Why do Kyoani anime look so washed out? It could be so much better.
Why do Kyoani anime look so washed out? It could be so much better
Deep n shit
I'm such a fucking faggot for oversaturated art style, yet I can't find any in anime and I'm 100% sure it exists somewhere.
The right looks so hideous compared to the left, good job ruining it, faggot.
It really doesn't.
Left looks washed out as fuck but right is just oversaturated.
If you think right looks good you're a fucking troglodyte.
If you think left looks good you're a fucking faggot.
LULW left looks so much better
It really doesn't. You might as well watch it in black and white, so much better!
I gotchu kouhai.
You might as well watch a fanmade anime AMV, so much better!
I like how you somehow made your supposed "fix" have even less detail than the original. lrn2 gamma correction retard
I like how you're so much of a retard that you can't tell it's an old ass image that wasn't made by me, truly the king of retards, congratulations.
My sincerest apologies for my mistake. You merely posted and endorsed this absolute shitstain of an image.
No one cares if you made it or not, cunt. If you honestly think right looks better, then you need to get your eyes and taste examined
They did this in dark scenes to reveal the details which can be lost in the dark.
Kyoshit fanboys are so sad. Anyway, the thread is not about the image you fucking retards pieces of shit, it's about the anime being extremely washed out.
The whole anime is like that though, 100% of it. I thought my monitor was broken.
Haven't even seen VE my dude, just calling you out on your shit.
>the thread is not about the image you fucking retards pieces of shit
Then why did you post it as an example of something "so much better"
I said it could be so much better, never I said the right image was the so much better.
Imagine being so retarded that you make Kyoanifags of all people look smart
Imagine being you. You don't deserve to breath, you worm.
>you worm
Imagine thinking this is an insult. Did you type this with your pinky up?
change your monitor settings on the monitor you use to only watch anime
>wow this anime looks like shit huh guys?
>lol btw here's a totaly unrelated image that somehow makes it look even shittier. this is supposed to help my argument somehow.
This is you right now
The left one looks better.
It doesn''t you retard piece of shit. Stop lying.
>being able to afford more than one monitor
we're all hikiNEETs here Mr. Moneybags.
You've got to be mentally ill if you think right looks better
Poorfag deteced.
It looks great on HDR TV.
Nice projection mongoloid.
>looks worse
Aren't you supposed to get autism bux? Do you still watch your anime on a 60fps monitor too?
autism bux are a myth, user.
Also why would I buy a monitor higher than 60hz
Move contrast in this would be nice, but your correction looks like shit.
You can't just bump up the contrast slider. there's a subtlety you only get from choosing the colors one by one.
Old anime, especially if the films are rescanned sometime in the current time. they used a lot more saturation.
I'm talking cel stuff, especially 80s.
Are all kyoani/veg threads = bait threads?
because 24fps does no go into 60 evenly, duh. you should have AT LEAST 144/120hz or even 240hz so you can admire and absorb every frame 10 times a second.
Don't increase the framerate of an anime scene past its intended framerate under any circumstance user.
It looks like shit.
I'm reminded an anime from last year or the year before that didn't have a color director and it was lambasted from the first episode for being an oversaturated mess. I forget the name. It's a shame because I find that style pretty interesting, pic related is an example of a show that does it right
I'm not. I'm more correctly displaying the 24 frames per second.
Even 100fps movies look like shit.
You misunderstand. The idea is to watch at the original framerate on a monitor whose refresh rate is evenly divisible by 24. This circumvents the dreaded 3-2 pulldown.
somewhere in between would be better.
He never said it was you dumb nigger
Same reason why anime eyes look monstrously bloated; aesthetics.
Improved further.
Your talent is wasted on that shit anime.
>how to turn kyoani into shaft
Fucking lel
Kind of just looks like he slapped a contrast filter on it and called it a day, but the blur does look like fucking garbage.
You just can't get that lost detail back with a small video edit.
Fixed another scene
We Kyoani now
Early-mid 2000s had a lot of ridiculously high saturation colors all over the place. They've really toned it down since the early days of digital.
They do that shit a lot in cheap hentai, why is that? To hide shitty quality or something?
>chromatic aberration
I don’t get this meme, why does a studio like kyoani do dumb shit like that? In no way does it improve their art, it just makes things look out of focus unnecessarily.
Because normalfags thinks that's what art house cinema looks like.
Kyoani likes to pretend they make real movies despite having no talent for them.
>falling for the dynamic range jew
>watching VEG on HDR TV
Are you a fan of eating dog shit from platinum plates too?
Artistic choice
KyoAni produces pretty detailed art and fluid animation, but their visual directing/cinematography downgraded hard after Hyouka. They also have a pretty shit of aesthetics, so while their shows look technically impressive, they're rarely well-executed and that shit stands out.
I never knew that funimation's shitty encode is what considered as the best for animu watcher.
I'd watch a show with a black velvet refracted oil aesthetic
Not really hide, more like distract. The post-processing filters/layers can be automated so once you set up the macros you can just have Photoshop or whatever run batches all night. Making far left look like far right, once dialed in is just a push of a button or two that can be automated.
Right one unironically hurts my eyes, she's glowing for fucks sake.
>tumblr filter
Most modern monitors have custom modes so you could switch back and forth when you need to
>100% of it
Uhh no. The fog effect decreases as the protagonist sorts herself out.
I hate you cancerous twitch faggots. Keep your dumb ass emotes on the website where they belong
Two theories, one tv broadcasts in Japan need to dim many scenes due to their propensity for seizures.
Two it's common practice in the industry to even out differences in colors and unevenness of lineart with ridiculous amounts of filters, and these dumb fucks didn't even adjust them for their dark night scenes.
David productions direction with KyoAnis animation would make the greatest shit of all time, you can't tell me otherwise
>thinking Yea Forums has the capacity of paying attention to what it watches
Is it also like that in the BD?
If it's also like that in the BD then it's artistic choice, if not then they just started reducing the fog effect as the tv episodes went on to improve the picture quality.
BD is like that.
It's a foggy night obviously. Stop ruining the intended atmosphere.
So it's artistic choice.
Personally, while I understand the intent I still don't like the excessive fog since the picture looks overall worse than it should.
Guin Saga immediately comes to mind.
The guy in charge of photography (aka filters) on VEG is a complete retard.
He knows more than everyone ITT.
Nah, he just turned up brightness for the entire show for no fucking reason. Luckily you can just turn it down in your media player or on your tv and enjoy VEG in all its beauty.
The right looks so much better. Someone needs to upload the series with fixes like this.
Yeah, no. The right looks far better than the blurry mess that's the left.
>I love it when it looks like the sun is shining on my screen through my window
Because you're such a raging newfag that you think one bad show encompasses everything they've ever animated.
Nice reddit filename by the way.
Fuck off spammer. Original looks vastly better, that contrast/sat """""Fix""""" fucking ruins it.
This. The right looks retarded and overatrutated, cel shading on the hair now looks blended and ugly.
VEG looks like trash.
Your hollywood style "fix" is even worse.
Fuck off with this dumb thread.
Yes it fucking does you autistic troll. The left has good colour balance, the right looks retarded with it's contast. Backgrund is too dark and the character now looks like a fucking light bulb.
This. OP has serious brain damage.
It really does you thick shit.
As I said, I understand it's there because it's a way to express the words from the novel but I don't like the way it's been translated into animation.
I like how it's straightforward in it's intent but I don't like how it looks. The price for illustrating the mental fog is an arguably worse looking picture.
Kill yourself. I've fucking had it with autists whining about the most trivial of things, when Kyoani have by far the best overall productions.
You can say that again.
Why did you fuck with it so much?
This is all that needed to happen.
You're the worst kyoani fan ever. Kill yourself you shitstain.
>Kyoshit fanboys are so sad.
>forcing studiofaggotry
Kill yourself you disgusting bastard. You're crying over nothing. The reality is that people aren't braindead like you and aren't going to pretend like a little post processing is the end of the world when Kyoani shows have the best production values. Overall Kyoto Animations productions are head and shoulders above the rest of the industry.
But I was saying I didn't like the fog, why am I included?
Most anime these days have really washed out colours. It seems like after the early 10s vibrant looking anime became a minority.
Not him. The left does look better you braindead sack of shit.
I was talking about (you) in particular, shithead. Go fuck yourself. No kyoani fan is as retarded as you are.
>Not him
>cusses like a manchild
Try to be a little less obvious next time.
>still trying to force studio shitposting
Why are you so obsessed with Kyoani OP? There are lots of problems that plague modern anime yet you seem unnaturally obsessed with Kyoani. I don't always like their editing but a little bit of post processing is inconsequential when their shows are more consistent, have higher production values and more sakuga than any other tv anime. Go do something more productive with your time.
He's is mentally ill, report him for trolling/spamming/extremely low quality. Kyoani produced the most incredible tv production of all time and OP can't get over the editing as if 99.99% of tv anime aren't considerably worse or like they don't have their fair share of imperfections.
That's a serious projection.
Still too dark. It's like you've never stood under a street lamp.
I don't like the editing but it's still the best looking tv anime.