It’s so beautiful
The best yuri kiss ever!
Other urls found in this thread:
Current and progressive!
Why does the blonde have negroid skull structure?
not even yurifags believe this
I mean there's better.
Yuri is cute. This is just gross.
Let me just ask - was netflix involved? The stench of liberalism is wafting from that gif.
at least they are as hideous as real lebians
You're obsessed with this scene.
It's not even the best yuri kiss from this season.
>making them ugly as shit
was that on purpose?
Because not all white people look the same
That’s how people in the LGBT community look like in real life
just going for that realism
/pol/ need to get a fucking grip, not everything is a liberal conspiracy to make them gay.
This is anime fag
>Two background dykes kissed so that the main dykes don't have to do it
this show is funded by netflix
This is a yet another /pol/ thread posted on Yea Forums, fag.
Japanese lesbians are much cuter than the Western ones are ugly as sin.
Yeh but also Watanabe is has mostly gone full SJW and spends tons of time in America these days
I don't even watch this show, but it still makes me get the popcorn out to watch /pol/ seethe.
I will get out front on the 'abandoning anime' movement. The thing I will now say is: "Anime is shit for ugly Japanese girls." Or "Anime is gay homoshit for ugly Japanese girls." Many more will join this movement in the near future, but I was (one of) the first to adopt it and this post, as archived, will be a mark/testament to that fact
Just because its funded by Netflix doesn't necessarily mean they got their hands on the creative process. Ultraman, LWA, Violet Evergarden are examples.
Cringe. Can we stop using that stupid non-insult? Can't we call them hippies instead?
Do you know that mods ban anyone who mentions /pol/, sjw, niggers, trannies whatever ONLY in C&T?
Because white is black because Brits are black.
i'm not insulting him and describing what he is
Just to clarify something: I'm much, much more aware of what's going on in the background of anime than most people here, or in other western anime communities at the moment. There are people more knowledgeable than me, but they're politically opposed to me, and the 'male anime fan', in general. AKA, the kind of anime fan who used to dominate most anime boards, though currently Yea Forums is dominated by women & homosexuals. That being the case (that I'm more aware of the background events than most people), I'm able to confidently state that the events will move quickly, and may be a matter of months rather than years, and the 'abandon anime' movement will very, very quickly pick up steam. People may make comparisons to what happened in the west (see: the current state of Yea Forums), but beware that the current situation in Japan is actually much, much worse. So don't be surprised to see events happen very, very quickly aka. in a matter of months rather than years. And people will be shocked and betrayed to find out the things I have, and to find it out all at once will be a compelte shock to their systems, and they will then join the 'abandon anime' movement in absolute droves.
There is a difference between funding production and just buying the exclusive streaming rights
do tell im interested in your insight
I don't have the time/energy to explain things now, but this is a good starting point for the current situation
Then, since when fighting for social justice is a bad thing? Christ, the right had good insults like "Tree Huggers", "Bleeding Hearts" or "White Knights"; stuff that really stinged. Now, it's just perplexing words salad that are not even clever. It's extremely upsetting.
who cares, it's the meaning that is most commonly understood so it's what I use to describe the obvious changes that have occured in Watanabe and how he lives his life now
Keep in mind that giving you an honest answer would likely result in a ban because the fucking snowflake jannies don't like certain words.
But anyway, niggers and dykes are ugly as sin so the anime is just being realistic. Kind of.
I dropped the show because of this scene. Also it's really boring.
cuz they are not fightig for social justice but social bonus points for themselfes.
They smear, they stab you in the back and use their fake agenda to gain power and put social pressure over you. Filled with psychopaths
I've never hated White people more than when I saw the threads for this. How do I go full SJW? What benefits do I get?
>that really stinged
None of those terms have really meant much to the people they're actually used on. Insults in general are for the sake of the people making them feel better about themselves for better or worse
You chop off your dick, dye your hair, and win regional women's weightlifting competitions.
You get the benefit of having a wooden stump with nails up your ass nigger faggot.
Fucking hell just look at the kind of subhuman that inhabits the threads for this fucking westaboo garbage.
I was not criticizing the content, but the form. SJW is a word salad, period, it sucks has a derogatory term. It annoys me each time I read it.
>What benefits do I get?
you get daily harassment and free death threats
why are you even here? who paid you to shill here?
go fuck of to reddit.
you have to go back
tommy go back to /pol/
>Fucking hell just look at the kind of subhuman that inhabits the threads for this fucking westaboo garbage.
I check one of these threads and there's only people posting about how they enjoy an innofensive, kind of bland westaboo anime. You hyped me, but you ultimately disapointed me. Stop overblowing things, these threads are not freaky, they're just dull.
why would a /pol/ dude go to lgbt tumblr sites for any other reason than to troll and annoy?
Go back please and take your work friends with you.
After you fuck off to tumblr you cum guzzling half-breed.
Soros and his buddies the transgendered lizard people, duh.
hopefully the threats will cease to be just threats soon enough
But japanese girls with no plastic surgery look ugly AF user
Your ancestors were black, you self-hating negro. Go back to africa.
Tuesday likes boys so she won't be kissing any girl.
we are on /pol/
every board on Yea Forums is /pol/
Fucking trannie
I just came here to say that, yuri is more pure and beautiful when two very feminine girls kiss each other. When there is a manly looking girl, looks fake and not gay.
Thank you.
I'd unironically prefer to be some wakanda nigger instead of some faggot half-breed that sucks cocks and has God knows how many STDs.
>/pol/nigger is a spic
you kow exactly what im talking about you piece of shit.
/u/fags are misandrists who come on Yea Forums to complain about the presence of a male character or heterosexual couples, are you that surprised they are in these threads?
Kill yourself.
Actually no. I don't speak schizo.
This. I don't believe any actual yurifag enjoyed the scene.
that's Korean
Anybody wanna talk about the show instead of the social justice war?
I really liked the laundry song.
Meh. It's just like when hetfags don't really enjoy seeing an average-looking middle-aged hetero couple kissing. It's just meh.
The show sucks so no.
and white and black are bad words to describe races along with a million other things that sucks but we use anyway, you're a little late to the civlization party to complain about these petty language issues
This is the greatest pleb filter of our time.
trannies and crazy libtards in denial
The show is boring. I'm surprise it gets shitposted for other things instead of being dullshit.
I thought it was shit, also in reality that nigger would have raped them both.
too many /pol/fags and Yea Forumsermin occupy Yea Forums these days so it's impossible.
This show is like teaching children that bears just want hugs. Diversity will maul you to death, just like the fucking bear.
You're the libtards burgerfag, I'm a dirty commie. American conservative are also liberals you fucking obese retard. Fuck your stupid politically uneducated shit-hole of a country. I hope you fall off your eletric scooter and break your hips, lardy.
Shame I've been enjoying the show as its pretty unique compared to most everything else that's airing right now and I wouldn't mind talking about it. I browse /pol/ occasionally but anyone discussing that shit anywhere outside of it aught to be banned, all it does is shit up any discussion that might be had.