You like my hair? Gee thanks just bought it~

You like my hair? Gee thanks just bought it~

Attached: nami.jpg (554x554, 41K)

Pre time skip yami looked way better than this shit. Oda made her a fanservice material.

Sorry I misspoke, I meant to say that I like your tits



>EXPAND tits
>Decrease waist
How far can oda go?

How come Nami never got horny on the ship? I find it hard to belive that a 17 and then 20 year old nubile female doesnt get horny.

I liked your hair at one point

Attached: __nami_one_piece_drawn_by_alsea__aa651ce6629b9dc002c17d0d4be9386f.jpg (413x585, 288K)

I love Oda for btfo of Tomboyfags.

Long hair nami is a crime

when she had short hair but her breasts were at their largest was premium nami

Depends on the woman. I had friends who were horny at 13 but by the time I reached 20 I still had no sexual desire.

She got enough of that from arlong.

Thought about getting a haircut?

Nami aged badly

keep your ariana grande lyrics on facebook nigger



I miss the short haired qt tomboy that she once was.
Now she's just a walking stick figure with breasts.

>Now she's just a walking stick figure with breasts.
She was always this just with short hair you mentally deranged tomboyfag.

No she wasn't.

The fuck are you saying?

she's horny for women

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