Based Zombieland Saga, making Lily untrans

Based Zombieland Saga, making Lily untrans

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Other urls found in this thread:


>this thread again


Thank you o Great Creator

>making Lily untrans
He never was trans to begin with. Read pic related.

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What? Did they really retcon that?
I saw some kind of article that said both the English and Japanese VAs confirmed that Lily was trans, but I couldn't verify it, and I can't trust Western media to be honest about this stuff, so I wasn't sure.
Was the character always intended to be this way?

jesus saki is so fuggen hot in this pic long skirts make my dick explode

Can we just pause for a moment and appreciate how hot Saki looks in that pic?
(Yuugiri's damn pretty as well. And elegant.)

I hate idol uniforms, they're dumb

Give me the egg

>I saw some kind of article that said both the English and Japanese VAs confirmed that Lily was trans

> I can't trust Western media

>Was the character always intended to be this way?
Male? Yes.

>I hate idol uniforms, they're dumb
Those aren't typical "idol uniforms". They look like very stylish school uniforms. Those sailor-inspired school unforms.

they have enough idol flair though to make me hate them

>idol flair
Imagine Ai and Junko weren't in that pic and they'll lose all that "idol flair". Saki's especially looks school-uniformy, in combination with that sukeban coat.

Post egg please

it's the insignia's, the insignia's make them look like fake school uniforms

Is that a fucking bulge

Here, Christmas Egg and Tamagotchi. Merry Holidays.

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I don't get the appeal of this show
it's not cute and it's not funny
do people just like idolshit that much

>the insignia's make them look like fake school uniforms
But insignias is what actual (non-fake) school uniforms have. That's how you can spot what school they're from.
Besides, Lily looks exactly like one of those pre-WW1 German upper-class boys you see in all those old photos!

for me its the whore

Indeed, you don't get this show at all. I'm genuinely sorry for you.

my wife sakura looking extra thicc

For me it's the Showa idol

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>my wife sakura looking extra thicc
Yes, Inui-kun. After all, it was you who was responisble for that photoshoot, wasn't it?

Holy shit, Saki looks amazing. However, once again Tae's massive chest is downplayed. The inconstancy of her chest in the show and official art is hilarious.

I think it's supposed to be a comedy but it doesn't go far enough with it because it's following the shitty template of an idol show

>it's following the shitty template of an idol show
It isn't. At all. But hey, believe what you want to believe.

I'm open to a different interpretation but you're just being butthurt about it

>I'm open to a different interpretation but you're just being butthurt about it
Watch episodes 8 and 9 and then tell me how they follow the "shitty template of an idol show". If you think that they do, you really can't be argued with in a sensible manner.

You probably shouldn't trust Yea Forums either.

I dropped it at 5

>not liking chicken festival
But why?

idols doing idol things is boring

5 didn't follow any idol show template either. Nor did the first episode or the second. You can argue that 3 and 4 did, somewhat.
6 and 7 were a straight-up parody of the idol genre (still my least favourite episodes), so they did use idolshow tropes. 8 and 9 as far from it as they can possibly be. 10 and 11 are character drama, but not an idol-specific one. And 12, well, admittedly has a strong idol-theme going on, but that's to be expected.
Generally speaking, it wasn't a typical "idol show" at all.

>idols doing idol things is boring
They didn't. They sang one song for Drive-In-Tori, then they took part in the Gatalympics. Which is not something idols usually do.

>idols eating chicken and promoting for a family restaurant and getting themselves into mud
Yeah, no.

Attached: Tae plate.webm (1280x720, 473K)

I liked this show but CGI parts killed it for me.

doing stupid PR shit is exactly what idols do, do you have autism?

>CGI parts killed it for me.
There were, I think, four one-to-two-minute CGI scenes. If that's enough to ruin your enjoyment of the whole show, you're rather superficial.

>doing stupid PR shit
The Gatalympics are not "stupid PR shit". Kotaro intended them to be, but obviously, that's not what the episode was about.
Also, please show me any other idolshow that did this. You are arguing it's a generic formula, right?

>dropping a series when it's at its peak
Guess he just hates it.

Attached: Yuugiri ropedance.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

Again, do you have autism? This may be your favourite show and you have every single episode memorized off by heart, but I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>but I don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Yes, I've noticed that already. You said you've seen episode 5, yet you don't know what the Gatalympics are. Figures.

>Kotaro intended them to be
So their manager made them do stupid PR shit then.
>please show me any other idolshow that did this.
Did what? mud crawling?
It's that what you meant by what the episode's about?
Because apparently you've lost the ability to understand the need to articulate what you expect strangers on the internet to already know, but obviously don't. It's the foundation of communication to be able to clarify your point without relying on other people to magically guess what your trying to say.

Stop being autistic

Why does Sakura have such fat tits?

How does this follow the typical idol show template when it's obvious from ep 1 that is mocking actual idol shows and doesn't take itself seriously unlike actual idolshit?

Why are most of them so stick?

Because she is a healthy girl

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It's not just a river in Egypt
Anybody saying she is not a tranny is just in denial because watching a show with a trannie would violate their values but they didn't want to stop watching.

>Show is meant to promote saga
>Put the cafe in Akibara instead

Don't know why this pic suppose to make her look so hot, but nice coat.

It is biologically impossible to be aroused by this smelling, rotting and decaying corpse of a young girl.

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Post canon yuri

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Not user and despite I don't consider Lily a tranny, it is definitely not be my beef if she was otherwise.
My problem are assholes who try to use Lily, a 12 year old child who lost his fuck you mother, as their mouthpiece to try to spread their political bullshit.

>spammer already here

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My conservative wife, Saki, is so cute.

>retcon that?
retcon what? your headcanon?

Being gay isn't very conservative, user.

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They are shriveled up corpses


Why the fuck have you fags still not dropped that shitpo--

Fat zombie eggs are amazing!

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It's hilarious that Kotaro+literally every zombie girl makes better pairing then all that boring /u/-shit.

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And she also leglocks while kissing!Truly miracle of the universe...

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All of them are quite stocky around the legs, even Lily.
I also think Tae twisted her ankle.

Fat zombies!!

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True,fuck /u/-shitter

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This only matters to two kinds of people, those pushing an agenda and those who feel threatened by it, the vast majority of people DON'T GIVE A DAMN

i don't get it

I think I saw Kotarou/Xu Fu porn

Lily is wearing shorts instead of skirt. In this context, shorts are masculine clothing.


But user

The guidebook or whatever here says shounen

It's nothing ongoing, just a single page. I can merely post the Twitter link, if you like.

I don't mind Lily being a tranny and I do agree that there's a decent case to be made there. I just hate the people who parade it around as Lily's main character trait even though it's actually really minor and the show explicitly tells you that lily's gender doesn't matter and there's a lot more to him/her than that.

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Fuck sick yuri-spammer

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Sakura belongs to her senpai

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No,everyone belongs to Kotachad

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Yuri begone

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These girls are thick.

See guys?All it took so s hetposting,next time you see yutishitter just drop your kotaro folder on him and he runs away Thread protected!

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It's okay, I'm still here. I didn't know you missed yuri that much.

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Banish to your yurirealm,daemon!

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prog's grabbed onto Lily and declared him trans in their headcanon

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Stop struggling and cease your activity!

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Yuri is fake love

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Egg is zannen

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>Trusting the va and not official material
Soo kanji is gay?

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Lily is a lovely girl.

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Lovely gay girl!

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I love it when people think they can 'banish' posters. That just makes me want to post even more.

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Saki was made for fugs

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I thought you were gone?Typical coward tactic of yuriscum

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I appreaciate your counterposting measures, but really, what you're doing is just wasting more posts and making this thread hit the image limit even faster. You're basically helping the troll derailing the thread by reacting to him.

Here's what you should do: Make a ZLS thread on /u/ and post exclusively hetero fanart there. After all, that behaviour is now legitimized by Junkotroll not getting banned.

You right user,this being is to deranged to get a clue.Guess this thread should die then

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I personally would just screenshot the last thread, compile it, and send it to the mods on irc. Don't be antagonistic. Just ask them if that counts as spamming. You can even add other threads if you want.
Though, trying to drown the thread out only motivates those to do the opposite, I guess. Irony is something, eh.

>salty janny sc/u/m
>mods don't care
ZLS deserved better.
Why don't mods just delete the threads if they think it's just become a general and they won't bother to even moderate.

>send it to the mods on irc.
I don't really use IRC (or Disord). That's why I asked in the last thread whether someone does. I've also made a thread about this /u/ spam on /qa/ when it began, to no avail (as one would expect).
Mods/janitors have been in ZLS threads and outright deleting posts that pointed out the spamming ... and provided no explanation or clarification. (There is a theory that Junkotroll might be a janitor himself.)

But, yeah, if you do use IRC and can contact the mods, please do what you suggested we do. We do at least need the mods to issue a statement, an official position on this shit.
This has been going on for multiple threads now and is obviously intended to be destructive.

>they won't bother to even moderate.
They do moderate. They delete posts that call the spammer out. They killed one that did nothing but list all spamposts last thread - and that even had a Yotsuba pic.
They also did delete one (1) trannypost in here. They just don't seem to care about J/u/nkospam.

Yep. Get them to make a statement on it. That's the thing.

Well, does anyone in here use IRC or Discord?

About to be off for the day, but I can give it a spin again and go from there.

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Transvestite and transsexual are not the same thing.

So, when that cafe event starts, can we expect more of those cute costumes being posted? Like for the other events? This might be my favoutie so far.

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>caring about what's between someone's legs more than just enjoying them as a character
>in a show where it's never explained how the girls are made into zombies in the first place
>and they can shoot lightning lasers out of their fingers

Truly this board is inhabited by underageB& and manchildren. I expect this kind of political morality posing from Yea Forums, not you fags.

Attached: lily eyes.webm (1920x1080, 54K)

Great pic! Cute Yuugiri! Hot Saki there in the background too!

You know that Necrophilia is a thing, don't you?

>what's between someone's legs
Only the transfags care about that. If they don't start that shit, no one talks about Lily's gender.
Also: What's "between his legs" is detachable. So it might as well be somewhere in Kotaro's desk drawer.

Exactly. The fact it's detachable should remind people the debate about Lily is about as relevant to actually trans as Ranma 1/2.

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There's a lack of Saki in the thread

Attached: Saki.png (2000x1550, 3.27M)

Creative censoring! Not sure if that's censored enough for the mods though, especially when it's not additionally hidden under a spoiler.

Also, that pic definitely shouldn't have her wear makeup. Still great, of course.

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Every anime show that is any good has girl boys and boy girls.
It's just what happens to sell. Mostly because people like the idea of dominating a boys asshole.
Pretending its a trans issue is missing the point quite a bit.

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You’re boring

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I like this show but these threads are fucking awful.

>these threads are fucking awful
Yes. That's what happens when the mods let trolls get away with ruining threads.

>implying it was a good or even salvageable thread to begin with

Most likely. Their waitress stuff got a bit of fanart, so more art of those specific outfits should follow.

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It was quite nice until the Junkotroll showed up.
ZLS still goes on, like with those cafe events. And we can still talk about those like we tried to in here.

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>so more art of those specific outfits should follow.
Let's hope so. And let's hope the next of those cafe things has a nudity theme! (Well, I guess that would also mean that everyone but Saki and Yuugiri will sit out on it ... can't be helped ...)

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They should do one with a lesbian theme

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If Junko was my mom things would be different around here

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Reiwa idols when?

She would make a conservative-ish grandmother.

You'd have two cute moms in that case

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>She would make a conservative-ish grandmother.
She besically is. And parts of her might literally be from one.

>Reiwa idols when?
Being cast right now. But none of them have died yet.

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I would have exactly the same age if she conceived me on 87

Season 2 when?

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They don't make 19 yo girls like this anymore

Girl (male)

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>Season 2 when?
Not before the Saga stage event in July.

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Waitress Sakura gave a good amount of art, so I look forward to more cute costumes from their design department.

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Pity Kotono can't do anything about those, but I guess her role is what it is within the franchise. Asking for more would either require something more significant offered to her.

Eggs legs are very nice indeed.

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What a tragic moment for such a glorious display. A bitter yet exciting concoction of a potion.

>Pity Kotono can't do anything about those
Oh, I'm sure that if she wanted to partake and do funny dance moves in the background, no one would stop her.
Maybe she can be persuaded when ZLS reaches Sailor-Moon-levels of success. But money alone, no matter how much, won'T make her do it.

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She's probably getting close to retiring really. She's already 51 years old. Small parts here and there is about what I would expect of her, not full out roles and/or singing.

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>unironically complaining about autism

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She's still pretty active. Just too expensive for most shows. But I'm sure she doesn't have to work or worry about money anymore. It's a miracle that ZLS got her for Tae. She probably thought voicing a legendary zombie would be fun ... well, she was right, of course.

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How exactly do they calculate how much they pay her fro Tae?
Do they count the grunting noises?

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I would be pleasantly surprised if they could get her to voice a little more as Tae. But yeah, her career is immense, so not many could afford her.

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>How exactly do they calculate how much they pay her fro Tae?
I'm pretty sure it's not on a per-line basis. They probably got together beforehand, asked whether she'd be interested, discussed the amount of work involved and negociated a fee for her services.

>pleasantly surprised if they could get her to voice a little more as Tae
Right now they don't seem to be taking the character in that direction, but who knows? Maybe a flashback? With how successful ZLS is, they could now afford giving her a considerable raise for one episode.

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Yeah. I expect it not on a per grunt or line basis. Not with a seiyuu like Kotono. Probably negotiated and given either packaged or something similar. Also, I would like that, but she is the meme character just as you're said. Her big thing is just being Tae, mystery and all.

Really don't understand the boob envy theme that reoccurs.

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If we ever make a collective Marvel request for Franchouchou, Tae is gonna be Groot.

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Hey, Junkotroll, here: I made you a thread on /u/ .

Go there and claim it before people from here start posting hetero pairings there (not that I'm suggesting that or anything ...)

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Someone as young as Sakura is certainly blessed with that doyansu body and that probably adds to it since she's younger/about the same age as a good portion of the group.

I'm glad /u/ shares our taste in ships

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>implying /u/ still care about ZLS

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They don't have to. Just J/u/nkotroll. If we give him a playground there and he doesn't use it, well, at least no one can say we didn't try.

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Ai and Junko never expressed any discomfort about their boob size. Why would they? Both are already famous with the body they have.

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Does anyone else think that Junkotroll is using spambots? I don't want to believe that some autist devotes all his life to ruinging threads for other people.

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My wife Sakura is the cutest and most talented idol in the whole world!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.40_[2018.10.25_17.30.21].jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

There's one for every general. I remember someone with a trip who would dump nothing but pickles into a thread just because.

Yes, Inui-kun, we know ...

Which are not allowed on Yea Forums

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This isn't even a general. But I do wonder: If we kept a thread up 24/7, would he still be able to do it? That would pretty much prove he's (semi-)automating the process.
I've also considered just making a new thread once he starts posting in one, he alone can hardly spam multiple threads at once. But it would waste threads and effectively make him spam the whole board. And we don't want that. On ther other hand ... then mods would have to react. (Though, they'd probably overreact and punish us for his shitposting. There's no way we can win as long as they support him.)

Implying that shit matters to the posters, both the ones who make the threads and those who shitpost in them. Moderation can only do so much, while the usual suspects have and continue to do even more to continue their shenanigans.

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Which is also why this isn't a "general", shithead.
Also, there's just a policy against generals, no strict rule. There is, however, a strict rule against spam, that very demonstrably isn't enforced - or just very selectively enforced.

this is a general thread

Literally just delete ZLS threads on sight until S2 starts.

This is absolutely a general. And a garbage one at that.

This is NOT a general, unless you consider every single thread about any show on Yea Forums a general.

>Literally just delete ZLS threads on sight until S2 starts.
That's what the Junkotroll wants, retard. Just delete the shitposting and spamming and ZLS threads won't bother anyone.

I might just keep making them to keep the seething yuriposter busy. Maybe mods will finally decide to give a shit then.

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If anything, we'd have to make multiple threads at once.
But, really, why shouldn't we be allowed to discuss things like that new cafe thingy or Mitsuishi Kotono in dedicated threads, just because trolls spam them to unusability?

Yes that'll show how this isn't a garbage general with no purpose.

>with no purpose.
Again, we've been discussing the next cafe event, the costumes they designed for that and so on. That IS a purpose. What do you have against us doing that?

It's a shit general, that's the problem. You guys just look for any pathetic excuse to keep making these

Still, he's right about the almost daily threads being made. As much as I love posting this cute Egg there shouldn't be a daily thread.
Stay seething /u/ faggot. They can either delete the daily threads or ban you for breaking the rules to make me stop. Either way Yea Forums will be better off.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.31_[2018.11.18_13.19.39].jpg (960x1080, 137K)

>there shouldn't be a daily thread.
There wouldn't need to be a "daily thread" if we could just have one proper thread every week or so. Right now, everytime a thread is made, it is spammed to death within hours. No wonder people create new threads if we never can discuss anything in peace.

So you're basically saying we shouldn't be allowed to discuss news about ZLS on Yea Forums ...
You can't be serious.

This is going to turn in an autism war right?
Yurispammer/mod VS corpsefuckers.

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There is nothing to discuss. No, a cafe event is not news or worth making a thread for.

Nope. It'll be nothing more than justification to have the threads autosaged on site, if not outright purged. Just like all the others.

>No, a cafe event is not news or worth making a thread for.
Well, we disagree there. If you don't like that, just fuck off.

Just don't put zombieland saga in the subject or in the op post so he can't ctrl+f the catalog to find it.
that seemed to work for a thread last week.

You're polluting the board with this shit. You first.

The longer this goes on, the more I believe it's true: Junkotroll being a lowly janitor who wants to get these threads deleted, probably because ZLS beat his favourite anime of last fall in sales numbers. Because, as a janitor, he can't just delete threads, he spams them to death and complains about them being "generals".

Is this thread just the same extremely autistic person replying to himself and anyone else who dares enter?

No, it's Junkotroll spamming and complaining.
Notice how the spam stopped the very moment the complaining started? And how very probably this "debate" is over, the spamming will commence.
It's one troll and many of us who try to ignore him.

It's the mods fault, they should delete these threads when one of them keeps popping up right after one ends, and especially this thread just from the OP alone. But then to also allow a spammer to blatantly break the rules and do nothing about it and then just ban people who ask for the rules to be enforced is just downright ridiculous.

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You're the person I was was referring to

Yeah he's going off the rails lately.

This. Lily is a trans girl, to call her a guy or Masao is fucking rude. This isn't even debatable like with the many anime characters who crossdress, it's explicitly stated. She was born Masao, but she is Lily. That's it.

You know we can tell who you are by you saging the thread, right? Just fuck off, Junkotroll.


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The great thing about ZLS is that it never followed the common anime clique. No Kotarou barging into them changing for fanservice. No wardrobe malfunction. No breast envy in the onsen. And that's a good thing

>they should delete these threads when one of them keeps popping up right after one ends
Agreed, and not just this show. We need an /ag/ already where all the obsessed autists can go do all the roleplay and image dumping they want without ruining an entire board.

When you assume everyone you don't like is actually the same person that's a sign you have paranoid schizophrenia

How about we just get rid of shounen-war generals instead?
You complain that we make threads for cafe events, when most shounen-war threads get made just because.
There are often three HxH trollthreads up at once for no other reason than "hiatus".
Yet you come here to complain about people trying to have a proper discussion.

>No Kotarou barging into them changing for fanservice.
He already put make up on them, so he saw them naked anyway.
>No wardrobe malfunction.
Except Yuugiri who does it on purpose, I guess.
>No breast envy in the onsen
Could have been longer and with all the girls, but sure.

Very true. It broke the formula not only of idolshows, but also of comedic anime in general.
I also consider this one of its strengths. That and its strong focus on its characters.

Yes they should be gone too. It's quite telling that the only argument you have is "well at least we're not quite as cancer as shounentards". Throw it all in the trash.

I've been telling him this for god knows how long but he keeps raging against his windmills. His autism is uncurable I'm afraid.

My argument is that we discuss actual things that concern the show.
Tell me: What threads do you find acceptable? Obviously not those that center on discussion about one single anime, because you do call those "generals".

Threads with an actual constructive topic of discussion. Which this one doesn't. It's a shitty bait OP with no substance that only exists to give you retards an excuse to post your zombie sex fantasies, pseudo-roleplay, and copypasted catchphrase responses.

All generals are trash. The difference is this is a general with only one person in it, you, so it has even less reason to be on the board

>It's a shitty bait OP with no substance
I agree. Yet it spawned discussion about something interesting anyway. So, what harm does it do to you or anyone?

>an excuse to post your zombie sex fantasies
That's not something that happened much in here. And if it did, so what? People post "sex fantasies" in litereally every single thread on Yea Forums.

Didn't happen in here once, unless you mean those "Sakura is my waifu" posters. All of which are Inui, which makes it okay. (Joking, of course, but come on, that's just a bit of flavour.)

All threads on this board work like that. It's harmless fun. Most of it is still sensible discussion.

>rotten womb
No, thank you

>All threads on this board work like that
No, just the garbage generals. Like this one. If you truly believe that then you're the problem, and need to get the fuck off my board already.

>This is NOT a general, unless you consider every single thread about any show on Yea Forums a general.
Every single thread about any show on Yea Forums is generally about a show and you're not restricted in any way about what topic within that general framework you decide to talk about.
If the OP indicates a a general framework, or a subject like a shows title, that thread is a general.

>No, just the garbage generals.
So, pretty much all threads that discuss one single anime. Get rid of them and, as you said, the shounen-war shit, and what are you left with?
One Page threads, 3x3 threads, Post Your Waifu threads and the drawthread. And a few recommendation threads under the guise of asking some "deep" question.
Great vision you have there for the board, retard.

>If the OP indicates a a general framework, or a subject like a shows title,
That'd be every single thread about a show. So, yes, you do consider practically all threads that are about anything "generals". Which is fine, but then you shouldn't complain about them.

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Indeed, user, indeed.
Let's end this debate against those shitposters here.

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The shows subject matter is what determines the quality of the threads because thats what drives specific kinda people into the threads.
People complaining about generals is a coping mechanism to make the low quality posts seem like a solvable problem when it's just inherent to the show.

It's sad that we're at a point where you generalfags can't even imagine a board without your shitty generals.

>and need to get the fuck off my board already.
>my board
You didn't even see the thread when it didn't have the title in the op last time and it was up for quite some time so I doubt you even pay much attention to Yea Forums at all. I'm sure the only reason you crusade in these threads is because /u/ didn't latch on and you've got nobody to discuss your yuri shipping with since all your complaints are always about the sex fantasies and waifu posting despite the fact you can see that in just about every damn thread on Yea Forums and threads have always fucking had this stuff.

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The problem we're dealing with here is hardly "inherent" to ZLS, as the shitposters are coming from the outside to ruin these threads.
ZLS used to have incredibly cozy threads. Not Yotsuba-levels of cozyness, but still better than most other shows on this board.

>ZLS used to have incredibly cozy threads
Yes, back when it was fucking airing. Not now that it's been a dead franchise for months with no news.

Shitposting is a form of comedy, kinda like extreme/low form of sarcasm.
People see the shows content, come up with a way to display their wit by shitposting and when people reply it validates their intelligence because if you were smart you wouldn't have replied.

>with no news.
There are news. We are talking about those news. That's exactly what people are complaining about.

>if you were smart you wouldn't have replied.
We aren't "replying" to most of the trolling. The proplem is that Junkotroll in particular is spamming the threads to death no matter what we do. If we ignore him, he'll still keep posting his stuff in one-minute-intervlas and push the thread to the image-limit within hours.

>she leg locks and the rigor mortis "just happens" to kick in

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>rigor mortis "just happens" to kick in
I don't think it's Sakura whose bodyparts become hard and stiff in that situation, user.

A cafe event is not news. S2 being announced is. Fuck off with this shit already.

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>A cafe event is not news.
It undeniably is. People are interested in this. I am and, as this thread has shown, so are others.
Why do you think you're the sole authority when it comes to decide what's newsworthy and what's not?


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My wife Ai is so cute, CUTE!

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Cute lesbian

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>'discussion' stops.
>Yurispamming starts.
Even Tae could figure out it's the same person.

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YWN have a hot Gen X forever 18 biker girl as your wife

It makes sense considering the fanbase

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>Even Tae could figure out it's the same person.
Of course she could. She's highly intelligent after all!
But could some dumbass like Kotaro?

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why do Yea Forums generals somehow manage to attract the biggest autists? they're worse than Yea Forums

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Yuugiri has a great body. Why are we never allowed to see her properly in those group shots?

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Hi there Sakura

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This one has a cute style. Anymore from the same artist?

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Because she's tall and "huge". Put her in the front row and she'll most definitely block out some of the smaller zombies.

My ZLS folder is way too massive for me to find out, unfortunately.

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Don't expect a serious answer from the Junkotroll. He doesn't even like ZLS.

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Here you go, user:


See, Junkotroll doesn't even know where his pics are from, nor does he care. He just found it somewhere and saved it to shitpost.

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Put her a little bit to the side. She nearly every time the most covered from the rest.

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Thank you, user. It's a shame that the artist hasn't drawn more other than that and one other post but hopefully they will in the future.

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>the absolute state of ZLS threads

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Well, that's how group shots work: You keep the group together, which means making two or more rows, which means that the taller members will not be fully visible.
Putting her "to the side" would look strange, as if the other zombies didn't want anything to do with her.

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They really should be laid to rest but it just keeps coming back.

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Well threads were pretty comfy but i think there should be a break from them because this is just a burning pile of garbage.
>mfw i still keep entering them expecting something decent only to be greeted with garbage.

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>i think there should be a break from them because this is just a burning pile of garbage.
I agree. On the other hand, if there is a thread up, we still should try and salvage it. Would have worked for this one, hadn't it been for Junkotroll.

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is gay.

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Welp, it is spring. Cleaning is to be expected.

You wouldn't fuck a corpse.