Yuragi 158

This internet is bullcrap.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh no.

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[side] Shakuhito-san's back!!

"Man, that was moving"
"I never thought you'd save me, Nonko-nee"

"Well at the end of the day, you're my blood brother..."
"So? Where'd the Yuragi Inn lot go?"
"I mean, there's no way in hell they all got annihilated back there, right~?"

Oh right title
>158: The Main Tenko Family and the Yuragi Inn

why is your internet always so bad?

"...when I came to,"
"That Tenko brat was trying to drop this unbelievably huge spirit attack"

"And I had no choice, so I recovered using some booze I hid"

"Then that brat Kogarashi vanished just like that"

"I'm sure... that spirit Yuuna used teleportation"
"She explained it when we were changing"
"That had to be the way they all managed to evade the attack"
"I dunno where they went though"

"They tried to teleport me as well, but my spirit armor neutralized it"
"So I had no choice but to bail your naked butt outta there and retreat"
"Naked but... Did the Yuragi lot see that too?"
"Of course. That was an utter disgrace"

"Well, I guess you learned your leson"
"But I don't mind?"
"They all turned back into kids, even their brains, so that means..."

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"That beyond a doubt... the first male ass Sagiri ever saw in her life"
"Might've been mine...!"
"You've been a strong boy, ever since before, huh..."

"...by the way, Shakuhito"
"That Yuuna spirit told me that 8 years later"
"I drank a thousand liters of Onigoroshi... is that true?"

"The strongest of all the Yoinozakas, huh"
"I'm hoping that was an abnormality"

"...if I had that power, I could get back at that shitty Nadare brat, right?"
"Tell me Shakuhit"
"What did I do...!?"

"...are you prepared to learn about your future self?"
"Stop being so pretentious"
"Seriously, look at this"

"This photo got sent to me some time ago...!"

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"That's your future, Nonko-nee!!"
"When I first saw that, I fell down from laughter!!"

"Are you seriously ready to learn about your future self!?"
"...of course"
"I will do what I can"
"To go back to this era...!"

"And I will get the strength"
"Of drinking a thousand liters like I did before...!"
"Wha!? My phooone!?"

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"That's good... the glasses nee-chan is safe!"
"But even though you're related to the Tenko"
"You must be pretty good at techniques to teleport people and this inn away, Yuuna-dono"
"N-no not really!"

"It was because I teleported the Yuragi Inn and you guys at the same time"
"I kinda messed up at the end there...!"
"That was your fault...!"

"Hey hey Yuuna-chan!"
"Where's Miria-chan?"

"Miria-san... is fine."
"She's with her father... now"

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When I got restrained by Nadare-san...
"Ring ring ring"

"Miria here..."
"Aright. I'll give it to Yuuna-san"

"Thank you very much for taking care of Miria"
"This is her father"

"I planned this whole thing as I heard stories from Miria about her daily life..."
"And she was being suspected by you already through her techniques, so I made her tell me via hypnosis"
"It seems she got drugged by all of you"

"This is all because you were getting close to her"
"Thank you... Genryuusai-sama"
After the call.. Miria-san left the room.

I tried teleporting to where she was... but I couldn't.
Miria-san is probably somewhere where my techniques can't reach.

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The main Tenko world...!

"P... Papa! You're here...??"
"The sky and the buildings are so white"
"This is the Tenko main family's home."
"It seems the Katsuragi's dream has come true."
"T... to Tenko-sama!?"

"I knew you could do it, Papa! You're amazing!!"
"No... it's because of you, Miria-sn"

"It's because of MIria!?"
"Yes! My proud daughter!!"

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"Th-that's too much!!"

"...so basically"
"The Yatahagane and the others are safe in another world now?"

"Yes... probably"
"But it's about the same as getting destroyed"
"As long as they haven't defeated me, the youth curse cannot be undone"
"In a closed off world like that, they cannot regain their former strength"

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"No. It's not enough."
"There are still some powerful people who suspect the Tenko family as the masterminds of the Garadou incidents..."
"In order frame [the situation as if] our ancestor Byakuei did all this on his own,"
"We have to destroy Genryuusai, who can still become Garandou"

"Then there's the fearsome Yatahagane..."
"Even when the Tenko used all their powers to seal the Yatahagane in parallel worlds and hells"
"They made their way back every time"
"And interfered with the East West war"

"They only have the talent of huge spirit power"
"Yet for some reason, they cannot be restrained by normal means"
"This lowly bunch of people not even connected by blood"
"Keep pestering our sides...!"

"But now that Makyouin Ouga has left this world"
"And Fuyuzora Kogarashi has lost his Yatahagane powers, this is our greatest chance"
"Find Genryuusai's world"
"And make sure to deal with all the threats properly"

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What the fuck, why is the steering wheel on the wrong side?!

"Then we will exterminate the evil Yoinozaka oni"
"And return this country to true peace"

"As head of this house"
"We look forward to your work... Nadare"

"Please count on me!"

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>"As head of this house"
>"We look forward to your work... Nadare"
Is this like a board of directors ruling over the ceo?

"Thanks for the food!"

"Uhh, don't panic too much everyone!"
"Just eat in a mannerly pace please!"

"Man, despite these horrible times, I don't feel nervous at all"
"Y... yeah"

"But I'm worried that we can't stay like this forever..."
"Even though I can supply fire and spirit power with my techniques."
"We don't have enough supplies for food..."
"I see... I guess not even the three families can transform food up"

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"It's not like I can't, but it's dangerous."
"This is food transformed with spirit power, after all..."

"So nutrients you absorb as food get transformed back,"
"The components of the human body will suddenly destabilize, so..."
"Oh... oh I see. That is dangerous...!"

"That's why the Yuragi Inn now"
"Is being supplied with water and air from the uninhabited island Kogarashi-san and Chisaki-san were in before"
"And the hot spring water is from the distant rock spring that Karura-san discovered"
"I just teleported each of the supplies over here"

"That sounds really hard"
"If only we had a connection to the internet~"
"Don't be too greedy, YUrara"
"Yeah, I figured that using something that's connected to the country"
"Would lead to Nadare-san discovering us, so..."

"...no, I'm sure he'll find us"
"So I need... to get stronger now...!"

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Some places put the steering wheel on the right side of the car. Japan is one of those places.

It's probably some sort of clan elders, such as his aunts and uncles, or the heads of the largest branch families.

"Then I'll beat the crap out that guy!"
"That Nadare jerk...!!"


"Hmph... boy! What can someone like you even do!?"
"Have you forgotten? You were so pathetic back during our training this afternoon!"

"Y... yes I did it!!"
"So... I just get the spirit ball out of my hand then..."


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"You insolent braaaat!!"

"Th... that was my fault...!"
"But even if it's just day one, I've never seen someone so incompotent"
"Normally, it's really hard until you hone your spirit instincts!"

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"W-well, there's nothing he can do!"
"Kogarashi-san is a medium"
"So that means he has a hard time separating the spirit power from his body..."

"But manipulating and transforming spirit power that comes out of your body is a basic for all techniques"
"If you can't do that, you can't do anything, right?"

"S... so I'll get stronger with a ton of power!"
"As strong as the three families? Don't be insane"
"Then what am I supposed to do!?"
"W... well uhh..."
"We have done this multiple times at this point"

"S-so you have a good way to do it, Yuuna!?"

"How about..."
"You let me possess you, Kogarashi-san!?"

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"Oh I see now!"
"If she possesses you, you can get a lot of power, or so I heard...!"
"Yeah! And since you're a medium, you can get tons more power from it!"
"That's amazing!"

"I know Nadare-san is a lot better with techniques than I am"
"But if we surpass his maximum limit, then I'm sure we can..."
"Oh come on!!"

"I'm disappointed..."
"Yuuna... I thought"
"You might've been... one of those good spirits too...!"

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"I was so close to getting deceived again..."
"I'm not falling for that trick...!"

"So you're just aiming for my body, aren't you!"
"Yuuna-san, you're going for Kogarashi-kun's body...!?"

"Wow, there really is a lot of stuff in this place..."
"There's bound to be something here, right?"
"Like some item which makes our spirit power stronger!"

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"A spirit power training scroll...!?"
"That sounds perfect!"

"We did it, Kogarashi-san!"
"You two are here!"

"Sorry about saying something so thoughtless awhile ago, Kogarashi-san..."
"It's already late today,"
"So please get some rest, you two!"
"...like I have the time...!"

"I dunno what my future self did to cause this"
"But that Nadare jerk's gonna go for me again, right!?"
"I have to get stronger!"

"Yet all the other girls say it's impossible"
"And I can't trust you 'cause you're a ghost, Yuuna"
"So I have to at least find my footing...!"


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"That's why!"

"W-wait, did you find that in the storage!?"
"Ahh what have you done...!"
"Ehh? You said we should use anything we could!"

"Yeah that's true, but..."

"Anything from this storage belongs to the Landlady's collection..."
"So uhh..."
"I'm getting nothing but bad feelings from this!!"
[side] Nothing but lewd feelings!!
[bot right] Next issue, what will Kogarashi-kun do with this excessively heart pounding training method!?

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I hate text dumps. Hopefully it's not ending soon.


TSanon here. Just letting you know I am around and working on it.

Thanks for the translation.

how old are these kids again? How is it they get this innuendo out of it even though the context was clear

Roughly 10-11.

just a guess but third world country, probably

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I think I finally hit series fatigue with the manga. You can tell it is rushing towards a ending now and it just doesn't feel enjoyable every since Yuna's identity was revealed.

I don't think it's rushing towards an ending. What's been going on is a general shift in the series' format. Before Ouga showed up, the series was a lot of one off chapters, and a handful of short arcs. Since Ouga appeared and it resulted in the longest arc yet, the series has shifted to doing an arc, doing a few comedy/fanservice chapters as a breather, then doing another arc. Like this:

118-129: Ouga's arc
130-132: SoL/comedy/fanservice chapters
133-138: Sagiri's arc
139-141: Sol/comedy/fanservice chapters
142-149: Chisaki's arc
150-152: Sol/comedy/fanservice chapters
153-???: This arc.

I don't think it's a bad way of going about things, but it does make for a shift in the series tone. It's also an advancement in the plot of the series. Kogarashi's enemies learned where he lives, and so now he has to deal with their machinations instead of getting to live peacefully.

Thanks for the chapter.

I still enjoy it, but really what the hell is there to talk about? It's a titties and ass manga and a good one at that, it doesn't have a deep plot or anything.




Sagirifags, what other girls are you rooting in other romcoms?

I root for sensei in bokuben and Nino in toubun. I feel like the three of them embodies what I like in anime girls.

ANYONE but Nino

Also I tried reading Bokuben, it's honestly kind of boring. It's quite cliche as far as rom coms go.

I think you messed up in panel three bubbles 2&3, and the first bubble of panel 4. The whole conversation appears to be Miria's father explaining to Yuuna that while hearing Miria talk about her time at the Inn, he came up with this plan, mind controlled Miria to get around Yuuna's defenses, and had her drug everyone, and ending the conversation thanking Yuuna for getting close to Miria.

So in pan3 bub 2 you're off the mark, having say that Yuuna was suspicious of Miria and that he had to make her tell him via hypnosis, when he should be saying that he had to use hypnosis to avoid detection by Yuuna's techniques. In bub 3 you either mistakenly switch to Yuuna telling the group when it's Miria's father talking, or you've got Miria's father randomly accusing Yuuna and company of drugging Miria, when what should be happening is that Miria's father telling Yuuna that Miria(implicitly under his control) drugged the group.

Then in panel 4 bubble 1, your phrasing is a bit off. What you have sounds almost accusatory when it looks like it should be something more along the lines of "This was only possible because you were gracious enough to get close to Miria."

>I root for sensei in bokuben and Nino in toubun

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Okay. That makes more sense. Thanks.

finally someone with the same taste as me. While senseifag and sagirifag together is not rare, I can't find anyone who likes three of sensei, sagiri, and nino

Nino and maybe Fumino? I’ve stopped really rooting for anyone in Bokuben because I find t harder to care for some reason. Sawako would be a pipe dream ending

Fumino and Yotsuba

Okay, still have a handful of pages to do, but time to start dumping my progress for checking.

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Any questions?

Nothing so far that I haven't worked into it.

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I did what I could here, but it probably needs the most checking.

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Oh, I did remember one thing. For pages 3-4 did you want to use "thousand liters" or "thousand bottles". We've accidentally switched between the two a few times. I kind of lean towards 'bottles' as being more accurate.

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I think bottles is correct, so let’s go with that.

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Same for

pan 3 bub 1: I planned this whole thing while I was listening to Miria’s stories about her daily life...
pan 3 bub 2: I needed hypnosis to avoid your detection techniques.
pan 4 bub 1: But this whole thing was only possible because you were kind enough to get close to Miria.

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pan 1 bub 3: In order to show that our ancestor Byakuei did his rampage all on his own,

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pan 4 bub 1: S-so you know a good way, Yuuna?!

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Well, the final problem of this manga is kinda like Romance of the Three Kingdoms Shit.

Chisaki Ending still results in an Enteral Stalement.

The other girls are forced to forever declare war against the other clans and maintain enough firepower to maintain the stalemate.

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pan 2 bub 1: You just want my body, don’t you!
pan 2 bub 4: Yuuna-san, you want kogarashi-kun’s body...?!

I thought the translation said Blood Brother not just brother.

Blood Brother doesn't necessarily mean related by blood.

Blood brother. ... Most often, the term blood brother is used as an idiom to mean a male who one is emotionally close to, but is not related to by genetics or by birth. This emotional relationship entails an oath of loyalty and devotion, whether formal or informal.

You are going to make people actually believe this douchebag is actually Nonko's actual blood related brother

pan 2 bub 2: there you two are!
pan 4 bub 2: But that Nadare jerk’s gonna come for me again, right?!
pan 5 bub 3: So i at least have to do something...!

He is her blood related brother?

Blood brother: two or more men not related by birth who have sworn loyalty to each other. This is in modern times usually done in a ceremony, known as a blood oath, where each person makes a small cut, usually on a finger, hand or the forearm, and then the two cuts are pressed together and bound, the idea being that each person's blood now flows in the other participant's veins.

That isn't Nonko's real brother. The guy is her "blood brother" basically she is saying she rescued him only because they are part of the same clan not because he is her actual brother.


But it’s 実の弟 so he’s her real brother. TS user just cleaned up TL user’s translation

In that alternate Chisaki future, Nonko didn't seem that raging mad when our main character got his powers forever sealed up by her supposed "blood brother".

>chisaki ending
I just don't see it happening unless the author actually has the balls to make Yuuna pass on.

>>You are going to make people actually believe this douchebag is actually Nonko's actual blood related brother
Huh? She is, and we haven't had any hints otherwise. As says the word used is "実の弟" which literally translates as "real brother", the "実の" having a possible translation of "blood related". They're both members of the Yoinozaka family, a family with powers specific to their bloodline, and they have the same powers. Nonko has apologized for her family multiple times, and it's noted that it's unusual that she stopped using the family name. The emphasis on Shakuhito and Nonko being blood related this arc is possibly intended to stand in contrast to where the Tenko are looking down on the Yatahagane for not being connected by blood, but that's the max extent of it.

The MC was trained by the spirit of the formerly greatest exorcist in history since childhood.

It kinda makes sense why he sucks right now because he lost all that knowledge of his Master.

The MC reverted back into a brat who never met his Master yet.

Problem is the author is leaving the afterlife ambiguous. What kind of passing on are we talking about can depend heavily on the religion.

He is still pretty good at physical combat, if nothing else.

You ok there ts user?

If it's not a Sagiri end i'm going to riot


I'm still here. Just finishing things up.

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Yuuna passing is just a partial factor in her win.
>Kogarashi should be excluded in any supernatural shit
>her competition are too busy with war or maintaining the peace to interact others with Kogarashi


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pan 1 bub 1: That there’s a chance... the first male ass Sagiri ever saw in her life
pan 1 bub 2: Could’ve actually been mine...!

Yeah but spirits can ignore purely physical attacks which is why MC had to retire from helping his friends with the upcoming war.

Although in that Chisaki Dream, my thought was that if MC was blocked from using his spiritual energy which is a heavy focus in Eastern exorcism, why did MC not consider Western methods of exorcism instead?

He could go to Europe and come back with a Shotgun filled with holy bullets.

Instead, MC just decided to be an ordinary civilian forever.


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And page 19 for checking.

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Fixed a couple other things.

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Fixed a couple things here.

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I think that should be the last one. Anything else you notice?

I don't see anything else either. Shall I go ahead and post the zip?

Okay, assuming that's it, here's the zip:


and with that, good night.


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Thank you for the chapter


>nerfing Kogarashi this hard
For fuck's sake.

>enemies aren't allowed to be competent

nah mate, if he's not nerfed then the enemy will be done in one punch as usual

Well yeah. They have to do so else they'd be instantly defeated by Kogarashi.