
12 hours until reunion

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Other urls found in this thread:ōkai

Hopefully the animation won't look like shit like the last 3 episodes.

any based translator anons itt?

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The boys finally back together. Dororo's father left him the remainder of the animation budget, so no more sideshows.

looks like they got their act together for this ep at least

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So when the hell is the full second ED being released?

this but with figurines/figmas
Whats taking so long?

Is this Katana Zero: Feudal Edition: The Anime?

It's pretty much just the dialouge from the show.

(Episode 17's Smugmaru)
J: No doubt, it's human skin... and you can smile!
J: Can you hear my voice?
H: I can.
J: You can speak...! Incredible.
H: I can smell too.
J: Amazing! Though I see you're still blind...
H: But I feel, I always did!

Am I missing something? The drawings looks the same except for a lighter background and a recolor to match that

lol beautiful, thank you so much user
(Here's some more stuff if anyone would like to kill some time to help a humble user)

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>tfw you're not oka-chan's favorite

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we gyo now?

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Is Dororo the second best AOTY? I think it is!

So why did he not get any body part back for Bakemonogani (the crab), Kyubi (the Naruto fox) and Hakumenfudo (the buddha)?

Is it perhaps because Bakemonogani and Hakumenfudo are not part of the 12 demons?

And Kyubi is the one who didn't eat anything of his, because he already had Naruto?

what is number 1?

JoJo of course

They simply weren't the deamons that ate his body. Only 11 did and there are countless more so he has to kill every deamon he meets until he finds the ones from the pact.

But Kyubi definitely had to be the demon who was supposed t o eat him but didn't.

Something went wrong with the fox demon, the moment his mom almost killed herself weird shit happend, did the fox possess her or something ?

lol so basically what some anons in threads wanted him to be in this adaption. the art is cute though. thanks!

no idea

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Ded anime

i can see max faggotry doing the same shit like they did with the kill la kill figmas, and what are going to do with the gridman ones: release hyakkimaru a fuckton time later after the last episode airs and then like half a fucking year later they announce dororo.

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the crabs was a low profile monster. but for the budda and fox i expect this in the manga, the final demon is a mixfuck of other demons that hyakkimaru hasn't killed yet. since they greatly reduced the demon count, and they have put them consistently in this apaptation, it wouldn't be a surprise for me that the budda and fox haven't died yet, but they are weakened because of their their fight with hyakkimaru, so for the finale they will make them along with other demons to combine

Do you guys think they’ll treat us to adult Dororo at the end?

I would be shocked If they wouldn't

at least i bet the ending will be 100% clear the last time we will see it

dororo knows what's up

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What do they say?

This show got really stale in the 2nd cour

better not read the manga then

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These many stupid sandwich moments...
An user of culture.

happy mother's day

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How does he even know where to find Dororo?

If it's not explained by himself in this episode we can assume he was following the road with the fresh tracks of the horses.


Precious Dororo

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I started watching this show a few days ago, last ep I saw was mio and kids being killed. I guess I wasn't paying attention, but how did he get his voice back from antlion demon before he killed it? Then got another leg back for killing it for real. Might have to rewatch since I was distracted.

>The shark kishin roars and assaults Dororo who cannot move her body. At the same time, Itachi, with the map in his hands, is climbing the mountain trail.

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It seems that it's possible for the demons to "trade" the body parts. The kishin for some reason gave Hyakki back his voice but took his (human) leg. When Hyakki killed it for real, he got back the leg.

at least teenage dororo from the ED

New Asada sketch.

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wew they're really teasing this ship now

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on stinky loli cunny

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SLC is an interesting concept.

Party starting in 3 minutes.

All it lacks are flowers and bubbles in the background, then it looks straight up from a shoujo manga.


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Is he eating Saburomaru? ;_;

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we Boromir now?

Good guy

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I don't know how to feel. Sometimes he's an enemy and sometimes he's a friend.

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All I want to know if the treasure exists in the anime.


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Thank Buddha, at least MAPPA didn't troll us

Is that supposed to be gold?
Look more like rice to me.

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>*steal Dororo's husbando*

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OMFG next ep

the music changed to

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Original episode next week.
"Amanojaku no maki"

>The Amanojaku or Amanjaku (天邪鬼, "heavenly evil spirit") is a demon-like creature in Japanese folklore.
>It is usually depicted as a kind of small oni and is thought to be able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigates them into perpetrating wicked deeds.
>One of the amanojaku's best known appearances is in the fairytale Uriko-hime (瓜子姫, "melon princess"), in which a girl miraculously born from a melon is doted upon by an elderly couple. They shelter her from the outside world, and she naively lets the amanojaku inside one day, where it kidnaps or devours her, and sometimes impersonates her by wearing her flayed skin.

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Looks like next episode is an anime original. Hyakkimaru and Dororo visit a village where a sword smith lives.

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RIP Itachi

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A lot of anons are gonna fall for this thot

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fanservice episode before we the show goes full death and family tragedy?
Im ok with that


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torrent where

I think episode 20 - 21 - 22 will adapt the remaining three arcs of the manga, and in the last 2 episodes we'll have Kagemitsu family's final disastrous reunion.

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Jesus, I'm guessing she's going to get 'replaced' by the demon at some point in the ep and Dororo/the parents will get fooled before Hyakki sees her aura.

a real human bean

The girl's name is Okowa (after a type of steamed rice dish).

subs when

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I don't know. Is Amazon shitting the bed again?

It's out.

aniki so elegant

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such grace desu

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> praying for someone who desecrated your mothers corpse for money

fuck off.

He was so pitiful in the last minutes of his life Dororo felt sorry for him.

He really just doesn't deserve that pity, at least not from Dororo.

Not that he's a particularly horrible person, he's just selfish.

Hamegg got exactly what he deserved.

She looks like she just walked in from a different show entirely. It's uncanny how she sticks out already.

I know, but bear in mind that Dororo is still a child. She's much more impressionable and compassionate than an adult, and a man just died in front of her.

I mean if anything she should be more petulant about the guy who, from her eyes at least, fucked over her life by crippling her dad and by extension making her and her mom live as urchins.

what a nice shot

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Sorry I've got absolutely shit memory, but can anyone tell me how/why Hyakki has a real sword with him? As opposed to just needing the ones on his arms? He never really uses it anyway.

Why was Dororo so cute this episode?

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We gon eat shark fin tonight.

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two hands and eyes?

I get what you say. I guess Dororo decided to forgive him at the very last minute, also as a way to ease that burden and put and end to the whole chain of events from Itachi's betrayal to her parents' death.

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Jukai knows he'll lose his sword arms eventually, so its for when that time comes

He used it once in episode 11 (or was it 12?) but no explanation was given.

Waiting for the biker mice episode adaptation.

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No explanation was given. Probably just a backup weapon. He did train with a sword as a kid, and he used it against the moth.

Too bad moth mommy didn't get the same treatment shark boy got. That was great.

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Local sharkfag accidentally saves the day

Thanks, I couldn't remember if he just picked it up from somewhere or not, but Jukai giving it to him makes the most sense out of most possibilities I suppose.

A shame Kobayashi got episode 15 and not a random original episode.

Her prince came to save her

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My fucking sides, at least chuck them down first for fun.

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> Dororo knocks over the little god statues and they domino and crush Tahomaru's men

Jeez, the god in this world is a karmic asshole huh?


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These fight scenes were pretty nice.

He might be an asshole but I kinda like his interaction with dororo, though not in the earlier one where he pour in hot porridge/stew thing on dororo's mom.

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The anime improved his character.
Fundamentally he had no reason to be mean with Dororo, as user said before he was selfish and greedy, but not inherently a bad person.

I liked that they at least didn't make him cartoonishly evil even though he looks that way.

Though I think Dororo should have been angrier with him that she was, even if it was reasonable from his POV, to her he was the one who spiralled her life into shit.

I guess him dying just as he reaches the money stash, before being able to even touch any of it is karmic enough for his death though, without being needlessly violent/overdone.

When has she not been cute?

I'm glad he didn't die. This three deserve a spin-off, desu.

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By the end of this is Dororo and Hyakki going to live happily ever after? I know people is going to cry foul about how Dororo is too young for him but we are talking about medivel japan here and their age gap isn't THAT outrageous, maybe 5 or 6 years apart?

This is supposed to be a cunning thief.

Hardy little nigga, still dead though.

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Dororo's mom requested it because she didn't have a bowl. It was either burnt hands or starvation. It wasn't Itachi's fault.

> Tahomaru going 3v1 against Hyakki
Come on, at least try to have SOME honour about what you're doing.

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I know, but he could just be an ass to the other peasants and give her their bowl, for old times sake.

Maybe they'll follow the game' route and make a time skip.

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Could've gone and given her and/or Dororo some food himself to save her from mutilating her hands + as just a little smidge of an apology for crippling her husband and forcing them to live as urchins.

I mean he was in good with the lord of the land at that point, can't imagine a bit of porridge would be hard for him to procure.

Jobbers have honour?

I figure Hyakki and Dororo will at least both survive, since that basically fits with the main goal of the show, but they might keep in the plot point with Hyakki leaving dororo for some years to go and kill the final demon(s) or some shit.

Though I'd personally prefer they settle into some degree of normalcy, maybe spread the money around a bit to make some peasants lives easier and/or start a simple farm like what Mio wanted.

No honor for demons

A beach episode so we can finally see Mutsu wearing sengoku swimsuits.

> understand that hyakki is a poor cripple boy just wanting his own damn property back
> treat him like scum demon shit
I mean I get Tahomaru's resolution to kill Hyakki so that the land will remain prosperous for the good of everyone, but he DID have at least some sympathy for his situation before that, just seems like he should just be solemnly resolute of the fact that he has to kill his own brother in order to keep the peace, not go full vengeance mode against him like a crazy person after a monster.

Do we ever find out if Mutsu is a girl or a boy? This is incredibly important.

Kagemitsu is Daig-sama's personal name.

>I want this
>I want the same thing
>Give it up
>Because of yourself... Anyway, if you ate Dororo-chan's pudding again, she would be mad right?
>Keeping that in mind, do you feel like having something else?
>...can't help it
>Eat this right now and pretend it was on accident!!
might be wrong

Mutsu is a girl.


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That was before Hyakkimaru slashed his eye and his mother tried to commit suicide over the situation.

I think finding out the reason why his mother was cold to him all these years because of Hyakkimaru broke him. He's just redirecting his anger into his resolution to save the land.

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Except for the fact that there was no honor for the whole situation, it actually wouldn't make sense to go 1v1 since the point was to protect his people no matter the cost.

> attack someone for your own reasons
> they attack back to defend themselves
> "Fuck you how dare you hurt me"

Also isn't he at least somewhat informed of what went down with Hyakki's curse, that, plus what she says before stabbing herself, paints a decent picture about what happened. It's not really like it's Hyakki's fault she stabbed herself, she was feeling guilty over the fact that she wasn't able to put his life over the well-being of the country, something which Tahomaru should empathise with considering he was kind of feeling the same regarding what had been done to Hyakki.

Girl. It was confirmed in a magazine.

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Keep in mind Tahomaru might be possessed or influenced by a demon. Something happened when he entered the Hall of Demons, and him being in the OP after Moth, Shark and their respective allies does suggest he's also demonic now and not human. Maybe I'm overthinking this

Legit thought Hyakki was going to kiss Dororo, but does he even know what is a kiss? The ship is being teased too much, I'm too hopeful at this point.

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Hyakki also said he is different.

It's common speculation, there must be something behind. Maybe he'll be the 12th demon Hyakki has to fight.

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Dude barely even knows how to talk let alone how to kiss. Does he even have his dick back?

I could see him offering a piece of himself for strength in order to defeat Hyakki; a piece of his soul for the prosperity of his land would be an entirely reasonable decision on his part.

Why was Hyogo's weapon blue? This colour was never shown before in Hyakki's eyes, i think.

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So they just left Itachi's rotting corpse inside the treasure cave?
And more importantly, they also didn't destroy or at least guard the boat Hyakkimaru used to come to the island, so both Hyakkimaru and Dororo got off the island pretty easily after all the work they did to track and corner them on the island.

I'm starting to think he is seeing more colours? This is a shot from ep 17

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He also saw his own hand/arm as green.

wouldn't hyakki see his soul turn red if that was the case?

It wouldn't be a proper ominous treasure room without a skeleton or two

> just left Oyachi she corpse
Sure, Dororo already went beyond what she should have done by praying for him, but it’s not like either her or Hyakki owe him a burial.

Also I reckon the island is out of the way enough + the cave is up a cliff so that the treasure wouldn’t be found too easily. There’s no real reason for anyone to go there at this point, and the fishing village on the coast near it is wiped out and haunted looking as fuck.

Just chuck some branches n shit in front of the cave opening and it’ll probs be fine.

*itachi’s corpse, whoops

Remember the samurai possessed by the sword way back when?

I'm so erect right now

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I hope they'll treat us to a Dororo hentai scene, no matter what age.

This arc was so fucking good, why couldn't moth get this treatment too?

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I believe we've seen all those colors before. Green tends to be plants. Orange is for ghouls or lesser demons (like the Spider lady). Purple has been recent. The faceless bodies at the bottom of the waterfall in the Buddha statue episode and the statue at the back of the Hall of Hell (pic related) were all varying shades of purple. I'm assuming purple could be associated with deep anger? That tree started sprouting demons because it had been soaking up blood of all the people that had died from fighting.

I had made a theory a long time ago, I think around episode three or four, about all the different soul colors we've seen and what they could all mean. I think I may have to go back and revise it a bit now that we've been getting all these new colors.

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Now that you said, I remember the green from the first episodes. Maybe the colours are becoming brighter then?

Good one user.

Moth turned into woman once only.

More like Amanaojackoff.

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Cute aniki

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>ywn fuck dororo

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We saw that as far back as episode 3. He's always seen nature and natural based things as green. His arms are made of wood so they are green to him.

I thought all objects were green? The statue was also and I think that e

It's about time we got some good animation again. This episode was a breath of fresh air in that regard.

I already have.
As much as the rest of the episode shat the bed, I thought Hyakki on the lake at night looked nice.

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bless you user

can't feel sorry for him. neither for the male retainer - he might have been a bro, but he's still siding with the demons

I fall for every thot.

Mio is better

Isekai quartet.


Hot shotaloli on bandit action.

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The demon shark was pretty underwhelming, He didn't do much at all.

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t. Dororo

Moth girl got done dirty. At the very least the spider girl served as a decent enough replacement.

need sauce, nao

The fortune of their province is gradually deserting them as Hyakkimaru gets stronger.

All the kishin fights have been pretty underwhelming

They should have stuck with the first OP. Fits the tone much better than Asian Kung Fu Generation.



Please tell me Hyogo is dead.

Why would you want that?

His wounds have been bandaged, and he's built like he is. I doubt it.

He's not gonna do much next week, though.

Because Tahomaru is such a jobber even in a 3v1.

The world is sufferings is due to you guys poisons.
hatred? revenge? what the fuck?
You really need to take care of the samsara in your mind.

She has not been rotten by samsara yet, so she has no mental illness and completely compassionated and enlightened.

>all this "why do you WANT YOUR BODY back?" bullshit (again)
at this point, I just wish to see Dororo killing the demon that has Hyakki's dick

There was a couple QUALITY shots, but at least we're over the 15 now.

Hyakki is still full of attachments for his lost body. That is the source of his sufferings, and also he make other (who has done nothing) suffers as well.

The best thing he could do is stop hunting demon and find somewhere to spend his lifu with waifu.

Who has he made suffer that wasn't already making others suffer with demon deals?

You think Hyakki could do some sick breakdancing with his detachable limbs?

Daigo people

They were suffering already, the fact that Hyakkimaru started getting his body back, and by extension worsening the state of Dago's land, is the result of Daigo's deal with deamons. He is the responsible one, not Hyakkimaru.


I'm glad we've gotten more Hyakkimaru being cute after his emo phase

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While Daigo is the root of all bad Karma,
Hyakki is not completely innocent,
While ignorant to everything, He created bad karma (activities).

He wants his body back mean he is unsatisfied with the way things are. And because this unsatisfaction, people of Daigo has to suffers.

As many people already asked him, why would he want his body back?
Did he ever experience the moment when he has everything? If not why he has such a desire?
Why do people of Daigo has to suffers due to his desire?

Easily one of the best episodes.

This ep was fine.

Superior cuisine.

Why did Hyakkimaru had to suffer due to Daigo's desire(let's be honest he made this deal with the deamons because of his want of power)?
Imagine asking a cripple if he wants his body back, and since there is a way to get it any invalid would take such a risk. Also, Hyakkimaru recently found out that he was done dirty by his own family(hic!) so now he obviously wants revenge.

Why do people of Daigo has to suffers due to his desire?
those people were destined to suffer and Hyakkimaru has a rightful claim for his body


It's more an episode building to a massive finale. Last few eps don't really stand out after Hyakki met the Daigo.
Looking forward to him getting his sight though.

i bet dorororo smells like piss

>gets cute moth girl
>spend most of her screentime as a monster moth
>gets cute shark boi
>spends most of his screentime beaten and with a swollen eye

I hope we get to see animu!Saburota, I think there was a anime design of him floating around some months ago

Attached: saburota.jpg (333x500, 50K)

Boring demon ay. But so far the demons have been pretty monstrous.
They're all related to Japanese myths remember.ōkai

You should play Okami.

The moral of the story is - fuck the state if they render you a limbless demon with no eyes, ears, nose and senses.

You don't get it.
I did not say Daigo is not wrong (he is the root of bad karma after all) and he is suffering for that too.

But Hyakki who not even once experience the feeling of having all things he has lost. (he was just born so is not really a sentient yet, he does not even remember his biological mother or father)

Why he suddenly want everything that he did not possess?
It's because his desire for satisfication, he feels better with a new body part, so he wants more, and as he being ignorantly satisfy his needs like a child want more sweets, people of Daigo suffers, he is totally wrong in that sense.
And even after people told him about the deal and he totally understand that what he did and will do harm people of Daigo, he still continue to do it. That just make his bad karma stronger.

And remember Daigo will of course, pay for his karma.
but Hyakki is also wrong in this. However, I doubt that the god (director) would make him suffers for what he had done when the series end.


No that nun washed her clothes rememeber?

>That he did not possess
He did possess them. He lost them when he was born.

You have not even experience having eyes ears nose and senses in the first place, so you can't feel the feelings of lost. There is no resentment or hatred in the first place.
It's like being born disabled.
The feeling of Hyakki is just selfish desire for more satisfactory.

How can she be a bigger thot than Mio? No way she could put as many cocks inside her sloppy pussy as Mio did.

*cheaper and more used up

>(he was just born so is not really a sentient yet, he does not even remember his biological mother or father)
No he did not experience any of that feelings (lost)

>I doubt that the god (director) would make him suffers
gimme spoiler, sempai
how did it end in 1969?

>You have not even experience having eyes ears nose and senses in the first place, so you can't feel the feelings of lost.
I thought this was all figurative to be honest.

If the state "blinds", "deafens" and renders me "senseless" then why shouldn't I destroy it?

>No he did not experience any of that feelings (lost)
Are you kidding, he's obviously considered himself odd compared to others from day one. How would he not be full of rage at the world he's stuck in?

Would you gave up your limbs for the sake of a land being protected by a contract with demons, not by effort, while others demons and ghouls keep coming at you because they sense you have powers and you need to fight them nevertheless?

He still had everything before he was born. He wouldn't be searching for what he lost if he didn't feel like he needed it.

And by doing that you bring sufferings to people of Daigo.

And to be fair Hyakki is not completely senseless, and as the world is extremely balanced as he was fornunate to met Jukai. Then as he grew up due to his desire he break the balanced state of Dororo world and bring sufferings to the innocents.


Hyakki is simply fighting against his torment. I see nothing wrong with this. Humanity all fight this torment and society is simply are agreements to reach and obtain our individual goals.

Ironically pathological empathy is WAY more dangerous and destructive, because it’s proponents allow the most horrific actions imaginable go unchecked and unpunished at the peril of the innocent; including themselves.
Spider waifu was one thing, she turned out to be good at heart and didn’t permanently harm anyone, but shark boy is a psychotic cannibal and uncle bandit is a rootless dirtbag. Neither of them deserve any sort of mercy or good will.

like a year ago

That's the problem, it didnt. It got axed.

>sufferings to the innocents
NOBODY is innocent

I have grew up and experience this life with all senses and 4 limbs, of course I would feel resentments
However, Hyakki did not experience anything yet, he was just born so he did not feel such things.
>He still had everything before he was born. He wouldn't be searching for what he lost if he didn't feel like he needed it.
It just his desires, he did not "experience" having them in the first place. He has not attachments why would he want to have them other than it feels good?
Think about it is his selfish-desire was the motivation of his further actions.

Also, it was reiterated a couple of times that the deamons are "eating" at his body and that he has to bear the consequences of the deal. So not only he was crippled, he is in constant pain or at least knows something is not right with his body/soul.

>And by doing that you bring sufferings to people of Daigo.
Yep, conflicts of interest happen. A good society renders the conflicts negligible. A bad one sacrifices one part for the other.
The line was drawn the moment they knocked the first domino (praying to the demons).

Problem: if everybody prays to demons then what?
You simply do what you please then. What matters is having leverage over the other. This society tricks us into thinking that is not the case.
The Daigo has an alternative too - they can invade lands that are more stable and do not rely on demon worship.

I get that from the karma rules standpoint Hyakkimaru is also corrupting his own soul by desiring something he never owned because he wasn't born with it, and by killing demons other people are indirectly suffering, but isn't the goddess of mercy herself who sacrificed hee hear to save Hyakki? It has to be favourable karma on Hyakki's side.


>unchecked and unpunished
No such things, They will reap what they sow that is the point of karma.
They paid for their karma and Dororo was completely right to not habour any hatred or resentment towards them (or Itachi).

I see nothing wrong too.
It's the same thing that saying kids without parents, orphans, can't miss or want to have family. But you didn't answer me, would you gave up your limbs? Considering ghouls still would hunt you because of your presence.

>I see nothing wrong too.
Some people don't understand why eagles and fire represent our society as emblems.
This needs to change.

It's not selfish to want to live, be human, have the body that was stolen from him - he who was the ultimate innocent.

He just wants to be a normal person above all.
Not olny to please his selfish desires of having limbs. He wants a normal life with healthy body and a family.
SInce his family forsake him he wants to at least be physically normal.
That's also why he clings to Dororo. She's basically one of two people that he can exist with.

Why should he care regardless?

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Society is a phoenix burning on the backs of people burning collectively against torment and existence.

>They will reap what they sow that is the point of karma.
In that case, the people of daigo are also simply reaping the illbegotten fruits their lord has sown the seeds of.

Attached: ehh.png (146x155, 25K)

Because he lost something that was precious to him and as a result was suffering. How can you seriously not comprehend why he would want to have organs, skin, senses and everything? You take all that shit for granted clearly.

How did you not get the metaphor of Hyakki?

What is the the metaphor of then?

>Because he lost something that was precious to him and as a result was suffering.
Ah, decent answer. I doubt he considers gaining his limbs and senses as suffering. He's tirelessly had to protect himself from monsters.

user, I have no idea what are you trying to say I'm sorry

Wait I misread this and posted this I thought you were saying that gaining his senses made him lose something.

So who will take Dororo's virginity?

I must be a brainlet, explain further

>It's the same thing that saying kids without parents, orphans, can't miss or want to have family. But you didn't answer me, would you gave up your limbs? Considering ghouls still would hunt you because of your presence.

Already answer,
How many times must I repeat myself?
I was born and grew up healthy, I have my own conciouness and conceptual mind developing since I was about 3 as many you there.
That is the same for kids without parents too, Unfortunate as they are, they too have the conceptual mind as they grow up and learn from "the society", they feel resentments and hatred is because the society put it in them.

However, Hyakki has no such conceptual mind, he lost everything before he even develop his conciousness.
And I believe Jukai is the only person he was staying with, there is nothing such as a society that put such conceptual mind into him.

> He wants a normal life with healthy body and a family.
What is a normal life and healthy body?
He should not even have any concept about what is a "normal" family, "normal" healthy body, nor even seeking/longing for them

The human dilemma. Individuals being at the mercy of the beast. The beast existing due to our conflicts with other beasts.
And more.

Aniki, of course!

damn Yea Forums is getting philosophical

I love these comfy dororo threads

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>Jukai is the only person he was staying with
Which counts for society. He felt a person near him that had all limbs, that reacted to stimuli he wasn't aware existed, and then he got a leg back, so he knows he's missing on stuff and that it can come back.

It’s all well and good for Dororo to never get her hands dirty, but wasn’t she robbing karma of its justice when she prevented Itachi from executing sharkman after he just murdered a boatload of soldiers?
That’s a bad thing isn’t it?
Look, karma is even making Dororo pay for it since a living shark man creates a new enemy that her big bro has to risk his life and soul slaying.

Here a cute Hyakki for your effort

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So your retarded argument is because he didn't have his body parts growing up, he should continue to do so other people are not burdened. Even though you need to be normal to do a job, fuck that because of my family and people I don't know need me living in misery is the way for them to prosper.

The entire crux of your idiotic argument is done away once he gets his first body part and feels normality for the first time. You can't go back. It would be impossible.

Monday Dororo threads are unironically peak Yea Forums
I'll miss them when the show ends

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It's pretty complicated actually, it's more Hyakki in conflict with his environment and how that compares to whatever that established these warring states (Sengoku). The states are essentially just like Hyakki in some ways. Common people are just like Hyakki. The whole idea at play is this idea of being senseless in our environment and struggling against our lack of sense.
Hence a phoenix on fire, lighting up a dark room due to the sheer pain of existence.

Be born a cripple stay a cripple forever because this is the way you were born!!!!!!!!! Fuck science if it might help, FUCK IT

My name is not Aniki, my name is Chet.

Nevertheless, we need society and contact with other in order to develop correctly.
As Hegel said, the concept of "self" can discern itself through contact with the "other". We must percieve other people to create a mirror image of them in ourselves. Without any senses it is virtually impossible.
That's also why Hyakkimaru is mentally a child.
On a basic level, apart from tending to physical needs and safety, creating concious self is the most demanding and important thing during our lives and that is what Hyakkimaru was bereft of.

fuck next hyakki is going to get his arm right since his sword broke right? same shit like his leg right? right?!

Don't we all?

No, I'm saying that he lost everything but his head and I guess torso (thanks to the goddess of Mercy's sacrifice), and he suffered for it. Blind, no skin, no limbs, could not speak, could not hear. He was absolutely suffering, hell we even see what's his face shocked to see that as a baby he wanted to live. Him gaining his senses is him becoming whole again and regaining what he lost, overcoming his undeserved suffering.

From the preview it looks like they're gonna use the money Dororo did nab off the treasure to try and get it repaired.

Might still result in him getting a real arm instead tho.

I came for Hyakki

Next ep is an original apparently, they stop by a village to fix the sword and meet a new demon, unknown if a ghoul or a kishin

The deaf 'community' is actually like this

How did he knew that Jukai has all senses?
How do he perceive the differences?
You just putting your own perception and concepts on Hyakki.

yeah, but hatred and furious is poison.
It prove that Dororo have no such thing towards him at the end, she forgave him so that he can rest in peace.

>So your retarded argument is because he didn't have his body parts growing up, he should continue to do so other people are not burdened. Even though you need to be normal to do a job, fuck that because of my family and people I don't know need me living in misery is the way for them to prosper.

Do I have to repeat again? Try to think critically before even reply
Like I said he has no such concepts. He did not experience having body parts.
You are putting concepts in Hyakki, like you are assuming my arguments.
And you are making bad karma with this post and attitude, you will soon pay.

>Nevertheless, we need society and contact with other in order to develop correctly.
Only when it benefits us.
Right now people really don't have a choice on such a crowded rock strangled by the viper of law. But what happens when freedom can be obtained away from it?


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All this talk of Hyakkimaru wanting his body back reminded me of this scene from episode five. Baby just wants back what was his.

Attached: taken what was his.png (1280x2858, 2.75M)

He no longer lets his feelings interfere

>He did not experience having body parts
He did. Are you fucking Chinese?

Bullshit. Many people with senses already plan to modify and harness technological advances with their senses. Why wouldn't the deaf?
>not wanting to be an ubermensch

hey you manga fags said there was no treasure! WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!!!!? REEEEEE!!!!!

Why would you not want new cakes to try?
Discovery is why we live.

Because there was no treasure in the manga.

Don't ask me. I took ASL years ago in college. One of the things we found out was that these people think they're special, and to regain their hearing is to lose that specialness. One of the communities literally tried to stop a girl from getting an operation which would help her hear.

>Only when it benefits us.
Humans are pack animals and no matter the reason or effect they need other to develop properly.
Just look at those hikkikomori that conciously stay away from human interactions.
Being alone does not mean freedom. If you want total freedom you would also have to cease to eat, drink or breathe since these concepts also hinder free life. However this is not how we exist and as painful or uncomortable it gets this is the way we exist.

He didn't because the conciousness is not developed after 10 minutes being born.
If he has any conciousness, he would already know who are his parents.

QUALITY legs, indeed

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The real treasure was the sharks they killed along the way.

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I think user meant deaf people don't want to gain the ability to hear because they think they were born this way and have to accept it. I know a few like this.

Except if he wasn't aware of his body missing he wouldn't be searching for it and recovering it.

Why are you so obtuse? We seen him in episode get his face back and now you want him to ignore that? So what is he going to do after that retard? He can't talk, listen or grab any equipment. How would he able to negotiate a price if he became a bounty hunter?

I suppose your answer would be to have Dororo do all the talking for the rest of his life huh? Slit your wrists for being this stupid.

Once a person gets to feel normal and get his senses back, he no longer is abnormal and him changing himself to become a normal human is admiral. You have no argument besides "muh no knowledge". Fuck off.

in the new episode he protected her a number of times, like the old days, so it makes sense the way she took his death.

what a cute little bride
she looks extremely fuckable

didn't they basically give this to taho in a simplified version? they might only have two arcs left of the manga.


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> want to kill his brother
> fins retarded "reason" for that
> knows he can't do shit 1v1 on Hyakki
> brings literal army and 2 fags
HAHAHAHAHAHA what a piece of shit. Worst character in anime history.

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>Except if he wasn't aware of his body missing he wouldn't be searching for it and recovering it.

At its core, he did not aware, he simply satisfying his needs for more power.

You don't get what I mean.
So now I have to repeat again,
Since he has no concepts of having a normal body at all having lost all of them 10 minutes after being born.
He should not feeling any longing towards them at all.

However the moment he recieve the first body part he chasing after his desire to get more.

I said he is selfish, because he wants more body parts as it is simply bring satisfactory to him like a child wants more sweets while ignorantly bring harm to innocent people.

How the fuck is he selfish for wanting something that belonged to him in the first place you idiot? You are brain dead.

I'm still wondering how they survived at all, it felt like aniki got nerfed to hell when he fought them or maybe he just held back due to it being his little sister.

Did he nutted?

>The anime improved his character.
the anime has improved every character that really matters

I know that's what you meant.

Can't he just replace the blade on his arm? pretty sure there's plenty of free katanas to choose from.

Maybe. It wasn't a good chapter anyway so I'm not gonna miss it even if they don't adapt it.

Jiromaru was kinda disappointing. I expcect it to at least get a couple kills.

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>His needs for more power
He was more powerful without his body. So you're wrong there too chief.

You a little slow, bro.
He is selfish not because he wanting something that belong to him.
He is selfish because for his desire for satisfaction, he ignorantly he bring sufferings to innocent people.
and as I said here
>And to be fair Hyakki is not completely senseless, and as the world is extremely balanced as he was fornunate to met Jukai. Then as he grew up due to his desire he break the balanced state of Dororo world and bring sufferings to the innocents.

who did this?! it's fantastic. haha
hyakki's part is killing me.

He does in the next panel. But I couldn’t post it because I’d get banned

Dumb me, he is not vergil
I should use the word more fun.

She stops suddenly and says "aniki you're insistent! I've gotten dirty so I'm going to wash at the river"
I think she still can't handle the big Hyakki dick

Is it selfish to want to be on other level of existence as other people?
Is it selfish to take what belongs to you and was forcibly taken away?

Wait a minute, a guy gets something that belongs to hi and so because he wants something that is his and has no idea of the people suffering.....he is being selfish.

You really are a retard and are getting worse as we argue.

kys pedo

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That Dororo is clearly a teenager

>complaining about QUALITY

Attached: out2.webm (1920x1080, 2.55M)

really cool design tho

I think the crux here is that Tahou is becoming more ruthless while Hyakki is becoming less ruthless.

I won't even open dat shit

>Being this dumb
You did not read the thread didnt you, re read it.
And it also seems like you didnt even watch Dororo at all rewatch last 6 eps

He know everything and still choose to take his body back.
And please refrain from using ad hominem.

Does Hyakki feel pain explicitly from his body being eaten by demons? He seems to know that they're still eating him. Like phantom pains or something?

> open your mouth, dororo
damn it aniki

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I read the thread and your idiocy knows no bounds retard. You keep typing away with nothing substantive to say.

Been proving you wrong this last half hour is something else.

I realized that the headrub was probably meant to be analogous to a kiss, since that's likely the most intimate act that Hyakki is aware of. He tried to show affection in the most extreme way he knew, which was rubbing their foreheads together.

>dragonball shitter
I’d rather have the pedo

You are too unenlightened then
Your karma is too strong re-read everything again and think critically for a moment if you can even understand theb maybe it too early for you.

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>Says something retard
>Hmm what about this and this
>Says the same retarding thing with nothing added
>Okay but how about this and goes back to original point
Rinse, lather and repeat. You have nothing of value to say and have kept your argument the same retarded shit since before.

When someone thinks they are right when they are bordering on the idiocy, all you can do is point and laugh and been laughing this entire time.

I’ve never experienced having my foreskin after it was sacrificed to demons, and I still want it back

the new preview of him being dragged away by the girl in the bride outfit is peak cute and age appropriate. this episode might deliver on homage to the manga (dororo thief outfit) and cute domestic like stuff.

>he never owned his eyes, skin, limbs, nose, etc. and having them stolen by demons was morally neutral
Fuck cucks

Itachi did nothing wrong.

>fucking kids over watching dragon ball
based pedo, jailmates would love you

He never really did anything that malicious. Dororo's parent's deaths were their own fault. He gave her dad the option to join him.

It's something he learned from Jukai.

>I love these comfy dororo threads
right?? when people shitposters are away the threads end up with debating and discussions and good art.

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What is a cunning thief to a cunny thief?

Was there actually female samurais? Why does she have to dress as a man?

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>Female samurai's surrounded by male samurai
>Thinking that just because she is good with the sword she wouldn't be raped in battle or by her fellow soldiers if the situation is dire enough
>Mistaking Mutsu as a female samurai
What a joke of a post.

There were a few. Mostly naginata specialists.

Technically Daigo could order her to be a better woman, but since she's his son's retainer, that's not gonna happen.

>Jobmaru fights Hyakkichad 3 vs 1 with the strongest fighters at his disposal
>still loses

I liked him. and that they went hard on the blood splatter for this, and eating his "brother" like a freak. more interesting than the manga version.

The fight was cancelled because of suicide bomber Sharkboi though.
Speaking of, how was he still in one piece those bombs were right next to him what the fuck

>Jobmaru fights Hyakkichad

Shark cannibalism is a thing irl. No shit a shark that's actually a demon wearing a shark would be a cannibal.

demons a shit, aniki doesn evn has too try anymor

I already like her.

*inhales, getting ready to make the same joke for the hundredth time today*
I guess this episode was what Daddy´s treasure was used for

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He was winning fights with no vision, hearing, and a prosthetic spine.

Without the handicaps, he's unstoppable.

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There's definitely a weird contingent of deaf people who treat being deaf as a cultural thing like being Jewish or something.

Need a webm

Dororo's too delicious

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Demonic rituals clearly violate the NAP

>ravaging dororo´s duderus

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You wouldn't believe how fucking retarded the "deaf community" actually is. Somehow, they think that fixing a defect you were born with or acquired is akin to genocide. No I am not kidding. I'm sure they wouldn't bat one eye at getting a hair lip fixed though, because that's different or something.

Isn't that the point?

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It's too late, the show got heavily stained by quality.

The quality was never that great except in episode 1.

God, I'd love to see more Hyakkimaru without his prosthetics.


based, ty

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The demons were the humans all along

Predictions for the next episode? I think it's kinda obvious we gonna see jealous Dororo

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he is jealous because mom loves him more

how do you spend 16 years eating a body part? Do demons eat really really slowly?

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>Itachi protected Dororo in the end

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the virgin Tahomaru vs the Chad Hyakkimaru

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wasn't that great?

>tfw party is NOT over

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I have no idea how I'll use this reaction image but now I have it. And that's all that matters really.

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Smart and wise Hyakki.

Who could she be jealous of? Hyakkimaru doesn't even have a right hand.

Thanks, Steve.

Well it's better to have than not to have it, because then you have it, right? Then you have it.

How is Hyogo's weapon called?

You understand me bro.

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To have or have not, but how much is too much when good enough is never enough?

>I wish Mio was here


does anyone know when the full ED releases, i thought it was between may 10-12 but it seems i was mistaken

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Dororo is not discount Mio
Delet this

>Anime introduces a QT with a heart of gold
>only to then immediately kill her off

Attached: lawbringer STOP.jpg (686x1024, 146K)

It's a pain in the ass to find the info, it doesn't even appear on the site

Based Seijanon

Thank you. The real ones looks different

I haven't watched the show since ep 12, how's it been? I like the 2nd op

You would have loathed the manga then. She exists for 6 pages, in a flashback.

I'd say, stick with it.

Some of the best moments have been in the second half. This week had some of them.

Been trying to look up more and more information about the manga before reading it, I wasn't aware she existed in the manga. Did she have a similar relationship?

Dororo was extra cute today.

nice, I was expecting to be told to drop it after that ep done by the guy who did TTGL's 4th ep.

she and Hyakkimaru was bf and gf and then she died, that was it. Not really any developement or anything

I don't know which is worse.

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Just read it dude. It's not even a real "arc" since it's just Hyakki reporting the events when he lived with Mio and the children to Dororo. All the meaninful interactions you see in the anime are missing and she's forgettable character. Samurai still raped her but Tezuka used food allegory to imply it.

>Just read it
No worries, I intend to. That's sad though.

There's definitely a low point in terms of quality, but overall the show is still good and seems to be picking back up.

There's probably people like that here.

All I can say is, I haven't been bored. Nor have most making this thread.

I hope we'll see him again. Pic related is the equivalent of his last appearance in the manga.

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I'd call it jarring as well. Going back to watch it a second time wasn't as bad. There were still a few parts that didn't sit well with me and the editing was just awful. But I actually liked the visuals when Hyakkimaru took down Mai-mai. The bag of oil (I'm assuming) tied to his peg leg and the image of his fake spine coming out I thought were pretty striking.

worried bro

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>the image of his fake spine coming out I thought were pretty striking.

inspired some cool fanart too

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How did Jukai put that thing in him? How did Jukai replace multiple spines as he got older?

very carefully

>you will never insert multiple vertebrae into Hyakkimaru's sweaty underage back and watch him shiver as he magically regains the ability to move his lower body one vertebra after another

Attached: sweat.jpg (400x369, 26K)

If Hyakki doesn't behave like a proper older brother toward Tahoumaru before the end of the series I will throw a tantrum.

Does Hyakki even know how to behave like a proper older brother?

Maybe the body part produces soul energy in perpetuity as if it was still attached to the host body.
Which is why Hyakkimaru is able to obtain fully functional and age fitting organs whenever he kills a demon.

Doesn't fully digest until he's dead? I don't know dude, there are fucking demons. Shit already doesn't make sense.

Rewatching this part now, I'd say there's a 85% chance she'd have kissed him if he'd tried to.

We'll never know,

rip suicide bombing sharkfag

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Is that the opening song from the old anime?

I appreciate that he is an actual character instead of needlessly edgy evil guy who does evil things because he is evil.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 18 [720p].webm (470x300, 33K)

Wasn't the spider-fu episode anime original as well?

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 18 [720p]b.webm (248x164, 8K)

It has been quite some time.

Attached: fighting.webm (720x404, 2.81M)

Fuck off and kill yourselves.

I hope this bitch dies before the end of the anime

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how would he know what a kiss is? he did to dororo in this scene what his mama did to him in the previous episode.

>can't even wait until the timeskip

I hnnnng'd so hard I almost had a heart attack.

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Maybe he should have just rushed the cute boy with the bow.

>His first word was Mio and then uncontrollable screaming

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sounds similar, but nope

t. have listened to HOGE HOGE TARA TARA many times

Canon adult Dororo is stacked.

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Yeah with his fourth sword

He's been stabbing stuff nonstop for ages, those blades have to get dull at some point

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cute modern au

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So are we just going to ignore that Dororo unintentionally killed a bunch of people?

Stop lewding Dororo

Catcat next episode.

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Itachi wasn't that bad of a guy, he just lived in a really shitty era.

>how was he still in one piece those bombs were right next to him what the fuck
I was thinking the same thing, I expected them to show a dismembered limb or something.

She killed a bunch of demon sympathizers. The entire country needs to be burned to the ground.

So Maru is fucking her right?

Don't worry, samurai aren't people.

I caught it on a second viewing that Hyakki's blades are all dinged up. Time for an upgrade then?

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I literally can't, end me.

soldiers are not people
also this

>wasn't that bad of a guy
Well he did betray his comrades, let Dororo's mother burn her hands, dug up her grave for the sake of money.

>Really like the first OP
>Start looking into the band more

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still makes him seem more like a anti-hero, anti-villain than a full on villain/bad guy to me

also went to lengths to show that both his arms aren't thrown around and lost among the fight. hyakki kept one around him with his mouth and dororo had the other tucked in her clothes.

most the time the details are notable for this series (even if the animation is lacking in some places) and take another viewing to see.

You are lucky, I spend half an hour looking for the sauce.
Dororo~Chapter of the Hell Scrolls~ for the PC-8801 (1989)
The scene in question
Some guy gives Dororo some magic candy that makes her an adult. The candy in question is from another Tezuka manga about an orphan girl who has a jar of magic candy that allows her to grow young or old at will.

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While it’s likely Dororo will get the ochinchimaru, it still feels pretty wrong for kid Dororo to get it.
How’s the new manga doing?

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So Hyakku knows very little about the bees and the birds.

When did they start drawing in the toes?

sometimes they do sometimes they don't, Its pretty incosistent

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>It's something he learned from Jukai
are people really forgetting this, only an episode ago, or ignoring it for shipping purposes?

Do not underestimate retards.

>it fucking loops

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I thought that shot was cute too.

Something I had hypothesized that is probably totally off base is that because the 12th demon was unable to take something from Hyakkimaru, it took 'something' from Tahomaru instead.

It took his mother's love?!? That he will never get back!

I had a similar thought that he's done something with the demons at the hall.

Dororo and his Aniki are such good friends.

How hard are normies whining about their platonic friendship?

If that blurry image at the end of the ED is indeed older Dororo, then this artist wasn’t far off.

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why is she so smug?

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She knows she’s making Dororo jealous

Nothing can make a woman go full smug than NTR a loli.
She is literally saving the other man to commit a sin

What's your point? Yes, it's the way Hyakki learned how to show affection. The way it was framed, tho, looked like they were going to kiss and felt way more intimate than with Jukai. Even the character designer tweeted an illustration that is way more open to interpretation than the scene itself. Nips ship Hyakki and Dororo.

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God she's so attractive, I wish she would kill me.

Imagine feeling her chest

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reddit etc gonna freak if it becomes canon

>How’s the new manga doing?

They're doing Hyakkimaru's backstory now. Apparently Dororo's parents found him and took him to Jukai.

>Nips ship Hyakki and Dororo
>without shit taste
is this real world

Probably relatively hard with a slight softness because skin and child.

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Envelopes of sand



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both moments were intimate as a form of deep affection for a loved one. hyakki came off the same way jukai did to him, the difference being dororo's alarmed blushy reaction. saying it was basically a kiss on the mouth by hyakki erases the previous scene as if this wasn't a learned behavior from someone else that also means a lot. it wasn't a romantic intimacy, but was intimate. it's actually far better than a kiss would have been anyway.
besides, I ship it too, but some comments on that moment are delulu.

Yeah. It wasn't me who said it was like a kiss, but it was intimate and the framing as a bait. The illustration also gets hopes up.
If you think their taste is so shitty stop watching things made for them, retard

>tahomaru didn't immediately job
I'm actually suprised

But he did, again.