She's not actually improving the guy's life

She's not actually improving the guy's life.

He's still stuck working 14+ hour work days every single day.

Having a cute fox make you dinner or bathe you is not going to help improve his lifestyle at all, especially in the long run.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't she bring her own ingredients? At the very least he'd be saving more money now. And even if there are no permanent improvements the point is that he has something to look forward to. He has happiness, love, and relaxation from the fox loli herself - he doesn't need the fox loli to give him those things in another form.

I work my ass off at a programming job, and having a loli fox goddess to greet me at home every day would make my life much better.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.28_[2019.04.19_20.32.54].j (1920x1080, 185K)

Recovery comes first
Replanning life's goals come second.
His life is his to decide, Senko's there to ensure he can decide with clear mind

It will when he whores her out for money.

but where's his motivation to go find a wife and start a family and have kids, when instead he can come home every day and be pampered by a fox girl.

>motivation to go find a wife and start a family and have kids
Oh hi Abe, how are you?

>Having a cute fox make you dinner or bathe you is not going to help improve his lifestyle at all, especially in the long run
How about loli kitsune cunny?

>but where's his motivation to go find a wife and start a family and have kids
he was so overworked he didnt have that motivation in the first place tho.

Even if he avoids becoming a flat-out bum:
Either she continues this routine of putting a bandaid on his stress for the rest of his life; doing nothing to address his life's underlying problems;
Or she eventually leaves, and he goes right back to despair.

This cannot end well.

>has someone to cook, clean and bathe you, thus significantly reducing domestic labour
>this is somehow not a lifestyle improvement
>cute fluffy girl to greet you, increasing happiness
>this is somehow not a lifestyle improvement

He's still overworked though.

His life is still revolved around being overworked. Just now he has a loli fox girl to pamper him in the what, one hour of free time he has?

She's a band aid.

You need a bandaid first before you can fix the problem.

Why do you want her to do, reform Japanese labor laws?

>14 hour days + loli fox motherwife
>14 hour days
It's an objective improvement. Now he just needs a far less stressful job and he can live the dream.

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When you're a wagecuck working 100 hour weeks that stuff is a pipe dream regardless. There's nothing he can do short of quit. His job is grinding his soul into the ground, but I guess that's just what the nips expect from their employees.

She's energizing him. The most important piece of overcoming and preventing burnout is knowing and acknowledging your limits. Sadly, those close to a burnout don't have the energy to choose for themselves anymore (I'm in that state right now). Her being around, boosting his energy, will allow him to stand up for himself and recover. Recovery has to come from oneself, but she's kickstarting it and assuring him it's right, giving him a great support. You'll find that this is a major theme in the anime and manga - him coming to acknowledge his burnout.

Why would he need to go out and find a wife when there's a perfectly good Senko right there?

>not using foxpowers to improve working conditions in whole country/world
that a useless giant hairball

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She's prolonging the day he actually commits suicide, with the hope that, somehow, she would be able to change his mind about it.

There's no context in which that is a good idea, fox loli or not

This show would be vastly more comfy if the MC was a soviet factory worker

Why doesn't she get him a better job? I know a lot of people who would to kill have a corporate job in America.

Instead of a loli-fox is a loli-bear.


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She's certainly powerful enough to do it

Propaganda to accept the system. But it's just going to backfire because animated foxgirls aren't enough.

You know what needs to be done.

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>Working in a comfortable white collar job
boo fucking hoo MC's life sure is hard.

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She's giving him "a reason to live", since grinding away four hours without anything to "come back to" is dreadful and will be the cause of heavy depressions. You would know that if you are truly alone and isolated for a longer time period.
Having someone caring waiting for you with homecooked food after a long day will help you heal and deal with the stress. Her company will most likely be temporary tho, until MC decides to get his shit together and marry a wife.

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Jesus, This is the gayest post I've seen on this site.

Nah. This show is communist propaganda. It's showing how the only alternative to revolution is divine intervention. Something that would never happen to you.

He's right though, isolation breeds depression.

Ex white collar. I traded it for manual labor and I couldn't be happier and healthier
Business owner now and I am at peace

What, you wanted her to see the lottery numbers then also give him cheat god powers? There's probably some isekai for that already

Nah, you're just a sissy who can't live without attention. depression is not real.

She is his wife-mother he doesn't need to find another.

Why doesn't he quit his job now that he has a foxgirl to take care of him?

What happens when she has to leave for whatever reason, surely she won't stay with him until he dies? He's going to be worse off.

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Isn't it against the system, because workers don't expect this supernatural sort of thing to ever happen to them, so they see that this way out -the only way out- isn't viable for them, and the only alternative is to change the system?

>he eventually realizes that he wants to have children and can't have them with his fox-wife
>Senko demotes herself from mother-wife to regretful matchmaker to try to fulfill his needs

if he was a Soviet factory worker, the entire point of the show would be moot because he'd work reasonable hours at a job that doesn't alienate him from his own labor

Try working any job for 80% of your waking hours and see how long it takes before you want to eat a bullet.

That would make the show not as depressing and actually watchable. Communists should be doing this and not these threads

Imagine the cold turkey of quitting senko-san. Fuck.

As an immortal being she has a longer lifespan so maybe she plans to?

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got to pay the rent,
got to pay the bills,
they don't just give away food at the supermarket...

>She's not actually improving the guy's life.
She never tried to do it. Her only goal from the start was healing what was left of his soul by giving him something to look forwards to.

How subversive.

There are millions of factory workers who'd kill to have MC's job.

Who would pay to have sex with that undeveloped little body?

This anime is ruining my fucking life.

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Who says she can't?

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>impregnate lolifox goddess
>you now have half-deity daughters and you can visit the kuni of the gods when you feel like it
To think there are sex-obsessed normalfags in here who would drop all of that to have some whore's pussy and end up raising children alone after she leaves them for a bigger cock.

>implying you had a life
As a wagecuck you can only have a imitation life

>He's still stuck working 14+ hour work days every single day.
what do you expect her to do?

Yes, user
There are millions who have it worse
Does not make my situation better? No it fuckin doesn't
Everyone, rich or poor, has the right to complain bout their trouble

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I'm not working anymore. Off for the summer. Still, though, I want something like this. Not exactly a motherly relationship, but someone I can really count on to love me both when I leave in the morning and when I come home. I don't know anymore.

>victim Olympics
lets not do this

t. Incel

I'd work 24/7 for her!

Holy shit it's like an automatic coping mechanism.

>gets sent to gulag because Stalin didn't like his hat

If he lived during Stalin's reign, then he would have something bigger to worry about than long work hours.

Like, Russian Senko would probably tell him to move to switzerland or Sweden.

ep6 preview

hahaha yeah just think about it hahaha gross!

So is Fox-loli just an allegory for anime and anime merchandise?

It doesn’t matter if you work 14 hour shifts Since anime gives you something to look forward to. You get happiness, love, and relaxation from anime

jyaga jyaga

But she heals his soul

Nah, it's a allegory for actually having a loving wife. Remove the supernatural aspect of this show, and not much would honestly change.

making dinner is work. grooming is work. chores are work. doing all that himself is him working 18 hours a day

Lolibabas though.

If he had an adult qt waifu he could make and spend time with friends without getting freak looks or having to hide his wife and be a shady fuck, not to mention Senko would hate it. Healthy people need relationships besides your partner.

>14+ hour work days
Asking to work less than 14+ hours day is the same thing as asking to be fired.

a business that can't make a profit without forcing its underpaid employees to work more than six hours a day is a failure of a business and a sin against capitalism

You forgot the overtime for free aka Service Zangyo.
The english wikipedia redirect it as wage theft for some reason.

In modern capitalism it's never just about making profit. It's about making as much profit as they can legally get away with making. No matter who has to suffer as a result.

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Close enough.

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Care to elaborate? I'll be starting one soon.

You're on the wrong website if you can't understand that Senko is a distinctly Japanese fantasy. She's appropriate, she's "acceptable". Obviously, the proper fantasy is to not have to work yourself to death, but in a culture like Japan's, Senko makes plenty of sense as "the next best thing".

if I was in that guy's situation I'd probably kill myself anyway and senko could go find someone less fucked up to help

>and can't have them with his fox-wife
Says who

Bestiality is illegal and immoral.

The guy's not black

I don't think Gods give much stock in the laws of man.

Mate, overworking your workers would result into
1. The worker leaving, causing the company to lose an experienced manpower. Be warned that good leaders are hard to replace

2. The worker getting to hospital and making the company pay for his bills

3. The worker dying causing the company to go into hot water including many legal concerns, public backlash, and even getting sued

Capitlism is a great economy because it forces people to be good or suffer consequences. So goes to democracy

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I cant stop watching the ED lads.
Senko is just so cute.

Why does he have to work 12+ hours when he lives by himself basically?

Got a webm of the op?
I need my mofumofu

i dont but if you give me 5 minutes ill make one so bare with

>The worker leaving,
Doesnt happen in Japan unless it's by suicide

A band aid is a good start. As long as the guy isn't stuck in an endless routine of work and sleep that rots his mental capacity to nothing. As long as he has some actual peace of mind and time to consider his situation he might actually be able to find the motivation to change.

It's already hinted that he might have the option to quit his job and open up his own café or something.

>The worker leaving, causing the company to lose an experienced manpower
Except every company in the industry has the same overtime and working conditions, so the worker doesn't exactly have many options. Also, he's likely to be blacklisted everywhere if he resigns for a reason that management would consider unacceptable. Welcome to Japan.

The internet exists and people are more then willing to pay a good company filled with black listed people who will do the job better then the "accepted" people.

Oh, I'm not sure about that.
Kemono Friend's fiasco and Kajiura killing Kalafina is a great example of why you should be careful of your workers.

They ruined their boss company and still holds a lot of contract.

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hai hai user desu

heres your delivery of MOFU MOFU

>work 12 hour days at office job
>spend half of it day dreaming or posting on Yea Forums
I assume nips are similar.

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They dont
You know the guy who whistle blowed the unethical practices of that tobacco company?
Was absolutely never able to get another chemical engineering job ever again
Had to support himself with public speaking.

He's reducing his stress by taking drugs and he is hallucinating and seeing her.

Your code monkey job will be phased out by H1B pajeets unless you stay until midnight.

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I'd kill millions to have that.

Was he really blacklisted or he just found it more profitable and easier to just ask the people for donations?

Chemical engineers are valuable, especially experienced ones. Hard to imagine any company trying to ignore their marketable skill

Whistleblowers get fucked over majority of the time.
Big exception if financial stuff where in US they will give you hefty bounty for ratting so you can just retire rich off that.

>getting paid to do nothing and play games on your computer
Must be nice.

not the same guy, but in the same position. i don't really think it matters what kind of job I'd have, though. having a senko-san would be an improvement regardless

Thank you user you're an angel.

Not his computer, company computer. Big difference. Unless he's smart enough to bring his own devices, then it's very boring not being to fully a computer and it becomes irritating dealing with the low specs. If he's browsing forums then either he's using a VPN or his network department doesn't give a shit what he's looking at.

i live to serve

Kamisama bless you, user.

the vast majority of victims of Stalin's repressions were ethnic minorities and political operatives. The NKVD wasn't just grabbing people off the street for complaining about shit

Nice work issued laptop and nothing is blocked on company internet, have bunch of images and shit downloaded on it and nobody cares.
>tfw at work now

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Senko has improved my life.

Any respectable job won't have network blocks nor care as long as you get some work done.

Thankfully Japan is doing automation due to low population and hopefully the rest of the world will soon catch on. More automation means less jobs means socialism is finally realized. Not having kids is one of the best things we can do right now.

I'm guessing it's either a very small company or a fuck huge one that can't keep track of everybody. I see people like you get fired all the time for getting way too comfortable and thinking nobody knows about their internet activity. Then one day a higher up's nephew wants a position in your department so they go after guys like you.

I hope everything's going well for you, though. It's nice hearing an Yea Forumsnon not being a NEET and enjoying it.

Of course. Many guys I know obviously web surf for shits and giggles, and they bring their own stuff from home sometimes. I just think it's ill advised to have a false sense of security.

Factoryfag here, no I fucking wouldn't. Any overtime is too much, even 40 hours is too much, I'd rather my country go full commie, at least the republicans get nice hot censorship on their mouths.

I'm contributing then

It's a household name tech company. Also mirrored ~4TB of manga over network awhile ago.
Maybe they'll scold me eventually but whatever I'm high performer.

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What does na no ja mean?

nojya is just an older way of saying desu and be polite basically
Senko is old

>tfw I played Gracia in Sengoku Musou yesterday and caught her saying nanoja
Learning the language does improve the entertainment experience.

Same here. It's cute how everyone in these threads talks about "overtime."

Life is about the journey, the end is the trophy and nothing else. It is a title and the real reward was in the actual chase.
Work hard.
Play hard.
Die happy.

Doofus. You are taking home-cooked food and comfy pampering after a hard day's work for granted.

Of course she isn't, that's the point. You can't rely on other people to improve your life for you. Other people can only supply support and nurture you. If he wants to improve his situation, he has to drum up the courage to do it himself.

thanks user

Does anyone even do a close reading of Marx anymore? I thought people are too lazy to even read more than 10 lines of text nowadays.

>Having a cute fox make you dinner or bathe you is not going to help improve his lifestyle at all, especially in the long run.
why is that not an improvement?

Establish a dictatorship of the proletariat?

She is though. Loneliness is a big void you know.

Nobody gave a shit about workers' rights in the West either until they got scared of a possible socialist revolution so they had to take the propaganda up to eleven and loosen their grip a bit. In Japan they aren't scared about an uprising because of different mentality so they can get away with working their slaves to the bone. It's as capitalist as it gets.

All the while telling their employees that they should be overjoyed they're allowed to do so.

Seize her means of reproduction?

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the wagie pledge

>hopefully the rest of the world will soon catch on.
not ever going to happen in the west

Why isn't there anything to live for? Who thought this was a good idea?


Dude. Several arguments with a regular wife will drive him to suicide.

If you count Gena as a soviet worker...

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Senko isn't all powerful or as powerful as a lot of anons seem to think she is. She can't force him to quit and magic him up a new job. She can't force his bosses to give him more reasonable hours and a raise. She can't instantly give him a body with perfect health or magic away his unhappiness. What she can do though is vastly improve the quality of his home life by cleaning and making sure he's eating properly, make sure he actually gets some sleep and time off when he's sick and injured, and just generally being someone who he can rely on. By doing this she's making himself enjoy life again enough that he can then make the choices he needs to improve things like his working conditions. As he is now he's too fatalist/fearful to quit his job.

And she does this all so seemingly selflessly because she feels that she failed his ancestor/previous incarnation.

If the MC had less of a spine Senko would've got him fired days ago.
"Just stay here, you are too tired."
"You deserve some sleep."
"It's okay to rest."

i love shiro so much

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>complaining about office jobs when half of the time is not even spent being productive

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How she fail him?

That's still time you are spending in office.

>source: my ass
"criminals" – the ones who broke the law (however bullshit it was) made up the majority of repressed, only about 20% were repressed for political reasons, and while NKVD didn't arrest people on the streets, they raided suspect's appartment to take him/her in and search through their belongings

Be happy you don’t have an actual shit job you lazy fuck.

I'm sorry my shitty job is better than your shitty job, it's not so hard to get so I don't know what kind of imbecile you are you had to settle with something worse.

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>muh bandaid
She has eternal life, while he will probably die in 50 years. 50 years during an eternal life is just a little drop, she can stay by his side until he dies.
What’s the problem if he dies at her side? He seems pretty happy with his current situation and she shouldn’t have a problem keeping it up until he keels over.

He ended up taking care of her instead, although its implied that just her being there was comforting to him. Then he got sick and died while she was helpless to stop it.

Was that really a flashback scene? I thought it was just Senko imagining the worst.

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He's the one who saw it, not her. Its also not his home in the scene, it's some tiny house.

You don’t get to act smug if an office job gives you depression. Lazy fuck

Japanese have the mentality that the individual should benefit the society. They’re overworked, underpaid, because they’re needed to keep the economic engine going for the country as a whole. Japan & Korea don’t have massive amounts of resources, land, or people. So they tend to work with what they have to the bone. All thanks to the economic model the US exported to the world, a consumerist model where endless growth is sought after. It was born from after Great Depression but kinda took a life of it’s own.

US & globally need to look towards a less consumerist economy and more towards a sustainable economy where we’re not needing to buy new stuff constantly.

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Manual work tires you physically office job tires you mentally. Or all the Japanese Office workers who jump under trains are LARPing?

Medveditsa Lolibabushka when?

source: my ass


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>giving a man a reason to live
>not improving his life
hold me back Yea Forums

He is healthier now. That's a start.
Enlighten me.

Fuck you. Only 10 Minutes in and fuck.

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>and it becomes irritating dealing with the low specs
I've brought my PC at work. And the company laptop is 780m/4770HQ/24 RAM. It's a bit dated, but perfectly adequate.
>his network department doesn't give a shit what he's looking at

>all people are created equal
No. Some are smarter than others.

yes, but it will improve my self esteem

Kon kon kon

This, the west would rather import millions of uncultured third worlders to just replace the workforce and eventually replace the native people.

I don't know about you, but I use to work the 14 hour a day life for a few years. Got out of it as soon as I could and now work something more reasonable. While I would be somewhat uncomfortable with the "wife-mother" sort of idea, just having someone there for me at the end of the day to come back to would have been nice for young me.

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If I use my right hand to masturbate, would she be willing to jerk me off?

Attached: Right Arm.png (1029x1173, 740K) (russian archive of politically repressed) states that the number of people listed there doesn't exceed 25% of the overall number of repressed

whee whee whee*

You'll need a coin for the ferryman

Best girl.

This show is actually a tragedy sold as moe. Imagine sacrificing most of your life to an alienating company and then manifest a fox girl as a coping mechanism that only enables your stagnation and depression.

What, you want her to quit his job for him?
She's constantly trying to get him to relax more, take it easier at work, not go in on sundays or stay so late etc, but she can't actually make any real changes for him, he has to do it himself.
All she can do is support him until he does.

Healthy escapism. Like drinking after work. A way to keep yourself together while not running away from your social duties.

>He's still stuck working 14+ hour work days every single day.

That's his own fucking fault. It has nothing to do with anyone else and he gets a fox loli just because he is a fucking retard.

It's just typical Japanese pandering to further the agenda to keep working long hours with no time off.

b-b-but think of your family's honor! why are you not loyal to your assigned corporation?


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if everyone else in every company does it and you dont who will be the first they let go do you think?

Its same shit in western society just not as extreme, youre pretty much required to work overtime when required or to cover for coworkers all while kissing your bosses ass

>I'd kill millions
why kill millions when you can kill, BILLIONS.

What's a su-paeacon animeshon?

>t. 57th prime minister of japan

>if everyone else in every company does it and you dont who will be the first they let go do you think?
This. I have a friend who works in Japan, and since he's a gaijin he's lucky. They don't hold him to same strictness as the Japanese employees, so he gets to leave the office after 8 hours. But the Japanese employees put in 10 hours a day, at minimum (usually 12) and then have to go out drinking for another 2 or 3 hours, a couple of times a week. Employees who won't work that hard are viewed as lazy, and are the first ones to get fired. And when you fired for "being lazy" in Japan, that basically gets you blacklisted. Your ex-boss will tell all of your prospective employers that you're lazy and not a team player, which makes it damn hard to get another job.

it's yoinojayo

This series is nice but the threads have to be the worst of this season by a country mile because you fags love to blog about your lives.

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Why shouldn't they?

She is literally made for slurping cock and milking it dry

The fox is a metaphor for modern technology.


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>I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time
>I believe that all people are created equal

I have a loli kitsune gf at home, I wish I could slave 14 hours a day of my life to get away from it all sometimes


I'll take good care of her while you're at work.

I know I could count on you guys

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More like blogging about their fantasy jobs.
But yeah, I agree. It's a magnet for normalfags.

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She got him to skip work on a day he was supposed to have off. His problem is overwork. I'd say she's helping him with that problem by both treating the symptoms and trying to break the habit that fuels it.

What is a normalfag to you

this whole anime/manga is just conformism propaganda

She stayed with him till he died last time, so why would she ditch him this time?

no but you have to be fucking retarded to think that anyone would prefer physical exhaustion over "being a bit stressed" in the office

I do.
Worked both at warehouse and call center. Depression is real and not worth it.
At least physical tire makes you stronger in the end. Depression has no benefit

t. sheltered NEET

I've never had a job, the post

office faggots who never lifted anything heavier then a keyboard
physical activity sometimes can lead into health problems as well as just regular injuries at workplace

Nah, son. This ain't the 1880's
My boss called a nurse when my foot got smashed by ton of plastic rolls
Injuries at work can get the company in trouble

Depression however is unnoticeable until he went eppuku. Worst part is no one blames the company

>office faggots who never lifted anything heavier then a keyboard
every job I've ever had involved being on my feet all day moving shit around, while people who work office jobs bitch constantly about their inane problems because they have no physical outlet for their energy. Unless you're a fucking moron, or live somewhere with Victorian England tier safety standards, an office job is far worse for you

Shh, kids are afraid of history.

You kidding me? You know what the mental health benefits of having a cute foxgirl wife is even if you are working 14 hour days? Imagine doing the same exact thing but coming back to your cold empty apartment and eating a pack of ramen instead.

would you rather destroy your body or destroy your mind
either is bad

why doesnt he just quit his fucking job I'm sure the fox girl can magically conjure up money or something

Is there a term for when characters end lines in -jya or something of the likes? Senko does it a lot and I've come across a few other characters in games that have also had that kind of speech(?), not sure what to classify it as.

Makes sense, iirc in some memoires I read inmates called people out as 'political', which wouldn't make sense if everyone was political, it implies there was more criminals.
Though what's wrong with ruskies that there were so many criminals?

isnt this the foxversion of the catspeak?
They usually do this for catgirls where they end everything with nya~~ and make lots of catpuns

The term is cute

>He's still stuck working 14+ hour work days every single day.
Nothing wrong with that. Dude's a salaryman and working his job keeps him housed and fed
>Having a cute fox make you dinner or bathe you is not going to help improve his lifestyle at all, especially in the long run.
She keeps his home clean, does his laundry, ensures that he is given a nice home-cooked meal every day, makes sure that he gets an appropriate amount of sleep, and lets him fluff her on a nightly basis. Senko is doing things that keep salarymen like him from necking themselves by giving him peace of mind.

you sound creepy

It's gonna be a good next chapter

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Senko doesn't have hair like that, it's a new fox with even more fluff

How is it creepy to point out that she cares for him?

don't tell him

This. She needs to bear his children.

>"a bit stressed"
Do you have any idea how bad the suicide rate is for office workers in China and Japan? It's a bit more than "a little bit"

what if . . . fox twins

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they're just pussies, harden up it's just a bit of office work what's the big deal

The fuck is your major malfunction, I worked in landscaping with a boomer and it still wasn't all that bad despite me being a weak shit. As long as you wear gloves and don't carry too much weight (boss can't make you legally and at least in Netherlands they try to respect that law). Also keep correct posture.

Militaryfag here. I've ran 5 miles every single weekday for the past 6 years and I'm still doing great.

Kids can't be afraid of what they don't know. It's the old people in charge who are afraid of history.

>Kids can't be afraid of what they don't know
they can if I lie to them. Old people do that shit all the time. Kids dont know and they never will because theyre scared of the idea and not the actual thing

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>usa vs Nipland
>14.3 vs 13.7 (per 100,000 people in 2016)
>fucking belgium has more suicides (15.7)
Don't believe every 'common sense' lie you hear, laddie.

user said office workers. You probably used the entire population

I can vouch for that, I'm from commie bloc and my grandpa said work wasn't harder after commies came. The problems were lack of meat or luxury goods (no starvation though, at least in Poland) and 'sad men'.

>Nothing wrong with that.
Literally anything longer than eight hours is exploitation of the highest order.

Nonsense. It's communist propaganda against the system.

Yeah because suicide is a major issue in all those countries; the fact that the USA also has a high suicide rate doesn't mean Japanese office workers don't have suicidal tendencies. In japan suicide tends to be linked to economic factors and depression whereas US suicide rates are driven more by drug use and mental illness. Suicide rates don't depend on the exact same factors in every country.

Office workers and students (don't forget those are also dying like flies according to retards) are a big part of society in Japan.
Can you substantiate your claim in any way.

>The worker leaving, causing the company to lose an experienced manpower.
Are you just completely ignorant of how the real world works? Depending on which sector you work, this is tantamount to committing financial suicide and ending up jobless and homeless.

>The worker getting to hospital and making the company pay for his bills
That would assume that the company even has to pay the bill. And even then, that is a risk often taken.

>The worker dying causing the company to go into hot water including many legal concerns
Workers commiting suicide due to stress is a regular occurance in Japan.

Like, what the fuck even is this argument? There are literally stories piling up of people in companies overworking themselves to near death. This isn't some kind of hidden fact only people deep in leftist circles know about.

>Capitlism is a great economy because it forces people to be good or suffer consequences.
No, capitalism encourages people to manipulate the system in such a way that they can exploit people as much as possible. The only thing keeping some kind of check on this exploitation are the few remnants of governmental power and the fear of a socialist uprising if people are pushed too far.

I didn't say that they have the highest rate in the world, just that theirs is high. It's true that the numbers have been going down over the years but that is because the japanese government literally started a program in response to people overworking and either dying or killing themselves as a result of it. The long and stressful work hours didn't go away, either.

Attached: karoshi.png (610x826, 134K)

>250 out of ~15 000 to ~25 000 of total suicides (depending on year)
I always knew you guys were full of shit and making a very big deal out of a much smaller issue.

Japans anti suicide things helped majorly

I recall reading that they used to report suicides as accident to media, making it not a shameful way to go
Then in '12 or something they did start to call them suicides which apparently shames their family or whatever
does seem odd to me, since we do the opposite in the west as suicide is found to be socially contagious

Take it with a grain of salt, I could be remembering things wrong

How many people do you think it's okay to be overworked until they kill themselves before you would consider it a 'big deal'?

At least a little bit more than 0.0001984% of the population. Obesity in America is a problem bigger by several orders of magnitude.

What does obesity in America have to do with anything? Did I miss the memo declaring that today is Whataboutism day or something?

By that I obviously meant obesity-related deaths.

user asked if i care about 0.0001984% of the population, I answered.

Oh and obesity-related deaths were just a reference point of something that has enough impact for me to care. Since he asked what I would consider a big deal.

>What does obesity in America have to do with anything

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996, anons, 996

While I do agree with some I disagree with others.

Just horrible. Truely, China has abandoned all pretentenses of communism in favour of the worst kind of capitalist exploitation.

Cooking and cleaning is time consuming. Someone else doing it so for you significantly reduces workload. You're not a fucking slob, right OP? You do clean your home and cook healthy food for yourself right?

B-but that's my fapping arm.

That’s the dumbest question you could ask on this board

I would literally be okay with suicide the next day if I could just experience what it would be like to have a Senko girlfriend once. Not even joking desu

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based and Yugoslavpilled

>this, I might still be miserable, but at least the place could be clean when I come home to sleep

I've been following this all my life and i didn't know.

>some overworking nip gets a fox goddess to pamper him
It's not fair

I actually like that people talk about their lives in these threads, it's interesting to hear about how people in different situations and countries feel about seeing Japanese work culture
It reminds me that there are people who have it worse than me and my life's not so bad, and also there are people who have it better than me who are still hanging out on Yea Forums discussing fox lolis, it gives me hope
I just wish there was less Stalinist propaganda

What would you do to touch a kemonomimi fluffy tail?

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if anything, there isn't enough Stalinist propaganda

*starts rice cooker*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than serving a human. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a man for at least 80 years solely so he can go and headpat another fox. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little human - reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to work on time, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his hand is more enjoyable for the fox that will eventually get pet on every fluff.

Raised the perfect human? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random fox who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who serves him instead. He gets to pet her fluffy tail every night. She gets the benefits of his kind and sweet petting that came from the way you raised him.

As a foxgirl who serves a man, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 80 years of your life simply to raise a man for another fox to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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too much unnecessary/unnatural movement in that animation.

I would hurt someone with violence

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it's literally a bottom of the rung escapism anime, if you expected any sort of character development you're looking in the wrong place

Point me to Stalinist propaganda.
>everything good about Stalinism is propaganda
No you cuck, point me to a post that is untrue.

Why can't I have two cute small soft fox girls? It would be the best. I would be able to do my best at work. I would never be sad again. Why isn't it allowed to have a girl like them?

Based pasta, nicely adapted to this thread.

>suicide the next day
Why would you do that to the poor girl?


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>Works long days
>Doesn't relax at home
Doing it wrong in the first place. Two hours at home is plenty to relax and recover.

Yes. You implied that you would commit suicide after just one day of having a Senko girlfriend. Now she has to wait another 16 years for you to be legal again.

propagating an ideology no matter which by ignoring the unavoidable negative consequences, is propaganda, so yes everything good about stalinism is propaganda.
Not that it doesn't fit perfectly well into a thread about high grade escapism.

she isnt a girl though. She is an old slag

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He implied that he would be okay with it not that he'd do it.
And the implication is that she wouldn't bother to be with him for more than a day.

She refers to herself as a demi-god.
Man has already put dick in fox spirit or fox spirit has already put dick in woman.

This. I work 10-11 hour days for 6 days because OT is highly encouraged and the pay is good

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t. Shiro

Truth isn't propaganda you idiot. Most of the post about Stalinism even mentioned that it wasn't perfect, specifically for retards like you who always get assblasted when told the truth.
There were a lot of criminals in gulag (not surprising - hunger, poverty, harsh laws meant it was easy to get there) and they work day for regular citizens wasn't soul-crushingly long.

Does he ever fuck the foxes? Or at least finger them?

Zeus needs to come back to teach humanity about its depraved nature once again.

>corkscrew dick

Nah it's a mango for homosexuals.

Monotheism was a mistake.

Freaks like you got oblitterated when Sodom and Gomorrah got wiped off of the face of the earth.
Like you guys wanted to fuck angels. In the form of men.

Fluffing is an allegory for sex.

Of course he does

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t. Yahweh
Is it a coincidence that your name just "happens" to sound like yaoi? I think not!

1. You will spend your entire day thinking about complex problems and be mentally exhausted when you get home.
2. They'll classify you as overtime exempt, which was something that was originally meant for like surgeons and shit, but got applied to code monkey jobs so you don't get overtime.
3. They'll make you sign a non-compete as a condition of employment so it's difficult to get work in the same field if you quit.

The bright side is that you can make a lot of money which you then use to go to Thailand and pay girls to dress up like Senko-san while sucking your dick, like all the other Silicon Valley nerds. It's not as good as having a nojya lolibaba kitsune mom-wife at home, but you take what you can get in life.

>killing and eating an animal is moral
>having consensual sex with one isn't

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Your not supposed to kill and eat your lover

Oh, so that's why Jews and Muslims don't eat them.

oh no you got me

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>3. They'll make you sign a non-compete as a condition of employment so it's difficult to get work in the same field if you quit.

How does this work?

Plus, aren't programming jobs like 80% planning and 20% actual work? Is it really that mentally exhausting?

Non-competes aren't enforceable in California so go work there, also higher salaries.

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They don't want you taking the ideas and secrets you learned in one company and getting poached to reveal the secrets to another.

Don’t, the high cost of living more than offsets the high salaries.

>living in no guns authoritarian left commiefornia

It really doesn't.


Why is his face is so punchable?

>cunny of the gods

So this shit is just wish fulfillment of the worst kind?

This show is japanese propoganda to try and make you get a wife because it'll apparently make your work life "worthwhile", but everything they show involving the main dude's work life is horrifying slave-like.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.01_[2019.05.11_18.45.16].j (1920x1080, 222K)

Kon Kon Kon~

I want to become Shiro.

Both your knees will to be replaced by age 50
t. Only got away with one knee replacement, thanks 12yrs airborne

>but everything they show involving the main dude's work life is horrifying slave-like.
In other words, it is representative of actual life.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.25_[2019.04.13_10.18.34].j (1920x1080, 186K)

>claims to be his motherwife
>doesn't fulfill any wifely duties

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>better pay
>excellent weather
>no shitty noncompete agreements
>most vibrant part of the us economy

It's great except for the traffic and rents.

>no guns
Have you ever been to Sacramento or anywhere other than the coastal strip? It's pure gun country. Not all of California is like San Francisco.

Too bad SF makes all the laws

Speaking of guns and foxes, this series about daily life with a fox girl who gets her hunting license in Japan, and it is an informative series encouraging Japanese readers to become gun owners and hunters.

They start with just air rifles and shotguns, and eventually they qualify to use a centrefire rifle.

Attached: the other fox wife series.jpg (1210x908, 451K)

Attached: introduction to firearms.jpg (908x1210, 506K)

I can't wait until we get the Senko scale figs and nendroids.

Hello fellow Abe poster

And none of this actually happens in real life. Fantasies are one thing, but you've got an entire society where this is not true.
Capitalism is purely a drive for profit. Laws need to get in the way of the profit so you aren't whipping people in diamond mines.

Series is "kitsune No Oyomecyan". It was recommended for me on when I bought Senko-San books to support the author.

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It cannot be helped, since Semenko is so kawaii she makes his kokoro go doki doki.

>Two hours at home is plenty to relax and recover.
What the fuck, two hours is not enough at all.

Kitsune no Oyomechan, by Batta. Looks like the first couple chapters have been translated.

Interesting to note: It's actually the series that Batta created after making the mini-doujin shown in pic related.

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Brainlet here what do programmers do? Do you just work on the same code/program for x hours a day? I don't get what companies need to have programmed so often that programmers are needed

>Do you just work on the same code/program for x hours a day?
>I don't get what companies need to have programmed so often that programmers are needed
programming is harder than it looks, and programmers are extremely inefficient and waste alot of time and effort

Pretty much every industry has software that's tailored to their field. As the industry itself evolves the software that supports it needs to have changes made to it as well. There's always something that needs to be added.

Japan doesn't give a shit about any of that. Salarymen are expected to be good little wagecucks until they drop fucking dead and a new one can just take his place. Speaking up and complaining about that shit would bring great shame on your famiry.

>Truth isn't propaganda
Truth can be propaganda you idiot

That's the issue with planned economy, it's just nigh impossible to atificially match the supply and demand and the worse your prediction the worse the grey markets will get. The shortages generally include all goods, be it basic or luxury. I think that shortages of toilet paper were pretty common. Now while your average person still led a pretty average life the fact that capital was linked to the ruling party meant that in order to achieve high success in the system you pretty much needed to climb the social/party ladder system and that your results didn't matter as much, seeing that you rarely deal with property that is your own. That creates system that doesn't really promote economical success and progress and it requires you to toe the party line, making almost any sort of change/opposition impossible. And I'm not sure that the socialist/communist economies were much better at not alienating workers from their work as the average person still just works for someone else, but people that want to work for themselves have limited options, but I am willing to concede that point as it's not something I'd say I know that much about.

Except we do.
Most recent one is the Amazon strike were 80% of their workers went absent on Black Friday- thus causing serous blow to the company.
They kept on saying it didn't work but consumers say that no Amazon good went on Black Fri discount

We just saw it happen on Kemono Friends. They abused Tatsuki - Kadokawa instantly lost 26% of their profit forcing the CEO to resign

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>26% of their profit
This is worth $300M iin case you wanted to know

Please tell me they eventually have children

>by Batta

Wait, this Batta?

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Everyone's waiting to find out. Yome-chan wants to, but the husband is hesitant because of costs. Mom and Dad fox said they're waiting for grandchildren, too, I think.

This Batta:

I don't think that works at all, since his job involves working with modern technology, but I think I see what you're trying to get to.

That seems interesting, thank you

>Anime airing ruins previously comfy threads

Like clockwork, it never fails. I miss the small threads we used to have.

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>It's interesting to hear about people in different situations and countries feel about seeing Japanese work culture

We have a board for multiple countries to talk about each others' cultures. It's called You and every other blog fag should fuck off there or if you want to complain about your life. This a board for anime and manga.

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But isn't that blogposting kind of relevant? One of the main themes is the MC being heavily overworked and how it impacts his life, so for people to discuss how work relates to their life seems rather natural, it's slightly how NHK threads would be heavily about blogposting as well.

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>discuss how work relates to their life

Except it doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to realize the ramifications of working, especially when they're spelled out for you in the anime. No one cares about whatever menial shit you're doing in your personal life, we're here for the foxgirl. Stop blogging about pointless shit.


I'm not sure how would that criteria not apply to pretty much any kind of post, most of it is pretty pointless and obvious. Posting about how cute fox is cute is both obvious and frivolous.

I'd actually say that I prefer obvious and pointless posts as the alternative seems rather daunting.

>14+ hour work days

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Have you all maybe considered having sex?

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>It's one of those volume covers that don't represent the series, series.

Nope. Not in the least.

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Depression is real, because I've experienced it as a side effect of medication.

First few chapters certainly didn't.

With a fluffy loli fox, yes. Many times.

>Having sex

I just want to be loved for real instead of feeling empty and used all the time.

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That strike happened in Europe. Where unions still have some power and influence. That isn't a example of capitalism keeping capitalism in check, it's a example of the remnant of communism keeping capitalism in check.

Also, are you seriously trying to use one reasonably famous guy leaving as proof that wageslaves aren't threated like dirt in Japan? Like, horror stories about working in the anime industry are a regular occurrence. Yet, the industry is doing just fine.

Today I will remind them.

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Yes, it' a reasonably famous guy against a $2B company
Kyoani makes $1M for comparison.
The people won hard

There's also Kajiura and Kojima who won against their boss companies

>don't even meet the lowest level
time to die

>Lives alone
>Works for 14 hours a day
I'd like to find out what his rent and pay is.

probably 15/hr and 1.7k a month

Is Mike Rowe the only stoic left in the world?

more like cuck

Think of it this way, those 14 hour long work days will make your boss and his family really happy if you put in good work!

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She actually is. Whenever this guy gets sick, he'd just go to work because Japan and continue eating like shit. If it weren't for Senko, this guy would be dying from overworking/a sickness that comes from his horrible lifestyle in 5 years top.

>it's a example of the remnant of communism keeping capitalism in check.
I know it's hard for some people, but socialism isn't communism. What is still strong (but getting weaker) in Europe is socialism, communism is almost completely dead.

Plenty of people were alienated from work ethics at the very least (since most places you could do bare minimum and you still wouldn't lose the job), but I meant something else: that the work wasn't destructive for the workers (normal hours, bearable tiredness). Though now that I read the comment chain it isn't exactly what the user up the comment chain wrote.

Some of you are really harsh on the guy, i don't blame him not having the will to try and look for alternatives if he's working 14 hours a day. All i would want to do is sleep and never wake up if i was in his position.

The boomer meme is real. This guy is a tv celeb. I bet his parents where rich too.

Don't you dare say bad shit about comfy waif

housewufe maybe. not a wife. in japan, the woman would be doing the same hours, they would both come home, and if they even managed to have a couple hours a day where they were both at home and awake, they'd both be too exhausted to do anything, slumping on the couch and cuddling at the very best

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First few chapters is still "daily life with kitsune wife". As a predator she loves to hunt, and she soon falls in love with modern hunting, camping, and trips to the countryside.

It becomes a weird hybrid of yuru camp with guns and fluffy tails.


Kojima is one of the few genuine authors in the video game industry. Comparing him to your average game designer is already ridiclous. Let alone to your average wage slave.

>Corporate shill.
Zeno is actually rolling in his grave right around now.

Communism is a type of socialism. More importantly however, it was the fear of communism that allowed socialism a major foothold in europe.

>All people are created equal
>I won the lottery being born american

Based. The S.W.E.A.T. pledge keeps me going through life

>the worker leaving
won't happen because long hours are already culturized and "accepted" everywhere.

if that the biggest problem you notice with that image then I dont know what to say man

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Mike Rowe is such a fucking cunt. he complains people shouldn't try for their dreams first, but instead become wage-cucks. Despite being a fucking theater-trained choir-singer/actor with two rich parents.

Mike Rowe is such a fucking piece of shit popular with Boomers because they don't understand why their kids can't find work.

You can learn Japanese during all those free time.

its because the big corps funded (illegal if youre US) immigration to get cheaper laborers and remove power from workers and lower wages for future generations

I think its entirely retarded to blame """boomers"""

theyre just products of propoganda and likely had absolutely no part in that shit, just a few rotton people at the top that caused all that shit

Seeing western journalist react to anime like Senko (barely first of its kind) is pretty funny

>Seeing western journalist react
if youre a braindead preteen perhaps
I dont understand why anyone would care about that at all, ever.
Consider suicide

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>I think its entirely retarded to blame """boomers""
I'm not blaming them. I'm saying that's who his target audience is, because they still think hard-work and effort can land you a decent job.

>its because the big corps funded (illegal if youre US) immigration to get cheaper laborers and remove power from workers and lower wages for future generations

Even if you stopped all immigration(legal and illegal), the bottom of the labor market fell out thirty years ago once we started automating. We're just at a point in time where we need to decide what we want to do with the 100+million americans who just won't be able to work because there's nothing for them to fucking do.

I guess the issue is very different overseas then
here in europe we find many people doing jobs beneath their qualification because no matter how good your degrees are nepotism is far more important
So basically theres more demand and supply of low income low education jobs

That's because there's less opportunities for jobs in total. It's easier to blame immigration because it's a tangible, immediate problem- Everyone fights for lower income, shitty jobs, not realizing the problem is that the better jobs vanished and all that's left is the low education low income jobs.

And now those jobs are being automated out too, because economies of scale have caught up-easier to buy 1000 roombas or some shit than pay for 30 janitors. Well now you have 1 janitor and 29 people out of work.

TY for response.
I get it, I'll take vacations to de-stress. Maybe not Thailand, but somewhere with a red light district sounds fun.
If only I could in the first place... There are really high salaries if you go to silicon valley or the bay area, and there's clout to be gained in working for big tech giants. However, to me, the costs are insane and I don't feel like living in the desert/beach with a bunch of nerds/hipsters.
I have both academic and intern experience and will be starting full time soon. I think it really depends on the nature of the work and the person.
>starting up a project
That will be taxing. You have gather reqs and deal with people. Not to mention balance tradeoffs and staying within constraints given to you. All this and you still have to code and deal with politics.
I say 90% Planning/research and 10% (spike) coding. Eventually boils down to maintaining and upgrading the software.
>maintaining/updating a project
This is hard at first. You have to learn someone else's workflow, but once that learning curve is overcome, it becomes pretty brain dead and you shitpost between waiting on builds to complete.
I say 40% planning/learning/research and 60% coding.
While you may not be coding at all, this is the stressful if you're not good at dealing with people.
I say 100-80% planning and 0-20% dev work. (Coding or research)

At the end of the day, a fox goddess would be a nice to have.

Its a stark contrast to how the weekly manga threads used to be.

Immigration is a major factor in this.
And I dont blame the illegal immigrants themselves for that, they are just doing whats best for them, I blame the cooperations for funding said immigration. In america its done shady and indirect, and here in europe too but in the 60s they did it very openly they hired laborers from third world countries to come work here for lower wages and then bring over their families, thinking theyd make it big.
That directly caused a lot of low income people to be left without jobs or means to support themselves, these "host laborers" frequently shared houses with other men from their countries just to afford rent.

Automations is also a part in this, but less so Id say because machines require maintenance jobs (less so than doing it manually but still) plus theres enermous growths in service industry jobs and internet related tasks

Were going really far off topic though, its a shame /pol/ is so garbage and /his/ is just shitposts now because its an interesting topic

>but in the 60s they did it very openly they hired laborers from third world countries to come work here for lower wages and then bring over their families, thinking theyd make it big.
It was an absolute necessity in the 50's, 60's. Europe was ruined, destroyed by the war and needed a lot of worker to rebuild. And it wasn't an issue at that time yet, it tooks 20 more years for it to become an issue.

>It was an absolute necessity in the 50's, 60's. Europe was ruined
Why was is a necessity according to you?
When workers are in high demand they gain more power and can create better circumstances for themselves via unions or negotiations about weight, making companies compete over workers.
So they imported a bunch of cheap laborers to gain back control, and it absolutely worked. It wasnt AS BIG an issue at the time, but it was an issue. The last decade they went completely overboard with the fake rapefugee crisis imports in an already terrible economy

t. oldfag

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>Why was is a necessity according to you?
Because it was impossible to litteraly rebuild what was destroyed quickly with just european populations? Reminder that for some countries, like France, the workers were from the colonies at that time. So they just used what they have to build back to prewar level while europeans were still able to develop with the rising of the white collars category.

Improvement of life isn't necessarily climbing the social ladder. Why do you latch onto degenerate concepts like materialism? Even the primitive African tribesman is perfectly content, whether or not he knows that cities and technology exists.

by the 60s almost everything was rebuild and in the 50s there was almost no host laborer programs going on

Most of the rebuilding happened thanks to massive loans from america, its not like there were too few people in existence either
It wasnt a necessity, it was just the best solution for cooperations to regain power
Dont believe this "it had to be done narrative"
It was about profits, as is almost always the case with questionable decisions like this

People from colonies going to the main country has always been really a thing and I dont factor that in personally

I'm not sure what planet you're from, but after WW2 there was a great excess of european labor as the armies demobilized.
The women who had taken over a lot of jobs didn't want to let go of them, and the streets were filled with jobless men.
So a lot of european men emigrated to the americas or Australia.

Because it's funny, can you not fucking read?


Must be nice being a woman.

>there was a great excess of european labor as the armies demobilized.
Huh? You know that before the war those soldiers were already normal worker, and during the war a lot of people died, among soldiers and civils.

I'm a cop, I wish I had a lolifox wife-mom care for me after a day of arresting and shooting niggers.

Is it weird that I don't want to be pampered, but be the lolibabakitsune that comforts someone else?
>tfw no fluffy tail

>that picture

Attached: big goose.png (1280x715, 782K)


god I wish I were dead

I want a cute little fox

god I wish I were a cute little fox

I wish I was a dead fox

I wish I was a zombie fox supercomputer

i wish i was a supa eacon animeshun


Commies out.

No, will be the new oppai ara ara fox.

Attached: yoi_3.webm (1300x444, 1.62M)

>She's not actually improving the guy's life.
Are you baiting?

How can I get a girlfriend that looks and acts exactly like Senko?


Date a V-tuber and use the anime for your MMV?

go to the forest in the morning or eve and look around for orange catlike creatures

Visiting Japanese heaven seems like your best bet.

>ever wanting children
miss me with that gay shit

Just because your genes aren't good enough to reign in greater opportunities and a lower toll on your well-being doesn't mean creating offspring is gay.

>not wanting to make a dozen cute and fluffy furballs with Senko
You're the real fag here

Imagine being this much of a faggot

If I had a cute fox loli motherwife I would take it as my god given duty to fill the world with little senkos

This show is so comfy and light hearted it makes me feel good and sleep like a baby after watching it. I felt the same about Dragon Maid and Nichijou. What other comfy slice of life anime is there to make me feel like I'm not a lonely as fuck hikiki?


>14+ hours work / dark cold apartment / instant food / no pleasurable company or any company whatsoever / no relaxation just daily monotony
>14+ hour work day / clean well-kept apartment / good food / someone to talk to and have fun with who cares about his well being
If you don't see any improvement you're a fucking retard OP.
>especially in the long run.
How the fuck is keeping him from going karoshi not good in the long run?
>but he didn't change his whole life in matter of minutes / hour / days
This is how you sound.

I mean having someone there to cook you good food, take care of your house/chores, and bathing you WOULD improve your lifestyle even if you are still working a lot.

Most of the time people working on these kinds of schedules deteriorate because they don't have enough time/energy to take care of themselves/their home once they get off of work, at least with her there some of the burden is lifted off of him and he can still get proper nutrition/hygiene.

Plus like the first user said, he'd definitely be saving money while she's there since he presumably doesn't have to spend anything on food. It'd help him enough over the long run that he may be able to take less hours in the future since he'll be making a nice little savings pool.

I don't get how people think 14 hours a day is hard when you're an office monkey who spends at least half the day sitting down. Try doing it when you're doing actual physical labor the entire time, try that on top of 40+ c temperatures in the summer.
Desk jockeying in an air conditioned cubicle might be boring but it's easy as fuck.

Physical labour would definitely be harder, but office work for that period of time absolutely still isn't good for you, and if anything could be worse in terms of health in the long term since you're just fucking up your spinal posture every day and growing fatter due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Super aircon animation.

Okairi nano ja!

>Desk jockeying in an air conditioned cubicle might be boring but it's easy as fuck.
It's not at all easy mentally/psychologically. I know neets can't comprehend because all they do is sit around that much anyway, but that's not healthy for you, anymore so than standing around for that long.

Physical labor is actually better for your health than sitting on your ass.

Living out your wife's family money?

Harder or not doesn't mean his work condition doesn't still suck. This isn't some sort of suffering contest.

are you mexican?


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>I don't get how people think 14 hours a day is hard when you're an office monkey who spends at least half the day sitting down. Try doing it when you're doing actual physical labor the entire time, try that on top of 40+ c temperatures in the summer.

it´s because our shitty society claim moving crates in Amazon warehouses or unloading trucks with $15 USD wages a "dream job" but now companies automate a lot of their jobs, making all those people useless because cannot get enough IQ or education for get newer options
