Is anime better now compared to what we had 10 years ago?

Is anime better now compared to what we had 10 years ago?
Would you ever go back?

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I wish I could go back to pre-2006. Before the year Haruhi and Shana killed anime.

man 09 was kinda shit
no wonder people kept saying that anime was dead back then

2006 was the greatest year for anime ever
>prove me wrong

>Is anime better now compared to what we had 10 years ago?
Yes. Definitely. Ten years ago was in the middle of the worst era anime ever had to go through.

>I wish I could go back to pre-2006.
Make that pre-2002/2004. That's when Naruto and Bleach (respectively) started and brought with them the whole cheaply-apadpted mass-produced shounenshit wave.

Anime has been dead since 2006. Killed by this baka bitch.

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Mob Psycho 100 II, Yakusoku no Neverland, Sarazanmai, Vinland Saga, Boku no Hero S4, Attack on Titan S3, Carole & Tuesday, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dr. Stone, Dororo, Psycho Pass 3

yeah boomers ain’t shit

>10 years ago
>20 years ago
nope besides a few gems we have today
>30 years ago
more or less the same level just different type of gems and aesthetic.

>Yakusoku no Neverland
>Boku no Hero S4
>Attack on Titan S3
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shit taste. Also, you forgot about K-On and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

that season's p gud
>hellsing ultimate
>tokyo magnitude 8.0
>aoi hana
>hetalia (infamously)

most seasons these days you can't even remember 3 shows, much less 5 or 8

why do you think that hetalia is infamous?

it's the example of a show that had a 99% female-oriented fanbase that used to draw yaoi, fanfics, and ship characters together since there was a lot of subtext. basically the fujo show of the 00s that kind of disappeared early into the 10s.

I would go back to get someone other than Deen to do Higurashi.

>only one good show that season
Things haven't changed much.

Attached: bored2.jpg (373x286, 23K)

I would say that since the 70' there has not been a sigle year without at least one good anime: there's no reason to go back, what's good will always be there for you to enjoy; I would rather go on and hope for even better new works by younger rising stars collaborating with masters of the craft than to stagnate and die because of blindness.

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2007-09 was kind of a shitty period overall, but I'd like to go back regardless (assuming I can retain memories of the present of course)

>Bakemonogatari back when it was stil goof
>NEEDLESS, it was hillarious
>Spice and Wolf II
>only one good show

>umi monogatari

Attached: love live umi zoom.jpg (284x297, 64K)

Terrible show, by the way. Though the animation and character design was good (that is, the mermaid girls were scantily clad) and it had a good vocal cast, the story was a pain to sit through and the characters were retarded.

Attached: [Wasurenai] Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~ 01 [DVD H264 720x480] [3CBCEC75].mkv_snapshot_ (720x480, 55K)

>Ignored ShitMA
based OP


>2007-09 was kind of a shitty period overall

2007 is regarded as one of the best years in anime and with good reason.

>Hidamari Sketch
>Nodame Cantabile
>Gurren Lagann
>Seto no Hanayome
>Darker Than Black
>Lovely Complex
>Seirei no Moribito
>Lucky Star
>Dennou Coil
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
>Ef - a tale of memories

Attached: 2007chart.jpg (1180x1845, 698K)

Yes and no to both. Some series were really bad

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Anime has always been shit


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>Attack on Titan S3
>Psycho Pass 3
Virtually guaranteed to be shit.

Also Yaiba is good but a bit generic, Sara and C&T are still early and could still shit the bed, and two of those still haven't aired yet and could have bad adaptations.

I never realized how shit summer was for anime.

Why in the world is Dimension High School in that chart?

I don't care, I still have shows to watch.

Anime is a more saturated medium now. In the past you had fewer shows but more standout good shows.

Just looking at the OP's chart, you have Bakemonogatari, S&WII and SZS, which are all better than anything airing now.

why are you talking like you know what good taste is? You clearly dont.

That list is incomplete. Here's what you had in Summer 10 years ago.

New anime: Baka, spice and wolf, tokyo 8.0, canaan, despair sensei
Ongoing anime: FMA:B, Naruto Shipuuden, Bleach, One Piece, Gintama, Hitman Reborn, Haruhi, Valkyria Chronicles, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Kemono no Souja Erin
ONA: Eve no Jikan
OVA: Hellsing Ultimate, Higurashi
Movies: Summer Wars, Evangelion 2.0, Redline, Cencoroll

Bro hood is shit

>Umi monogatari

unleased my midriff fetish along with dream eater merry

Attached: yumekui-merry-1.jpg (640x360, 26K)

lmoa at people thinking this season is better. don't @ me zoomers

You're talking to zoomers or brainlets with short memory here. The reason 00s are looked down upon is due to the rough transition from cel animation to digital. As a result anime looked washed up and blurry, animation was often badly out of model, character designs often looked retarded and experimental, and that's also when CGI started creeping into anime in a widespread manner. In terms of writing, soundtrack, atmoshphere and aesthetics the best shows from 00s completely destroy 10s anime, and virtually every season you had at least a couple of really good anime that are now considered classics and all time bests, while you're lucky to get even a single show of that level per year nowadays. For example, in 2006 we had Death Note, Code Geass, Welcome to NHK, Ergo Proxy, F/SN, Suzumiya Haruhi, Black Lagoon, Higurashi, Nana, xxxHolic, Aria, Kemonozume and Kanon. That year alone wrecks the entirety of 10s, and every year was more or less this good in 00s, although 00-01 were a bit rough.

Uhm...besides mob psycho which is like an 8/10
What other good show is there on that list

of course newfag user can only name one from 2009...anime is dead and you killed it

8/10 at best*

>Yaiba is good
How to invalidate your opinion 101

AOT3, Carole and Tuesday, Kimetsu no Yaiba. Not MP100 good, but solid 6.5/10 shows.

Who keeps posting this stupid chart. No one on Yea Forums has seen fucking half this shit.

Quality > Quantity
Looking forward to the next industry crash

>10 years since the best ED was made

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>Who keeps posting this stupid chart.
>No one on Yea Forums has seen fucking half this shit.
You answered your own question there.

Yeah. The worst ideas of the 00s (usually visual) are some of the most embarrassing stuff you'll find in anime, but the best ideas of the 00s just roll over modern anime.
anime is just completely homogenized and soulless now. And that's not just nostalgic whinging, because my personal nostalgia is for stuff before the 00s.

>anime is just completely homogenized and soulless now.
Don't watch the stuff ANN and MAL tell you to watch. Instead, try the things they talk down on. You'll be surprised how good contemporary anime is.

>Zetsubo Sensei
>Spice and Wolf II
>Kodomo no Jiken 2
Wow, hard to believe that was 10 years ago.

I would love to go back. I would fix my fucking life and spoil everyone on this board everything that I can remember. Fuck you.

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It's this kid again
>uru in blue
>jojo 2007

>Death Note, Code Geass,Ergo Proxy, F/SN,Higurashi
>That year alone wrecks the entirety of 10s

Picking this trash as examples of good shows,very funny

Yeah and 00s anons were considering 90s so much better than their shit and we will see literally the same threads in 10 years from now on,except now 10s would be considering great era.Same shit every time,case closed,thread could die now

>zoomers or brainlets
Fuck off crossboarder.

>Yeah and 00s anons were considering 90s so much better than their shit
The 90s WERE better than the stuff from the mid-2000s. I'd say 2002 to maybe 2014 was the worst period in anime ever. There's a reason the 90s are called the "Golden Age" of anime.

you're wrong retard, there's plenty of people who have nostalgia for other decades and still consider the 00s better than the current state, just see if you're not a shounentard who only enjoys manga adaptations this decade is pretty shit since all the big hits are manga adaptations like aot, mp, opm, bnha
fuck off retard, that title goes to the 80s. in terms of pure quantity there are less classic franchises in the 90s than the 00s and it's not even a contest. there's only like 200 franchises in the 90s compared to over 1000 in the 00s so it's not even surprising

>in terms of pure quantity
This pretty much invalidates your whole argument. Well done, shithead. Enjoy your high number of "classic franchises" like Naruto and Bleach.
(And, no, the 80s definitely weren't golden for anime. The early 80s were still anime's formative years.)

lol, you can't even name 50 tv series from the 1990s that people still talk about today. you 90s niggers just keep circlejerking the 20-30 titles that were on toonami or at your local blockbuster, or is it suncoast if you're older? anyone who's actually watched anime in the 00s can easily do so for the 00s. just in 2006-2009 alone there's over 50 to consider.

>you can't even name 50 tv series
Again, you and your quantities. You might be able to name 50 "tv series" from the 2000s, but you can't name 10 genuinely good ones.