Domestic na Kanojo

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229話 偏見と差別
>RuixChef+al part 1
Rui knows that Kajita fight two bad guys for her ass
>HinaxNatsuo part 2
Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement

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If Kajita is actually praised as a hero and not a psycho for attacking those guys I'll be pretty upset.

>>RuixChef+al part 1
>Rui knows that Kajita fight two bad guys for her ass
>>HinaxNatsuo part 2
>Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement
Oh boy, I wonder how the Ruifags will react.

How is he a psycho for punching two scumbags that were not only talking down on Rui as a person, but a chef as well along with putting down his whole race? Kei was making them out to be ignorant and racist gaijin, idiot.

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Just because two guys are having a private unsavory conversation doesn't mean you get to assault them.
They weren't even talking to Rui and harassing her. They just said privately how they wanted to hook up with her and objectified her.
Kajita did this at his work too. Kajita should be fired. Those guys could even press assault charges on him. He could even get his ass deported back to Japan.
As much as you can dislike those guys for saying they want to fuck Rui you don't get to break the law.

Kajita punching those scumbags was Kei showing us readers that he has feelings for Rui which is why he reacted in such a manner. Feelings he still does not understand. Since he's known for being level-headed and mature, I wouldn't be surprised if he berates himself for how he acted. Kei made the two scumbags ignorant and racist towards her own race, clearly they're characters meant to be disliked. Just say you don't like how his chances at being the endgame for Rui are doing nothing but increasing and go.

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Cute couple and endgame

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I honestly don't care if Rui and him are together in the end.
I still think what he did was stupid and should get some backlash for it. Even if you think what he did was right I'd consider it bad writing if he didn't get fired for it.
He chose to stand up for Rui and sacrificed his job and his stay in America by acting like an idiot. Even if it was the right thing to do there are consequences.

So Natsuo's idea of moving forward is to move in with Hina? OK then.

Maybe it was the idea of Hina so she could look after him more closely after the mess he got himself into.

Just a reminder that
Natsuo grabbed Shuu by his color upon fist meeting him and admitted to Rui that he was close to assaulting him, with Rui telling him to hurt Shuu enough for both of them
Rui assaulted Natsuo when she found out that he loved Hina, even though Natsuo was crippled
Natsuo assaulted his ugly study buddys childhood friend for a past insult

and that both Natsuo and Alex would both of assaulted the same people for saying the same things about Rui.
you can whine all you want about how it 'wasn't appropriate' or 'immature' or 'psycotic', but do you truly believe that anyone who cares about Rui would of just let a 'she's asain so she'll give submissive head' thing pass by them?

In the end, your just bias because of how much you dislike Kajita, even though Natsuo and Alex would of done the same thing and i doubt you'd be saying shit if that was the case.

are they moving into Natsuo's apartment, a new one, or is he noving back home?

Reminds me of when Rui asked if she could move in with Natsuo soon after he moved out, only for him to say that they had to keep their distance and the relationship secret.

i wonder how the parents will react, or if they even know about the whole misaki thing.

>In the end, your just bias because of how much you dislike Kajita, even though Natsuo and Alex would of done the same thing and i doubt you'd be saying shit if that was the case.
This. Some anons want him to be just like Hina's stalker so fucking bad, and it's not happening. Kei has shown in a good light time after time. She's not going to repeat the same character all over again. If Kajita doesn't end up with Rui, it'll be cause of Natsuo, not cause HE'S A PSYCHO WHO WOULD BEAT HER.

>Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement

Kei give us a hint before with the number 229 (pic)

I think him moving forward was just acceptance.
Rui is gone and so is his ability to be a writer.
He is probably going to look for a different career path now.
He'll eventually realize Hina was his inspiration to be a writer.

I forget my pic

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>into Natsuo's apartment

I think Natsuo moving in with Hina will just serve to make Rui think she was right that he always loved Hina more than her.

I honestly just think that literally assaulting someone in your workplace while being in another country on a workers visa should end up getting you into trouble.
All those situations before were handled by private parties and not resolved by police.
Al would have been arrested for what he did to Rui if Natsuo didn't beg her to forgive him.
Even if Natsuo assaulted Hina's boyfriend I doubt he would have taken it to the police because of the circumstance.
I don't remember Natsuo assaulting anyone just yelling at them in public. I might be wrong though.

In this case though Kajita literally attacks strangers, physical assault, for saying they want some Asian pussy.
The idiot does this at his workplace. If this wasn't at his work then he would never get in trouble.

>Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement
It makes sense. Hina realized Natsuo can't move on from Rui by himself. She'll prevent him from getting into another self-destructing mess.

>Hina realized Natsuo can't move on from Rui by himself.
What? Natsuo already confirmed he's ready to move forward. To say he needs Hina's help him on something he's already decided seems silly.

He can relapse. Solitude is never a good idea when moving on from a breakup.

I think Hina moved in cause she was worried about him after that last mess. He’s in a fragile state where he’s still suffering through the writers block and dealing with being dumped by his lover instead of being supported by her. I think Hina bring around will help.

Don't the parents know about Hina and Natsuo already? I swear her mother said something about letting those two be together if that's what they wanted. Then there was the whole vacation incident where they left those two alone.

After watching the anime I kinda wanna pick up this series like a filthy secondary, but I've seen so many "main characters are emotionally and mentally damaged" + "love polygon" series that I think I'm going to get bored.

Yes. After Natsuo took the knife for Hina. Rui overheard the “they should be together” statement.

I don't get Natsuo. I don't think he ever loved Rui so I'm not sure why he's acting like he's incredibly hurt and whatnot. He looks like a drama queen to me.

Where the hell is Serizawa when we need her the most?

>Natsuo moving in with Hina will just serve to make Rui think she was right that he always loved Hina more than her.
She was right though.
People bitch that Rui was a cunt for dumping Natsuo but it was the right thing to do. There was no point to that relationship because Natsuo's heart wasn't into it.

It's incredible to know that rui's as retarded as her fans are.
She broke up to see whether they're fated together.

>I don't think he ever loved Rui so I'm not sure why he's acting like he's incredibly hurt and whatnot.
Even if you don't believe he loved her, he at the very least had strong feelings for her. To be dumped out of nowhere while he was already down must have cut deep. Especially when he has been nothing but supportive towards Rui as a chef. Let's look at how the both of them dealt with their insecurities. Even though Natsuo was jealous over Rui having to work closely with Kajita, he doesn't let his jealously get the best of him. On the other hand, Rui dumps him cause of her insecurities. If she's not the solution to his writers block then she see's no point in being together which is the right way to think.

Rui's mistake was to fuck him the night before. Natsuo got the wrong idea and thought Rui would always be for him. He didn't suspect it was a "goodbye" fuck.

>She broke up to see whether they're fated together.
i dont think so. hina isnt even a train of thought during the breakup. plus she had that talk with kajita over that statement, remember? and she stopped worrying about it.

>Natsuo was jealous over Rui having to work closely with Kajita, he doesn't let his jealously get the best of him.
Because his feelings weren't strong enough. If it was Hina in Rui's place, he would have been more jealous.

>Rui dumps him cause of her insecurities
She dumps her because he loves Hina. It's not just insecurity. She's perfectly aware where Natsuo's feelings are.

I hope the chef is meant to be sane and that was meant to be a nice act.
I don't want him to turn into a psycho.

>bitch still has hope there's a fate, after fucking it up

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Me too. Chef clicks very well with Rui. I wouldn't mind if he is Rui's real soulmate.

im not a ruifag idiot. the whole "rui broke up with natsuo because she believes he fits better with hina" would just work in her favor for endgame though which is why kei didn't have rui think about think during the breakup. it wasnt about her, it was about rui not feeling good enough cause she couldnt be the cure to his writers block.

>I'll be pretty upset

And the world will keep on turning.

They're brother and sister, what's wrong?

I'm not too sure Rui will like finding out that her ex-boyfriend is moving in with his ex-girlfriend that Rui always thought he loved more than her.

Well Rui has used every dirty trick in the history book to get Natsuo so I don't see how she has any right to say anything after break up.

Or maybe she will be surprised to realize it doesn't bother her that much. Would ruifags be mad if it doesn't bother her?

Does Rui even get to have a say when she took advantage of a heartbroken Natsuo in order to land him while keeping THAT secret from him? Let's not forget to mention that she was the one to end things. How Natsuo decides to heal himself from getting dumped is none of her business.

Never said you were a ruifag
>it wasnt about her, it was about rui not feeling good enough cause she couldnt be the cure to his writers block.
Never did she mention his writer block to al.

It's not her business.

re-read 215. rui rants about how she cant stand the thought of some other girl knowing natsuo better than she can. that girl was serizawa, who natsuo opened up to. rui was hurt that he didnt rely on her during his moment of need.


>Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement
No fuckin way. Some nice perception there.

>I think I'm going to get bored

Gettind bored is one of the last thing you'll feel reading domekano.

Do it for Sasuga's sex scenes.

It's like you want domekano to be a boring manga.

Ha. Some people got too involved with this series and self inserted too hard pretending they were dating the girl. Try not to get to that point.

And how you thought she took it as "she couldn't be the cure to his writer block" is beyond me.
It means she's insanely jealous when a female sex knows more about him than her. Nothing new here.
Her solution is to write down his feelings when she broke his heart. Best gf.

Would be easier if I could stand Natsuo. He's such a shit character.

I see two ways this plays out. Either Kajita is supposed to be a hero or these are supposed to be first hints of the psycho that Natsuo will have to save Rui from.
I really want Rui to be fucking done and have her endgame established so lets all just say he did nothing wrong

I really think chef boy kinda resembles early stage Rui. He still doesn’t understand human emotion that well. I think that Rui’s main purpose for him is to develop his emotions rather than end game girl. He’ll probably go through the same arc as early stage Rui too, and Rui decided to pick Nat over him just like how Nat picked Hina over Rui before

Fuck the law when someone talks about your woman. Oh wait, he hasn't got to that point yet.

Or has he?

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>rather than end game girl
They will probably end up together though. I don't see Natsuo going back to Rui. I think that ship sunk for good.

Hina still won't take advantage of the situation.

Natsuo and Rui didn't work because of communication issues. He wouldn't rely on her, she would get insecure, then Rui would make an attempt to talk it out, but she's high-strung from the get-go which then leads Natsuo bringing up Kajita. His writing issues along with Rui having to be in a different country was bound to cause some problems. Hina and Kajita are exactly what those two need in partners once you really think about it. Kajita is level-headed, secure and mature which will help balance Rui, who's still childish and quite insecure. Hina has already declared to dedicate her life to making sure his dream come true which can end in her being a housewife that supports her husband and his work while taking care of the home and future children. Plus it's Hina that gets him writing.

Natsuo won't pick Rui. Not after how she dumped him and definitely not once he finds out he knew that secret.

I think Sasuga foreshadowed Rui as end girl too much for any non-Rui end.

Rui really believes that fate is against her at this point, since the family supports NatXHina and how she thinks that Nat loves hina the most.

Imo, might be predictable, but the most logical way I can see Sasuga to end this series is for Nat to get together with Hina for a while and Rui gets to be with chef boy. With the ending being they both realized that they are “fated” to be together.

It's hard to hide things from someone you're living with. Either Hina will tell Natsuo she still loves him or he'll eventually figure it out himself.

What secret? Her working with chef boy? I think Nat already knows about that tho

he is already praised as a hero on MAL
that forum is disgusting

He's talking about her keeping it a secret that Hina always loved him and Rui was taking advantage of the situation.


>Rui has to take advantage of Hina's situation
>Has to hide the truth about Hina's feelings to get him
>Has to make sure that he doesn't find out
>Has to beg Hina to stay silent when she did the worst to her
>Hina-nee please be there for Natsuo but don't you dare tell him the truth
>Breaks up with Natsuo by making everything about herself when she wasn't even the reason behind Natsuo's problem.

>Natsuo proposed to Hina
>Hina is the one who always inspired him to write
>The one who sacrificed everything just to protect his future, burying her feelings in the process
>The one whose feelings never changed despite going through shit alone just to save him
>Has kept the rings
>Was saved by Natsuo who took a knife to the chest to save her.
>Has decided to dedicate her life for him even if he is not with her in the end.

Kei hasn't been very subtle when it comes to foreshadowing, but it's very obvious where she is going.

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Go back and stay there next time.

Based reminder user. Good to see you.

>Has decided to dedicate her life for him even if he is not with her in the end
She needs a shrink, not a boyfriend.

>She needs a shrink
She decided to dedicate her to his after he took a knife for her. It obviously doesn't mean that she's going to wait on him hand and foot, but that she'll help and support him to the best of her ability.


The heel never wins in a storyline. The story so far paints Hina as the underdog babyface while Rui as the chickenshit heel.

I remember someone told her that was an obsession and she should move on. I don't remember who said that though.

The amount of implicit subtext in that single panel should give you a hint.

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>natsuo doesnt rely on rui
>talks to serizawa
>doesnt let her move in
>lets hina move in
what does it mean

>I think
You didn't even begin trying.

Nobody said that. Even Marie who Kei uses as the advicery in the story only told her not to push herself too far. The same guy who called Rui on being obsessed.

How many cocks has Hina mounted again?

That's why she's prime waifu material. Only brainlet purefags would disagree.

Lmao so basically everything is a foreshadowing of rui endgame to her fans.
I thought ruitards told me natsuo would overcome his write block by writing about their breakup then go to us to confess his love for her. It was foreshadowed.
But NOW, they move on with dating others and it's foreshadowed they're fated for each other.
I'm not sure moving goal post till it suits your narrative counts as foreshadowing, fags.

Less than your mom's.

2 so far
she didnt get that far with stalker-kun right?

Rui doesn't deserve this. I hate my life. Not like this.

They'll keep moving the goalposts until the last minute when it finally sinks it that it isn't happening.

>I remember someone told her that was an obsession and she should move on.
>no one did

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Rui certainly doesn't deserve any whiteknighting and should just submit to superior gaijin dicks.

>ruifag trying to rewrite the literal manga
My sides are in orbit.

I mean the basic plot so far really resembles a lot of other similar manga. With the end girl not being the one the MC is with near the ending, there’s always something that is going to happen in the future that MIGHT change the MC’s mind

(Call me a Rui fag all you want, but don’t even try to argue why this scenario is less likely than the generic being together with end girl 30 chapters before the story ends)

>resembles a lot of other similar manga.
You wanna talk other manga? Ok. Let's mention how Chitoge and Aki both put their feelings to their side just like Hina did, and won in the end.

Hina has put her feelings aside for almost 2 years now. First for the sake of Natsuo's future and then for Rui's happiness. Also even right now Hina isn't persuing Natsuo and quiet possibly won't either until she talks it out with Rui( I doubt) or Natsuo gets some hint and confronts her.

Idk who tf is Aki but if it’s Nisekoi I can make an argument.

Onodera was always the “lead” girl in Raku’s heart, just like Hina was to Nat. I also think that Nat will also love his sisters equally just like how Raku did. In the end, he’ll pick the girl he’s more familiar with, in this case Rui, since the two both know their true self. Just like in Nisekoi.

Rui doesn't know Natsuo at all
Everything is always wrong assumptions and hurting him

>In the end, he’ll pick the girl he’s more familiar with, in this case Rui, since the two both know their true self.
And he doesn't know the true self of Hina? The only thing he doesn't know is that she still loves him, and put her feelings to the side for his sake. Even getting down on her knees and begging that their affair would be kept quiet because she was worried about him and how it would affect his time at school.

>since the two both know their true self
their break-up tells a different story

Natsuo knows Rui so much that in their 1.5 years relationship all he was able to write was a porn fic about her. Meanwhile we see Hina being the inspiration for his multiple works since the beginning, including the one for which he got an award

>Nat will also love his sisters equally
He never loved them equally. He only loved Hina. He was drawn to her and actively pursued her. On the other hand, Rui was the one chasing after him and he was never totally into it.

>how the Ruifags will react
Ruifags are on suicide watch for quite a while now, actually even before the break up. Since stalker-kun went full reteard i guess. Are there even any left, not counting animeonlyfags obviously.

How many "I think" posts did you land in this thread? You really need to stop rebuilding the narrative of this manga by looking at what others are doing and should focus on sasuga kei's subtext instead.

you are forgetting the first rule of harem manga. MC can't do anything wrong and if he does only so he can return even stronger.

onodera was never appear in the nisekoi one shot . She was destinied to fail.
Just like rui was alwasy an after thought to sasuga after she has finished drawing her main couple.
You need to read more mangas.

>Are there even any left, not counting animeonlyfags obviously.
Definitely. It's just that they're hiding due to the manga working against them.

How many chapters does it take for Hina to pass out and Natruo taking advantage this time?

I'm a ruifag and I'm pretty happy with all this Rui/Cheft development. Rui needs someone who actually loves her and understands her. This guy seems to fill the bill so it's okay in my book.

>Are there even any left
oh there are. They just congregate in Reddit and their discord. Like a horde.

I like you. Lets hope Chef stays sane and doesn't turn into a monster for no fucking reason.

>Just like rui was alwasy an after thought to sasuga after she has finished drawing her main couple.
This. She doesn't even look like the Rui we know in the second scenario.

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Domekana is a lot of things but definitely not boring. Everything can happen, literally everything. Natsuo could for example meet an acid attacked ex-model at a mixer who is now a cocaine snorting whore and let her live at his place to only get kidnapped by the mafia and later be rescued by his ex and some gay bartender.

>doesn't turn into a monster for no fucking reason.
Fucks sake, it's not going to happen. Kei is not going to write a stalker 2.0. If Chef isn't endgame, it's cause Rui will try to mend things with Natsuo.

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what's the definition of "equally" in your book?

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I am just worried.
Al having creepy vibes and him just exploding are bad signs.

This actually sounds like a better story than what we got. But I guess it wasn't melodramatic enough for Sasuga.

>proto rui was a childhood friend

I don't know what you're getting at, but your pic actually proves my point. He loved Hina more. Actually, I don't think he ever loved Rui at all.

He did genuinely love rui and made an effort to ease her insecurities. Can't blame him when his ex was an obsessed bitch and only wanted him for herself, far away from all the opposite sex.

I still don't understand why people didn't like this arc. It's as if they hate fun.

sure he loved her! She was the next best thing since she looks similar to her sister.

>He did genuinely love rui
Nah, she was just a convenient replacement for Hina. He never truly loved her. That doesn't mean he didn't make an effort to make things works with her, but he was forcing himself. He wasn't happy.

Rui was always the backup.Natsuo gloriously rejected her in chapter 95.When Hina became unattainable,he went back to her.

It's pretty fucked up once you think about it, but Rui did make the moves on him while he was heartbroken.

Dude Hina supported Rui throughout her relationship. The selfish bitch has the nerve to ask Hina to not do something that will make her cry when she did the worst to Hina and Hina supported her despite that. I know Ruifags are desperate but the length to which they go to blame others for Rui's action is quiet pathetic.

If so he could always conveniently fuck momo, whom I bet would be a better gf than this insecurity complex mess.

Rui is the biggest hypocrite in the story. She acts honest when the situation favours her. She made sure not to tell Natsuo about Hina's situation and her feelings but tries to put on the act of the honest person to tell Hina about her relationship with Natsuo. Quiet honestly, she is worse than Eba. At least asuka wasn't a blood relative to her.

That's a massive loser flag.Imagine having a sibling like Rui that goes after your ex immediately after you have broken up due to unfortunate circumstances.When she goes to Oshima,she gives zero shits about Hina.All she's worried about is preventing reunion of Natsuo and Hina.

If your point is that Rui was insecure, she sure was. If it is that Natsuo loved Rui, then you're an idiot. As explained, Natsuo never considered Rui. She was just a replacement and he never truly loved her.

I seriously don't even think that it was that ridiculous. Drug dealing and criminal organisations in Japan are just out of western understanding. I know a cop from Osaka and he tried to explain it to me but failed. Drug laws in Japan are fucking retarded you are able to get arrested for your husband/wife taking drugs....

He did choose to stay loyal to the replacement when the original kissed him. Which is where the ruitards pull their argument from.

Was there ever any doubt?

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Rui a shit

Forcing himself to be loyal to a girl he doesn't love is not a good thing. I know hinafag are butthurt Rui was the one who ended the relationship. I bet they wanted Natsuo to dump her first to make her suffer. They're petty and missing the point. The relationship was going nowhere and it had to end either way. That's all that mattered. Now hinafags should be happy he's free to do whatever he wants with whoever he wants.

Don't care about Rui, can we drop her from the plot already?

This is her endgame.

>All these death flags on Rui

Rui will die and Natsuo will be freed by Hina's red-lining pussy.

Kill yourself. I want to see more cute moments between her and chelf.


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I bet Rui will either fuck or kiss the chef and then she will realize that she still loves natsuo, the thing here is how the chef is gonna take it? if hes really a fucking psycho then shes in a hupe problem and the anons who are saying natsuo will come to the rescue maybe be right, in the case of the chef not being a madlad and taking it like a champ then rui will come back to nihon and tell natsuo she stills love him

of course theres the chance that after kissing/ fucking the chef Rui falls in love with him

I hope she fucks the chef and stops bothering Natsuo. I was a huge Rui fan and I like jealous girls but at this point Hina and Natsuo make pretty much a perfect couple and I can't imagine them becoming anything other than happy together. I'll be salty if this gets sloppily turned around, and considering the manga is a big chain of asspulls, it most probably will.

>I was a huge Rui fan
me too, she was my fav girl but lately shes been annoying as fuck, i dont see her winning the N owl but who knows

Kei could pull anything and its possible she will. Yes Hina has a good chance, but so does Rui desu.

>>Hina and Natsuo will live together in Natsuo's appartement
I bet Natsuo will find about the "rings"

>I really think chef boy kinda resembles early stage Rui. He still doesn’t understand human emotion that well. I think that Rui’s main purpose for him is to develop his emotions rather than end game girl.
Kajita is like Rui before she fall in love with Natsuo
>kajita =rui
The two are the same

the choice is usually dramatic in Kei/melodrama manga like these.

Can't you also all picture a 2 page spread after Hina and Natsuo date for awhile and anons are creaming themselves? There's an art to this shit. Steady climb to Hina victory and then a 1000 post rage thread eventually/
Its like picking stocks.

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Natsuo xHina will do nothing until RUIXCHEF are endgame

I can totally see Rui fucking the chef and still winning because lol, depending on how many volumes are left.

Get an older Chad in here I want to see Natsuo fight a two front war.

>Kei could pull anything
Sasuga Kei will only pull anything that isn't related to the final destination, like thugs kidnapping natsuo. The endgame is not a dice roll though.

>Thinking the designated loser has a chance
user, I...

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All of these look better than the garbage lowest common denominator personality Hina she settled on.
>inb4 yet another user gets sasuga kei'd

Yikes, Ruitard seething has achieved a new level.

If Hina had been a cool beauty that would've made the cuckshit so much better in the beginning.
>She is all calm and composed with Cucktsuo
>Turns mushy dere mess with chad-sensei

The current Hina seems like she'd let anyone stick it in after a couple days of pleading "just the tip".

>Implying I read garbage like this.
After GE anyone who doesn't just bingeread Sasuga Kei after completion is mentally challenged (You).

>The current Hina seems like she'd let anyone stick it in
That's a rather roundabout way of admitting that you haven't read the manga.

>Implying you weren't reading till Rui BTFO'd herself


I read until he didn't fuck that suicidal kogal with the tits.

I like how Rui is paired off with a dude who literally goes by the name Chef instead of his real name.

Early korean scans when?

What are you expecting from this series, good writing?

who else can see natsuo ending up completely alone and sasuga kei playing it off as a emotionally fulfilled novelist ending.

I think an 'eventually we became a normal happy family and all got married to other people' ending could work
If I wrote this I would never have one sister win and the other lose, I'd rather have both of them share him or everybody go their own way
I'm afraid one of the sisters is going to die in the end though and the other will win by default

I can see Hina dying. She seems inherently tragic.

Yeah, it feels like we've had some close calls with her being removed from the story already, with her disappearing to another city and then almost getting stabbed and whatnot, and them visiting Natsuo's mother's grave has kind of introduced a death theme already too
Hina's tragic flaw is that she's too eager to sacrifice herself and her happiness for others, it's a long enough story that maybe she'll get an arc where she learns to stop doing that and allows herself to be with Natsuo, or maybe all this time she was just supposed to fling herself in front of Truck-jun to save Natsuo so he can be with Rui

Ruifags don't read the manga.

I haven't read since the MC and the druggie thot got abducted, is Hina confirmed winner yet?

Hina has received the cum of many, many men inside her womb

>Kajita literally attacks strangers, physical assault, for saying they want some Asian pussy.
Ever heard of the Metoo Movement?
Even if Kajita does get in trouble, which is understandable, don't expect the other 2 to get off for racism and referring to Rui as a sexual object.
there is such a thing called 'code of conduct' in the work place and that means being respectful to other people and keeping comments like that out of the work place. people have been fired for less.

this isnt about your issues that Kajita attacked 2 racists sex starved pricks, its about he did anything at all to suggest he and Rui can be in together. otherwise Ruifags would at least say they got what they deserved, but they are more focused on Kajita doing anything at all and actually defend the assholes who refer to her as nothing more than a sexual object.

Most likely. We already have the future chapter that shows he's married and is a writer.
Its a bit much to say Hina is his inspiration to be a writer since his desire to write, lead him to the roof which lead to their meeting. its more fitting to say that she inspired the best of his writing abilities and was a catalyst to his development as a better writier though.

They know and have agreed to accept it, but that hotel incident was coincidence. however, it could also be fate putting the 2 together again, theres a list to prove they keep getting into simular situations (the storm, the festival and such)

He did, but also admitted to himself that it was a 'different love than with Hina'. which could suggest a weaker one.
It could also be that his attachment to Rui was a 'false love' because of how much Hina had hurt him with her lies to protect him, and that Ruis efforts to put herself in Natsuo's heart while he was vulnerable worked.

Natsuo at least put in the effort like a normal boyfriend should.

They didnt. they where in the same bed, but nothing happened.

>he doesn't let his jealously get the best of him
he did at the end, but only because he was frustrated of Rui suspicions of him and Serizawa,

He also has younger siblings so Rui would love being a 'nee-san' to them.

> The buying Natsuo a phone
>the fire works festival - trope
> Natsuo telling Hina "out of everyone i want you to be the most..." - trope
> the storm showing Hina with the rings
> Natsuo and Hina share an umbrealla - trope
> Natsuo giving Hina a lap pillow - trope
> Hina and Natsuo blush at a mention of a student/teacher novel
> Natsuo is unhappy/pained at the mention of Hina having an arranged marriage.
> protecting Hina from the stabbing
> remembering the embrace at the beach they had when he fell into hinas arms
> approval from parents because of 'fate'
> wishing at the shrine 'if its not too much to ask, after i'd also like natsuo and i to..." - trope
> "you can tell me anything i don't know what i can do but i'll do all i can" - trope
> "i'll always be by your side Hina" - trope
> "your the only one, my precious... brother" - trope
> "you two really are family, you and your sister", and other comments suggesting they're meants for each other - trope
> "ive decided to dedicate the rest of my life to Natsuo" - trope
> "Hina you will never be happy if you arn't honest with yourself" - trope
> "follow your heart Hina" - trope
> "i've never regretted meeting Hina, not once" - trope
> Natsuo touches his scare thinking of Hina
> Hina cheers Natsuo up after the fallout of his novel
> Natsuo is forced to think of the biggest turnoffs in order to not be turned on/attracted to Hina
> "are you talking about your sister? or your lover?" - trope
> "he was being really chummy with his sister" - trope
> kissing by Serizawa because of how close he was with Hina
and all that DURING the relationship with Rui.

And now we can add
>the Natsuo from druggies after being randomly called by him for help, out of all other people.
> Natsuo decides to Move on from Rui a week or 2 after being dumped compared to 6 months with Hina.
> Hina and Natsuo move in together.

The forshadow/tropes are not on your side.

That was Marie. To Rui.

To be fair, Serizawa wasn't the only one who Natsuo told about the writers block.

The drama club knew, his editor knew and his author-boss knew. Serizawa was the only one on hand at the time.

The reason I said Hina was his inspiration is because Hina's friend pressured him to find a career.
This pushed him to take writing seriously and went to his teacher for help. Where he was hit with the "do you want to be a writer or do you just want the prestige" This is when Natsuo pushed himself with the short stories every week.
After Hina left he kept going because she sacrificed for him to follow his dreams of being a writer. Which means she was still his inspiration.
His successful book was the crime book he wrote by getting fucking stabbed to protect Hina and then interviewing the stalker.
It really feels like his writing is directly tied to her. Even if he might care for someone else more or whatever. She was always his muse for writing.

Not even a good porn fic. It was treated as a comedy and he had to use a false name to publish it

According to Sasugas twitter it was 'very popular'

It was only said to Rui like pointed.
Unless you're talking about when Shuu-sensei was convinced that Hina being around Natsuo was bad for her, which lead him to lie to Natsuo about her moving on. Later Shuu realized he was wrong and that separating them was only making Hina feel even worse, meaning what he thought was only her being obsessed with Natsuo was actually her being deeply in love with him.
I can believe that, nips love some drama, just look how Seo still gets sales after all the crap he pulls.

Its worse than that since Japan is a 'judge you by the company you keep' society.

Its not just family. If friends or even associates are drug users, you can get in trouble.
Its worse with guns where you are at risk of going to prison for 8 years for being associated with someone with a gun (if the person is in trouble)
Its why most yakuza dont carry guns on them since being found with one can hurt their 'proffesional image'.
And very few police carry them, with most their guns cheing chained to their cars/vests, and are only six-shooters.

An excuse for being fired isn't an excuse for assault. They broke absolutely no laws. It's not like they went up to a black person and called them a nigger. Which would maybe be allowed as an excuse. But wouldn't hold up because of proof. They didn't even say it too her or have multiple instances for it to be considered harassment. There is nothing for them to "get off" from.
Kajita could be the cool guy for wanting to protect the girl he likes, but realistically he was just short tempered and ruined his career over it. He would be fired because the workplace wouldn't want to be sued for their employees assaulting eachother. Even if they were fired too. Then Kajita would be deported because he is only in new york for his job.
Its pretty obvious Kajita isn't okay mentally. You don't ruin your life over some idiots comments on pussy.

We've been over this already, last chapter he was confused and conflicted because his heart was beating fast, so far he wasn't entirely convinced he liked Rui romantically, at least not to the point of fighting for her, seeing her express that face with happiness after something he said shocked him hard, that when he heard some strangers insult not only her but her skill as a chef, he felt personally affected as well and acted on impulse probably for the first time in his life.

>He would be fired because the workplace wouldn't want to be sued for their employees assaulting eachother. Even if they were fired too. Then Kajita would be deported because he is only in new york for his job.
Its pretty obvious Kajita isn't okay mentally. You don't ruin your life over some idiots comments on pussy.
According to the latest chapter, he didn't get fired nor sued nor deported from usa. He only get suspended for 3 days and have rui console him to do their best together, which is as severe as a slap on the wrist.
I know you want him to be a psycho so that rui could go back to natsuo, not falling in love with chefboi. Though sadly, sasuga didn't treat him like one as all.

It was very over the top, all things considered. The moral of the arc is a heartbroken Natsuo cannot be left alone and it seems Hina is catching up to that.

>They broke absolutely no laws
again "work place practices" and "code of conduct". when you agree to work for a place, you agree to work under their values especially in the work place. They could be fired not for the laws of society but the rules of their workplace where racisim and sexism are grounds to be fired for. Are you seriously defending this? people are fired for less

>It's not like they went up to a black person and called them a nigger.
No, they just said that Rui would give submissive head because she's Asian. Are you seriously defending this?

>But wouldn't hold up because of proof.
The "Proof" would be on the character of those involved. Kajita, a quite hard-worker who keeps to himself and doesn't stand out
The other two are literally sexualizing a co-worker and suggesting she's submissive because of her race while still in the workplace. Stands to reason that they have no shame about talking about such things in public or about people in such a manner
Kajita on the other hand, only cares about his work and the fact he'd cause a scene would make people ask what could set him off like that, which, since its a workplace, will lead to an investigation.

>They didn't even say it too her or have multiple instances for it to be considered harassment.
And that makes it better?
How about, instead of apologizing to Kajita when he tells them to stop it, they further angst him for being Asain and having a 'thing' for Rui. Are you seriously defending them?

> but realistically he was just short tempered and ruined his career over it. He would be fired because the workplace wouldn't want to be sued for their employees assaulting each other
Realistically, there would be an investigation as to what caused the situation and the characters of those involved would come into question.

>Its pretty obvious Kajita isn't okay mentally.
Would you say the same if Natsuo or Alex stood up for Rui? Assaulting them is exactly what they would do.

>I know you want him to be a psycho
>Though sadly, sasuga didn't treat him like one as all.

its not sad at all. Kajita is cool now.

Hina is a fucking slut

For natsuo.

Code of conduct isn't a law that would get you arrested. It could get them fired. Real harassment would.
Saying you want an Asian give you head isn't anywhere close to calling a black person a nigger. Which would be one of the only circumstances that would allow assault, maybe.
You have absolutely no idea what proof or evidence is.
Kajita knows assaulting someone could get him jail time and fired. His career would be destroyed. He chose to throw away his career because someone said Asians make good subs.
Alex would probably do it and get arrested because he is an idiot. But he's our idiot.
Natsuo would probably just yell at them.
I doubt either of them would assault someone for bad boy talk if it would ruin their lives though. This just showed Kajita is an incredibly short fuse. Quick to flip out with anger problems.

Imagine being this dumb.

Natsuo got physical with Shuu over something really mild only to be stopped by Marie.This incident seemed more incendiary.Kajita reacted like a man in love.

If you ship chefboi x selfish bitch then you have quoted the wrong user.
Right one here

>fucking your ex-crushes son
that seems to be more fucked up than fucking your student. I don't even consider the stepsibling stuff as a problem. I mean, what if I fall in love with a girl and then suddenly our parents get it on too. why the fuck should I retreat from my relationship for the old fucks

also, what's wrong with fucking your student if (s)he's old enough? the only problem I see is that the teacher could have a hard time bein impartial, but other than that, what's the deal?

>I mean, what if I fall in love with a girl and then suddenly our parents get it on too.
happened on Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

>Code of conduct isn't a law that would get you arrested.
It Is. Sexual assault, racsicim, harassment, blackmail, damn near everything in the code of conduct can be taken to get someone jail time and even the company sued for not doing enough to prevent it
>Saying you want an Asian give you head isn't anywhere close to calling a black person a nigger
Again, your really defending them? and yes it is. it's just as racist.

>You have absolutely no idea what proof or evidence is.
That would be Ruifags who dont even read the story and still think she has a shot of winning

>Kajita knows assaulting someone could get him jail time and fired. His career would be destroyed.
there would be an "Investigation". and under the context, the others would be far more at fault or being racist and refusing to apologize about it when confronted.

>I doubt either of them would assault someone for bad boy talk if it would ruin their lives though.
Natsuo LITERALLY assaulted a childhood friend of his ugly study buddy for laughing at her in public.
Hina Literally left and lied to Natsuo because she didnt want him to ruin his dreams for her.

>His career would be destroyed.
working overseas perhaps, but since his Boss is Ruis dad, i doubt he'd leave over defending his daughter.

all your doing is trying to make Kajita a psycho, pretend like neither Natsuo or Alex would do anything, and all the while you are literally defending the assholes that not only couldn't take their talks somewhere private, but refused to apologize about it.

do you even work a day in your life? do you have any idea how many seminars on this shit working people have to go through? they make us go through all this touchy feely 'dont insult each other' before you even start and god forbid there is a punch up, Human Resources has to get involved to determine who the bigger asshole is, while forcing the rest of us into more seminars so that the mine has the excuse of "we told them to play nice".

>the basic plot so far really resembles a lot of other similar manga

You should try reading the actual manga instead.

Always count on Hina to support natsuo.

Attached: __tachibana_hina_and_tachibana_rui_domestic_na_kanojo__adc9472ac6f5bc58442d92ea89a6c6a6.png (1218x1686, 2.21M)

based serizawabros


Tachibana-Mom's flimsy ass excuse was transparent as fuck. Just like Natsuo's dad is based as fuck and a cool dude, Mom wants her daughter to get all the step-incest dick she can while the goings good.

She's been a Hinafag since like chapter 40something


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shes wearing the necklace nat bought for her?
what could this mean bros?

the chapter went down pretty much how i envisioned it. chef didn't get berated since kei was obviously showing him a good light while hina wants to move in cause shes worried about natsuo.

We already know why shes kept it,
It was said in the chapter when they broke up. It's not a surprise or deep meaning as to why shes wearing it.

>what could this mean bros?
Kajita has quite a way to go before he can make it into Rui's heart, but he's making progress. The heartbreak is still fresh. I don't think we'll see Rui wear it once she's ready to move on, but I could see her keeping it. Just putting away in a drawer.

Now the moon represents Kajita and Rui
Kajita is too cute and good guy
Rui always smile with him

Rui's smile tell you all about the endgame

The only plot-relevant page. What a boring chapter.

>no necklace
Not even Sasuga wanted to draw this chapter, holy shit.

Rui is boring shit. I don’t blame her.

Lmao this is why even if your waifu was real she’d ntr u

I don't know crap about korean but I assume this means the reason he got upset and retaliated when they insulted Rui last chapter, aside from his attachment to her and now realized romantic affection, was because he was bullied/looked down upon by other co-workers when he was beginning to work as a chef.

Imagine if Rui has maybe anal sex with Kajita then goes back to Natsuo and he accepts her while being in the known. I think it will cause a perfect shitstorm.

It means unlike rui, someone else has gotten tired of dealing with her insecurity shit.

Attached: necklace.jpg (1365x2048, 893K)

Did he really walk around with a necklace with a moon charm wrapped on his wrist? With a watch in the same arm as well? Wouldn't that be extremely uncomfortable and probably itchy from time to time?

That's my prediction too. They wouldn't flash back and forth between Rui and Natsuo if they wanted us to think their relationship was over and done.
Sasuga Kei must've been a Nanoka no Kare fan/

How come the protagonist always looks like he has the smallest cock in the manga?

Not after that double page spread. Rui is permanently chef'd.

saved for my compilation when the rage thread drops.

You already missed it. It was this January when Ruifags went into suicide watch.

>breakups in a melodrama that aren't prompted by decision to fuck the other girl.
t. Passive Income

Attached: 0256-015.jpg (1614x1150, 281K)

>They wouldn't flash back and forth between Rui and Natsuo if they wanted us to think their relationship was over and done.
Kei isn't going back and forth on Natsuo/Rui missing each other though. She's just focusing on one character after the break-up and then another which is normal. Kajita and Rui are getting closer while Hina wants to move in with Natsuo. Obviously the relationship isn't done for since Rui still needs to let him know she always knew that Hina truly loved him yet kept it as a secret in order to have the advantage of winning him over.

>Kei isn't going back and forth on Natsuo/Rui missing each other though.
That doesn't really matter. You're supposed to be reading tension (unless you have autism like most people here). One girl is moving away, the other is moving closer. We're still far from the climactic "choice", which usually prefers the girl that's losing.

Are you that same ruitard autist who needs to be reminded every thread who the main girl is? See

I don't care about any of these characters I just like pissing off autists.
Ex: You sound pretty nervous.

>I don't care about any of these characters
It shows. You haven't actually read the manga and only about the story from the threads.

>We're still far from the climactic "choice", which usually prefers the girl that's losing.
Rui isn't going to win. How much does Kei have shit on the relationship in canon for you to understand this? Plus Rui isn't the main girl and those win 99.9% of the time. There will definitely be another scene with the sisters and Natsuo, but said scene will be centered on letting everything out in the open, including the secret Rui kept from him. Do you seriously think the one that went the sneaky way to pull the MC over will win over the woman that put her feelings to the side, not once, but twice? Get a grip.

Sounds like you're scared.
One girl looks like a stock photo of "japanese girl" meaning she's gonna lose.

> other is moving closer.
Hina isn't persuing Natsuo though. And she wont until she talks with Rui and I still don't see her making a move, that's just not her character. Natsuo will be the one to find out.

>which usually prefers the girl that's losing.
The narrative prefers the girl who has been tested the most while disregarding the one who took advantage of others.

>One girl looks like a stock photo of "japanese girl"
The other girl looks like a penis. Your turn.

>Sounds like you're scared.
Not scared. It's just common sense. The manga has been doing nothing, but working in the favor of Hina and making her out to be an angel compared to Rui. If Hina and Rui switched positions then I would have said that Rui was going to win.

>Hina isn't persuing Natsuo though. And she wont until she talks with Rui and I still don't see her making a move, that's just not her character. Natsuo will be the one to find out.
Exactly. If Hina starts making the moves on Natsuo then I could see her losing, but she's not and she won't. Now that she's moving in the atmosphere will be tense though, and Natsuo will obviously be very conscious of her like he always is. He might even be the one to make the move after some time.

So losers can self insert. Why do you think ruifags hate Kajita so much?

It's a magical necklace it only appears when the plot requires it to.
