>tfw keep liking anime less and less
>look desperately for good ones but hard to find
>go back to rewatching my favorites
>they all drop like 3 points
What do, Yea Forumsnons? Is this it?
Tfw keep liking anime less and less
Who gives a shit about a score?
Yes, you're at a stade where you elitism stop you from enjoying anything. Now fuck off.
Yup, this is it.
Now go to seasonal threads to explain to newfags why anime is so shit.
Yes, I read more manga than watch anime these days.
I think he means not community scores but his personal scores.
Don't worry user, I am with you... to a certain extent.
Because most anime now a days is generic trash
You have grown to the stage where you realize watching anime isn't gonna make us lose our virginities and it's all fantasy in this burning clown world.
do you still believe in waifus like santa claus?
You aren't liking anime less. You're understanding the relative quality better as your catalog expands.
A 10 means more to you today than when you started watching.
A 6 is less vilifying that it used to be.
Have sex
This is not the end. But what it is telling you is that you need to start transcending plotfaggotry.
i don't want STDs from feminist vaginas
I do, to make white babies.
Nice blog faggot
If you have to keep track of what you watch and score it you're far too gone
maybe your taste was shit all along
Who gives a shit about score. You either enjoy the anime or you don't enjoy it. Creating arbitrary numbers metric does nothing for one's enjoyment except as a tools to masturbate to numbers. Don't get me wrong, if you're the numbers kinda a guy, then the focus should switch from "anime" to numbers. I am partially a numbers kinda guy myself and masturbate all the time to graphs/charts. But I enjoy anime more, so I never try to put a leash around my anime and claim the leash is the anime.
i think there are like 10 anime series that are above an 8 for me, if that. Such a garbage medium
leave Yea Forums
That looks like it has barely changed for any era. The higher quantities just gives it more chance to average out.
At least it's nice to see someone that can appreciate each era.
kys normalfag
I have sex and watch anime. I belong here.
Time for a new more productive hobby.
>Such a garbage medium
If the objectively best medium is garbage you might as well just kys.
>I think there are like 10 books that are an 8 for me. What a garbage medium
>I think there are like 10 movies that are an 8 for me. What a garbage medium.