ITT: Scenes that women will never understand
ITT: Scenes that women will never understand
Other urls found in this thread:
I think that I remember similar doujinshi
Femanon here and I understand all of these just fine
You probably missed the real point of these scenes dumb roastie
Piss off tranny.
show tits or gtfo
Sure you do sweetie
>missed the real point
>in a children's comic book
Yeah, nah. These are not even hard to understand, they're pretty straightforward desu.
You seem upset, user.
>Femanon here
Prove it please.
You seem like a tranny, user.
tits or gtfo
Isn't "tits or gtfo" now obsolete due to the advancements of unnatural tranny science? What I mean is that just showing tits might not be strong enough proof.
oh god you're right
is that from the first episode of SAO?
He probably just got it from google images
"Cervix or gtfo"
>t. projecting tranny who gets mad that girls exist
its from danmachii, with the stacked loli godess
>if you call someone a tranny then you are actually the tranny
So you're a tranny by your own logic?
More like it's weird that you'd immediately assume someone was a tranny if it wasn't something big in your life.
Shortstacks are cute
How is it weird when trannies objectively browse Yea Forums(nel), some of them even being part of shitpost discords? Not sure if you're a dumb newfag or actually trying to pretend there are no trannies here.
Because they comprise like 0.1% of the population lmao
Girls are more likely to post on Yea Forums than trans people
then don't even try with the "femanon here" you dumb cunt gtfo
The entirety of TTGL
Then fuck off, your gender isn't relevant.
Tits or gtfo
To be fair, gender is the whole point of the OP
>btw I am a girl
fuck off
Same with faggots but people still throw that word around a lot. You know, because it's an insult too.
yeah im a girl btw haha fuck off whore this is the reason that you will never understand anything
this is now a recurring numerals thread
Repeating Numbers Meanings
111 – Truth, your real self, follow this thought, it is the beginning of a new path aligned with your soul’s purpose. This is a time to realize you need to break away from the old thought patterns and ways of thinking and realign with the truth and your path in this lifetime.
1111 – A conscious spiritual journey and wake-up call for lightworkers. A way to help you remember your purpose in life. A way of remembering a message you created for yourself before you were born.
12:12 – Are you “pregnant” with a new idea? This represents wisdom, education, knowledge, and creation. It is also a reminder to double-check what you think you know.
222 – The next step in the ladder, confirmation that your thoughts are aligned with truth and you should proceed with that thought.
333 – Feel the angels presence surrounding you and know that you are loved and protected. A conscious reminder that Angels surround us every day and are waiting for you to ask for their assistance.
444 – A sign of confirmation that your recent thought or action was or is correct and in harmony with your path in life. A gateway to the next dimension and the next phase in your life.
555 – Changes are coming your way and be ready to forge ahead with your plans. Be absolutely clear about what you want. Do not be afraid of changes in your life, welcome them instead. Although it may not seem like it, the change is for the better. Keep positive thoughts.
666 – Your material desires are overshadowing your personal path right now. Re-evaluate what it is you think you want. Simplicity is key. You need less than you think you do to be happy. You may be asking the wrong questions of yourself.
777 – Calm any fears you may have about what you just thought. The angels are here to guide you and help you. Ask them for their strength and courage. You seem to be too concerned with the physical world at this moment. Let go and let your angels guide you. You are trying to hard to control things in your life.
888 – When you see this number there is flow in your life, a beautiful energy is circulating around you. This is the sign of abundance, either in the form of money or in the form of friends and family. Duality, infinity, as above-so below, an even exchange of energy for money, money is coming into your life, balance, a repeating cycle, abundance.
999 – This repeating number is about completion. It could mean to you the completion of a project, or a sign to move on to the next lesson of life as a current lesson has just been learned. The angels applaud you and look forward to helping you along your path.
000 – This number represents possibility and potential. It is a time to think about what you have just learned and are ready to start something new. This is a time of new beginnings and a fresh start.
Literally watch any female reaction video of this scene and see for yourself. The word "warrior" is unintelligible to women.
No, that was just stupid and unnecessary. Typical isekai bullshit.
This was far better and there's no comparison between them.
Look at these desperate scum and laugh!
Back to plebbit you go, newfriend
And you have none
ITT: Pathetic permavirgins
What's with all the Reddit shills these days? Are you being paid to raise Reddit's brand awareness and recruit new users for them? Or are you simply retarded?
Busting makes me feel G O O D
>ruining perfectly fine minotaur
i tell ya, that doujin is somethin else.
Sure smells like incel in here
Unless it deals with dicks or getting hit in the balls, women can understand and relate to scenes men do.
Fighting a minotaur?
>t. soc major
Hello. What is this show called? I can't remember seeing this and I've seen just about everything that is decent.
eat shit and die
I have no idea, sorry m8.
Not even worth a (You). Post your chuck flaps or gtfo
Pretty sure it's the No Game No Life movie, I didn't watch it due to it skipping shit and I'm an anime only guy. I'm hoping they give us an ova or second season, same with that problem children show. The animation and shows were too damn good to stop like that, I call bullshit on all these shitshows getting greenlit while good stuff is being completely ignored. At least Danmachii is getting another season or was it a movie?
>minotaur revives and becomes lvl 7 for no reason at all
Bell's kinda fucked just like in the doujin.
Best moment in an otherwise ok show.
>skipping shit
Skipping what?
I remember starting to watch the movie and it felt like a chunk of the show was missing so I cut and ran.
It's a prequel.
Not gonna lie the music gave me chills. I hope S2 is good.
Dope, I'm going to rewatch s1 then hit up the movie again. Thanks bro.
fellow femanon do not let anyone undervalue your masculinity
Tits or gtfo
Motorcycles are fun, Putin is shit.
>Posting this scene and not Reiner and Erwin's standoff
i'm so fucked up...
>OP makes a post about gender
>getting asshurt at any further mentions gender
Do all men have a tumor where their common sense should be? Because this thread is cancer.
>ITT: Scenes that women will never understand
This post disallows any woman understanding any scene depicted in this thread.
Since no (real) woman can talk from a mans standpoint her understanding can never be proven to align with a mans unless stated in red.
elaborate, and please, not the usual rants about how women are shallow, lack emphaty etc.
>I hope S2 is good.
War Game was kinda meh, but Ishtar volume at least has delicious browns and Freya doing Freya things. The real good shit is Xenos arc, but S2 would need either two cours or absurd pacing to cover it.
Also the entire S2 will be basically about every fucking one trying to rape Bell.
War games was great. The only kind of shit part that might be included is volume 8 (or whichever one it was that was just side stories)
Show neck or gtfo
Gee i wish i get well soon
It was never really about confirming it's a woman posting. It's about calling out how pathetic declaring you're a woman to get attention is and an extremely slim chance of seeing some tits
The entirety of Baki
>the moment the series became Attack on Kino
I can't stop seeing Bell with a goatee in that cover.
But we all are little girls, silly user !
incels BTFO
There aren't any girls on the Internet. Facebook and Twitter don't count.
be ready to add this one in a couple weeks
Man, this scene was confusing on first read without the context from later chapters.
came to post this, especially the father/son dinner
Anything that involves comradery.
Women will never ever understand male friendships.
That's why they use terms like "bromance" or assume they're gay
>scanned the thread
>no "Lalah could've been a mother to me" posted
What the fuck?
Girls would never understand
Women simply cannot understand the concept of honor and the warrior code.
not every woman is a fujo, I don't think I never witnessed a woman/girl in real life mistaking male friendship for something ambiguous
not really an argument
Do you know how black people say that whites don’t understand what it’s like to be black? It’s the same concept. Women have not had the life experiences that men have and they grow up differently. That’s just the nurture side of it, it’s also clear that men and women are biologically different
Shinji is like a double edged sword.
On the one hand I feel bad for him since he is a good person just lost in life and can't find a way through it.
On the other he does stuff like this and kinda creates his own perpetual prison of suck that his life is.
Women would never understand.
Oh look, it's yet another incel thread. Women can understand shonen heroics just fine.
Based. Asanagi's best work.
women only understand sucking dick and killing babies
I don't understand this. People who can people comfortably in public are missing key evolutionary traits.
Genuinely, certain men are ALWAYS those treated with the littlest empathy in life.
I'm not saying some women don't as well because that is false, but the absolute bottom rung is reserved for certain types of guys.
People feel much more sadistic pleasure in stomping on these men then they would a women in the same position.
Now, absolutely shitty things can happen to women and honestly stuff like rape is way more likely to occur (outside of prison) to a woman, which also fundamentally scars them for life.
I would argue that for those guys though, life is a constant battle against rejection, bullying, assault and the overwhelming odds that stand against them, making it more painful to see whatever happiness they manage to carve for themselves get stripped away just as quick as they earn it.
>Women have not had the life experiences that men have and they grow up differently. That’s just the nurture side of it, it’s also clear that men and women are biologically different
Nobody here said males and females are the same, understanding what a person of the other sex could feel in a given circumstance (or scene) is a matter of empathy, that in my opinion can be applied even for the example about black people.
>people who think Gendo is the villain
Literally worse than childfuckers
People who do are usually either drunk or children. Every other case I'd side with you though
The more i got to know women the more i realised they're totally different creatures than men.
The way they think,
The way they move,
The way how they process information.
It's fucking weird.
It must be weird for a woman, not knowing that the only reason a man ever talks to someone who isn't another man is because he wants to fuck them.
I appreciate the civil tone you used, but how do all this applies to women being unable to understand a scene written by/for men?
I couldn't do it as a kid either.
sad but true
He's not a villain, but he's definitely foolish.
>stay cold to your child because your worried you'll hurt him
>this damages him fundamentally and leads to shinji having a complete nervous breakdown, all of which was started by the absence of his father in his life
>"lol, I want to see my wife again so I'll use my son as a means to an end"
>Wife isn't cool with treatment towards son and crushes you to death BEFORE you could have been reborn in orange faygo
He essentially did everything he thought would help his plan but just got btfo by the person he was trying to get to because of how big a tool he was
>>"lol, I want to see my wife again so I'll use my son as a means to an end"
Didn't happen
He never needed Shinji except to stop the Angels from reaching Lilith. Everyone else he got involved with either killed themselves, were murdered, sacrificed themselves, or were killed (by him). Its no small wonder he didn't get shinji involved with his life.
No, you can’t understand if you haven’t lived the same experiences. You think you can understand but you don’t
Its tricky, I understand that most women can "know" the significance of a scene and why its sad at a complex level.
That being said, I believe the emotional context of a certain scenario happening to a man can be better understood emotionally by other men, especially in certain scenarios.
Like why Guts is willing to literally do anything to protect and bring back casca in berserk.
As much as straight men deny it, a women we can connect with on a deep emotional level is pretty much the pinnacle of our existence.
So we can understand why he's doing it and can connect to him better, because that's what we'd do in the same situation.
I'm not saying a women couldn't understand why he's doing it, but to feel the exact emotion he would as a man be feeling is something that i don't believe they could fully comprehend, just as guys couldn't with women and childbirth, etc.
every single time i have to go back and fap, thanks for nothing user
ITT: Characters women can't understand.
I know this is sounding a little gay at this point, but just for context.
A women reading berserk could understand why guts is staring in thos scene BUT I'd argue she cannot fully comprehend the amount of drive put into the act by guts when he does it.
I don't mean to sound condescending if it does come off as that, just answering the question.
>You think you can understand but you don’t
>I'm right because I say so
Look, you obviously can have your opinion and I respect that, but as long as you can't prove it how your sentece sounded like
A fair opinion, I don't completely agree with it, especially if we talk about individual women, but as you said it's a tricky subect, and there still isn't really a way to prove who's right.
Also I don't really agree about the statement about the woman as the pinnacle of a male existance, I mean, even talking on a biological level, wouldn't it be something like watching your offsprings thrive?
based berserk poster being based
What's to understand? It's just brainless moe.
Im not joking, most straight men won't admit it outright, but having a women we have that connection with is literally what we exist to do, that's why incels possess such malice towards women, because they are broken at a certain level to which they cannot ever really have it, effectively removing the point of existence. Of course most of us have the same feelings for our children, but they are a product of the original love we had in the first place.
Like I said, I'm not doubting the intelligence of most women to understand the scenes posted here, as you said, everyone's different so it's pretty much conjecture on my part, maybe some women can fully understand the emotional impact, maybe some can't, I don't know because I'm not one.
I can't comprehend it either. I'd have killed Casca as a mercy right after eclipse.
You sound like a woman.
>I don't know because I'm not one.
A very womanly thing to say.
I know I sound like a faggot but I do have a penis.
I'd never admit any of this stuff in real life.
>Like I said, I'm not doubting the intelligence of most women to understand the scenes posted here, as you said, everyone's different so it's pretty much conjecture on my part, maybe some women can fully understand the emotional impact, maybe some can't, I don't know because I'm not one.
No problem, I didn't interpreted it that way anyway, and I know that me saying that women understand that perfectly is also a conjecture
Anyway you say that being with a woman with which you share that connection is the reason a man lives for, and that the children are a byprodut of that; but under which logic? Because talking again about biology the argument can be overturned, and I could sat that your instict make you search for that connection just for the final objective of reproduction
>point of existence is opposite sex and kids
Male monasteries exist, are numerous and work for their intended purposes.
Females are only good for chores.
fellow man here, nothing werid of faggot-ish about that in my opinion, didn't you simply admit that you can't know everything with that sentence?
>that your instict make you search for that connection just for the final objective of reproduction
Not him and thread is fucked anyway but
Male is a bee, female is flower, nectar is connection, pollen is offspring.
Not one element is particularly malicious, but all involved are used for one goal and one goal only.
and that's exactly what I said, at least under a biologically point of view
It's surely possible, but in my opinion even if the majority of women cannot fully immerse themselves in this specific scene, or in a similar one, there will be probably a certain number that can, and even if that a single digit percentage it would be number big enough to be worth considering
>Because talking again about biology the argument can be overturned, and I could sat that your instict make you search for that connection just for the final objective of reproduction
Yes, that is true.
It still doesn't take away from the fact that because of that, we strive to find that girl we want to share life with.
It's hard to describe emotion in words, but I can firmly say that true connection to our romantic partner transcends all forms of happiness. I mean just think about how many stories have been written about guys fighting for true love, while it might be exaggerated in those stories, at the core it is true, a guy in love will do anything to protect it.
Children hold the same significance as that love, we would die to protect them, etc.
But they are born after the first barrier is crossed in finding that partner, we love both equally and would do anything to protect it.
That's why its sad to see women we love dislike us (even if it is completely justified), because at the base level they are the most important thing in our lives and you have a natural drive to protect them.
This is in cases of actual love btw, not the exaggerated one teenagers express about.
This doujin always crack me up.
I scan respect that, and I can't really argue against it, put like that it makes sense.
It was a good exchange after all, glad is still possible to have a civil conversation in here
No problem, it was a pretty fun conversation.
Yes and you've also added derogatory term for a bee that Yea Forumsermin use.
Considering shouldered responsibilities - bee has every right to be mad at the current state of things and wonder if it's too fucking much work for some nectar of dubious quality and zero pollen security in the future.
You didn't use one for flowers that refuse to make pollen.
You're a woman or worse, a cuck.
Fuck off and stay off.
>>That's why its sad to see women we love dislike us
>Not being chad enough to get off on being hated by your love interest
Fucking weak. Haven't you ever heard that little boys pick on little girls because the face they make when they cry resembles that of the one they make during orgasm?
>Yes and you've also added derogatory term for a bee that Yea Forumsermin use.
If you're talking about the term incel that wasn't me, it's a worthless buzzword in my opinion.
There's a difference between a love interest and a long established partner you've loved for many years hating you user
Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman.
tits or gtfo is an old 4chins joke used to get rid of attention whores
I don't think I'd be able to maintain a relationship with somebody that didn't hate me. Self-esteem too low.
>Tell me why they do it but don’t tell me the truth
How do I know you’re a woman?
Pandora Hearts artist writes garbage plots but great romance.
Are you sure your not just in that type of relationship because your worried its the best you'll do ?
Why is Yea Forums so misogynistic?
If feels more comfortable to be with someone who knows I'm shit, less room for me to fall.
Why is rat-race called relationships is glorified so much?
Question is rhetorical and answer is obviously marketing.
Its like 78% irony. I used to say 95% but in the last few years a lot of people who started ironically have become serious like /pol/ and the alt-right.
You need to stop thinking like that user.
It'll only lead to more sadness further on in life.
There will be more sadness with age no matter what you do.
>It's about calling out how pathetic declaring you're a woman to get attention is
This thread was literally design to invite those kind of responses though
Different biology and life experiences make for different people. You can't understand something fully until you've lived it (e.g. I though I understood characters feeling existential pain, then I got older and realised I didn't know shit). Same with women vs men. I'm sure it works the other way and all those whores in media for women resonate with you while I'm totally unable to understand such vile creatures.
man, you surely showed me
I know, but being with someone you don't actually like is just bound to end up in you wasting time when you inevitably break up, leading to even more sadness when you think about the time you could have used to find someone that likes you in a positive way instead.
Your probably not as shit as you think you are user.
That's a really toxic way to view your life
But even if it was true even more reasons to stem the damages
No it doesn't make sense to live past 26.
Yea Forums is predominantly male and men don't like women outside of sex. This is so visible here because of anonymity, you can't tell your girlfriend you think she's a dumb whore, but you can stop hiding your feelings here.
>no TTGL posts yet
what a disgrace to all men
>No, you can’t understand if you haven’t lived the same experiences. You think you can understand but you don’t
You sound like a generic shonen villain
It's shit, sorry you were born without taste.
This. The only reason male would hang out with a woman that's not his girlfriend or not his male friend gf outside of education and colleagues is when he has hots for her.
Otherwise male company is always preferable.
You rarely meet a woman that's an intellectual match for a man in conversation but when you do holy shit you would be verbally and otherwise reminded of her superior intelligence every nanosecond so god forbid, you would not forget who wears the pants here!
>baby's first cuckshit
>Same with women vs men. I'm sure it works the other way and all those whores in media for women resonate with you while I'm totally unable to understand such vile creatures.
You almost got me in the first half, but aside your obvious bias, you're vision is too black and white, you're basically saying that if you can't completely understand something is like you can't comprehend anything about it, you're basically negating human emphaty
>inb4 women don't have empathy!
sure, sure
First off, no you're not. Second off, no you don't. Third off, L O N D O N
>women don't have empathy
They really don't.
no argument
I hate fucking tourists. Who the fuck would feel the need to point out some hateful parts of a post.
It was an insult.
I know what you mean, I can't people comfortably even in private.
Oh and what bias if I admit it goes both ways? Or is it another way to cry I wasn't nice to you?
Because we don't have tranny and journo shills trying to sway how the board thinks like Yea Forums. We see the true value of the female, as objects and status symbols, except maybe your mom but that depends if you hate her or not.
>piss all over urinals
>in the woman's restroom
Confused anime girl dot jay peg.
Man, I forgot how cringe old internet was. It was still nostalgic as fuck, though.
Fuck forgot to add something again, I'm too drunk for this shit.
Work on your reading comprehension. I wrote
>You can't understand something fully
So your answer made no sense.
not an argument
Can't you read for shit?
Uh, guys? I think there's a g-g-g-g-girl here!!!!
Emotional cover for their feelings of inadequacy or wasted potential in getting with women.
An insult isn't supposed to be an argument. Are you merely pretending?
man, you can't really believe that something written on an anonymous board can costitute a proof, epsecially on /pol/
>On the other he does stuff like this and kinda creates his own perpetual prison of suck that his life is.
Sounds awfully familiar.
You won't get to fuck the tranny's wound, 4chins is anonymous you absolute tool. (Not that whiteknighting is a good tactic even IRL)
I work in female only teams on my job sometimes. It's pure hell, closest analogy I can think of is wading through a tub filled with frenzied cannibal centipedes. There's no empathy in women, they can only feel for their child and man can have what's left.
As someone who has done housekeeping work for a church for a while, women's restrooms really are the worst. Thankfully I haven't had to see near the level of shit this dude has, but the women's room is always the one with toilet paper everywhere but the toilet/trashcan. There's fucking blood on the seats practically everyday
Not whiteknighting, I just know insecurity when I see it
>I just know insecurity when I see it
the bias is that you used a specifically a spiteful language only for the woman part but you're right here , I should have read better
You wouldn't defend yourself so pathetically if you weren't insecure about being a whiteknight.
>spiteful language only for the woman part
Where the fuck do you think you are?
I was called faggot and retard more times I can remember this week alone and it's Tuesday.
Then you are misusing the word bias, an unbiased argument can be presented using spiteful language.
Im not insecure about being a whiteknight, because I'm not one.
A lot of people get angry at the world when really their just angry at themselves, but they can't accept that so they blame someone else, ergo, misogynists who think its a womens fault their life sucks
>unbiased argument
This sounds like
>objective opinion
Based. Women will never get manly respect.
>It's pure hell, closest analogy I can think of is wading through a tub filled with frenzied cannibal centipedes.
to be honest it's not really different from the description of some male baths and lockeroom I saw, and also you didn't mention fetuses
You wouldn't be shitflinging so aggressively if he didn't hit the nail on the head
I wasnt the user you were responding to. I just found the statement humorous
No I'm talking about work environment.
You get one floor up where teams are mostly male and worst thing you can hear and see in a month is one dude jokingly calling other alcoholic.
Yea that gif pained me.
Well, as close as humanly possible, everyone and everything is theoretically at least slightly biased, so the usage is appropriately adjusted otherwise the word would be useless.
When you accuse someone of bias you actually mean overt bias.
I sometimes forget how autistic 4chins is.
>I was called faggot and retard more times
And? It doesn't matter, the "heavy" language was directed only to one part
Here's something to think about: Do modern men even know comradery anymore? Do they know friendship? Look at the vast majority of anime. Look at Japan itself. If a male gets a girlfriend, the entire rest of the male cast spits and curses at him. If a male MC has a 'friend' you better be damn sure that 'friend' is only there to be shoved to the ground and stepped on by the MC to make him a superior male in the eyes of the females. Most anime feature a sole male as the protagonist surrounded by a cast of cute girls, and then all the antagonists are males to be killed.
Men have lost their sense of comradery. They're becoming no better than women.
I'm not the user he was responding to either. Not sure why it should matter.
>"heavy" language
Holy fucking shit just go back already if your feelings are hurt.
Nips are Madagascar of humanity. Quite literally.
>I just know insecurity when I see it
No you don't. These are anonymous posts on an image board. There is absolutely no way of knowing the intentions and motivations behind anything anyone says here.
Threads like these make me wish I actually was a woman just so I can argue in good faith with these retards. I can't imagine someone who has the basic human ability to empathise being unable to understand these simple as fuck character scenes because they dont have the same genitals. I feel sorry for women who post here
I used the quotation marks for a reason, it's obviously not heavy or offensive, especially for Yea Forums standards, and my point is still valid
>Male uses his wish to save his female friend's life
>Female uses her wish to kill some random guy on TV
Sums up men and women perfectly.
Have sex.
>all the femanons getting upset and not realizing this entire thread is a joke thereby proving the point
Yep, but when a bunch of faggots immediately screech at a simole statement it becomes pretty obvious they've got some mental baggage they need to sort out.
You have to realise that women and men process information in different ways and that their thought process also differs. We are more different than we think.
t. incel
>Threads like these make me wish I actually was a woman
I blame female hentai artists. Female POV in hentai tells you they have it better and after a while you believe it.
>implying we don't know
This thread is made almost every week.
>wish I actually was a woman
I would run pussy charity for those unfortunate, but struggling males who actually deserve one.
me too actually, I saw acts of both physical and verbal violence from men to men in those places, with tangible signs after the events
you mean like how men can't understand female friendships and assume they're gay?
Whatever the female version of camaraderie is.
All you're doing is revealing your own biases when you interpret a random post as a "screech"
What the fuck, half of the boomers think so. Are they all incels to you?
Your lack of sexual relief makes you think only about one thing, unironically have sex you loser.
>ED in brothel
>Can only pick up 4/10 or worse
I'd rather die virgin but with high standards.
there's a thread like this every few days, without counting the ones that simply deranges, we all know what to expect
the guys in arguments, on the other and, act as if it always something worth heating about
Well that depends on a workplace and I saw none of the shit but females walk around like they're going to take out shivs and start shanking each other after one wrong look.
In your case women probably outright dismember and kill each other over teacup disputes.
Does it count if I've done it exactly once?
Assuming you're male. Wouldnt our own different personal experiences also make it impossible for us to understand each other? Is Chad incapable of empathising with a virgin and vice versa? What about office worker and a sewage worker? At what point does the differences two men become comparable to a random man and woman?
>At what point does the differences two men become comparable to a random man and woman?
When man becomes faggot enough to ask himself such questions.
really supportive people actually, maybe we're from really different places
So being introspective is a uniquely feminine quality?
your age explains a lot, you're in a really transitional turbulent period
I mean, I realize that obviously you have your own shit going on, but still
>Asanagi's best work.
sore ga chigau!
This is why monster girls are a thing. Because they are the very thing mocking women for being shitty and heartless as they show that men don’t give a shit about appearances and will accept monsters that truly love them.
*and turbulent
Quality and need are different.
I made a mistake and lived past it years ago.
This. Not enough eldrich hentai.
>Quality and need are different
I not getting the flow of this conversation at all
Do women get pumped up and just start wanting to do push ups or shadowbox after seeing a good fight scene?
Sometime's I'll binge street fight videos for a couple of hours and I get like that and I'm fucking old.
monster girls are fucking awful and the exact opposite of what you meant.
Girl monsters now, that's the shit.
>I made a mistake and lived past it years ago.
I see, well, I clearly know that just telling you to be optimistic and to live on won't do shit, I'll just tell you that I'm familiar with huge, past mistakes, so I hope you'll find something
Do you not understand the difference between can and want?
Certainly a ghetto thug and CEO might not understand each other even if they're both males.
That doesn't mean the gap between female and male psychology should be discounted as insignificant just because other stratification are prominent in human society too.
Man, human women are so bad that motheruckers don’t even want to remember their bodies.
They lack passion so no.
>possibly drawn by female hentai artist
>more than 40% of industry
some women for sure, there are female fighters, bodybuilers etc. after all
And they're all lesbians.
No they don't. But they might want to dance or play music.
>puffy vulva
Why are anime and Japanese girls literally the only funny females on the face of the earth? I'm not even kidding, anyone else realize this?
no Christianity to shackle them
nips are Madagascar or New Guinea of humanity.
>Anime and Japanese girls
Not really.
What's that word for live VA programs? Bangumi something. Tesagure was quite fun although those are professional VA = not average people.
because you’re a weeaboo
>That doesn't mean the gap between female and male psychology should be discounted as insignificant
I never said it was insignificant. I'm disagreeing with the notion that it's insurmountable. Certainly if the average Yea Forums poster can empathise with the average hotblooded shonen MC, they could potentially also do the same with a (decently written) feMC if they tried. Case in point, I have no issue enjoying the likes of DBS and I still enjoy manga like Kuzu no Honkai or Himegoto Juukyuusai no Seifuku
Yeah but you're talking about men in anime. This is my opinion, afterall, but most men still know comradery. Most friendships between men still manage to be way more genuine than friendships between women. And friendship between males tends to be just that, just dudes enjoying the company of one another, nothing too extravagant or special, yet it still manages to be better than what women have. Thank god I'm a man. Most women I've been around have had shitty friendships that always end for the same stupid reasons: unnecessary drama and talking behind each other's back for silly reasons. It's so fucking childish it's not even funny.
>unironically defending boomers
you can't make this up
Boomers are good in some ways (conservatism), bad in others (mental deterioration). Only basement dwellers fully hate them.
Can you get any more cucked than thinking the policies that destroyed your generation is a good thing?
hahahhaha holy fucking shit
>the absolute state of /pol/
>assume they're gay
god thats so annoying.
Pretty fucking insurmountable considering we're talking about the same species here.
Purely because thumans are the most social species of animals on Earth - the divergence in psychology between genders becomes product of nurture more than of nature.
You'd argue personality-forming marketing is same for both genders?
No, and in one form or another determines average behavior of men and women.
>Case in point
Denied. You should know how it works by now.
Also understanding motivation of opposite sex can have nothing to do with emphasizing and everything with understanding.
E.g. I understand why women are so avert on telling delicate information to males and, to a lesser degree, to each other. They go on great length to NOT tell that information to intended recipient and either wait for situation to resolve on their own, for other parties to reach favorable conclusions or for others to do the talking for them.
It's because female brains are wired to avoid conflict, especially with a male that can strangle them on the spot with nothing but bare hands.
I understand that, but that does not mean I emphasize with that or approve of it. I'm sure it's true vice-versa but without knowledge of basic psychology it might be really hard to discern reasons for gender-specific behavior.
Is the bad point really a bad point if that happens to everyone? Even now with modern education and values you could say zoomer mental deterioration is happening faster.
What a fucking kneejerk reaction.
But we love women? The 2D ones though.
>Any time two girls are shown being friends
>Yurifags pour into the threads
Males are the exact same way, making female friends gay.
>It's because female brains are wired to avoid conflict
Not everyone is like that. There's a lot of trouble makers out there who are female, just like shitposters in here.
Not really their fault, doesn't make it less annoying. Not that I'm voicing my annoyance to them, that would be counter-productive.
t. rich kid who's never had to take a loan or worry about their future in his life
This is the point a good thread got derailed
>Imagine one day random tied up 2D girl appears before you on your screen
>you click on it, that sacrifice counts as agreement and you're summoned as a 3D in a 2D world
>you're basically an eldrich abomination to the locals
>they can't comprehend your existence and puke merely after looking at you or hearing your voice
>now imagine what would poor 2D woman feel when you take her with your 3D cock
Do you ever stop and think about that when watching anime or reading manga? I do, a lot.
>There's a lot of trouble makers out there who are female
Nurture over nature. There are none in muslim countries because guess what?
>not being a rich kid who's never had to take a loan or worry about their future in his life
I took a loan and bought a motorcycle with it.
It wasn't very wise of them to give me one.
>There are none in muslim countries because guess what?
I live in Iran and I can tell you that you're full of shit.
Yeah, I never took a loan. I'm the quintessential Jew. No car, sharing a flat with friedns, saving up more than 60% of my wages.
>taking out loans
stop being such a poorfag
Been a hot minute since I last saw someone post one of my tales from work. If anyones interested, I didn't stay at that job much longer after that.
>3-4 months later
>filling mop bucket
>pepsi delivery man show sup
>get wrapped up in conversation
>remember mop bucket
>run to turn it off
>mop closet is flooded
>two inches of water
>start trying to clean it up
>see hole in floor
>remember mop closet is above the computer room under the bar
>run down
>entire basement has water
>open computer room
>most of the electronics are soaked
>paper files are waterlogged
>everything is fucked
>trying to sort through whats fucked and whats not
>boss shows up
>asks what happened
>tell him
>fired on the spot
Non sequitur.
It's tits or GTFO, like that you sound like a beggar.
I will believe you when most women I met will stop caring over shitting up their own Karma and actually saying/doing things that need to be said/done instead of wriggling out of making the actual fucking decision. It's frustrating and disgusting when it's 21st century equal pay everywhere but I still have to do shit for them just because they want to keep feeling better about themselves.
I'm not rich, my parents are
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
I know that is just a shitpost but male lolicons do exhibit a contradictory behaviour in that they have a strong sense of protecting their lolifus as if they were their offspring rather than a significant other whereas in case of female shotacons it is just simple sexual desires to devour some sexy shotas.
I had no trouble understanding him and I'm ESL. Fucking apply yourself.
Maybe you should go back to studying english if you think that his answer has anything to do with female trouble makers in muslim countries.
>t. autist with no empathy or regard for others
>prisonguard Yea Forumsnon who hid his powerlevel
>prisoner dr/a/wfag who sold porn to fellow inmates to save his ass from rape
>pedi/a/trition user who saw some shit
>Cl/a/ncy-kun from military intelligence commenting on isekai series plot
>that one dude who fucked dolphins as security guard not sure if from Yea Forums
>Yea Forumsbortion janitor
I love the sense of community here.
You never had to deal with a rich bratty girl, be happy.
Meh, read the chain and seems like obvious misquote. Are you retarded or merely pretending? Seriously replying to a misquote as if it was supposed to apply to your post? Why?
Are you okay there buddy? Maybe you should make sure you are replying correct person next time you make a post.
Explain how was the post relevant.
A person that took a loan can't be a conservative?
Can't be annoyed by boomers' mental deterioration?
Lack of empathy.
Are you slow? obviously wasn't meant for you. Obvious once I read the comment chain.
They should start making troubles for themselves here then, for the choices that need to be made, instead of pushing responsibility over.
They're strong and independent when it comes to salary, but when it comes down to sullying themselves a bit they're suddenly not so sure maybe a male should decide.
God that would probably be refreshing. At lest it doesn't take half an hour interrogation and me accepting responsibility for looking like an asshole to actually get shit done or at least learn what's going on.
Not that user, but is that supposed to be an insult?
Still doeen't make sense. You don't need empathy for a loan.
you have to go back, they will appreciate you there
You sound like a guys with a lot of resentment, what's wrong? Don't you have the balls to talk to your girlfriend?
But you need empathy to understand those who suffer under the boomers' policies.
Only rich people think the policies are great and people are only poor because they don't work hard enough.
Where the fuck is this thread even going?
The title is obvious bait yet half of the faggots like and took all this shit seriously anyway
You point out those two and not all the people that gave them a (You)?
>I'm ESL
Yeah, it shows in your inability to read reply chains.
Or maybe they were fishing for (You)s and it worked greatly.
Because they're women.
What if I looked liked Leonardo DiCaprio?
Financial policies have little to do with social conservatism.
Anyway current policies aren't better, so am I supposed to hate everyone? I simply can't, user.
That’s because the truth is coming.
I almost never bother to read the whole chain. Anyway if (You) bothered to read the comment chain you would know your post is pointless as I've long ago read the comment chain and explain to the user that other user just misquoted him on an accident.
Some of us were married, some of us were Chad. All of us saw the light that had been casted away in the Garden of Eden story, the story that told the truth about female nature.
>your girlfriend
Where do you think you are?
I see this shit everywhere.
Most recently my 22 y/o cat got sick, we've visited several vets, scanned her and recommendation was to euthanize.
Mother made it about herself and how she's "not ready yet", all the while cat suffered and I had to waste time on long-ass commutes back to her house where cat lived.
When feline suffering escalated and it became impossible to sleep in the same house with her from all the agony screaming - it was finally was my time to look into cats blurry eyes during the shot and be sorry for dragging her suffering out.
And this shit happens everywhere: from post office clerks and coworkers to potential girlfriends - they just don't take responsibility when it matters.
And I don't mean only making painful decisions, I'm also talking about voicing their actual preferences, tastes and concerns.
If those can, in any way, paint woman in other color than cathedral white - you better believe you'll be hearing none of it at all until you figure it out on your own or someone else tells you. All the while you'll be given a stink eye for being too dumb to deduce the camouflaged intent.
TL;DR: women pay far too much attention to what others think.
Love you always, Ken-Oh.
>Don’t you have the balls to talk to your girlfriend?
As if a woman is a decent partner.
It doesn't help that either for fanservice or teasing the gays that they throw in things like blushing and shit for women characters all the time.
>decent partner
It also gets tiresome to pry the actual situation out of her and being asshole for it.
>report communicate discuss
Are essential to any business operation.
Operation goes to shit when your partner is angry at you for not being to deduce their motivation that they can't tell you upfront because it doesn't live up to their moral or societal expectations of themselves.
>female friendships
>female version of camaraderie is.
Stab you in the back when you turn around.
That’s why it’s smart to not get married. Fun fact, the longest lasting relationships were male friendships and male x male couples. The evidence for the latter could be found in a marriage statistic.
I think the cons have a point when they lament the death of the nuclear family and marriage and stuff but clearly the only winning move in that game is to not play
You told me that what you were looking for was honesty, so I gave you that. You are way too emotional and picky, that's your only problem. Generalizing people is not okay just because some may have put you in a situation you didn't want. We are all different, we only grow in the same bubble and learned to express ourselves in similar manners to fit in, and the same goes for girls, yet we are all still different. What happened to your cat was a situation that you could have easily fixed if you had a little more bravery, not only your mother is to blame, only because she loved to much, you could have explain it better or take action.
>Generalizing people is not okay
Nah it's not okay to make opinion about stuff you didn't try.
When you tried it though it's absolutely healthy to make generalization based on accumulated statistics. Certainly you can get pepper with every spoonful of soup you eat, that'd be just unlucky to consider the whole pot to be spicy based on just one bowl.
But that's the possibility I'm comfortable living with, considering the alternative of continually wasting time on pointless shit I've already described.
>had a little more bravery
Yes, I should've taken the cat for the kill shot a month earlier, alone.
I'd be even more of an asshole then too though because I didn't get co-owner agreement and she didn't get to say goodbyes.
Thanks for proving my point.
>Read yuri hentai
>"This is a perfect world where all men were killed"
>Read het or yaoi
>Pure love
What is wrong with women.
By the way, the highest divorce statistic belong to the LESBIANS.
Author won't be able to realistically skip the cock-chasing drama otherwise.
But usually female boarding school premise is sufficient.
The misogynist one is obviously a shitpost though it's still true
pic related
Only because you only focus on dumb romcoms. Ironically the typical jump battle manga proves otherwise and they're much more popular than the typical romcom.
Women will never understand the Vanitas kino
Wrong, I watched YYH with my sister and we agreed that Knife Edge Death Match was the peak of the whole show
Exact same thing happened to my sister's cat. She basically abandoned it with me because of allergies. I took care of it for years but it was never "mine". That's fine. She got really ill toward the end, still happy and responsive but tons of bladder problems and could barely move her hind legs. I take her to the vet like once a week. One night she can't pee (I gave her daily baths so she wasn't dirty) so I take her to the vet, they cath her, drain bladder and keep her over night. I've been warning my sis for the past couple weeks to make time to say goodbye and put her down. No - coward, all about her. Cat dies by herself alone in the dark in a strange place with no family around. Would have just done it myself but it wasn't "my" pet and would get shit for doing it. I didn't think cat was that close to end otherwise I would have said "f-it" anyway.
No, instead I watch a dramatic or romantic show or movie and get a deep yearning for a “perfect” anime relationship.
I think you mean
Are you saying that women don't know what loyalty is? You're probably right.
Based and imoutopilled. Same thing happened here.
Too bad your mother didn't understand the second one when she had you.
Nah sorry user, your mom is the biggest, nastiest slut of them all.
I understood this scene just fucking fine, but even after, what is it, SIXTEEN YEARS, I still cannot understand why Luffy and Zoro let themselves get beat up in Mock Town. When I watched it in 2003 as a high schooler, my gut reaction was "this is stupid and makes no sense" but then I tried to tell myself that I'd get it once I was older.
Not yet. Maybe in another ten years.
Women don't feel anything, so they can't understand this.
>why Luffy and Zoro let themselves get beat up in Mock Town.
Bellamy and his crew made it clear what they feel about dreams and violently mocked them for it. Luffy and Zoro are both so confident in their own dreams they know how futile it would be to beat them up at that point. If they lashed out, they'd be nothing but as childish as Bellamy was being. Why give them the satisfaction? They have no need to tear another down just for their own ego's satisfaction.
I like how this board makes these blatantly misogynistic threads but then cries about being lonely
the movie adapts the prequel novel, the series takes place after the movie, chronologically
NGNL movie, amazing soundtrack and good visuals
Go back to Crystal Cafe. Honestly I wish Yea Forums would just follow what that board does and ban any female posters. There's no reason for females to come to Yea Forums except for attention whoring.
This but unironically
You're incredibly kind, but my lack of comprehension is my own problem; it's not because no one has explained it to me properly. Thank you though.
It's not misogynistic if it's true. There are things about men that women can't understand, and vice versa.
Low T men and women if you want to be accurate. Don't forget trannies too. That covers most of this board.
This page always hits so hard. They expect Zenkichi is right behind him the whole time, but he's still stuck on the first part.
it doesnt
it was oda trying to be deep and clever
I think the point of the scene is that luffy feels sorry for Bellamy for not believing in dream and so doesnt want to fight him, but thats no reason for luffy to do nothing.
The scene would have made more sense if luffy was just defending himself, not fighting back, but just blocking hit and trying to leave, with belemey getting a few hits in
But most yaoi are written by women? What point were you trying to make here
Is that shinmai maou no testament?
>22 y/o cat
Holy shit.
That's the beauty of anonymity posting, it's easy to out projecting faggots like you friend. You will call whatever you see reflected on the post you read.
Oddly enough, it's become a sort of honorific here now
Is that a Licker from Resident Evil?
This isn't a female problem, it's a culture problem. People who work on a farm or in medical care have the maturity to end a life when it's time. But most people these days are sheltered and lack the maturity to deal with the situation appropriately.
Black women are hilarious. Even the random black female crackheads on my street are funnier than most men I've seen. Since most men aren't attracted to black females, they have to make up for it by actually having a personality.
That's all the testosterone they're pumped with.
>Yea Forums absolutely destroys white knights and crossboarding trannies
I'm glad i could read this thread before it was archived
Choosing to end the life of a loved one isn't easy, but its better than seeing them suffer. To counter the argument a bit my ex as well as my mother have had no problem putting down animals they love. My mother, who certainly loves her animals, had one of our cats put down when I was not long out of college because it kept getting abcesses and we had no idea how to deal with it (we're talking 2005). I thought he was getting better despite his low weight (which he still had tons of energy) and the vet talked her into putting him down. I've not forgiven her for that, especially because she's had other cats get abcesses since and because i'm taking care of her and not arrogant enough to think I can't listen to anyone else, I looked up the very simple solution. Those cats are both healthy and it was a small issue. Go ahead and ban me again mods, you've got to ban SOMEONE instead of a shitposter, right? Fucking cucks.
To be honest, I don't mind mods banning bloggers like you.
>tfw any random black woman is more masculine than most of this cuck board
It's a sad state of affairs isn't it
Protip: Yea Forums used to have ronery threads, ALL of them filled with /r9k/ autists and mountains of blogshit.
Unless you already have a gf, have no plans of ever having one or become enlightened and follow the 2D path, I can't see anyone watching anime without feeling cucked.
>gives opinion no one asked for
not your blog newfag
Enjoy getting banned yet again, oldfag.
2D path isn't enlightened. It's still cuck shit. Other men are likely to have the same waifu as you and it's still female worship. You have to abandon and detach yourself from women entirely to be enlightened.
Women love being tortured by hotties tho
You gonna report me?
Nah, I'm not that bad of a person and the thread is pretty much over.
>You have to abandon and detach yourself from *3D* women entirely to be enlightened.
This is what I'm talking about. To trascend the material plane and live a happy life with your waifu, forgetting or rationalizing any external input, including others. Only few can reach that level, and some like you can't even separate the real world from the perfect one.
This resonates with me. I sincerely wonder if a first orgasm is as terrifying for sexually-ignorant women as it was for me.
I must have shot enough rope to outfit a ship, but at the time I thought I might actually die from it.
OR is it?
>"what do ya think, JoJo..? JoJo..!? He's dead..."
It's actually weird how exhausting your first few nuts are. I still remember the feeling of my mind collapsing and barely being able to hold it together.
not passing your genes on makes you the ultimate loser among humans
>415 replies
>already late night
It's dead. There is nothing left to do but jump into bed.
>most men I've seen
Depends on the demographic, I think.
All the blue collar guys I've ever worked with were extremely funny.
The young white collar types I know are usually humorless faggots.
Blood Trail was a fucking mistake
The best animated mistake.
It was not traumatic at all for me. I remember it happened during the morning, I didn't want to get up and I just started touching my body for no reason, instinctively. The minutes passed and I just felt the most amazing thing ever, I was happy.
I liked it. Gave me more of my OTP and was just an overall retarded fun ride, which is what I wanted from BL. Plus I prefer Roberta's ending in the anime compared to the manga.
All the stuff that takes place in Japan too
Getting knifed in th scrotum isn't as bad as gettting sledgehammered in the testes.
Is this some sort of contest?
are you fucking retarded
I just feel like I could totally take a knife in my lower scrotum/taint.
The best part of Blood Trail was Rock's evil faces.
lurk more newfag
being Bell is truly suffering
>"It's not about winning or losing..."
As far as fantasy shit goes it's one of the better ones
I don't like posting like I'm sucking One's dick, but Mumen Rider is totally admirable, and, in literary terms, a perfect foil for Saitama.
That guy knows how to write characters dealing with their relationships to and/or philosophy of duty, ethics, and power.
Apollo war games was a lot better than amazon thots and virgin whores.
i can't watch this scene without crying at all, shit cuts deep
You shouldn't white knight. Especially because an inability to say for sure on your part means you're just some lonely dude without female contact.
Assuming you didn't bleed out your probably could.
We'll why don't you just get better at finding out what they want it's not hard man.
>Characters/scenes women never understand thread
>Just the same characters and scenes everyone has seen over and over
This should really be counted as spam by now. You faggots have this thread every day and it's the same shit every day.
Women just don't understand.
Shut up woman
Yeah and who the fuck cares if they don't understand. They don't come here anyway. It's just a bait thread to try to get "women" IE trannies to respond and then you circle jerk the same fucking shit.
It's a shitty recommendation thread with the same shitty scenes/characters posted over and over.
I think they were implying that he was so worthless that they didn't even want to bother defending from him, but who knows. In Luffy's case, he might have been imitating Shanks.
I'm pretty sure that the "scenes that women can't understand" are mostly parody and, in some cases, even mocking the macho attitude. Anyway, calling this mysoginistic is too much, and most Yea Forumsutists are lonely because they are either social retards or ugly, if mysoginy were something that repelled women, no woman would have a husband that beats her.
What happened in Nanking, Zoro?
>I'm pretty sure that the "scenes that women can't understand" are mostly parody and, in some cases, even mocking the macho attitude
You're being too hopeful user. I'm pretty sure they started like this, like the old "ITT overrated shit" or "prove this wrong" threads but now that retards have been posting them daily, newfags think it's serious. Like every satire thread that gets over posted, the joke has overstayed it's welcome. And it's because of newfags.
They aren't. They're only as mysoginistic as women are misandrist... the difference is men aren't as anal about women getting into their sekrit clubs as women are with men, so they seem more rampant about their hatred towards the other sex's personality hiccups. Women are as toxic as men, anyone who ever browsed a chicks messaging history with her female friends knows this.
>... yo what`s up my tranny?
god what a clusterfuck of a thread
This thread provides a good look into why this board sucks now
>discord trannies
>newfags taking the bait
>low effort for maximum responses and a thinly veiled rec thread
I just provided example. Somehow males don't hesitate so much when it means to making decisions or dirtying their image a little, if it gets shit done. It happens with females down to the smallest of things e.g. sender got my family name wrong and technically I shouldn't be able to receive parcel in post office because of that, but I do know exact weight and contents of the parcel. Female office clerk just goes
>Oh I don't know what are we going to do
And says nothing more.
She doesn't want to tell me to fuck off and take it to the sender, she doesn't want to compromise and ask me details about the parcel to confirm that I'm the intended recipient, she wants NO RESPONSIBILITY.
It was an experiment at this point so I politely told her to decide since she's the clerk here.
It took them three people and another fucking 10 minutes to decide what to do among themselves.
Just comission original waifu and kill the drawfag.
>get better at finding out what they want
Like i said: it's too much work to constantly defuse IEDs.
no u
>Postal peon that might get fired from her comfy job if she tells you to fuck off or if she lets you take the package.
That isn't "women can't make decisions" that's someone that doesn't want to lose their job over someone that's too retarded and lazy to correct their fucking family name at the post office. If she tells you to fuck off she can get in trouble with her supervisor if you file a complaint, so she simply did the correct retail decision and left it up to a superior's decision.
You're just retarded because you haven't worked a customer service job and don't know the tells of "I don't want to get fired over a retard" decision making.
>this isn't what it looks like
>someone that doesn't want to lose their job
>some sort of decision is have to be made
>females make none despite it being up to them and just stall for time waiting for me to give up and go away
This is exactly what I'm talking about: women pushing responsibility onto males when they're not comfortable with sullying their precious Karma.
This covers interpersonal relationships too: if woman likes/dislikes something, but it's not entirely socially acceptable to - YOU will be the asshole for not figuring that shit out, because she will never tell you upfront.
>You're just retarded because you haven't worked a customer service job
What the fuck? Also I did.
No, this is just someone that didn't want to lose their job. A male would've done the same thing. I'm pretty sure you've never worked a job where the most retarded specimen can get you fired over a slight policy discrepancy
Sorry man you're just autistic
Literal autism, I've had this happen with people's orders in sales and I wouldn't give a fuck if you knew the exact contents of the package. Come to me with an order form or receipt and a form of government issued picture ID and then I'll overlook the misspelling. Are you going to be mad? Yes. Do I care? No.
>A male would've done the same thing.
Bullshit. I worked retail sales and when corners need to be cut males cut it without blinking. The chewing you get for it is absolute nothing after you explain that you did that to get shit done to your superior, provided he's also a male.
A female manager or director is absolute shit because there's no right answers with it:
>amending retarded policy is a no-no because it's foundation of our operation
>cutting corners on a spot is a no-no because we value our effectiveness and reputation
>putting this on customers is a no-no because employees should be the ones to decide
If it was up to female director - employees would flop on the floor and BSOD when encountering such situation and they would STILL BE reprimanded later.
JUST DON'T LET THIS KIND OF SITUATION HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE! But they do happen and have to be resolved.
Only that females don't want to and always look for a male to push responsibility to.
>I'm pretty sure
Well you're pretty wrong.
> I worked retail sales and when corners need to be cut males cut it without blinking.
No you didn't and no they don't unless they were trying to get fired.
Didn't read the rest because you're clearly lying.
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not. I would've accepted any decision they made but they refused to make any and just waited for me to go away for considerable time.
>No you didn't and no they don't unless they were trying to get fired.
Yeah they do although former commie country. You need an actual reason to fire someone here unlike in US. Like "get fucked in the ass by labor commission if it's not justified" kind of reason.
I'm saying they're retarded and you're retarded. Different types of tard though.
>you're retarded
>Yeah they do although former commie country.
So you live in a shit hole. That's even more of a reason why she didn't want to get fired from a postal service. She would have to get a shit job and depending on the laws could be arrested for making a wrong decision.
A decision about a parcel that's potentially worth money and could get someone fired and arrested is way more important than some autistic retard's opinion of them.
>A decision about a parcel that's potentially worth money and could get someone fired and arrested is way more important than some autistic retard's opinion of them.
>It's okay for employees to make no decision
Fucking retard.
My buddy from 1st retail job came from a rural town to work in a big city together with his GF. GF couldn't find proper job and went back after some time even if the guy said it's okay for her not to work for the time being. They kept relationship for a while over a distance, but then she started to give him a cold shoulder, not answering calls for days etc. This went on for half a year, it's quite far so he can't just drop everything and go see her, kept asking her what is the matter: is she tired of the distance between them should he come over, did she get upset because she couldn't get a job, does she want relationship to be over - complete denial on the other side for months.
Then he HAD to go over due to bureaucracy and got legal leave and travel funds for that from govt.
Turns out GF found herself a new man, didn't want to be the one to hurt my buddy feelings and gave him a runaround hoping he would just give up and fall off without any need for her to dump him.
Because that would make her look like an asshole and we can't have that.
But you are just going to discount any examples I make because you're shitposter, troll, retard or worse: a woman.
>But you are just going to discount any examples I make
Not that user but why should anyone believe any of what you're posting?
>why post anything
I have never met a woman who actually understood Aku no Hana. For that matter, I've never met an Yea Forumsutist, regardless of gender, who understands it, either. It's a damn shame moefags prevented this scene from ever being made.
>It's okay for employees to make no decision
Yes, especially if you didn't fucking go through the correct procedures and their job is at risk if a wrong move is made, it's fucking mail tons of countries have laws regarding mail being mishandled. If a superior wasn't there and it sounds like a superior wasn't there they did the right thing by not letting you take the package. They probably did tell your retarded ass to go home but you didn't take a hint when they did.
>they did the right thing by not letting you take the package
They didn't.
>They probably did tell your retarded ass to go home but you didn't take a hint when they did.
No, they just half-answered "what are we going to do with that?" and done nothing for good 10 minutes while I was just standing there waiting for their decision.
>take a hint
My entire fucking gripe is guessing because women can't properly communicate or make decisions in morally or otherwise gray or black areas.
>My entire fucking gripe is guessing because women can't properly communicate or make decisions in morally or otherwise gray or black areas.
You're basing this gripe on a mishap at the post office that could happen if a male was there and not any meaningful interaction with a live woman.
>especially if you didn't fucking go through the correct procedures
You also can't read for shit: the sender fucked up, not me.
There's still a correct procedure for you to go through if the sender fucked up. Man you're retarded. No one believes you ever had a job that had meaningful interaction with people. You're just a retarded neet making up stories to make yourself feel better about not talking to women.
I'm basing it over accumulated life experience that nobody would believe anyway.
>if a male was there
Bullshit. I worked retail, males don't waste customers time like that because they're uncomfortable to take responsibility.
>Sorry this isn't a decision I can make myself, could you please wait here for 10 minutes while I call my superior to clarify?
Not fucking "We don't know what to do" and wait for customer to go away.
>There's still a correct procedure for you to go through if the sender fucked up.
I'd be fine hearing that from the clerk.
>Bullshit. I worked retail
No you didn't
>males don't waste customers time like that because they're uncomfortable to take responsibility.
Yes they do
>Not fucking "We don't know what to do" and wait for customer to go away.
I don't believe this actually happened.
>No you didn't
Yeah I did.
>Yes they do
Never saw it happen.
>I don't believe this actually happened.
Not my problem.
>nuh uh you're lying women can do no wrong
>Yeah I did.
>Never saw it happen.
Because you don't leave your house
>Not my problem.
You derailed a whole thread over a fake story about a post office incident. You tell us.
let’s post scenes that men will never understand.
Neither do men
This looks like a female dumping responsibility to look after cactus on a male.
>posts tonegawa and not Kurosawa which is the only thing that actually applies to these stupid threads
We get it, you have a phobia of women after your post office incident. You can fuck off now
Literally this in a non meme way. Women simply can't relate to busting a nut to a comatose hot redhead. Their libido and thoughts on fap are simply different from men's, while I can understand doing what Shinji did and I know I'd try to hold back from doing that. Or maybe I'd just rape her if I fear the world is ending soon. But women don't have a similar scenario. Just seeing a topless friend won't sent them into a masturbation craze, not even seeing his comatose dick would cause that I mean they'd be too concerned for it, but our ducks are way easier to stimulate.
So yeah, Shinji jacking off in that situation is something women simply can't comprehend. And if a girl told me "ew, that Shinji guy is a total creep" I'd have to hold back telling her the truth
>If you were unconscious and topless I'd be all over that
>If you were unconscious and topless I'd be all over that
t. fat Nighthawk dude
>He never read this
Most people who don't get Aku no Hana have never read a book in their life. It's really just a bildungsroman like any other, but all media they consume is probably trash battle shonen and haremshit manga, so it goes over their heads.
My husbando.
>using virgin offensively on Yea Forums
>And if a girl told me "ew, that Shinji guy is a total creep" I'd have to hold back telling her the truth
I watched this with a friend and he told me Shinji was disgusting for doing that. This situation is only relatable to people sick enough to do that. Shinji is not a mentally stable person and it's not normal to see that and go "Hey I would do it too"
That's the type of scene Anno put in to shame otaku for fapping to it. You shouldn't relate to that at all. You shouldn't go "If you were comatose I would masturbate over you or rape you" in your head.
Seems like that scene actually went over your head bro
>You shouldn't
Or what? You're going to call me mean names?
No, it just means you did miss the point of the scene as Anno said himself that's a scene nobody should relate to or want to do. That's why Shinji hates himself and goes deeper into depression after he did it.
This user exemplifies the spirit of .
>Anno said himself that's a scene nobody should relate to or want to do
>implying he could have said anything else when asked to publicly
>That's why Shinji hates himself
Shinji's a pissy cunt.
The scene itself frames it as something disgusting and pathetic. Are you retarded?
Big if true, years have passed since I watched it but I never looked into any interviews.
But this thread made me realize the opposite thing. Scenes men don't understand. I think the manga is named Nozoki Ana, it's about a girl and a boy being neighbors and their apartments are divided by a wall... Which has a hole. They use it to peep on each other but the girl doesn't allow sex. They simply live spying on each other. I fully believe women can relate to that girl but I'll never understand teasing and why they like it so much. The girl sometimes spouts some philosophical crap and I am sure they get it
>scene itself frames
Objectively speaking?
>I fully believe women can relate to that girl but I'll never understand teasing and why they like it so much.
You can understand it, relating to it is a different thing.
Male-oriented literature features power fantasy: conquering, exploring, getting bitches, comrades, managing fief, fighting enemies, sacrificing oneself as a guardian of the realm etc.
Female-oriented literature is about attention: being queen of the ball, having beautiful suitors lust over you, males going to great lengths to win your favor etc.
Nozoki Ana is basically about a woman enjoying attention of a fan without sexual obligations. Last time I checked she fucks other men so it's NTR and I never read it in detail.
Yes, that's why Shinji calls himself pathetic and has a fucking mental breakdown. Saying that scene is framed as anything but "hey this kid is fucked up" is just outright denial. Rewatch the movie because you clearly don't understand the what the scene represents
Some objective opinion you have user.
Rewatch the movie and give up on your incorrect interpretation
>hey this kid is fucked up
>world is about to end
>fight to avert it as a child soldier
>my female friend is lying topless on the bed
I'd rub one off too, what's the worst that could happen? I have to fight aliens tomorrow cut me some slack.
>incorrect interpretation
This post gave me illusions.
Welp thread is dying but you have one of the best replies here, I feel smarter now. Indeed, understanding and relating is different, that's the basis for these threads. Though overlapping exists to some degree since some girls do enjoy the idea of being explorers and many have died wishing they could have gone on adventures. Though those female fantasies of being a queen don't seem to be too common on men.. If at all they exist. Men want harems, but that's too different from what women want. We don't really care about those harem girls going to great lengths to conquer us.
>fight to avert it as a child soldier
Forced by estranged father that abandoned him as a young child**
>my female friend is lying topless on the bed
*because he was having a mental breakdown and while trying to wake her up, messed up her hospital gown
**You're still in the middle of your mental breakdown and you think its your fault she's in a coma
>I'd rub one off too, what's the worst that could happen?
You're mentally ill. This was a scene in the entire perspective of a mentally ill 14 year old with deep seated abandonment issues and has watched multiple friends at this point die, get fatally injured and has fallen into a coma and this also takes place right after killing one of them(Kaworu)
This is not something framed in a good light at all. You're just trying to frame it as something any man would do. It's clearly not.
Not really, that was still a choice.
>messed up her hospital gown
Happy accident in otherwise grimdark situation.
>you think its your fault she's in a coma
I can't remember for shit but I think it kinda was.
Those seagulls thingies fucked Asuka and her eva up because Shinji was having another untimely mental breakdown or something.
>mentally ill 14 year old
The only ill part is that he should've went to the toilet to rub one out or something. But since other party is unconscious - no harms done.
How much of a cuck are you if you're so avert to fapping over pair of tits without permission?
He didn't even nut all over them.
>You're mentally ill.
PSDT makes people do worse.
>Not really, that was still a choice.
You haven't watched Evangelion at all. Conversation's over.
>You haven't watched Evangelion at all.
>Get in the robot Shinji
>Is that all you got to say to be dad?
>No I won't get into the robot
>Fine we'll use that cripple right out of intensive care then
>Okay-okay I will get into the robot
The shit you do to get validation from family members or out of empathy for weak and injured are still a choice, retard.
kino show
Death of the author.
Fuck Anno, that normalfag can't tell me not to relate to something I relate to.
I can't though.
If it's wartime and I can die tomorrow - makes sense to go all the way with her.
You could die tomorrow, but you also could not.
Shinji is a pussy, he can't take that risk.
Who's going to tell? She's still a veggie even after apocalypse.
Me on the left after six beers.
Honorable rivalry cum friendship.
>"women have cooties"
>"no, it is in fact men who are the ones with cooties"
This is the most cancerous thread I've seen in a while
Hisu gets him, but then again she's fictional so she doesn't really count.