How to keep isekai anime from bombing?

How to keep isekai anime from bombing?

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Stop making them.

why would you ruin the eyes

>implying they’re bombing
Slime, Overlord, Konosuba even Re:Zero and Tanya did well enough to get new content animewise.
Though the main reason for slime being that the source and it’s manga adaption was one of the most sold franchises in Japan(someone posted a list before). It’s manga sales especially rivaled some of the shounen series and surpassed them.

left - soulless
right - soulless

Make the MC female or genderbend the male MC

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next trend will be mother-son incest anime with the anime in your pic leading the charge

Delete this image

Easy, just don't air 4 of them at once in a season that also has a reverse isekai and two other big non-isekai fantasy LNs.

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left >>>>>> right.

While generic isn't bad, generic is boring

How's the manga adaptation so far?

how has this got an anime but not the other one with the cuter onee-san

but there's no incest in it

Because the son is a faggot.

By making it good, and interesting, instead of trashy shit. Reminder, the best Isekai came out 17 years ago.

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We need more reverse isekai anime

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You've got ReCreators, which I think is getting an S2.

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this. Genderbend the male MC into a cute loli slut. This concept just screams success.

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>Slime, Overlord, Konosuba even Re:Zero and Tanya

That's not enough to be very successful and also isekai is the cancer of anime. We need more original content.


I want to believe

Easy, stop adapting haremshit.

This! genderbending the MC has already been proven a success, they need to try adapting another one.

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A faithful adaptation of Mushoku Tensei is the only way. It did start the Isekai boom after all

Not enough stuff to adapt yet.

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Bad, but with the source being so awful thats not surprising. It being genderbend trash is just the icing on the shit cake.