the TV manga?
Garzey's Wing is the only unfiltered Tomino anime
I tried to talk about Go Nagai five days ago and the mods banned me for 72 hours. Don't risk it, lads.
Tomino was heavily sedated while working onTurn A.
Based, too bad Yea Forums only talks about old senile cunts that need to rant to feel relevant
>t. Gainax pleb faggot
Alright but why was his art such shit?
Looked like Disney with adult themes.
>Looked like Disney with adult themes.
This was how manga looked in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Tezuka was the same way. They just never bothered changing their styles to fit in with newer stuff.
>Naked loli in a fedora
"Just as I'd expect from a magician."
Who is your Go Nagai waifu?
For me, it's Iron Virgin Jun!
When I was young and stubborn, I use to hate this man because I did not personally agree with the comics he made. As I've gotten older, I came to recognize his passion, his desire to create, and traded me unreasonable hatred for a new found respect.
I may not like all of his work, I may even hate it, but I cannot fault the man for creating media with so much passion
>I did not personally agree with the comics he made.
But he made his contributions to BL too. Are you homophobic?
the absolute madman also accidentally the braaaap meme
I actually like the cartoony styles of the 60s and 70s
Nagai's Guyver.
I didn't care for the subject matter.
he just mirrored what was happening in pop culture at the time (exploitation films) he's nothing special
I wish he continue Full Metal Lady. It had a neat concept and Nagai often excels at exploiting his own Oedipus complex
Being the first to do something isn't ineherently a merit.
Nagai can't draw, can't write, and is an all around hack.
>classic Disney style bad and not high art
>edgiest teenager on Yea Forums
And yet Devilman, Cutie Honey, Manzinger, etc. are still beloved.
Wonder how many more generations it will take before people stop praising hackswho "did something first" instead of ridiculing them for how shit the garbage that they made actually was. Nagai is like Tezuka: 95% of their shit is complete bottomfeeder trash and irredeemably bad.
And tell me who you consider to be good mangaka, my dear contrarian
Cutey honey, Mazinger and Devilman are fucking great. Especially Mazinger was insanely popular with boomers.
Choose one at random and they'll likely be better. Being first almost inevitably results in your work being trash. It's unpolished and artistically shallow. True art is created by utilizing other people concepts and building on them. Praising garbage because it came first is a redflag and immediately disqualifies the nostalgiafag from any worthwhile discourse.
God Mazinger is criminally underrated, both in Japan and in the west
But Dororo and Devilman are great.
Give me a straight answer you pretentious fuckwit
>True art is created by utilizing other people concepts and building on them
Even with how early Tezuka and Nagai were they were still building on things from the past. That's how art works. But they were also people who came up with things that influenced tons of stuff later on. It's hard to say definitively that things would be different if they didn't exist but as it is right now both of them were extremely influential and responsible for at least part of the base of what is anime and manga.
Igarashi, Matsumoto, Urushibara, Otomo, Nihei, Kishimoto
Opinion immediately discarded
2 good mangaka, one hipster shit and naruto author. Kek
>judging artist on their worst output instead of their best
great job on having completely uninteresting opinions
>mecha, ecchi, gar, ultra violence, rape, interracial relationship with white man and black woman
What a fucking legend.
A god
el bumpo grande
Anime before the mid 90s is pretty much just trash honestly.
Dumb evafag
At least you're not an 80s OVA nigger but you still have shit taste.
Found the retards
How can one man be so based
Even though go nagai's art was never astounding he had an eye for making some real cool stuff
Also introduced the homolust in mecha
It's all fair game if it's two bros
And he solved it in devilman by giving ryo tits.
Literally blind
Its me or his old art style was actually better
Mazinger>Cutey Honey>Devilman
you mean Yasuhiko. Tomino sucks
These are pretty cherrypicked
He gotten better as he went on.
He never became amazing fundies wise but he learned how to make cooler and cooler imagery.
stay mad
fuck you faggot, I thought you meant he was dead
you all got tricked