Any non- /u/fags still following this series?
Other urls found in this thread:
Me, I still have high hopes that Tomoko will get a boyfriend plus the inevitable butthurt from /u/.
No,anyone saying otherwise is just in denial.
I follow it because I had the same growth in high school. Going from friendless to a reasonable group of friends suddenly.
It's like once you manage to get to a minimum level of social skills your life quickly becomes better. It takes a while to get there though.
Blatant blogfag
[Spoiler]but I get it.[/spoiler]
The threads will tell you that there are some stupid people still holding out for a hetshit end. They're quite obnoxious desu.
listen you /u/ fags the boyfriend application will be submitted to her but i just want it to be out of left field and be a bara as fuck judo guy or something else. that wada fag is so boring.
Grasping at straws lmao
This series made me /u/fag instead.
Stopped reading it a while ago with the idea that I'd read the rest when it ends publication. The way people describe its direction now makes it seem unappealing.
I hope Yoshida rapes her brother.
Minami is the main character now she hasn't caught the gay.
Nico is just going to milk /u/ fags with Asuka yuribait then close in on the boyfriend route.
I'm a /y/fag holding out hope
Glasses is reserved for Tomoko. But there's no way this little twink isn't a fag, he probably prefers older men.
>pic semi-related
>over 150 chapters
>art is still terrible
glassesfag isn't tomoko's type.
What is Tomoko's type?
Blonde women.
>you realise that Glasses is the male Ucchi and has been secretly observing Tomoko all this time
no, its official over for straightfags. accept asuka winning and tomoko playing with her "hair"
I hope she stays single, to be honest.
Yo/u/ have to go back. This manga isn't only about a shitty yuribait character like Asuka
DBZ FOREVER!!! !!! !!! !!!
true, its not only about chadsuka. shes just officially the number one character
I hate /u/ but I've been on this ride for 6 years, not getting off until it's over.
The series isn't all about /u/ but these obnoxious faggots can't see that and are ruining this manga with their obsession with Ascucka
>ruining this manga with their obsession with Ascucka
Tell that to Nico shoehorning her every chapter.
For Yoshida and tomoko bf
Blatant [Spoiler] Redditor [/Spoiler]
This, they need to get their act together and give us more Yoshida, Minami, Mako and Ucchi Gang instead. This chapter was a good start up but more work can be done.
Asuka shows up about as much as Yuri or Nemo, if not slightly less.
Yes user, were still here
She shouldn't show up as often as them, Yoshida should. Asuka should show up as much as Mako because she works better when she isn't overused which is exactly what has happened recently.
Don't you have some Shitbikek thread to piss off too?
>don't live in Japan
>can't enter drawing for sketches and original pages
kill me
Am I a /u/fag if I fapped to /u/ doujins of this?
Depends, the Asuka ones are complete shit and just wish fulfilment from twitter dykes but the Ucchi ones are good.
From twitter?
>Tomoko will get a boyfriend
Not gonna happen.
Preach it
The store clerk who made that has shit taste
I found other enjoyment. Minami is so cute and fun. The only yuri I can stand is Ucchi which is fun sometimes at least.
It's just a work of an autistic clerk
>>Then why Kato is a sleigh or a mother and child if you say why it is Devil
I think they are trying to warn us about something..
My dick has gotten worked up and miserable.
I was a regular user while watching this series, became a man of c/u/lture thanks to citrus and found out watamote became /u/, it's pretty great
Nemo's Voice actless
If that's not a typo then it's a cruel and clever insult to actress
Who should voice Asuka?
Asuka is the no 1 menace to the entire city!
So, what is she? A sleigh, a mother and child, or the Devil?
You posted him.
Who the fuck wrote that??
A based Katoufag at Toroana
>What is 'sex' user?
>Is it like a kind of hug?
>I like being hugged
Why everyone wants the mojyo puss?
Because of 'character development'.
So they get more fan art.
I have been on this ride since the first chapter got translated and I have been on it for it's entire 8 year run
I won't get off this ride untill I die or the manga ends no matter how c/u/ck cancer I have to deal with it.
I am. I still don't think this will jump from yuribait to actual yuri.
Hoy there
>Yoshida should
Let's be honest, although Yoshida and Tomoko are friends, and perhaps even close friends, they don't actually tend to get along. I'd say "it took a while for Tomoko to stop badmouthing her in her head", but I'm pretty sure she still does that. Yoshida also has a full on tsun-OK routine with Tomoko, often punching her but here and there helping her out while being standoffish throughout.
Yoshida also isn't complicated. She's pure and straightforward. Compared to Yuri, Nemo, Asuka (deal with it), and Tomoko herself as well as surprisingly quite a few others, Yoshida just doesn't have much depth or interesting stuff to work with. So, ultimately, she's left as a likable character who can't much advance or change. She was a kindhearted delinquent when we met her, she's a kindhearted delinquent now. Nico thus, wisely, uses her relatively sparingly.
Asuka haters sure love having their own fingers in their ears.
You really want to believe what you want to believe and won't ever listen to evidence to the contrary.
No pubes Asuka? Not buying it.
Dropped it at the end of her second year. Hate that it stopped actually being about Tomoko.
Why does Asuka send Yea Forums into autistic fits?
She's a sweet, if somewhat airheaded, pervy girl that only wants to smother Tomoko with her hairy pussy.
>Tomoko will get a boyfriend
I'd imagine there will be certain friends of Tomoko's that would respect that, but Yuri, Nemo, and Yoshida won't. And Ucchi would probably threaten to kill him or something.
yeah its still funny every now and then.
>母性 maternal instinct
I can't imagine Yoshida would care much.
Yuri, Tomoko, and Yoshida chapter when?
>Fuuka being such a chad she NTRs Asuka
surely not
I have this feeling it's all a build up to Tomoko being alone and friendless again.
I don't know where you're getting that from.
Does that say 'Rack Sweat'?
Now she likes blonde vixens more
Damn, glasses is always watching huh?
Can't she like both?
No, Asuka must be truck-kun'd and the boyfriend route must commence.
This is impossible as no one is really bisexual. This is in spute of ths fact that everyone i k ow claims to be bisexual.
There also aren't any gay people, either, let's be honest.
There aren't any hets either if eerr beibg completely candid.
There really aren't any women, if we're peeling back the veil of illusion.
The only thing that's real is that we're all little girls
I don't understand the obsession with Tomoko getting a boyfriend.
I don't understand the obsession with Tomoko getting a girlfriend. Or boyfriend. I don't see why Tomoko needs vindication for her struggles by ending up in a relationship at the end
When did Asuka gained interest in Tomoko? She asked for recommendations on what to read during the snow storm and she did Tomoko nails.
It really seems Asuka has a hard crush on Tomoko for whatever reason and wants Tomoko to join her in college life. The past 2 chapters pretty much confirms it but why besides the /u/ bait? It seems like she known Tomoko for a few months. She did call Tomoko during 1st year about the baseball cheering but she rarely shown interest in her then.
Young people get crushes for stupid shit all the time. No I'm not old, you're old.
I can at least understand where the yurifags are coming from - there has been an awful lot of baiting with Asuka. Meanwhile she hasn't shown interest in a guy in I don't know how long. But yeah, I agree, there's no need for that either.
She looks like a Persona confident.
What are the chances of us getting another Watamote anime?
At this point, we probably should accept Asuka isn't just bait.
The number of times you've had sex minus the number of times you've had sex.
Looks like bait to me, friend. Not at all like Ucchi who is a repressed homo.
>no cute pervy Asuka gf letting you do lewd stuff to her
Zero minus zero.
They should just ditch Tomoko and make Asuka the star of the manga and then make her get a boyfriend
I love that Tomoko goes full Fullmetal Jacket and basically goes "I like you, come over to my house and fuck my brother".
What's the difference?
you can't serve two lords
reading the old chapters cause of bordem.
it hurts i miss the old tomoko
It baffles me that we still don't know why Asuka is so interested in Tomoko, we can only guess.
She wants neet puss, what more is there to know?
There has to be more to it than that. Like she wants a submissive girl or something.
Yoshida will steal Tomoki
I still follow it, although I wouldn't get mad if she ends up with a girl. However, I really think /u/ interpret the manga too liberally. The only character that can be considered canonically gay is Ucchi, and she is a gag character.
I hope so. Komi-something has gotten worse and creepier while Tomoko has improved, her losing Tomoki to Yoshida would be great. Also they're honestly just a much cuter couple.
Please don't call Uchi "Ucchi" Emiri a gag character.
In 8 years, it went from disgusting scat futa hairy /d/ fanart to vanilla wholesome fanart. What a ride this series went through.
Hello, that's me.
>like asuka as a character and her nurturing of tomoko
>hate /u/fags
I don't know how this is possible, but this is where I am right now.
Based Asuka is bringing hairy fanart back
Why do you like Tomoko?
It's actually pretty much that simple. One of Asuka's first interactions with Tomoko, even, was being drawn to her eyes. Beyond that, she's interested in her and likes her as a person. Consistently, she's either staring at Tomoko's face or expressing a desire to know her better/get closer to her.
Tomoko without Asuka's makeup when she went for a new look. Looks good on her. Shame Asuka fucks that up but at least we got a shorter skirt Tomoko out of all of this from her meddling.
Not basically, literally. She makes a Full Metal Jacket reference, W3 just purged it despite her explicitly saying "fuck", even.
Thanks, World Three.
>Tomoko watches American soldiers get killed in FMJ
There are two kinds of Watamote fans still reading this manga.
And people that want to bully Fang.
Why not both? I'm just glad Tomoko made friends and Minami deserves everything against her for being such a cunt.
I only still follow it just to complain about it and because I hold on to a brief sliver of hope that one day the yurishits will be completely btfo.
this is the stuff i come here for
tomoko getting surrounded and molested by horny lesbians
Watamote FTW
But I'm neither. Fang deserved better.
Me, it's nice seeing her with her friends but I think the shipping has gotten bad. I usually don't even read the threads anymore
Minami will win the Tomokobowl. Or put more accurately, Tomoko will win the Minamibowl.
Fang is gonna get it soon.
A dumpster will win the Minamibowl. Or put more accurately, Minami will win the dumpsterbowl.
Futaki is her endgame
What are you a normalfag?
She's getting a virtual boyfriend
I don't know about user, but Tomoko has by her own admission become a normalfag.
I hardly remember her having lines in the anime
She wasn't really a character at the time. They got her design rather wrong, too.
it's more wholesome now
reminder this is a 9/10 for japanese standards
her going to university will be the relapse arc, it will later be revealed that she printed out a picture of an otome game love interest that becomes suspiciously more rigid over time.
>accept asuka winning
Yuri isn't out of the Tomokobowl yet
Yuri was never in it.
Platonic, deep friendship.
Making all these friends in her last year.
It's part of her English studies.
She made her core friends in her second year.
yuri is an autistic loser.
I love her
Oh god, I do the same thing. Am I autistic?!?
I enjoy the cute yuri moments, but I know Tomoko molests girls because she's too socially awkward/nervous to approach men. She'd get dick if she could, but she has little-to-no confidence in herself.
The shift will happen once she has a guy friend who isn't her brother.
She's certainly better than Ucchi.
yes. but we all are
Why is that a gif?
It's slow and hard to catch, but it's there.
It isn't nice to deceive people.
I still read it because I started it years ago and I'm too autistic to quit
I checked the frames.
They also made the train talk with Rena way less vulgar and funny.
>I heard from Anna, but is it true you gave Masaki cunny?
>N-No! It wasn't from me!!? It was a dog that went down on her.
>Seriously? How'd that happen?
>For some reason, the dog gave Yoshida-san cunny when she asked it to beg...
>Seriously? No butter or anything?
I actually thought that dialogue was edited at first.
What's she going to do with those tissues?
>not of the peanut variety as the cliche goes
This chick get nasty.
I don't believe you.
Wipe her phone.
Truly, you both are Men among men
This thing has no frames.
That would be the ultimate hate fuck considering she despises Tomoko.
It's called Yea Forumsutism for a reason.
Yuri represents her namesake: deep female friendship. she was never in it in the first place. she represents all the yuri as well as the autism that comes with it. most yuris end conclusively as bait/we're just friends!
Asuka is different. Asuka is potentially a closet raging homosexual. a lesbian. shes actually in it to win it. And she is in the lead up until kii-chan, nemo, or Imae steps up or steps aside
>That would be the ultimate hate fuck
No it wouldn't, Yuri x Minami would. Yuri hates that girl with a burning passion.
he's cute, super buff guys are gay
She's looking for that dog now
Oh no, she's hot.
I hate /u/fags.
I know, right? Girls loving girls is just gross.
Yes, and I enjoy it. The only problem with /u/, not only with this series but all around, is that /u/fags try to force /u/ into stories or onto people who might not want it, and when refused try to polarize discussions.
It's literally cunny, but short for cunnilingus in nip
So when does Asuka come out as a turbodyke? Or will she stay in her closet in fear of being ostracised by her popular friends?
She offered to let Tomoko grope her boobs right in front of her friends. Whether she's gay or just weird, I don't think she cares about what they think anymore.
>Yuri representing her namesake
I can't remember yuri ever representing autism, cold psychopathy and retard strength
Soon I hope.
when we we get the because im not popular, ill learn English chapter
>*kills ur manga*
>*kills ur thread*
wow asuka sure is a great character
Only Fang can help us now..
I hate Asuka fags. Just in general, even the straight ones. Because she's such a shit character and adds nothing to the manga.
No she's too popular why the fuck would I continue reading it at this point when there's better series if I just wanted to read about high school friends
Literally none of them would care you deluded yurifag.
So Asuka and Yuu actually have same hair color?
Wake me up when the /u/bait ends
was this drawn over or did Nico actually draw Ucchi like that
who is going to be private snowball?
Thankfully, /u/fags will be gone as soon as that happens. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that it will stop anytime soon..
>Asuka has Yuu's hair color
>Ucchi has Yuu's hairstyle
The next yuribait character is going to have something of Yuu's, question is what?
How many doodles did your favorite girl got?
Her low IQ.
But Asuka has good grades.
based asuka dabbing this thread
Now that's a crack pairing! Nemo has never seen tomoko more than a friend.
continue dammit
Tomoko is so cute
Nemo has been a sleeper throughout the whole series, I would not mind if she won the Tomokobowl.
>playing with her strap
g r o s s
Strange, since Asuka is usually the one to play with her strap.
God I miss this retard
Asuka is the one playing with her strap
post more Ucchi, dammit!
How horrifying
Like everyone with autism, Tomoko is bisexual.
I love her!
Oh shit, is that Radiohead?
post less Asuka, dammit!
Different angle
Is there anywhere online to get some of the merch sold at the exhibit?
Big if true
what is that board? did nico draw all those? fans? other senseis?
It was set by the organizers of the exhibit to let the visitors leave a message or a doddle about the exhibit.
No watamote proved that women can NEVER be "femcels".
Gamers, rise up. HEIL
Me, I'm looking forward to a buttblasted /u/ after the inevitable Tomoki ending.
Here's a cover Tomoko from one of his latest doujins for comparison.
Same, but i'm not retarded enough to actually waste time reading this garbage, i've actually never read an entire chapter, i just pass by these threads, i do it for all c/u/ck so i can feel invested when they get btfo by dick
No need for speculation. He confirms he did it on his twitter.
Looks like artist that is drawing scat porn
Whats the point of this shit if shes not autistic loner anymore?
He's the only doujin artist that Nico Tanigawa made a reference about in that story anthology from several years ago. Truly, they are kindred spirits.
Oh, it's one of those disgusting artists. No wonder you faggots recognized him immediately.
Radiohead also did two great Tomoko x Tomoki stories.
Mako is on the board, green paper, center near the bottom. It looks like Mike even got a square, but Shizuku may not have.
She'd probably catch it if given no other choice in friends. Seeing as she has no redeemable personality traits to attract people.
The YurixTomoko one is the best wata doujin, you guys know the one
>reads watamote
>doesn't like radiohead
Radiohead is an important part of watamote history
So Tomoki pushes Tomoko away to stop himself from mating pressing her right?
The best is the one in which Tomoko shoots her girl power all over the guys room
That's not Asuka's
Tomoko and Tomoki with their respective girlfriends.
now follow them and KYS
What are they playing?
That ones cool but I liked the one where tomoko and asuka are futas and yuri watchs in horror as she gets NTRed
this is my new favorite image
Since Tomoki's playing probably FIFA
nice, now make her lewd, LEWD!
>In horror
She was pretty into it, IIRC
>that fucking bush
confirmed she doesn't bath often.
Fighting Games like Mortal Kombat 11
>Mortal Kombat 11
The gore would be too much for Yoshida
They're playing Kingdom Hearts
>japs don't know proper ntr/mindbreak
I enjoyed it afterwards too but man it just kills the tension when everyone is feeling happy
Why aren't you increasing your gripe strength?
That's a plausible way to explain her retard strength.
Can we have non autistic Yuri back?
>shitty wish fulfilment from twitter dykes
>good doujin
Besides only Nemo doujins are good.
Yes but at a price
deliquent trio best squad
Pro Evolution Soccer (ウイイレ)
This page shows how much of a good sister Tomoko really is, shes teaching Tomoki the harsh truth about our society in form of a game
why are there so many tard wranglers in this manga?
>There are no Nemo ero doujins
yeah they are the best
My delinquent sporty tomboy cannot possibly be this cute!
>all those ucchis
she is loved!
translations pls
>Tomoki loves his sister. Sister starts to act like an asshole. Every once in a while she acts like her old self, a proper loving older sister.
Tomoko made him into a tsundere siscon who is a magnet for wierdos and pervs. Is that better or worse than Kiko who got turned into a furry yandere psycopath?
Certainly not a Nemochad.
Tomoko should have tried harder
>Kitta still clearly follows Watamote
>Kurose going to the art exhibition
What is it about the series that allows even people who played (at the time) minor roles to still feel such a strong connection to it?
Because it got big the past couple of years since the field trip. Of course you would want to be associated with it.
Kitta still voices Tomoko for manga promos so I'm not surprised she kept up
Someone post that /k/ meetup where user shared his brownies.
One could say that the manga is so gay because of Kitta's involvement with Nico Tanigawa. One could say that.
Ucchi should turn into a cake it would be the only way for her to get inside Tomoko at this stage.
i'm hoping that it happens and we get chapters were tomoko goes back to being a spaghetti dropping loser like she used to be and also starts getting her boyfriend to drop his spaghetti and socially embraces him
here getting a boyfriend is what will make me pick up the series again but as it stands it just looks like a hollow husk of it's self with a normalfag tomoko with yuri subtext that doesn't add to the overall narrative or make sense.
radiohead is one of the biggest watamote fans more so than a lot of /u/sers who only read it to try spin some kind of yuri narrative in their head.
even if you don't like his doujin work for it sometimes containing futa or scat, you have to admit it's well drawn (and doujins take time and effort so they come from passion) and it's in the spirit of what tomoko was like before she became a huge normalfag, and reflect the true tomoko more so than what the current chapters are doing.
I just want Tomoko to get a boyfriend so we get a scene where Ucchi watches her get dicked through a window.
ucchi should end up with one of the other girls maybe to please the yuri fans nico decided to entertain, but tomoko needs to get a boyfriend as it's always been her goal and motivation since the start of the series
what a retarded post
>reflect the true tomoko more so than what the current chapters are doing
>what is character development?
>random thirsty lesbians and super dependent autists jump at tomoko
>character development
Fuck, you're impossibly stupid.
I wish you'd where a tripcode you fucking dumbass.
>hetfags are into scat
I knew it.
Can't stand facts?
Ucchi fucked up. she had one job!
there is character development then there is writing a new character all together which is what nico ended up doing.
the series should have been a build up of tomoko becoming a normalfag and ending up getting a boyfriend and then it ends. but nico has messed up and has made tomoko a normalfag to early to the point it doesn't feel like tomoko anymore, reading radio heads stuff feels more like tomoko than current tomoko because they depict how she was and acted in the start than this new character nico has created and is calling tomoko.
are you dense? it doesn't matter about the scat/futa i was talking about how radio head is more of true fan and how writes tomoko better than nico currently. and for your information i actually don't like the scat stuff or the futa stuff and only read and look at the radiohead stuff that doesn't involve it.
>tomoko becoming a normalfag
lmao, meanwhile you guys are still trying
Your ignoramus opinions aren't facts.
The fact is, Tomoko grew as a person.
The fact is, she changed quite a bit.
The fact is, she changed mainly from the help of other characters, and lost her bitterness toward society.
The fact is, she doesn't have a lesbian harem, and most readers of the series will agree on that when it comes down to it.
The fact is, only one female character likes her.
The fact is, only one other female character MIGHT like her.
The fact is, the rest of her friends are -- get this -- her FRIENDS, and only one of THOSE friends is jealous and possessive, which she was INTRODUCED AS.
The fact is, Tomoko has always been attracted to girls and guys.
>there is character development then there is writing a new character all together which is what nico ended up doing.
Wow. You can't be any more of a fool.
Fuck off, scatfag.
Everyone's a faggot today. Just post cute pictures of Tomoko and talk about how you want to be her first already.
she just has people thrown at her, she didn't and does not do shit at all unless others plan it unless its with yuu
are you outing yourself as being a normalfag?
nothing foolish in noticing poor writing in telling a consistent satisfying narrative from start to end
wow a petty insult with no point to it that completely ignored what i said, you sure showed me my place user!
>she didn't and does not do shit at all unless others plan it
Fucking no.
Things Tomoko did to improve herself
-Aforementioned attempt to greet Imae, with a reminder that she basically spoke to no one back then
-Aforementioned effort to try to befriend her Kyoto Trip group
-This went terribly before the trip, she tries again during it
-It still kind of goes badly
-She keeps trying, and eventually does manage to at least strike up a rapport with two of them
-After this she accepts invitations to lunch and is generally less standoffish and vindictive
-She speaks with Nemo more often by relating to her
-This eventually culminates in her going out on a limb for Nemo by throwing herself under the bus and lying about wanting to be a seiyuu
-She actually attends the class party rather than avoiding it like before.
-She makes an effort to actually talk with people at it.
-She makes chocolates for her friends, shitty though it may be
-She vows to improve herself further after Imae graduates
but no it's a retcon, she didn't earn any of this
>nothing foolish in noticing poor writing in telling a consistent satisfying narrative from start to end
You moron, consistent doesn't mean good. If you want unchanging consistent whatever fluff, read fucking gag manga. Tomoko has always WANTED to be more than a loner, what, are you fucking ignoring THAT?
Here you go fellow non /u/fags
They misheard detention as gestation?!?
It makes more sense in Japanese with Tomoko saying "kinshin" and the girls hearing "ninshin". The translation had to rhyme as well.
she got dragged into everything by her friends though, otherwise she would've been a loner. this is not development
Ucchi will find a nice guy that will lover her and accept her lesbianism. He will be so loyal that he will find her women so Ucchi can NTR him while he masturbate.
>she got dragged into everything by her friends though
No, she did not. She had no reason to try to get along with her Kyoto group, she had no reason to go to the party (rather, Yuri went mainly because she went, as did Yoshida).
And even if her friends helped her come out of her shell, you mouthbreather, that is development. You don't only have to develop on your own for it to count. The largest reason Tomoko even tries at all is due to Imae supporting her and pushing her to actually try, because otherwise she would've simply gone unnoticed and angry for years with no one giving her much indication that things didn't have to be that way. Nemo, too, was a big help as a character who actually spoke to her rather than ignoring her.
Why is he cosplaying as Tidus?
i can agree on you that consistent doesn't always mean good, but in the case of watamote it does because right now the story is all over the place like what is tomoko's current motivation isn't even clear there is no direction to this story now and it's become a train wreck that most people can't see because "muh yuri" and blindly defend it.
her not becoming a loner is not the problem the problem is it happened to early because nico messed up in writing and insists on dragging out this story forever in fear becoming irrelvent instead of telling a satifying story were tomoko works to not becoming a loner and getting a boyfriend,achieves her goal, and then ending it and writing a new story.
i criticise watamote and what it has become not because i hate it but because i really love it and what it used to be when it had direction and tomoko had real motivations to work towards.
in short nico needs to end this series at this point even if it means giving tomoko a girlfriend and contradicting the overall narrative and start writing something new instead of being stuck in the past with watamote. e.g dragon maids mangaka wrote "i can't understand what my husband is saying" and then went onto write "dragon maid" which has yuri subtext were as nico some how manged to write to different stories and try to transition i can't understand my husband into dragon maid instead of just writing something new.
>does all this super weird shit to people that she would basically do from the beginning
>this time they jump on her dick for it
>character development
Tomoko even planned her Tokyo group's activities. That was way more effort than just trying to get along.
>i can agree on you that consistent doesn't always mean good, but in the case of watamote it does because right now the story is all over the place like what is tomoko's current motivation isn't even clear there is no direction to this story now and it's become a train wreck that most people can't see because "muh yuri" and blindly defend it.
This "sentence" is a disaster. I'm not reading this.
But if you're honestly critical about "story", well, you're off. Watamote isn't even a "story" in the sense that it has no plot. It's a series of vignettes largely from the perspective of a single character, with light dramatic elements but mainly a focus on comedy. It doesn't have some sort of "story" as it doesn't need one. It didn't before in your precious early chapters either, it was just snippets of Tomoko's life.
Your criticisms are what is blind. For all the vitriol you tend to hurl at those who like yuri, if you actually bothered to pay attention to what they say when they're not memeing, they'll readily admit that most of Tomoko's relationships are platonic, that only Ucchi loves her, and that it SEEMS Asuka does as well but even now people aren't certain.
If you paid attention to any discussion, you'd see there are people talking about many characters aside from those related to "yuri". You'd see people discussing the overall direction, and praising the portrayal of characters and friendships.
Basically, if you actually read this and didn't just shit up the threads with your completely braindead ass, maybe you wouldn't be so full of it.
For people who are floundered by perspective, I tried digitally correcting it.
I've said before that the thing is, the way Nico writes is absolutely subtle. You can say that now, that it's impressive what Tomoko did for the trip, but I'm pretty sure at the time nobody really paid that any mind. The reason? Nico masks it in a gag.
Tomoko tries to gather her group, fails, and then it's all ha ha, "together alone".
Tomoko tries to plan the trip and fucks up several times, the focus isn't that Tomoko should be praised for actually putting in effort, the focus is that she fucks up and weirds out her group (like with the porn thing).
Tomoko wants to go hiking as a bonding experience. The highlight isn't that she made an effort, it's that she sprained her ankle and needed Yoshida to carry her.
Tomoko picks their restaurants. Focus: not that she actually researched and tried to find something good, but that she picked something awful. How funny!
The only time it's shown that her efforts have had concrete value is at the very end, when she tries to leave the group because she's gotten depressed, they rejoin her, and Yoshida asks for a restaurant recommendation. To be completely honest, that is so fucking heartfelt and yet low key it's stunning.
>watamote doesn't have story
it clearly does a story doesn't need to be some over arching plot, it can be a simple motivation or driving force for a character to do something, anything eventually.
it had no story it would be something like pop team epic with every vignette living within it's own sense of canon and there is no consistent motivation or driving force through out.
ucchi is meme character that tomoko doesn't eve like back and has no interest in, asuka maybe might work. but even if tomoko did end up one or the other or another girl it would make watamote read very disorganised and as a mess as it tried to establish some sort of story and then halfway it trys to establish a different type of story.
true it's good to see people talking about the overall direction, i wish more of that happened that just people spamming and memeing "yuri" because that's why i come to watamote threads, nico is good at writing characters and relationship dynamics they just are really bad at writing a manga in general from start to end.
if they wrote a manga which is later watamote just with a new paint of skin for all the characters i'm sure that would have been pure kino and would have better reflected their writing skills then what they are currently doing.
You simply are too stubborn and bullheaded to accept the reasons Tomoko changed, despite all evidence to the contrary that most people think it has been handled exceptionally well.
No, somehow YOU'RE the paragon of taste here.
No, you’re all pretty much searching around in a grain silo for fridge magnets dressed as real to life scarecrows, about as accurate as that.
Movie Sign.
Nigger, what
Did you just have a stroke
Yes, virtually everyone. The idea that the series has jumped the shark is shitposting make by complete newfag shitheads trying to fit in. They think that being on Yea Forums means you're supposed to hate things. Honestly faggots like that should just be shot.
nico could have even wrote a similar story with another tomoko type character to more freely explore the yuri subtext they want to implement.
e.g one punchman/mob psycho or my husband/ dragon maid type of deal if they knew how to write better and not drag out and change the core of a story.
i have accepted it as they say i have "coped" i wanted her to also change but it should have been something saved for towards the end of the story and her motivations established at the start should have been completed as well.
if that makes me stuborn and bullheaded i honestly don't know what to say because all i want is a satisfying story from start to end with some sort of consistency towards the end.
but what is done is done and nico is going to drag watamote for another 2-3 years i guess and write it until it is unrecognisable instead of just starting something new.
I can't wait for more Masaki chapters next. What are she and Tomoko going to do together? Are they really suspended or in detention? During golden week chapter, Masaki was waiting for Reina to finish her detention due to riding her motorbike. I doubt they'll suspend them for that.
she'll find out who tomoko is related to then will want to become her sister-in-law
>mfw you have to have a high IQ to understand watamote now
Only 192 hours until the next chapter!
Not if she has anything to say about it.
Reminder that Nemo won the poll for the Tomokobowl.
But Tomoko isn't related to a dog?
That’s the fate I fear to see in my stories, dragging them out till it eventually mutates into incoherent slime.
So we all agree fang a shit? A SHIT?!
Does anyone have that comic fanart of everyone being college aged and Nemo and Kuroki being accused of being lesbians by the Paparazzi?
Reminder that it was rigged.
What is this face trying to convey?
It's like she was looking at walking garbage.
>Yuri didn't grow a cock and rape them both
What a disappointment, the first one was good though.
>it's not broken yet from her grip
I don't believe it
I still don't get what set her off so much about Tomoko calling her "Nemo".
It was a nickname, and Nemo wasn't going to let Kuro walk that back. Look at how hard it was for Yuri to get Tomoko to say her name.
She didn't have to be so scary about it.
There's quite a few things at play.
Nemo felt close to Tomoko, but also spurned by her. After having a shitty middle school experience, Tomoko seemed to be her first friend but also immediately snubbed her. Later, she attempted to have a closer relationship regardless, but Tomoko had forgotten who she was.
She's a little bitter about it, and they ended up having a rival-like relationship as Tomoko found out more about Nemo. Tomoko always referred to her insistently as Nemoto-san, but slipped up with a cute nickname. The name thing was a sticking point for her. Tomoko loudly introduced herself by name when they first met, but ignored Nemo when Nemo tried to give her name. With this in mind, knowing that Tomoko was referring to her by a closer name in her head pissed her off.
But also made her really happy. Despite everything, she values Tomoko highly. You could argue she helped "save" Tomoko, but Tomoko really saved her first.
Tomoko better brace herself if she goes to same college as her.
I'm imagining a Tomoko x Ucchi spinoff done in the style of Amane and Ayame.
So is Asuka hate actually real or is it just bait?
all /u/ must be gassed
It's real and primarily from people who don't want to even bother reading her character closely.
>are you outing yourself as being a normalfag?
what would you even do about it besides cry like you normally, or i mean abnormally, do
>primarily from people who don't want to even bother reading her character closely
The duality of man.
since I'm both too lazy and busy to write my own analysis right now
Please stop arguing and insulting yourself by brethen. Everyone must love Tomoko no matter what and we must all love and respect each other. Pretty please?
I don't really consider people shitting on the manga, Tomoko's character, and Nico's writing ability as my brethren.
Not the person who made that, but maybe one day I'll make a ~youtube video~ about how neat Watamote is. I've already written a review since nobody outside of forums has been promoting the series in the West since, like, 2013 or some crap.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and people can have different feelings towards something that they thought belonged to them and now they don't think as much and long for other developments. I see foul play on both sides for not understanding each other and being stubborn in that they are in the objective righteousness. Tomoko saved my pitiful life I don't know how many times now, and seeing her fans no matter the cause use heavy language towards each other hurts my soul, I'm literally on the verge of crying right now. Please stop and make amends and love Tomoko please.
Oh please, it's Yea Forums.
Anyway I generally don't consider criticism a bad thing but for the past year, maybe, since the manga has resurged in popularity, it's gotten a bunch of shitters shitting in the threads.
actually I say shitters but I'm pretty sure it's less than 10 people, max of maybe 15.
Oh god, that fits so well.
Tomoko is seriously too hilarious.
Make sure you drive home the fact that the best girl is Pineapple.
>Oh please, it's Yea Forums.
I don't care, and Yea Forums was like the HQ of Watamote when it was brand new so if there's any place that should share her love regardless and being a healthy community it's this one. I don't want to see any anons disrespecting old watamote fans and I don't want to see any old watamote fans disrespecting new watamote fans with both sides namecalling each other and being mean. I don't want to see such a spectacle ever again today is that clear.
That explains a lot, but I feel like we've barely scratched the surface of Asuka's feelings for Tomoko.
No, mom.
You know, this is probably canon.
Officer Donut Steele, the bartender called me about a bar fight?
>Mom turns around
>Is Asuka
where is the omake TL
/u/ already translated it and Yea Forums figured out the Tomoki one a couple threads ago.
Watamotefags, beard or cleanshaven?
What a lovely girl.
She's even lovelier when she's embarassed.
Who drew?
I mean, you obviously only want to believe that Ucchi is the only gay character because you won't stand for any character being gay outside of a comedic context.
>*kills ur manga*
Lol the manga is doing better than ever, stupid hetnigger.
>Lol the manga is doing better than ever
this isn't my manga
It is whether you like it or not.
Then fuck off.
I'm not going to be told what to do by a filthy emoticon.
>/u/ already translated it
No they didn't..?
The Yuri Ucchi alliance will rid us of the Asuka filth infecting Watamote
It will be a temporary alliance. Only one can win the Tomokobowl.
I'd rather die than team up with fans of a literal gag character.
UcchiYuri alliance won't stand against MiyazakiFuuka alliance.
>a literal gag character
>posts yuri
Subject matter, much?
That would be a really bad idea.
Why? It's the only way to save Tomoko from the vixen.
Don't know if you noticed, but this whole manga is full of gag characters; Yuri included.
>that one Kayofag
Absolute fucking lad.
No use arguing with them. It's their truth. Seeing Tomoko succumbing to their way empowers them. Her original personality with social autism overwritten by normalfaggotry, is the equivalent of agent Smith copying himself into her. It's their ultimate dream to eradicate everything that's not conforming. What is happening with Tomoko is the meta narrative of how normalfags are taking over the internet. No longer acknowledging her original personality existed in the first place, is their way of saying: History is written by the victor. Their truth will become written and ours will be lost. It's time to cut our losses and let it go.
It is clear you are either projecting your personal real life progress, or another story's character development onto Tomoko. Watamote is a gag manga, with little to no continuity between the chapters. You only see a connection, because you want to see one. You can interpret these events in any number of ways. But to say, your interpretation is the only valid one, because your friends on reddit and tumblr agreed, is a bit ill-founded. This hive mind 'anyone who doesn't agree with me or my interpretation must be punished' mentality, should stay there. I wish you would develop a more open minded approach on 4channel, when other people's interpretation of these events are concerned. By the way, (you) are breaking your promise..
Kill yourself. Nobody wants you.
>Manga Exhibition
>Why are there so many people lined up, even though the manga's protagonist is ugly as sin?
>They must be aiming for this type of goodies!
>Or other lewd ones!
>This kind!
That's it? I was expecting a bit more from your kind. What a disappointment. Well no matter, flattery will get you nowhere..
hah gotem
What even is that screenshot. Some tumblr user? So what
>You've gone that far already...
Calm down, user. No need to get so worked up over a single suggestion..
She doesn't even mention boys ever anymore. Remember the early chapters where she would get flustered trying to anything with a non-fatso boy? Now it's all her wanting to grope her harem girls. I liked the early manga but this latest shit is completely different. They should have ended it with the disney trip. I'm not an anti-friend retard and obviously she was going to make friends, but this latest shit is legitimate yuri faggotry.
the yuri trash just makes my tomoko rape fantasies better because she'll hate it on another level.
You know, I've started wondering at some point, but isn't this devolution into "lesbianism" completely normal, considering the entire premise?
Think of the typical loner. They're lonely during their formative years, they delude themselves into saying that "They'll get used to it", that "They don't really care", but the urges for human contact only grow stronger by the day with puberty, and without any outlet for them in the opposite sex.
In the midst of this, the loser makes a friend of the same sex.
Completely unused to the dynamics of a healthy relationship, this loser will experience a form of intimacy, but there's the problem.
With no previous experience in either deep friendship or sentimental relationships, this "simple" friendship will be the highest peak of intimacy they will have ever experienced.
Friendship and romantic attraction will get muddled, as the loser mistakes their first experience of friendly intimacy as romantic, while their sexual needs rush to fill in the only outlet they're being given.
The loser thus enters some sort of "prison gay" mentality, in which their sexuality is warped by the lack of contact with the "right" gender, and finds an outlet only in what should be normal friendships, that instead get tinged with sexual tones.
And this,
is why I think this whole "Yuri arc" is still coherent with the whole premise that Tomoko is a maladjusted autist whose life was ruined at the start of high school.
>It is clear you are either projecting your personal real life progress, or another story's character development onto Tomoko.
>You only see a connection, because you want to see one.
The lack of self-awareness here is baffling.
Are you speaking from experience? This is pretty on point.
tomoko crosses over and cucks nagatoro's senpai away from her.
She ponders her lack of boyfriend more than you might think. Like in the 130s.
I still read it hoping for the chapter when Tomoko realizes that she can’t stand her normalfag friends and they’re just tolerating her presence
I don't think so, mate.
For 1, the only time Tomoko misinterpreted friendship as romantic was after being influenced by media as a gag early in the series; she thought Nemo wanted her clam.
For 2, she's always shown an attraction to girl; getting excited over their sexy outfits, breasts, smell, and panties. In regards to boys, she's liked hot guys and has a masochistic streak.
For 3, she DOESN'T interpret any of her friendships as romantic EXCEPT for her relationship with Asuka (who, she realizes, she'll have to "take responsibility" for if she gropes her).
And finally, for 4, this one unsubtly gay relationship is seen as bizarre by other ordinary friends, who plainly note that it's not normal friendship.
So basically >This is pretty on point.
tl;dr Tomoko doesn't actually interpret any of her relationships the "wrong way" except for her relationship with the girl she not so secretly ACTUALLY wants to fuck, who is blatantly flirtatious with her and not in a "friend" way.
>No... that's not what I'm doing
>I'm not trying to shut down any other interpretations either
>you lack self-awareness by the way
What did user mean by this?
So you're not reading it? Because her friends cherish her.
I’ve been alone for 10 years and I’m still not gay
Not that user, mate. Watamote hasn't had "little to no continuity between the chapters" for several years now, so either you haven't been reading or you're seeing what you want to. Few chapters get direct follow-ups, granted, but there is a very clear overarching progression.
>For 1
>For 2
Both of these being already in effect at the start of the series are just an effect of her having always been a loser though.
She's in high school, a middle school life devoid of contact with the other sex will do that to a person.
>For 3
But she repeatedly goes "The room is ripe with the stench of bitches" every time she sees something even slightly flirtatious
And most importantly
>Tomoko doesn't actually interpret any of her relationships the "wrong way"
I'm not saying she does explicitly, just that this whole "lesbian aura" over the series can just as well be one of the common symptoms of being socially maladjusted.
You see it all the time in anons here, turning "gay" simply because they're lonely as fuck.
Your issue with this is that Tomoko has never sworn off of men and hasn't seemed interested in women due to loneliness, but instead due to legitimate sexual arousal. Your argument is based on misinterpretation and settling, but there's no evidence supporting that. You say she repeatedly goes etc, but not really. She's only ever assumed Mako is gay after she fucking TRAPPED HER IN A BATHROOM STALL
This was one of the cutest moments in the manga.
>Tomoko has never sworn off of men
I never claimed she did, just that her lassez-faire attitude to intimate contact with other girls stems out of that loneliness.
She'll still jump at dick if given the opportunity, but she "makes do" with girls.
Just like thirsty anons claiming they'd like a trap gf, but invariably going for pussy if it even glances at them sideways.
You're full of it. When Mako cornered her, she was COMPLETELY uninterested. You also can't just SAY she's settling, it's baseless speculation. Fuck, most lonely people just masturbate, they don't swap sexuality.
This isn't My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness, or whatever, and Tomoko is actually pretty much grown up nicely and healthily. If anyone has social problems at this point in the manga, it's Yuri, and she's still not gay, just possessive and tactless.
Tomoko would be better as a pedo instead of a homo
We determined this weeks ago. Looks like it's the same ESL faggot who loves poo as last time.
>just possessive and tactless.
Please be patient with her she just has autism
>Your issue with this is
>You're full of it
How are you supposed to argue with someone who puts words into your mouth, and if you don't agree with those, then proceeds to tell you 'you are full of it'? What are these people doing here? Go back!
Are you pretending that's all I said? A refutation is ordinary, but I didn't simply refute, I explained.
grow up and make friends i believe in you
Thanks, I was phoneposting during a break at the time like an asshole.
I'm the user he was replying to.
I don't think he was excessive in his rebuttals, it's not like he just called me a faggot and left it at that.
I actually agree that the lesbianism is not as clear cut as I initially put it, but I still think you can frame the genre shift in a "realistic" way if you see it like that.
Prison Gay aka situational sexuality is about establishing a sense of control in an unbearably helpless situation. The strong fuck who they want to cope with not being able to escape. the weak choose someone they allow to fuck them in exchange for protection so that a decision they are making is improving their situation at least a little. Its a trauma response.
Your typical loner isn't traumatized by their day-to-day experience the way someone in prison is.
Tomoko on the other hand has been shown to become more obsessed with the idea of getting a boyfriend when her stress is high, and more prone to viewing girls in a sexualized manner when her stress is low. considering her situation this reads as her getting fanatical about symbols of normalcy the more abnormal she feels, and experiencing stronger homosexual attraction when she feels safe enough to relax.
She's a fictional character, so just does and feels whatever she's written to do, but her behavior comes across as more akin to a closeted bisexual with a preference for women, or some such, who represses homsexual urges out of fear of being even more ostracized the more scared she is of never being accepted. particularly noticeable is how she is much more aware of her female classmates than the male ones
>t. student of abnormal pschology
The fact that we have never seen her thoughts despite seeing, I'm pretty sure, the thoughts of every single other character is a really fucking insanely telling fact.
>Prison Gay aka situational sexuality is about establishing a sense of control in an unbearably helpless situation.
That's not the kind of prison gay we're talking about.
It's more about the kind of gay sailors develop while being stuck at sea for months and years without a single woman around.
I appreciate you, user.
I think yuri is fine, but I still respect you as a fellow hoyboy.
You mean something like Stockholm, but it still doesn't apply since Tomoko isn't in an all girls boarding school or something. Then you'd have more of a case.
>Tomoko isn't in an all girls boarding school or something
Read the original post of this chain.
Being that particular kind of loser is the same as being on a boat, when no 'real' contact with the other sex is actually feasible.
I wouldn't mind if the art wasn't so disgusting
But she's had real contact with boys on several occasions. There's nothing theoretically stopping her from interacting with boys either. In fact, she speaks without even warbling with an attractive one at a party. She did that despite being put in an awkward situation, in fact.
So basically, what are you talking about?
I want to throw a /fit/ but it would be for nothing anyways so I wont
>But she's had real contact with boys
A trainwreck of an interaction that she miraculously survives through while wishing she was dead, only to wish it hadn't even happened after the fact, isn't "real contact".
Tomoko doesn't get any healthy interactions with men until relatively late in the manga, and even then they're not her friends, she doesn't regularly hang out with them, and they barely exchange greetings.
You're misunderstanding what "contact" means here, for the purposes of sexual development.
Saying "hi" to the receptionist every day when you come into work doesn't mean "You have regular contact with women", just like Tomoko sometimes managing to say "Hi" to a guy without vomiting isn't "Healthy contact with men".
Hell, that one time she managed to defuse a "Dicks on my phone" situation, it was framed as a massive success, despite it being really late in the manga and it not being a particularly signifcant thing for a normal person.
>In fact, she speaks without even warbling with an attractive one at a party.
Exactly, this was part of her original motivations to improve. Why isn't this part of the story being developed? What is Nico doing?
Can't you just stop projecting already? You're not making any sense.
Is she speaking with others or not? Can she speak with others or not? And, is she maladjusted? You call her maladjusted, but she's arguably the second most well adjusted of her core friend-group. Yuri is autistic and Yoshida is a delinquent who easily flies off the handle. By comparison, Tomoko certainly is nervous at times, but she doesn't flee like she used to, and basically can talk to anyone normally so long as she has a bit of time to get used to it.
Because she doesn't like boys that much, she just wanted the status of having a boyfriend out of desperation
That, I can understand. In college, I had the same burning desire for opposite sex relations when I was lonely. I ended up on the path of wizardry, though.
>A trainwreck of an interaction that she miraculously survives through while wishing she was dead, only to wish it hadn't even happened after the fact, isn't "real contact".
>Tomoko doesn't get any healthy interactions with men until relatively late in the manga, and even then they're not her friends, she doesn't regularly hang out with them, and they barely exchange greetings.
>Hell, that one time she managed to defuse a "Dicks on my phone" situation, it was framed as a massive success, despite it being really late in the manga and it not being a particularly signifcant thing for a normal person.
You think it's easy even for a normal person to bullshit their way out of an embarrassing faux pas without stuttering?
The dick pic situation is the kind of thing that literally keeps people up at night when their brains decide to drudge up horrible, embarrassing memories.
>she doesn't like boys that much
Then what does she like? One of the anons before insisted that this was a coming of age story. What is she going to develop into?
Can we stop pretending she wasn't always bi already? What the fuck is this
Boys: who are hot and willing to badmouth her during sexual play.
Girls: who are traditionally attractive, and rather soft (both physically and in terms of personality). She's also shown interest in Nemo but never very seriously.
So she is going to develop into the worlds first fem-wizard? That would be something..
If you don't count lesbian sex as sex, I suppose.
But if Nico does go from not-so-subtle gay to all out gay, Asuka is getting in that puss whether you like it or not.
Wait, so Tomoko is bi if a male partner is discussed, but a lesbian if wizardry is brought up?
I have never called Tomoko anything other than bisexual, but fucking a woman would be lesbian sex categorically, like fucking a man would be straight sex. She'd probably be willing to do either, making her bisexual.
I wouldn't even say she prefers women, it's not clear and really, in the grand scheme of things she's been seriously sexually interested in two girls (not counting randoms, who she will try to upskirt and oggle) but is an otome game gamer, is known to have schlicked to dudes a LOT, got a sexual audio bit to arouse herself to from a guy, and has dropped her spaghetti around hot guys.
This all said we don't know if she still plays otome games, and she hasn't shown interest in boys in an extremely long time.
Tomoko's problem is that she's around too many hot girls and too few hot guys. With her spergy personality and out of control hormones, she's shooting off her sexual perversities at any outlet she can, and right now that's mostly at girls. If she can make the jump and talk to guys then maybe she'll remember that only a dick can make her giney truly tingle.
All eyes on Nico. Enough yuribait, time for some real development.
I don't know why there's always arguments about her sexuality, it seems pretty obvious. She's shown plenty of attraction to both sexes, she's bisexual.
Worse than shadman
Just because you don't like the subject of his doujins doesn't mean Radiohead isn't a good artist and a true Watamote fan.
I can't believe Nemo is a nazi now.
He's... something.
A fan, I'll agree with. I MIGHT even technically agree on him being a good artist, but boy, he's fucking gross.
Nobody's discussing her attraction to girls, user. The debate is over where that attraction comes form.
>doesn't mean Radiohead isn't a good artist
No, his art is garbage, he can't draw for shit, I don't care about the sbuject matter, he could be drawing vore unbirthing with amputation and mindbreak for all I care. Like I said, worse than shadman's art
When has anyone suggested he's not a fan?
Thank you based anons
lastly can you do this one