What on EARTH was he thinking?!

What on EARTH was he thinking?!

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Fucking ugly bitch

>not wanting to be with someone who brutally tortured you
Seems like a rational decision.

Dude demands she be with him for the rest of his life in the books. I've got no idea why the anime changed it to her begging him.

I miss the beginning episodes where there was more prominent Ram. She’s so intelligent. The sisters are at their most entertaining when they are together and honestly fuck Subaru for wanting to run away with Rem thus keeping them apart. Maybe it’d be good for Rem to grow by being apart from her sis for awhile but I would hope they would return to each other. I’ll never forget how adorable and cutes Ram+Rem looked when Subaru woke up yelling in the mansion bed from one of his witch nightmares and the sisters were holding hands staring at him frightened. Honesty more sister on sister interaction in future episodes please. Give me both or give me none. Because what’s the point of keeping those two apart

Brainwashed by the witch to like half elves.

just read the IF story where they get married and have kids instead.

Wasn't the director a massive Emiliafag?

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He wasn't on Earth anymore

Anastasia Hoshin is one helluva cutie

He is a massive Puckfag, he even said that Rem acts more like a main heroine than Emilia.

Considering he’s a weeb neet, I have no idea why he didn’t go for the girl who was offering herself to him. This is why Kazuma is a better and more relatable protagonist.

this desu. Subaru got implanted with an extreme knife ear fetish and doesn't have a choice

He has the half elf version of Toxoplasmosis

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version ncode.syosetu.com/n2267be/138/
WN Eng Version remonwater.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/rezero-web-novel-translated-scene-of-rem-feigning-her-death/
LN Yen Press Version pastebin.com/XPWB6xPr

>he even said that Rem acts more like a main heroine than Emilia.
But then he goes on to say Emilia is the main heroine when she’s clearly not.
>Watanabe: That’s a tough question. People will get mad at me no matter who I say (laughs). But I suppose that Rem’s role in the story is that of a sub-heroine, while Emilia is the main heroine. I directed episode 1 myself and did as much as I could to enhance her presence in the scenes to make up for her lack of screen time. I’d change her outfits and made sure she gave off a strong impression. As far as I’m concerned, the heroine is Emilia, but perhaps nobody will believe me when I say that. After all, Rem clearly acts more like a heroine (laughs). But please don’t forget the scenes that showcase Emilia as the heroine (laughs).

I literally just finished episode 18 a few minutes ago. I actually cried, first time in years. What an absolute, cream of the crop, best tier girl.
I'm guessing that was the highlight of the show, but i'm gonna continue now.

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18 is the best episode in S1 imo but S2 could top it easily

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Do you know of the cuts in Arc 4?

What do you mean, from WN to LN?

Ha, what a faggot. I personally prefer Nee-sama, but I teared up at Rem's performance there, too. She's such a good girl. ;_;


Yeah some good stuff was cut and they added some stupid shit but I'm still optimistic about it.

Just you wait. Season 2 is gonna have a scene where Subaru says ”I love Rem” like a child that only realizes they want something after they can’t have it

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I wouldn’t get your hopes up, it’s Emilia all the way from here on out.

Who could not love the most gentlest, kindest, heroinest girl of them all, Emilia? She is the most magnificent and heroic character to ever grace this series. Come watch Season Two of Re:Zero and watch Emilia sit in bed crying for 75% of the season.

He just had other tastes

In the WN and LN Subaru is in love with Rem. The anime, manga are what deviate from that.

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>What on EARTH
He ain't on earth anymore

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That he loves Emilia obviously.

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Christ its been years and people are still harping about this. Focus on your own damn romantic life instead of a fictional one you assclowns.

eat my ass

It's a decent show, but Subaru is op as shit. No one can do anything on their own, they need him to hand hold everything.

Emilia wants to be king? killed by Elsa, puck can't do shit to help her. Rem can't even buy groceries without a dog cursing her to death in arc 2. Two candidates can't form an alliance without him to grease the wheels for them. 400 years and no one has figured out how to kill the white whale. Subaru finishes strong on arc 3 by killing an arch bishop, something all the knights were unable to do.

He's a fucking puppet master, if he were a villain he could take down basically anyone in that stupid world.

remfags are incels who would have known!

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Elsa, the cursed dog and various other things Subaru has to deal with were all instigated by Roswaal.

Right. And? It still took Subaru to solve the problem, who caused the problem isn't the issue here.

>the cursed dog
Nope. That was somebody else. Elsa was hired to attack the mansion in Arc 4 and she was hired to kill Emilia in Arc 1, Melil was not hired in any case.

Every little thing can’t go exactly the way you want. Every little detail can’t be perfect. Fuck your standards it was still decent

Right, I must have gotten that mixed up. It's been a while, sorry.
It kind of is because the problems were caused specifically to train Subaru and have him overcome ridiculous odds. They were tailored in such a way that he *had* to be the one to solve them.
That said, yes, Subaru is still OP as shit considering he can literally return to a prior point in time by death. The only thing that slightly upsets this is the fact that he can't control where a checkpoint is but that's honestly a cop-out.
That said, I don't expect stellar writing from a WN in the first place and re:0 is still better than most other Isekai.

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She wants to rule and for everyone to be equal. That’s not so shit. Everything else pretty much

>She wants to rule and for everyone to be equal.
Only for as a lie. All she really wants is to use the Kingdom's power to unfreeze her village.

Oh snap. At the hearing in the capital she said all she wishes for is equality which made her sound like a better choice than the other candidates but maybe she’s mostly selfish. I can’t blame her if she wants her race of elves/half-elves or whatever to continue being a species in the universe

rem is a kek

Trying to make everyone equal is the biggest meme of humanity, it's a stupid naive ideology that never works, so she's shit for wanting that.

well I think in the anime canon she really does want equality and shit as her platform, the novels are different

waifus aside is the show watchable ?

go ahead

>Emilia wants to be king? killed by Elsa, puck can't do shit to help her. Rem can't even buy groceries without a dog cursing her to death in arc 2.
Yeah I wonder whose behind this

>Subaru finishes strong on arc 3 by killing an arch bishop, something all the knights were unable to do.
Didn’t Wilhelm kill pride like 30 years before the current events?

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Emilia is literally perfect and has been helping Subaru throughout the entire series which is why Subaru wants to do lewd things with her elf ears. Rem is a cunt with a dumb horn that murdered him and is useless other than making every situation worse.

What’s the name of the series?

Re:Starting in another world from Zero.

What scene is that title referring to? He only starts from Zero once.

>Emilia is literally perfect and has been helping Subaru throughout the entire series which is why Subaru wants to do lewd things with her elf ears.
>Arc 1, no help, in fact Subaru has to help her
>Arc 2, no help
>Arc 3, no help again and Subaru needs to save her when she’s quite capable of saving herself
>Arc 4, no help, in fact Subaru AGAIN needs to help her overcome her problems so she can get out of bed
>Arc 5, Subaru needs to save her after she was kidnapped by a autistic guy
>Arc 6, her invaluable contribution of how many steps they climbed up the stairway

>Rem is a cunt with a dumb horn that murdered him and is useless other than making every situation worse.
Ahh that’s a funny way of saying Rem, the girl that hides Subaru’s weakness - for a Subaru that needs to be strong she holds his weakness. The girl who tells him to stand up and to save everyone, stricter on him than anyone else in the world.

It’s like I’m responding to some bad bait

Don’t bother. They think their edgy because they called Rem a cunt. It does not affect us

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There's only one girl that matters. Everyone else is garbage.

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>Not seeing the quality traits of every girl
one-sided close-minded faggot

Dumb angsty teenage Wilhelm poster

Dear user, can you explain the context here?
Thank you.

Scene cut from the anime. Should have happened during episode 21 after the white whale is defeated. Rem pretends to be dying to trick Subaru into revealing his feelings for her.

He can't take down Reinhard, he's just broken beyond comprehension.

It’s also cut from the manga too. The manga artist uses a pose from the LN illustration of the scene so it’s beyond deliberate cutting that scene

He wanted half elf pussy instead loving oni pussy rookie mistake

So the meme about Subaru loving Emilia was a kind of curse is real?
Rem a best.

Subaru loves Satella, so his love for Emilia is probably caused from that

Damn. Rem is so lonely and so uncomfortable with herself that she has to stoop to these means of affairs? I mean the girl is pure wife material but fuck if the feelings ain’t mutual. She’s damn weird compared to Emilia i’ll give her that. I like her better but in that instance she was unattractive

Does Subaru ever get a bad savepoint so someone important dies for real?

Rem kinda dies.
She becomes a hollow shell and none but Subaru remembers her. Subaru kill himself trying to reset that, but the save point gets uptaded after that.

Is Emilia the most boring girl ever?

One of them. Literally whoever designed Emilia pulled the ultimate “played it safe” card

Will Felt destroy the bourgeoise?

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She’s running against Emilia so she’s guaranteed to lose

The half elf racism needs to stop. You can't judge all half elves just because one of them happened to be evil. Even though coincidentally the one you are judging just happens to be the same elf and your anger is completely justified

>harem anime has shit writing
and water is wet

He was butthurt about getting mutilated by her a few times.

fuck you mean, in the scene Subaru was milliseconds from sucking Rem's face but that stupid catfaggot stepped in

No he wasn't. He doesn't give a shit about that.

>but fuck if the feelings ain’t mutual.
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
learn to read retard

The revolution must come from the people user. But a loli communist anime would be pretty fuckin based

I guarentee the Emilia camp will be seen as villains by the rest of Lugunica by the end of the series. Every new member has a shady past and is almost always a demihuman and outcast by the rest of society. Not to mention Subaru is shady as shit. He has powers in some way similar to dead archbishops, he has a dragon aids infested arm that doesn't seem to faze him, he is constantly described by others as scary looking, he constantly produces witch miasma, and he seems to be supernaturally lucky. My bet is it's Subaru and Emilia camp versus the world in the final arcs, with Reinhardt being the main antagonist because going against them would be what a hero would do

Wtf is going on with her arms and legs

She’s the king of twister for a reason

Not a harem anime. Rem and Emilia are the only ones who have feelings like that for him.

Why so many Re:Zero threads lately? IseQuar?

What's the source on this one?

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Don’t know, picked it off of here years ago. The text is ripped straight out of the WN iirc

Yeah it probably brought in a lot of new people who are barely reacting to the big episode 13 and 18 moments. Personally I think it's pretty great since the threads when summaryanon would translate like 3 chapters a week were probably my favorite times on Yea Forums. And if it gets more people to read and discuss the greatness that is the WN I'm all for it

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>having a romantic life

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Subaru is crazy. He and Rem click so well because they both are.

Reddit is that way.

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>But then he goes on to say Emilia is the main heroine when she’s clearly not.
She is. Just like Index is the main heroine of her series, despite lacking screentime. Your rules (or mine) on what should constitute a main heroine don't matter here.


>3rd Chapter
>not overall
This kinda backs up my point, not sure if intentional.

I believe Tappei does not think of overall heroines, throughout his Arcs he tries to bring in different casts or different combinations of characters for each of them.

Also the anime only covered 1-3 as that’s all of the LNs that existed at the time, with three being the most of it. To say Emilia is the heroine of arcs 1-3 is wrong as 3 which was most of it was Lem in the words of the author.