Yea Forums has been a lot more pedo friendly since the last year.
Yea Forums has been a lot more pedo friendly since the last year
Other urls found in this thread:
Just when Yea Forums stopped being antisemitic.
Coincidence? I think not.
You have to go back.
And you too.
>using unironically the word "pedo" on Yea Forums
Is there anything inherently wrong with being a pedophile?
not only we are aware of our desires and we control them to great extent,the majority of the population thinks we are pederast without a doubt,isn't this discrimination?
lolicons are the scum of this planet
read that in his voice
There's no way such a thing as a pedophile exist just right here near me. They're clearly Minor Attracted Persons!
I blame the cute and funny meme
oh no you will trigger the p*dos if you use that word
>3 loli threads deleted today
I wish. This thread is going to be deleted as well.
I thought Yea Forums is a pedo safe space? If you're not one already, you'll end up fapping to a loli soon.
The only thing wrong witg pedo anons is that when you pass the line of "Yea Forums is for anime and manga" and get your posts or threads deleted, you spam the board with nsfw loli threads.
What a bunch of babies.
I'm sure there are imageboards with dedicated loli boards for you with no limits to your pedo talk, but you decided it had to be 4channel's Yea Forums and I don't understand why.
What a terrible combination.
I read It in araragi voice.
He is right too,this is only for anime and manga little Girls and idiots that want to Talk about irl lolis hace to get gamer.
Lolicons don't commit a crime.
Learn English, ESLfag.
At least this thread would deserve it.
When an episode thread or one that actually has Yea Forums relevant discussion gets deleted it's more annoying.
This fatass's cute and funny show helped win some people over.
Well the message is
>Anime lolis good
>Irl lolis not so bad but is not acepted in Yea Forums
im sorry for phoneposting.
>yuri hagshit
>winning over lolicons
Could you elaborate?
>since last year
hello newfriend
Based Stallman. He truly wants freedom for everyone.
I want to make a cute & funny sticker with a loli face.
Which loli should it be?
No one can answer this one.
Hags don't want you to because it's easier for them than having to compete with better products.
Why don't Hiro bring back /l/?
whoa, Rin is so redpilled for her age.
This is undeniably true.
I wish I could still marry a 10-year-old girl.
>"social purity movement"
>Christian feminist
why wait?
Feminists are the real nazis and nobody bats an eye.
>current year
>cant difference between pedos and lolicons
stupid normalfags
>Anime lolis good
>Irl is BAD
lolis don't exist in the 3D world, just stupid kids and whoever that feel attracted to a kid should be killed on sight
You have to go back
Fuck off back to rеddit, normalfag.
>le funny cunny thread
>gets deleted
>lolicons spam the board with porn
Get a thicker skin
Where is the porn ?
>flat is red
Go back.
Yea Forums has more loli content than Yea Forums nowadays.
You must be new here
And I dont understand why you use a tripcode for attentionwhoring
>I'm a lolicon; I'm not like you, pedo
Lurk for two years before posting.
Go back.
Why don't the jewpanase bring back something that would reduce his incomings?
idk user
This is a myth Yea Forums have more resetera trannys and normalfags that any other board
I'm gonna do it.
Go back.
Fuck off pedo
>cant difference
But Loli is fine but pedoposters on Yea Forums are a real thing and they believe this is true despite mods proving them wrong every time.
Fuck off, non-pedo.
>tripfag is also a mod cocksucker
Lurk for 2 years or kill yourself, newfag.
It's obviously falseflagging to make loliposters look bad!
>since the last year.
t. only been here for a year
You don't belong here, normalfag.
Go back
But, it still has more loli threads.
The average loliposter
When will you stop this "no u" posting, normalfag?
>2016 Amerikkka MAGAcucks finally getting the hint
Holy shit took you beta incel sub humans long enough.
For normalfags here:
When you go Back.
This loli is asking the important questions.
Just kill everyone in this thread. (Except pedos, they are cool)
Go back.
Thats okay but the fact that people want to talk about other things that would not be 2D lolis here is a bad Move.
Not sure if I agree seeing as I experienced drastic increase of bans and warnings for loliposting.
There shouldn't be any, gookmoot said sfw loli are not bannable.
Fuck off, normalfag.
Its okay to be Pedo but We have To Set A Limit.
Fuck off nigger
These posts made me genuinely upset and bitter for the opportunities taken from me before I was even born. I hope you are ashamed of yourself anons.
is a mod in specific, a faggot from the times of moot
Fucking normalfags mistaking lolicons for pedos
See , ironic lolicon.