Nazi a cute!

Nazi a cute!

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I really don't see why people would pick anyone other than Charlotte.

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Quite honestly she's a bit on the dull side.

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hon hon hon sacre bleu oui oui baguette omelette du fromage

>omelette du fromage

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Those two were the best together. Fuck Ichika.

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Cute feet. Also, good taste.

I want to annex her sudetenland.

It's incredible how they fucked this series up.

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How to get nazi gf?

Not really. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that the story wan't actually going anywhere and without a story all that's left is the harem antics, which got stale because there's only so many times you can pull the misunderstandings gag until it gets old.

Voluptuous japanese beauty
Jealous devout lover
Cute when she is happy
Kendo martial artist
Best cooking
Chilhood friend
Top Tier Femdom
Moderate Tsundere Waifu tier plus
Litteral Feminazi
NTR Slut with Charlotte
Jealous sadistic bitch
Eyepatch with heterochromia
Abusive, violent, husband/wife
Stupid cunt
At beginning she wanted to kill Ichika including Lying, Cecilia, Tatenashi.
Shit tier femdom
Waifu bait as Rem

Whoa, Izuru learned english.

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The best girl is this

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Silver haired goddess!

I thought he meant the author's disagreement with his publisher.

I've got a bulge she can envelop.

Based FedCom posters

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Help her!

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