What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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He had the right intentions initially but he was a autistic faggot and got fucked

he was the only good character in this ass show

Waifu derangement syndrome.

He put the pussy on a pedestal and didn't run off with his cripple waifu when he had the chance.

>count openly admits to trying the kill the princess and will continue to do so
>save his life for some fucking reason
>he shoots the princess

Fucking genius

He should've hooked up with the maid and disregarded the princesses the first chance he got.

Drunk in power and fame.

Rushed plot development leading him to act in irrational ways for the sake of prolonging drama
This applies to the entire cast

At least no one else operated in the exact opposite of their interests

>Count admits Vers society have been indoctrinated to hate Earthlings so they wouldn't blame the royalty for shitty Mars life
>also admits he's personally biased to Earthborn humanity because his wife died in the war
>end up adopting his ideas anyways despite going completely against his princess' ideology and being Earthborn himself
Eggs had nothing on this 3k IQ motherfucker.

but he fed him chikin

it's been so long since i watched it that i can barely remember
i recall the princess having a shapeshifting sister that asspulled him into various godawful situations for plot convenience though

Too good for the show he was trapped in.

Nah. It fits the series.

I saved this from that time.

I also barely remember anything besides eggs being op. Literally a forgettable animu.

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>expect the princess to go full Emperor of Mars on those fucking traitor with help of terminator Inaho
>she gets turned into a fishtank for half of the show and marries literal who ex machina
Fuck japan.

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If you had hopes after watching the first half, then I don't know what to tell you...

He wanted to fuck a princess, but the princess only saw him as a friend. Then she sided with the autism wonder boy, and he got mad jelly, then betrayed all of his beliefs and principles.

I think it was not wrong to hope that.

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Inaho was straight isekai bullshit op mc, should've stayed dead.

Slaine did nothing wrong.

But I guess I had my expectations set too high after the first three episodes. Which were written by Urobuchi.

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First half was decent enough. It's a perfect example of wasted potential though.

He saved the good guys and then they proceeded to shoot him down and leave him for dead.

His bum wasn't saucy enough.

Not enough doujins.

season 2

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Uh? He got a lot of doujins, actually. I fap to him almost every day.


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Slaine was born to suffer. Literally slave

look at his empty eyes
he gets pupils back in ending

I mean after they teamed up to fight the martian Inaho backstabbed him, I would be mad as well.

half of Yea Forums thought this guy would be the MC in season 2 back then, until Inaho came back with a robot eye without brain damage

Nothing. He was in the right.

notice how the slainefag actually has an argument

this was exactly the moment this garbage anime shit the bed hard.

>both side are inexperienced at war! we are all virgins of war!
>somehow this fucking high schooler is a cold blooded genius at tactic and war. Oh yeah and a fucking ace pilot too
did Inaho got cucked and he didn't even mind at the end? Jesus, here I thought Mikazuki had no emotion. Only good thing out of the show is aLiez and earth mecha design

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This show just wasn't very good and the second season was terrible.

The one way you can guarantee you survive in anime is if you get shot in the head

Many things, but mostly he just made the brave choice of getting revenge on earth for getting cucked

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Fuck Inaho, the Mary Sue he is. Actually robot, might be closer to it