It is gay to have tanja as waifu because she was a guy

it is gay to have tanja as waifu because she was a guy

Attached: Tanya.Degurechaff.full.2079536.jpg (1032x1457, 1019K)

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I'm gay then

Attached: TanyaBeg.png (759x427, 397K)

What if your gf was a guy in her last life, would that make you gay?

What if you were a girl in your last life?


Then I lost out on this life didn't I

thats what I tell myself every night to make myself happy

No but it does make you a nonce

one she hits puburty, wobnt her female body create hormones that'll affect his "male" brain and slowly turn him into a trannie?

Attached: hmm.png (320x320, 100K)

Prob not. Plumbing meets my needs.

When in doubt just count on the cunny

brain hormones are a myth
you can act however you want, all depends on your will

Is there a penis on her right now? No. Not gay then. Fuck away

I think he's not longer a male even if he has his memories from his last life.
As soon as he was reincarnated, his old self is long gone and has to accept his new life as a female.
About his gender, it seems our salary man still likes girls, making her a lesbian.
to answer OP question: No, you are not gay for liking her because you are attracted to her body and personality
It makes you a fucking pedophile tho and you should be jailed asap by the military police

>thinking things is a crime

you still need to be jailed tho

user, you most likely thought about killing someone sometime in your life. I think you should be jailed for murder.

Oh you poor retard

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>How dare you think of a fictional person who has the mentality of a middle aged man as attractive, I will now smite you with the P-word. That'll show you.
Nobody cares about your normalfag ideology twitterfag

She can be my husband then.


Only if she turns back into a guy and you both fug

Which historical ruler would you pair with loli Hitler in a breeding program to create the most dominant world leader?

Bonus points for her fussing and crying over her aryan purity under most literal mongoloid in history.

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where's the translations, hint it


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why do people call her loli hitler when it's clearly based on WWI


it just rolls of the tongue nicely so to speak

It's WW1.5 and Hitler fought in WWI you know.

they're just retarded
It has Germans, it must be WW2 and nazis.
She has absolutly nothing in common with Hitler.

>both are blonde
>both are soldiers
>both love animals
>both are cute lolis


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Who is seeing the movie this Thursday? My local theater is basically full, how bad should I expect it to smell?

Nobody because it doesn't air outside of japan.

not even germany?


There's a reason that user specified Thursday.

I wouldn't know any american Yea Forumsnon who wouldn't go. Also you can hope it won't smell with a full theater, my theater is the only one lucky enough around here to not get bombarded with people reserving. And heck, maybe I'll see some of you Yea Forumsnons there.

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Delete your post you fucking retard.

>copied a photo of Hitler for the pose
>still managed to fuck up the anatomy

>four taken seats surrounding a vacant seat
Is this some sort of pre-meditated bullying?

Seeing it this Thursday as well. There's an anime/manga/NERDCULTURE shop nearby the movie theater, so I'm kind of worried it's gonna be normalfag central.

Shut up it's not happening.

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You wish tranny. Since the 1st day the birth girls and boy are different. Not only in sex organs but in behaviour too. Newborn boys tend to look at objects and newborn girls look at faces.

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Just typical loners wanting to stay away while still having the best view, but knowing I'm one of those loners in that diamond, nobody better fucking take that vacant seat

Germany and by extension austria/switzerland only get anime movies for festivals, but in those cases pretty early.
This year Zokuowari and HF2 were played during february.

This is fiction so we don't know what would happen but Tanya has been born into this as 100% woman so "he" is not trannie.

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Well according to Tanya himself he's a "spiritual homosexual" since apparently he kept his male identity.