Goblin Slayer

>No fire
>No water
>No poison
>No goblin guts
>No playing dead
Do the girls want to kill him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes user. Yes, they want to kill him. Don't let small things like context get in the way of that revelation you have just experienced.

Yes, that's why Cowgirl is best girl. She only forbids him to die.

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Just realized how quickly they're plowing through volume 3. Vol. 5 soon I guess


It sure doesn't feel that way

Completely forgot about that, the anime is getting a second season right?

They're already at the 1/3 mark for the 3rd volume. I wouldn't be surprised if this all ends by december

They sure as hell implied it will

It's getting a movie that covers volume 5

Because is a monthly manga, vol 3 will last 10 or 11 chapters at best compared to the 15 and 14 that vol 1 and 2 lasted but to be fair vol 3 is shorter even in the novel.

And the many lovely things that happen within it. I'm going to circumcise myself with a shard of glass if they don't add Erufu strip scene

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This girl is even more brutal & saves his life.

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>another day, another pointless turn of events
>another attempt to meme magic the existence of a cyberpunk Goblin Slayer spin-off with mai waifu as co-MC

I'll do this post better next thread.

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>2 Goblin Slayer threads dying miserably in one day

Let's face it lads. It's no longer popular.

I'm behind on the the manga, was it that little elf prick that tried to kill her or just a goblin?
If the former, fuck yeah, that little cocksucker deserved it.

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I can't find a reason for this pic existence.

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Well, at the moment we have nothing to talk about. The most recent chapter from year one was "fucking nothing" tier.

Since Year One became biweekly I feel that we are only getting half chapters. The last one only had 14 pages.

What if all things are goblins except the Goblin Slayer?

Priestess should be a rat.

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so I'm completely GS illiterate, never touched anything about the series

What does the Sword Maiden do other then be sexy all the time? What purpose does she serve?

She's a big heroine who saved the world. And also was raped by goblins in her first adventure. Her purpose is ryona doujins, speculation about how many goblin births it took for her to get those massive milkers and GOBBED.COM jokes.

>not liking the the #1 ongoing Comedy manga

Attached: WHERE ARE GOBLINS.jpg (246x205, 10K)

She is an ex hero and now she is like the pope of the GS world. She gives special missions to GS once in a while but she doesn't appear much. She also has her prequel spin off.

Why is netero a bird?

Have the scans been posted yet?

What? What scans? There hasn't been a new chapter this week.

I dont recall seeing the chapter that op posted a page from

See, that's real wife material right there.
>will put up with you doing whatever you feel you must do to defeat the enemy
>just wants you to return home safely.

That is the last chapter of the main Manga, it was posted two weeks ago.

Somehow she needs to be the main girl, and that's a great way to do it.

well Illbeasunofabitch. I just went back and checked. you are right. dont know how I missed it. thanks!

not the last chapter of entire series though right?

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>spin off is better than the original

That chapter about the Necro's Tower was great

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But Priestess is the goodest girl, a perfect pair for the goodest boy.

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>Goblin Slayer vs The World

Are you a goblin? Because you spund as stupid as one.

Good. Keeps the normies out of here. 90% of normalfags dropped it as soon as they realized there wasn't a rape scene every 5 seconds

Real shit this series has some of the best SoL/filler portions of any fantasy series I've ever seen. Any other series would make it as fast paced and irritating as possible to keep the normals entertained. GS knows to take it slow to actually focus on character development

But is too slow, it took 10 volumes for GS to finally try to fix himself by own will.

This series is blessed. It has like 4 ongoing adaptions and they are all enjoyable to read.

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I need a source STAT

Yeah it's slow but its cute and wholesome so I don't really mind. In any other series I'd be tearing out my hair and dropping it out of frustration by now

Rape? Y/N

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Your pic related one is about to end, thanks to the meta gods for that. Also, the SM manga was cancelled.


I hope the singing GS chapter from WN make it into the LN someday.

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Would you an elf girl?

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>SM Manga

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Made for endless green rape

I wish that chapter used that main manga artist, and that we at least got elf nipples.


No, made for protecting.

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Has, I am talking about the novel.

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Considering FKxGuts needs five years & Witch goes backward, I say Priestess & GS is moving pretty fast. Especially considering GS is very stubborn & broken, & Priestess is childishly dense.

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Any chance for this to be translated?

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This just made me wish I had enough friends to do nerdy ass shit like playing d&d. I used to when I was a kid, which is when I got into that kind of shit but they all moved away or grew out of it. Oh well.

>saving rolls against rape


>not raping your fellow players
>not being that guy that describes in depth about he's raping his fellow players, while they keep failing each saving throw and are unable to resist the oncoming assault
I'm going to need some more cheetos at this rate

From worst to best girl.

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Attached: yande.re 487166 sample cap goblin_slayer guild_girl kannatsuki_noboru.jpg (1500x844, 202K)

The number of screen time & relevancy is more accurate.

Was she blind from birth or was that from an injury?

Also how does she walk around effortlessly while blind?

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I mean it's all goblsay from here.

Pretty sure it says somewhere she was burned by a torch.

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>surprised that a woman has an issue with a man doing X and expects him to change to suit her emotional whims
Even more egregrious when it does indeed put his life at risk.

stop reading garbage

>walks in
>talks shit for 30 seconds
>walks out

>best girl
>would rather GS stay dead than pretend

Sasuga selfish bitch worse in every metric to the rest of the harem.

She claimed it was a torch. She just doesn't want to admit it was the result of too much goblin jizz in her eyes.

Wrong thread?

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Well fuck I closed the wrong tab, sorry mate

What did he mean by this?

Goblins are handsome! When is volume 7 coming out?

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>Also, the SM manga was cancelled.
Well that's a shame we hadn't even got to the adventure yet.

The 25th

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How can Elf be over 2000 years old and still be a dingus?

Anyone know when the next Light Novel volume for Year one is getting released?

This bothered me so much, poison is one of the easiet way to go, it certaibly is better than getting beaten to pulp. And why do they even care so much? He is not doing stuff for cruelty's sake.

Next week.

Late July.

>Wielding the best gun in existance

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Those 2000 years were spent in an enchanted elf forest chasing butterflies, training archery and engaging in merrymaking with her arrested development kin.

>bootleg D&D with the main cast on the cover

It is fitting, all in all.

Goblin Bump.

Fuck you goblin

dez boyz come along n' slap da Prestiess on da rump, wot do?

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>Axed by Dwarf.
>Clawed by Lizard Priest.
>Pelleted by Elf.
>Smitten by Apprentice Cleric.
>Clubbed by Rookie Warrior.
Don't mess with the funny hat, mate.

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His internal thoughts "Women sure are needy creatures. It's a wonder goblins...FILTHY FUCKING GOBLINS KILL ALL GOBLINS FUCKING GOBLINS..even want to deal with them. It's annoying)

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>>Smitten by Apprentice Cleric.
>>Clubbed by Rookie Warrior.

Really don't think they care much about Priestess, if anything, they are more afraid of her.

Yeah, you are right. But doesn't change the fact that them, under her orders, can kill a epic level monster.

You need at least 10 PER and 16 INT to really understand this artist.

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Erufu has no vagina. Clearly a robot.

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Have you read the manga?

Except for shamans, lords and the paladin, most of the goblins are very stupid.

Have you?

Alright, agreed.

/fit/ goblins were a mistake.

CG a cute.
What does it say?

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They+Rabbit Ranger is quite close with her. The Rabbit gets his revenge against Ice Witch thanks to her & the rat slayer couple study with her quite often.

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I think I love her.

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is 5 the goblin paladin or the one where they build a training center?

Paladin is Vol 5 and the movie will adapt that, Training center is vol 6.

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>wtf there will never be a new fun cyberpunk/sci fi bc of isekai fantasy rpg shit
>the few sci-fi anime there are are all just slow 2deep4u crap

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>the three noobs are basically the dorky kids at school friends with the chick with a boyfriend several grades above

Main manga.

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Year One.
Which one has better art?

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I like these a lot

>Only GS drawings

Have some Erufu

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Now, the other one..

This one?

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>Shadowrun anime

I want a bratty SM gf who refuses to get out of bed until promise of dickings

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I only have 15 INT, can you explain it to me?

Would Space Dandy count ad 2deep?

I hope that chapter gets to be adapted in season 2.

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>Brand New Day anime becomes GS's Fumoffu

Considering a minor part of volume 4 was in season 1 I'm sure that would be in season 2, the better question would be will we ever get a season 2?

I am sure there is going to be a season 2 after hinting hard at the festival in season 1. Hopefully not by White Fox.

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>kill without raping

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wonder if this is available via proxy id give tl a go

Nice, Volume 7 has just shipped and should reach me within 4 working days, most likely in 3 days. Hope you all get it as quickly as I always do.

>little elf prick

By that date I will just be getting my manga vol 5. Anyone knows what that interlude is about anyway?

Meanwhile, in GS AU.

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You know you were thinking it too

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I'll say this, BND artist draws the best dwarf.

Is GS Reading them a book?

Stop spamming that picture

How can you not want to adopt that?

If GS dies, would Priestess actually pose as him to keep CG from killing herself?

I would love to, actually.

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Lizard is cute, but considering everyone else aren't monkeys he should be a different animal

With GS out of the way, she would kill her herself.

Man I have a lot to look forward to on the 25th.

Actually, it is 21. Main manga and BND last chapter will be out on 25.

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of course they want to kill him. the good ol' succubus way.

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Reminds me of heroquest

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Looks like the Goblin Lord is getting a new sword.

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What happened to the rest of his body?

>tfw no side story about a goblin hungry slut luring in new girls for her goblin masters so she can be rewarded with goblin semen

So, she won?

Cowgirl was made to be cucked.

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I want that goblin slayer mini

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Looks good.

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Didn't like BND at first but his art seemed to improve. Lizard and dwarf definitely look better in the previous two chapters compared to the very first one.

Lizardbro was amazing in the last chapter.

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why do all isekais become haremshit without failure?

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The rip and tear from that chapter was based.

Guild girl will win.


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When That Girl arrives, she & GG can't help but to support Her.

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Not worthy a (you).

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>CG and GG setting up Priestess with GS
>rebuking Erufu's subconscious attempt at a date

They feel threatened by the Erufu and acknowledge the inferior female Pisstess.

Attached: bestgirl.jpg (798x1024, 441K)

It's basically this, they don't feel a threat in Priestess but they do in Erufu.

Or they want the best for GS and Elf already has her chances & fails.

Attached: reserved for best girl.jpg (1800x8677, 3.1M)

If you want to delude yourself thinking that, go ahead. The "you will have plenty of chances" made it pretty clear.

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From rapefags shithole to harem wars, any of you expected GS threads to evolve like this?

We got an anime, something like that was inevitable.

user, what? The dead of the rapefags and the took over of the shippers happened to long before the anime was even announced. Hell, the anime caused anime only rapefags to appear but they died much faster than the original rapefags.

they might still be up for sale on NEET's store, but the real credit is the user who helped fix up and rotate the episode 5 shots of the guild sign

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*Take over

Well, I don't remember exactly when they died but I know rapefags were still around during pic related. The waifu war started with the anime but it took over everything when vol 6 was released.

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It certainly made it clear. She will have plenty of chances to find some other cock to ride, considering her lifespan.
It's only natural to acknowledge that.

There's a time when the only ship sailing is just Priestess or GS/Priestess dead. Based on the current story, that still the case, but some want to undermine it so much to the point they ignore the RAW.

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If you want to prove a point, translate the page, not just a word without context.

Sorry but what the hell that has to dp with my post? I was tapkong of how the rapefags died and shippers took over long before the anime existed, then the anime appeared and a new breed of anime only rapefags appeared only to die much faster, leaving the shippers alone again.


Reminder that this is Hat Peak Performance unlike some other dumb hats.

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I want to rape the Priestess while Goblin Slayer is forced to watch!

You have shit taste.

I mean shippers are also almost dead before the anime.
Other anons already translated that page to death. The only differences with the official one are GS gives no shit about his old village replaced with training ground & he gets lonely without Priestess. But suddenly, just for this part alone, Yen Press is the ultimate truth.

Restrictions breed creativity

Is pointless, they also ignore this massive fuck up that actually damages CG because it doesn't help their narrative.

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Priestessfags "spoileranons" should be the ultimate truth then?. I mean it doesn't make sense that the novel starts with GS alone in the village and he mentions to the party that he doesn't want to forget his memories but now yeah he doesn't care about his village.

But is not that GS doesn't care about his old life, what happens is that he doesn't hold it like CG who holds the past TO THE EXTREME. Seriously, CG remembers events, sounds, smells to a dangerous detail and she gets upset GS doesn't do this, he only remembers anything related to his sister and some things of CG.

And, I forgot to mention, even that stuff GS is slowly starting to forget.

The only one holding something to the extreme is you with that shit, literally nobody else says that. She remembers her past as a not traumatized person would.

He posts the RAW, anyone can correct his translation, and he did get corrected, but not for this part. If you want to, post your own translation.
Might be, but do note the last part of vol. 5 is less romantic in spoiler than in official translation.
>he doesn't care about his village.
Harsh word, but that's not what I mean. He cares about his village, but not to the point he feels sad about it gets repurposed into better things.

And get upset GS doesn't, look her reaction with the lake thing.

Jew press is not to be trusted, they fucked many things. Remember the "the aluminum sword"? Or how they made SM a platinum rank? Changed sword saint gender? And recently this ? But No! That user convently ignores all jew press mistakes and declares they can't fuck up.

I saw her reaction, there was none except for the one in your mind.

You are so fucking naive, she was upset but bottled her frustrating inside and never mentioned the subject again.

Sure user, it was all about cowgirl suffering, right?

She was suffering, yeah.


I don't get how they could fuck up like this, both the raw and thier own fucking translation of the LN never had the line "is not a date".

Just curiosity, anyone saw the raws from that chapter? Maybe is a manga thing but I doubt it.

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GS = Year One > BND

GS said "hold on..." (In relation to the bully calling him old in the previous page), never even said "is not a date". I remember everyone in that thread calling bullshit and insulting jew press for basically undermining CG's date and making GS look like an asshole, also some user called all the ones defending CG "Priestessfags", it was fucking bizarre.

Borra esta mierda de arte, que bueno el BND se acaba para que este artista de mierda se vaya.

The girls have to take care of this kid, how would they raise him?

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no tu

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Have you seen "Ane Taiken Shuukan"? Like in that.

Damn it user, the things you make me watch.

>No se para que sirve
Elfa retrasada, sirve para protegerte de infecciones y elevar el busto (pero tu no tienes nada de busto!).

This is to go further beyond

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>Elf haters are spics

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Seriously? There might be some bias about which part that gets translated, but a blatant false spoiler won't linger for long. Remember "SM the one that kills Demon Lord Hand"?
Non-duwang-fan-translation>>>>Official. That's always the case, just look at Index/Overlord.

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Actually it was that mistake what made the summary spoiler user start to make his big summaries starting from volume 8. He never touch volume 6, though.

Look at Re zero for trusting fan translations too. Also there is one moon reader user who still thinks Priestess did the resurrection so I don't have in high standards their reading comprehension.



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Thay is not a moon reader, is a shitposter.

Elf is just an annoying bitch. Notably, she's fan favorite. What does that tell you?

Whom are thee quoth' doing to?

I have been watching too much SRW, now I imagine that the main girls have each one a different mecha that combined into a massive GS looking mecha. If you know Valzacar from SRW W, that is what I mean.

>clip on a revolver

ive gotten tired waiting for the LN to get translated

is the manga past the necromancer tower yet?

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> What does that tell you?
Fans have good taste and recognize she only does that to help GS.

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That's why you keep posting the translation for others to correct it.
Last time I check, most Re:Zero WN is translated with machine translation.


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Yes and No. Main manga is still on the festival and the BND manga will finish adapting vol 4 this month.

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>BND manga
what the heck is this
ive only known about the year one spin off

thanks anyway

Fans didn't recognize that though.

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Right page:
Priestess asks goblin slayer what he wants for lunch, but then notices that he is over there talking to the spearman and heavy armor. "It's lonely, but this is a good thing. ...fufu" "Yes, this is definately a good thing"

Left page:
"CG: You're lonely, aren't you.
GS: ・・・・・・
CG:And you're also worrying about her as well GS:・・・・・・・・
GS:It bothers me, but I can't think of a good way to deal with it
GS:The goblins seem to be making some moves as well"

That's the best I can do without knowing the context of the left page.

GS Brand New Day manga, it only exists to adapt the vol 4 short stories so the main one can go from vol 3 to vol 5. It's ending this month.

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You have these? How did you get them?

Delete this anime only bullshit.

All the dialogue is from CG, all the dots dialogue is GS.

how buy that mini

Reminder that more people watch anime than read manga/LN so this is canon for the majority.

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Then is also canon for the majority that Elf big scene never happened.

You got me there, now I am sad.

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Ah, I see. Not really used to reading LN.

Erufufags have 130 IQ at worst, we got that.

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those weapons dont look like they would be very useful in a cave full of goblins.

they went to do bounty work
GS came along because the pay was higher and i think nobody else was available

"not-guts" was very impressive on that run
the dude pulled out a ring of climbing from his bag when i expected him to do typical heavy lifting shit

Spears are very useful in caves.

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I'm tired of waiting for a fresh batch of goblin rape

Imagine the smell

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Goblins are the real victims, we're the ones being oppressed.

The LN explains there weren't gob quests at the time and GS needed some extra money at the moment.

Requesting translation.

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Actually it was a ring of strength to be able to put stakes into the stone tower.

What about GG? She's actively providing him with his favourite quests.

Second best but she needs to find another man

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fucking LN nerds

stop correcting me

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Its in the manga, i cant bring myself to read the ln.

Based. This is Yea Forums anime and manga, not LN.

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If Elf sleeps naked, don't her pussy juices dirty the sheets?

>Gaba (squeeze)
Elf Archer's chest got defiled by goblins.

I'd be real down with that.

She'll be alright. She did kill them all. Which, I really gotta give her credit for. Elf didn't just get gobbed like some weakling. She just started going ham just with a fucking Arrow. That's badass. Props to my girl.

>goblin blood

Erufu a best.

Attached: 71224155_p0.png (1190x1684, 1.43M)

Why are the arch bishop's nipples erect when thinking about Goblin Slayer?

Attached: 1533179054000.jpg (900x1350, 445K)

What you need it spelled out? She's jonesn for his bonesn. He slays the goblins that torment her dreams.

Attached: 73463949_p0.jpg (1200x800, 572K)

Why is she so best?

Attached: 20190118_191311.jpg (854x574, 245K)

I dunno, it's always struck me as a little weird that GG doesn't seem to really get how broken GS was at the start of the series. All the other girls picked up that he was a nutjob obsessed with revenge, not some normally diligent and hardworking adventurer.

The booty.

Which one would you rape?

Attached: 1547696071972.jpg (1066x1600, 436K)

All three at once


you cant
theyre all mary sues

How does one become a mary sue

So if that's Haruhi, right is the Rei clone, does that make Kyon left?

That's a wide crotch, that's a crotch built for birthing

Why do women always have to throw away their position to follow men? Men be kings and shit and that don't stop them from fucking anyone

Yes, Sword Master is female Kyon.

r u a goblin?

Why do almost all the females in this series sleep naked.

Think of all the extra laundry they have to do to wash the sheets.

Attached: 1557716299842.jpg (900x1350, 302K)

It's not a matter of male or female. Being the head of the church is completely different from being a king.

Attached: 1557373162563.png (493x538, 373K)

Because people used to sleep naked user

A best.

Attached: 20190109_014438.png (1627x2370, 3.76M)

‚Goblin Slayer

Attached: 1541989438366.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Used to?

>TFW Oruku Borugu's face

Attached: High_Elf_Archer_reacts.png (785x768, 549K)

Attached: 1556865683923.jpg (1024x890, 94K)

>I made the magazine longer so it's an automatic.
It already had a magazine.
Making the magazine longer turned it into an automatic.


Asking for context is racist

Katanabitch for the rape dungeon.
Haruhi for rape and killing.
Other bitch for just kill.

They've been fighting rats for 3 years already. Do they enjoy this?

>no virgin blood
oh no no

Nope, they just cant rank up.

If you consider being a single mom "winning".

In a way, I think I'm kind of jealous of GS. The guy knows what he wants out of life, or at least the thinks he does. I don't think I'd want to figure out what I want in life the way he did - but it's something I still haven't figured out.
It must feel really good to do something, find new ways to excel at it, get paid, and know that you're appreciated for your work.

Holy shit, you don't know a shit about GS.

why was the SM manga cancelled?

Artist sold out to do Fate crap.

Artist quit.

Attached: goblin_rape.jpg (725x2704, 210K)

well that's sad

I like Fate too

Attached: 1552243415132.jpg (811x1088, 181K)


Hey where did you get the picture of my wife?

Attached: D6hnHIZXkAIHKXC.jpg (550x800, 115K)

She is my wife, this one is yours.

Attached: IMG_20190320_102332.jpg (1200x785, 74K)

Either you are wrong or best girl has a harem.

Attached: Confused best girl.png (621x887, 195K)

She is only girl that could have one but I'm sure she is not that kind of girl.

Attached: 1555202827451.png (577x672, 453K)

why not get another artist?

The uncle was right.

Attached: 1557401553210.jpg (517x411, 106K)

Imagine having a body like that. IMAGINE.

Attached: 1541286920989.jpg (900x1350, 277K)

Stop posting my Erufu wife naked.

Attached: 1554236844956.png (275x200, 27K)

>pixiv 3DCGs
>making sense ever


Attached: f8fedb8b3caf7080297d2f9697076760.jpg (706x1000, 144K)

That's better.

Attached: 72204569_p3.jpg (370x320, 26K)

Did he deserve it?

Attached: D5E1YWfX4AAwIyW.jpg (735x1381, 206K)

Seriously? They didn't even make it to the dungeon!

All short and randumb races deserve it, and so do their players.

Should make sure thing is dead before you gloat.

it's a sign of submission which is kind of what all woman want, to submit to a male

It ended with this page, it's annoying.

Attached: 1555017325912.png (1521x1082, 893K)



Rat Slayer when? he'll team up with GS for rat goblin hybrid extermination.

Did rats kill his entire village and rape his sister in front of his eyes?

Attached: lanceress.png (455x515, 224K)

It could be interesting, we may get to see a Rat Champion or a Rat Lord.

Attached: 6vv6n9npc4x11.jpg (1008x875, 105K)

They're obsidian now.
They want to try goblins after experienced with giant rats. But GS presents goblins as very troublesome things while Priestess presents goblins as very scary things. So you can see they aren't very motivated with anything goblin related.

Attached: weirdo duo.jpg (593x831, 235K)

I'm sad we won't be seeing more of her and shortstack mage for the foreseeable future.
If some other artist picks the series up I hope they will do them justice.

If a Goblin Champion is stronger but a Goblin Lord is smarter does that mean than a Demon Champion is stronger than the Demon Lord?

Attached: 1542581788212.png (312x391, 104K)

I'm going to miss GS's Hestia.

Attached: Whoosh.jpg (739x356, 109K)

Demon Lord is rank, the highest rank of demon. Wicked Spirit/Evil Genie actually, but the translator already mess everything regarding classification & the rank of demons so just get on with it.

But there are stronger monsters than a demon lord, right?

No, the demon lord is literally the stronger of all...then got killed by Haruhi offscreen and later his revived arm was killed by Priestess.

He may be a manlet but he was right.

Attached: 1556250162678.jpg (900x1350, 490K)

Go back to being dead you assblasted rhea faggot.

Right about what?

That was crooked. GS only got promoted because he was buddy-buddy with the Guild Staff while he got demoted for no reason at all.

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Attached: anvil.png (250x521, 126K)

Rheas are victims of society! Think being a goblin is bad? Try being a Rhea for one day! ONE DAY!

Goblins don't have females and that's bad but rheas see their women stolen by humans every time.

Attached: LN_Vol_06-13.jpg (672x960, 66K)

Needs more rape

Attached: Yazan.png (1280x1900, 320K)

GOBBED when?

>The "Goblin Slayer TRPG" is packed with detailed settings of the work world by the original author, Kouki Kumo Sensei. I will show you the contents a little. Calendar, language, food, celebrities, history of the four-way world This is only a part, and the overwhelming amount of information anyway! It is a fan must-have as a side reader to enjoy the original more deeply!

I really hope this gets translated, I will buy it even if only for the info.

Attached: D6hn-78VUAER9LR.jpg (2048x1736, 579K)

>straight up dnd 5E
>slap GS on it and sell it

Attached: D6hn791U8AI310S.jpg (2048x1736, 607K)

>its still up

Attached: f8eb535.jpg (1516x2067, 1.17M)

>no rape

Girls don't like being raped, user.

Quite the opposite actually, every girl deep down has a rape fetish and wishes they would get raped and used like a piece of meat that they are.

By handsome men not by goblins or anons.

Attached: 20181127_124847.png (720x606, 634K)

Today I will remind them.

Attached: 1552582360673.jpg (720x586, 256K)

And another one.

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Best girl

Attached: 20190226_211238.jpg (426x384, 117K)

I wish she finally realizes that GS was the one that save her village and rush to his side...only to find him dead in Priestess' arms.

One with the sword, on the left.

How can GS and Priestess compete?

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why are they looking at her like that?

The only right answer.

Attached: 20181210_153512.jpg (355x576, 90K)


That and so much more.

Attached: 1522959299060.png (897x793, 746K)

It's the only way they'll learn

Are Rheas like basic Half-lings or do they have anything special/different?

They're Kender that murder things.

They are hobbits but with different name because copyright.

But he is not a goblin.

Party adventures killed the franchise.
Fuck that kind of character development.

I gotta know. Was this post deleted because the janitor thought they were announcing sage?

I'd sage her in all fields if you know what I mean

>if you know what I mean
I don't. Could you elaborate?

That's really stupid.

I'd cast a water spell on her nethers with my meat wand if you know what I mean

Sorry, you've lost me.

I'd conjure my minions as a warlock from her genitals 9 months after casting my magic if you know what I mean.

I see

And this post is still up 17 hours later.

Based mods


Attached: thinking.jpg (595x720, 45K)

I think you mean improved.

The first paragraph reads like an EXCELLENT doujin

One week until Erufu volume.

Attached: LN_Vol_07-07.jpg (1434x2048, 233K)

Will look good next to this figure.

Attached: IMG_20190209_203638.jpg (3216x2144, 304K)

I for one, welcome out flat chested/short-shorts wearing overlord.

Attached: 1551416597113.png (1735x1779, 2.27M)

>[citation needed]

Reminds me of this.

Attached: rageface_glare.png (836x707, 31K)

But actually getting GS attention? Specially Priestess? Dumb Haruhi still doesn't remember GS.

Literally who?

None of their features are disproportionately large and their feet are not particularly hirsute.

What's that?

Attached: sagedoesnothing.jpg (890x1400, 311K)

Attached: ys_source.jpg (500x500, 72K)

>female Kyon


Haruhi got the attention of the whole world, she doesn't need GS.

Did you guy your GS D&D table top game?

Face it already, if Haruhi realizes who GS is she would stick to him like bear to honey and will try to make him "her kyon".

Really? Is this what underwear is for?

Attached: 1527540391256.jpg (900x1350, 374K)

I still do.

probably not, but their interaction might be her walking right up to him in front of priestess or cowgirl in an extremely girly dress and inviting him to her home or whatever where she will give goblin slayer some freshly baked sweets and tell him how much she appreciates him helping her home and that he can ask her for help any time

since goblin slayer is an autism he will think about how he has responded to the other girls and try to talk to her properly but will inadvertently hit on her causing her to push him out of her house and then thank him while blushing red

Really? Would you mind explaining why this spinoff has been cancelled?

Internal quarrel, it seems. The prequel novel itself is doing fine, it's the artist who bailed out.

Do you know why?

Nope! Just that the artist deleted all his GS-related work. The big author and other artists seem to be peachy keen judging by their recent activity, so nobody knows what is going on.

Animeonly. Who was GS master? Some kind of exiled god or something? Seemed really interesting.

A pity, I was really enjoying the manga

Read something, nigga. Picture books if you have to.
If you're talking about his former teacher, it's an ugly hobbit. If you're talking about the roleplaying universe, it's no one. He's an NPC.
It's technically on hiatus. I think they'll just start from where the manga left off once they find a new guy.

Left or right?

Attached: LN_Vol_07-09.jpg (1434x2048, 329K)

Holy pussy is acceptable.

>Priestess of the goddess of prostitutes

Attached: 1541538790603.jpg (1275x1850, 1.31M)

>T. Juvia
Go back to your shitty FGO artwork.

Those are some small hands.

>incel can't just man up and figure out how women work
>gets butt hurt that someone stops him from murdering someone for calling him out on betraying his party
Rhea was a shitstain and anyone who supports him might as well be a goblin

>He doesn't know about best girl.

Kender as far as I know are from dragonlance, they are basically playful childlike minihumans with pointy ears

>childlike minihumans with pointy ears
So goblins?

Attached: 74726283_p0.jpg (960x740, 889K)

>What is the point of underwear

Attached: 1536221375172.jpg (900x1350, 283K)

Please someone gob this retarded child

Best girl is so wise.

Attached: Cutie.jpg (190x253, 30K)

Why is GG such a slut?

She knows stuffs but she is not a slut.

Attached: 1555253459993.jpg (1240x1754, 280K)

New chapter when?

It will be exciting to see GS with a higher budget

In 11 days

You're in denial, dude

Just saying

how does it make you prepared though

Why do you hate best girl, user?

GG was supposed to be testing underwear with Elf, fuck the BND artist.

how do you "test" underwear and know whether it passed or fail?

Don't know, I am not as smart as her.

Don't ask me, I am not a girl.

Attached: LN_Vol_04-02.jpg (2868x2048, 1.13M)

>forbids him to die
>he dies
>gets gobbed

Attached: EBC60D87-A3DF-4DE5-981D-F57C6D8928BF.jpg (928x704, 434K)

Why's she embarrassed?

I don't remember that part.

ignore the filthy disgusting goblin

Attached: 1521870660236.png (1494x814, 1.86M)

As if that would be enough to kill him.

Is JoJo always so gay?

Attached: 72703971_p2.jpg (1994x1280, 715K)

Attached: umustbnew.jpg (473x480, 27K)

deleted before . I guess that user was right. "Holy" pussy is allowed

Quiet, GS wife is sleeping.

Attached: 72204569_p4.jpg (370x320, 26K)

She is not used to wear underwear.

Attached: 71344654_p0.png (1748x2480, 2.45M)


Seriously just let him SLAY, girls!
the more the bloodier the merrier

I am hardcore GGfag but this is a very strong argument

BND exists only to adapt Vol 4 and the last chapter is this month. About the SM manga, there was a problem with the artist and he left to do fate stuffs.

BND may get restarted if there's another side story volume that comes out.

Unlikely, from what I've heard vol 3 and 4(the short stories) were made in a rush because the author was asked for 2 more volumes after vol 2 and he didn't expect that. After that he took his time to improve his writing to come up with with vol 5 and now when he delivers a new volume he has the next 2 ready.

Attached: 724572436123462435.jpg (860x1065, 360K)

>Become the Goblin
>Get Slayed

I honestly don't know.

Look at the dumb hat.

Attached: 20190225_234500.jpg (262x289, 64K)


Except he was ready to die in volume 9 after his plan against the ogre failed and he was out of options.

Why? It's not like they're going to remodel him.
Enjoy your 3DCG abortion.

>Always has the next two volumes ready.
Neat, also explains why the next harvest festival was skipped.

Incestuous slut getting married off and not making use of her skills. No sense of personal property. Probably getting married to avoid the scandal of pre-marital pregnancy.

Pure maiden. Kind and charitable. Hard worker and courageously loyal to the party. Tomboy that can still be drop dead gorgeous. Gave up on a life of chasing butterflies without a care to risk getting gobbed so other girls don't have to.

Hard choice.. Guess I'll go with left for the tits

Attached: 1552340904226.jpg (726x625, 86K)

He ready to die anytime & know the limit of his ability, but still do his best because he passes away will make the girls sad. Yes, girls, not just CG.
But then he really runs out of ideas.
But then it is actually part of Priestess' keikaku.

Attached: 73871586_p0.jpg (2476x3508, 1.56M)


They just need a new artist, wtf.

Why do you call it SM if its called gaiden 2?

It's just worthy for the doom reference.

Because is SM manga?

aaaaah sword maiden.

Getting raped by them doesn't seem too bad now

Attached: shitnigga.png (128x128, 42K)

>so close to autosage

Reserve you're waifu pics, the contest is soon to come.

Attached: 30.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

mods are still based.

Are you joking or being retarded?
Please be honest now.

Harvest festival & haremshit arc is a mistake.

Attached: 1557605660877.jpg (1816x1278, 214K)

>implying the light-hearted tropey nonsense isn't important to establish a contrast with the gritty goblin slaying


I for one i am really enjoying the cute girls trying to smash our chad autist.
fuck off.

>Implying it isn't.
You can make it even lighter & still way better than dates that go nowhere.

Attached: 003.jpg (2800x2000, 516K)

>imagine being isekaied as Elf and sneaking peeks at all the other girls

>getting Isekai'd as best girl
>can only sneak peeks at the lessers
>mirror masturbating like a loser

There is both merit and flaw in your plan

I'll give you two months to come with a better mango than GS, since you clearly know how to be a better writer than the author.
Post your results here user!

Is the elf who attacked gs and gg the guy from chapter 17?

It's a Rhea and yes.

Best butt.

Attached: guildgirl butt.png (533x364, 267K)

Can I just copy vol. 5?

Attached: 00159.png (1200x1800, 1.42M)

What about vol. 5?

It is genuinely good even the "date" part is good, actually just 3 & 4 that is bad.

Attached: 005.jpg (2800x2000, 573K)

Date? Explain yourself!

The last part & it is not date. Just GS genuinely enjoying himself.

Attached: 1557328600976.jpg (514x656, 69K)

Oh, the the new year eve thing, I forgot.

Attached: two people at the edge of frontier, enjoying each others company.jpg (671x960, 84K)

I hope Elf Archer and Priestess go out more often and one day will confess their love to each other as canon.

Degenerates out pls

Elf is take the Priestess cunny all the way home user.

There is no contest about that.

Attached: fbHTcLf.png (768x1366, 821K)

>Yes, girls, not just CG.
He does that to return home, his home is not girls just one and no it's not Priestess

Attached: Wife.jpg (788x962, 468K)

Attached: kuroki tomoko and priestess (watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga warui! and etc) drawn (1500x1167, 425K)

Naw, he does his best to make sure he kills as many goblins as possible before dying.

Attached: 1535802083784.jpg (852x960, 67K)

That was Year One GS.

Attached: Goblin Slayer Side Story - Year One - c018 (23) -.jpg (900x1350, 686K)

Note that time he was ready to die he was fighting an ogre alone, all the gobs in the area were already dead.

Attached: D4g_wdwUYAAs62x.jpg (1175x661, 129K)

i sleep naked, once you do it you cant go back.

This is the OTP

Attached: 64ff11a.png (2480x3508, 2.83M)

He still has a pretty bad habit of putting himself in danger just to wipe out goblins. Course he would try his best to make sure he doesn't die, but given his nonchalance, I can just imagine him going "well, looks like I'm dead" if he made a miscalculation.

>bump limit
Happy dancing elf for everyone! Also I can't believe that pic remained here until the very end!

Attached: 1556479733633.gif (514x490, 71K)

One day closer to the Erufu volume

Attached: 1552811515690.gif (400x592, 277K)

That's my point, those goblins wouldn't need to rape.

Attached: erufu2.png (275x389, 82K)



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Attached: cutelf.jpg (472x642, 72K)

>A Mary Sue
>An Elf Princess
>A former hero loved by God

Still none of them is more beautiful than GG.

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Attached: p.jpg (791x313, 77K)

Welp, another thread come and go.

Attached: 1557039770275.png (822x516, 165K)

You won't stop me.

Attached: HAPPY ELF.gif (514x490, 71K)

Not even with that luck she got to be more beautiful than GG.

Attached: 72218043_p3.jpg (370x320, 26K)

Attached: srself.jpg (380x365, 96K)

Not denying that Erufu is very cute but please.

Attached: 73606339_p0.jpg (1035x1465, 318K)

Attached: srself2.jpg (214x429, 78K)

She is a close second.

Attached: Bestgirls.jpg (834x1200, 103K)