Who is the target audience for Senko-San? Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
Who is the target audience for Senko-San? Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
People that like 800 year old lolis with animal parts
Lolibabas are the best.
Dumb niggers like OP
kill yourself
Aren't they the ones coming in and complaining that it reminds them their life is awful?
Nah I'm good bruh
>Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
Yes, Yea Forums is a good example.
My dick.
>Yea Forumsutistic neets
>having a job
The author decided to be the change he wanted to see in the world and made it for himself. Of course since he is a man of extraordinary taste, others also enjoyed it.
Literally me.
yes, me
Its their facade. But arent they all bitching everyday?
Anyone who wants a wife-mother.
The intended audience is the author alone. Anyone else is welcome along for the ride.
Yes they do.
>Do depressed salarymen consume a lot of anime?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Only if you hear it.
Me desu