Boku no Hero Academia

Now; let's continue some discussion of the manga with Chapter 7, the end of Volume 1. Viz scans for the previous chapter are out, the preview for next week is out too.
Link for the Viz scans:

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I will break and form and just this page is fucking hilarious when you think about it
>6/5 INT

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I honestly love this series, we went from school shenanigans to rock people murder rampages.

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Finished the chapter, going to go for a few Volume bonuses.

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And the end of the dump

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I appreciate this, I'd like to think I have a good memory and I'm also spastic so I don't reread too much, so these are always nice.

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Waiting on wholesome teen romance in BNHA

You'll be waiting a long fucking time then

>God damn it Deku you wimpy little shit.

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>it was a rational deception
>actually no it wasn't
even momo can't fathom how retarded aizawa is

How old is Eri?

It's a battle shounen, don't count on it. The best you can hope for is Hori confirming pairings in the final chapter or something


so 6 more years

hori seems like he'd been fun to work with
he's so earnest and excited about what he does

Dear lord I want that 10ton tits lady to be an actual recurring character. Imagine the doujins we'll get

Thank you yet again, righteous user!

>Monoma copies Deku's quirk
>in the next minute, he feeds someone his DNA
there we have it, multiplied OfA

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Okay yeah but that new one starts at 0 and needs a few generations again.

Not retarded. He WAS going to boot the lowest scorer out, because he knew it'd be Midoriya. Good intentions don't cut it with Aizawa, you have to be capable of succeeding and he didn't think the kid was. What changed his mind was, Deku proved he had the mental flexibility and creativity needed to be a hero. So he lied that he had been lying.

yeah, and booting the lowest scorer out on the first day, considering everything that we know about quirks growing in strength and evolving, is incredibly retarded
hell, look at the class B kids. a lot of them weren't capable of too much on day 1, but they've improved massively

Alas! It is not the first time a girl's words and approval lead a guy into Dumb Territory.

(Actually, the word Ochaco is gong for here is "dekiru", which DOES mean 'can do'. "Deku" means 'puppet', 'blockhead', or 'useless person'. God knows what someone hearing his hero name for the first time is going to think...)

That's a seriously under-slung chin, Mineta. Glad you outgrew it later.

It wasn't a matter of quirk, it was having the imagination and intelligence to make your quirk work. Look at it from Aizawa's perspective. Midoriya had this really impressive quirk, but every time he used it he destroyed his body. And Eraserhead would have assumed it had been that way since the quirk manifested at age four. All that time and Deku was still unable to use it. Maybe, in a few years and with considerable training, he could improve. But they didn't have a few years they had one to become functional heroes, and Aizawa had to train the rest of the class, too. Deku was a lost cause, Aizawa thought, until he showed he COULD change.

Oh yeah, you can see Yui Kodai - Rule, from class 1-B - looking out from Yuu's eyes. If she'd have kept the same personality, getting she and Deku together would have taken MASSIVE plot work.

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Hori giving the kids a break and this arc will have absolutely nothing to do with them

It's the end of the semester, they need some R&R

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Jirou gonna get the lectric love

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can someone just reply to this?
It looks extra sad if nobody is even acknowledging it.

You put a lot of effort into this. Well done.

Can anyone who can read moonrunes please translate this? Would be much appreciated.

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I keep forgetting just how much of a unit Shouji is.

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Anal with Momo

This is so sad

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>Of course he was lying
>Expelled the entire previous years class

I can't believe this man is now a dad

does it count if only one of them is a teen?

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It's convenient to stand behind Toru because her head never blocks your view...

I see what you did there

It'll happen eventually

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I like how this artist draws Uraraka's blush. It is much better than the Hori's ugly way

I don't think it will happen to he honest.

Defend this.

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is that even official art of Redestro?

No BNHA thread is ever a real BNHA thread without this post.


Nothing, the bottom box simply says that the clash of evils (ie Liberation army vs the League) continued

Remind me why this picture gets posted?
It is not even some kind of copypasta or manga-hating shitpost, or a shipping shitpost
It is just..."Hey, Midoriya!", "What?" picture. What the hell

Agreed, he's a very genuine, excitable guy. My favourite thing is that, despite having such a successful manga, it's almost like he doesn't believe it himself. So when he gets an award, or a girl messages him to tell him she really likes his manga *cough* Gege, he spergs out like a highschool girl

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You should probably get an image of Junior that isn't fanart, user

These threads attracts maximum autism is why.

Who knows anymore

I think it's partially because his first 2 series both got axed in one volume, so MHA is literally his last chance to make a living writing manga. He probably spent the first year so worried about getting axed again that any success after that feels unreal

Hear hear.

He's Deku

>5 hours
>68 replies
>29 posters
What killed the hype?

unironically lack of deku. now these faggots have nothing to complain and shitpost about

>now these faggots have nothing to complain and shitpost about
lack of things to shitpost about doesn't stop people from shitposting

I rather have slow threads than terrible chapters
keep Deku away

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I think you can stop with the chapter dumps
The threads seem the same as always.

Go back

The threads being slow means there’s actually less shitposting than usual.

But slower.

I'm exactly where I started from.

You don't act like it.

I do, you just don't get it.

threads have been a lot better since user started the chapter dumps
slower yes, but that just means less shitposty

>less shitposty
All the shitposting is still there

Everything worth discussing happens when leaks start to drop and everyone overreacts to vague text spoilers and start to speculate. Then the chapter drops, people amend their reactions and shitpost the chapter for a day until discussion is all drowned out by pure shitposting or dead threads until the process is repeated next week.

Okay moralnigger.

I'm not the one posting walls of text about pure love.

It wasn't his last chance to write manga, but it would have been his last chance in Weekly Shounen Jump. If it had failed he would have had to either give up or try his luck elsewhere.

I suppose you're technically correct, but I can't imagine "struck out of WSJ" looks good on a resume

But you're being a moralnigger

You were the one stating that MiriEri was pure. So, you are the moralnigger. Trying to convince everyone that your ship is okay, because it's pure. Who even let you post here?

This a battle shounen, not a romance shounen. Crap like this that you need shipper goggles for is likely the closest you're going to get unless we get a timeskip epilogue to a time after everyone's hooked up.

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What is your deal dude?
>it is okay because it is pure
Who says that? Why do you hate mirieri so much? You've got issues, man.

I'm not the one spamming every thread with his fictional ship

You're the one spamming against it

Does anyone have an image of Toga making a heart with her hands out to the side like this? I really need to copy this image on my airshit

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What did Shoto mean by this?

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see, I told you mewing works

I'm just reacting. You're the source of the problem.

Thank you very much

What was everyone's thoughts on that Game of Thrones episode?

Reacting like a triggered rat. Who unironically writes "don't ship the loli"? There is something wrong with you, moralfaggot.

Who are you talking about right now?

You, the faggot who is triggered by loli.

Not enough Mirio and Eri.

I never said a word about lolis. Aren't you a bit paranoid?

I'm glad people are finally realizing that D&D are retarded hacks who can't write, but I'm annoyed that it took most normalfags until the penultimate episode

Please, take that to one of the billion threads on Yea Forums. There’s bound to be capeshit fans over there with an opinion on it.

You only changed the filename after being called out for being a moralnigger.

I use the name I used since the moment I've created that picture.

Sure thing moralnigger.

You're just paranoid that people find out you're a pedo. You're constantly talking about it even when no one mentiones it.

Stop getting triggered by lolis you freak.

You're the one triggered by them. Hey, who's knocking on your door? Is that FBI?

I don't mind lolis, you do.

I don't mind lolis too, it's you who's screaming about 'em like a paranoid.

>no you
>no you
pack it in you spastics

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>uses the word pedo unironically
You clearly get triggered by loli you moralfat

I'm just saying how it is. You're an obvious paranoid pedo. Is that the reason I think you're an idiot? No. But is it true? Of course it is.

>projecting moralnigger
Virtue signaling faggots like you need to fuck off forever from Yea Forums.

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Why didn't All Might teach Midoriya how to kick?

Great thread. Boy I would sure feel really stupid if I said these dumps make these thread less shitposty

have you ever seen him do it?

kicking requires an incredibly high IQ and AM is retarded

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because All Might is a fucking retard who got carried by having innate control over the most powerful strength quirk in the setting. His fighting style is fucking garbage if you're not faster and stronger than everyone you have a chance of fighting

Why are you dumping this shit from the start

You're just going to make people sad by reminding them how good and full of potential this manga used to be

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You wouldn't reply if it didn't bother you.

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That's like a virgin complaining that Chad isn't really good at flirting with women, his lines and attitude suck, he just gets by on his good looks.

reminder that their children will be literal ents
post only prime eugenics ITT

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and therefore it's an entirely accurate observation
chad never taught virgin how to flirt, because he got by solely on good looks
virgin will one day look as good, but for now he must learn to flirt if he wants to score

yes it's exactly like that
and if, in this situation, Chad tried to teach the virgin how to pickup girls by telling him strategies that only work if you're as hot as Chad, then it's just as dumb

Worldbuilding is not plot
Character maintenance isn't a story

Hear hear.

>threads are a lot better
>Saturday thread had everyone having a civil conversation with gay porn spammer
>yesterday thread derails after paintfag posts

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The only threads that might not be shit are spoiler and chapter release threads.

Gran Torino points out how Allmight is terrible at teaching.

Except those are extra shit because everyone either intentionally or unintentionally misunderstands everything.

That he was watching him. That despite the abuse, he still cared about the big jerk and was hoping he'd win.

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If you're gonna post bunny deku at least post some of the good stuff, not ugly tumblr furry shit

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Why is everyone mad about Quirk upgrades? This is clearly what Hori was talking about when he said that the Quirk Singularity was coming soon.

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people who don't read the manga are pretending they don't understand what's happening because now that the current arc is good they have nothing to shitpost about

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Which quirk would you like to have?

For me, it's the Hitoshi Shinso's quirk Brainwashing.

I would use it while out clubbing.

And you?

it's just shitposters looking for any excuse to go UGH BNHA SO BAD GO READ OTHER MANGA

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Here's one with Hori's face colored

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>He's drawn so differently than the rest of us

Just how many characters in this are aware they're fictional? And how come they never do stupid shit to entertain us in the 3D dimension?

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>o-only poopyposter dislike my dogshit series

>why is everyone mad that the villains are getting powerups from nowhere after a shitty training arc that made all the hero kids look like useless retards

>ochaco turns out to be the MVP of the match
>Mina does great as well
Uh huh

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>"Power-ups out of nowhere"
So then. Nothing new and unexpected should ever be introduced in a story and everything that should happen should have already been explained beforehand. What a boring fucking writer you'd make.

lmao, nice one

youngdeavour spinoff when?

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t. Butthurt spic

God forbid someone forget Toga had quirk copying powers after a year of shitty content that kills your faith in anything's ability to matter

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you forgot that all characters should 100% understand their powers from birth and have an internal monologue explaining them to the audience the second they're introduced
now that's how you write a good story

>be Shiggy
>run around a lot for a month
>suddenly learn to disintegrate people without touching them
Because that makes sense.

I didn't forget.
So I can look down on people who did. I don't know why you would admit so proudly that you are retarded.

>I don't know why you would admit so proudly that you are retarded.
because he thinks implying it's other people's fault he's retarded makes him look cool and not pathetic

They we’re in direct contact with each other though, he didn’t learn anything new, his power just got stronger.

I mean I understand missing something. I can be fairly stupid and there are times when I was wrong and retarded.
But I usually just shut up then.
I don't go into thread after thread and tell people I am retarded and they are all smarter than me. Is that some kind of humiliation fetish or something?

But that's clearly not what quirk singularity is.
The first time the quirk singularity was brought up was as a theory where, because quirks get stronger and more complex every generation, they'd eventually hit a breaking point.
Then the word singularity was used again in a completely different context as the reason why Deku gets 7 quirks.
Why would quirk singularity explain people who are already born, have established quirks, and don't have OfA, suddenly gaining new abilities?

>look at me I stayed true to this dying series when nobody else did
>I'm a good manga fan
God help you if you take pride in this

Since power-breeding is a thing in this show - where two people breed specifically to pass down both of their powers to their children - i think that One For All and that one girl's Invisibility powers should be mixed.

Can you imagine? All Might, but he's invisible.

>dying series

It's a legitimate grievance. You don't just mention something important once, forget to bring it up again for an entire year and then be surprised when people don't remember what you said. Especially after that year was filled with boring training fights that put people off by how it went absolutely nowhere.

It wasn't even mentioned in the actual story. It was a fucking bonus page at the end where nobody reads unless they're a nerd.

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>Is that some kind of humiliation fetish or something?
he's just mentally ill I think, it's not really surprising considering how many other wackos post here

>It's a legitimate grievance.
Only if you are stupid
Like you do realize this complaint is literally only valid if you are stupider than pretty much anyone else.

You and your tumblr/twitter reaction images really need to fuck off
I can not believe anyone managed to be too stupid for the bottom of the barrel that is shonen. But you are too stupid.

Quirk singularity is about each generation getting wilder quirks, it has nothing to do with existing quirks getting upgrades. That was just the old "quirks get stronger by training" stuff.

I don't mind everyone getting stronger because that's the entire point with the school setting and heroes in training, but the execution matters.
Last arc was just boring, it was a 20 chapter long exhibition arc where they showed the result of power-ups and little of how they got there. I think this arc is fun so far but I hope they won't just get powerups in their own focus fights one by one.

Great argument
I really thought I was going to get an actual answer

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you've been getting answers every day since the chapter dropped and every time you disappear only to come back the next day and keep spamming "MUH EXTRA PAGE MUH VIDEO GAME HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER THINGS"

Is "deku" a common word? I know dekiru's everywhere, so is it possible some nips just aren't familiar with it?

>he's actually defending the videogame shit
HIDF in full display

Yeah, it's fine for characters to extend the limits of their quirks. Kirishima used to get hard, but now he gets very hard. Iida used to go fast, but now he goes very fast. Even Tokoyami's use of troll science to fly using Dark Shadow kinda makes sense when you consider that Dark Shadow was always flying and has shown itself capable of lifting objects heavier than Tokoyami.
Shigaraki being able to disintegrate multiple people through each other doesn't really break the established rules of his quirk. He was already able to disintegrate people wearing clothes and their clothes would turn to dust with them, so the idea of disintegrating things through indirect touches isn't exactly boundary breaking.
Adding or revealing entirely new dimensions to a power usually just feels cheap and lazy.

What argument do you want? We have been explaining this shit every day to you. At some point you bear the responsibility for not understanding anything.

How does running away from a monster improve a quirk that requires your hands?

When he said he wanted his hero name to be Deku, everyone in class looked surprised and some of them were like "Seriously, man? Are you sure about this?"
I imagine that would be the typical reaction. Mild confusion as to why a hero would choose a self-deprecating name.

>Then the word singularity was used again in a completely different context as the reason why Deku gets 7 quirks.
Oh fuck off
There's no reason Deku got 6 new quirks besides him being the fucking chosen one. The generational aspects of quirk society has nothing to do with it.

>God knows what someone hearing his hero name for the first time is going to think.
Mirio's reaction to it is great.

>you didn't remember a bonus page from a year ago
>therefore your stupid
That's all you've been saying.

I have never seen that bonus page.
I also didn't know about the video game

I only consider the manga and figured it out. I am your superior. You are a dum dum.

>my autism is better than yours!

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>work a muscle
>it grows in size
>work a quirk
>it evolves into something else
Same difference

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They fight said monster though, Shiggy saying they have been wearing him down implies that he has tried to touch him and active his quirk quickly enough before he gets crushed himself.

Would've been nice if Hori actually showed that instead of them taking a breather

Are you a speedreader or something

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Based and Kaminaripilled

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Why can't Compress just take a big chonk out of him?

Who knows, maybe he just grows it back or something.

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because Giga can't be their ace in the hole if he's swiss cheese. The reason the League has so much trouble beating him is because none of their quirks are conducive to winning a fight without killing their opponent

Do you think he sold his body to a rich man with some sick fetish in order to get those drugs? Do you think that fetish was tying Kirishima up and beating him with hard objects? Do you think that rich man got very aroused when he saw a metal pipe do nothing to Kirishima's muscular body? Do you think he fucked Kirishima in the ass with a huge vibrator unlubed while calling Kirishima names like "slut" or "whore"? Do you think Kirishima came buckets without hands but just from sheer excitment of being tied up and fucked in the ass while being called names? Do you think Kirishima really enjoyed it while having a deep sense of shame? Do you think that's why he does drugs?

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>shiggy dodging
>toga running away
What did I fail to interpret?

Mirio is a teen, right?

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>Why can't Compress just take a big chonk out of him?
>takes out an even huger chonk out of the surrounding area if anyone gets a little too close

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What happened to Hori?

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They're trying to launch an attack on him right here speedreader

Still doesn't have Shiggy doing anything with his hands

The MCU.

It has Shiggy jumping towards Giga with his hands outstretched.
What do you think he's trying to do?

convincing everyone to hate the students so no gets butthurt when 90% of them get killed off for a twist

Trying and doing are different things.

>There's no reason Deku got 6 new quirks besides him being the fucking chosen one
Anyone who was the fucking 9th user would have had this happened. Deku wasnt the best or the first choice tobget OfA.

>The generational aspects of quirk society has nothing to do with it.

The first fucking user literally says that's the case

So whats the problem.

Look dude

Hori has a page of Shiggy and the LoV using a clone Shiggy as bait and then trying to attack him with their quirks, Shiggy included.
Then there are panels of Shiggy dodging Giga as info boxes nicely tell you that they've been doing this for a month. And then Shiggy says that they have managed to wear down Giga somewhat.
You can go on and say "B-but Hori hasn't shown explicitly on panel that Shiggy managed to hit Giga with his quirk at least once during a month and a half!" but please, get some reading comprehension.

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Visual medium
Show, don't tell

No. Learn to read inbetween the lines instead of needing spoonfeeding in a literal brainlet shounen manga.

>Shows a panel of Shiggy trying to attack Giga with his hands
>hurr durr visual medium

Fuck you. It's not my fault Hori can't keep people's attention. They read manga to be entertained, not to reread boring bullshit arcs for context clues.

Why the fuck would anyone bother about the subliminal undertones of anything if it isn't interesting to begin with
Stop sucking Hori's dick


>it's Hori's fault I can't remember things!
>it's Hori's fault I speedread!
do you blame everything that goes wrong in your life on Hori or just when you get exposed for being a retard?

No, you are just retarded.
BnHA has many flaws, Hori hasn't always got the best paneling, last arc was a fucking snoozefest, but inferring that Shiggy has trained his quirk against Giga during the past one a half months fighting him when the information is presented clearly requires single digit IQ that you apparently lack. Stop being a literal brainlet and at least learn to read.

>Fuck you. It's not my fault Hori can't keep people's attention.
Who are these people you are talking for who can't pay attention?

>spend 7 months on a hero training arc
>nobody except Deku learn anything
>spend 2 chapters on villain training
>they all learn powerful new moves
What's wrong with this picture?

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>It's not my fault I can't remember and understand what happens two chapters in a row in a fucking shounen manga

Attached: probably.png (362x258, 147K)

>ur retarded
>ur brainlet
>ur not autistic enough to get it
I wish I could be a huge faggot like you but I happen to have a life outside waiting for this manga to produce anything of value

>last arc was a fucking snoozefest
I think you mean bonerfest

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Holy shit I hope bones changes her costume color

>look the VA tried attacking him once
>then they just said they've been doing it for a month
>just take their word for it goy

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It's purple?! That's perfect!

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>their daughter just has Emma from TPN's hair
lol wut

gross. Deku won't look like that. that's not aright at all. plus, he won't end up with anyone by the end of the series. the oldest one looking and acting and basically being a mini Bakugo is the only thing right about this though.

That's more blue desu
Could argue that it's a ninja turtles reference but it could just be Hori and his autism

>ooking and acting and basically being a mini Bakugo is the only thing right about this though.
so ochaco cheated?

>spend 7 months on a hero training arc
>nobody except Deku learn anything
I mean the entire fucking arc was to showcase what both classes had improved upon.
>spend 2 chapters on villain training
>>they all learn powerful new moves
You do relizes that the classes have been learning new moves since the Forest Training arc right?

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>those thighs
man made the right call

>but I happen to have a life outside waiting for this manga to produce anything of value
You do realize this just makes you look more stupid right? The fact that you can't even back up what you're complaining about.

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Hori is bad at picking color schemes

one of their children is an old woman?

I prefer his Midnight over Bones Midnight

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No your tastes is just shit. Why wouldcshe be green?


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Why would I care about Class 1B? They haven't been relevant to the story in any way.

>you can't even back up what you're complaining about
But I have speedreader. You just don't want to see it from another POV.

Attached: 4.jpg (1280x722, 301K)

absolutely disgusting

wow that's a lotta kid

But why would they have a blue kid

because Mina's acid powers mutated into alkaline powers, I guess

Attached: 5.png (1280x722, 757K)

>nobody except Deku learn anything
Iida learns recipro turbo.
Tokoyami learns to fly.
Todoroki learns how insufficient he is and will continue to be without Endeavor's training.
Sero, Jirou, and Satou learn that they should put their faith in Bakugou and his plot armor will protect them all.

that's rei
for some reason

WHen was the last time these two even looked at eachother

>Having a bird poop brand sweater and smashing frog pussy
I'd be smug too

>not all hideously mutated and deformed

It's a shiny.

that daughter has been around auntie ibara too much


>why would the lizard girl be green?

Attached: 1552028975662.png (582x345, 335K)

would you be able to resist knocking this up every chance you got? I know I wouldn't

Attached: healthee.png (152x259, 39K)


Attached: 1550872383574.jpg (586x720, 82K)

What is the worst ship in this series that does not involve Bakugo?


Deku and any character Deku has never interacted with.

That is cute though

what did he mean by this

The black haired ones and the blue one aren't Kirishima's.

Meant for

>haven't met
>haven't interacted
>somehow cute

Why wouldn't the black haired ones be kiri's?

it's the same guy who complains anytime one of bnhabitch's works is posted

Attached: 1537265700167.png (917x501, 443K)

Deku with anyone that's not Ochaco

as expected of NTRfags

Pink + red = black?


based. we need more of the /bnha/ paintfags and drawfags to migrate and stop having bnha art posted.

Not swole enough
none of the kids look like they have his latent quirk
fuck me in the ass who is her even
although cute daughteru, would protect
twins not having different eyes is dealbreaker, Shoto being extremely lucky case of chimerism is pretty much a given at this point
eldest one being total normie is nice touch, though i don't believe Red Riot would let pass a chance for expressing the Ultimate Broforce
>Amphibian and borb
>not meeting at evolutionary midway
other than that, and no borbheaded kid, it's cute

>Yea Forums hates their OC creators but defeat tumblrcows
The absolute state


lfmao you fucking speedreader Kiri's hair is fucking dyed you absolute twat


Attached: hippity hop, even with a safeword she won't stop.png (1080x968, 1.04M)

there's no need to imagine when that furshitter bait is also a nomu.

Attached: Nomu'd.png (787x208, 119K)

Attached: visible anger and confusion.jpg (321x327, 40K)

Deku x any girl

What do you think is Kirishima's natural hair color?

based Nomu'd.jpg poster

>any girl
you can't deny canon fagget

Attached: Ocha.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Ochako x McDonalds is what will be canon had potential back then...

Attached: 9236bfe6f9c9256848f5919d3b620336.jpg (1125x3672, 789K)

Thats really good actually

it's accurate but it needs more nepotism


nightmare fuel

>human boy
>implying Tokoyami is not a human being
Stop bullying mutants

And a real hero

Attached: Dvn_B-dU0AAxKJv.jpg (843x648, 72K)

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Tokoyami would be a crow with a human head. And no teeth.

Tsuyu should've been a mountain chicken.

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Do you think deku, having OFA and all, Will ever be able to settle down and have a family?

Mods please

To be honest, that girl's artwork is pretty bad.

Jesus Christ, I wanna fucking coom in her womb

What did tamaki mean by this?

Attached: 0183-012.jpg (930x1300, 332K)

What if you had a body pillow of Setsuna that you put a fleshlight in and humped every night, and Setsuna secretly took the fleshlight out and replaced it with her actual pussy, uterus included, and you knockec her up without even realizing it?

it's pretty self-explanatory to be honest, are you the same guy who doesn't get how shiggy dissolves people?

Sen pls

He probably means that Hadou is just like a pure, graceful fairy, but I'm just guessing.

Do you think Tamaki likes Nejire?

Ppl are upset because it's being used as a cop out for characters to turn the tables during fights.


I think he thinks she's like a pure, graceful fairy, but it's hard to really say. If that's true then it's possible he likes her, but who knows?

He strikes me as the person to get awkward crushes on people he admires, that's why he calls Mirio sunshine and Nejire a fairy

He doesn't call mirio sunshine, he compares him to the sun because of his personality.
Just like he did with Kirishima.
When he compares beuty, he's focusing on other stuff.

That's what i mean, he is obviously the type to make that kind of poetic analogies about people he likes, sorry he is not faithful to Nejire user

He is faithful to nejire, since he is praising her beauty and hasn't called anyone else a fairy.
He isn't faithful to mirio though, since he actually used the same word to describe Kirishima. Who in response, called him better than a sun, just like mirio did. You know, like male friendship works.

Explain the dream that Deku had with One For All's brother, and explain why he told Deku that the singularity was on its way. Hori is obviously introducing something, and if you can't see that then you're not very analytical.


MHA Next Generation will focus on Deku’s son, Beku, being angry and spiteful towards his dad for being quirkless, and thus not passing down a quirk, unlike his siblings that all ended up with Zero Gravity. But that all changes when Beku meets his childhood hero, Ball Bite, who gives him eight quirks and trains him to defeat his arch enemy, Ball Bor Bone.

Reminder his hero name is suneater, not fairyeater

calling himself fairyeater would be a pretty based power move though

Sure, because he has to have confidence.
He thinks people are better than him in a self-deprecating way, but he's really great himself.
His quirk is manifesting what he eats.
So, with that name, he's reminded that he manifest the greatness he projects on others. Suneater.
Makes perfect, poetic sense for anyone that isn't a fujo.

That's the thing. I can't explain that.
Future generations having quirks too strong to handle is referred to as singularity, but OfA hitting its breaking point and Deku getting all of the quirks is also called singularity, and the two have nothing to do with each other unless the latter singularity is the result of Deku having a secret quirk that lets him use all 7 quirks and holds up as an example of the former singularity.
I think Hori just really likes the word singularity.

If Tamaki ate a lot of vegetables, turned into a plant, and then used photosynthesis to "eat" sunlight, would be be able to turn into a miniature sun?

Deku always had a quirk

Shipperfags like you are just the same as fujos, both are cancer

t. Btfofujo

Yeah, I'd be shocked if Hori didn't go that route.

The fujo boogieman is not real user

Are you a newfag?

that she wears a pure, graceful panty

everyone likes Nejire

She's so pure and graceful that she doesn't wear a panty.

Nejire is an airhead bimbo that probably forgets to wear panties most days of the week

Attached: REVUPTHOSEREPORTS.png (365x214, 46K)

But tamaki likes her so much he gets an inner monologue about her

Are they gonna get to Gentle in s4? I wanna see the pistol shrimp gloves in motion.

it seems pretty likely that yakuza will be the first half of season 4 and remedial exam and Gentle will be the second

Read the manga

They mot certainly will get to Gentle next season. Humor me for a second for all this.

Season 1 is the only 13 episode season and was more a test of popularity so for argument sake I won’t include it even though you could if you wanted to for this speculation discussion.
>Season 2 chapters 22-70 for 48 chapters covered, 25 episodes
>Season 3 chapters 70-125 total of 55 covered with 25 episodes
>Season 4 possible chapters covered 125 -183 total 58 chapters in 25 episodes
>speculated to end with the concert and Eri smiling, hence the higher chapter coverage along with the idea that the Yakuza arc has lots of fights to animate
>the "to be continued" scene for the season could be High End at the daycare or it could be the first season without a to be continued scene and end on a happy note but I do think so
>Season 5 chapter 184 -226 total 43 chapters so far, most likely 25 episodes again like previous seasons

It seems Hori and his editors are working more with Bones now to ensure a full story arc is completed before leaving in the start of a next, we have examples of that with the "to be continued" scenes of season
1, 2, and 3. So off that we can get an idea of how long the next manga arc will go for prison break please which could be ~20 chapters plus the sprinkles of the next arc for the to be continued of the last episode of the season.

Attached: manga and anime.jpg (1685x1188, 642K)

Yeah I think s4 will end with the culture festival

S5 ending at ch 226, right in the middle of the arc and action is impossible. 226 is the Toga chapter. This arc is similar to the yakuza one, there's plenty of action, more chapters can be adapted into one episode

joint training will squish down a lot in asnimation because it's mostly just fights. I'd have a hearty chuckle if the Bakugo match ends up not even being one entire episode

>Season 5 chapter 184 -226 total 43 chapters so far
>43 chapters so far
user c'mon

Attached: I must have missed something... gotta speed read again to make sure.jpg (250x282, 26K)

actually funny

Yeah the Bakugo match will be like half episode

1 episode
setsuna's introduction will be the end of the previous episode, Bakugo will save his team and Deku will have his save to win line, then rest of the episode after halfway commercial break will be the comback and 1B getting 4-0 and match end

Her costume looks like the one worn by Lee Falk's The Phantom, without the gaudy shorts or cowl. I wonder if that's a coincidence.

Could you point out the funny bit to me? I'm struggling to see it

it's a satirical deconstruction of speedreading

Rei shrunk?

Sorry English is not my first. So you are saying he is making fun of people who think that way in his comic?

The little girl! The cuteness! It BURNS!!!!

That's a pretty darn manly bird, I've got to say.

The daughter's obviously an Egyptian goddess.

well you'd have to be a complete retard to believe his comics unironically, so I'm assuming he's >merely pretending

>fuck me in the ass who is her even
Camie, I'd assume.

>you'd have to be a complete retard to believe his comics unironically
You'd have to be a complete retard to not see that he isn't joking anymore and this is what that sped unironically thinks.

Does Hori really feel this way about some of his readers?

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yes, and he's right, considering some of the posts in these threads

I think Hori posts here, but I'd like to know which poster he is


I am not Hori haha. No not me. I just wanted to know what that guy thought of the manga

he's the fatposter

Paintfag. The bad one.


Attached: giggling toga.jpg (822x1000, 256K)

Okay "not Hori"

But the league of villains were training for a month with Gigantomachia coming after them.

toga should have just been the MC
boku no villain!!
You must be one of the retards who actually think Fairy Tail , Naruto or Bleach are masterpieces in writing.

yeah it would be a lot better. It's no coincidence that the chapters focused on her have been the best non-Endeavor chapters since Kamino


Longer than a month actually, but just the month is what we're shown. Remember, before Giga showed up they were cannibalizing smaller villain groups for their resources

Attached: ∕ss∕.png (655x352, 91K)

Deku has good taste in women it seems.

There's nothing wrong Fairy Tail, and while Naruto and Bleach had a lot of problems, unexpected powerups weren't one of them.


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That isn't news. Guy seems to like Nejire, Nana, Camie and Ochaco
That's pretty patrician

You're a drone. Just because one series does a trope poorly, it means that trope becomes terrible by default? Anything can work if its' been executed properly.

I kept telling you he was a cunt

But ooooh noooo
His tweets are so kawaii uguu :3

Attached: D2tQXrsWsAAGvk_.jpg (2048x1769, 787K)

>shitting on speedreaders and morons makes you a cunt

Attached: D58shxwU0AED47b.jpg (2698x3209, 667K)

Bleach had unexpected power-ups coming out of the ass, Ichigo was practically made of asspulls


Attached: My Hero Academia - c167 (v18) - p179 [dig] [Viz] [aKraa] {HQu}.png (810x606, 400K)

Toga can't carry the series by herself. So far this arc works because she and the LoV are shown going up against those more evil than themselves, and with the LA, more powerful, too. Innocent casualties are non-existent. Dabi hasn't set fire to a kindergarten. Shiggy hasn't run wild in a shopping mall. Toga hasn't stabbed a pregnant woman and her baby. This carefully focused story-telling is possible because these ARE side arcs, and Deku is the one who's really the focus. That makes a difference.


Attached: gremblo.png (1000x1000, 113K)

then make toga the second mc

I unironically think jirou is best girl

>defending o my wishing energy
>defending o my seven quirks
>people who don't remember obscure details are speedreaders

That's because she is

Attached: 1553929729928.png (568x648, 65K)

Haven't you learn't anything from all your deleted posts this thread?

I'm not paintfag you idiot

god i just want to see more toga, why did i suddenly become obsessed with her wtf

>I'm not him I just post exactly like him and use the same pathetic arguments

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Attached: D2CFu9nUYAAbWco.png (994x700, 225K)

>implying we'd defend the literal interpretation of an implication that quie literally only shitposters think happened
>implying we'd defend the incorrect number
Nah, you really are just a stupid dumbfuck speedreader.

So this is the kind of guy hori was writing about

Style doesn't fit them

Are you a thigh man by chance?

Attached: 1556295134342.png (409x676, 133K)

it's hard to believe that Hori doesn't browse these threads after seeing that panel. Or Japs are just as bad at understanding kids cartoons

>the real Yea Forums didn't hate it
>that's why they all abandoned these threads for greener pastures
Cope harder

Attached: my soy academia.png (1170x840, 275K)

finally seeing the light after her last few chapters were all great

Attached: excited toga2.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Who's the middle one on the left?

>dude I'm crazy lmao
Much interesting

How does one develop such simple minded rage over the existence of a single manga? The world may never know. But feel free to seeth in blistering anger all you wish. You clearly need company

Don't need to find a characters personality interesting to find them physically attractive. Simple really

Boy I can't wait for the slew of forced excitement posts when this guy gets a fight

burger queen

Attached: 74692786_p0.jpg (800x1239, 140K)

>shiggy was IDed by USJ witnesses as male in 20s-30s
>meaning he looked like he was around 30 on average
>actually is only 20
why did he age so badly?

his skin is too dry

God forbid someone take umbridge to having their time wasted

No sleep due to all night Moba gaming and diet consisting entirely of nuggies and tendies

>paintfag started here drawing Grapefag abuse pictures
>now he has become grapefag
Honestly a more entertaining villain than any in boku no hero

Attached: 1557088507430.png (168x200, 6K)

considering how badly you speedread, you can't have even wasted that much time

>Has too little willpower to quit reading a manga
>Bitches about something so easy to change
You weren’t doing anything important with the time you wasted, don’t kid yourself.

People have the right to have thier time wasted once. If you waste your time once then continue doing something you feel is wasting your time despite claiming to hate having your time wasted. Then you are a fucking idiot

his shitposting used to annoy me, but now that he just gets dunked on for being a retard every time he posts, I'm kind of warming up to him

and people say jobbers are bad characters

>speedreader speedreader speedreader
Maybe Hori is referring to people like you and not people like me
You know, the one that actually has an argument

you don't have an argument at all though, you're just mad about being made fun of


Attached: 1538750800762.png (400x400, 139K)

Not him, but I certainly am. It's been a fucking good few weeks

Attached: 100PercentKino.jpg (480x360, 14K)

I do have an argument. It's just that you faggots won't listen to me.

ok you're right. You do have an argument, it's just moronic and not worth considering

Go on. State your argument. Let's all have a good laugh

Attached: BigSMug.png (1146x1143, 123K)

>MHA threads have better character development than MHA itself

Attached: 1552024941916.jpg (636x551, 111K)

Alright. Please give your argument and I shall answer

When Eri finds out what a honeymoon is she's going to accept Mirio's marriage proposal and make her last name Togata.

Real life is always more interesting than fiction if you know where to look

How about you read the thread and you'll find out what it is? Or did you speedread that too?

>newfag realises that the threads have more lore than the entirety of WSJ combined

>Entire thread dunking on speedreader
>Earlier this week, had anons encouraging togafag to an hero and another guy to fuck his mom
For a moment, it started to feel like home again

Attached: 111.jpg (200x200, 13K)

your argument is "I shouldn't have to remember things that happened in a long form media series in order to understand future plot developments"
it's pretty stupid, but you're right that it is an argument. I'm sorry I said you don't have one

Sorry champ, you're gonna have to point it out for me if you want me to take you seriously. Unless of course you don't actually have an argument and are just buttblasted from people continuously BTFOing you

Toga needs to wear shorts more often.

Attached: j4qvcnzs6nx21.png (900x1000, 540K)

>why didn't you remember this one pertinent detail at the back of the volume that came out a year ago

Of course. Why do you think Hori wrote that? Connect deductions and connections, son.

You're in for a treat

Attached: 1528821880874.png (586x832, 234K)

You being incapable of remembering things and being unwilling to go and check is not an argument. It's a complaint based off your own laziness.

>I can't remember things! I can't infer! Why does everything in this manga happen for no reason!?
Yeah, I wonder why nobody takes you seriously

Wait there are retards here who can't tell that this manga is complete trash?

Attached: 1557490829607.png (741x997, 456K)

oh you're going to keep pretending that evidence wasn't brought up in the text so you can push the "muh volume extras" meme
I thought you were ACTUALLY making an argument

I seriously hope you aren't the same guy who was trying to argue that Shiggy wasn't using his quirk earlier this thread that got his posts deleted. Now that'd be fucking funny

Attached: 1539142081533.jpg (640x581, 46K)

can you not post my wife while trying to start your consolewar thanks

Reminder that Chitose made Toga her bitch

Attached: 58957459_p0.jpg (690x681, 216K)

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Attached: Goodgirl.png (872x450, 211K)

>ywn give Toga headpats

bakugo and kirishima are the only good characters in this manga

you got a beautiful wife, user sama.
meet my hardworking wife

Attached: 1556085660285.jpg (909x959, 69K)

Attached: sweating-man.jpg (415x367, 41K)

Toga reminds me of a friend I had during high school. Same face, same personality, same hair color, same fucking eye color almost. Except the whole blood thing.
She annoys me so much.

Reminder that Chitose simultaneously had her skull smashed and her neck snapped on impact.

Attached: SNAP!.png (324x765, 333K)

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The freedom is so thick you can cut it with a knife

So this is the power... of America

Attached: pone.jpg (317x605, 96K)

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Pathetic shonefags talking about their dogshit shows

Attached: SubaruThink.png (233x491, 141K)

Attached: 1552952452880.png (800x1024, 300K)

>Based Shoji going for the ass grab and horn penetration

did the paintfag get bullied into shutting up, or did he get banned again?

Reminder that her costume comes with built-in handles and stirrup, so you've always got something to grab hold of.
Or you could just use her horns

Attached: 1540523650688.jpg (560x570, 270K)


>No chapter where pony celebrates the 4th of July and gets way to into it

>No chapter where she apologises to Shoji and eventually falls for him

Attached: 1554213256515.jpg (268x414, 33K)

Someone post THAT pony image

Attached: 1535362351713.jpg (600x480, 44K)

Attached: 1550016763671.jpg (1000x857, 156K)

>those fake spoilers where the guy said Pony carried her match and everyone started spamming American flags and USA

>Not spamming American flags and USA anyways

That's the stuff

Attached: 1557468791665.jpg (600x1350, 78K)

Attached: Pony Bitch.png (1080x1613, 1.61M)

Hello, my name is Enji Todoroki, and I am a 43 year old Pro Hero from Japan. I have ruined my sex life because of Jelqing and various other experimental Penis enlargement methods. My member is lifeless and impotent, and my ejaculate is thin and low in volume. I must use my mouth or objects to satisfy my wife. I can now only cum from painful, humiliating ass-play thanks to Jelqing and various other experimental Penis enlargement methods.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Hawks stop posting your sick fan fiction

>So this is the power... of America
wrong. this is. one visit and it shaped a man enough to shape his country as he saw fit.

Attached: screen.png (1496x1080, 701K)

Imagine the number of civilians that drop their spaghetti when they get bridal carried by her and she asked if they're okay

Attached: 1555036930330.jpg (689x913, 88K)

hello, my name is hawks, and i am a 22 year old pro hero from japan. i have ruined my sex life

Attached: hawks eating a tall burrito.png (787x770, 457K)

>No chapter where a party is thrown and someone spikes the drinks which leads to and eventually

Attached: 1557248494184.gif (267x200, 1.96M)

sure this paring is cute and all but she's actually my girlfriend already

Sounds like a total weebabo.

I like Deku getting more quirks and think it's interesting but I hope Hori shows us the basics of them all before Deku next has to go all out against a very powerful villain. Otherwise it will feel cheap, like he could just awaken any power to counter them at any point he starts to struggle.

Post healthy girls

Attached: 1539825212859.jpg (850x1481, 159K)

She wasn't a weebabo, she was more of a stacey but really weird. Everyone wanted her tiny ass. She looked so much like Margot Robbie in suicide squad, but with bangs and very sharp canines.
A spatz like Toga. And about the same height.

Attached: D5Zd5oaU8AAVBSI.jpg (1200x811, 90K)

Attached: D6a_mPpU0AA2Rzd.png (1125x1027, 704K)

I'd happily have her break both my arms if it meant I got to cop a feel whilst she carried me

Attached: nejire.gif (540x755, 2.43M)

Attached: 1549153463590.gif (540x540, 445K)

What's this?

>official art
HOW THE FUCK do the male students at UA get anything done?

Attached: 1535448931008.jpg (1152x2048, 318K)

milk truck just arrive

Is there a character with more wasted potential? Even her fucking hero name is just

Tell me one thing about everything you read back in June of last year. I'll wait.

Attached: 1557798144140.jpg (500x492, 31K)

Attached: nejire2.gif (268x320, 2.9M)

They don't. Have you ever seen any real educating get done.

Attached: Sett (2).jpg (448x1287, 242K)

Attached: 1530414486541.gif (600x338, 2.51M)

You do realize you can go read said stuff again at anytime for free right?

We do get brief shots of them in Math and English classes, but I mean c'mon. I dare you to find one person in that room who wasn't in the middle of picturing Momo's tits or Mina's ass crammed into that outfit

>Endeavor will never force Shoto to marry Pixie Bob for lava-controlling grandchildren
>Pixie Bob will never rape Shoto on their wedding night
i'm having a hard time trying to find a reason to live

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Attached: 1531054839102.png (312x430, 235K)

I think Ochaco's been 'growing'

Can you reword that so it makes a little more sense

Attached: 1547792758620.png (397x532, 92K)

Why are they not bouncy

Attached: gege.jpg (225x350, 34K)

Attached: cry moar.png (145x534, 318K)

Attached: 1547338929977.png (689x495, 89K)

And just like that Hori turns into an Italian firetruck spraying spaghetti everywhere

the mangaka is a women, right?

Attached: 1555722982472.gif (320x240, 1.39M)

Do Japanese high schools teach English as a basic class?

Attached: nana_shimura_by_masterchristian_dck5iyb.png (1020x1426, 361K)

Just wait until she puts on her hero outfit

Attached: Nejires.png (796x1250, 229K)

I'm sure her fans commit petty crimes just to get beaten up by her

Yeah, her editors and translator all refer to her as she

Why the fuck would you reread boku no nothing happens?

is it true that the bunny hero has to have sex atleast once per day

Attached: 1528103287484.png (146x150, 27K)

healthy ketchup

Attached: 1556161309212.jpg (300x700, 123K)

Gege getting her territories expanded by Hori when

You heard me.

Attached: images.jpg (303x166, 7K)

>Miruko moves to different city
>Petty crime increases by 500%

Attached: Bunny.jpg (1009x1024, 94K)

If nothing happens you'd have no problem remembering details. But clearly where "nothing happens" certain individuals cannot rub enough brain cells together to recall simple information

I can't believe mommy is fucking dead

Attached: 1550248312065.jpg (933x1200, 140K)

No, it's not. I don't know where you heard such a silly rumour
It's 3 times a day at the minimum. You can tell when she's getting close to taking someone because her right leg begins to violently shake and thump against the ground

Attached: 1541087760558.jpg (426x488, 104K)

Disgusting mutant

>Hand fetish
>Leg fetish
>Puke fetish
What's the next one?

Attached: toag legs 2.png (1746x1090, 1.56M)

Attached: SubtleKek.gif (258x258, 3.98M)

*does nothing but look pretty*


Attached: sleepy shiggy.png (700x611, 296K)

I think we all know piss.

she beat the fuck out of BANE

>does nothing

Attached: 1546647681599.jpg (880x491, 54K)

Age gap

>Hori-san, I was thinking of another type of exchange we could do

Attached: Spaghetti.png (785x669, 59K)

My hair is shiggy length but i clean and brush it

>everyone is given an important, multichaptered fight
>nejire gets two panels for her important showdown
What did Hori mean by this?

I beat the fuck out of my BANE to her

She's fodder.

she's already perfect so she didn't need a fight to give her character growth like Amajiki and Kirishima did

Some anons might deny this hard truth

That female characters don't matter unless they are toga


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Sure thing nejirefag.

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Pick one

She's standing on a 2 foot stool

Who needs character when you have some nice fuckin tiddies

People who care

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I don't think this is Nejire

I want Hori to top the latest chapter of nanatsu no taiza in terms of madness

>those boobs in the lower left corner
I'm sorry, lolwut? This is like hyper fetish level boob size.

Newflash, user.

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Quirk: Super pressure milk blasts
The ability to shoot breast milk on command with fire hose level pressure, to subdue villains with maximum force.

>doesn't get the joke

Whatever do you mean? They're the same useless characters who only exists to look good.


Imagine Miruko taking All Might's spot in the final exam against Deku & Bakugo and her beating/kicking the shit out of them

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So can we assume that Gentle wasn't in aizawa's class? Because he would have canned him before that incident that got him expelled.

Unironically this. Not that I wouldn't want to see more good female characters, but DAMN are the girls in this shonen shit.

Look at the guys: they all have super interesting quirks, backstories and designs. The only student girl with an interesting quirk and design is Froppy, uraka is utter vanilla without any trait but "Muh deku!" and Momo is literally the world's biggest jobber.

Adult heroes fair better (dragon girl and Bunny girl), but the students are pretty shit.

I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.

Best girl is Eri

Are you implying that All might took it easy on Deku and bakugo?

that would imply an actual disrespect to them, as it would mean he didn't take them seriously nor give them the same respect the other heroes gave their students they tested.

Its like the moral of the tournament where Shoto was told he was being a shit to his opponents by not giving his all against them.

With boobs like that you don't think she's going to have a boob related quirk?

Imagine Miruko taking Bakugo's spot in Deku VS Bakugo and having the fight end with her panting, on top of Deku and telling him she won

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>Imagine Miruko taking Bakugo's spot in Deku VS Bakugo and having the fight end with her panting, on top of Deku and telling him she won

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We have BDSM fetish with midnight, so that's out.

Muscle girl fetish? Furry fetish? Transformation fetish? Fat fetish? "manly" girl "wimpy" guy fetish?

Loli fags GTFO.

That's assuming Gentle went to UA

Mikuro is Muscle Girl
Furry is Mikuro, Froppy, like several animal mutants
Transformation fetish has a Dragon, Toga
Fat has Ochako
Manly Girl Wimpy Guy deserves nothing, it's a shitty fetish go fuck yourself you ruined tomboys and muscle girls

no u

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Wat. Did you mistype and mean Inko? Because if you think Uraka is fat I'm seriously worried about your views of the human body user.

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Damn dwarf fetish. She looks like a powerpuff girl.
>Flashbacks to the reboot intensify

She's relatively proportionate for her height though, despite her tits seemingly constituting 25% of her body mass

>same height as a 5 years old

Deku's dad needs to die so all might can tap that.

>159 centimeters
Fuck, she's that short? Given her design and how she seems in comparison to others i expected her to be like a 6 foot tall amazon, that's fucking tiny as shit.
Yes. Learning english as a second language is seen as almost a business skill in much of the rest of the world due to how much the US infiltrated/dominated the world's economy.
Its not unlike how people are pushing for Spanish to be mandatory in the US due to how many spanish speaking hispanics there are now.

Nah, the america quirk is "Gun".

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She's only 4 heads tall. That's not proportionate.

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