One Piece

>Yasu admits Kaido only got involved AFTER Orochi defeated and executed Oden
Yeah, I'm thinking he's the real deal. You better get on board the Kurozumi train while you still can.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kinemon and Yasu are sore losers.

He looks silly, so he must be extremely powerful.

Uh? The chapter confirmed that Orochi is a weakling who needed Kaido's involvement to not get BTFO.
Don't get why Orochifags thinks he's anything more than new world Wapol when Kaido's strenght is what scare people, not his own. Even against the CP0 Orochi uses Kaido's name to protect himself from consequences.

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>cheap tricks
You're an idiot if you think Orochi could have killed Oden and burnt down the castle if not for Kaidou and the Three Disasters

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>it was just a prank bro

I mean, he's one of the bosses of the arc so him being strong is a given, but we don't even know if Oden himself was worth half a shit as a fighter.

>trusting the rat

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he will get oneshotted like wapol

Chapter is great
Oda retrieved his touch

Yes, they tried rebelling after he already became the Shogun and killed Oden, and that's when Kaido showed up to back Orochi. Meaning Orochi took care of Oden on his own and only lacked the numbers to fight off the armies of the four daimyo.
Godrochi is high YC tier, minimum.

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The steaks have been regained.

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the steaks have been eaten

The patiens are cured.

But what about the steaks?

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Orochi is cute.

I really hope Orochi delivers. Oden remains a traitorous faggot, while Kyoshiro is the usual edgy villain.

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Will be ready to serve next chapter.

Which One Piece character will have a Daenerys-tier obnoxious fandom if the live action show becomes popular like GoT?


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Are they ever going to reveal how the Moon princess survived her stabbing and escaped?

>one of the worst chapters in a long time
>Oda retrieved his touch

Who knows? Most characters would need to get rewritten because they're too wacky for normies

Yasu just wanted Orochi to lose face

>one of the worst chapters in a long time

Good Morning

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good bye

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it will flop
GITS flopped
Alita flopped
Detective Pikachu is flopping (fucking pokemon is flopping)
Normies aren't interested in "weeb" stuff

It's gonna be Vivi and twitter will be unbearable when Luffy accepts Crocodile's help in Impel Down.

>Normies aren't interested in "weeb" stuff

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Wano Steel vs Wapolmetal, which makes the better sword?

Good morning, sleepy katafag.

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Liquor iron ore

>only proper shogun in the series
>lied,cheated,stolen,backstabbed,plotted his way out of mediocrity
>one of the greatest debuts in anime history
>one of the greatest speeches in anime history
>fantastic design, looks like your typical 2-page guy jobbing against some edgelord/bishonen faggot
>ends up being the main villain
>fantastic personality
>fantastic ship/crew
>intelligent but flawed, brave but cowardly
>not your typical bishie perfect faggot villain
>real underdog, fights like a MC
>10/10 post timeskip design
why is he so based?

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If you consider that he’s in power though many don’t like it, and when you consider that there’s no such thing as “cheap tricks” in a pirates’ fight, it seems likely yes.
From Luffy’s rules, Orochi solod Oden in a 1v1.

I feel bad for the homies that have to wash off Katakuri's cum stains from that large donut every morning.

I agree Blackbeard is based but he isn't the shogun

What did Toei mean by this?

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what is this

stop replying to cancer

How do you feel about Baccarat?

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Can anyone give me the collection of panels connecting the steel cutting haki to the "mighty sword" that grampa Hyou used?


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sex doesn't exist

have sex

Oh damn! Considering the totally canon no panty full frontal upskirt shot of carrot and now this, I can see that toei isn't so bad after all.

Reminder Luffy and Usopp will be black.

There will be scenes of those 2 running a train on Nami. Unless Nami is some fat Latina chick

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Luffy will be some brown latino
Usopp will be black and have a romance with Nami

Spoilers for next chapter

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nami will be a lesiban

Time traveler here. The OP live action isn't about the SHs at all. It's about Brook and the Rumbar Pirates. Brook is a nigger and Yorki is a homo.

Nami will be black in the live action and you all know it. Don't lie to yourselves

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I kind of see where that last speech bubble goes with it

Big Mom wields Napolean as a sword and can do awe-inspiring attacks with it but the way she treats it it could be anything, just any random weapon swung wildly and with incredible force. Shanks might even be in a similar boat as he's one of the Yonkou but doesn't hold the greatest swordsman title.

No, Oda wouldn't let that happen.

>Shanks might even be in a similar boat as he's one of the Yonkou but doesn't hold the greatest swordsman title.
Neither is Zoro and he can cut steel just fine.
Shanks was Mihawk's swordsman rival, there's no fucking way he doesn't know how to cut steel and nothing.


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She already is one

*speaks ill of zoro*

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Also extremely possible.
A tattoo in 2d looks good but in 3d it will look extremely dikekish.

Imagine actually being weaker than Kinemon LOL


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Separate things.
Koshiro isn’t a mighty blade. Ryuuma and Gyo are.
Most likely “mighty blade” is why Zoro was allowed to use that two sword style even though he couldn’t beat a girl usung the regular gym’s style.
It’s most likely why he worked out by pulling weights with his teeth too, as Koshiro doesn’t seem the type for that kind of thing.
Mighty Blade isn’t the steel cutting, and it is honestly bizarre that you could confide it as such.

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>Shanks was Mihawk's swordsman rival
just a rival
shanks doesn't take swordsmanship seriously which pisses off mihawk

Only three people so far are “mighty blades” in the story, but even t-bone can cut steel.

>shanks doesn't take swordsmanship seriously which pisses off mihawk
Losing an arm tends to do that.
Rival also implies some degree of being equal, or it isn't really a rivalry, just a bitter person getting shat on by someone better.

How can anyone see this and think it's not a female?

Shanks offers to let Mihawk “settle the score” when they meet in canon so it’s clear they are tied and Mihawk refuses Shanks the right to a duel with an excuse, keeping his title like a boxing champ who only got it because the former #1 retired.

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bet you're the same kind of faggots who forced their headcanon of Ryokugyu being a woman.

Yes, and?
If you think Mihawk and Shanks are currently equals in power, you're straight up retarded.
It's also pretty obvious Shanks isn't as good of a swordsman after losing his arm, because that generally affects things.

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Mihawk refuses to fight Shanks because he's too afraid of losing against a cripple, not because he's weakened.
Dude chase east blue weaklings to kill time

Jesus that's a terrible image.
Learn how to make images and then kill yourself.

Mihawk refuses to fight Shanks because he's a road poneglyph and thus uncuttable.

At this point, Mihawk wouldn't lose because he's a worse swordsman than Shanks, he'd lose because Shanks rules a quarter of the New World as a Yonko and is just that much stronger than him, even without the arm.

In canon they are tied and Mihawk backed out of the duel despite Shanks offering.
I’m aware that Shanks > Mihawk outside of the sword.
I’m NOT aware who Mihawk beat to #1 and believe it is not revealed because he never beat the #1 guy, who simply retired when his daughter died or whatnot.

That’s why he said
>this wound still aches!
Instead of “this scar,” to Blackbeard.
Blackbeard can destroy Poneglyphs.

not quite wife material but still, one of the best girls that blessed this series

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Franky is useless

t. pauliefag

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it's definitely possible he's just a weak loser who only got anywhere by having powerful allies who fight his battles for him. wouldn't be the first character in this to operate that way.

I hate the whole robot gimmick.

Franky is whatever, I can take him or leave him. The only bad SH is Tranji.

more useful than sanji

Jealous zolotard

Those designs on his shirt trigger me, they remind me Bellemere backstory.

>tfw orochi's parents were also brutally killed and that started his slow descent into madness

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Kaido's the one who will be the tragic villain, Orochi is 100% trash

Right, I'm so jealous of an okama in denial that has to rely on Daddy's name to break 200M.

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kaido's heavy drinking is the only way he can cope with his depression. being, canonically, the strongest creature in the universe while still considered one of the "mere four yonkos" brought down kaido's morale so much that he doesn't care about anything anymore except for the great war he has been preparing for all this time

if he wants to slowly kill himself then he'll do it bringing the entire world with him too

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To all Hiyorifags

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When will they learn?

For a minute I thought this is a Nico Robin.


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Okiku has already been no way fag'd
At least Zoro has canonically groped Tashigi's ass

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This is the first time Zoro checked out a woman.

Zoro likes BIG GIRLS

Poor little marine girl. Will she ever find herself a man?

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>I’m aware that Shanks > Mihawk outside of the sword.
Shanks doesn't anything outside of the sword.
Nobody would give Mihawk the world's strongest title if he was inferior to Shanks overall anyway.

Iv'e always wondered. Was it stated if Oden was still an active member of Gol D. Rogers crew, when he was already the daimyo of wano? Or did he become the daimyo after roger got executed?

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>Okiku has already been no way fag'd
don't care
i only want to bully tashigi

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this image is problematic.

>these fingers

>Sanji is Gowther, who manipulates emotions of others but doesn't understand love himself
>Nami was mistakenly lusting over Luffy, when her true love was Chopper all along
>Franky admires Robin
>Zoro has dead loli waifu
>Brook is superpowered pork
SaNa fags BTFO yet again.

Still better than Oda's


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they ded

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>Kinemon didn't react at all (not even slight blush) despite being a lustful guy
Confirmed for being a guy

oden became a daimyo after he was exiled from the castle, and we learnt in the latest chapter that he hadn't still meet roger back then
so he was a daimyo when he fucked off from wano on the oro jackson

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kin had diarrhea

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How could the most isolated country let their countrys leader leave for adventures on the sea?



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>sanji lusted over kiku

About time he finally admits he's a homo. His overcompensating shtick has gotten old.

he probably just asked daddy, simple as that. given that oden was also a known troublemaker, sukiyaki also instantly agreed to his son's wish

No one really cared about Kuri except Oden and Sukiyaki didn't go anywhere.

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There's also Momo, his reaction when seeing Kiku is just a tame "it's been a while" , when he's jumping to hug Nami a few panels later.

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GoT was speculated to be another flop as well, but it turned out to be success.
One Piece has the potential to be popular.
It mixes the feelings of both superhero movies and political dramas, is set in a fantastical world, has an overarching mystery, and messages that cater to lefties.
At this point it only depends on how it's excuted and nothing else.

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i genuinely want to know more about their relationship. my first guess is that kin respects her because kiku never really addresses herself as a woman

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strawhats should trade momo for a luffy and just fuck off from wano

Reminder that the only woman Zoro has willing let snuggle against him is Wicca.

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11 days until Toko avenges Yasu.

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i'd like to see her try

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we need more Kizaru edits

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This implies they killed him together.

My guess is that Kiku is really a woman but has been larping as a man for so long that Momo sees her as a male.

>Luffy will be some brown latino
Well he is Brazilian.
>Usopp will be black
He already is (Africa, source SBS 56) so eh.
>Romance with Nami
Makes sense given that they're the normal humans in the crew compared to everyone else. Even Bad Future Nami at 60 gave a reference to working with Usopp selling "Magic Pot".

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>Zoro open his eye and use ashura demonic blade of darkness amaterasu god slash
>Orochi just shoot him in the head

Keep running Toko!
Orochi has shit aim!
He can only hit stationary targets!

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>Kaido needed Orochi's help to kill Oden

>happy samurai jack.png
you are always here when i check these threads

>Nami only gets with Usopp in her bad end

This kills the Bullsopp fag

Majority of brazilians are white.

seems like Oden was quite op
>Beat Ashura douji
>Roger crew

>This implies they killed him together.
i mean, apart from shitposting, that was obvious given what kin told us earlier in act one

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Keyword, majority, not all.

>yfw c*rrot goes back to zou

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the art used to be so clean bros
I still love OP's art style, but it was perfect back then, after 5 volumes in

Is this Kin's line at Zou?

When was the last time Zoro truly cared about a fight?


Usopp is north african since these were known to have pirates back in the day.
The only canonical black characters are Blackbeard (Somalian in SBS) and Miss Monday.

People are seriously taking that one SBS question too seriously. All the "in the real world SHs would be", "as animals SHs would be...", "as a family, SHs..." should be taken as one time Oda having fun with a question thing. Especially that when he did "SHs as animal" or "SHs as members of different nations" cover pages, he went for different choices. The only thing Oda is more or less consistent with (when doing covers at least) is signature colors.

reminder when zoro was mortally wounded by daz bones the last thing he thought about was if nami was ok

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he always has to give 100% unlike chadji

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>He can only hit stationary targets!
that doesn't mean anything

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>canonical black characters
>Usopp also mentioned in the same source you're using isn't canon because...

SBS is canon and explains plenty of stuff not seen in the main manga. In that case, the tidbit about Mr. 3 floating on wood in Alabasta shouldn't be taken seriously either. Don't worry, Usopp is still Usopp regardless of his national origins.

vs. Kuma
after that the only time he was ever serious was cutting pica in half

Pica when he started going after Usopp, which is why he got intsa-rekt.

>"Orochi, who orchestrated the downfall of the Kozuki Clan"
Based. Kaido literally going after women and children while Orochi executes the main target.

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My opinions are objectively correct

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>SBS is canon and explains plenty of stuff not seen in the main manga.
But it's a hypothetical question, not one about anything objectively existing in the universe.

My headcanon is that Zoro and Nami have hooked up once and only once when they both had just a little too much to drink. They mutually agreed it was a bad idea and to never do it again, because it would cause some awkward crew dynamics. Sanji might've outright killed himself.

tfw you realize kaido has tried to kill 3 children so far and literally failed every time

based orochifriend

Attached: SNAAAAAAAKE.png (1407x1400, 1.21M)

Still an official source from the mangaka himself. I can't help but notice when Usopp and Africa are brought up, people come out the woodwork trying to denounce it almost every single time. You're not bothered by black people...are you?

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zoro is a hairless virgin though, he never had sex unlike Sanji

Fuck off brainlet

It's even worse than "Sanji started fucking Robin after she joined and that's why he has leg hair" desu.

Why is teacher-kun so based?

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An official source on what? On essentially nothing. Are you going to start arguing Luffy is a firefighter?

Considering all the canonical fathers that don't have leg hair, its more likely the complete other way around. Permavirgins get leg hair, while people who actually get to bust a nut don't.

Zolo is a volcel

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If Rayleigh is a non-virgin, why hasn't he impregnated Shakky yet?

I'll take that as a yes. Shame shame. You should try enjoying things instead of getting hung up on trivial natter.

Well, if he finally becomes the Pirate King and then wants to do other things, Oda more or less gave him a role to do so. And considering the original response was to the OP live action movie, they have the material to work with. Again, this is actual mangaka saying this, not some theory on Oro Jackson. Why are you bothered by people taking some notes from the SBS?

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i just really like her design

Did you not see his comments on literal prostitutes? He's a goddamn m'lady cringelord, so much so that his hair grew into a permanently tipped fedora.

they don't want a bab

when he got manhandled by Hawkins and Kamazo

>Hobbies: lovemaking

Attached: urouge.jpg (640x530, 165K)

>extremely virile giga chad
>extremely fetile giga stacy

They wouldn't have a choice in the matter. First time either have sex they'd become a parent. And since you admitted neither want that, they must both be virgins.

sanjifags hate the truth

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Good chance they do have a kid that's an adult and living their own life.
If Big Mom stopped having kids at 60, Shakky isn't having any now either.

I can barely make out shit

Also Punk Hazard is underrated

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I love them!!!

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Cobra has it though.

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never said Usopp wasn't from africa, just not black, since he's from the NORTH, which used to have many pirates back in the day

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>STD Ou ni... Ore wa naru!

Did Ma D. Man retire? Can't believe he straight up shat on a Yonko commander

she just fits into the crew aesthetic

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only chopper's a.k.a the worst crew member post-TS

>First time either have sex they'd become a parent
so... condoms just don't exist in the world of one piece?

>thinking a mere condom would be enough to stop Rayleigh's sperm

It's just too strong, no method of birth control would be successful.

Lol, imagine being so weak your next big power up is something Zoro already learned in the beginning of the series.

How the fuck are you supposed to pull off stuff like this in live-action

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you're basically saying that rayleigh would have no control over coating his own sperm in armament haki... he's supposed to be the pirate king's right hand, goddamn it. he's no novice

haki condoms

I have to say, I'm really digging Franky with a mustache. He should grow one.

I love her thicc eyebrows. Wish she were canon, but that luck fruit is bullshit.

>One Piece Gold was 3 years ago
What the utter fuck?

Show me ONE instance of a person using their haki to coat somebody else.

>first aid for nails
Why is everyone so thirsty to touch zolo?
Is he actually secretly liking all this attention?

He's just a nice guy.
And yeah, injuries get treated as such.

>sperm is people

with CG

Imagine being this cucked by Kozuki clan.

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At this point Inuarashi has had more panel time than her.

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>Hakilets don't know about the ultra secret 4th type of haki CoL (Color of Lovers), a technique only available to men. Using you're invisible armor to send shockwaves of pleasure through your dick throughout your partner's body, achieving ultimate ecstasy.

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Yeah honestly wthat the fuck. And now they want fucking Momo in charge?

Isn’t he a monk? Why is he thinking about sex?

that's how royalty works

He's called MAD Monk for a reason.

How is Urouge so based? What is Oda hiding? Why isn't he in Wano? What is his deal? He doesn't seems like the type of guy who want to be pirate king like the other supernova.

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Sperm is still a completely genetically different living thing. Even though they aren't people, they are certainly not actually you either.

shogun is a military leader

This is the main reason I can stomach Momo. They expect him to have claim as leader, despite showing no qualities that he can handle it. It’s all because of granddaddy. At least Oden did his own thing, and wasn’t shackled by the legacy of his father.

Momo won't be Shogun, it'll be Zoro once he beats Orochi. He'll cuck Momo out of the position.

He's just in for the ride, he's a man living his life to the fullest

he's must be near wano considering kaido jumped off his sky island

and the ruler of the country

Sperm is not a living thing, it's "active" at best. It's still an object, and coating objects in haki is very much possible.


Oden is still alive guaranteed

Zoro has no skills in managing a country, plus he’s gonna fuck off from Wano once The Kaido is beaten.

Dude got boiled alive, in a flashback no less. He's supa dead.


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Why did Kinemon never ask the World Government for help?

hiyori will become the shogun

move Belive to S and you are good

>We Go that low

>Believe and We go in D

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Sperm absolutely are living cells, retard. Go back to basic biology.

>to coat somebody else.
but your sperm is... you know, you

Living cells do not qualify as living individuals, my man. The original point was that haki was never shown to be able to coat "somebody else" (), and to be "somebody else" you need to be a different individual living being. Sperm cells aren't that. They have life-like qualities, like a virus does, but they aren't living individuals.

>use haki on my spit
>create haki bullets

>Crazy Rainbow that low
It's one of the better ones if you ask me.

The point is you can only coat yourself and non-living things with haki, not other distinct living things. Not even the Kuja could coat their snakes with haki.

Some /pol/cel will rage, but she makes the most sense. She has expert charisma, influence, and a great understanding of the countries problems.

>never said Usopp wasn't from africa, just not black
You know that Africans come in all shades, right along with the supposed one-drop rule that blacks didn't make up. Unless Oda says otherwise, Usopp is from Africa and the curly hair and big lips only support that notion.

Yes I know he's technically biracial, but again, that one drop rule that was not pushed or conceived by blacks.

She is too childish.

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Not when she’s in her prostitute mode.

Well, we will wait and see if sperm is on the same level of "living" as a snake is. Hopefully, Oda will elaborate on that eventually.

Can't do that, man! There are enzymes in your spit, and they are technically on some level alive!

one piece opening suck
most japanese opening suck
the mix between japanese and english just doesn't work

Better write in to sbs

>I'm thinking he's the real deal
He's still Kaido's bitch. And also a hypocrite that talks shit about opening borders while at the same time letting some of the worst pirates around into the country to steal as much resources as they can.


>this mad about learning that sperm cells are technically alive

I'm sorry your parents didn't care enough about you to give you the talk.

Yes, sperm is alive. Sperm cells are not living beings though. There's a differentiation.

Luffy has a nice Harem.

he is clearly north african, have you heard of barbary pirates?

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Reminder that Oda ripped off Kuma's fruit from Based Fujita.

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I have. And where does it state that Usopp is from North Africa specifically? You have an official source, I assume.

yeah, they're called eyes

And there's not a single instance of haki being used on a living thing besides the person themselves, regardless of whether it's just a plant or a mosquito or a full on sentient person.
I would assume that bamboo dies after you cut it, but I honestly don't know for sure. If it is still alive, I will gladly admit you can use haki on living things besides yourself.

So your ass, got it.

I respect Momo for picking up a sword and working on self-improvement. He will likely still not amount to anything in the grand finale, but atleast he doesn't sit on his ass and expect everyone else to do all the work. He actively wants to do things, even if he can't.
Gotta give him that.

But that's not how Kuma's fruit works At all

World Government isn't interested in taking out Yonko, the whole point is that they are balancing each other
+They are buying weapons from him

Look at him, do you think Usopp looks west, east or central african? Are you blind? He's not fucking Mr. Popo now, is he

>Thriller Bark not S or A tier.
Faggots the lot of you

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Why is Kaido selling weapons to his enemy ? I thought he wanted to die in an epic war against them.

Zombies are even worse than ninjas and samurais.

don't take everything that drunk man is saying to serious

Usopp is not African because Africa doesn't exist in OP's world

It wouldn't be epic enough if only him has the nice toys. The WG has Vegapunk, though, so they obviously have better toys, I guess they buy from Kaido only because he mass produces them.

This. Oda specifically said "if the Strawhats were from Earth, they would be from these countries". The "if" is important.

Has it already been talked to death how Alvida has the same club as Kaido?

That's just a regular old oni club. She used to look like an oni before she ate her fruit, so it's just a stylistic thing.

Ok, so there are many others too?

What's Yasopp's name supposed to be a pun of?

I know Usopp's is "uso" (lie) combined with "Aesop"

You are a retard if you think Alvisas club matching Kaido's in design means nothing.
Alvidas epithet is named after her weapon. “Iron Club Alvida.”
There are many clubs in op, Alvida is unique for 20 years and then kaidos literally match her.
Hamburg and Minotaur are club users but they aren't oni club users you brainlet.
Noticing that Alvidas club is identical to a yonkou's (and nothing else) after 20 years of publication is a huge detail, you are welcome.
Iron Club Alvida's iron club isn’t normal

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Urouge is so cool bros
I can't wait until his arc where he beats the shit out of Enel for destroying Birka

Edward Weevil is stronger than Whitebeard during Marineford

Not impossible

oh fuck

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So this is Green Bull, right?

oh yes

He's supposed to be prime Whitebeard tier, which in turn makes him also prime Roger and Garp tier.

I don't think he's showing up on Wano so I wonder what plans Oda has for him. Ms Bakkin is gonna be significant since she was apart of Rocks.


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He's likely very powerful but likely won in some sort of cheap way that didnt uphold honoraburu samurai code of wano.

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I like Denjiro's design

I would gomu gomu no beat the shit outta you if I saw you irl

> Boiled alive
If he survived this, Buggy literally has more endurance than him.

I really hope we see more of him, his design is great.

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Why does everyone forget about Alvida when talking about a Luffy harem or a potential love interest. Bitch is fiending for the rubber nuts.

what did he mean by this?

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I don't know. Zoro isn't as merciful as the other SHs. If he's still lying in the snow in Ringo he's probably dead by now.

Implying Oda would kill off a scabbard this early

Then the question is if she has a relationship to Kaido how the fuck was she so weak at the start of the story? She got one shot by Luffy fresh on his journey and got better because of her devil fruit she got by chance

Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu fruit

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Only virgins are allowed into Luffy's harem. Even if she hadn't been the Buggy Pirate's cumdump, she had still raped Coby countless times before the series started.

i thought it was him acting like a tsundere


Buggy was an actual crew member on the ship of the pirate king, an equal to the Red Shanks.

Is a virgin.

sure she is

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oh no...

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That's still a really stupid theory, my man. Kuma and Vivi have no personal connection as characters, Oda won't go for something like this. Inheriting a devil fruit ain't gonna happen just so some stupid number theory can work out.


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Do you not remember that stamp on her back?
Why do you think she despises men so much?

She loves Luffy because he's one of the very few being besides a giant/katakuri that can get his dick big enough for her extremely loose gaping holes

Likely Episode of Alabasta, looks like DoubleFinger's DoubleToe judging by the bondagepants. I was at loss until I realized it's the tornado tempo bird

>Oda goes out of his way to show the Tenryuubito marry who they want to fuck
>Oda goes out of his way to show that Tenryuubito find associating with their lessers in anyway is anathema to them
>Oda goes out of his way to mention that Doffy and Viola fucked, while being silent on Hancock

She's a virgin.

holy shit the first good tier list i seen since like forever


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How many times did shota charloss fuck hancock

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oh no no n o

holy fucking cope

>hancock is a virgin!
>hiyori is a virgin!
waifufags were a mistake.

it's from the latest ep. they reanimated alabasta's finishers

Hancock was a literal slave for years, Hiyori was ripping off corrupt idiots for a while.

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your dumb cope "she did nothing more than talking!" already got destroyed in the previous chapter

I don't like the squiggly, disconnected line artwork Oda does in recent years. His best style was during Enies Lobby - Sabaody

he's worried for the whole crew but tries to play it off as just worrying for the lady
due to being raised by zeff he typically acts tough with the bros

tfw Vivi will be raped out of history

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So post it.

>Oda goes out of his way to mention that Doffy and Viola fucked, while being silent on Hancock
Subtly hinting at it as tale for grown-ups when directly asked in an SBS question by a fan is the opposite of out of his way.

People who have fucked Hiyori:

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will luffy's mom be introduced in the story? what kind of role will she have if she is?

>will luffy's mom be introduced in the story?
I don't really think so.
>what kind of role will she have if she is?
I like the celestial dragon theory.

it seems some people were dumb enough to believe all the ironic shitposting, Zoro did nothing, go back to your fanfics

>Oda receives thousands and thousands of questions for the SBS and can freely pick and choose what to answer
>picking that specific one isn't going out of his way

Uh huh, sure thing bud.

Playing dumb, uh?

>I like the celestial dragon theory.
That would go against each and every theme in One Piece.

Oden was a beast what are you talking about. I bet he was was stronger than the All Stars If a guy he beat while in his prime made one of the look like a punk when he was out of his prime.

sanji needs to work on his lats more

soine = non sexual
besides she was doing that kind of stuff to Orochi during the banquet

>The most prevalent theme in virtually every single arc is chosen family > biological family
>Luffy choosing his crew/freedom over his celestial dragon bloodline would go against One Piece's themes


After re reading that, it’s messy so I’ll write it again

Oden > Prime Ashura Doji > Jack >= Ashura Doji now

You can’t say just because Orochi couldn’t take down Oden makes him a punk, Oden was a monster.

How many ways was this translated? Is there a raw to compare with?

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Sanjifags sill crying?

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Yeah, but her job implies more than just talking or playing music like the retarded hiyorifag is trying to force
mangastream is right

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mangastream got it right

Then that excludes Rebecca who was most definitely the gladiator cocksleave

As one kind user translated from the raw, she mentioned "soine" which in the act of sleeping together non-sexually.

Eeeeeeh. Still don't really see it. The D are the enemy of the gods, so much we've got spelled out to us. A D being one of the gods would just go completely against that, especially if it's the central one. And if Luffy's mom was one of the tenryubito, what would be the point of that? If it was just so Luffy could reject her that would not really have any tension, because she was never a part of his life anyway.
What are the actual arguments for the "Luffy's mom is a tenryubito" theory?

Will Zoro get Yasu’s body like a man, or run away like a coward?

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Type 添い寝 on google image

Spoilers for the next chapter

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Exactly, which is why Rebecca belongs to Koby instead.

>Yeah, but her job implies more than just talking or playing music like the retarded hiyorifag is trying to force
If she willingly wanted to fuck these corrupt old men sure, but the thing is she loathes these guys who sided with Orochi so it'd make sense that she would try to avoid anything too extreme

Right, HE didn't do anything.

>Sanjifags working overtime to paint Hiyori as a dirty whore

Look, I’m confident she’s fucked her way to the top, but you guys make it sound like she was the country bicycle. She wouldn’t be as sought after if that were the case.

>left eye shining red

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>mfw I don’t have a cute Japanese wife to cuddle with

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>"Kuma and Vivi have no connections"
both are rulers that were wronged by the WG and both have strong ties to the SH


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I don’t even get why they care so much. Everyone with taste knows that Pudding >>> Hiyori anyway

>Medusa was originally a ravishingly beautiful maiden, "the jealous aspiration of many suitors," but because Poseidon had raped her in Athena's temple, the enraged Athena transformed Medusa's beautiful hair to serpents and made her face so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it would turn onlookers to stone.

That's not a personal connection. That's the opposite of a personal connection.

> Enel not in SS tier
Correct yourself and you'll be forgiven for your sins.

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This was hancokfags vs. hiyorifags arguing about their waifus virginity. The fuck does sanji have to do with it?

You guys can always send SBS to Oda to ask about Hiyori's job, but I doubt he would answer it since he ignored mine.

Pudding already had her arc where she got plenty of time to develop, while Hiyori's just started. Even though Pudding is great that comparison ain't fair


Her post-Kawamatsu backstory is still unknown to the readers, why would Oda even answer.

>I like the celestial dragon theory.
Only half right. It's Luffy's grandma, not mom, who was a celestial dragon.

Lots of babies and cats.

Whatever the transvestites did to Sanji doesn't count as having sex.

Ah no, I didn't send anything about Hiyori. It was way before that. I asked him if Nami's reaction to the poison sucking scene was because she was attracted to Reiju

All I know is chef outfit Pudding makes me Jozu (if ya catch my drift)

Of course not, such a silly question.


because shes not fucking a cumdumpster
the top whore of my city has fucked thousands of guys...hiyori is for royalty tho (or she just hugs men idk)

The swords curse pushed/created Zoros demon power to a level that enabled it to take control of his eye. Zoro didn't take any of that shit, cut his eye out and tries not to rely on that power too much anymore to not loose himself to the demon and might do something he'll regret.
But of course there will be a time when he has to dig into that power.

I would be surprised if Sanji was a virgin. I’m sure he met some ladies working as a waiter that looked past his creepiness because of his good looks and fucked em.

Meanwhile I think Zoro is too autistic, and while he probably has also found women to fuck him he’s like

>sticking my dick in you won’t make me the worlds strongest swordsmen. >Begone! I must train!

I thought It was the only way to get an answer
He answers way sillier question every volume though. And he answered stuff like Doffy/Viola

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now what if luffy was a girl

Then all of our dreams would come true

>Oda knows better than to interact with s/u/bhumans


well well you, oh yeah

That's Kamazo, Denjiro is this.

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They have an conceptual and potentially idealistic connection and thats enough

But he's just a human and doesn't even have a DF or Haki.

that's gonna be young denjiro. old denjiro is DAMAGED now

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Then I don't know what manga you've been reading, but linking two characters so closely together just because they have some vague conceptual parallels is not Oda's style.

>doesn't even have a DF

As far as we know he didn’t defeat anyone to become champ (interim) and refuses to duel with the guy who’s score with him is “unsettled.”
Mihawk cut an iceberg.
Shanks cut the sky.

>matched both of Whitebeard’s arms combined swing with one arm tied behind his back, splitting the sky.
>Got blocked by Jozu.

I want more Wano natives with historical or mythological designs as enemies. The Beast pirates are fucking hideous and half of them are complete memes like Jack.

But I thought the SMILE fruits fucking up your body was meant to be aesthetic?

>a meme
Jack is fucking cool, fuck off.

a lot of wano regions haven't still been fully explored yet. hell, present hakumai is a complete mystery to us

I want you to seriously consider something
Besides powerlevelfaggotry, what would be the point of having minhawk be weaker than shanks?
What does that actually add to the story?

Not that user.

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>we have similar backgrounds
they both got gangbanged by fishmen?

So, you think Shirahoshi will die and Nami will inherit her power? Is this enough of a personal connection for that to you?

What would BM do if she regained her memories? Would she immediately go find her crew or would she be arrogant enough to just go solo deep within enemy territory?

Storywide consistency. As far as Shanks is concerned Blackbeard is a bigger threat in combat than Mihawk.
When Luffy told Mihawk he wanted to be pirate king, Mihawk told him he’d have to be on a higher level than him (like Whitebeard) to do it.
When Luffy told Shanks he’d be higher level than him. Shanks said he’d have to become pirate king to do it.
Shanks is the Guardian of the Glyphs, which is the answer the question why they don’t have one.

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eat chopper and the crocoshark and then rape kaido

I wasn’t supporting his claims there, only correcting yours.

I think she'd make a really excellent lesbian.

and who are you? the lesbian police?

Pretty sure she's going to Elbaf to search for the truth of what happened to Carmel.

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i don't think that user meant a full recovery of her past memories

I forgot there was a Royal in that flashback. I predict they are all alive.

Oh okay. I'm thinking a full recovery has to eventually happen though or her storyline won't be complete. She can't just keep asking "Where you'd go, Mother?" She has to find out where she went.

>I'm thinking a full recovery has to eventually happen though or her storyline won't be complete
oh yeah, me too
but personally, i think she'll figure it out on her own without going to elbaf

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But my claim was never that Oda does not connect characters that have similar backgrounds. My claim was that Oda wouldn't randomly interlink their fates to such a degree that a transfer of their powers from one character to the next would symbolize, based on nothing else than a vague conceptual similarity.

Man, I still think young Linlin is extremely cute.

I want to breed with Carrot and have human/mink hybrids!


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My mistake then, i don’t think Vivi will get Nikyu Nikyu, I think the strawhats will save Kuma.

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>a rare domino just for me
how did you know, user

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She's the cutest

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Now think about this
Mihawk is living an aimless life because no swordsman around can defeat him and he has been looking for someone to surpass him for quite some time. If there truly was a tier of swordsman perfection that mihawk hadn't reached yet, do you think he'd be spending his days fucking around in east blue?
>inb4 muh arm
mihawk didn't carry about beating up weaklings like krieg and zoro, he wouldn't care about shanks being a cripple if shanks was still stronger than him.
Also shanks doesn't have to be strong to be important in the world. Buggy has demonstrated that pure charisma and luck can pull through

Shanks is a poneglyph that ate a human fruit. He's not merely the strongest man or the strongest creature, he's the strongest object.

chopper ate the human fruit

>Shanks ate the Hito Hito no mi: Model Fishman, which is how he could swim and rescue Luffy

/pol/tards BTFO

what model did he eat though

nice try dellinger

the human model

Shanks' fruit was the human human fruit model ginger. It gives him immunity to Big Mom's powers.

we'v never seen fully human chopper though

Human Human no Mi: Model: Capitalist


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Hito Hito no Mi: Model: 13% of the population

he didnt eat the saru saru no mi, satan

>Shanks doesn’t need to be strong.
>lists the guy that could beat Shanks and who directly saved Jinbe from Akainu as example.
Shanks needs to be strong for the story to make sense, and since his one arm matched both of Whitebeard’s arms strength on panel, he is.

You’re Kliff Underson? No, Anji Mito! Mr. Karate? You’re no safe for work Testament, that’s fare sure.

Shanks is just a more successful Buggy, the only time his prowess was actually tested, he got his arm eaten by a fish.

>super mega pirate aids white beard who wasn't really trying vs shanks

We all need to admit at this point that
1) Shanks losing his arm was literally an editoral decision, OP may never have been published without it
2) Oda didn't realize how high the power ceiling in OP would go back then (though obviously pretty fucking high early on, thanks to Mihawk)

I think it’s more likely that in order to help ensure that the will of the Poneglyph creators, the final road Poneglyph is an edible fruit which imbues the water with the properties of the final glyph, including its code.
Blackbeard isn’t ready to beat Shanks at Marineford for this reason.

>Percent of is

You have to talk it down because it was incredible. The sky split.

Even though their bodies are or become disfigured, their spirit remains.

that was an efffect of shanks advance conqueror's haki, which is basically just high level charisma

I think people are reading way too much into the Shanks/Mihawk comparison without understanding the narrative subtext.
Shanks was always supposed to be held in highest regards, because he's Luffy's idol. When Mihawk showed up, Oda needed to hype him up, so Shanks acted as a scale. Of course Mihawk couldn't be higher than Shanks, because that would diminish Shanks, but Mihawk was always supposed to be one of the high tiers. So he put them on equal grounds. This was before Shanks had a fixed role in the world, and when the Shichibukai were a very high treat. Since Shanks was as a character not fitting to be a shichibukai, but as Luffy's idol still needed to have a high status in the world, he just moved up a rank and was later put in another high "tier", that of the yonkou.
This stuff was never really about how strong those characters were, it was about how meaningful they are in that specific point in the narrative. It's like with Crocodile. He was defeated by pre-gears Luffy, yet he was also a big shot at the summit war. Power levels are not so mathematically linear in One Piece. Power levels are about the character's place in the story.

So if you're wondering who would win in a duel between Shanks and Mihawk, the answer is it doesn't really matter. Or rather: it's a tie, because they are both supposed to be goals for two of the main characters, so they are about equally meaningful.

>which is basically just high level charisma
so you're basically saying that, instead of breaking the ice, shanks broke the sky?

High level Willpower, which may as well be its own stat in OP.

Hody could bite through CoA despite being weak.
It’s a hint about the properties of the sea and haki. The sea kings bites might ignore CoA. If Shanks is s glyph, it’s a clue about how to harm them, and Shanks was so worried about Blackbeard literally because he got cut by him.
>Shanks is another Buggy
In the sense they are both almost invulnerable to conventional attack, maybe.
Blackbeard doesn’t just want to take over, he probably wants a new void century and the destruction of the Poneglyphs.

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>he plays systems were Willpower isn't its own stat

Why didn't Smoothie just open a facesitting business?

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Shanks calls those scars “these wounds” implying they don’t heal. He doesn’t bleed because he’s the road glyph, so it’s a painful wound that can never heal.

mfw bonney joins the crew

>that day Fidel Castro died while waiting for Bonney to join

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if you wanted some smoothie pics, you could have just asked instead of posting that

Japanese steel isn't particularly good, it's their sword making method that made a decent sword, albeit rather brittle

Yonkos walk through the earth like it’s water, split the sky literally, or destroy a whole island.
It’s true that as a theme even the strongest character who seems invulnerable, sometimes is.

So wapolmetal with Japanese style smithing would allow for a new ultimate blade?
This is the sword which most resembles the one Ryuuma used in Monsters! in the story.

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I still believe... any year now...

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Raul inherited his will, it's not too late for a happy end.

Their sword making method isn't particularly good either. It's just what they need to do to get steel on the same quality of European steel. So a question like this is kinda silly, the Japanese have a specific smithing technique because of their shitty steel, it wouldn't really have any effect on the quality of other steel.

Carrot will have to "service" her way onto the crew if she wants a chance

And mihawk is put on the same legendary tier as whitebeard and shanks. His name is revered by the mooks of the world. When he actually got off his ass to do something, even the admirals stared. Mihawk is not to be underestimated and we haven't seen the max of what he can do

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If you could forge wapolmetal I bet it’d be stronger than steel of any method. The Wanonese specialize in forging hard to forge materials.
Zoro has a broken sword on the Thriller Bark boat.
Early in Wano we met a sword smith who was waiting for someone, I can’t imagine Oda will forget this plot line or the Tengu Kitetsu sword smith.
I also doubt he forgot about wapolmetal that even quake can’t break.

>Mihawk is not to be underestimated.
Fair enough I agree there.

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>possessing the body with which I was born brings such joy.
>saying this to Brook.

I forgot Certain Blunder guy is from Kuri.

What did it add to the story to remove Yubishiri unless it comes back stronger? I bet Wapolmetal is stainless so the rust guy would even lose to it.

it deleted one of zoro's swords so he could get shusui

He’s Oden protege. Based and strong as fuck. For sure he will blunder though I agree.

Yubishiri is drawn the same as Ryuuma’s actual sword though, not Shusuei. Same hand guard, like how we can tell Kitetsu blades are Kitetsu.

Because she's pure and isn't a whore

The fallout would be glorious.


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Was Pell certain-blunder in Alabasta?

Pretty sure that cutting an island sized frozen tsunami is a greater feat than parting some clouds.

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I need to pay more attention, I never noticed this lick

one of her fingers also lightly touches nami's sideboob

I know everyone already read the chapter days ago, but I just got home and read it and damn that was very good. Very Hiriluk esq of Yasu. This also gives Zoro a very bealivable reason to care about this country, making all of his future contributions that much more satisfying. I also thought the end revaltion was interesting and the SMILE fruit ties with SAD and Judge and the inheritance factor really make me crave more of the Vegapunk/Judge/Cesar story.

Chapter was a solid Based/Kino

She just wants to drink Nami's fluids user.

I'm surprised that Sengoku didn't have Mihawk just spam air slashes. It took one of Whitebeard's commanders to stop one, and he only has so many of those, on top of that most of them were occupied, like Marco fighting Kizaru.

Not to mention that Koshiro most likely worked under Yasu, given Zoro's village shares the same name as Yasu's surname. Once he finds out he's going to want to see his mission through to the end.

Why are so many of Big Meme's children homos?

I would have the same expression if I get to capture Nami

she already is user

>Yasu's full name revealed before Zoro arrived at the execution

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Might as well ask why Akainu and Kizaru didn't keep spamming magma and lasers.
Marineford is all style and no substance.

That’s easy to answer though. Whitebeard’s forced breached the wall, so self destroying Marineford wouldn’t be productive.

Was Yasu always a weird midget?

I imagine it was the same reason why Whitebeard didn't spam quakes. Their attacks are far too powerful, and while we know Whitebeard cares about his crew not to needlessly kill them, the Marines have to pretend they care about their grunts. At least the air slashes are far more precise than quakes, magma, and explosions.

user pleeease, it's in the first two pages

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I thought so, but couldn’t remember for sure.
He’s midgetized like Buggy when we first met him, weird stuff.

Worded badly, I mean that he is in the execution, but is normal in the flashback.
I don’t buy that he just lost height from age, Yasu doesn’t even look older than 45.

>weird stuff.
the good old days are long gone

Attached: Hyogoro_20_Years_Ago.png (464x532, 287K)

It's a war with Whitebeard. Marineford should have been written off as collateral damage the moment it was decided Ace would be executed there. Frankly, I have no idea what the point of bringing in so many marines and warships was.

He is legit really old though I think, like 30 years in Yasu.

Something about that image of Hyo looks kind of retarded. It makes me resent him even more.

Sengoku gave a fucking speech about why that’s not the case, speedreader.
They built wapolmetal walls resistant against quake to kill him in the bowl and prevent entry or damage to the base. Whitebeard overcame that shit.

Read slow.

I love that design, hope he'll play somewhat of a big role in the flashback

God he reminds me of Akainu I can’t explain it except it’s not just those sleeves.

Will someone tell me when the fuck will Zoro open his eye. That's really all that matters to me in this story anymore, and if Oda ruins it, I swear I'll break his favorite ink pen!

i don't think age is really a factor with these "transformations". we all know that oda loves his grandpas and grandmas so he shouldn't really have any problem drawing a buffed up old hyogoro or yasu
making these old figures appear kinda pathetic in modern wano has a more symbolic value than anything

>Flower samurai
>Flower sword
>Akainu if he was fat

I get what you mean, ya, he’s probably just short for the reasons you say. Still though I like the idea there’s another element to it.
Maybe he was cursed, and that’s why he makes a joke to Orochi about ‘his curse.”

>Maybe he was cursed
you mean literally? i doubt that unless you want to play out all the literal garbage and pollution that kaido brought to wano

Devil fruit users are literally cursed and so are some swords, for example.

I mean, the reason for Hyou's transformation was specifically stated to be malnutrition, and I believe Yasu was mentioned as going hungry so others could eat.