I miss Rikka and her hyper realistic demeanor, she truly was one of a kind.
I miss Rikka and her hyper realistic demeanor, she truly was one of a kind
Other urls found in this thread:
I miss rikka's thighs around my head
She's also a huge lesbian.
>missing rikka and not akane
Gridman is dead besides in Japan
You refuse to accept it, !Akemi. When people know you are trying to make them mad you have literally zero chance of actually doing it. You just look like a cringy try hard retard. But you can't take that, so you go full schizophrenic and block out reality.
Who was in the wrong here?
You are in the wrong, !Akemi. For being so consumed with shitposting and acting badly on purpose in order to try and cope with your shit life.
And no, you renaming your files doesn't make it look like more than one person posts the images you always spam. No one is as OBSESSED with trying to "bait" as you are. There are not "many trolls" it's just you. You are the lolcow, you are literal crying loser who everyone hates. No one wants to act like you.
of course
Feel free to stop replying to yourself, !Akemi.
It sure is funny how "everyone" showed up as soon as you started getting shit on and mocked. As opposed to when no one replied to you and the thread just fell to page ten over and over.
Almost like you get really REALLY ass hurt over people not giving you your safe space. So you pretend you're "trolling" by acting autistic and retarded.
her fat thighs are for _____?
>please!!!! im begging you!!!! get upset and triggered at my posts!!!!
Nah, just going to laugh at how pathetic you are, !Akemi.
Sure is funny how !Akemi will never EVER address even the possibility that he's not making anyone mad or "triggered".
That's how you know he's genuinely insane because he HAS to delude himself into thinking that he's the most "epic troll" ever. Because this is quite literally all he has in his life.
What is your point? It's a Japanese show.
It sure would be nice to have an actual Gridman thread.
is it time for the autist to show up again?
And have people spam the same images of Rikka? Art of her is all but dead at this point.
I didn't ask for an art dump.
why would someone draw this
Is this show worth watching in any way? Every show I've ever watched due to the porn has been a disappointment for me.
You're the only autistic one here, !Akemi. Look at how you literally can't talk. All you can do is spam images to try and spite people.
Blame the mods for spending literal years protecting !Akemi and letting him passive aggressively attack people as much as he wants. So now he's been conditioned to think that he can act as badly as he wants and ruin threads all he wants with zero consequences. He gets warnings from the mod when he himself in his own posts say he's ban evading.
I wonder if you'll ever fix your insanely fucked up life and stop being so obsessed with shitposting.
>hyper realistic demeanor
Elaborate? What's so good about 3DP shit anywhere near 2D?
why is she so hot
She just felt different from the regular anime girl.
Her thighs and arrogant look.
Why are you so obsessed with shitposting and trying to "trigger" people?
Yes, you are literally obsessed in every sense of the word.
The only one "obsessed" here is you. You literally cannot stop replying to this faggot's bait every single thread. He obviously continues to do it because you're triggered by it, retard.
The pattern going on in these threads makes me think the retard is just replying to himself.
PSA: Akane and Rikka are guest characters in something Symphogear-related, which is known for its all-lesbian cast and its action. Make of that what you will.
No, !Akemi. The only pattern here is yours, and how you talk to yourself in a desperate attempt to try and look like "everyone" acts like you.
>You literally cannot stop replying
No, telling off shitposters in the norm. This has how the site has always been, you ignoring this fact doesn't change reality.
>this faggot
Refering to yourself in the thread person doesn't make you look like more than one person.
How about YOU stop replying to people telling you off? Why do the people doing the normal thing need to stop, you fucking retard.
Stop talking like a redditor, !Akemi. No one is "triggered" by your shitposting. EVERYONE knows that you are TRYING to make people mad, so why the fuck would they get mad and give you exactly what you what?
best couple
Again, changing your file names does not make you look like more than one person.
You making yourself look like a cringy retard doesn't "trigger" anyone.
>!Akemi is so triggered by people shitting on him and mocking him he literally can't stop passive aggressively replying
Shitposting and baiting has been a staple of Yea Forums since it first started. I don't understand how you can say it's exclusive to !Akemi.
No one said shitposting and trying to bait is exclusive to you, !Akemi. You just happen to be the only one who shitposts in this exact way. NO ONE else acts like you and is as obsessed as you are. You have been shitposting in the EXACT same way for SIX YEARS. No one else fucking does this. People try different things and they move on. You are stuck shitposting like this because you are autistic. Literally.
>rikka op
Every time.
>No one else fucking does this. People try different things and they move on.
So do you reckon the Touhou hijackers, dubs spammers, etc were all one person too?
Do you like giant monstah foightin'?
The first episode is a little weak but it delivers after that.
I summon, the one hundred replies man
>Touhou hijackers, dubs spammers, etc
You post more than all of them combined. You've made 800 posts threads all by your-fucking-self. You are literally the most mentally ill person to ever use this site.
And Rikka being in the OP has nothing to do with you getting called out, !Akemi. And you know it. It has to do with you trying to "trigger" people and shitposting.
>You post more than all of them combined.
That doesn't answer the question.
You never summon anyone you cringy pathetic retard.
the superior choice
Yes, it does. Because while they are not totally obsessed with shitposting in that way. Literally the ONLY fucking thing you do with your life is try to "troll" "ack".
So while other repeated spammings of one particular behaviour aren't the same person, this particular one you disagree with suddenly is? Sounds like you're only saying things you wish were true. Unfortunately for you, they never will be. Enjoy furiously typing for years to come.
No, that's not even close to what I was saying. How are you so fucking literally retarded.
You have very unique behavior, !Akemi. Like being consumed with thinking you "trigger" people. No one else actually cares about the emotions of strangers over the internet. You have literally ruined your own life over trying to make people on Yea Forums mad.
While the other shitposts you mentioned may spend a few minutes acting that way, then try to joke around and shitpost with something else, you spend literally every single waking second of your life doing the exact same thing and shitposting in the exact same way.
You really shouldn't have picked "shipping" to make your final stand on, !Akemi. Because people like this site because it's not like tumblr. And your shipping cancer behavior stands out even more than how retarded you are.
Literally the only reason you're still alive is because you have Troid protecting you. If not for him you would have killed yourself long ago. You literally owe a mentally ill pony fucker your life.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
I enjoyed SSSS Gridman, is the original show as enjoyable?
Please put on a trip so I can filter you.
Sure is funny how don't say "durrr pput trip on FILTER DURRRRR" to !Akemi (yourself) who is constantly spamming and reposting the same exact garbage every single thread is a pathetic attempt to "trigger" people.
And of course, you are just bumping your own shitposting thread from page ten. Like always.
who the heck is this schizo lol
>xddd lol look i said lol that changes me posting style lolololololol SCHIZO EPIC LOL XDDD I TROLL
Imagine having such a low functioning brain that you actually think like this.
This is another one of your very, very obvious tells, !Akemi. Your obsession with the word "schizo".
!Akemi, just because you use words like "very", it doesn't mean that you're hiding from the reality of your shitposting.
You have the most unique behaviour, !Akemi (yourself), using reddit spacing to shitpost on Yea Forums while being protected by mods.
You are obsessed with "triggering" people, utterly obsessed, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
>No one else actually cares about the emotions of strangers over the internet.
Do you even fucking use Yea Forums, dude? Top kek.
She's so breedable
Akane's wife is cute
Scans when?
When your mom stops being a whore, so uh never
!Akemi, you're not using commas like you normally do, and, I dunno, something about this post just lets me know that it's you because I'm an omnipotent being actually. Anyway! It's hilarious to see you try and act like two different people.
I'd indulge more in this but I'm worried the mods will think we're actually ACK and ban us too. But thanks user, good post.
>hyper realistic demeanor
Why do you miss this? Anime is great because everything is idealised and unrealistic.
Yes, !Akemi. It's obvious that all of these posts are yours and that you are trying to false flag like always. You literally can't cope with the fact you're actually retarded and unable to fool anyone. So you just shitpost rabidly to try and cover up how brain dead you are.
The literally begging you do to try and get people to think you're more than one person and it literally ever works because you're just a massive failure at literally everything you.
No, !Akemi. Nothing you do is even close to "omnipotent". You shitpost a single thread at all time and put all your focus and effort into it. You don't make so many posts that people would think you're more than one person. Even more so when you always do the same exact thing and post the same exact garbage.
You are confusing how much effort you put into shitposting with what reality looks like to the rest of us. Just because you put an insane amount of effort into this doesn't mean you look like many people.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>xdd lol i said top kek so i look liek epic oldfag that meen i win!
Find a SINGLE other poster on the site who's acting like you right now.
All me
It's hilarious how much time you invest into this every day only to get brutally owned by the mods over and over.
Finally a good read.
I'd much rather see someone spam a thread of the least interesting Gridman character than this one man crusade for much longer.
Her nose needs more definition
Nah, many many different people tell you off, !Akemi. This is literal case of projecting. You spend literally your whole life shitposting in these threads. So you can't even imagine other people not doing the same.
It's mod, singular, and his name is Troid. A person who's so literally retarded he doxed himself by linking everything in his life to a single online username.
>xdd lol ur posts get deleted
So what? Deleted posts are still 100% visible to everyone and it's very easy to get a new IP. You are so proud and arrogant over literally nothing.
Why is your vocabulary so limited, !Akemi. There is no "crusade" other than yours to try and harass people you personally dislike.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
What did he mean by this?
Yes a lot
Does it have sumata? Would be a shame to not use Rikka's thighs.
Take your meds user
I have no friends user, not like you’re hurting m3 by stating facts
>xdd lol i posted akane rikka imagine so it look liek everyone agaist u lololol!!
Nah. And yeah, every single time you try to pretend you're more than one person the fact that you have no friends, meaning no one at all wants to be like you, it proves what a retard you are.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
Why is your vocabulary so limited, !Akemi. There is no "crusade" other than yours to try and harass people you personally dislike.
Schizophrenia: the post
You’re a nutcase, seek professional help.
No, it has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, !Akemi. It has to do with how you act and how your behavior is 100% unique and literally no one else in the world acts like you.
One of your biggest tells if you literally REFUSING to address a single thing anyone says about you. For real, why should anyone think it's more than one person who acts the way you do. Give a SINGLE reason.
You can do to any other thread on the site to try and find proof and you won't find a single one.
The sheer irony of you saying this. Considering you try to pretend everyone who tells you to stop shitposting is "ack".
So why is not "nutcase" for you, but it is for everyone else?
Rikka is for LGD.
What the hell
I miss Rikka's thighs.
All lesbians are so until they taste their first dick.
I wanna sniff her
not even once
Let's start by giving a Rikka a taste and making sure Akane watches.
Notice how !Akemi will NEVER FUCKING EVER address how it's possible he's not making anyone mad. This is how you know he's insane a literally can't function correctly. He's made a deluded assumption and he'll never let it go because this is all he has in his life.
No, it has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, !Akemi. It has to do with how you act and how your behavior is 100% unique and literally no one else in the world acts like you.
One of your biggest tells if you literally REFUSING to address a single thing anyone says about you. For real, why should anyone think it's more than one person who acts the way you do. Give a SINGLE reason.
You can do to any other thread on the site to try and find proof and you won't find a single one.
The sheer irony of you saying this. Considering you try to pretend everyone who tells you to stop shitposting is "ack".
So why is not "nutcase" for you, but it is for everyone else?
>why won't !Akemi pay attention to my incessant whining =(
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
Why is your vocabulary so limited, !Akemi. There is no "crusade" other than yours to try and harass people you personally dislike.
Damn, son. You forgot to take your medications.
Nah, you're the only one whining here, !Akemi.
No one is upset that you won't reply, because you not replying is proof of who you are. You are literally advertising it's you, !Akemi. How do you not get that?
>address my concerns, senpai!
>why won't you address them!?
>p-please address them, senpai!
I love how you make it so obvious you're from reddit, !Akemi. You literally can't address anything at all said to you.
By the way, for everyone who doesn't know, this is !Akemi's reddit account.
>u- ur upset because ur mocking me!!!!
Your life is a joke, !Akemi.
No one cares that you're not actually addressing the points, the point is that you aren't addressing them, which proves who you are.
It shows how Rikka was originally a sausage with a face.
>it's not like i care if you address my points anyway!
Imagine getting blown the fuck out so hard you literally can't accept reality. Your life is such a joke, !Akemi.
Really, think about it, why would anyone be mad over you looking bad?
Madoka tripfags are cancer but you’re easily worse. Fuck off.
You sound like !Akemi killed all your loved ones lmao.
The only good Rikka art comes from Kengo.
Imagine going out of your way to samefag and post twice in the same minute because you're so mad and upset you can't have your shipping cancer safe space.
>you’re easily worse
Yeah? Explain how. Oh wait, you can't. You're just trying to 'downvote' posts you think are by "ack".
>xdd lol i said lmao!!
Still obvious who you are, !Akemi.
>xdd lol if i act hyperbolic and say every post in the thread is samefag that will make your claims about my posts look wronger!!!
Imagine being this retarded.
>lol i made an epic 1 word post again!
haha benis :DD
kys faggot nigger also didn't read lol
what did the deleted comments say?
Get in line.
It has to be a bot.
Nobody could keep this shit up for years like this poster has...
Well, it is possible if he literally has no other purpose in life.
I pray to god the mods make a filter on here that auto-bans anyone that uses the word !Akemi or Troid.
You’d be fucked in an instant.
Who the fuck is ack and akemi?
I have no idea who these posters are or why you're so obsessed with them.
>Like no one will ever listen to you without a real.
What does this even mean?
>xddd lol i no no who da akemi is but i type akemi instead of !Akemi anyway lol xddd it totlally normal to shitpost and type like i do lololol
Imagine being so retarded you actually think someone will fall for this. If you didn't know who !Akemi was you'd copy how you see other people type it, in this case it's typed as "!Akemi", the correct way to type a tripcode. You ALWAYS type it wrong on purpose because you're trying to pretend that you're more than one person and everyone acts like you, thus nothing can be used as a tell.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
Again, !Akemi, you did read it, you just pretend not to because you want to pretend you're an "epic troll".
You're such a failure at literally everything.
>user posts like !Akemi
>"See, you're !Akemi because you type like him."
>user doesn't post like !Akemi
>"See, you're !Akemi because you're trying not to type like him."
What exactly do you even want, then?
Back to being on topic.
!Akemi, you never don't post like yourself. Who said otherwise? You blatantly trying to add stupid "quirks" to your "posting style" is part of your "posting style" you stupid fuck.
maximum brain post
Why are we here, just to suffer?
Imagine having one of our presidential candidate as delusional as that guy. Oh wait, it actually happens in my country. Fuck. Good thing that loser lost the election.
Here goes the succ!
These thighs, yummy
Sorry, I will stop being off topic.
Thanks for the reminder!
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
Imagine going out of your way to post twice in the same minute solely just to post twice in the same minute to try and look like more than one person. That's how fucked up your life is.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
>mods delete replies but don't nuke the thread
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
There is nothing wrong with that.
Which ones are yours and which aren't?
Based mods deleting the spammer.
Generic monster of the week show with heavy cg, I dropped it at ep 4
does he do this with series other than Gridman and Madoka?
More like none because all of his posts are deleted.
She wants her feet licked
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
Again, !Akemi, there is no "he". There is only everyone who wants you to stop shitposting and spamming threads.
You've ruined literally every single possiuble thread you could for this series all because you are consumed with "ack".
>XDDD LOL holy shit i epic trollololo exxdeeee
Nah, you're just a pathetic retard, !Akemi.
It's obvious who you are solely because of how autistic you are and how you spam one word posts.
smug Rikka is smug
The donut is symbolism of her anal virginity
Seriously, !Akemi. Do you not realize how obvious it is who you are? You get directly addressed and quoted, and then you refuse to answer. It makes you stand out so much.
Woah, big if true
Seriously, !Akemi. There is something extremely wrong with you.
>!Akemi gets both of his passes out so he can spam replies really fast
>can't type more than a few words because he rushing extremely hard to make posts
is this from a doujin?
Stop replying to your own posts, !Akemi.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Imagine putting this much of your life into shitposting on Yea Forums solely because you're literally crushed and destroyed over people mocking you for having no friends.
Maybe if you weren't such a shit human being people might like you.
I wanna sniff her body after a day of training, who's with me?
Shw was born that way
Seconding this
Damn, Akane is a lucky girl.
fucking YIKES
Her PLOT needs to compensate for the plot. Get it? Because Gridman is poorly written trash and carried by waifushit.
Amazing, I wish I was Akane and got to lick her cunt every night.
No. it looks great. Fuck off cancerous manimeturd
Finally, some good taste
No, that's Yutas job
>janitor obsessively deletes posts within seconds of them being made
>all of his focus is on protecting a ban evading shitposter
>the board quality drops lower and lower because the only thing he cares about is harassing people he personally dislikes
No, really, think about it. The janitor sits in these threads for FUCKING HOURS every day protecting Austin, a person who openly admits he's trying to ruin threads and attack people. The janitor, and mod, do this instead of going out and managing the rest of the board.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
Your brain is shitting itself so hard over trying to spam posts and attack people over Yea Forums. Your brain is so low functioning that you can't even handle something as simple as typing on Yea Forums.
Imagine obsessively going out of your way to post twice in the same minute, with two devices, just to try and make it look like your "meme" caught on and people want to act like you.
Your brain is shitting itself so hard over trying to spam posts and attack people over Yea Forums. Your brain is so low functioning that you can't even handle something as simple as typing on Yea Forums.
Sure is weird how there are "so many" and "different" people who all just autistically post images and refuse to actually address what people say to them.
>I like this girl and character so I will post her in a thread that's pure shit and nothing but cancer
Yeah, no one actually thinks like this, !Akemi.
I tried watching for her thighs, but the direction was just too surreal for me. Is this secretly part of the charm?
Yuuta is gay dude
well this thread is fucking garbage
posting a classic in schizo thread, this guy ban evading so hard be must have like 20 computers and some cisco switch to change his IP like crazy
Keep watching. You get thighs and some cool meta stuff.
I always found it funny how this retard took like a whole week to build a toku just for Yuta to obliterate it in 2 minutes
cute couple, got more?
user, stop projecting, seriously you're the one with the problem. Get help. I'm not even kidding. This is really getting old.
>janitor is sitting in the thread
>watching it
>not looking at the report que
>refuses to delete blatantly rule breaking posts like this
>is CONSUMED with protecting and defending !Akemi
>REFUSES to actually enforcing the rules out improve the quality of the board
It's just so fucking unfair how threads have to be pure garbage because the janitor and mod are literally brain dead.
Why are you replying to your own post? It's really cringy and pathetic.
It's so great knowing that you are the most mentally ill person to ever exist. Like, no matter how bad things get (which is never that bad), it's great how there will always be someone more pathetic. You spend literally years and years of your life trying to "troll" on Yea Forums because you have literally nothing else.
No, you saying "schizo" doesn't make you sound "epic". You are actually the one who's schizprenic, as you are insane and think only one person has a problem with you always ruining threads.
It's funny how you try to pretend switching IPs is hard when you know it's not, considering you constantly do it yourself.
And you didn't save anything, you are all of these posts.
!Akemi, you literally don't even know what the word projecting means. You use it as a substitute for "no u!".
>person who says to follow the rules and make threads is good is the problem
>person who openly admits he's trying to ruin threads and attack people is perfectly fine
Yeah, you really don't think anyone at all is ever going to listen to you, right?
Even the lewd ones?
Fuck off monster
the chair
Hahah, it's such a fucking joke.
The janitor literally refuses to delete Blatantly rule breaking. Blatantly by a ban evader. Blatantly by !Akemi. And he refuses to delete it while systematically going through the thread deleting any posts that tell !Akemi to stop shitposting.
Haha, this is the mod/janitor that !Akemi tries to pretend to is a "god". Because he protects him while he shitposts and spams threads.
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
Your brain is shitting itself so hard over trying to spam posts and attack people over Yea Forums. Your brain is so low functioning that you can't even handle something as simple as typing on Yea Forums.
No, the mod is a literally mentally ill. And admits himself that he's mentally ill. Which you know. You just refuse to say it because you know that this is literally all you have in your life.
Why are you replying to your own post? It's really cringy and pathetic.
It's so great knowing that you are the most mentally ill person to ever exist. Like, no matter how bad things get (which is never that bad), it's great how there will always be someone more pathetic. You spend literally years and years of your life trying to "troll" on Yea Forums because you have literally nothing else.
No, you saying "schizo" doesn't make you sound "epic". You are actually the one who's schizprenic, as you are insane and think only one person has a problem with you always ruining threads.
It's funny how you try to pretend switching IPs is hard when you know it's not, considering you constantly do it yourself.
And you didn't save anything, you are all of these posts.
!Akemi, you literally don't even know what the word projecting means. You use it as a substitute for "no u!".
>person who says to follow the rules and make threads is good is the problem
>person who openly admits he's trying to ruin threads and attack people is perfectly fine
Yeah, you really don't think anyone at all is ever going to listen to you, right?
my post is anime related and saying schizo actually makes it epic.
Also every single post of you complain about 4channel moderation and 4channel itself, which is breaking the rules. I encourage you to read the rules for your next post newfriend :)
This, if it wasn't for the chair, Yuuta's face would be at the right spot to see a pantyshot
To be fair, that's what the female body peak looks like
Here it comes again
The 21st Century Schizoid Man
!Akemi, your posts are not even close to anime related and you know it. Not that you give a single shit about the rules considering you are ban evading and trying to "troll" right now.
And no, !Akemi. You saying "schizo" doesn't make you "epic", it makes you retarded and name-tags yours post letting everyone know it's you.
Reminder that your life will forever be a massive joke, !Akemi. You will die alone and no one will ever even come close to liking you.
>xddd lol i say schixzo trigger u lololo!!!!
No, !Akemi. Stop being insane. People mocking you does not mean they're "triggered".
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
Your brain is shitting itself so hard over trying to spam posts and attack people over Yea Forums. Your brain is so low functioning that you can't even handle something as simple as typing on Yea Forums.
!Akemi, you literally don't even know what the word projecting means. You use it as a substitute for "no u!".
>person who says to follow the rules and make threads is good is the problem
>person who openly admits he's trying to ruin threads and attack people is perfectly fine
Yeah, you really don't think anyone at all is ever going to listen to you, right?
Why are you replying to your own post? It's really cringy and pathetic.
It's so great knowing that you are the most mentally ill person to ever exist. Like, no matter how bad things get (which is never that bad), it's great how there will always be someone more pathetic. You spend literally years and years of your life trying to "troll" on Yea Forums because you have literally nothing else.
No, you saying "schizo" doesn't make you sound "epic". You are actually the one who's schizprenic, as you are insane and think only one person has a problem with you always ruining threads.
It's funny how you try to pretend switching IPs is hard when you know it's not, considering you constantly do it yourself.
And you didn't save anything, you are all of these posts.
Why does she wear the mask?
Why are you replying to your own post? It's really cringy and pathetic.
It's so great knowing that you are the most mentally ill person to ever exist. Like, no matter how bad things get (which is never that bad), it's great how there will always be someone more pathetic. You spend literally years and years of your life trying to "troll" on Yea Forums because you have literally nothing else.
No, you saying "schizo" doesn't make you sound "epic". You are actually the one who's schizprenic, as you are insane and think only one person has a problem with you always ruining threads.
It's funny how you try to pretend switching IPs is hard when you know it's not, considering you constantly do it yourself.
And you didn't save anything, you are all of these posts.
!Akemi, your posts are not even close to anime related and you know it. Not that you give a single shit about the rules considering you are ban evading and trying to "troll" right now.
And no, !Akemi. You saying "schizo" doesn't make you "epic", it makes you retarded and name-tags yours post letting everyone know it's you.
Reminder that your life will forever be a massive joke, !Akemi. You will die alone and no one will ever even come close to liking you.
>xddd lol i say schixzo trigger u lololo!!!!
No, !Akemi. Stop being insane. People mocking you does not mean they're "triggered".
Why are you consumed with keeping your shit threads alive, !Akemi? Could it be you're a pathetic retard with literally nothing else in his life?
Remember to thank god every day you're not as sick and mentally ill as !Akemi.
>says he'll stop being off topic
>posts off topic shitposting shipping cancer while clearly trying to "bait" and attack people
Who do you think you're fooling, !Akemi.
Your brain is shitting itself so hard over trying to spam posts and attack people over Yea Forums. Your brain is so low functioning that you can't even handle something as simple as typing on Yea Forums.
!Akemi, you literally don't even know what the word projecting means. You use it as a substitute for "no u!".
>person who says to follow the rules and make threads is good is the problem
>person who openly admits he's trying to ruin threads and attack people is perfectly fine
Yeah, you really don't think anyone at all is ever going to listen to you, right?
Akane has cute legs!
You are replying to your own post, !Akemi. You are mentally ill and extremely deranged.
what's a sumata?
It's you replying to your own post, again, !Akemi.
Because you are just begging people to think anyone at all wants to use your shit thread.
Why does he insist on screeching about this random tripfag that nobody remembers?
God yuta is so lucky
No one is screeching, !Akemi. And everyone knows who you are, because you've never stopped posting. Even for a single day. You've been shitposting in the exact same way literally for six years straight. Do you REALLY think you don't stand out?
Nobody knows or cares who Akemi is
Stop spamming you fucking faggot
Three posts by you, !Akemi, and you're just so fucking obsessed with shitposting and spamming. It's literally all you have in your life.
You do realize everyone knows it's just you who does this, right? Why would ANYONE waste even a second on your personal grudge against people who shit on and mocked you for being crying loser?
Give a single reason anyone should think you're not !Akemi, given that you have every single tell and behavior pattern !Akemi has. Even down to you refuse to type your tripcode correctly because you think it "triggers" people.
Why would I, or anyone in this thread, be your boogeyman?
Are you seriously incapable of viewing the poster count?
It's funny, because you're 60% of the posts in this thread all by yourself. You are the one who's spamming, and everyone can easily tell who you are, !Akemi.
!Akemi, you clearly know how to change your IP, you ban evade constantly. Even in the thread where you first got banned for posting CP and saying you wanted to fuck children.
You trying to play stupid and pretend it's not possible to change your IP is something that LITERALLY only you do.
I have not changed my IP in this thread even ONCE, now stop with the boogeyman accusations
Nobody else screams about !Akemi other than you.
24 hour Gridman thread soon.
the crab pose
Yuta's wife's girlfriend makes the best poses.
Here's a bump from me, darling.
Not hard when king retard responds to any and every b8, and then some, and will ban evade to do so every single day of his miserable life.
I can't believe Yuta gets to drench her thighs in his cum every night