I recently revisited and binged the show. It was just as good as I remembered it. Surprisingly the newer seasons didn't lose as much momentum as I originally thought. What did Yea Forums think of the direction the show went in?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
the only masterpiece in fiction
you won't find a single plot hole
Still good. Just that threads are filled with shipfaggotry as usual.
Season 3 is a bad adaptation.
t. OPMfag
manga is good, adaptation is embarrassing at this point
What's wrong with it? I feel like it's kept it's momentum pretty steadily
It's weird how you have this autistic aversion to calling it by its English name.
I'll never understand this insistence on false-authenticty, like spelling out the Japanese name with the latin alphabet.
What's right about it?
Bad direction, bad music, bad pacing, bad animation
This is one manga that could really benefit from a high-budget, well directed adapation and instead we got the opposite, something that's even worse than the manga
And the title isn't even the correct one.
The true title is "the attacker/advancing titan"
This has to be bait but I'll bite anyway. The overall pacing isn't bad at all. Information is dripped steadily to the viewers at a rate that could almost be considered a bit slow, the story manages to give you just enough to hook you into the next episode, and has a good high in each of it's arcs. Not to mention the inventive animation in scenes that need it that could almost make you feel like you're watching an action movie. The action scene animation is so good I cannot really think of other shows with the same quality. Even looking as far as OVAs like Vampire Hunter D which had more time and budget.
>bad music
Eh, fuck you. SnK is shit, but the music is excellent.
are you trolling? the pacing is ok I guess, its the same as the manga, but the animation sucks, especially where it counts in action scenes
Give me an example of the bad animation
The latest OP is a joke. It's trying to ape the first OP everyone knows but it doesn't actually go anywhere, it builds up to no refrain. They way they use the music in the episodes is also terrible. I'm talking about this season and the last season
the direction is middling at best and the screenplay cuts out lots of key characterization and flavor
S1 was stretched to hell to fit 33 chapters into 25 episodes and has Death Note-esque direction, despite some good moments it's largely unwatchable
S2 is perfect aside from the CG colossal, equal to or better than its manga counterpart
S3.1 is a completely butchered adaptation that cuts numerous crucial scenes, but the direction is better than S1
S3.2 is not yet as butchered as S3.1 but so far is completely uninspired
season 3.1 was fucking full of it, literal freeze frames in the middle of important fights
First season is still the best though
S3.1 was dogshit, you absolute moron
I'll give you that, a lot of the animation felt more stilted compared to earlier seasons but that's to be expected for it's loss in popularity/budget/momentum
>it's loss in popularity/budget/momentum
what the fuck are you talking about? This is still one of the most popular manga in Japan. Stuff that is 1/10th as popular as this has much better animation
Dumbest opinion in this thread
3.1 was much more consistant than season 2 you dumb faggots
Yeah it consistently butchered the plot
No it didn't
Season 1 - Legendary
Season 2 - Okay I guess (4 years)
Season 3 - Hype (lot better than in manga)
It's very good overall. OST and VAs were superb too
Removed the Historia going past the fence scene
Ruined the context for Historia punching manlet
Removed almost all screentime from the newspapermen
And that's just off the top of my head. 3.1 was absolute garbage pandering to tards who can't handle anything that doesn't have an action scene every episode.
Literally the only people who are complaining are people who got turned off and butthurt from the OP not being godtier
Jean's VA is shit. SHIIIIIT
Jean VA is literally the hottest voice in the series (no homo)
The jump from season 1 to 2 is a lot better when binged. Although I feel like it was meaningless since it was o my for character development and the fact that even just ends up getting kidnapped AGAIN
Name any anime in the last two years with better Sakuga than the Levi chase scene from S3 that wasn't animated by bones.
That's not plot. None of that is integral to the story. Not that it was bad, but things have to be cut.
Season 2 is shit but the season 2 credits are fucking god tier.
They still can add episode for Historia punching manlet background and more screentime for Dimo Reeves. Still Kenny and Keith episodes were masterpieces.
Maybe little foreshadowing about Farmer-kun?
>S2 is perfect
Why would they foreshadow a literal who? Even fucking colt is more relevant
Just wait until the Basement. The show will do a complete 360 but in a great way. Fucking love the arc after it and the current arc is starting to pick up too.
Anime only watcher here, I would imagine that everyone thus far joins sides or some shit and Reiner ends up being a good guy or something, either that or something gets introduced that makes everything else look small in comparison. Showed this anime to my roomate and he said "is this how Japs view white people? Is this what they think we all look like?" Made me kek hard.
I guess they did put him in the ED but the animeonlies aren't going to know who he is.
>throw Bort and have him nuke Erwin's formation
>hop on Pieck and hunt down Eren and the SC remnants on the other side
Why didn't Zeke, 11/10 intelligence, simply do this
I dont even remember which of the three he was supposed to be
*throw bort at the start of the battle
>throwing Bert before Eren has transformed or has been located
Easy way to accidentally kill Eren. And even if they used Bert to kill the horses, there's nothing left for him to do but burn. The soldiers can just escape across the wall since they have no reason to fight Bert.
It was never specified.
>Reinder ends up being a good guy
Not A good guy, THE good guy. Eren is a monster. So is everyone else inside the walls. They all deserve to die.
Shut up Marleyfag
Devils BTFO
Imagine having a cast of such indefensible characters that your shield is a guy that deepthroats rifles
Reiner was just a kid, cut him some slack. I bet you tortured small animals at that age and stomped on ants.
EHfags killed the hype
>tortured small animals
You know that's not normal right
Boys will be boys.
I personally prefer "Vanguard Titan"
Fuck you.
t. Shitrenfag self-inserter
Hi erehisu!
hi EremikaHaven
>Removed the Historia going past the fence scene
That and Karl Fritz getting mental over it to the point he completely overtook Frieda's mind was fucking important. Not only because remembering this moment helped Historia what exactly was off in his father's story but it also helped hammer home the whole idea of looking for freedom and the price of it (which would've perfectly fit with the last visual of the S3P1 ED where Historia's facing the fence she couldn't cross in the past). A fucking shame.
Armong did not deserve the colossus titan
He did.
It's never made clear, probably because it's not supposed to matter. He's just one of the people who made the outside world inacessible for her.
He's not going to be the Commander while Hans is away with Manlet, right?
Then why didn't Bert manage to keep it? Some warrior he is.
>he doesn't self-insert as Erenfags
Get a load of this loser.
>Eren: Wanna know which is my favorite card, Historia?
>Historia: Which one?
>Eren: You, the Queen
>Historia: B-BAKA!
Bert a shit.
Isayama is just giving stupid powerups
Hajime is a hack
go count cups
I am a EHfag but this is fucking cringe
What would have to happen to a man to make him into this? A Bertoldfag.
Did someone shoop the mouth on Eren because it looks weird as hell
Nah, if you were EHfag you would notice it is just a parody and only sensitive shipperfags get offended by it
eren and historia is not going to happen. only speedreaders believe in such shit.
Because it's the same as that drawing of the warriors eating roasted sweet potatoes by themselves, or playing cards?
being like Bertolt, except not skilled like him
They should be creating the Jr versions ;_;
So a beta orbiter lanklet?
It happened dumb EMcuck
The last part is optional.
>those butthurt replies
Based EHfag
I dont mean the picture (its cute), but what user wrote.
On a side note I just realized the last chapter reveal is one year after 107 came out
>replying to herself
Stop talking shit bro
>hurr actually you guys aren't bad
>durr i will kill all of you faggots anyway
what's wrong with him
i don't understand his motives at all
He's putting his country before some island devils
Someone is banging your oneitis right now and she LOVES IT
It doesnt matter if eren impregnated historia or not, what that user wrote sounds like something a 12 years old would say to her primary school girlfriend.
He swallowed a bucket of blackpills and lost it.
He's not big enough of a man to say he's sorry.
So, who was the one to confess first, eren or historia?
I hate to spoonfeed someone but: the fanficfag was baiting.
I said shut up
if eren is the father this manga is now shit.
I know, I am just bored in the train
Stop being so triggered user
She's in the Military Police bunker right now, taking as many as four dicks in her at once and she LOVES IT
She can't get enough of it
They're inventing new ways of giving her the D every day
>S2 is perfect
Zeke did everything right and won very clean victory. And then ackerhax and koff asspulls happened.
Nah, you are just mad Mikasa is not the mother, the whole father force kids to continue their ideology was present in the manga, the option of Eren becoming a father was there but no one expected it to be so soon.
Mikasa is the mother of Jean's future children
The only thing she's seeing is armong furiously jerking his 2 incher
Nanabananaba dying makes it imperfect
>the option of Eren becoming a father was there
Not that I expected much from an EMcuck or LEpedo
Me too! I sure do love...
you like youtube?
The best parts are the ones that don't involve fighting dumb Titans with spiderman gear.
My favorites are the coup arc and the first marley arc, the arcs that most people (kids) hate the most.
i reread the manga too
in the first chapter armin talks like he subconsciously knows titans will break the wall soon
is it because of bert's memory
Only losers self-insert in the first place
Most of the shipperfags here do
Will this series ever again reach grim reminder 2.0 levels of hype?
Why did they leave this out.
Because that would make Conny slightly relevant.
Knowing the manga and rewatching all the little hints or the Warriors's perspective is so much better holy shit. If only Araki wasn't retarded and decided to cut key character moments the Shingeki No Kyojin anime would have been really great. I hope they won't fuck up "RAGE, MY SOLDIERS"
I waiting for the chapter when it's revealed that Eren smashed the Queen of the Walls.
When are they going to kill Connie?
>Implying PISSmong KEKlert deserved it
>If Eren is doing grim reminder this manga is now shit.
Sweet times
Plot convenience and Zecuck being a faggot.
I wanna worship Mikasa's luscious body.
>blaming Zeke for your own failures
Sasuga, Bertcuck
ok eren, no need to hide your love for the so-called slaves on Yea Forums
>Spergrenfat seething like a bitch
Is Gailado being Ymir's successor a legitimate fuck up? Didn't they call Ymir's the 'area' titan or the 'speed' titan or some shit?
They even looked different in the manga, so it's not just anime bullshit. I can't remember it ever getting an actual explanation
I have the feeling that Ymir's role was going to be different (her titan looks different and she had the same pointy ears as the Yaegers)
Coming, JEAN!
>CJ Johnson likes EH
It's basically canon now
She's so cute!
where the fuck are her abs, wit studio is full of cowards who can't distance themselves from convenient character designs
>It's a Bert episode
>Bert and Reiner remained bros up until the very end
>Eren made Armin his bitch instead and put him in a cell
>Triggered Erenautists still think they have a point by spamming Bert's death
Feel like we're almost there, I got the same boner when I saw the blimps over Paradiso that I did when the initial Marley invasion happened
He deserved to win.
Does being inside a titan dissolve your facial hair?
>EHfags are narutards
Covered in armor.
are you a fucking Australian
There was an official poll where nips could vote for titans as well and back then she was just listed as Ymir titan
How are those post even related to naruturd? paranoid EMcuck
Newfag detected
Did they keep Reiner mentioning his promise to Ymir and saluting while touching the letter?
I just easily forget irrelevant people
>EMcuck enjoying the last two months
Poor one
>Last thing Detective Zoe sees
>The real Mastermind
Pisstoria is irrelevant
Nah. I reckon you're butthurt because you're afraid your fantasy won't actually happen (it wont).
That would be Mankasa
Detective Hange and Watsonlet will help deliver her baby since Eren is not there.
EHfags raped my dog. EHfags are the worst.
>My fantasy
Not really, many people call Eren is the father without being an EHfag, another thing is the fact that EMfags are in denial
What's the current condition of Japan here? Is this set in the same era as Sekiro?
Stay mad mikasafag
You might as well stop reading now then.
post cringe
Fucking bitch. IF he is really fighting for your safety out there then don't such a bitch.
That must be the EMfag, true mikasafags aren't EMfags, they're mentally ill
To be fair the ship that Isayama dislike is EM and hate the idea. EM is dead
>Withing two months these endless threads about Historias pregnancy will be over.
Freedom looms over the horison. But will it be ruin that awaits us?
>Within two months
That's way too good to be true.
>S2 is perfect
I want to protect that smile and fuck him to death!
Within two months, all hell will break loose, user.
But you said ''pregnancy reveal on Eren's birthday''
what happened?
Eren x Hange is not that bad come on
The anime user, people failed with the dates, not with Eren coming inside Historia
What's with all these shipping wars and waifufaggotry? Eren is truly FREE, he's a man of freedom, he's not shackled by any women.
He is a family man
braun serem
also ymirs entire story was retconned
she had a more important role that isayama decided to remove
Eren and Historia are in an open relationship
Eren's birthday was moved to July.
Just because EM got slighted these pass few chapters and may not happen doesnt mean EH is going to happen. Isayama already revealed that father in 107, move on.
Eren is going to die alone or with Mikasa anyway.
To be fair who wouldn't want to share Reiner
>delusional EHl*dditor
Getting laid made him stronger, user. You should appreciate that.
The sad thing is that I don't know if this post is a parody or not
you mean Eren making farmer come inside Historia, right?
>1 minute
>He may
No, he won't, with or without EH, EM is dead. Eren doesn't like Mankasa, they have no chemistry, she only likes a delusional part of Eren, and Eren dislikes her annoying personality.
God knows. But I think that Historia would have asked Eren that why do he care about her.
>muh leddit
EH was memed here first EMcuck. EM is dead, move on
I guess Isayama did all he could
Then what did Isayama mean by this panel.
>or with Mikasa
You're being too obvious with your falseflagging now. Not even EMfags are deluded enough to still believe that.
Neither. They went straight to fucking
New Illustration by SnK Chief Animation Director Kadowaki Satoshi
>"S-Slave to Zeke, Ms Tybur, Kruger and AT!"
Look how all that shit turned out.
a man of FREE and his rapist with stockholm syndrome
Last big FUCK YOU to EMfags like when Kishimoto made Naruto's parents looking like Sakura and Naruto
>In before narutard
>I guess Isayama did all he could
what do you mean, friend? I am not a very bright person
Probably Eren, although I doubt there was even any kind of awkward shit like that.
Eren was thinking of his fiancée Historia, of course he was embarrassed because he spilled spaghetti in front of everyone and since it's Mikasa's flashback her POV is shown
I'm still butthurt about the ending of season 1, cgi bort and the 3.1 opening but otherwise I'm really happy with it.
I rabu Piku.
I always forget that Armin has the paths now.
Thoughts on pieck voice actress?
What if Annie and Armin's baby is Bert?
she will be properly dealt with later for trying to betray CHADren
Reiner will raise it.
Can't really tell what her actual voice sounds like. Hope she sounds cute when the time comes.
I couldn't care less about shipfaggotry but EH is the only endgame that would make sense among all, I can't see a happy ending for anyone though. Most likely either Eren or Historia are going to die (Eren at 90%) and at this point the best Mikasa can get is overcome her feelings towards Eren and the ackersyndrome at once, which seems a good thing. We're closer to the rumbling than what I thought.
>Eren blushing because he said some embarrassing shit in front of his friendos
>EMfag and Mikasa thinking it's about her
How familiar...
Bert impregnated Annie before she went to the giant forest, that's why she was fighting so hard
When I first read the left panel, I thought it was mistranslated or something. Turns out that Mikasa is really just that delusional.
Why does everyone project their feelings onto Eren?
First Mikasa, then Zeke and Reiner, and Armong too to a certain extent
Bert impregnated Annie when she was unconcious in his arms after the grim reminder.
What is the Grim reminder?
so what was she thinking here?
Because everyone wants a Eren or to be Eren. I mean, look at this stupid sexy angel.
The reminder to Zekefags that Pieck loves Pock and Pock loves Pieck.
What will be beyond that hell? Will it be hope, despair? Another hell?
That he was upset because he wouldn't be near her anymore if he failed the 3DMG test.
Porco? the nutcracker? the most useless shifter? porco?
That's not Jobner, Yumeel, or Armungus.
Who cares about these losers. Reiner and Magath are the only good Marley characters anyway.
Indeed, Jobco is not any of these characters.
For better or worse it's one of the best ongoing manga and anime series we have right now but Yea Forums likes to shit on it because it got too popular.
fuck off EHfag
Congratulation user, you are now a bonafide premium member of Yea Forums
>Pieck said she had a PERSONAL interest in Yelena (for being Zeke's fangirl)
>She is clearly older than Porco
Sorry Porkofag
>Porco "Please stop, Eren-sama" Galliard
He's probably the character farthest away from being a chad right now.
Kek, the official translation even toned down the meaning of Eren's words in the original text on the right, since 世話(を)焼くliterally means being a bother/pain in the ass/meddle in someone's business.
Eren loves Mikasa and Mikasa loves Eren.
>older than Porco
>tfw mommy Piku will never let you suck on her khazar milkers
Pock is a lucky man.
Kys fucking retard. Mob psycho and BONES are shit. Emotionless sakuga which isnt barely top tier animation even with that budget. I would prefer a shitty LN SoL over mob fucking psycho
>i'm prepared to accept any outcome
She littlebrotherzoned him dude
>"muh EHfag!"
No one fucking likes Porco.
Not him but it's quite telling that you jumped on the occasion to shit on Mob instead of answering his question.
>even with that budget
what budget?
No way! beranard doesn't want to die? that's crazy
Pii loves hot young studs, not unkempt, old, self-hating, autistic volcels.
Isayama is a master at portraying gruesome deaths as hilarious. Bert's always gets me.
Now let's talk about the only few ships that survived and were fueled for so long. And by this I mean: EL and AA.
You might not like it but that's how cannon looks like.
>beruanism SEETHING
Despite reading every release, I've been lost since the timeskip.
starting season 2 they rushed through so much content just to have a nice cliffhanger at the end, theyve ruined this and OPM pretty similarly
What's your problem, fren?
That's what she looks like? Fucking ew.
>armonganism sneething
> bad music
tard spotted
The thing is that Pieck doesn't know what is in Zeke's mind, but far from it, no, an older girl wouldn't find the younger boy of a class crying hot.
>he wasn't joking when he said he hates mikasa
Annie was made for Bert's cock. Without it, her life makes no sense
They were so cute in chuugakou
He hates her, and he will kill her
We saw the paths with the other Ymir though
wait who is the girl
and did she repair his dick too?
Original Ymir and yes.
What she did know is that he was a creepy autist with school shooter vibes that talked to himself and worked himself into a seething rage when talking about the dad he sold out. Zeke is basically pussy repellent, fortunately for him he only likes middle-aged men.
>bortfag seething
It's been 3 years and you're still triggered over his death?
Zekuck had her leave the dick out so he would no longer have to concentrate on keeping it unregenerated.
>equal to or better than its manga counterpart
That's a low bar, and it still fails to reach it.
Let me guess, the text says something about Reiner's anus.
Еслиии.. угодноoo.. весеeeлому небу..
No, it's the lyrics to a siberian song on war desu.
>Eren.. you must suck.. Reiner's dick..
>he can't read Russian cyrillic
Who's in the wrong here ?
This, Mikasa looks like a midget now
Nobody's in the wrong.
Berthold and Reiner, they killed millions.
>Piku's daughter
>Piku's husband
All cute.
Y-Yamete. I swear those are not the words. See it is from this:
I don't believe you.
where's her ugly nose, eyes and freckle?
Again: that's how YOU see Zeke, not Pieck. Pieck is sadder and confused than anything.
You don't have to but even a shitty google translate will tell you it is far from being about Reiner's anus. though I have REposted before
Annie is beautiful, user. I am still sad that they didn't hook her nose like usual though
Doujin for:
Men ()
Chads ()
Gods ()
t. Benhmed Weston Chandler
Will we get another flashback before her inevitable release and if so, will it be another bullying one? Also, considering the others appearances have changed do you think hers will too? Maybe a haircut?
>Eren the Mad Queen
>Daenerys the Usurper
Nobody likes Porco dude, he is disgusting to look at
Reminder that Marley:
-Blames Eldians for oppressing the world with titans, then does the exact same thing
-Turns innocents into pure titans
-Uses pure titans as weapons and attacks population centers
-Used a gas attack on an undefended village
-Sends 12 years old kids to the front lines
-Sends kids to commit mass murder
-Probably some other horrible shit I'm forgetting
-Destroyed a city which happened to be a major military target at the time because Eren forced them into it
I'm not saying it's totally black and white, and there are a few good Marleyans like Pieck, Magath, Colt and Falco, but I don't understand people who actually want Marley to come out on top
I like girl with lazy messy hair so much
Is that Pasttime with Pieck-chan? I don't remember this scene
>Norman the Jesus Demon Killer
This is becoming one of my favorite tropes half for the amount of butthurt it causes when characters like these go must be put down tier bad.
Daily reminder that Warhammer Titan is an asspull and only existed to give Eren new shonen esque-powerup
She knows that Zeke betrayed them for his brother and put her and her friends and families lives at risk and is willing to take him out. Not that it will be hard, she never even talked to the guy.
Annie, Hisu, and Louise all look the same now. How annoying.
Pafekuto ER song
Based. PP is cute and canon.
The Connie and Sasha of Marley
Eren is a shitter regardless and has to be saved by his nakama all the time.
eldia killed millions of innocent marleians in the past
Eren is a Gary Stu.
What is Piku-chan's favorite position?
Name even one (1) Eldian who did it.
It's pretty sad that both are more relevant than Connie right now.
and Erenfags still defend the Gary Stu
Pii's messy unkempt appearance is a great contrast for Galliard's slick jock look.
Some people are not speedreaders.
Idk the whole "transfer consciousness to nervous system" shit is by far the biggest stain on the best arc.
Pieck and Porco were safe in the hole, meanwhile Zeke
>Allowed Reiner to go with Eren
>Abandoned Bert
>Abandoned Annie
At the very least Pieck must be wondering why he protected them. And no, there are more things we didn't see, like Pieck looking for Yelena
What the fuck kek
Are you actually retarded or just pretending?
No, that would be both Armong and Erwin surviving long enough for the Serumbowl.
fuck off Grisha
t. Manletfag
missionary with Pock while holding hands for the sole purpose of procreation.
I don't think so. Isayama and some artists may suffer from sameface every now and then but putting those aside they still look quite different from eachother.
Will Colt/Falco/Gabi actually inherit the titans that they're lined up for? The three of them honestly feel kind of pointless outside of Gabi and Falco being a convenient POV so Isayama can avoid showing anything from Eren's or that of any other relevant character's POV until he thinks the time is right.
What the fuck is even the purpose of Cartman, Female and Attack titans? They have no unique traits at all. They could be replaced by a more unique trait like Sharpshooter or Mole titan for example.
100% this. I will be mad if Isayama states otherwise. She is also HAIRY.
Zoe zoe zoe
>it's trying to ape the first OP
It's literally a mix of all the past linked horizon songs you simp
Yes, he's been infected with the wine and Reiner will probably sacrifice himself to save him after Zeke screams.
and Submarine titan.
What am I missing then?
But Louise isn't a kike or fat.
Colt won't inherite anything. Falco will eat Zeke, Gabi will refuse to eat any titan.
Attack Titan is free, that alone puts him above all the others.
Gary Stu how? I thought he was a jobber.
I want more on titan biology...
man, I sure love being free.
Colt is a dead man. Falco will cuck Gabi out of the Armored but then she'll get Eren's titan.
Marley is the lesser evil. With Yeagerists you get forced Incelhood or/and the annihilation of humanity.
Connie will throw Zeke to Falco's mouth. Screencap this
It's obvious that Falco will eat Reiner now that he already ingested the spinal fluid.
This, Falcon Titan soon
Who should direct Marley and last arc? Also fuck WIT we need a competent studio.
KyoAni should do it.
Chemistry would be appreciated too.
Colossal titan with shiny instagram filter hype!
Armor Falco would add nothing when even Reiner who is more used to it jobs. Plus the whole irony of Zeke being devoured by a child and telling to Colt he would know his secret. Also that way they would have no choice that to go to the other royal person. Plus I want Reiner to meet Historia one more time
>Who should direct Marley and last arc?
>killed millions
>then some idiots(grisha) denied it and tried to take revenge
but Historia is busy being a breeding sow
Stop trying to make sense user. The point is that Ereh a shit, and it's all that matters!
Cart can stay in titan form longer and has good mobility like Jaw
I get the feeling that the Attack Titan's unique ability is being saved for a last minute surprise/asspull. I seriously doubt that Kruger didn't tell Grisha what his titan actually does outside of just being "the titan that fights for FREEDOM" and Eren should have seen/heard it as well.
A best! A best!
Forced incelhood? What?
And I really doubt Eren's plan is to genocide the world, but they wouldn't have to rely on that threat if they didn't have an aggressive military nation threatening them with genocide just for existing.
Killed millions as in the regime that was toppled 100 years ago? So every person living in a country is privy to and supportive of it's governments policies and actions?
>Louise isn't a kike
That's the thing and I believe that will cause chaos between Eren and the Yaegerists
Why are there unironic moralfags in these threads? Pull your heads out of your asses. There is no such thing as objective morality and you are not so special that you have the power to decide what morals are acceptable or not.
>Plus I want Reiner to meet Historia one more time
Not sure they ever had any kind of connection worthy of note to warrant that but I can see the memes from a mile away.
Eren's plan is to genocide the world. Daenerys going full mad queen will just cheer up Isayama even more into going through with it.
My name is Eren Yeager. I'm the reason for all of this. They call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist... I'm all of these things.
There is no such thing as an objective head up one's ass.
>And you should accept it.
I thought it was being able to transform several times in a row.
>So every person living in a country is privy to and supportive of it's governments policies and actions?
yeah you can't blame marley's civilians
My name is Eren Yeager. I'm the reason for all of this. They call me a nigger, a kike, a faggot... I'm all of these things.
Eren already knows she is pregnant.
fuck off Alina
> I believe that will cause chaos between Eren and the Yaegerists
What will? The pregnancy you mean? Or Reiner reaching her place (for whatever reason)?
Cart + Warhammer would make a great combination of traits. High enough stamina to spam the earth molding ability with probably a bit more energy to spare for a couple more transformations when in a pinch.
(Not the YHfag) but I want to see his reaction seeing Historia like that and what Marley is planning to do with her. In my opinion, those who want Falco to eat Reiner are Erwinfags waiting for the dreadful promise
>a terrorist... and a cuck :(
>post annie
>they think I'm Alina
Of course he knows
The fact that if Zeke dies they are going to need to replace him with another royal if they want to survive the invasion. Tbh I don't see Historia surviving
Based and redpilled unironically
Y-You too unironically
Exactly. But it's military has been conquering other nations using the same titans the Eldian Empire did
Until we get some actual flashbacks to the empire (if we ever will), we can't know how true either side's story is, Eren Kruger points this out to Grisha
But you fucked Historia
Someone who's more competent in editing than me should replace Reiner by Zeke's face here.
so how far do yaegerists know again
do they know that zeke wants all eldians die
Why are you assuming Zeke will die in the upcoming battle when he literally got revived two chapters ago? Even assuming that happened that would mean Historia and her baby would have to be sacrificed, which kind of completely against the idea conveyed by last panel and the overall theme of next gen not carrying the old one's burden. She's pretty much bulletproof for the months to come.
Cumming into a turkey baster doesn't count as fucking her, user.
Don't try to argue with the lgbtfags
Doubt it, they want a reborn Eldian Empire, not a dead and gone Eldian Empire.
>can't take a joke
>Zeke kills all his comrades
>Floch calls him "sir"
Is Floch the biggest cuck of SnK?
My mistake then.
>SNK is nearing its end
Damn. Now that we're in the climax of the story I don't want it to stop. The ride is almost over user it's been 8 years for me but still
>Plus I want Reiner to meet Historia one more time
Why? They never had any serious interaction
Eren knows that Bertholdt loves Annie, then he clearly knows that Reiner loves Christa. It would be fantastic if Eren mocks him about her.
What will happen to chadrenfags after this happens?
Yeah, I don't really get the "Reiner will get eaten by Falco" fags either : the scenario is way too convoluted to begin with. I also don't know if Falco will be rescued and taken out of the city before Zeke gets a chance to scream or if the scream will happen immediately at all but I expect him to make it somehow, otherwise I feel like his character would've been a complete waste. That being said I'm not sure how a potential RH encounter would even come to be: it's not like Reiner is in any position to find out about her location, nor that he would particularly care to (he most likely doesn't even know she's a royal, much less the Queen of the Island).
>be floch
>doesn't know zeke's true intentions
>doesn't know eren's true intentions
>they call him yeagerist
He's slightly misleaded because he believes Zeke has Eren's and his nation's best interests in mind. But I agree that his character has took a strange turn, considering he was ready to kill manlet on sight on top of praising the person responsible for his mental trauma (suicide charge)
It will be sad, but he'll die horribly, just like Yelena. I like him very much since he was never wrong
Nope. Actually it's based. Tomorrow's enemy if today's friend and the should be moving forward without regret and that's what Eren is doing.
It's okay
I hated Floch from the moment he climbed up on that roof
>I like him very much since he was never wrong
>Was only right once
>Like a broken clock
Zeke wants to castrate everyone.
Mikasa loves Ereh. Ymir loved Krista/Historia. Reiner had a crush on her. That had to be the weakest and most superficial kind of attraction ever depicted in this series and I'm surprised people actually take it seriously enough to think she'd still be on Reiner's mind 4 years later and while he's dealing with crippling depression and longing for suicide.
>he was ready to kill manlet on sight
Manlet even saved him in Shiganshina
Annie is ____
>the last person Reiner thought of before attempting seppuku was Eren
Based RE is onesided canon
>mixing fanfics with the canon story
mass suicide
That's what I wanted to address in my post sort of, but forgot. He's ungrateful but considering what he knows and what manlet entails he had to get rid of him. Eren too has been saved many times by manlet and the SC but he knew full well about the implications of the wine and Zeke coming to join him at Shiganshina. FACTS that shippers simply cannot just forget, by the way. LE is kill
The person called Floche Forster died in the suicide charge and was replaced by an unhinged individual who was always meant to go down the route he's currently following. I really don't get the memes that he's been ruined turned into a disney villain after getting Keith beat up when it was perfectly in line with what the character has evolved into.
Even when thinking about the people from Paradis, Reiner didn't give a special thought about Historia
Well I thought that it would add something more to his depression and it will give us memes.
Reiner is the new Mikasa, expect he wants to kill Eren rather than fuck him.
>The person called Floche Forster died in the suicide charge
That's a great way of putting it. I'm not English native but I find it very... poetic I guess? That's exactly right. It was fun to see him trying to spread around the fire in Liberio, the man is completely ruthless. He and Yelena really are similar.
But Reiner has character outside of Eren (unlike Mikasa but hopefully she will change for the better)
the word is pottery, user
Also I'd never seen the parallels between him and Yelena until you mentioned it, good catch.
Why is Eren naked?
It's either Reiner's perception of him, Isayama being 'deep' or Isayama forgot he had clothes on for a bit.
Actually, I'm certain he will give a whole lot more shit about her than you think, not only because of that crush but also because of his promise with Ymir.
Isayama never put these small things for nothing (reminder that Nicolo's crush on Sasha is what led to the whole wine debacle and Falco's predicament, and I won't even start with Bert's crush on Annie).
Reiner will be involved with Historia somehow and it will be big.
Always ready for copulation.
Those lazy hacks. Dropped
in b4 Detective Reiner
Farmerchad won. Time to become king.
>Reiner's perception
No. He wouldn't see Eren glaring at him before ripping his titan apart. It doesn't make any sense.
he belongs to the woman who unshackled him
Good fucking lord CGI Bert looks awful. Did they just run out of budget or something?
Why not? If Eren glares then I'm sure that Eren's titan glaring would be visible too, no? Or perhaps he'd predicted Eren being furious.
Most likely scenario is artistic X ray vision to show us how at that moment Reiner perceives Eren (and most likely himself in other words himself since he's projecting like crazy) : exposed, vulnerable and one step away from the sweet release of death. And the illusion gets immediately shattered when we see Eren glaring back.
Personal hope is that his clothes completely dissolved for convenient reason X and he's actually naked, though.
I can't believe Ymir chose Reiner's armored cock over Historia's pussy!
based retard it looks pretty nice
What would he even do, though? He's literally part of the forces attacking her land. And as a royal and the monarch of the "island of the devils" she's absolutely fucked if Paradis loses, regardless of Reiner's good will. I could be wrong but I think Reiner's involvement in the "save Krista" plot ended when he delivered the letter as he promised to Ymir he would. The idea that he needs to save her also sortof contradicts the conclusion Ymir herself came to in chapter 50 after witnessing Eren using the power of the Coordinate: she realized that there was a future for Historia within the walls as long as that power was in their hands, so she could leave Historia to do what she wanted (help out RB) and go her own way.
Isayama wanted to see if he could possibly shit more on Bert than he already did, so he told them CGbert was a good idea.
Not intended to be avatarfagging, I just like putting my collection to use
Muscular pussy
Kill yourself
C-Can vaginas build muscle?
doesn't matter if it's not intended, you fucking retard
No u
So what exactly was stopping Zeke and Eren from trying the euthanization plan when they met in Liberio?
Yes, I am retarded
You never know with Ackermans
Because that doesn't solve the problem of the rest of the world wanting to invade Paradis for their resources. They have to draw everyone to the island so they can unleash the rumbling on them once they gather there.
Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is light
still not a plothole
So why the hell did Eren Krueger know about Mikasa and Armin before they were born? do all titans share future memories or is there going to be time travel bullshit?
Kruger was the Kwisatz Haderach and so is Eren.
Is there an English dub for AoT s3?
Paths (道 Michi?) are channels that connect all Titans and Subjects of Ymir together.[1][2]
All right, that makes sense
What are the chances of them connecting with the original Ymir's thoughts to do a time reset?
It's dumb and out of nowhere, but it doesn't have any major impact, so meh. If you want a stain look no further than the serumbowl, even the setup with both living just A LITTLE BIT and Erwin being teleported there was fucking dumb.
Kek. Retard.
What has been cut so far? All I can remember is the shifting experiment where Eren is to build houses.
Kys gopnikslut
>What would he even do
He had an idea before RTS. Who knows what it was about, though.
>Contradicts Ymir
Reiner's promise was still a thing long after chap 50.
>The promise was fulfilled with the letter.
That letter contained no helpful information whatsoever.
It is an ape because this is the last arc before the setting and core elements change completely.
Post your best Erwin pics
Reiner only """liked""" Krista. If you think it was anything serious you're retarded.
>implying the Female Titan arc needed to be any longer
Arumins wife
Because he knew their plot armor would shield all of the named characters and only confuse the enemy by removing their redshirts.
He's just trying to rub salt into Armin's face for all the underhanded tactics he has tried to pull on him, while also coping with the fact there is no way back for him.
Would you?
Eren wouldn't say anything, just straight up knock her up. Hell, he probably didn't even have any feelings, just did it as part of his plan.
It was just an accident.
Say all you will about the story, but the anime has a way of delivering the big moments in absolute kino format.
This, she even looked like a devil.
I remember the theory that she was a Yaeger kek but maybe Porco knows her real name
oh no no no
>He had an idea before RTS
The situation was completely different back then, user. The SC had 0 idea about the outside world, 0 idea about what the Coordinate or the FT were, were still surronded by titans etc. If they just killed them all at that moment, Paradis would be defenseless and they'd be free to go get Annie or even Krista. It's been 4 years now and the situation has changed drastically: Paradis has switched to the role of the aggressor because they have the means to fuck shit up. It's no longer just an island of ignorant peasants they can just break into to pick whoever at random.
>Reiner's promise was still a thing long after chap 50
And like I said, the last time he bothered mentioning much less thinking of Krista was when he gave Ymir's letter to the SC, which was the last thing she asked him to do. Since then there was no place for anything but depression. The very idea of having to go back to Paradis triggered his PTSD so much he actually tried to kill himself, and this surprise attack he pushed for was for the sake of the kids before the rest of the world, not for Annie, not for Krista, not for anyone else really. That doesn't look to me like this promise is still at the heart of his priorities or even a part of them.
>That letter contained no helpful information whatsoever
It wasn't he purpose of the letter to begin with so I don't know what point you're trying to make, here.
What plan, again?
No, that's just something he trained at because Annie could do the same thing.
The masterplan
We don't know what it is yet.
Thanks, that helps a lot.
m*rleyean leaders
The OP of this thread is a fucking NPC. A soulless fucking soiboi numale from Reddit.
This is bait.
Kys Benji
Of a bad manga
Yeah, went from shit to shit.
Weird kind of bait.
Le questioning bugman from Reddit
>For better or worse it's one of the best ongoing manga and anime series we have right now but Yea Forums likes to shit on it because it got too popular.
Semi true
Redpill - this is a shitshonen aimed at 8 year old boys
>Muh soul meme
Based Yea Forumsnon
Butthurt Redditor
Absolutely correct evaluation, based
>Soulless soiboi thinks soul must be a meme because he doesn't have one
May the next thread be better.
Redditor OP slayed by 4chad
Bad bait
>Brainless tard sperging out again
>the next thread is already shit
The Boss died for nothing
Kys redditvermin
Same Redditor different device
Same Redditor different device
Same Redditor different device
Yea Forums
What is this shit?
God post
Cool tantrum sperg please continue.
Just wanted you to know you are the most based poster around. Upvoted.
Same Redditor different device
>guaranteed replies
>Reedditcuck trying to use his Redditness against 4chad
Honestly, I don't understand what's making some of the posters who replied to this angry. Seems like nothing but the truth to me.
Kill yourself Ahmed
t. Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun aka coolman420 aka /u/BenChandler
I have a secret to share with you anons: Armin loves cock