Kemono Friends Producer: China will overtake Japan in anime within a decade

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creating good anime takes soul, something that chinese people lack

Is that why there's so much fucking Isekai currently?

Yeah, I can see Korea growing too.

>it's another chinkshill episode

>china will overtake japan in churning out completely run of the mill zero risktaking generic seasonal consumer crap
wow catch me not caring

I can understand where he's coming from. Fukuhara has written before about how the anime needs to expand beyond the production committee system to compete with more flexible overseas outfits. He understands better than anyone how Yaoyorozu found incredible success by working outside the traditional model, and that the Japanese industry as whole needs to get with the times.
I do think he's misapprehending the situation in China. The censors who are supposed to sniff out violence, magic, and sexual content have been giving domestically-produced animation a free pass. The party is willing to make that concession because they relish the idea of effectively competing with foreign media and exporting Chinese-made television, film, and online content. Creativity is an afterthought, and permission can be revoked at any time.

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The chinese are barely exporting their live action films outside of the asian market, they're not taking over anime any time soon.

He is a traitor and should be hanged.

Japan is not exporting either.

There's been dubbed Japanese animation on TV and in movie theaters in the West for decades. That's a hell of a lot more than China can say.

They can overtake the production quantity and skill, but they can never surpass the nippon damashii


>Article from 2 years ago
>Still 8 years left for chinks to take over

Well? Where's the signs? I'm waiting.

Yeah a couple of like DBZ. There are a lot of Chinese martial art movies too. They were more popular than anime back in the day.

Nobody wants to listen to that butt ugly garbled language


Even the Japanese can see that Chinese media is the future

Those movies were made in Hong Kong, which has only been part of China since 1997.
Highest grossing foreign movie in America.

A very good Taiwanese film shot in China with an international cast and international financing.

Better Chinese than the West. The worst we’ll get are knockoff shows with propaganda.

Kill yourself, chink shill.

The chinese that would be making anime still has to use japanese because their chink writing characters and sound of their language even make themselves puke

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Kill yourself. jap shill

They're already starting to take over video games, with disastrous results.

>kemono friends producer
As if anyone would believe the predictions of a guy who couldn't predict his anime would be the most hated anime in history.

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>retard doom poster
Kill yourself.

>the chicoms have spread from /k/
Oh God, and here I was thinking the vatniggers would be the worst posters.

There's nothing worse than a chink.

You should see their /k/ posts. Vatniks are pretty fucking awful.

Lol I'm sure the creativity and originality of the Chinese will surely shine.......

I'm pretty sure he's not shilling China but instead saying that Japan should work harder so they can beat any new potential competition
>Fukuhara wanted Yaoyorozu to get fired
dumb beep poster

And chinks are worse.

Isn't Aniplex starting full scale production or some shit in China soon?

With Japanese or Chinese voices?

Did the chinks make anything worth watching yet?
>muh period dramas

>he doesn't want to watch another rendition of The Deer and the Cauldron
Now that was fun shit.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


thats true
i mean with the budget for a studio with lets say 30 people they could hire 200 chineses workers for the anime and still have budget for a s2

I had seen same source and thread
How is worth for you to discuss about the topic now? Want to be said China is sugoi? Taiwan no.1

I don't understand how china keeps taking over everything when nobody wants chink shit. China is taking over video games, yet all they produce is low quality trash that nobody wants to play except themself.

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Kinda like EA, then?

Except EA is nowhere near taking over anything except for the title as video games biggest laughing stock.

>that nobody wants to play except themself.
Azur Lane

Isn't that literally copy pasted kancolle?

China can't overtake anyone if they have no creativity

Fukuhara wasn't involved in KF2.

>Taking over

Most of their recent games have been absolute laughingstocks and held up as shining examples of how to kill your fanbase. Eve Apex is currently dropping off in popularity despite its initial success due to shoddy management.

And watch as they make another isekai/mmo garbages with an overrated protags instead of making something that is actually interesting like a high budget Condor Heroes adaptation , an adaptation of a Tony Wong comics, Three Body Problems or heck, a Jackie Chan movies adaptation like Snake in the eagle shadows or Wheels on Meals. The irritating things about China taking over is that they will make another souless garbages instead of maximizing the usage of their source materials.

Because it has the biggest market.
Even though they produce stuff only for themselves they overtake everyone in global stats.
It's actually the western companies who have trouble setting foot on the huge chink market.

>want to pander to China
>end up alienating your own native customers
>end up fucking yourself because you're fucking greedy retards who think the CPC will let you operate inside their borders without letting Chinese take over your companies

Reminder that Taiwan, Korea, and Japan are all rebel provinces.

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Does it matter? People still want to play it anyway.

>article from 2 years ago
What with this Muslim koreaboo and his hatred with Japan? did the nips refused your immigration or something?

Fuck do you mean by play, its just another autoing weeaboo gachashit made by bunch of wapanese chink, them chinks are not even want to listen to their own language lol

>People still want to play it anyway
Chink rather play the superior fate grand order than shitcolle ripoff, sorry chinkboo

china games are fucking embarrassing and cringe. Don't understand how anyone other than children and teenage like that xianxian muwanlan stuff either

It's not gachashit.

Has there even been a single good chink anime?

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>random percent chance to roll for character
>if you ran out of resource you can buy it in the shop with real money
yeah whatever cunt, keep logging in every days like a good fucking slave you are, faggot.

This one was pretty topical.

Not with the communist party in power. It's all going to be the same faggot ass crap their live action tv is.

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Chinese shits are boring as heck.
Less boring shits are actually copied Japanese motifs. Even so they are cringe as heck.

Anime about Tiananmen massacre when?

You wish. I remember some isekai was supposed to get an anime, but the author was talking about chinese war crimes on twitter so they canned it.

Fucking this, China literally destroyed their most of their history with the Cultural Revolution and most of the stuff on chinese television is just copy & paste shitty comedies. There is like 0 creativity when it comes to chinese

Why should I care? Not going to watch it.

>let's just pretend that 95% of anime and western shows aren't incredibly formulaic and stale and act like the chinese are uncreative due to some racial trait: the thread

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This literally looks no different from what we already get out of Japan except more historical dramas I guess. I can't say if animation-wise they are any better, I've only seen 1 chinese show that I actually liked. It's the one where the dad gets sucked in a toilet and gets super powers to protect his daughter (can't remember title). That one was actually pretty funny, and surprisingly the Chinese dub is better than the Japanese one, simply because the jokes are better and the story isn't changed for the worse.

Alright never mind I found it:
I fucking loved this show and if more chinese ones like this came out I wouldn't complain at all. It was well-paced, funny, and had interesting characters with a good ending. The fact that the story had to be changed for Japan sucks though. I get changing the jokes to fit Japanese sensibility though.

>posting some article about chink vs nip from 2 years ago
>vola i got myself a bait now user will be swimming in rage
What with this low quality shitposting

I think it would be more enjoyable if their language didn't sound like such a mess and the subs were done better

Next time post an image macro.

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Why are you using a stale bait from 2017, OP?

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OP is not even chink, its a Turkish koreaboo who hates anime and japs with passion. Dude make chink and gook vs nips thread every days on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

>not Unlimited Bait Works

You really need to do something about your paranoia.

Here you go.

Attached: ubw.png (1252x1252, 192K)

What with the sudden butthurt?

Did i hit some nerve huh

Same reason why T-Series is the most subscribed YT channel

I still, for the life of me can't understand how the hell japan let churro lane take over mobage. I thought japan ota had more pride than that.

nobody gives a shit about chink media outside of china

No one cares about Jap media either.

>let churro lane take over mobage
Do you mean FGO? because azurlane is just a small fry compare to plenty of other big mobage in Japan

I predict that if China succeeds in any of its current attempted takeovers of entertainment mediums, it'll be short-lived. Authoritarians have NEVER been able to control recreation. In the worst case scenarios, they make illegal organizations extremely wealthy and powerful.

>dying lane
>take over anything

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Sure, better that way, i don't want to see some white niggers doing naruto run or other anime bullshit in public

They will touch it and it will rot in their hands. The modern Chinese people cannot create only destroy.

>koreaboo muslim
Sheet, gotta tell my brothers to behead the faggot


I'm not a koreaboo tho. I have never made a thread on Yea Forums btw.

Or the creators will simply have two versions of the same products: censored and uncensored, for the international release.

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and i'm muhammad, kill yourself muslim piece of shit

Fuck muhammad. I am an atheist bitch.

>low quality bait thread
>92 replies

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Why is Chinese BL so wholesome, Yea Forums?

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What with this muslim and his obsession with nip lol

China is only good at copying ASMR. There is NOTHING else they are good at, and I love my ASMR Chinese girls.

like your ass after sucking some yellow nigger tiny dicks?

Not a muslim buddy. Fuck muslims.

I don't care
I'm killing myself in less than a decade.
Fuck this planet


Love between sworn brothers blossoms in the human realm.

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whatever muslim nigger