What was the name of his Stand, Yea Forums?
What was the name of his Stand, Yea Forums?
Notorious B.I.G.
Biggie wiggie itty bitty
Infamous L.A.R.G.E.
Well Known H.U.G.E.
Notorious Chase.
Ch-ch-ch-ch-chase yu?
Established G.I.A.N.T.
Attack on T.I.T.A.N
Ill-famed F.A.T.T.Y.
Hes a big guy
Notorious BIGU
I miss em bros
Notorious FAT
I still don't understand, why was his Stand able to carry on after he died?
>still not aware of R E S O L V E
La Squadra more like Jobbers amirite
ill-famed M.A.S.S.I.V.E
B.I.G. Guy 4 U
Disreputible G.I.R.T.H
If his stand only activates when he dies how did Passione know it had any value to begin with? How did Carne know how to activate it?
Yes yes, but what was his name again?
Fuck off cuck
Unhappy Jerry
>La Jobra
anime explained it's an ebony devil kind of situation where the stand's potential increases with the users grudge/damage taken, resulting in acquainted A.M.P.L.E's great value as a suicide unit, because death is what takes to unleash its full potential
I think we're gonna have a problem with that
I love reviewbrah, he's the purest person alive. Really feel bad for him, he lost the looks lottery hard and he's genuinely a really cool guy.
Botorious Nig
Pizze of shit
because Infamous L.R.G. is Ebony Devil+, just like Sex Pistols is Emperor+, Moody Blues is Hermit Purple+, Little Feet is Seth+, White Album is Horus+, and Rolling Stones is Tohth+