Characters are unrealistic

>Characters are unrealistic
>Drama is hamfisted and forced
>the episodes don't know how to transition between it's moods.
Why was this so highly regarded again? It was an absolute slog getting through 5 episodes.

Attached: shit drama the anim.jpg (640x360, 61K)

time flop

>Characters are unrealistic
>Drama is hamfisted and forced
>the episodes don't know how to transition between it's moods.
Why was this so highly regarded again? It was an absolute slog getting through 5 episodes.
Time flop

Attached: MV5BNzYzNWZkOTMtNDA0ZC00ZWMwLTllODEtOTAyOGI2NjA4MTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk2MDc1MjQ@._V1_.jpg (600x863, 60K)

Really makes me think.

>Characters are unrealistic
>Drama is hamfisted and forced
>the episodes don't know how to transition between it's moods.
Why was this so highly regarded again? It was an absolute slog getting through 5 episodes.

Attached: ayeka_and_ryoko.jpg (500x458, 168K)

>why was this so highly regarded again?
It wasn't. It didn't win anything important, it wasn't the best-selling in its own season, it's already forgotten.

Why are you describing VEG?

I tried watching this twice and I just can't get through it because the characters are so inorganic.

Exactly. For a character driven show, the characters were the worst part of it. That's not a good look.

Just call them plastic or contrived.

>Characters are unrealistic
>Drama is hamfisted and forced
>the episodes don't know how to transition between it's moods.
Why was this so highly regarded again? It was an absolute slog getting through 5 episodes.

Attached: jojosstardustcrusaders.png.jpg (460x246, 79K)

literally the opposite of what it means in this context


The entire premise of Jojo is that it's so over-the-top and grotesque. Either love it or leave it.

Stop pretending like you watch anime, Yea Forumstard.

>VEGtards still mad

Attached: 469db241df419965ffc2bd48ab8c1e1c.png (1226x1076, 902K)

what is this? this looks like a discount k-on.


Violet lives in your heads.

Attached: Ti-.png (503x501, 210K)

>plebs fighting for which time flop is better

Attached: tenor.gif (316x280, 1.17M)

Check em

Attached: this is the filename.jpg (1280x720, 253K)

FranXX is also a time flop, though.


Franxx isn't a time flop, it's simply a dumpster fire.

what the hell is a time flop

>multiple threads every day
>time flop

Attached: 1557562304324.jpg (1280x600, 63K)

>samefag making yet another thread

I will never understand his thought process. He hates the show, yet he makes a thread about it every day.
Imagine if he spent that effort on promoting shows he actually likes.


Good, keep posting this, more things to filter, soon I will have the ultimate schizo filter.

>no sequels
>completely forgotten in Japan
>threads are basically fanficition/fanart dumps
It's a time flop.

Remember to sage after report.

>shows he actually likes
I doubt he has many. It's probably why it's annoying to him to see other people that actually like anime.

>no sequels
Sequels are only for shitty cashgrabs, kyoanus style, no decent anime has a sequel.
>completely forgotten in Japan
>threads are basically fanficition/fanart dumps
>t. compulsive liar
Seethe harder vegfag.

>no sequels
A lot of great anime doesn't have sequels

>completely forgotten in Japan
The manga sold really well it even stood toe to toe with a lot of popular manga >threads are basically fanficition/fanart dumps
You could easily check the recent threads . They discuss characters, reminisces the show, the flaws and the greats. It's not perfect discussion but it is Yea Forums after all, people discuss cute girls regularly and that's fine

Attached: 1557541592003.png (350x473, 155K)

>OP doesn't even mention VEG
>yorifags immediately bring up their boogeyman
it really makes you think.

We all know you're both OP and a falseflagger.

Why are you bumping your shitty thread and when are the mods going to take action against this fucking shitposter? Literally ack levels of shitpost on this nonsense threads.

Yorifags are incapable of forming actual arguments.

it sure looks like it.

nice bump faggot,take your pills.

Why are you so angry, Yori shill?

Will anything ever break the winter 2018 curse?

nice trips. yorifags btfo

Take your pills faggot, from now on I will spamm in this threads with the same response till you cease and I do have a lot of time to do so.

>Falseflagging an argument this hard

why are yorifags so mentally unstable?

Dam son

how would you fix sora yori's writing?

Hire someone who can into character writing

Even a child can do better
Just avoid hiring anyone from Yea Forums

Take your pills faggot

This, and hire a better director.

Take your pills faggot

Literally the 2nd reply, you people are fucking obsessed.

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Everything is better when directed by Seiji Kishi.

Fire the writer.

why is the dialogue so stiff and awkward in this show?

Attached: rent free coffee.png (250x300, 40K)