This is reality

This is reality.

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Taki is too OOC here so no

based kyoani dabbing on the yuriniggers

Look, I don't care about any of this yuri vs. het drama, I just want Kumiko and Reina to shove their feet into my mouth. Who's with me?

If euphonium was actually about the teacher trying to manipulate his young naive hot students into illicit relations with him, I would be very interested in watching it. Alas it never shall be.

Actually, this is promoart.

Based on local anecdote, it's definitely expected behaviour for band teachers

No so fast, Violet is getting the most yurinigger OVA imaginable in 3 months.

I’m literally watching VEG right now, and if this is true I’m dropping the fuck out of it.

Thats how band teachers are irl so at least itd be realistic

That would only happen in a shounen romance where the main guy's childhood friend is pursuing the older chad band teacher.
>heroine's original love interest needs to pull a 180 and be a serial murderer/rapist or otaku would rage

Damn brat, quit bullshitting me.

The anime itself and its characters are one of the most het things the studio has ever done, you should be fine.
Just avoid the second OVA that is coming out because it has an actual lesbian girl trying to do lesbian things while poor Violet just tries to get work done.

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>Forced Heterosexuality is okay now
How Kyoani has fallen.

>If you aren't forcing faggotry, you are forcing heterosexuality.

Kyoani kept teasing Kumiko and Reina since forever, and theyboth have excellent chemistry together. For some reason Kyoani suddenly decides to shove Shuichi and this crap down our throats.

That was just Kyoani ramping up the yuribait in S1 and then deciding to actually follow the LN for S2 and the movie

nice feet

I accept the truth of this but I'm still fucking furious about it, not least because taki is the actual worst

anything can be felt forced if the writing isn't organic

They'll always be gay in my heart

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is this adolescence?

I'm not lying to you.

The OVA that is coming this september is called "Eternity and the Auto-Memories Doll", which is about this girl here:

>Her hands rounded my back and our bodies came closer at once. My chest that particularly did not form a cleavage and her chest that looked slender under clothing touched, and my cheeks unwittingly grew red. Then I closed my eyes.
>“What is the matter?”
>“I thought you were gonna kiss me.”
>“May I ask why you thought so?”
>“Somehow… When bodies are so close together, don’t you feel like doing it?”
>We immersed ourselves in the bathtub side by side. Although the tub was wide, it was narrow for two people to go in. She sat on the edge so as not to let her prosthetics touch the heated water to the best of her abilities, while I had my knees folded inside the tub.

>It was quite difficult not to stare up and down at her as she wiped her body with a cloth soaked in warm water. Unlike me, who had never done physical exercise, she had a toned body. The glossiness of her skin had a pearly gleam. She herself was the copy of a heavenly nymph from some painting. I believed that no one would manage not to pay attention to a woman with such a beautiful naked figure, regardless of gender.

>Since I was in love with her, I did feel like monopolizing her future, past and present. But people had things that they did and that they did not want to talk about. I was not very smart, yet I was aware of that much. Because it was valid for me as well.


>“Yup, I trust you.”
>——Because it’s you.
>“And thank you for until now; this is your last job.”
>——Because it’s you.
>“I’ll leave the man role to you, but do let me say it.”
>——Because it’s you, I fell in love and followed after you.
>“Violet, please take my hand.”
>The golden-haired, blue-eyed Auto-Memories Doll – the most beautiful and distinguished person out of the people I had encountered – Violet Evergarden – smiled the slightest bits as she spoke, “Gladly, Milady.”

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True that.

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Character limit reached so anyway, because VEG is a show that takes itself very seriously all the time you just know this lesbian character is gonna inevitably bait the shit out of yuriniggers.

I long for the days when forced drama was the only "forced X" that existed. It's still perhaps the only one that makes a lick of sense.

It's like none of you actually watched the fucking show. Kumiko literally confesses to Asuka at the end. Whereas Kumiko was always there to support Reina get sensei's dick.

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i dropped the second season after like three episodes desu. it was bad

Yurifags btfo

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You're an idiot. The end of the Asuka arc is amazing.

I just say melodrama because no one can take 'forced' seriously anymore.

The second season is better than the first though.

And you missed buchou's sexy sax solo

Agreed. Although I watched it to the end. I legitimately loved 1st season. I'd give it 10 easily, while 2nd barely gets 5


>realistic portrayal of female x female friendship
>"why aren't they gay? Oh my god, Kyoani!"

It's really not.


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>realistic portrayal of female x female friendship
t. user who probably hasn't spoken to a female since elementary school

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top is definitely normal tho

Yes it is.

first arc of the second season is kinda shit.
overall 1 & 2 have very different vibes imo, 1 being more about SoL/happy fun time with sapphire and hazuki with occasional drama while 2 is almost all drama and redeeming characters you used to hate like onee-chan, but i honestly don't think it was done that well because unlike pic related it was done at the last minute and i still kind of hated the sister for being a cunt for 3/4 of the whole series

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