Red Line

What are your thoughts on Red Line, Yea Forums?

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Beautiful kino

shallow flick

Machinehead is Sonoshee's father.

All style, no substance

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I rewatch it every now and then, great eye candy.

What a pretentious list.

This upsets me

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Really fucking good.

Loved it as a f-zero fan. Pretty much a f zero prequel

Don't forget to add Space Dandy and FlipFlappers to the list.

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What substance are anime even supposed to have?

AKA, shows i don't like but most people do.

Bait list

It's good, not great but good.

But style is substance? Anime is a visual medium after all

I give you cowboy bebop, though even that questionable, but everything else I've seen is good. What's the point other than a shitty bait?


OPM is cool

As a fellow intellectual, may I have the all substance no style list?

this guy gets it

Terrible schlock. It doesn't even look good. BADHOUSE is fucking incompetent.

Any lead to confirm this or its just your thoughts?

>protip watch redline on shroom. Its visual candy

7 years of animation for a shit story

The swansong of true 2D animation.

The MC and Sonoshee have no quemistry so the romance subplot doesnt do anything for me.
Great animation and fun races but the second one is kind of boring half way through thanks to the giant baby obliterating everything.
Ending felt kinda rushed.
I forgot half the characters in the cast because they were so boring even the mechanic and the traitors name.

Seethe harder, plotfag

Great art, not much in the way of storyline.
Save yourself the trouble and just watch the special trailer, it's literally all the best bits condensed into on AMV - no need to watch the full anime afterwards.

>no substance

Wanna know how I know you only watched the movies?

god save me from ever being this much of a pleb

Thank you.

It's great. Sometimes anime doesn't need a storyline. Sometimes you just need pumped-up racing and this anime delivers.

it's fun to watch movie with great animation , there is nothing else to be said

Shitty fucking train that breaks down and catches on fire way too much

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It was fucking great. Just a cool looking movie with a goofy plot that never took itself to seriously. For some reason people just can't get over that and there are even a bunch of fucking retards who think that Sonoshee and JP died in the end.

Overrated but really good style over substance.

This anime almost killed Madhouse.

Extremely overrated. With how hard people hyped it up I was expecting something amazing. It was just alright.

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It is truly sad that there are people in this world that could not comprehend the message of something like Gurren Lagann.
But oh well, I guess dealing with kindergarten level Abrahamic motifs like Evangelion, Meguca and a shitton of other plebeian pieces of garbage all day everyday can turn one's brain into a figure with completely smooth surface.

Then say, which are the ones with substance?

>someone spent 7 years of their life to make a shit anime

does Yea Forums consider symbolism style or substance?

whoever made this doesn't know what substance is

Excellent animation/artstyle, shit everything else

Prove me wrong

Literally pure style, and it's glorious.

Awesome. I wish they made a proper videogame based on it. Let people build their own cars and take part in online tournaments culminating on seasonal Redline events that happen on different long-ass tracks.

This sums it up quite nicely.

Wonderful animation, great to see in motion. Great work on the soundtrack as well. Deceptively simple plot that actually works on two levels: you can turn your brain off and just get the surface story, or you can look around and suss out a lot of subtle details and character moments. Very visual storytelling. Every time I watch it, I feel like I notice something new. Of course that means it risks alienating people who aren't willing to pay attention, but that's a passion project for you.

Great film.

I have a lot of fun whenever I watch it, the music is great, the visuals are great. No secret the story isn't anything special, but I could care less when its a really entertaining thing to watch.

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>Some e-celeb faggot

Good music. Looks nice. Not really a good movie.

substance throught style