How did Conan pull off stopping the inevitable?

How did Conan pull off stopping the inevitable?

Attached: conan.jpg (1830x1080, 1.36M)

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it's not like the bad guy was inevitable in the first place, as it was clearly demonstrated

fujos, detective conan has became strong with women and fujos

>japan is the only country with a brain
Nihon Banzai!!!

Most moviegoers in Japan are women. That's why Disney movies, animated films and eccentric/flamboyant movies do so well there, but standard blockbusters flop or underperform.

he lost this week to engame and detective pikachu

It's 2019. Who the fuck still goes to movies?

It's almost as if Conan was an incredibly famous long-running franchise in Japan everyone there has at least heard of and super hero stuff is borderline none existent in comparison.

Japan likes the MCU as any other country does but they aren't as into it because they've got their own long-running heroes and programs

Lithuania, what are you doing?


Japan doesn't care about capeshit, all these movies flop there

Japanese are less into capeshit.
Plus I guess the release date could have a role in this (like if in some countries it's released on wednesday and in other countries on saturday, then surely the first one will make more money if they stop the count at sunday).

commiting suicide

That's because Japan cares about Japan and japanese shit. It's honestly sad that other countries suckle the teat of American Consumerism for culture.
I say this unironically.

Did Endgame already air in Japan?
I though all their foreign films need to be dubbed first before being allowed to air there.

Conan is practically a cultural icon in Japan now. What were you expecting?

Normal well adjusted humans

Endgame didn’t flop there, it did fine. It just didn’t do as well as Conan which was a major success.

I don't know about that, but it is the same in Germany (all foreign movies get dubbed) and it already aired here.

It used to be, in the past, that movies or video games would be very delayed because of this.
But nowadays, i think they work together with translation studios beforehand, to be able to have simulatenous releases worldwide

Why people like Marvel movies so much, I don't get it, I can tell you for sure the 95% of people that go watch those movies haven't read a comic in their lives, I can tell you without exaggerating that I enjoyed episode 6 of Hitori Bocchi so much more than this movie.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums, if the mods gave a single shit about the quality of this board this thread would get deleted, but this board is going to complete shit and soon it will hit Yea Forums levels of bad, then/v/ levels soon after.

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Dude, reading comics is for nerds. Going to the cinema, however, is something you do with your GF so she will shut up for 2 hours and stop whining that she wants you to spend more time with her.

>Don't you dare discuss anime movies on an anime board

if that were true then theaters would be plesant

>speedreading a fucking 4channel thread

Attached: CyCxDr4UoAEae9Q.jpg (947x707, 67K)

Those are weekend numbers.

I do but mostly days when there is hardly any people.

user, just because one movie gets beaten by japanese franchise doesn't mean they hate everything american entertainment.

Speaking of movies, does anyone know how long it's going to take for the Osomatsu-san movie to be released and subbed?

a show for children BTFO’d a movie for manchildren

this weeked engame beat it DP too pfhahahahhaa

Me neither and i also read comics so i don't see any point of going to watch them.