Who is the target audience for Senko-San? Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?

Who is the target audience for Senko-San? Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?

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People that like 800 year old lolis with animal parts

Lolibabas are the best.



Dumb niggers like OP

Attached: Satania party hard nigger.gif (200x200, 40K)

kill yourself

Attached: cuck_o_7176458.jpg (720x664, 99K)

Aren't they the ones coming in and complaining that it reminds them their life is awful?

Nah I'm good bruh

Attached: Grand Wizard Satania.jpg (640x366, 128K)


>Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
Yes, Yea Forums is a good example.

My dick.

>Yea Forumsutistic neets
>having a job

The author decided to be the change he wanted to see in the world and made it for himself. Of course since he is a man of extraordinary taste, others also enjoyed it.

Literally me.

yes, me

Its their facade. But arent they all bitching everyday?

Anyone who wants a wife-mother.


Attached: thesehandswillbeatyouup.png (279x120, 53K)

The intended audience is the author alone. Anyone else is welcome along for the ride.

Yes they do.


>Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
Does a bear shit in the woods?

Only if you hear it.

Me desu