Why does Fate get so much hate?

Why does Fate get so much hate?

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because people make 50 fucking threads about it every single day

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Because their favorite work is not as popular as Fate

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Fatefags make threads when there isnt even and anime or manga to talk about.

1 part contrarianism.
1 part actual bullshit from Fate.

>not anime
What? It's one thing to hate them but that's clearly a lie.

>there isnt even and anime or manga to talk about.
>FSN: 5 anime (HF trilogy counted as 1) + 3 manga
>Apoc: 1 anime + 1 manga
>Extra/CCC: 1 anime + 1 manga (CCC Foxtail)
>Case Files: 1 anime + 1 manga
>FGO: 4 anime (not counting spin-off anime special like Riyo and Himuro) + 7 manga (not counting Riyo comic)

>FGO: 4 anime
4? Are you throwing the upcoming stuff in there too?

Come on retards talk about it. Do it now. Talk about fsn, a decade old eroge. Those 3 manga must be new and fresh right? There must be a new chapter that we can talk about. What about the anime? HF is the latest and its 4 months old. You can even say anything about the movie from muhsudofuckeditup back and forth or sakura is worms, or something....Anything. Apoc sure is a great discussion, of a fucked story. I certainly would love to watch apoc all over again and again as the manga dies in a corner. Extra and CCC sure are interesting topics to talk about if anyone even knows anything about it. Case Files? I love talking about a one episode anime and I certainly enjoy the really good discussion about fucking nothing. Fgo can go fuck itself. Its trash, as an anime, manga and videogame and no one even actually talks about the anime that actually came out. Go fuck yourselves and make another thread tomorrow.

Okay. Would Gilgamesh win if he didn't hold back against Shirou?

Yeah, since people usually make threads for upcoming anime too.

because it's not a good show

Sion is cute

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Of course. Shirou even says that he'll lose if Gil regains his composure.

>Why does Fate get so much hate?

the most popular shit always gets hated on by a few hipsters that think they're cool for hating on popular shit.

Why the fuck is it so popular when the only good material was released years ago? Are they all FGO players who should be on /vg/ instead?

They took the time to build out a story and lore from VNs and then slowly grew that fanbase by releasing anime and movies. Even spent tons of time making big April fools event every year.

What you consider "only good material" is just your opinion. Many consider lots of their stuff good including all the April Fools stuff they do. Even the spin offs are fairly decent.

This wasn't something done recently or quickly. It was done over the course of over 20 years.

Except what else is there right now other than FGO?

Extella, user.
Also FSF, Requiem and Case Files.

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None of those are even out yet.

You mean manga/anime only right ? If that so then Case Files and FSF have manga adaptions + there'll be CF anime on July.

Why do fate threads dont talk about the manga then?

I have no idea, too. Probably because they usually talk about it on /fgog/ more than Yea Forums.

>posts an image that is only 1/3 Fate
Because it isn't as good as, or at least worse than, the series that came before it.

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Go read Tsukihime, DDD, Mahoyo (or what's translated of it)....etc basically nasu's non-current Fate work then you'll know.
You too will join the salt train
(Tsukihime remake never...thank you FGO)

They do. Not your fault you live under a rock

Well thats shitty, they should go to /fgog/ and stay there. At least until there is something to talk about.
Post threads retard.

>Tsukihime remake never...thank you FGO
To be fair the Remake was announced for the first time back in 2008, and Nasu started working on FGO since 2013. The most recent time TsukiRe got mentioned again was in 2017 (Typemoon Ace 12 and only has two pages) btw.

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Not that user but yeah they did
Also iirc there's a Prisma Illya manga ne chapter thread yesterday

>isnt even an anime or manga to talk about
Boy do I have news for you lol

user that thread was in april and it was about raws with 15 replies.
Post them.

(doesn't really get much hate especially now that it's off r/anime's seasonal hype bandwagon radar)
The only people (aside from the guy who doesn't know wht he's talking about here) who have bone to pick with it are unironically Fate/Type-Moon fans cause honestly..fine..there's a lot to talk about cuse it's just one of those kinds of series but also so many secondaries who Fate only are forcing the other series out of "relevance" and a place like Yea Forums is the only place some of us can go to now. I love fsn nd all but geez guys how about getting the Mahoyo, Mahoutsukai no hako and DDD translation balls rolling or someone getting that Tsuki no sango movie online somehow?
The least you can do is help the guy working on Requiem so I can come say its trash from more informed perspective
At least case files is back to being actively translated and gladly its barely actually fate

Fuck it took long enough to get Koha-Ace translated. Spend half the time you use calling objectively best girl a worm being useful

Mahou translations when? Fucking herkz...

Why the fuck Fatefags can't make a thread about Fate when it already has a lot of manga and anime adaptions ? Just like people still talk about Evangelion or Re:Zero nowadays on Yea Forums

I see your posts in every fate thread I open. You have a serious case of autism dude, seek help.

unlimited blade works was trash

I think you notice it all the time in every thread is because there are a lot of anons that feel that fate threads keep on getting posted for no reason. That you think its all me is impressive, since I dont post all that often and I rarely enter fate threads since its all the same threads.

Old fate is too long, most people are secondaries.
New fate is waifubaiting and that you can't deny.
Fatefags also think their material is the holy grail. Pun intended.

Secondaries hate it since they can't keep with the primaries' discussions.

fate has became normie garbage, its ruined