Here's the average Yea Forumsnon in his environment.
Here's the average Yea Forumsnon in his environment
There's no way there's a cute girl that interested in me.
it hurts
God I wish that were me
I hate women so much, I'm glad that they at least get stoned to death in certain parts of the world
>A 4/10 chink behaving like she's a 10/10
And this is why 2D>3D
Based, when will they ever learn?
Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost roll off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.
Being a manlet would suck.
w-what's the manlet cutoff
I can't even get mad at her, we manlets are supposed to be left out of the gene pool, women are just doing what their biological imperative tells them
oy vey dont be a bigot, she has a right to express herself, goy
>4/10 at best
>completely fucking obnoxious personality and shit impression right off the bat
Honest question, why would literally anyone find this woman attractive?
>You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed.
I like when girls put all this up front. It's a giant neon sign to any man with a lick of sense to keep far far away.
It's our burden to bear. Like Atlas.
She's 8/10.
That's the type of women you'd probably have success with by using negging PUA bullshit lmao.
>self hating
Top kek, like fucking clockwork.
Why is user gonna kill that guy?
Who was in the wrong here
you are going to make some women very happy one day! She is out there.
From my experience to be honest this is a coping mechanism to make up for how much of a shitty person she is. Do you know how to destroy these females? Ignore them Zero interaction, you can optionally side stalk them to watch them fall apart.
These types of people will freak out that the decision making they make in life have insanely real consequences if you were just to leave period.
What I suggest is block her and don't reply for 3 months minimum, then when she messages you after that point then you can reply.
Being on the other side of the spectrum of people I can already see that *You are going to make some women very happy one day* like a curse the premise of what i'm saying is at least you can choose how it's going to end or begin again.
I'm gonna say it
That face needs high maintenance
Josh for not tipping in the rebound on the twin.
Theres a ton of anons that would give all their money, credit cards and then steal their parents just to lick a picture of her shit
She probably banged hella dudes too desu
If a women is over the age of 23 and doesn't have an extremely sexual past then there is something wrong with her. Even the Chinese call unmarried females over the age of 25 *left over women*.
I would've told him at the wedding
I have 3 friends that are regular /pol/fags that have paid chicks like this on the reg just to be pretend gfs. Shits fuckin weird I'd rather just have my money and be gf-less than send money to some chick thats a bitch.
>bringing up 3d normalfaggotry on Yea Forums of all places
Done this to at least 3 femoids
One's been texting me begging for a second chance for over 5 years now. Shits fuckin great fuck these cunts.
Just another case of "Women are allowed to have standards but men aren't"
fuck off liberal.
You shouldn't mean so mean to Kettle-san, Pot-kun.
>Threads should be created with substantial OP text containing a meaningful topic of discussion. Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads.
s e e t h i n g
fuck off back to r*dd*t kid they love femoid sluts over there
the 'sex positive' whore is on the wrong
not for fucking a bunch of guys (good for her), but for lying to her partner
the twin is clearly a nice person that unfortunately found herself in a clown world
Josh is also in the right for putting the marriage on hold, some lying bitch like that is a ticking time bomb
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle
大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
小熊維尼 Winnie the Pooh
Since 2 is a requirement that makes 1 a requirement right?
Is she asking me to be rich and also a hot woman that knows how to fuck?
Society hates manlets so why wouldn't they hate themselves
Mine is about 2 or 3 also but I accidentally just forgot completely one of them.
Naw but leading people on and other manipulative practices they do is another thing entirely though.
who are you greening?
Society hates pedos, but here you are.
Good shit brother
From my experience the only way to lay these bitches is to get them drunk or have weed on you.
IT honestly doesn't matter what the fuck you're height is or at least being 5/10+ if you have drugs or alcohol on you she will be down to fuck period. Females usually stop doing this at the age of 25 though and start developing standards because of getting desensitized to sex.
Absolutely devilish.
>181 cm
>Shortest in the family
>Get made fun of daily
Is not my fault, so fuck off.
I literally look like if an anime character was made real though.
Too bad for them 25 is far past the cutoff for marriage material. Still good for a pump and dump tho
I know women that date men just to get free meals or as a hobby when they are bored.
What the fuck is wrong with westren ppl have you and your father no shame kill that slut she's not your sister anymore she probably fucked niggers to she deserve death
Yea but like everything like memes catching on to normies imagine EVERYONE being aware that if you're a female over the age of 25 you are not likely to get married OR have low chances of that marriage succeeding.
This explains all the social engineering going on, the lefts are embracing nature and the rights are exposing true nature without following traditional culture/religion.
Can I get some sauce on that?
>I know women that date men just to get free meals
Yes this is true I told some of my female friends to use males intentionally.
>or as a hobby when they are bored.
I think this is a result of anti-depressants when females use them.
liberals are gonna try and convince us its ok for femoids to be old and have kids while we know whats true. Calm before the storm bro they aren't going down without a fight.
Lmao, manlet even hating his mum. Subhuman trash.
Does anyone else play Atlier Sakura Team.NTR eroge for the practice of dating real life thots?
>Protagonist's wife comes home
>"orz sorry I sorta cheated lol"
>"Can I keep fucking him, preetttty pweaase?"
I love it.
I don't play libshit games
I hate my dead mom because she was 4' 10" and fucked a 5' 7" guy.
Fuck off, both of you.
>he doesn't play bioware to experience the rage when they retcon social justice in established canon
Gotta up that full emotional spectrum gauge nigga.
this could be you
New chapter when....... PLEASE SOMEONE TRANSLATE IT
>Hentai games are libshit
Explain yourself faggot
I don't even want to give those sjw libshits the satisfaction of even playing or buying their game
>cuck games aren't inherently leftist
nice try faggot
>Becky and Jessica
shits fake as fuck
>brainwashed low IQ sheep person spreads garbage on Yea Forums
do your job mods
Most cuck games are subject to inherent maledom, not sexual liberation.
mods are in our pocket kid
but if you want a safe space I hear r*dd*t is nice this time of year
>34 going for 20-22 club trash
Its the worst of both worlds, immature but w/o innocence/purity.
You sound 14 or a 26 yr old with a persecution complex.
actually I'm 24 bud but nice try
I almost feel bad for women. Almost.
Who the fuck wants to fuck a 14 year old?
Gotta raise those standards user.
Nice try, FBI
>9-13 having % that high
This world is fucked, holy crap.
Have some fucking self-respect.
Black girls especially start puberty early, 9 year olds can look 13 .
Yea but like people figuring out the truth it's going to linger for more then when it takes to develop awareness. I give it 40 years.
If facebook is successful with *Secret Crush* Other mainstream social media sites like Snap and Insta hoe will follow suit. This will pair lots of people together and mainstream hoes will lose marketshare.
That is still no excuse. To the cross, all of them.
based and goodgenepilled
Yea but all there doing is bringing awareness, all it's going to due is make females cave it because most hobbies like video games manifesting are a side line to incel cope.
>To the cross, all of them.
I don't see how being attracted to little boys is any better, user
Hey I remeber this OP from a week ago. What is your game user?
It's been always a thing for for like thousands of years that 30s 40s men always fuck girls in early 20s.
That pronounced downturn at 17. Wew.
It think it evens out probably because being sexually undesirable 30- for women is probably as frustrating as going through puberty surrounded by the opposite gender at peak attractiveness yet they're only interested in significantly older guys.
I fuckin hope this shit comes down hard
I already got a qt3.14 asian gf that isn't from the states and itsn't a slut like these fmoids here so I already don't give a fuck but the collective reeeeing from the sjws when they realize they are fucked is going to be so sweet.
Makes me think.
it's in the filename
It already is lmao, the absolute worst part about it is that the post-wall *reddit meme* Red pill shit is going from age 30 to 25 because of awareness.
Here is the thing 25 year old females DO still get that good ol dick but not at the frequency or quality then they used to they notice the fractures in time management they used to have which is bringing awareness.
Please take your shit back to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /r9k/ or whatever shithole you came from
we used to have threads like this all the time libshit, you'd know that if you were and oldfag and not some kid that found out about us from r*dd*t in 2016
About to rape a loli who thinks she's hot shit?
Haha nice one friend
Ok /pol/. Tell us more about how much of an Yea Forums oldfag you are.
>he wouldn't
Women are trash. Men don’t even want to breed with them anymore.
Why don't we just kill all the women
Would actually be quite cool. Who's the incel now, eh?
Men of culture
It's women's fault.
I love the level of irony we're at